nebula.test.IntegrationBase.groovy Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright 2013-2018 Netflix, Inc.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package nebula.test
import groovy.transform.CompileStatic
import groovy.transform.TypeCheckingMode
import org.gradle.api.logging.LogLevel
* Base class which provides useful methods for testing a gradle plugin.
* This is testing framework agnostic and can be either extended (see {@link BaseIntegrationSpec}) or composed, by
* including it inside a test class as field.
abstract trait IntegrationBase {
File projectDir
String moduleName
LogLevel logLevel = LogLevel.LIFECYCLE
List initScripts = []
boolean parallelEnabled = false
def initialize(Class> testClass, String testMethodName, String baseFolderName = 'nebulatest') {
projectDir = new File("build/${baseFolderName}/${testClass.canonicalName}/${testMethodName.replaceAll(/\W+/, '-')}").absoluteFile
if (projectDir.exists()) {
moduleName = this.findModuleName()
* Override to alter its value
* @return
LogLevel getLogLevel() {
String levelFromEnv = System.getenv(LOGGING_LEVEL_ENV_VARIABLE)
if(!levelFromEnv) {
return logLevel
return LogLevel.valueOf(levelFromEnv.toUpperCase())
void setLogLevel(LogLevel logLevel) {
this.logLevel = logLevel
/* Setup */
File directory(String path, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
new File(baseDir, path).with {
File file(String path, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
def splitted = path.split('/')
def directory = splitted.size() > 1 ? directory(splitted[0..-2].join('/'), baseDir) : baseDir
def file = new File(directory, splitted[-1])
File createFile(String path, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
File file = file(path, baseDir)
if (!file.exists()) {
assert file.parentFile.mkdirs() || file.parentFile.exists()
static void checkOutput(String output) {
static void outputBuildScan(String output) {
boolean foundPublishingLine = false
output.readLines().find {line ->
if (foundPublishingLine) {
if (line.startsWith("http")) {
println("Build scan: $line")
} else {
println("Build scan was enabled but did not publish: $line")
return true
if (line == "Publishing build scan...") {
foundPublishingLine = true
return false
static void checkForDeprecations(String output) {
def deprecations = output.readLines().findAll {
it.contains("has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle") ||
it.contains("Deprecated Gradle features were used in this build") ||
it.contains("has been deprecated. This is scheduled to be removed in Gradle") ||
it.contains("This will fail with an error in Gradle") ||
it.contains("This behaviour has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle")
// temporary for known issue with overwriting task
// overridden task expected to not be needed in future version
if (deprecations.size() == 1 && deprecations.first().contains("Creating a custom task named 'dependencyInsight' has been deprecated and is scheduled to be removed in Gradle 5.0.")) {
if (!System.getProperty("ignoreDeprecations") && !deprecations.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Deprecation warnings were found (Set the ignoreDeprecations system property during the test to ignore):\n" + deprecations.collect {
" - $it"
static void checkForMutableProjectState(String output) {
def mutableProjectStateWarnings = output.readLines().findAll {
it.contains("was resolved without accessing the project in a safe manner") ||
it.contains("This may happen when a configuration is resolved from a thread not managed by Gradle or from a different project") ||
it.contains("was resolved from a thread not managed by Gradle.") ||
it.contains("was attempted from a context different than the project context")
if (!System.getProperty("ignoreMutableProjectStateWarnings") && !mutableProjectStateWarnings.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mutable Project State warnings were found (Set the ignoreMutableProjectStateWarnings system property during the test to ignore):\n" + mutableProjectStateWarnings.collect {
" - $it"
void writeHelloWorld(File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
writeHelloWorld('nebula', baseDir)
void writeHelloWorld(String packageDotted, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
package ${packageDotted};
public class HelloWorld {
public static void main(String[] args) {
System.out.println("Hello Integration Test");
""".stripIndent(), 'src/main/java', baseDir)
void writeJavaSourceFile(String source, File projectDir = getProjectDir()) {
writeJavaSourceFile(source, 'src/main/java', projectDir)
void writeJavaSourceFile(String source, String sourceFolderPath, File projectDir = getProjectDir()) {
File javaFile = createFile(sourceFolderPath + '/' + fullyQualifiedName(source).replaceAll(/\./, '/') + '.java', projectDir)
javaFile.text = source
* Creates a passing unit test for testing your plugin.
* @param baseDir the directory to begin creation from, defaults to projectDir
void writeUnitTest(File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
writeTest('src/test/java/', 'nebula', false, baseDir)
* Creates a unit test for testing your plugin.
* @param failTest true if you want the test to fail, false if the test should pass
* @param baseDir the directory to begin creation from, defaults to projectDir
void writeUnitTest(boolean failTest, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
writeTest('src/test/java/', 'nebula', failTest, baseDir)
void writeUnitTest(String source, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
writeJavaSourceFile(source, 'src/test/java', baseDir)
* Creates a unit test for testing your plugin.
* @param srcDir the directory in the project where the source file should be created.
* @param packageDotted the package for the unit test class, written in dot notation (ex. - nebula.integration)
* @param failTest true if you want the test to fail, false if the test should pass
* @param baseDir the directory to begin creation from, defaults to projectDir
void writeTest(String srcDir, String packageDotted, boolean failTest, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
package ${packageDotted};
import org.junit.Test;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
public class HelloWorldTest {
@Test public void doesSomething() {
assertFalse( $failTest );
""".stripIndent(), srcDir, baseDir)
private String fullyQualifiedName(String sourceStr) {
def pkgMatcher = sourceStr =~ /\s*package\s+([\w\.]+)/
def pkg = pkgMatcher.find() ? (pkgMatcher[0] as List)[1] + '.' : ''
def classMatcher = sourceStr =~ /\s*(class|interface)\s+(\w+)/
return classMatcher.find() ? pkg + (classMatcher[0] as List)[2] : null
* Creates a properties file to included as project resource.
* @param srcDir the directory in the project where the source file should be created.
* @param fileName to be used for the file, sans extension. The .properties extension will be added to the name.
* @param baseDir the directory to begin creation from, defaults to projectDir
void writeResource(String srcDir, String fileName, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
def path = "$srcDir/${fileName}.properties"
def resourceFile = createFile(path, baseDir)
resourceFile.text = ""
void addResource(String srcDir, String filename, String contents, File baseDir = getProjectDir()) {
def resourceFile = createFile("${srcDir}/${filename}", baseDir)
resourceFile.text = contents
String findModuleName() {
getProjectDir().getName().replaceAll(/_\d+/, '')
List calculateArguments(String... args) {
List arguments = []
// Gradle will use these files name from the PWD, instead of the project directory. It's easier to just leave
// them out and let the default find them, since we're not changing their default names.
//arguments += '--build-file'
//arguments += (buildFile.canonicalPath - projectDir.canonicalPath).substring(1)
//arguments += '--settings-file'
//arguments += (settingsFile.canonicalPath - projectDir.canonicalPath).substring(1)
//arguments += '--no-daemon'
switch (getLogLevel()) {
case LogLevel.INFO:
arguments += '--info'
case LogLevel.DEBUG:
arguments += '--debug'
if(parallelEnabled) {
arguments += '--parallel'
arguments += '--stacktrace'
arguments += '-Dorg.gradle.warning.mode=all'
arguments.addAll(initScripts.collect { file -> '-I' + file.absolutePath })
static def dependencies(File _buildFile, String... confs = ['compile', 'testCompile', 'implementation', 'testImplementation', 'api']) {
.collect { it.trim() }
.findAll { line -> confs.any { c -> line.startsWith(c) } }
.collect { it.split(/\s+/)[1].replaceAll(/['"]/, '') }