templates.graphql.handlerYml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package templates.graphql;
import java.io.IOException;
import com.fizzed.rocker.ForIterator;
import com.fizzed.rocker.RenderingException;
import com.fizzed.rocker.RockerContent;
import com.fizzed.rocker.RockerOutput;
import com.fizzed.rocker.runtime.DefaultRockerTemplate;
import com.fizzed.rocker.runtime.PlainTextUnloadedClassLoader;
// import @ [1:1]
import java.util.Map;
// import @ [2:1]
import java.util.List;
* Auto generated code to render template templates/graphql/handlerYml.rocker.raw
* Do not edit this file. Changes will eventually be overwritten by Rocker parser!
public class handlerYml extends com.fizzed.rocker.runtime.DefaultRockerModel {
static public com.fizzed.rocker.ContentType getContentType() { return com.fizzed.rocker.ContentType.RAW; }
static public String getTemplateName() { return "handlerYml.rocker.raw"; }
static public String getTemplatePackageName() { return "templates.graphql"; }
static public String getHeaderHash() { return "788525461"; }
static public long getModifiedAt() { return 1645995245871L; }
static public String[] getArgumentNames() { return new String[] { "serviceId", "prometheusMetrics", "useLightProxy" }; }
// argument @ [3:2]
private String serviceId;
// argument @ [3:2]
private boolean prometheusMetrics;
// argument @ [3:2]
private boolean useLightProxy;
public handlerYml serviceId(String serviceId) {
this.serviceId = serviceId;
return this;
public String serviceId() {
return this.serviceId;
public handlerYml prometheusMetrics(boolean prometheusMetrics) {
this.prometheusMetrics = prometheusMetrics;
return this;
public boolean prometheusMetrics() {
return this.prometheusMetrics;
public handlerYml useLightProxy(boolean useLightProxy) {
this.useLightProxy = useLightProxy;
return this;
public boolean useLightProxy() {
return this.useLightProxy;
static public handlerYml template(String serviceId, boolean prometheusMetrics, boolean useLightProxy) {
return new handlerYml()
protected DefaultRockerTemplate buildTemplate() throws RenderingException {
// optimized for convenience (runtime auto reloading enabled if rocker.reloading=true)
return com.fizzed.rocker.runtime.RockerRuntime.getInstance().getBootstrap().template(this.getClass(), this);
static public class Template extends com.fizzed.rocker.runtime.DefaultRockerTemplate {
// \n\n# Handler middleware chain configuration\n---\nenabled: true\n\n#------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Support individual handler chains for each separate endpoint. It allows framework\n# handlers like health check, server info to bypass majority of the middleware handlers\n# and allows mixing multiple frameworks like OpenAPI and GraphQL in the same instance.\n#\n# handlers -- list of handlers to be used across chains in this microservice\n# ...
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_0_0;
// - com.networknt.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusHandler@prometheus
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_1_0;
// - com.networknt.metrics.MetricsHandler@metrics
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_2_0;
// \n - com.networknt.traceability.TraceabilityHandler@traceability\n - com.networknt.correlation.CorrelationHandler@correlation
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_3_0;
// \n - com.networknt.graphql.security.JwtVerifyHandler@security\n - com.networknt.graphql.validator.ValidatorHandler@validator
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_4_0;
// \n # Framework endpoint handlers\n - com.networknt.health.HealthGetHandler@health\n - com.networknt.info.ServerInfoGetHandler@info\n # - com.networknt.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusGetHandler@getprometheus\n # GraphQL handlers\n - com.networknt.graphql.router.handlers.GraphqlGetHandler@get\n - com.networknt.graphql.router.handlers.GraphqlPostHandler@post\n - com.networknt.graphql.router.handlers.GraphqlOptionsHandler@options\n # Business Handlers\n\nchains:\n default:\n - exception\n
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_5_0;
// - prometheus
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_6_0;
// - metrics
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_7_0;
// \n - traceability\n - correlation
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_8_0;
// \n - security\n - validator
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_9_0;
// \n\npaths:\n - path: '/graphql'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - default\n - get\n - path: '/graphql'\n method: 'post'\n exec:\n - default\n - post\n - path: '/graphql'\n method: 'options'\n exec:\n - default\n - options\n\n - path: '/health/${server.serviceId:
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_10_0;
// }'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - health\n\n - path: '/server/info'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - info\n\n
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_11_0;
// - path: '/prometheus'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - getprometheus\n
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_12_0;
// \n
static private final byte[] PLAIN_TEXT_13_0;
static {
PlainTextUnloadedClassLoader loader = PlainTextUnloadedClassLoader.tryLoad(handlerYml.class.getClassLoader(), handlerYml.class.getName() + "$PlainText", "UTF-8");
PLAIN_TEXT_0_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_0_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_1_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_1_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_2_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_2_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_3_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_3_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_4_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_4_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_5_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_5_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_6_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_6_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_7_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_7_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_8_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_8_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_9_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_9_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_10_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_10_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_11_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_11_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_12_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_12_0");
PLAIN_TEXT_13_0 = loader.tryGet("PLAIN_TEXT_13_0");
// argument @ [3:2]
protected final String serviceId;
// argument @ [3:2]
protected final boolean prometheusMetrics;
// argument @ [3:2]
protected final boolean useLightProxy;
public Template(handlerYml model) {
this.serviceId = model.serviceId();
this.prometheusMetrics = model.prometheusMetrics();
this.useLightProxy = model.useLightProxy();
protected void __doRender() throws IOException, RenderingException {
// PlainText @ [3:75]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(3, 75);
// IfBlockBegin @ [38:1]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(38, 1);
if (prometheusMetrics) {
// PlainText @ [38:24]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(38, 24);
// IfBlockElse @ [38:90]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(38, 90);
} else { // else @ [38:90]
// PlainText @ [38:98]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(38, 98);
// IfBlockEnd @ [38:1]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(38, 1);
} // if end @ [38:1]
// PlainText @ [38:148]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(38, 148);
// IfBlockBegin @ [40:63]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(40, 63);
if (!useLightProxy) {
// PlainText @ [40:84]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(40, 84);
// IfBlockEnd @ [40:63]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(40, 63);
} // if end @ [40:63]
// PlainText @ [42:65]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(42, 65);
// IfBlockBegin @ [56:1]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(56, 1);
if (prometheusMetrics) {
// PlainText @ [56:24]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(56, 24);
// IfBlockElse @ [56:40]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(56, 40);
} else { // else @ [56:40]
// PlainText @ [56:48]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(56, 48);
// IfBlockEnd @ [56:1]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(56, 1);
} // if end @ [56:1]
// PlainText @ [56:62]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(56, 62);
// IfBlockBegin @ [58:19]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(58, 19);
if (!useLightProxy) {
// PlainText @ [58:39]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(58, 39);
// IfBlockEnd @ [58:19]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(58, 19);
} // if end @ [58:19]
// PlainText @ [60:17]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(60, 17);
// ValueExpression @ [79:39]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(79, 39);
__internal.renderValue(serviceId, false);
// PlainText @ [79:21]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(79, 21);
// IfBlockBegin @ [89:1]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(89, 1);
if (prometheusMetrics) {
// PlainText @ [89:24]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(89, 24);
// IfBlockEnd @ [89:1]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(89, 1);
} // if end @ [89:1]
// PlainText @ [93:2]
__internal.aboutToExecutePosInTemplate(93, 2);
private static class PlainText {
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_0_0 = "\n\n# Handler middleware chain configuration\n---\nenabled: true\n\n#------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n# Support individual handler chains for each separate endpoint. It allows framework\n# handlers like health check, server info to bypass majority of the middleware handlers\n# and allows mixing multiple frameworks like OpenAPI and GraphQL in the same instance.\n#\n# handlers -- list of handlers to be used across chains in this microservice\n# including the routing handlers for ALL endpoints\n# -- format: fully qualified handler class name@optional:given name\n# chains -- allows forming of [1..N] chains, which could be wholly or\n# used to form handler chains for each endpoint\n# ex.: default chain below, reused partially across multiple endpoints\n# paths -- list all the paths to be used for routing within the microservice\n# ---- path: the URI for the endpoint (ex.: path: '/v1/pets')\n# ---- method: the operation in use (ex.: 'post')\n# ---- exec: handlers to be executed -- this element forms the list and\n# the order of execution for the handlers\n#\n# IMPORTANT NOTES:\n# - to avoid executing a handler, it has to be removed/commented out in the chain\n# or change the enabled:boolean to false for a middleware handler configuration.\n# - all handlers, routing handler included, are to be listed in the execution chain\n# - for consistency, give a name to each handler; it is easier to refer to a name\n# vs a fully qualified class name and is more elegant\n# - you can list in chains the fully qualified handler class names, and avoid using the\n# handlers element altogether\n#------------------------------------------------------------------------------\nhandlers:\n # Light-framework cross-cutting concerns implemented in the microservice\n - com.networknt.exception.ExceptionHandler@exception\n";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_1_0 = " - com.networknt.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusHandler@prometheus";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_2_0 = " - com.networknt.metrics.MetricsHandler@metrics";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_3_0 = "\n - com.networknt.traceability.TraceabilityHandler@traceability\n - com.networknt.correlation.CorrelationHandler@correlation ";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_4_0 = "\n - com.networknt.graphql.security.JwtVerifyHandler@security\n - com.networknt.graphql.validator.ValidatorHandler@validator";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_5_0 = "\n # Framework endpoint handlers\n - com.networknt.health.HealthGetHandler@health\n - com.networknt.info.ServerInfoGetHandler@info\n # - com.networknt.metrics.prometheus.PrometheusGetHandler@getprometheus\n # GraphQL handlers\n - com.networknt.graphql.router.handlers.GraphqlGetHandler@get\n - com.networknt.graphql.router.handlers.GraphqlPostHandler@post\n - com.networknt.graphql.router.handlers.GraphqlOptionsHandler@options\n # Business Handlers\n\nchains:\n default:\n - exception\n";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_6_0 = " - prometheus";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_7_0 = " - metrics";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_8_0 = "\n - traceability\n - correlation ";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_9_0 = "\n - security\n - validator";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_10_0 = "\n\npaths:\n - path: '/graphql'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - default\n - get\n - path: '/graphql'\n method: 'post'\n exec:\n - default\n - post\n - path: '/graphql'\n method: 'options'\n exec:\n - default\n - options\n\n - path: '/health/${server.serviceId:";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_11_0 = "}'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - health\n\n - path: '/server/info'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - info\n\n";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_12_0 = " - path: '/prometheus'\n method: 'get'\n exec:\n - getprometheus\n";
static private final String PLAIN_TEXT_13_0 = "\n";
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