config.jwt.yml Maven / Gradle / Ivy
# This is the default JWT configuration and need to be updated when used to issue JWT tokens. It is a component that used to
# issue JWT token. Normally, it should be used by light-oauth2 only but can be used to issue tokens distributely.
# Signature private key that used to sign JWT tokens.
kid: ${jwt.key.kid:100} # kid that used to sign the JWT tokens. It will be shown up in the token header.
filename: ${jwt.key.filename:primary.jks} # private key that is used to sign JWT tokens.
keyName: ${jwt.key.keyName:selfsigned} # key name that is used to identify the right key in keystore.
password: ${JWT_KEY_PASSWORD:password} # private key store password and private key password is the same
issuer: ${jwt.issuer:urn:com:networknt:oauth2:v1} # default issuer of the JWT token
audience: ${jwt.audience:urn:com.networknt} # default audience of the JWT token
expiredInMinutes: ${jwt.expiredInMinutes:10} # expired in 10 minutes by default for issued JWT tokens
version: ${jwt.version:1.0} # JWT token version