Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import org.apache.commons.codec.digest.DigestUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import zipkin2.Endpoint;
* Default implementation of {@link WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverter} that knows how to convert a Wingtips span to a
* Zipkin span.
* NOTE: Although Wingtips encourages conforming to the
* Zipkin B3 specification for IDs (16 character/64 bit
* lowercase hexadecimal values, with an option for 32 char/128 bit lowerhex for trace IDs), Wingtips itself treats
* IDs as strings - you can pass any string for IDs and Wingtips will happily handle it. There's no enforcement of
* any specific format in Wingtips. This works ok as long as you don't need to integrate with another system that
* has more strict requirements on ID formats, i.e. when you want to send Wingtips span data to Zipkin. But if you do
* need to integrate with Zipkin for visualization of your traces, *and* you can't force your callers to use the proper
* ID format, then you'd be in trouble. This class handles this situation by giving you an option to "sanitize" IDs
* if necessary. You can enable sanitization by using the alternate {@link
* WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl#WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl(boolean)} constructor and passing
* true. If you enable sanitization and this class sees a badly formatted ID, then it will convert it to the proper
* lowerhex format, add a {@code invalid.[trace/span/parent]_id} tag with a value of the original ID to the Zipkin span,
* and add a {@code sanitized_[trace/span/parent]_id} tag with the sanitized ID value to the Wingtips span. The
* sanitization is done in a deterministic way so that the same original ID input will always be sanitized into the same
* output.
* @author Nic Munroe
public class WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl implements WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverter {
private final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(this.getClass());
protected final boolean enableIdSanitization;
public WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl() {
// Disable ID sanitization by default - this should be something that users consciously opt-in for.
public WingtipsToZipkinSpanConverterDefaultImpl(boolean enableIdSanitization) {
this.enableIdSanitization = enableIdSanitization;
public zipkin2.Span convertWingtipsSpanToZipkinSpan(Span wingtipsSpan, Endpoint zipkinEndpoint) {
long durationMicros = TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMicros(wingtipsSpan.getDurationNanos());
String spanId = sanitizeIdIfNecessary(wingtipsSpan.getSpanId(), false);
String traceId = sanitizeIdIfNecessary(wingtipsSpan.getTraceId(), true);
String parentId = sanitizeIdIfNecessary(wingtipsSpan.getParentSpanId(), false);
final zipkin2.Span.Builder spanBuilder = zipkin2.Span
// Iterate over existing wingtips tags and add them to the zipkin builder.
for (Map.Entry tagEntry : wingtipsSpan.getTags().entrySet()) {
spanBuilder.putTag(tagEntry.getKey(), tagEntry.getValue());
if (!spanId.equals(wingtipsSpan.getSpanId())) {
spanBuilder.putTag("invalid.span_id", wingtipsSpan.getSpanId());
wingtipsSpan.putTag("sanitized_span_id", spanId);
if (!traceId.equals(wingtipsSpan.getTraceId())) {
spanBuilder.putTag("invalid.trace_id", wingtipsSpan.getTraceId());
wingtipsSpan.putTag("sanitized_trace_id", traceId);
if (parentId != null && !parentId.equals(wingtipsSpan.getParentSpanId())) {
spanBuilder.putTag("invalid.parent_id", wingtipsSpan.getParentSpanId());
wingtipsSpan.putTag("sanitized_parent_id", parentId);
// Iterate over existing wingtips annotations and add them to the zipkin builder.
for (TimestampedAnnotation wingtipsAnnotation : wingtipsSpan.getTimestampedAnnotations()) {
spanBuilder.addAnnotation(wingtipsAnnotation.getTimestampEpochMicros(), wingtipsAnnotation.getValue());
protected zipkin2.Span.Kind determineZipkinKind(Span wingtipsSpan) {
SpanPurpose wtsp = wingtipsSpan.getSpanPurpose();
// Clunky if checks necessary to avoid code coverage gaps with a switch statement
// due to unreachable default case. :(
if (SpanPurpose.SERVER == wtsp) {
return zipkin2.Span.Kind.SERVER;
else if (SpanPurpose.CLIENT == wtsp) {
return zipkin2.Span.Kind.CLIENT;
else if (SpanPurpose.LOCAL_ONLY == wtsp || SpanPurpose.UNKNOWN == wtsp) {
// No Zipkin Kind associated with these SpanPurposes.
return null;
else {
// This case should technically be impossible, but in case it happens we'll log a warning and default to
// no Zipkin kind.
logger.warn("Unhandled SpanPurpose type: {}", wtsp);
return null;
protected String sanitizeIdIfNecessary(final String originalId, final boolean allow128Bit) {
if (!enableIdSanitization) {
return originalId;
if (originalId == null) {
return null;
if (isAllowedNumChars(originalId, allow128Bit)) {
if (isLowerHex(originalId)) {
// Already lowerhex with correct number of chars, no modifications needed.
return originalId;
else if (isHex(originalId, true)) {
// It wasn't lowerhex, but it is hex and it is the correct number of chars.
// We can trivially convert to valid lowerhex by lowercasing the ID.
return originalId.toLowerCase();
// If the originalId can be parsed as a long, then its sanitized ID is the lowerhex representation of that long.
Long originalIdAsRawLong = attemptToConvertToLong(originalId);
if (originalIdAsRawLong != null) {
return TraceAndSpanIdGenerator.longToUnsignedLowerHexString(originalIdAsRawLong);
// If the originalId can be parsed as a UUID and is allowed to be 128 bit,
// then its sanitized ID is that UUID with the dashes ripped out and forced lowercase.
if (allow128Bit) {
String sanitizedId = attemptToSanitizeAsUuid(originalId);
if (sanitizedId != null) {
return sanitizedId;
// No convenient/sensible conversion to a valid lowerhex ID was found.
// Do a SHA256 hash of the original ID to get a (deterministic) valid sanitized lowerhex ID that can be
// converted to a long, but only take the number of characters we're allowed to take. Truncation
// of a SHA digest like this is specifically allowed by the SHA algorithm - see Section 7
int allowedNumChars = allow128Bit ? 32 : 16;
return DigestUtils.sha256Hex(originalId).toLowerCase().substring(0, allowedNumChars);
protected boolean isLowerHex(String id) {
return isHex(id, false);
* Copied from {@link zipkin2.Span#validateHex(String)} and slightly modified.
* @param id The ID to check for hexadecimal conformity.
* @param allowUppercase Pass true to allow uppercase A-F letters, false to force lowercase-hexadecimal check
* (only a-f letters allowed).
* @return true if the given id is hexadecimal, false if there are any characters that are not hexadecimal, with
* the {@code allowUppercase} parameter determining whether uppercase hex characters are allowed.
protected boolean isHex(String id, boolean allowUppercase) {
for (int i = 0, length = id.length(); i < length; i++) {
char c = id.charAt(i);
if ((c < '0' || c > '9') && (c < 'a' || c > 'f')) {
// Not 0-9, and not a-f. So it's not lowerhex. If we don't allow uppercase then we can return false.
if (!allowUppercase) {
return false;
else if (c < 'A' || c > 'F') {
// Uppercase is allowed but it's not A-F either, so we still have to return false.
return false;
// If we reach here inside this if-block, then it's an uppercase A-F and allowUppercase is true, so
// do nothing and move onto the next character.
return true;
protected boolean isAllowedNumChars(final String id, final boolean allow128Bit) {
if (allow128Bit) {
return id.length() <= 16 || id.length() == 32;
else {
return id.length() <= 16;
private static final char[] MAX_LONG_AS_CHAR_ARRY = String.valueOf(Long.MAX_VALUE).toCharArray();
private static final int MIN_OR_MAX_LONG_NUM_DIGITS = MAX_LONG_AS_CHAR_ARRY.length;
private static final char[] ABS_MIN_LONG_AS_CHAR_ARRY = String.valueOf(Long.MIN_VALUE).substring(1).toCharArray();
static {
// Sanity check that MAX_LONG_AS_CHAR_ARRY and ABS_MIN_LONG_AS_CHAR_ARRY have the same number of chars.
protected Long attemptToConvertToLong(final String id) {
if (id == null) {
return null;
// Only try if all chars in the ID are digits (the first char is allowed to be a dash to indicate negative).
int numDigits = 0;
boolean firstCharIsDash = false;
for (int i = 0; i < id.length(); i++) {
char nextChar = id.charAt(i);
boolean isDigit = (nextChar >= '0' && nextChar <= '9');
if (isDigit) {
else {
// The first char is allowed to be a dash.
if (i == 0 && nextChar == '-') {
// This is allowed.
firstCharIsDash = true;
else {
// Not a digit, and not a first-char-dash. So id cannot be a long. Return null.
return null;
// All chars are digits (or negative sign followed by digits). Next we need to make sure they are in the
// valid range of a java long.
if (!isWithinRangeOfJavaLongMinAndMax(id, numDigits, firstCharIsDash)) {
// Too many digits, or the value was too high. Can't be converted to java long, so return null.
return null;
try {
// This *should* be convertible to a java long at this point.
return Long.parseLong(id);
catch (final NumberFormatException nfe) {
// This should never happen, but if it does, return null as it can't be converted to a long.
"Found digits-based-ID that reached Long.parseLong(id) and failed. "
+ "This should never happen - please report this to the Wingtips maintainers. "
+ "invalid_id={}, NumberFormatException={}",
id, nfe.toString()
return null;
protected boolean isWithinRangeOfJavaLongMinAndMax(String longAsString, int numDigits, boolean firstCharIsDash) {
if (numDigits < MIN_OR_MAX_LONG_NUM_DIGITS) {
// Fewer number of digits than max java long, so it is in the valid min/max java long range.
return true;
if (numDigits > MIN_OR_MAX_LONG_NUM_DIGITS) {
// Too many digits, so it is outside the valid min/max java long range.
return false;
// At this point, we know the ID has the same number of digits as the max java long value. The ID may or may
// not be within the range of a java long. We could use a BigInteger to compare, but that's too slow.
// So we'll root through digit by digit.
// Adjust the string we're checking to get rid of the negative sign (dash) if necessary.
String absLongAsString = (firstCharIsDash) ? longAsString.substring(1) : longAsString;
// Choose the correct min/max value to compare against.
char[] comparisonValue = (firstCharIsDash) ? ABS_MIN_LONG_AS_CHAR_ARRY : MAX_LONG_AS_CHAR_ARRY;
for (int i = 0; i < comparisonValue.length; i++) {
char nextCharAtIndex = absLongAsString.charAt(i);
char maxLongCharAtIndex = comparisonValue[i];
if (nextCharAtIndex > maxLongCharAtIndex) {
// Up to this index, the values were equal, but *at* this index the value is greater than max java long,
// so it's outside the java long range.
return false;
else if (nextCharAtIndex < maxLongCharAtIndex) {
// Up to this index, the values were equal, but *at* this index the value is less than max java long,
// so it's within the java long range.
return true;
// If neither of the comparisons above were triggered, then this char matches the max long char. Move on
// to the next char.
// If we reach here, then longAsString has the same number of digits as max java long, and all digits were
// equal. So this is exactly min or max java long, and therefore within range.
return true;
protected String attemptToSanitizeAsUuid(String originalId) {
if (originalId == null) {
return null;
if (originalId.length() == 36) {
// 36 chars - might be a UUID. Rip out the dashes and check to see if it's a valid 128 bit ID.
String noDashesAndLowercase = stripDashesAndConvertToLowercase(originalId);
if (noDashesAndLowercase.length() == 32 && isLowerHex(noDashesAndLowercase)) {
// 32 chars and lowerhex - it's now a valid 128 bit ID.
return noDashesAndLowercase;
// It wasn't a UUID, so return null.
return null;
protected String stripDashesAndConvertToLowercase(String orig) {
if (orig == null) {
return null;
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(orig.length());
for (int i = 0; i < orig.length(); i++) {
char nextChar = orig.charAt(i);
if (nextChar != '-') {
return sb.toString();