com.nimbusds.infinispan.persistence.dynamodb.DynamoDBItemTransformer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.nimbusds.infinispan.persistence.dynamodb;
import com.amazonaws.services.dynamodbv2.document.Item;
import com.nimbusds.infinispan.persistence.common.InfinispanEntry;
import com.nimbusds.infinispan.persistence.dynamodb.config.DynamoDBStoreConfiguration;
* Interface for transforming between Infinispan entries (key / value pair and
* metadata) and a corresponding DynamoDB item. Implementations must be
* thread-safe.
* To specify an entry transformer for a given Infinispan cache that is
* backed by a DynamoDB store, provide its class name to the
* {@link DynamoDBStoreConfiguration store configuration}.
public interface DynamoDBItemTransformer {
* Initialisation context.
interface InitContext {
* Checks if automatic item expiration is enabled for the
* DynamoDB table. The item transformer should then specify
* a {@link #getHashKeyAttributeName() TTL attribute name} and
* populate it for items that are to be expired automatically
* by DynamoDB.
* @return {@code true} if automatic item expiration is
* enabled.
boolean isEnableTTL();
* Provides initialisation.
* @param initContext The initialisation context.
default void init(final InitContext initContext) { }
* Returns the base name of the DynamoDB table. Required to create and
* to connect to the DynamoDB table for storing the cache entries. The
* final DynamoDB table name is formed by prefixing the optional
* configuration {@code table-prefix} to the base name.
* @return The table name.
String getTableName();
* Returns the DynamoDB hash key attribute name. Required to create the
* DynamoDB table for storing the cache entries.
* @return The hash key attribute name.
String getHashKeyAttributeName();
* Returns the optional DynamoDB range key attribute name. Required to
* create the DynamoDB table for storing the cache entries.
* @return The range key attribute name, {@code null} if none.
default String getRangeKeyAttributeName() {
return null;
* Returns the optional DynamoDB time-to-live attribute name. Required
* to create the DynamoDB table for the storing the cache entries with
* DynamoDB managed expiration.
* @return The TTL attribute name, {@code null} if none.
default String getTTLAttributeName() {
return null;
* Resolves the DynamoDB hash key value (of scalar attribute type
* string) for the specified Infinispan entry key.
* Use {@link #resolvePrimaryKey(Object)} instead.
* @param key The Infinispan entry key. Not {@code null}.
* @return The DynamoDB hash key value.
String resolveHashKey(final K key);
* Resolves the DynamoDB primary key (hash key value of scalar
* attribute type string, with optional additional range key value) for
* the specified Infinispan entry key.
* @param key The Infinispan entry key. Not {@code null}.
* @return The DynamoDB primary key value.
default PrimaryKeyValue resolvePrimaryKey(final K key) {
return new PrimaryKeyValue(resolveHashKey(key), null);
* Transforms the specified Infinispan entry (key / value pair with
* optional metadata) to a DynamoDB item.
Infinispan entry:
* - Key: cae7t
- Value: Java POJO with fields {@code uid=cae7t},
* {@code givenName=Alice}, {@code surname=Adams} and
* {@code [email protected]}.
- Metadata: Specifies the entry expiration and other
* properties.
* Resulting DynamoDB item:
* uid: cae7t (key)
* surname: Adams
* given_name: Alice
* email: [email protected]
* @param infinispanEntry The Infinispan entry. Not {@code null}.
* @return The DynamoDB item.
Item toItem(final InfinispanEntry infinispanEntry);
* Transforms the specified DynamoDB item to an Infinispan entry (key /
* value / metadata triple).
* Example:
DynamoDB item:
* uid: cae7t
* surname: Adams
* given_name: Alice
* email: [email protected]
* Resulting Infinispan entry:
* - Key: cae7t
- Value: Java POJO with fields {@code uid=cae7t},
* {@code givenName=Alice}, {@code surname=Adams} and
* {@code [email protected]}.
- Metadata: Default metadata (no expiration, etc).
* @param item The DynamoDB item. Must not be {@code null}.
* @return The Infinispan entry (key / value pair with optional
* metadata).
InfinispanEntry toInfinispanEntry(final Item item);