com.ning.billing.ErrorCode Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2011 Ning, Inc.
* Ning licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.ning.billing;
public enum ErrorCode {
NOT_IMPLEMENTED(1, "Api not implemented yet"),
DATA_TRUNCATION(2, "Data truncation error. (%s)"),
* Range 1000 : ENTITLEMENTS
/* Generic through APIs */
ENT_INVALID_REQUESTED_FUTURE_DATE(1001, "Requested date %s in the future is not allowed"),
ENT_INVALID_REQUESTED_DATE(1001, "Requested date %s is not allowed to be prior to the previous transition %s"),
/* Creation */
ENT_CREATE_BAD_PHASE(1011, "Can't create plan initial phase %s"),
ENT_CREATE_NO_BUNDLE(1012, "Bundle %s does not exist"),
ENT_CREATE_NO_BP(1013, "Missing Base Subscription for bundle %s"),
ENT_CREATE_BP_EXISTS(1015, "Subscription bundle %s already has a base subscription"),
ENT_CREATE_AO_BP_NON_ACTIVE(1017, "Can't create AddOn %s for non active Base Plan"),
ENT_CREATE_AO_ALREADY_INCLUDED(1018, "Can't create AddOn %s for BasePlan %s (Already included)"),
ENT_CREATE_AO_NOT_AVAILABLE(1019, "Can't create AddOn %s for BasePlan %s (Not available)"),
/* Change plan */
ENT_CHANGE_NON_ACTIVE(1021, "Subscription %s is in state %s: Failed to change plan"),
ENT_CHANGE_FUTURE_CANCELLED(1022, "Subscription %s is future cancelled: Failed to change plan"),
ENT_CHANGE_DRY_RUN_NOT_BP(1022, "Change DryRun API is only available for BP"),
/* Cancellation */
ENT_CANCEL_BAD_STATE(1031, "Subscription %s is in state %s: Failed to cancel"),
/* Recreation */
ENT_RECREATE_BAD_STATE(1041, "Subscription %s is in state %s: Failed to recreate"),
/* Un-cancellation */
ENT_UNCANCEL_BAD_STATE(1070, "Subscription %s was not in a cancelled state: Failed to uncancel plan"),
/* Fetch */
ENT_GET_NO_BUNDLE_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION(1080, "Could not find a bundle for subscription %s"),
ENT_GET_INVALID_BUNDLE_ID(1081, "Could not find a bundle matching id %s"),
ENT_INVALID_SUBSCRIPTION_ID(1082, "Unknown subscription %s"),
ENT_GET_INVALID_BUNDLE_KEY(1083, "Could not find a bundle matching key %s"),
ENT_GET_NO_SUCH_BASE_SUBSCRIPTION(1084, "Could not find base subscription for bundle %s"),
/* Repair */
ENT_REPAIR_INVALID_DELETE_SET(1091, "Event %s is not deleted for subscription %s but prior events were"),
ENT_REPAIR_NON_EXISTENT_DELETE_EVENT(1092, "Event %s does not exist for subscription %s"),
ENT_REPAIR_MISSING_AO_DELETE_EVENT(1093, "Event %s should be in deleted set for subscription %s because BP events got deleted earlier"),
ENT_REPAIR_NEW_EVENT_BEFORE_LAST_BP_REMAINING(1094, "New event %s for subscription %s is before last remaining event for BP"),
ENT_REPAIR_NEW_EVENT_BEFORE_LAST_AO_REMAINING(1095, "New event %s for subscription %s is before last remaining event"),
ENT_REPAIR_UNKNOWN_TYPE(1096, "Unknown new event type %s for subscription %s"),
ENT_REPAIR_UNKNOWN_BUNDLE(1097, "Unknown bundle %s"),
ENT_REPAIR_UNKNOWN_SUBSCRIPTION(1098, "Unknown subscription %s"),
ENT_REPAIR_NO_ACTIVE_SUBSCRIPTIONS(1099, "No active subscriptions on bundle %s"),
ENT_REPAIR_VIEW_CHANGED(1100, "View for bundle %s has changed from %s to %s"),
ENT_REPAIR_SUB_RECREATE_NOT_EMPTY(1101, "Subscription %s with recreation for bundle %s should specify all existing events to be deleted"),
ENT_REPAIR_SUB_EMPTY(1102, "Subscription %s with recreation for bundle %s should specify all existing events to be deleted"),
ENT_REPAIR_BP_RECREATE_MISSING_AO(1103, "BP recreation for bundle %s implies repair all subscriptions"),
ENT_REPAIR_BP_RECREATE_MISSING_AO_CREATE(1104, "BP recreation for bundle %s implies that all AO should be start also with a CREATE"),
ENT_REPAIR_AO_CREATE_BEFORE_BP_START(1105, "Can't recreate AO %s for bundle %s before BP starts"),
ENT_BUNDLE_IS_OVERDUE_BLOCKED(1090, "Changes to this bundle are blocked by overdue enforcement (%s : %s)"),
ENT_ACCOUNT_IS_OVERDUE_BLOCKED(1091, "Changes to this account are blocked by overdue enforcement (%s)"),
/* Transfer */
ENT_TRANSFER_INVALID_EFF_DATE(1106, "Invalid effective date for transfer: %s"),
* Range 2000 : CATALOG
* Rules exceptions
/* Plan change is disallowed by the catalog */
CAT_ILLEGAL_CHANGE_REQUEST(2001, "Attempting to change plan from (product: '%s', billing period: '%s', " +
"pricelist '%s') to (product: '%s', billing period: '%s', pricelist '%s'). This transition is not allowed by catalog rules"),
* Price list
/*Attempt to reference a price that is not present - should only happen if it is a currency not available in the catalog */
CAT_NO_PRICE_FOR_CURRENCY(2010, "This price does not have a value for the currency '%s'."),
/* Price value explicitly set to NULL meaning there is no price available in that currency */
CAT_PRICE_VALUE_NULL_FOR_CURRENCY(2011, "The value for the currency '%s' is NULL. This plan cannot be bought in this currency."),
CAT_NULL_PRICE_LIST_NAME(2012, "Price list name was null"),
CAT_PRICE_LIST_NOT_FOUND(2013, "Could not find a pricelist with name '%s'"),
* Plans
CAT_PLAN_NOT_FOUND(2020, "Could not find a plan matching: (product: '%s', billing period: '%s', pricelist '%s')"),
CAT_NO_SUCH_PLAN(2021, "Could not find any plans named '%s'"),
* Products
CAT_NO_SUCH_PRODUCT(2030, "Could not find any product named '%s'"),
CAT_NULL_PRODUCT_NAME(2031, "Product name was null"),
* Phases
CAT_NO_SUCH_PHASE(2040, "Could not find any phases named '%s'"),
CAT_BAD_PHASE_NAME(2041, "Bad phase name '%s'"),
* Versioned Catalog
CAT_NO_CATALOG_FOR_GIVEN_DATE(2050, "There is no catalog version that applies for the given date '%s'"),
CAT_NO_CATALOG_ENTRIES_FOR_GIVEN_DATE(2051, "The are no catalog entries that apply for the given date '%s'"),
CAT_CATALOG_NAME_MISMATCH(2052, "The catalog name '%s' does not match the name of the catalog we are trying to add '%s'"),
* Billing Alignment
CAT_INVALID_BILLING_ALIGNMENT(2060, "Invalid billing alignment '%s'"),
* Overdue
CAT_NO_SUCH_OVEDUE_STATE(2070, "No such overdue state '%s'"),
CAT_MISSING_CLEAR_STATE(2071, "Missing a clear state"),
CAT_NO_OVERDUEABLE_TYPE(2072, "No such overdueable type: "),
* Range 3000 : ACCOUNT
ACCOUNT_ALREADY_EXISTS(3000, "Account already exists for key %s"),
ACCOUNT_INVALID_NAME(3001, "An invalid name was specified when creating or updating an account."),
ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_ID(3002, "Account does not exist for id %s"),
ACCOUNT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_KEY(3003, "Account does not exist for key %s"),
ACCOUNT_CANNOT_MAP_NULL_KEY(3004, "An attempt was made to get the id for a external key."),
ACCOUNT_CANNOT_CHANGE_EXTERNAL_KEY(3005, "External keys cannot be updated. Original key remains: %s"),
ACCOUNT_CREATION_FAILED(3006, "Account creation failed."),
ACCOUNT_UPDATE_FAILED(3007, "Account update failed."),
ACCOUNT_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS(3500, "Account email already exists %s"),
* Range 3900: Tag definitions
TAG_DEFINITION_CONFLICTS_WITH_CONTROL_TAG(3900, "The tag definition name conflicts with a reserved %s"),
TAG_DEFINITION_ALREADY_EXISTS(3901, "The tag definition name already exists %s"),
TAG_DEFINITION_DOES_NOT_EXIST(3902, "The tag definition id does not exist %s"),
TAG_DEFINITION_IN_USE(3903, "The tag definition name is currently in use %s"),
CONTROL_TAG_DOES_NOT_EXIST(3904, "The control tag does not exist %s"),
* Range 3950: Tags
TAG_DOES_NOT_EXIST(3950, "The tag does not exist (name: %s)"),
TAG_CANNOT_BE_REMOVED(3951, "The tag %s cannot be removed because %s"),
TAG_ALREADY_EXISTS(3952, "The tag %s already exists"),
* Range 4000: INVOICE
INVOICE_ACCOUNT_ID_INVALID(4001, "No account could be retrieved for id %s"),
INVOICE_INVALID_TRANSITION(4002, "Transition did not contain a subscription id."),
INVOICE_NO_ACCOUNT_ID_FOR_SUBSCRIPTION_ID(4003, "No account id was retrieved for subscription id %s"),
INVOICE_INVALID_DATE_SEQUENCE(4004, "Date sequence was invalid. Start Date: %s; End Date: %s; Target Date: %s"),
INVOICE_TARGET_DATE_TOO_FAR_IN_THE_FUTURE(4005, "The target date was too far in the future. Target Date: %s"),
INVOICE_NOT_FOUND(4006, "No invoice could be found for id %s."),
INVOICE_NOTHING_TO_DO(4007, "No invoice to generate for account %s and date %s"),
INVOICE_NO_SUCH_CREDIT(4008, "Credit item for id %s does not exist"),
CREDIT_AMOUNT_INVALID(4009, "Credit amount %s should be strictly positive"),
INVOICE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT_AMOUNT_INVALID(4010, "Invoice adjustment amount %s should be strictly positive"),
INVOICE_ITEM_NOT_FOUND(4011, "No invoice item could be found for id %s."),
INVOICE_INVALID_FOR_INVOICE_ITEM_ADJUSTMENT(4012, "Invoice item %s doesn't belong to invoice %s."),
INVOICE_NO_SUCH_EXTERNAL_CHARGE(4014, "External charge item for id %s does not exist"),
EXTERNAL_CHARGE_AMOUNT_INVALID(4015, "External charge amount %s should be strictly positive"),
INVOICE_WOULD_BE_NEGATIVE(4016, "Cannot execute operation, the invoice balance would become negative"),
INVOICE_ALREADY_EXISTS(4017, "The invoice already exists %s"),
INVOICE_NUMBER_NOT_FOUND(4018, "No invoice could be found for number %s."),
INVOICE_INVALID_NUMBER(4019, "Invalid invoice number %s."),
* Range 4900: Invoice payment
INVOICE_PAYMENT_NOT_FOUND(4900, "No invoice payment could be found for id %s."),
CHARGE_BACK_AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH(4901, "Tried to charge back %s of a %s payment."),
CHARGE_BACK_AMOUNT_IS_NEGATIVE(4902, "Charge backs for negative amounts are not permitted"),
CHARGE_BACK_COULD_NOT_FIND_ACCOUNT_ID(4003, "Could not find chargeback for id %s."),
CHARGE_BACK_DOES_NOT_EXIST(4004, "Could not find chargeback for id %s."),
INVOICE_PAYMENT_BY_ATTEMPT_NOT_FOUND(4905, "No invoice payment could be found for paymentAttempt id %s."),
REFUND_AMOUNT_TOO_HIGH(4906, "Tried to refund %s of a %s payment."),
REFUND_AMOUNT_DONT_MATCH_ITEMS_TO_ADJUST(4907, "You can't specify a refund amount of %s that doesn't match the invoice items amount of %s."),
* Range 5000: Overdue system
OVERDUE_CAT_ERROR_ENCOUNTERED(5001, "Catalog error encountered on Overdueable: id='%s', type='%s'"),
OVERDUE_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED(5002, "Overdue of this type is not supported: id='%s', type='%s'"),
OVERDUE_NO_REEVALUATION_INTERVAL(5003, "No valid reevaluation interval for state (name: %s)"),
OVERDUE_NOT_CONFIGURED(5004, "No configuration was found for the overdue system"),
* Range 6000: Blocking system
BLOCK_BLOCKED_ACTION(6000, "The action %s is block on this %s with id=%s"),
BLOCK_TYPE_NOT_SUPPORTED(6001, "The Blockable type '%s' is not supported"),
* Range 7000 : Payment
PAYMENT_NO_SUCH_PAYMENT_METHOD(7000, "Payment method %s does not exist"),
PAYMENT_NO_PAYMENT_METHODS(7001, "Payment methods for account %s don't exist"),
PAYMENT_UPD_GATEWAY_FAILED(7002, "Failed to update payment gateway for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_GET_PAYMENT_PROVIDER(7003, "Failed to retrieve payment provider for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_GET_PAYMENT_METHODS(7004, "Failed to retrieve payment method for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_ADD_PAYMENT_METHOD(7005, "Failed to add payment method for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_REFRESH_PAYMENT_METHOD(7006, "Failed to resfresh payment methods for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_DEL_PAYMENT_METHOD(7007, "Failed to delete payment method for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_UPD_PAYMENT_METHOD(7008, "Failed to update payment method for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_CREATE_PAYMENT(7009, "Failed to create payment for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_CREATE_PAYMENT_FOR_ATTEMPT(70010, "Failed to create payment for account %s and attempt %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_CREATE_PAYMENT_FOR_ATTEMPT_WITH_NON_POSITIVE_INV(7011, "Got payment attempt with negative or null invoice for account %s"),
PAYMENT_CREATE_PAYMENT_FOR_ATTEMPT_BAD(7012, "Failed to create payment for attempts %s "),
PAYMENT_CREATE_PAYMENT_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT(7013, "Failed to create payment provider account for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_UPD_PAYMENT_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT(7014, "Failed to update payment provider account for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_GET_PAYMENT_PROVIDER_ACCOUNT(7015, "Failed to retrieve payment provider account for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_CREATE_REFUND(7016, "Failed to create refund for account %s : %s"),
PAYMENT_NULL_INVOICE(7017, "Invoice %s has a balance <= 0 "),
PAYMENT_AMOUNT_DENIED(7018, "Payment amount requested for invoice %s is greater than invoice balance [%f/%f]"),
PAYMENT_INTERNAL_ERROR(7019, "Internal payment error : %s"),
PAYMENT_NO_SUCH_PAYMENT(7020, "Payment %s does not exist"),
PAYMENT_NO_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD(7021, "Account %s does not have a default payment method set"),
PAYMENT_DEL_DEFAULT_PAYMENT_METHOD(7022, "Cannot delete default payment method for account %s"),
PAYMENT_NO_SUCH_REFUND(7023, "Refund %s does not exist"),
PAYMENT_NO_SUCH_SUCCESS_PAYMENT(7024, "Payment %s did not succeed"),
PAYMENT_REFUND_AMOUNT_TOO_LARGE(7025, "Refund amount if larger than payment"),
PAYMENT_REFUND_AMOUNT_NEGATIVE_OR_NULL(7026, "Refund amount needs to be strictly positive"),
PAYMENT_BAD_ACCOUNT(7027, "Account %s has payments left in an unknwon state"),
PAYMENT_PLUGIN_TIMEOUT(7100, "Plugin timeout for account %s and invoice %s"),
PAYMENT_PLUGIN_ACCOUNT_INIT(7101, "Account initialization for account %s and plugin % s failed: %s"),
* Range 9000: Miscellaneous
EMAIL_SENDING_FAILED(9000, "Sending email failed"),
EMAIL_PROPERTIES_FILE_MISSING(9001, "The properties file for email configuration could not be found."),
MISSING_TRANSLATION_RESOURCE(9010, "The resources for %s translation could not be found."),
MISSING_DEFAULT_TRANSLATION_RESOURCE(9011, "The default resource for %s translation could not be found."),
* Range 10000: TENANT
TENANT_ALREADY_EXISTS(10000, "Tenant already exists for key %s"),
TENANT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_ID(10001, "Tenant does not exist for id %s"),
TENANT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_KEY(10002, "Tenant does not exist for key %s"),
TENANT_DOES_NOT_EXIST_FOR_API_KEY(10003, "Tenant does not exist for api key %s"),
TENANT_CREATION_FAILED(10004, "Tenant creation failed."),
TENANT_UPDATE_FAILED(10005, "Tenant update failed."),
TENANT_NO_SUCH_KEY(10006, "Tenant %s does not have a key %s"),
CUSTOM_FIELD_ALREADY_EXISTS(11000, "The custom field %s already exists"),
__UNKNOWN_ERROR_CODE(-1, "Unknown ErrorCode");
private final int code;
private final String format;
ErrorCode(final int code, final String format) {
this.code = code;
this.format = format;
public String getFormat() {
return format;
public int getCode() {
return code;
public static ErrorCode fromCode(final int code) {
for (final ErrorCode errorCode : ErrorCode.values()) {
if (errorCode.getCode() == code) {
return errorCode;
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