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import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig.CompileMode;
import org.jruby.ast.*;
import org.jruby.compiler.NotCompilableException;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.BlockBody;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Stack;

// This class converts an AST into a bunch of IR instructions

// IR Building Notes
// -----------------
// 1. More copy instructions added than necessary
// ----------------------------------------------
// Note that in general, there will be lots of a = b kind of copies
// introduced in the IR because the translation is entirely single-node focused.
// An example will make this clear
// RUBY: 
//     v = @f 
// will translate to 
// AST: 
//     LocalAsgnNode v 
//       InstrVarNode f 
// will translate to
// IR: 
//     tmp = self.f [ GET_FIELD(tmp,self,f) ]
//     v = tmp      [ COPY(v, tmp) ]
// instead of
//     v = self.f   [ GET_FIELD(v, self, f) ]
// We could get smarter and pass in the variable into which this expression is going to get evaluated
// and use that to store the value of the expression (or not build the expression if the variable is null).
// But, that makes the code more complicated, and in any case, all this will get fixed in a single pass of
// copy propagation and dead-code elimination.
// Something to pay attention to and if this extra pass becomes a concern (not convinced that it is yet),
// this smart can be built in here.  Right now, the goal is to do something simple and straightforward that is going to be correct.
// 2. Returning null vs manager.getNil()
// ----------------------------
// - We should be returning null from the build methods where it is a normal "error" condition
// - We should be returning manager.getNil() where the actual return value of a build is the ruby nil operand
//   Look in buildIf for an example of this
// 3. Temporary variable reuse
// ---------------------------
// I am reusing variables a lot in places in this code.  Should I instead always get a new variable when I need it
// This introduces artificial data dependencies, but fewer variables.  But, if we are going to implement SSA pass
// this is not a big deal.  Think this through!

public class IRBuilder {
    protected static final Operand[] NO_ARGS = new Operand[]{};
    protected static final UnexecutableNil U_NIL = UnexecutableNil.U_NIL;

    private static String  rubyVersion = "1.8"; // default is 1.8

    public static void setRubyVersion(String rubyVersion) {
        IRBuilder.rubyVersion = rubyVersion;

    public boolean is1_9() {
        return false;

    /* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
     * Every ensure block has a start label and end label, and at the end, it will jump
     * to an address stored in a return address variable.
     * This ruby code will translate to the IR shown below
     * -----------------
     *   begin
     *       ... protected body ...
     *   ensure
     *       ... ensure block to run
     *   end
     * -----------------
     *  L_region_start
     *     IR instructions for the protected body
     *  L_start:
     *     .. ensure block IR ...
     *     jump %ret_addr
     *  L_end:
     * -----------------
     * If N is a node in the protected body that might exit this scope (exception rethrows
     * and returns), N has to first jump to the ensure block and let the ensure block run.
     * In addition, N has to set up a return address label in the return address var of
     * this ensure block so that the ensure block can transfer control block to N.
     * Since we can have a nesting of ensure blocks, we are maintaining a stack of these
     * well-nested ensure blocks.  Every node N that will exit this scope will have to 
     * co-ordinate the jumps in-and-out of the ensure blocks in the top-to-bottom stacked
     * order.
     * ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    private static class EnsureBlockInfo {
        Label    regionStart;
        Label    start;
        Label    end;
        Label    dummyRescueBlockLabel;
        Variable returnAddr;
        Variable savedGlobalException;

        // Innermost loop within which this ensure block is nested, if any
        IRLoop   innermostLoop;

        // AST node for any associated rescue node in the case of begin-rescue-ensure-end block
        // Will be null in the case of begin-ensure-end block
        RescueNode matchingRescueNode;   

        public EnsureBlockInfo(IRScope s, RescueNode n, IRLoop l) {
            regionStart = s.getNewLabel();
            start       = s.getNewLabel();
            end         = s.getNewLabel();
            returnAddr  = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
            dummyRescueBlockLabel = s.getNewLabel();
            savedGlobalException = null;
            innermostLoop = l;
            matchingRescueNode = n;

        // Emit jump chain by walking up the ensure block stack
        // If we have been passed a loop value, then emit values that are nested within that loop
        public static void emitJumpChain(IRScope s, Stack ebStack, IRLoop loop) {
            // SSS: There are 2 ways of encoding this:
            // 1. Jump to ensure block 1, return back here, jump ensure block 2, return back here, ...
            //    Generates 3*n instrs. where n is the # of ensure blocks to execute
            // 2. Jump to ensure block 1, then to block 2, then to 3, ...
            //    Generates n+1 instrs. where n is the # of ensure blocks to execute
            // Doesn't really matter all that much since we shouldn't have deep nesting of ensure blocks often
            // but is there a reason to go with technique 1 at all??
            int n = ebStack.size();
            EnsureBlockInfo[] ebArray = ebStack.toArray(new EnsureBlockInfo[n]);
            for (int i = n-1; i >= 0; i--) {
                EnsureBlockInfo ebi = ebArray[i];

                if (ebi.innermostLoop != loop) break;

                Label retLabel = s.getNewLabel();
                if (ebi.savedGlobalException != null) {
                    s.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", ebi.savedGlobalException));
                s.addInstr(new SetReturnAddressInstr(ebi.returnAddr, retLabel));
                s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(ebi.start));
                s.addInstr(new LabelInstr(retLabel));

    // Stack encoding nested ensure blocks
    private Stack _ensureBlockStack = new Stack();

    private static class RescueBlockInfo {
        RescueNode rescueNode;             // Rescue node for which we are tracking info  
        Label      entryLabel;             // Entry of the rescue block
        Variable   savedExceptionVariable; // Variable that contains the saved $! variable
        IRLoop     innermostLoop;          // Innermost loop within which this ensure block is nested, if any

        public RescueBlockInfo(RescueNode n, Label l, Variable v, IRLoop loop) {
            rescueNode = n;
            entryLabel = l;
            savedExceptionVariable = v;
            innermostLoop = loop;

        public void restoreException(IRScope s, IRLoop currLoop) {
            if (currLoop == innermostLoop) s.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr("$!", savedExceptionVariable));

    // Stack encoding nested rescue blocks -- this just tracks the start label of the blocks
    private Stack _rescueBlockStack = new Stack();

    private int _lastProcessedLineNum = -1;

    // Since we are processing ASTs, loop bodies are processed in depth-first manner
    // with outer loops encountered before inner loops, and inner loops finished before outer ones.
    // So, we can keep track of loops in a loop stack which  keeps track of loops as they are encountered.
    // This lets us implement next/redo/break/retry easily for the non-closure cases
    private Stack loopStack = new Stack();

    public IRLoop getCurrentLoop() {
        return loopStack.isEmpty() ? null : loopStack.peek();
    protected IRManager manager;
    public IRBuilder(IRManager manager) {
        this.manager = manager;

    public static Node buildAST(boolean isCommandLineScript, String arg) {
        Ruby ruby = Ruby.getGlobalRuntime();
        // set to IR mode, since we use different scopes, etc for IR
        // inline script
        if (isCommandLineScript) return ruby.parse(ByteList.create(arg), "-e", null, 0, false);

        // from file
        FileInputStream fis = null;
        try {
            File file = new File(arg);
            fis = new FileInputStream(file);
            long size = file.length();
            byte[] bytes = new byte[(int)size];
            System.out.println("-- processing " + arg + " --");
            return ruby.parse(new ByteList(bytes), arg, null, 0, false);
        } catch (IOException ioe) {
            throw new RuntimeException(ioe);
        } finally {
            try { if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch(Exception e) { }

    public static IRBuilder createIRBuilder(IRManager manager, boolean is19) {
        return is19 ? new IRBuilder19(manager) : new IRBuilder(manager);

    public Node skipOverNewlines(IRScope s, Node n) {
        if (n.getNodeType() == NodeType.NEWLINENODE) {
            // Do not emit multiple line number instrs for the same line
            int currLineNum = n.getPosition().getStartLine();
            if (currLineNum != _lastProcessedLineNum) {
               s.addInstr(new LineNumberInstr(s, currLineNum));
               _lastProcessedLineNum = currLineNum;

        while (n.getNodeType() == NodeType.NEWLINENODE)
            n = ((NewlineNode)n).getNextNode();

        return n;

    public Operand build(Node node, IRScope s) {
        if (node == null) return null;

        if (s == null) {
            System.out.println("Got a null scope!");
            throw new NotCompilableException("Unknown node encountered in builder: " + node);
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ALIASNODE: return buildAlias((AliasNode) node, s);
            case ANDNODE: return buildAnd((AndNode) node, s);
            case ARGSCATNODE: return buildArgsCat((ArgsCatNode) node, s);
            case ARGSPUSHNODE: return buildArgsPush((ArgsPushNode) node, s);
            case ARRAYNODE: return buildArray(node, s);
            case ATTRASSIGNNODE: return buildAttrAssign((AttrAssignNode) node, s);
            case BACKREFNODE: return buildBackref((BackRefNode) node, s);
            case BEGINNODE: return buildBegin((BeginNode) node, s);
            case BIGNUMNODE: return buildBignum((BignumNode) node, s);
            case BLOCKNODE: return buildBlock((BlockNode) node, s);
            case BREAKNODE: return buildBreak((BreakNode) node, s);
            case CALLNODE: return buildCall((CallNode) node, s);
            case CASENODE: return buildCase((CaseNode) node, s);
            case CLASSNODE: return buildClass((ClassNode) node, s);
            case CLASSVARNODE: return buildClassVar((ClassVarNode) node, s);
            case CLASSVARASGNNODE: return buildClassVarAsgn((ClassVarAsgnNode) node, s);
            case CLASSVARDECLNODE: return buildClassVarDecl((ClassVarDeclNode) node, s);
            case COLON2NODE: return buildColon2((Colon2Node) node, s);
            case COLON3NODE: return buildColon3((Colon3Node) node, s);
            case CONSTDECLNODE: return buildConstDecl((ConstDeclNode) node, s);
            case CONSTNODE: return searchConst(s, s, ((ConstNode) node).getName());
            case DASGNNODE: return buildDAsgn((DAsgnNode) node, s);
            case DEFINEDNODE: return buildGetDefinitionBase(((DefinedNode) node).getExpressionNode(), s);
            case DEFNNODE: return buildDefn((MethodDefNode) node, s);
            case DEFSNODE: return buildDefs((DefsNode) node, s);
            case DOTNODE: return buildDot((DotNode) node, s);
            case DREGEXPNODE: return buildDRegexp((DRegexpNode) node, s);
            case DSTRNODE: return buildDStr((DStrNode) node, s);
            case DSYMBOLNODE: return buildDSymbol((DSymbolNode) node, s);
            case DVARNODE: return buildDVar((DVarNode) node, s);
            case DXSTRNODE: return buildDXStr((DXStrNode) node, s);
            case ENSURENODE: return buildEnsureNode((EnsureNode) node, s);
            case EVSTRNODE: return buildEvStr((EvStrNode) node, s);
            case FALSENODE: return buildFalse(node, s);
            case FCALLNODE: return buildFCall((FCallNode) node, s);
            case FIXNUMNODE: return buildFixnum((FixnumNode) node, s);
            case FLIPNODE: return buildFlip((FlipNode) node, s);
            case FLOATNODE: return buildFloat((FloatNode) node, s);
            case FORNODE: return buildFor((ForNode) node, s);
            case GLOBALASGNNODE: return buildGlobalAsgn((GlobalAsgnNode) node, s);
            case GLOBALVARNODE: return buildGlobalVar((GlobalVarNode) node, s);
            case HASHNODE: return buildHash((HashNode) node, s);
            case IFNODE: return buildIf((IfNode) node, s);
            case INSTASGNNODE: return buildInstAsgn((InstAsgnNode) node, s);
            case INSTVARNODE: return buildInstVar((InstVarNode) node, s);
            case ITERNODE: return buildIter((IterNode) node, s);
            case LITERALNODE: return buildLiteral((LiteralNode) node, s);
            case LOCALASGNNODE: return buildLocalAsgn((LocalAsgnNode) node, s);
            case LOCALVARNODE: return buildLocalVar((LocalVarNode) node, s);
            case MATCH2NODE: return buildMatch2((Match2Node) node, s);
            case MATCH3NODE: return buildMatch3((Match3Node) node, s);
            case MATCHNODE: return buildMatch((MatchNode) node, s);
            case MODULENODE: return buildModule((ModuleNode) node, s);
            case MULTIPLEASGNNODE: return buildMultipleAsgn((MultipleAsgnNode) node, s); // Only for 1.8
            case NEWLINENODE: return buildNewline((NewlineNode) node, s);
            case NEXTNODE: return buildNext((NextNode) node, s);
            case NTHREFNODE: return buildNthRef((NthRefNode) node, s);
            case NILNODE: return buildNil(node, s);
            case NOTNODE: return buildNot((NotNode) node, s);
            case OPASGNANDNODE: return buildOpAsgnAnd((OpAsgnAndNode) node, s);
            case OPASGNNODE: return buildOpAsgn((OpAsgnNode) node, s);
            case OPASGNORNODE: return buildOpAsgnOr((OpAsgnOrNode) node, s);
            case OPELEMENTASGNNODE: return buildOpElementAsgn((OpElementAsgnNode) node, s);
            case ORNODE: return buildOr((OrNode) node, s);
            case PREEXENODE: return buildPreExe((PreExeNode) node, s);
            case POSTEXENODE: return buildPostExe((PostExeNode) node, s);
            case REDONODE: return buildRedo(node, s);
            case REGEXPNODE: return buildRegexp((RegexpNode) node, s);
            case RESCUEBODYNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("rescue body is handled by rescue compilation at: " + node.getPosition());
            case RESCUENODE: return buildRescue((RescueNode) node, s);
            case RETRYNODE: return buildRetry(node, s);
            case RETURNNODE: return buildReturn((ReturnNode) node, s);
            case ROOTNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("Use buildRoot(); Root node at: " + node.getPosition());
            case SCLASSNODE: return buildSClass((SClassNode) node, s);
            case SELFNODE: return buildSelf((SelfNode) node, s);
            case SPLATNODE: return buildSplat((SplatNode) node, s);
            case STRNODE: return buildStr((StrNode) node, s);
            case SUPERNODE: return buildSuper((SuperNode) node, s);
            case SVALUENODE: return buildSValue((SValueNode) node, s);
            case SYMBOLNODE: return buildSymbol((SymbolNode) node, s);
            case TOARYNODE: return buildToAry((ToAryNode) node, s);
            case TRUENODE: return buildTrue(node, s);
            case UNDEFNODE: return buildUndef(node, s);
            case UNTILNODE: return buildUntil((UntilNode) node, s);
            case VALIASNODE: return buildVAlias(node, s);
            case VCALLNODE: return buildVCall((VCallNode) node, s);
            case WHILENODE: return buildWhile((WhileNode) node, s);
            case WHENNODE: assert false : "When nodes are handled by case node compilation."; return null;
            case XSTRNODE: return buildXStr((XStrNode) node, s);
            case YIELDNODE: return buildYield((YieldNode) node, s);
            case ZARRAYNODE: return buildZArray(node, s);
            case ZSUPERNODE: return buildZSuper((ZSuperNode) node, s);
            default: return buildVersionSpecificNodes(node, s);

    protected Operand buildVersionSpecificNodes(Node node, IRScope s) {
        throw new NotCompilableException("Unknown node encountered in builder: " + node.getClass());

    protected Variable getSelf(IRScope s) {
        return s.getSelf();

    protected Variable copyAndReturnValue(IRScope s, Operand val) {
        Variable v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(v, val));
        return v;

    protected Variable getValueInTemporaryVariable(IRScope s, Operand val) {
        if (val != null && val instanceof TemporaryVariable) return (Variable) val;

        return copyAndReturnValue(s, val);

    // Return the last argument in the list -- AttrAssign needs it
    protected Operand buildCallArgs(List argsList, Node args, IRScope s) {
        // unwrap newline nodes to get their actual type
        args = skipOverNewlines(s, args);
        switch (args.getNodeType()) {
            case ARGSCATNODE: {
                CompoundArray a = (CompoundArray)build(args, s);
                argsList.add(new Splat(a));
                return a.getAppendedArg();
            case ARGSPUSHNODE:  {
                ArgsPushNode ap = (ArgsPushNode)args;
                Operand v1 = build(ap.getFirstNode(), s);
                Operand v2 = build(ap.getSecondNode(), s);
                argsList.add(new Splat(new CompoundArray(v1, v2, true)));
                return v2;
            case ARRAYNODE: {
                ArrayNode arrayNode = (ArrayNode)args;
                if (arrayNode.isLightweight()) {
                    List children = arrayNode.childNodes();
                    if (children.size() == 1) {
                        // skipOverNewlines is required because the parser inserts a NewLineNode in between!
                        Node child = skipOverNewlines(s, children.get(0));
                        if (child instanceof SplatNode) {
                            // SSS: If the only child is a splat, the splat is supposed to get through
                            // as an array without being expanded into the call arg list.
                            // The AST for the foo([*1]) is: ArrayNode(Splat19Node(..))
                            // The AST for the foo(*1) is: Splat19Node(..)
                            // Since a lone splat in call args is always expanded, we convert the splat
                            // into a compound array: *n --> args-cat([], *n)
                            SplatNode splat = (SplatNode)child;
                            Variable splatArray = getValueInTemporaryVariable(s, build(splat.getValue(), s));
                            argsList.add(new CompoundArray(new Array(), splatArray));
                            return new Splat(splatArray);
                        } else {
                            Operand childOperand = build(child, s);
                            return childOperand;
                    } else {
                        // explode array, it's an internal "args" array
                        for (Node n: children) {
                            argsList.add(build(n, s));
                } else {
                    // use array as-is, it's a literal array
                    argsList.add(build(arrayNode, s));
            default: {
                argsList.add(build(args, s));

        return argsList.isEmpty() ? manager.getNil() : argsList.get(argsList.size() - 1);

    public List setupCallArgs(Node args, IRScope s) {
        List argsList = new ArrayList();
        if (args != null) buildCallArgs(argsList, args, s);
        return argsList;

    public void buildVersionSpecificAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, Variable v) {
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
        case MULTIPLEASGNNODE: {
            Operand valuesArg;
            MultipleAsgnNode childNode = (MultipleAsgnNode) node;
            if (childNode.getHeadNode() != null && ((ListNode)childNode.getHeadNode()).childNodes().size() > 0) {
                // Invoke to_ary on the operand only if it is not an array already
                Variable result = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                s.addInstr(new ToAryInstr(result, v, manager.getTrue()));
                valuesArg = result;
            } else {
                s.addInstr(new EnsureRubyArrayInstr(v, v));
                valuesArg = v;
            buildMultipleAsgnAssignment(childNode, s, null, valuesArg);
            throw new NotCompilableException("Can't build assignment node: " + node);

    // This method is called to build assignments for a multiple-assignment instruction
    public void buildAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, Variable rhsVal) {
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ATTRASSIGNNODE: 
                buildAttrAssignAssignment(node, s, rhsVal);
            case CLASSVARASGNNODE:
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(classVarDefinitionContainer(s), ((ClassVarAsgnNode)node).getName(), rhsVal));
            case CLASSVARDECLNODE:
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(classVarDeclarationContainer(s), ((ClassVarDeclNode)node).getName(), rhsVal));
            case CONSTDECLNODE:
                buildConstDeclAssignment((ConstDeclNode) node, s, rhsVal);
            case DASGNNODE: {
                DAsgnNode variable = (DAsgnNode) node;
                int depth = variable.getDepth();
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(s.getLocalVariable(variable.getName(), depth), rhsVal));
            case GLOBALASGNNODE:
                s.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr(((GlobalAsgnNode)node).getName(), rhsVal));
            case INSTASGNNODE:
                // NOTE: if 's' happens to the a class, this is effectively an assignment of a class instance variable
                s.addInstr(new PutFieldInstr(getSelf(s), ((InstAsgnNode)node).getName(), rhsVal));
            case LOCALASGNNODE: {
                LocalAsgnNode localVariable = (LocalAsgnNode) node;
                int depth = localVariable.getDepth();
                s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(s.getLocalVariable(localVariable.getName(), depth), rhsVal));
            case ZEROARGNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("Shouldn't get here; zeroarg does not do assignment: " + node);
                buildVersionSpecificAssignment(node, s, rhsVal);

    protected LocalVariable getBlockArgVariable(IRScope cl, String name, int depth) {
        return cl.getLocalVariable(name, depth);

    protected void receiveBlockArg(IRScope s, Variable v, Operand argsArray, int argIndex, boolean isClosureArg, boolean isSplat) {
        if (argsArray != null) {
            // We are in a nested receive situation -- when we are not at the root of a masgn tree
            // Ex: We are trying to receive (b,c) in this example: "|a, (b,c), d| = ..."
            if (isSplat) s.addInstr(new RestArgMultipleAsgnInstr(v, argsArray, argIndex));
            else s.addInstr(new ReqdArgMultipleAsgnInstr(v, argsArray, argIndex));
        } else {
            // argsArray can be null when the first node in the args-node-ast is a multiple-assignment
            // For example, for-nodes
            s.addInstr(isClosureArg ? new ReceiveClosureInstr(v) : (isSplat ? new ReceiveRestArgInstr18(v, argIndex) : new ReceivePreReqdArgInstr(v, argIndex)));

    public void buildVersionSpecificBlockArgsAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, Operand argsArray, int argIndex, boolean isMasgnRoot, boolean isClosureArg, boolean isSplat) {
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case MULTIPLEASGNNODE: {
                Variable oldArgs = null;
                MultipleAsgnNode childNode = (MultipleAsgnNode) node;
                if (!isMasgnRoot) {
                    // Vars used to receive args should always be local-variables because
                    // these arg values may need to be accessed by some zsuper instruction.
                    // During interpretation, only local-vars are accessible (at least right now)
                    // outside the scope they are defined in.
                    Variable v = s.getLocalVariable("%_masgn_arg_" + argIndex, 0);
                    receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
                    boolean runToAry = childNode.getHeadNode() != null && (((ListNode)childNode.getHeadNode()).childNodes().size() > 0);
                    if (runToAry) {
                        s.addInstr(new ToAryInstr(v, v, manager.getFalse()));
                    } else {
                        s.addInstr(new EnsureRubyArrayInstr(v, v));
                    argsArray = v;
                    // SSS FIXME: Are we guaranteed that splats dont head to multiple-assignment nodes!  i.e. |*(a,b)|?
                // Build
                buildMultipleAsgnAssignment(childNode, s, argsArray, null);
            default: throw new NotCompilableException("Can't build assignment node: " + node);

    // This method is called to build arguments for a block!
    public void buildBlockArgsAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, Operand argsArray, int argIndex, boolean isMasgnRoot, boolean isClosureArg, boolean isSplat) {
        Variable v;
        switch (node.getNodeType()) {
            case ATTRASSIGNNODE: 
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
                buildAttrAssignAssignment(node, s, v);
            case DASGNNODE: {
                DAsgnNode dynamicAsgn = (DAsgnNode) node;
                v = getBlockArgVariable((IRClosure)s, dynamicAsgn.getName(), dynamicAsgn.getDepth());
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
            case CLASSVARASGNNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(classVarDefinitionContainer(s), ((ClassVarAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case CLASSVARDECLNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
                s.addInstr(new PutClassVariableInstr(classVarDeclarationContainer(s), ((ClassVarDeclNode)node).getName(), v));
            case CONSTDECLNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
                buildConstDeclAssignment((ConstDeclNode) node, s, v);
            case GLOBALASGNNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
                s.addInstr(new PutGlobalVarInstr(((GlobalAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case INSTASGNNODE:
                v = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
                // NOTE: if 's' happens to the a class, this is effectively an assignment of a class instance variable
                s.addInstr(new PutFieldInstr(getSelf(s), ((InstAsgnNode)node).getName(), v));
            case LOCALASGNNODE: {
                LocalAsgnNode localVariable = (LocalAsgnNode) node;
                int depth = localVariable.getDepth();
                v = getBlockArgVariable((IRClosure)s, localVariable.getName(), depth);
                receiveBlockArg(s, v, argsArray, argIndex, isClosureArg, isSplat);
            case ZEROARGNODE:
                throw new NotCompilableException("Shouldn't get here; zeroarg does not do assignment: " + node);
                buildVersionSpecificBlockArgsAssignment(node, s, argsArray, argIndex, isMasgnRoot, isClosureArg, isSplat);

    public Operand buildAlias(final AliasNode alias, IRScope s) {
        Operand newName = build(alias.getNewName(), s);
        Operand oldName = build(alias.getOldName(), s);
        s.addInstr(new AliasInstr(getSelf(s), newName, oldName));
        return manager.getNil();

    // Translate "ret = (a && b)" --> "ret = (a ? b : false)" -->
    //    v1 = -- build(a) --
    //       OPT: ret can be set to v1, but effectively v1 is false if we take the branch to L.
    //            while this info can be inferred by using attributes, why bother if we can do this?
    //    ret = v1   
    //    beq(v1, false, L)
    //    v2 = -- build(b) --
    //    ret = v2
    // L:
    public Operand buildAnd(final AndNode andNode, IRScope s) {
        if (andNode.getFirstNode().getNodeType().alwaysTrue()) {
            // build first node (and ignore its result) and then second node
            build(andNode.getFirstNode(), s);
            return build(andNode.getSecondNode(), s);
        } else if (andNode.getFirstNode().getNodeType().alwaysFalse()) {
            // build first node only and return its value
            return build(andNode.getFirstNode(), s);
        } else {
            Label    l   = s.getNewLabel();
            Operand  v1  = build(andNode.getFirstNode(), s);
            Variable ret = getValueInTemporaryVariable(s, v1);
            s.addInstr(BEQInstr.create(v1, manager.getFalse(), l));
            Operand  v2  = build(andNode.getSecondNode(), s);
            s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(ret, v2));
            s.addInstr(new LabelInstr(l));
            return ret;

    public Operand buildArray(Node node, IRScope s) {
        List elts = new ArrayList();
        for (Node e: node.childNodes())
            elts.add(build(e, s));

        return copyAndReturnValue(s, new Array(elts));

    public Operand buildArgsCat(final ArgsCatNode argsCatNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand v1 = build(argsCatNode.getFirstNode(), s);
        Operand v2 = build(argsCatNode.getSecondNode(), s);
        return new CompoundArray(v1, v2);

    public Operand buildArgsPush(final ArgsPushNode node, IRScope s) {
        throw new NotCompilableException("ArgsPush should never be encountered bare in 1.8" + node);

    private Operand buildAttrAssign(final AttrAssignNode attrAssignNode, IRScope s) {
        Operand obj = build(attrAssignNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        List args = new ArrayList();
        Node argsNode = attrAssignNode.getArgsNode();
        Operand lastArg = (argsNode == null) ? manager.getNil() : buildCallArgs(args, argsNode, s);
        s.addInstr(new AttrAssignInstr(obj, new MethAddr(attrAssignNode.getName()), args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()])));
        return lastArg;

    public Operand buildAttrAssignAssignment(Node node, IRScope s, Operand value) {
        final AttrAssignNode attrAssignNode = (AttrAssignNode) node;
        Operand obj = build(attrAssignNode.getReceiverNode(), s);
        List args = setupCallArgs(attrAssignNode.getArgsNode(), s);
        s.addInstr(new AttrAssignInstr(obj, new MethAddr(attrAssignNode.getName()), args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()])));
        return value;

    public Operand buildBackref(BackRefNode node, IRScope s) {
        // SSS FIXME: Required? Verify with Tom/Charlie
        return copyAndReturnValue(s, new Backref(node.getType()));

    public Operand buildBegin(BeginNode beginNode, IRScope s) {
        return build(beginNode.getBodyNode(), s);

    public Operand buildBignum(BignumNode node, IRScope s) {
        // SSS: Since bignum literals are effectively interned objects, no need to copyAndReturnValue(...)
        // Or is this a premature optimization?
        return new Bignum(node.getValue());

    public Operand buildBlock(BlockNode node, IRScope s) {
        Operand retVal = null;
        for (Node child : node.childNodes()) {
            retVal = build(child, s);
           // Value of the last expression in the block 
        return retVal;

    public Operand buildBreak(BreakNode breakNode, IRScope s) {
        IRLoop currLoop = getCurrentLoop();

        Operand rv = build(breakNode.getValueNode(), s);
        // If we have ensure blocks, have to run those first!
        if (!_ensureBlockStack.empty()) EnsureBlockInfo.emitJumpChain(s, _ensureBlockStack, currLoop);
        else if (!_rescueBlockStack.empty()) _rescueBlockStack.peek().restoreException(s, currLoop);

        if (currLoop != null) {
            s.addInstr(new CopyInstr(currLoop.loopResult, rv));
            s.addInstr(new JumpInstr(currLoop.loopEndLabel));
        } else {
            if (s instanceof IRClosure) {
                // This lexical scope value is only used (and valid) in regular block contexts.
                // If this instruction is executed in a Proc or Lambda context, the lexical scope value is useless.
                s.addInstr(new BreakInstr(rv, s.getLexicalParent()));
            } else {
                // SSS FIXME: If we are not in a closure or a loop, the break instruction will throw a runtime exception
                // Since we know this right now, should we build an exception instruction here?
                s.addInstr(new BreakInstr(rv, null));

        // Once the break instruction executes, control exits this scope
        return UnexecutableNil.U_NIL;

    public Operand buildCall(CallNode callNode, IRScope s) {
        Node          callArgsNode = callNode.getArgsNode();
        Node          receiverNode = callNode.getReceiverNode();
        // Though you might be tempted to move this build into the CallInstr as:
        //    new Callinstr( ... , build(receiverNode, s), ...)
        // that is incorrect IR because the receiver has to be built *before* call arguments are built
        // to preserve expected code execution order
        Operand       receiver     = build(receiverNode, s);
        List args         = setupCallArgs(callArgsNode, s);
        Operand       block        = setupCallClosure(callNode.getIterNode(), s);
        Variable      callResult   = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();
        Instr         callInstr    = CallInstr.create(callResult, new MethAddr(callNode.getName()), receiver, args.toArray(new Operand[args.size()]), block);
        return callResult;

    public Operand buildCase(CaseNode caseNode, IRScope s) {
        // get the incoming case value
        Operand value = build(caseNode.getCaseNode(), s);

        // This is for handling case statements without a value (see example below)
        //   case 
        //     when true 
        //     when false 
        //   end
        if (value == null) value = UndefinedValue.UNDEFINED;

        Label     endLabel  = s.getNewLabel();
        boolean   hasElse   = (caseNode.getElseNode() != null);
        Label     elseLabel = s.getNewLabel();
        Variable  result    = s.getNewTemporaryVariable();


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