com.ning.billing.entitlement.api.EntitlementApi Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2010-2013 Ning, Inc.
* Ning licenses this file to you under the Apache License, version 2.0
* (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the
* License. You may obtain a copy of the License at:
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
* WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
* License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
* under the License.
package com.ning.billing.entitlement.api;
import com.ning.billing.catalog.api.BillingActionPolicy;
import com.ning.billing.catalog.api.PlanPhaseSpecifier;
import com.ning.billing.util.callcontext.CallContext;
import com.ning.billing.util.callcontext.TenantContext;
import org.joda.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
* Primary API to manage the creation and retrieval of Entitlement
public interface EntitlementApi {
* Create a new entitlement for that account.
* The PlanPhaseSpecifier
should refer to a ProductCategory.BASE
* ProductCategory.STANDALONE
* @param accountId the account id
* @param spec the product specification for that new entitlement
* @param externalKey the external key for that entitlement-- which must be unique in the system
* @param effectiveDate the date at which the entitlement should start
* @param context the context
* @return a new entitlement
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system fail to create the Entitlement
public Entitlement createBaseEntitlement(UUID accountId, PlanPhaseSpecifier spec, String externalKey, LocalDate effectiveDate, CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Adds an ADD_ON entitlement to previously created entitlement.
* The PlanPhaseSpecifier
should refer to a ProductCategory.ADD_ON
* The new entitlement will be bundled using the externalKey that was specified when creating the
* base entitlement.
* @param bundleId the id of the bundle
* @param spec the product specification for that new entitlement
* @param effectiveDate the date at which the entitlement should start
* @param context the context
* @return a new entitlement
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system fail to create the Entitlement
public Entitlement addEntitlement(UUID bundleId, PlanPhaseSpecifier spec, LocalDate effectiveDate, CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Simulate a change of product for the BP on that bundle and return the effect it would have on the existing ADD_ON-- if any.
* @param bundleId the id of the bundle
* @param targetProductName the target product name for the BP
* @param effectiveDate the date at which the change would occur
* @param context the context
* @return the status for the existing ADD_ON Entitlement
* @throws EntitlementApiException if this operation is not carried on a base plan.
public List getDryRunStatusForChange(UUID bundleId, final String targetProductName, final LocalDate effectiveDate, final TenantContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Will pause all entitlements associated with the base entitlement. If there are no ADD_ONN this is only the base entitlement.
* @param bundleId
* @param effectiveDate
* @param context
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system fail to find the base Entitlement
public void pause(UUID bundleId, LocalDate effectiveDate, CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Will resume all entitlements associated with the base entitlement. If there are no ADD_ONN this is only the base entitlement.
* @param bundleId
* @param effectiveDate
* @param context
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system fail to find the base Entitlement
public void resume(UUID bundleId, LocalDate effectiveDate, CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Will add a blocking event for the specified service associated with the base entitlement.
* @param bundleId the id of the bundle
* @param serviceName the name of the service
* @param effectiveDate the date at which the operation should occur
* @param blockBilling whether this event should block billing
* @param blockEntitlement whether this event should block entitlement
* @param blockChange whether this event should block any change
* @param context the context
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system fail to find the base Entitlement
public void block(UUID bundleId, String serviceName, LocalDate effectiveDate, boolean blockBilling, boolean blockEntitlement, boolean blockChange, CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Will unblock all entitlements associated with the base entitlement. If there are no ADD_ONN this is only the base entitlement.
* @param bundleId the id of the bundle
* @param serviceName the name of the service
* @param effectiveDate the date at which the operation should occur
* @param context the context
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system fail to find the base Entitlement
public void unblock(UUID bundleId, String serviceName, LocalDate effectiveDate, CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Retrieves an Entitlement
using its id.
* @param id the id of the entitlement
* @param context the context
* @return the entitlement
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the entitlement does not exist
public Entitlement getEntitlementForId(UUID id, TenantContext context) throws EntitlementApiException;
* Retrieves all the Entitlement
attached to the base entitlement.
* @param bundleId the id of the bundle
* @param context the context
* @return a list of entitlements
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the entitlement does not exist
public List getAllEntitlementsForBundle(UUID bundleId, TenantContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Retrieves all the Entitlement
for a given account and matching an external key.
* @param accountId the account id
* @param externalKey the external key
* @param context the context
* @return a list of entitlements
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the account does not exist
public List getAllEntitlementsForAccountIdAndExternalKey(UUID accountId, String externalKey, TenantContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Retrieves all the Entitlement
for a given account.
* @param accountId the account id
* @param context the context
* @return a list of entitlements
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the account does not exist
public List getAllEntitlementsForAccountId(UUID accountId, TenantContext context) throws EntitlementApiException;
* Transfer all the Entitlement
For the source account and matching the external key to the destination account.
* The date is interpreted by the system to be in the timezone specified at the destination Account
* The Entitlement
on the source account will be cancelled at effective date and the Entitlement
* on the destination account will be created at the effectiveDate.
* @param sourceAccountId the unique id for the account on which the bundle will be transferred For
* @param destAccountId the unique id for the account on which the bundle will be transferred to
* @param externalKey the externalKey for the bundle
* @param effectiveDate the date at which this transfer should occur
* @param context the user context
* @return the id of the newly created bundle for the destination account
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system could not transfer the entitlements
public UUID transferEntitlements(final UUID sourceAccountId, final UUID destAccountId, final String externalKey, final LocalDate effectiveDate,
final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;
* Transfer all the Entitlement
for the source account and matching the external key to the destination account.
* The date is interpreted by the system to be in the timezone specified at the destination Account
* The Entitlement
on the source account will be cancelled at effective date and the Entitlement
* on the destination account will be created at the effectiveDate. The billingPolicy will be used to override
* the default billing behavior for the cancellation of the subscriptions on the source account.
* @param sourceAccountId the unique id for the account on which the bundle will be transferred For
* @param destAccountId the unique id for the account on which the bundle will be transferred to
* @param externalKey the externalKey for the bundle
* @param effectiveDate the date at which this transfer should occur
* @param billingPolicy the override billing policy
* @param context the user context
* @return the id of the newly created base entitlement for the destination account
* @throws EntitlementApiException if the system could not transfer the entitlements
public UUID transferEntitlementsOverrideBillingPolicy(final UUID sourceAccountId, final UUID destAccountId, final String externalKey, final LocalDate effectiveDate,
final BillingActionPolicy billingPolicy, final CallContext context)
throws EntitlementApiException;