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org.joda.time.chrono.ZonedChronology Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright 2001-2009 Stephen Colebourne
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.joda.time.chrono;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Locale;
import org.joda.time.Chronology;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeConstants;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeField;
import org.joda.time.DateTimeZone;
import org.joda.time.DurationField;
import org.joda.time.IllegalFieldValueException;
import org.joda.time.Instant;
import org.joda.time.ReadablePartial;
import org.joda.time.field.BaseDateTimeField;
import org.joda.time.field.BaseDurationField;
import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat;
* Wraps another Chronology to add support for time zones.
* ZonedChronology is thread-safe and immutable.
* @author Brian S O'Neill
* @author Stephen Colebourne
* @since 1.0
public final class ZonedChronology extends AssembledChronology {
/** Serialization lock */
private static final long serialVersionUID = -1079258847191166848L;
* Create a ZonedChronology for any chronology, overriding any time zone it
* may already have.
* @param base base chronology to wrap
* @param zone the time zone
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if chronology or time zone is null
public static ZonedChronology getInstance(Chronology base, DateTimeZone zone) {
if (base == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Must supply a chronology");
base = base.withUTC();
if (base == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("UTC chronology must not be null");
if (zone == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("DateTimeZone must not be null");
return new ZonedChronology(base, zone);
static boolean useTimeArithmetic(DurationField field) {
// Use time of day arithmetic rules for unit durations less than
// typical time zone offsets.
return field != null && field.getUnitMillis() < DateTimeConstants.MILLIS_PER_HOUR * 12;
* Restricted constructor
* @param base base chronology to wrap
* @param zone the time zone
private ZonedChronology(Chronology base, DateTimeZone zone) {
super(base, zone);
public DateTimeZone getZone() {
return (DateTimeZone)getParam();
public Chronology withUTC() {
return getBase();
public Chronology withZone(DateTimeZone zone) {
if (zone == null) {
zone = DateTimeZone.getDefault();
if (zone == getParam()) {
return this;
if (zone == DateTimeZone.UTC) {
return getBase();
return new ZonedChronology(getBase(), zone);
public long getDateTimeMillis(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth,
int millisOfDay)
throws IllegalArgumentException
return localToUTC(getBase().getDateTimeMillis
(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth, millisOfDay));
public long getDateTimeMillis(int year, int monthOfYear, int dayOfMonth,
int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour,
int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond)
throws IllegalArgumentException
return localToUTC(getBase().getDateTimeMillis
(year, monthOfYear, dayOfMonth,
hourOfDay, minuteOfHour, secondOfMinute, millisOfSecond));
public long getDateTimeMillis(long instant,
int hourOfDay, int minuteOfHour,
int secondOfMinute, int millisOfSecond)
throws IllegalArgumentException
return localToUTC(getBase().getDateTimeMillis
(instant + getZone().getOffset(instant),
hourOfDay, minuteOfHour, secondOfMinute, millisOfSecond));
* @param instant instant from 1970-01-01T00:00:00 local time
* @return instant from 1970-01-01T00:00:00Z
private long localToUTC(long instant) {
DateTimeZone zone = getZone();
int offset = zone.getOffsetFromLocal(instant);
instant -= offset;
if (offset != zone.getOffset(instant)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException
("Illegal instant due to time zone offset transition: " +
DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS").print(new Instant(instant)));
return instant;
protected void assemble(Fields fields) {
// Keep a local cache of converted fields so as not to create redundant
// objects.
HashMap converted = new HashMap();
// Convert duration fields...
fields.eras = convertField(fields.eras, converted);
fields.centuries = convertField(fields.centuries, converted);
fields.years = convertField(fields.years, converted);
fields.months = convertField(fields.months, converted);
fields.weekyears = convertField(fields.weekyears, converted);
fields.weeks = convertField(fields.weeks, converted);
fields.days = convertField(fields.days, converted);
fields.halfdays = convertField(fields.halfdays, converted);
fields.hours = convertField(fields.hours, converted);
fields.minutes = convertField(fields.minutes, converted);
fields.seconds = convertField(fields.seconds, converted);
fields.millis = convertField(fields.millis, converted);
// Convert datetime fields...
fields.year = convertField(fields.year, converted);
fields.yearOfEra = convertField(fields.yearOfEra, converted);
fields.yearOfCentury = convertField(fields.yearOfCentury, converted);
fields.centuryOfEra = convertField(fields.centuryOfEra, converted);
fields.era = convertField(fields.era, converted);
fields.dayOfWeek = convertField(fields.dayOfWeek, converted);
fields.dayOfMonth = convertField(fields.dayOfMonth, converted);
fields.dayOfYear = convertField(fields.dayOfYear, converted);
fields.monthOfYear = convertField(fields.monthOfYear, converted);
fields.weekOfWeekyear = convertField(fields.weekOfWeekyear, converted);
fields.weekyear = convertField(fields.weekyear, converted);
fields.weekyearOfCentury = convertField(fields.weekyearOfCentury, converted);
fields.millisOfSecond = convertField(fields.millisOfSecond, converted);
fields.millisOfDay = convertField(fields.millisOfDay, converted);
fields.secondOfMinute = convertField(fields.secondOfMinute, converted);
fields.secondOfDay = convertField(fields.secondOfDay, converted);
fields.minuteOfHour = convertField(fields.minuteOfHour, converted);
fields.minuteOfDay = convertField(fields.minuteOfDay, converted);
fields.hourOfDay = convertField(fields.hourOfDay, converted);
fields.hourOfHalfday = convertField(fields.hourOfHalfday, converted);
fields.clockhourOfDay = convertField(fields.clockhourOfDay, converted);
fields.clockhourOfHalfday = convertField(fields.clockhourOfHalfday, converted);
fields.halfdayOfDay = convertField(fields.halfdayOfDay, converted);
private DurationField convertField(DurationField field, HashMap converted) {
if (field == null || !field.isSupported()) {
return field;
if (converted.containsKey(field)) {
return (DurationField)converted.get(field);
ZonedDurationField zonedField = new ZonedDurationField(field, getZone());
converted.put(field, zonedField);
return zonedField;
private DateTimeField convertField(DateTimeField field, HashMap converted) {
if (field == null || !field.isSupported()) {
return field;
if (converted.containsKey(field)) {
return (DateTimeField)converted.get(field);
ZonedDateTimeField zonedField =
new ZonedDateTimeField(field, getZone(),
convertField(field.getDurationField(), converted),
convertField(field.getRangeDurationField(), converted),
convertField(field.getLeapDurationField(), converted));
converted.put(field, zonedField);
return zonedField;
* A zoned chronology is only equal to a zoned chronology with the
* same base chronology and zone.
* @param obj the object to compare to
* @return true if equal
* @since 1.4
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (obj instanceof ZonedChronology == false) {
return false;
ZonedChronology chrono = (ZonedChronology) obj;
getBase().equals(chrono.getBase()) &&
* A suitable hashcode for the chronology.
* @return the hashcode
* @since 1.4
public int hashCode() {
return 326565 + getZone().hashCode() * 11 + getBase().hashCode() * 7;
* A debugging string for the chronology.
* @return the debugging string
public String toString() {
return "ZonedChronology[" + getBase() + ", " + getZone().getID() + ']';
* Because time durations are typically smaller than time zone offsets, the
* arithmetic methods subtract the original offset. This produces a more
* expected behavior when crossing time zone offset transitions. For dates,
* the new offset is subtracted off. This behavior, if applied to time
* fields, can nullify or reverse an add when crossing a transition.
static class ZonedDurationField extends BaseDurationField {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -485345310999208286L;
final DurationField iField;
final boolean iTimeField;
final DateTimeZone iZone;
ZonedDurationField(DurationField field, DateTimeZone zone) {
if (!field.isSupported()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
iField = field;
iTimeField = useTimeArithmetic(field);
iZone = zone;
public boolean isPrecise() {
return iTimeField ? iField.isPrecise() : iField.isPrecise() && this.iZone.isFixed();
public long getUnitMillis() {
return iField.getUnitMillis();
public int getValue(long duration, long instant) {
return iField.getValue(duration, addOffset(instant));
public long getValueAsLong(long duration, long instant) {
return iField.getValueAsLong(duration, addOffset(instant));
public long getMillis(int value, long instant) {
return iField.getMillis(value, addOffset(instant));
public long getMillis(long value, long instant) {
return iField.getMillis(value, addOffset(instant));
public long add(long instant, int value) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(instant);
instant = iField.add(instant + offset, value);
return instant - (iTimeField ? offset : getOffsetFromLocalToSubtract(instant));
public long add(long instant, long value) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(instant);
instant = iField.add(instant + offset, value);
return instant - (iTimeField ? offset : getOffsetFromLocalToSubtract(instant));
public int getDifference(long minuendInstant, long subtrahendInstant) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(subtrahendInstant);
return iField.getDifference
(minuendInstant + (iTimeField ? offset : getOffsetToAdd(minuendInstant)),
subtrahendInstant + offset);
public long getDifferenceAsLong(long minuendInstant, long subtrahendInstant) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(subtrahendInstant);
return iField.getDifferenceAsLong
(minuendInstant + (iTimeField ? offset : getOffsetToAdd(minuendInstant)),
subtrahendInstant + offset);
private int getOffsetToAdd(long instant) {
int offset = this.iZone.getOffset(instant);
long sum = instant + offset;
// If there is a sign change, but the two values have the same sign...
if ((instant ^ sum) < 0 && (instant ^ offset) >= 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Adding time zone offset caused overflow");
return offset;
private int getOffsetFromLocalToSubtract(long instant) {
int offset = this.iZone.getOffsetFromLocal(instant);
long diff = instant - offset;
// If there is a sign change, but the two values have different signs...
if ((instant ^ diff) < 0 && (instant ^ offset) < 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Subtracting time zone offset caused overflow");
return offset;
private long addOffset(long instant) {
return iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
* A DateTimeField that decorates another to add timezone behaviour.
* This class converts passed in instants to local wall time, and vice
* versa on output.
static final class ZonedDateTimeField extends BaseDateTimeField {
private static final long serialVersionUID = -3968986277775529794L;
final DateTimeField iField;
final DateTimeZone iZone;
final DurationField iDurationField;
final boolean iTimeField;
final DurationField iRangeDurationField;
final DurationField iLeapDurationField;
ZonedDateTimeField(DateTimeField field,
DateTimeZone zone,
DurationField durationField,
DurationField rangeDurationField,
DurationField leapDurationField) {
if (!field.isSupported()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException();
iField = field;
iZone = zone;
iDurationField = durationField;
iTimeField = useTimeArithmetic(durationField);
iRangeDurationField = rangeDurationField;
iLeapDurationField = leapDurationField;
public boolean isLenient() {
return iField.isLenient();
public int get(long instant) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.get(localInstant);
public String getAsText(long instant, Locale locale) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.getAsText(localInstant, locale);
public String getAsShortText(long instant, Locale locale) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.getAsShortText(localInstant, locale);
public String getAsText(int fieldValue, Locale locale) {
return iField.getAsText(fieldValue, locale);
public String getAsShortText(int fieldValue, Locale locale) {
return iField.getAsShortText(fieldValue, locale);
public long add(long instant, int value) {
if (iTimeField) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(instant);
long localInstant = iField.add(instant + offset, value);
return localInstant - offset;
} else {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
localInstant = iField.add(localInstant, value);
return iZone.convertLocalToUTC(localInstant, false, instant);
public long add(long instant, long value) {
if (iTimeField) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(instant);
long localInstant = iField.add(instant + offset, value);
return localInstant - offset;
} else {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
localInstant = iField.add(localInstant, value);
return iZone.convertLocalToUTC(localInstant, false, instant);
public long addWrapField(long instant, int value) {
if (iTimeField) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(instant);
long localInstant = iField.addWrapField(instant + offset, value);
return localInstant - offset;
} else {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
localInstant = iField.addWrapField(localInstant, value);
return iZone.convertLocalToUTC(localInstant, false, instant);
public long set(long instant, int value) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
localInstant = iField.set(localInstant, value);
long result = iZone.convertLocalToUTC(localInstant, false, instant);
if (get(result) != value) {
throw new IllegalFieldValueException(iField.getType(), Integer.valueOf(value),
"Illegal instant due to time zone offset transition: " +
DateTimeFormat.forPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS").print(new Instant(localInstant)) +
" (" + iZone.getID() + ")");
return result;
public long set(long instant, String text, Locale locale) {
// cannot verify that new value stuck because set may be lenient
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
localInstant = iField.set(localInstant, text, locale);
return iZone.convertLocalToUTC(localInstant, false, instant);
public int getDifference(long minuendInstant, long subtrahendInstant) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(subtrahendInstant);
return iField.getDifference
(minuendInstant + (iTimeField ? offset : getOffsetToAdd(minuendInstant)),
subtrahendInstant + offset);
public long getDifferenceAsLong(long minuendInstant, long subtrahendInstant) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(subtrahendInstant);
return iField.getDifferenceAsLong
(minuendInstant + (iTimeField ? offset : getOffsetToAdd(minuendInstant)),
subtrahendInstant + offset);
public final DurationField getDurationField() {
return iDurationField;
public final DurationField getRangeDurationField() {
return iRangeDurationField;
public boolean isLeap(long instant) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.isLeap(localInstant);
public int getLeapAmount(long instant) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.getLeapAmount(localInstant);
public final DurationField getLeapDurationField() {
return iLeapDurationField;
public long roundFloor(long instant) {
if (iTimeField) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(instant);
instant = iField.roundFloor(instant + offset);
return instant - offset;
} else {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
localInstant = iField.roundFloor(localInstant);
return iZone.convertLocalToUTC(localInstant, false, instant);
public long roundCeiling(long instant) {
if (iTimeField) {
int offset = getOffsetToAdd(instant);
instant = iField.roundCeiling(instant + offset);
return instant - offset;
} else {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
localInstant = iField.roundCeiling(localInstant);
return iZone.convertLocalToUTC(localInstant, false, instant);
public long remainder(long instant) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.remainder(localInstant);
public int getMinimumValue() {
return iField.getMinimumValue();
public int getMinimumValue(long instant) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.getMinimumValue(localInstant);
public int getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant) {
return iField.getMinimumValue(instant);
public int getMinimumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values) {
return iField.getMinimumValue(instant, values);
public int getMaximumValue() {
return iField.getMaximumValue();
public int getMaximumValue(long instant) {
long localInstant = iZone.convertUTCToLocal(instant);
return iField.getMaximumValue(localInstant);
public int getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant) {
return iField.getMaximumValue(instant);
public int getMaximumValue(ReadablePartial instant, int[] values) {
return iField.getMaximumValue(instant, values);
public int getMaximumTextLength(Locale locale) {
return iField.getMaximumTextLength(locale);
public int getMaximumShortTextLength(Locale locale) {
return iField.getMaximumShortTextLength(locale);
private int getOffsetToAdd(long instant) {
int offset = this.iZone.getOffset(instant);
long sum = instant + offset;
// If there is a sign change, but the two values have the same sign...
if ((instant ^ sum) < 0 && (instant ^ offset) >= 0) {
throw new ArithmeticException("Adding time zone offset caused overflow");
return offset;