org.jruby.ir.interpreter.Interpreter Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jruby.ir.interpreter;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.ast.Node;
import org.jruby.ast.RootNode;
import org.jruby.ir.Counter;
import org.jruby.ir.IRBuilder;
import org.jruby.ir.IRClosure;
import org.jruby.ir.IREvalScript;
import org.jruby.ir.IRMethod;
import org.jruby.ir.IRScope;
import org.jruby.ir.IRScriptBody;
import org.jruby.ir.Operation;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.BEQInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.BNEInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.BranchInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.BreakInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.CallBase;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.CheckArityInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.calladapter.CallAdapter;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.CopyInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.Instr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.JumpIndirectInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.JumpInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.LineNumberInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ModuleVersionGuardInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ReceivePreReqdArgInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ReceiveOptArgBase;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ReceiveRestArgBase;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ResultInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ReturnBase;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ReturnInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.instructions.ruby19.ReceivePostReqdArgInstr;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.IRException;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.Label;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.LocalVariable;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.Operand;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.TemporaryVariable;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.UndefinedValue;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.Variable;
import org.jruby.ir.operands.WrappedIRClosure;
import org.jruby.ir.representations.BasicBlock;
import org.jruby.exceptions.RaiseException;
import org.jruby.exceptions.Unrescuable;
import org.jruby.parser.IRStaticScope;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.parser.IRStaticScopeFactory;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.Arity;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block.Type;
import org.jruby.runtime.DynamicScope;
import org.jruby.runtime.RubyEvent;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.Visibility;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;
import org.jruby.util.unsafe.UnsafeFactory;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallSite;
import org.jruby.runtime.callsite.CachingCallSite;
import org.jruby.runtime.callsite.CacheEntry;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.InterpretedIRMethod;
import org.jruby.internal.runtime.methods.DynamicMethod;
public class Interpreter {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Interpreter");
private static int inlineCount = 0;
private static int interpInstrsCount = 0;
private static int codeModificationsCount = 0;
private static int numCyclesWithNoModifications = 0;
private static int globalThreadPollCount = 0;
private static HashMap scopeThreadPollCounts = new HashMap();
public static boolean inProfileMode() {
return RubyInstanceConfig.IR_PROFILE;
public static boolean isDebug() {
return RubyInstanceConfig.IR_DEBUG;
private static IRScope getEvalContainerScope(Ruby runtime, StaticScope evalScope) {
// SSS FIXME: Weirdness here. We cannot get the containing IR scope from evalScope because of static-scope wrapping
// that is going on
// 1. In all cases, DynamicScope.getEvalScope wraps the executing static scope in a new local scope.
// 2. For instance-eval (module-eval, class-eval) scenarios, there is an extra scope that is added to
// the stack in ThreadContext.java:preExecuteUnder
// I dont know what rule to apply when. However, in both these cases, since there is no IR-scope associated,
// I have used the hack below where I first unwrap once and see if I get a non-null IR scope. If that doesn't
// work, I unwarp once more and I am guaranteed to get the IR scope I want.
IRScope containingIRScope = ((IRStaticScope)evalScope.getEnclosingScope()).getIRScope();
if (containingIRScope == null) containingIRScope = ((IRStaticScope)evalScope.getEnclosingScope().getEnclosingScope()).getIRScope();
return containingIRScope;
public static IRubyObject interpretCommonEval(Ruby runtime, String file, int lineNumber, String backtraceName, RootNode rootNode, IRubyObject self, Block block) {
// SSS FIXME: Is this required here since the IR version cannot change from eval-to-eval? This is much more of a global setting.
boolean is_1_9 = runtime.is1_9();
if (is_1_9) IRBuilder.setRubyVersion("1.9");
StaticScope ss = rootNode.getStaticScope();
IRScope containingIRScope = getEvalContainerScope(runtime, ss);
IREvalScript evalScript = IRBuilder.createIRBuilder(runtime.getIRManager(), is_1_9).buildEvalRoot(ss, containingIRScope, file, lineNumber, rootNode);
// evalScript.runCompilerPass(new CallSplitter());
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
runBeginEndBlocks(evalScript.getBeginBlocks(), context, self, null); // FIXME: No temp vars yet right?
IRubyObject rv = evalScript.call(context, self, evalScript.getStaticScope().getModule(), rootNode.getScope(), block, backtraceName);
runBeginEndBlocks(evalScript.getEndBlocks(), context, self, null); // FIXME: No temp vars right?
return rv;
public static IRubyObject interpretSimpleEval(Ruby runtime, String file, int lineNumber, String backtraceName, Node node, IRubyObject self) {
return interpretCommonEval(runtime, file, lineNumber, backtraceName, (RootNode)node, self, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
public static IRubyObject interpretBindingEval(Ruby runtime, String file, int lineNumber, String backtraceName, Node node, IRubyObject self, Block block) {
return interpretCommonEval(runtime, file, lineNumber, backtraceName, (RootNode)node, self, block);
public static void runBeginEndBlocks(List beBlocks, ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self, Object[] temp) {
if (beBlocks == null) return;
for (IRClosure b: beBlocks) {
// SSS FIXME: Should I piggyback on WrappedIRClosure.retrieve or just copy that code here?
Block blk = (Block)(new WrappedIRClosure(b)).retrieve(context, self, context.getCurrentScope(), temp);
blk.yield(context, null);
public static IRubyObject interpret(Ruby runtime, Node rootNode, IRubyObject self) {
if (runtime.is1_9()) IRBuilder.setRubyVersion("1.9");
IRScriptBody root = (IRScriptBody) IRBuilder.createIRBuilder(runtime.getIRManager(), runtime.is1_9()).buildRoot((RootNode) rootNode);
// We get the live object ball rolling here. This give a valid value for the top
// of this lexical tree. All new scope can then retrieve and set based on lexical parent.
if (root.getStaticScope().getModule() == null) { // If an eval this may already be setup.
RubyModule currModule = root.getStaticScope().getModule();
// Scope state for root?
ThreadContext context = runtime.getCurrentContext();
try {
runBeginEndBlocks(root.getBeginBlocks(), context, self, null); // FIXME: No temp vars yet...not needed?
InterpretedIRMethod method = new InterpretedIRMethod(root, currModule);
IRubyObject rv = method.call(context, self, currModule, "(root)", IRubyObject.NULL_ARRAY);
runBeginEndBlocks(root.getEndBlocks(), context, self, null); // FIXME: No temp vars yet...not needed?
if (isDebug() || inProfileMode()) LOG.info("-- Interpreted instructions: {}", interpInstrsCount);
return rv;
} catch (IRBreakJump bj) {
throw IRException.BREAK_LocalJumpError.getException(context.runtime);
private static void analyzeProfile() {
//if (inlineCount == 2) return;
if (codeModificationsCount == 0) numCyclesWithNoModifications++;
else numCyclesWithNoModifications = 0;
codeModificationsCount = 0;
if (numCyclesWithNoModifications < 3) return;
// We are now good to go -- start analyzing the profile
ArrayList scopes = new ArrayList(scopeThreadPollCounts.keySet());
Collections.sort(scopes, new java.util.Comparator () {
public int compare(IRScope a, IRScope b) {
float aCount = scopeThreadPollCounts.get(a).count;
float bCount = scopeThreadPollCounts.get(b).count;
if (aCount == bCount) return 0;
return (aCount < bCount) ? 1 : -1;
// Find top N scopes
Set hotScopes = new HashSet();
int i = 0;
float f = 0.0f;
for (IRScope s: scopes) {
long sCount = scopeThreadPollCounts.get(s).count;
// If the scope is accounting for very little additional execution, exit!
float sPerc = ((sCount*1000)/globalThreadPollCount)/10.0f;
if (sPerc < 1) {
Instr[] instrs = s.getInstrsForInterpretation();
if (instrs == null) continue; // can happen if a previously inlined method hasn't been rebuilt
// Allow smaller methods to inline more liberally
if (instrs.length > (5 + sPerc * 10)) continue;
//System.out.println("Hot scope: " + s + "; %contribution: " + sPerc + "; cumulative: " + (f + sPerc));
f += sPerc;
if (i == 50 || f >= 99.0) break;
// Identify inlining sites
// Heuristic: In hot methods, identify monomorphic call sites to hot methods
boolean revisitScope = false;
Iterator hsIter = hotScopes.iterator();
IRScope hs = null;
while (hsIter.hasNext()) {
if (!revisitScope) hs = hsIter.next();
revisitScope = false;
boolean skip = false;
boolean isHotClosure = hs instanceof IRClosure;
IRScope hc = isHotClosure ? hs : null;
hs = isHotClosure ? hs.getLexicalParent() : hs;
for (BasicBlock b : hs.getCFG().getBasicBlocks()) {
for (Instr instr : b.getInstrs()) {
if ((instr instanceof CallBase) && !((CallBase)instr).inliningBlocked()) {
// System.out.println("checking: " + instr);
CallBase call = (CallBase)instr;
CallSite cs = call.getCallSite();
// System.out.println("callsite: " + cs);
if (cs != null && (cs instanceof CachingCallSite)) {
CachingCallSite ccs = (CachingCallSite)cs;
// SSS FIXME: To use this, CachingCallSite.java needs modification
// isPolymorphic or something equivalent needs to be enabled there.
if (ccs.isOptimizable()) {
CacheEntry ce = ccs.getCache();
DynamicMethod tgt = ce.method;
if (tgt instanceof InterpretedIRMethod) {
InterpretedIRMethod dynMeth = (InterpretedIRMethod)tgt;
IRScope tgtMethod = dynMeth.getIRMethod();
Instr[] instrs = tgtMethod.getInstrsForInterpretation();
// Dont inline large methods -- 200 is arbitrary
// Can be null if a previously inlined method hasn't been rebuilt
if ((instrs == null) || instrs.length > 150) continue;
RubyModule implClass = dynMeth.getImplementationClass();
int classToken = implClass.getGeneration();
String n = tgtMethod.getName();
boolean inlineCall = false;
if (isHotClosure) {
Operand clArg = call.getClosureArg(null);
inlineCall = (clArg instanceof WrappedIRClosure) && (((WrappedIRClosure)clArg).getClosure() == hc);
} else if (hotScopes.contains(tgtMethod)) {
inlineCall = true;
if (inlineCall) {
System.out.println("Inlining " + tgtMethod + " in " + hs + " @ instr " + instr);
hs.inlineMethod(tgtMethod, implClass, classToken, b, call);
// reset tp counters
scopeThreadPollCounts.remove(isHotClosure ? hc : hs);
skip = true;
revisitScope = true;
// We skip the rest of the method because we will run into concurrent modification exceptions in the iterators
// SSS FIXME: We may miss some inlining sites because of this
if (skip) break;
private static void outputProfileStats() {
ArrayList scopes = new ArrayList(scopeThreadPollCounts.keySet());
Collections.sort(scopes, new java.util.Comparator () {
public int compare(IRScope a, IRScope b) {
// In non-methods and non-closures, we may not have any thread poll instrs.
int aden = a.getThreadPollInstrsCount();
if (aden == 0) aden = 1;
int bden = b.getThreadPollInstrsCount();
if (bden == 0) bden = 1;
// Use estimated instr count to order scopes -- rather than raw thread-poll count
float aCount = scopeThreadPollCounts.get(a).count * (1.0f * a.getInstrsForInterpretation().length/aden);
float bCount = scopeThreadPollCounts.get(b).count * (1.0f * b.getInstrsForInterpretation().length/bden);
if (aCount == bCount) return 0;
return (aCount < bCount) ? 1 : -1;
LOG.info("Stats after " + globalThreadPollCount + " thread polls:");
LOG.info("# instructions: " + interpInstrsCount);
LOG.info("# code modifications in this period : " + codeModificationsCount);
int i = 0;
float f1 = 0.0f;
for (IRScope s: scopes) {
long n = scopeThreadPollCounts.get(s).count;
float p1 = ((n*1000)/globalThreadPollCount)/10.0f;
String msg = i + ". " + s + " [file:" + s.getFileName() + ":" + s.getLineNumber() + "] = " + n + "; (" + p1 + "%)";
if (s instanceof IRClosure) {
IRMethod m = s.getNearestMethod();
if (m != null) LOG.info(msg + " -- nearest enclosing method: " + m);
else LOG.info(msg + " -- no enclosing method --");
} else {
f1 += p1;
// Top 20 or those that account for 95% of thread poll events.
if (i == 20 || f1 >= 95.0) break;
// reset code modification counter
codeModificationsCount = 0;
// Every 1M thread polls, discard stats by reallocating the thread-poll count map
if (globalThreadPollCount % 1000000 == 0) {
System.out.println("---- resetting thread-poll counters ----");
scopeThreadPollCounts = new HashMap();
globalThreadPollCount = 0;
private static IRubyObject interpret(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self,
IRScope scope, Visibility visibility, RubyModule implClass, IRubyObject[] args, Block block, Block.Type blockType) {
boolean debug = isDebug();
boolean profile = inProfileMode();
boolean inClosure = (scope instanceof IRClosure);
Instr[] instrs = scope.getInstrsForInterpretation();
// The base IR may not have been processed yet
if (instrs == null) instrs = scope.prepareForInterpretation();
int temporaryVariablesSize = scope.getTemporaryVariableSize();
Object[] temp = temporaryVariablesSize > 0 ? new Object[temporaryVariablesSize] : null;
int n = instrs.length;
int ipc = 0;
Instr lastInstr = null;
IRubyObject rv = null;
Object exception = null;
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
DynamicScope currDynScope = context.getCurrentScope();
// Set up thread-poll counter for this scope
Counter tpCount = null;
if (profile) {
tpCount = scopeThreadPollCounts.get(scope);
if (tpCount == null) {
tpCount = new Counter();
scopeThreadPollCounts.put(scope, tpCount);
// Enter the looooop!
while (ipc < n) {
lastInstr = instrs[ipc];
Operation operation = lastInstr.getOperation();
if (debug) {
LOG.info("I: {}", lastInstr);
} else if (profile) {
if (operation.modifiesCode()) codeModificationsCount++;
// We need a nested try-catch:
// - The first try-catch around the instruction captures JRuby-implementation exceptions
// generated by return and break instructions. This catch could then raise Ruby-visible
// LocalJump errors which could be caught by Ruby-level exception handlers.
// - The second try-catch around the first try-catch handles Ruby-visible exceptions and
// invokes Ruby-level exceptions handlers.
try {
Variable resultVar = null;
Object result = null;
try {
switch(operation) {
case PUSH_FRAME: {
context.preMethodFrameAndClass(implClass, scope.getName(), self, block, scope.getStaticScope());
// SSS FIXME: Blocks are a headache -- so, these instrs. are only added to IRMethods
// Blocks have more complicated logic for pushing a dynamic scope (see InterpretedIRBlockBody)
currDynScope = DynamicScope.newDynamicScope(scope.getStaticScope());
case POP_FRAME: {
case JUMP: {
ipc = ((JumpInstr)lastInstr).getJumpTarget().getTargetPC();
ipc = ((Label)((JumpIndirectInstr)lastInstr).getJumpTarget().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp)).getTargetPC();
case B_TRUE: {
BranchInstr br = (BranchInstr)lastInstr;
Object value1 = br.getArg1().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
ipc = ((IRubyObject)value1).isTrue()? br.getJumpTarget().getTargetPC() : ipc+1;
case B_FALSE: {
BranchInstr br = (BranchInstr)lastInstr;
Object value1 = br.getArg1().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
ipc = !((IRubyObject)value1).isTrue()? br.getJumpTarget().getTargetPC() : ipc+1;
case B_NIL: {
BranchInstr br = (BranchInstr)lastInstr;
Object value1 = br.getArg1().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
ipc = value1 == context.nil ? br.getJumpTarget().getTargetPC() : ipc+1;
case B_UNDEF: {
BranchInstr br = (BranchInstr)lastInstr;
Object value1 = br.getArg1().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
ipc = value1 == UndefinedValue.UNDEFINED ? br.getJumpTarget().getTargetPC() : ipc+1;
case BEQ: {
BEQInstr beq = (BEQInstr)lastInstr;
Object value1 = beq.getArg1().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
Object value2 = beq.getArg2().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
boolean eql = ((IRubyObject) value1).op_equal(context, (IRubyObject)value2).isTrue();
ipc = eql ? beq.getJumpTarget().getTargetPC() : ipc+1;
case BNE: {
BNEInstr bne = (BNEInstr)lastInstr;
Operand arg1 = bne.getArg1();
Operand arg2 = bne.getArg2();
Object value1 = arg1.retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
Object value2 = arg2.retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
boolean eql = arg2 == scope.getManager().getNil() || arg2 == UndefinedValue.UNDEFINED ?
value1 == value2 : ((IRubyObject) value1).op_equal(context, (IRubyObject)value2).isTrue();
ipc = !eql ? bne.getJumpTarget().getTargetPC() : ipc+1;
ModuleVersionGuardInstr mvg = (ModuleVersionGuardInstr)lastInstr;
ipc = mvg.versionMatches(context, currDynScope, self, temp) ? ipc + 1 : mvg.getFailurePathLabel().getTargetPC();
ReceivePreReqdArgInstr ra = (ReceivePreReqdArgInstr)lastInstr;
int argIndex = ra.getArgIndex();
result = (argIndex < args.length) ? args[argIndex] : context.nil; // SSS FIXME: This check is only required for closures, not methods
resultVar = ra.getResult();
ReceivePostReqdArgInstr ra = (ReceivePostReqdArgInstr)lastInstr;
result = ra.receivePostReqdArg(args);
if (result == null) result = context.nil; // For blocks
resultVar = ra.getResult();
case RECV_OPT_ARG: {
ReceiveOptArgBase ra = (ReceiveOptArgBase)lastInstr;
result = ra.receiveOptArg(args);
resultVar = ra.getResult();
ReceiveRestArgBase ra = (ReceiveRestArgBase)lastInstr;
result = ra.receiveRestArg(runtime, args);
resultVar = ra.getResult();
result = block == Block.NULL_BLOCK ? context.nil : runtime.newProc(Block.Type.PROC, block);
resultVar = ((ResultInstr)lastInstr).getResult();
// In the interpreter, we dont use the 'checkType' field because the exception is
// properly set up in the places below where it is caught and setup.
result = exception;
resultVar = ((ResultInstr)lastInstr).getResult();
case RETURN: {
rv = (IRubyObject)((ReturnBase)lastInstr).getReturnValue().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
ipc = n;
if (profile) {
// SSS: Uncomment this to analyze profile
// Every 10K profile counts, spit out profile stats
// if (globalThreadPollCount % 10000 == 0) analyzeProfile(); //outputProfileStats();
case LINE_NUM: {
case COPY: {
CopyInstr c = (CopyInstr)lastInstr;
result = c.getSource().retrieve(context, self, currDynScope, temp);
resultVar = ((ResultInstr)lastInstr).getResult();
CheckArityInstr ca = (CheckArityInstr)lastInstr;
int numArgs = args.length;
if ((numArgs < ca.required) || ((ca.rest == -1) && (numArgs > (ca.required + ca.opt)))) {
Arity.raiseArgumentError(runtime, numArgs, ca.required, ca.required + ca.opt);
default: {
result = lastInstr.interpret(context, currDynScope, self, temp, block);
if (lastInstr instanceof ResultInstr) resultVar = ((ResultInstr)lastInstr).getResult();
if (resultVar != null) {
if (resultVar instanceof TemporaryVariable) {
temp[((TemporaryVariable)resultVar).offset] = result;
else {
LocalVariable lv = (LocalVariable)resultVar;
currDynScope.setValue((IRubyObject) result, lv.getLocation(), lv.getScopeDepth());
} catch (IRReturnJump rj) {
ipc = scope.getEnsurerPC(lastInstr);
// Because of yields, control can exit this scope via returns in the block being yielded to.
// Before we exit this scope, we have to run ensure blocks in this scope.
// In the current IR design, the IR builder cannot generate explicit IR instructions that
// trap the return and run the ensure code. Hence, we have to implicitly handle this in the
// interpreter.
if (ipc == -1) {
// No ensure block here, propagate the return
return handleReturnJumpInClosure(scope, rj, blockType);
} else {
// Set the return jump as the exception to the ensure block and continue
// The ensure block will rethrow this exception at which time control
// will go the if-block above and the return jump will get handled properly
exception = rj;
} catch (IRBreakJump bj) {
if ((lastInstr instanceof BreakInstr) || bj.breakInEval) {
handleBreakJump(context, scope, bj, self, blockType, inClosure);
} else if (inNonMethodBodyLambda(scope, blockType)) {
// We just unwound all the way up because of a non-local break
throw IRException.BREAK_LocalJumpError.getException(runtime);
} else if (bj.caughtByLambda || (bj.scopeToReturnTo == scope)) {
// We got where we need to get to (because a lambda stopped us, or because we popped to the
// lexical scope where we got called from). Retrieve the result and store it.
// SSS FIXME: why cannot I just use resultVar from the loop above?? why did it break something?
if (lastInstr instanceof ResultInstr) {
resultVar = ((ResultInstr) lastInstr).getResult();
if (resultVar instanceof TemporaryVariable) {
temp[((TemporaryVariable)resultVar).offset] = bj.breakValue;
else {
LocalVariable lv = (LocalVariable)resultVar;
currDynScope.setValue((IRubyObject) bj.breakValue, lv.getLocation(), lv.getScopeDepth());
ipc += 1;
} else {
// We need to continue to break upwards.
// Run any ensures we need to run before breaking up.
// Quite easy to do this by passing 'bj' as the exception to the ensure block!
ipc = scope.getEnsurerPC(lastInstr);
if (ipc == -1) throw bj; // No ensure block here, just rethrow bj
exception = bj; // Found an ensure block, set 'bj' as the exception and transfer control
} catch (RaiseException re) {
if (debug) LOG.info("in scope: " + scope + ", caught raise exception: " + re.getException() + "; excepting instr: " + lastInstr);
ipc = scope.getRescuerPC(lastInstr);
if (debug) LOG.info("ipc for rescuer: " + ipc);
if (ipc == -1) throw re; // No one rescued exception, pass it on!
exception = re.getException();
} catch (Throwable t) {
if (t instanceof Unrescuable) {
// ThreadKill, RubyContinuation, MainExitException, etc.
// these cannot be rescued -- only run ensure blocks
ipc = scope.getEnsurerPC(lastInstr);
} else {
// Error and other java exceptions which could be rescued
if (debug) LOG.info("in scope: " + scope + ", caught Java throwable: " + t + "; excepting instr: " + lastInstr);
ipc = scope.getRescuerPC(lastInstr);
if (debug) LOG.info("ipc for rescuer: " + ipc);
if (ipc == -1) UnsafeFactory.getUnsafe().throwException(t); // No ensure block here, pass it on!
exception = t;
// If not in a lambda, and lastInstr was a return, check if this was a non-local return
if ((lastInstr instanceof ReturnInstr) && !inLambda(blockType)) {
handleNonLocalReturn(context, scope, (ReturnInstr) lastInstr, rv, inClosure);
return rv;
* Handle non-local returns (ex: when nested in closures, root scopes of module/class/sclass bodies)
private static void handleNonLocalReturn(ThreadContext context, IRScope scope, ReturnInstr returnInstr, IRubyObject returnValue, boolean inClosure) {
IRMethod methodToReturnFrom = returnInstr.methodToReturnFrom;
if (inClosure) {
if (methodToReturnFrom == null) {
// SSS FIXME: As Tom correctly pointed out, this is not correct. The example that breaks this code is:
// jruby -X-CIR -e "Thread.new { Proc.new { return }.call }.join"
// This should report a LocalJumpError, not a ThreadError.
// The right fix would involve checking the closure to see who it is associated with.
// If it is a thread-body, it would be a ThreadError. If not, it would be a local-jump-error
// This requires having access to the block -- same requirement as in handleBreakJump.
if (context.getThread() == context.runtime.getThreadService().getMainThread()) {
throw IRException.RETURN_LocalJumpError.getException(context.runtime);
} else {
throw context.runtime.newThreadError("return can't jump across threads");
// Cannot return to the call that we have long since exited.
if (!context.scopeExistsOnCallStack(methodToReturnFrom.getStaticScope())) {
if (isDebug()) LOG.info("in scope: " + scope + ", raising unexpected return local jump error");
throw IRException.RETURN_LocalJumpError.getException(context.runtime);
throw IRReturnJump.create(methodToReturnFrom, returnValue);
} else if ((methodToReturnFrom != null)) {
// methodtoReturnFrom will not be null for explicit returns from class/module/sclass bodies
throw IRReturnJump.create(methodToReturnFrom, returnValue);
private static IRubyObject handleReturnJumpInClosure(IRScope scope, IRReturnJump rj, Type blockType) throws IRReturnJump {
// - If we are in a lambda or if we are in the method scope we are supposed to return from, stop propagating
if (inNonMethodBodyLambda(scope, blockType) || (rj.methodToReturnFrom == scope)) return (IRubyObject) rj.returnValue;
// - If not, Just pass it along!
throw rj;
private static void handleBreakJump(ThreadContext context, IRScope scope, IRBreakJump bj, IRubyObject self, Type blockType, boolean inClosure) throws RaiseException, IRBreakJump {
bj.breakInEval = false; // Clear eval flag
// Error
if (!inClosure) {
throw IRException.BREAK_LocalJumpError.getException(context.runtime);
if (inProc(blockType)) {
// SSS FIXME: Here we need to check if the current executing block has escaped
// which means the block has to be passed in from Block.call -> BlockBody.call -> Interpreter.interpret
} else if (inLambda(blockType)) {
bj.caughtByLambda = true;
} else if (scope instanceof IREvalScript) {
// If we are in an eval, record it so we can account for it
bj.breakInEval = true;
// Pass it upward
throw bj;
public static IRubyObject INTERPRET_EVAL(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self,
IRScope scope, RubyModule clazz, IRubyObject[] args, String name, Block block, Block.Type blockType) {
try {
ThreadContext.pushBacktrace(context, name, scope.getFileName(), context.getLine());
return interpret(context, self, scope, null, clazz, args, block, blockType);
} finally {
public static IRubyObject INTERPRET_BLOCK(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject self,
IRScope scope, IRubyObject[] args, String name, Block block, Block.Type blockType) {
try {
ThreadContext.pushBacktrace(context, name, scope.getFileName(), context.getLine());
return interpret(context, self, scope, null, null, args, block, blockType);
} finally {
public static IRubyObject INTERPRET_METHOD(ThreadContext context, InterpretedIRMethod irMethod,
IRubyObject self, String name, IRubyObject[] args, Block block, Block.Type blockType, boolean isTraceable) {
Ruby runtime = context.runtime;
IRScope scope = irMethod.getIRMethod();
RubyModule implClass = irMethod.getImplementationClass();
Visibility viz = irMethod.getVisibility();
boolean syntheticMethod = name == null || name.equals("");
try {
if (!syntheticMethod) ThreadContext.pushBacktrace(context, name, scope.getFileName(), context.getLine());
if (isTraceable) methodPreTrace(runtime, context, name, implClass);
return interpret(context, self, scope, viz, implClass, args, block, blockType);
} finally {
if (isTraceable) {
try {methodPostTrace(runtime, context, name, implClass);}
finally { if (!syntheticMethod) ThreadContext.popBacktrace(context);}
} else {
if (!syntheticMethod) ThreadContext.popBacktrace(context);
private static boolean inNonMethodBodyLambda(IRScope scope, Block.Type blockType) {
// SSS FIXME: Hack! AST interpreter and JIT compiler marks a proc's static scope as
// an argument scope if it is used to define a method's body via :define_method.
// Since that is exactly what we want to figure out here, am just using that flag here.
// But, this is ugly (as is the original hack in the current runtime). What is really
// needed is a new block type -- a block that is used to define a method body.
return blockType == Block.Type.LAMBDA && !scope.getStaticScope().isArgumentScope();
private static boolean inLambda(Block.Type blockType) {
return blockType == Block.Type.LAMBDA;
public static boolean inProc(Block.Type blockType) {
return blockType == Block.Type.PROC;
private static void methodPreTrace(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, String name, RubyModule implClass) {
if (runtime.hasEventHooks()) context.trace(RubyEvent.CALL, name, implClass);
private static void methodPostTrace(Ruby runtime, ThreadContext context, String name, RubyModule implClass) {
if (runtime.hasEventHooks()) context.trace(RubyEvent.RETURN, name, implClass);
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