org.jruby.javasupport.JavaEmbedUtils Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.jruby.javasupport;
* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Common Public
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* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS
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* rights and limitations under the License.
* Copyright (C) 2006 Thomas E Enebo
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
import java.io.InputStream;
import java.util.List;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyArray;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.RubyInteger;
import org.jruby.RubyModule;
import org.jruby.RubyObjectAdapter;
import org.jruby.RubyRuntimeAdapter;
import org.jruby.RubyString;
import org.jruby.ast.Node;
import org.jruby.javasupport.util.RuntimeHelpers;
import org.jruby.runtime.Block;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.util.ClassCache;
* Utility functions to help embedders out. These function consolidate logic that is
* used between BSF and JSR 223. People who are embedding JRuby 'raw' should use these
* as well. If at a later date, we discover a flaw or change how we do things, this
* utility class should provide some insulation.
* Example:
* Ruby runtime = JavaEmbedUtils.initialize(new ArrayList());
* RubyRuntimeAdapter evaler = JavaEmbedUtils.newRuntimeAdapter();
* IRubyObject rubyObject = evaler.parse(runtime, expr.toString(), file, line).run());
* SomeClassOrInterface javaObject = (SomeClassOrInterface) JavaEmbedUtils.rubyToJava(rubyObject);
* runtime.terminate();
public class JavaEmbedUtils {
* Get an instance of a JRuby runtime. Provide any loadpaths you want used at startup.
* @param loadPaths to specify where to look for Ruby modules.
* @return an instance
public static Ruby initialize(List loadPaths) {
return initialize(loadPaths, new RubyInstanceConfig());
* Get an instance of a JRuby runtime. Provide any loadpaths you want used at startup.
* @param loadPaths to specify where to look for Ruby modules.
* @param classCache to use as a common repository for cached classes
* @return an instance
public static Ruby initialize(List loadPaths, ClassCache classCache) {
RubyInstanceConfig config = new RubyInstanceConfig();
if (classCache != null) {
return initialize(loadPaths, config);
* Get an instance of a JRuby runtime.
* @param loadPaths additional load paths you wish to add
* @param config a runtime configuration instance
* @return an instance
public static Ruby initialize(List loadPaths, RubyInstanceConfig config) {
Ruby runtime = Ruby.newInstance(config);
return runtime;
* Generate a class cache. This will end up setting max cache size per JRuby preferences
* (e.g. jruby.jit.max).
* @param loader use the provided classloader to create the cache
* @return
public static ClassCache createClassCache(ClassLoader loader) {
return new ClassCache(loader, new RubyInstanceConfig().getJitMax());
public static RubyObjectAdapter newObjectAdapter() {
return new RubyObjectAdapter() {
public boolean isKindOf(IRubyObject value, RubyModule rubyModule) {
return rubyModule.isInstance(value);
public IRubyObject setInstanceVariable(IRubyObject obj, String variableName, IRubyObject value) {
return obj.getInstanceVariables().setInstanceVariable(variableName, value);
public IRubyObject[] convertToJavaArray(IRubyObject array) {
return ((RubyArray) array).toJavaArray();
public RubyInteger convertToRubyInteger(IRubyObject obj) {
return obj.convertToInteger();
public IRubyObject getInstanceVariable(IRubyObject obj, String variableName) {
return obj.getInstanceVariables().getInstanceVariable(variableName);
public RubyString convertToRubyString(IRubyObject obj) {
return obj.convertToString();
public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName) {
return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName);
public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, IRubyObject singleArg) {
return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName, singleArg);
public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, IRubyObject[] args) {
return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName, args);
public IRubyObject callMethod(IRubyObject receiver, String methodName, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return receiver.callMethod(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), methodName, args, block);
public IRubyObject callSuper(IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), receiver, args, Block.NULL_BLOCK);
public IRubyObject callSuper(IRubyObject receiver, IRubyObject[] args, Block block) {
return RuntimeHelpers.invokeSuper(receiver.getRuntime().getCurrentContext(), receiver, args, block);
public static RubyRuntimeAdapter newRuntimeAdapter() {
return new RubyRuntimeAdapter() {
* Evaluate a script and return the last value in the script.
* @param runtime to invoke the script under
* @param script to be evaluated
* @return the last value of the script
public IRubyObject eval(Ruby runtime, String script) {
return runtime.evalScriptlet(script);
* Parse the script and return an object which can be run(). This allows the script
* to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
* @param runtime to parse the script under
* @param script to be parsed
* @param filename the filename to display for parse errors and backtraces
* @param lineNumber the linenumber to display for parse errors and backtraces
* @return an object which can be run
public EvalUnit parse(Ruby runtime, String script, String filename, int lineNumber) {
return new InterpretedEvalUnit(runtime, runtime.parseEval(script, filename, null, lineNumber));
* Parse the script and return an object which can be run(). This allows the script
* to be parsed once and evaluated many times.
* @param runtime to parse the script under
* @param in the script as an inputstream to be parsed
* @param filename the filename to display for parse errors and backtraces
* @param lineNumber the linenumber to display for parse errors and backtraces
* @return an object which can be run
public EvalUnit parse(Ruby runtime, InputStream in, String filename, int lineNumber) {
return new InterpretedEvalUnit(runtime, runtime.parseFile(in, filename, null, lineNumber));
* All implementers can be run and will return the last value in the evaluation unit.
public static interface EvalUnit {
* @return results of executing this evaluation unit.
public IRubyObject run();
* An evaluation unit which is based on running JRuby's interpreter (as opposed to the
* compiler).
public static class InterpretedEvalUnit implements EvalUnit {
private Ruby runtime;
private Node node;
protected InterpretedEvalUnit(Ruby runtime, Node node) {
this.runtime = runtime;
this.node = node;
public IRubyObject run() {
return runtime.runInterpreter(node);
* Dispose of the runtime you initialized.
* @param runtime to be disposed of
public static void terminate(Ruby runtime) {
* Convenience function for embedders
* @param runtime environment where the invoke will occur
* @param receiver is the instance that will receive the method call
* @param method is method to be called
* @param args are the arguments to the method
* @param returnType is the type we want it to conform to
* @return the result of the invocation.
public static Object invokeMethod(Ruby runtime, Object receiver, String method, Object[] args,
Class returnType) {
IRubyObject rubyReceiver = receiver != null ? JavaUtil.convertJavaToRuby(runtime, receiver) : runtime.getTopSelf();
IRubyObject[] rubyArgs = JavaUtil.convertJavaArrayToRuby(runtime, args);
// Create Ruby proxies for any input arguments that are not primitives.
for (int i = 0; i < rubyArgs.length; i++) {
IRubyObject obj = rubyArgs[i];
if (obj instanceof JavaObject) rubyArgs[i] = Java.wrap(runtime, obj);
IRubyObject result = rubyReceiver.callMethod(runtime.getCurrentContext(), method, rubyArgs);
return rubyToJava(runtime, result, returnType);
* Convert a Ruby object to a Java object.
public static Object rubyToJava(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject value, Class type) {
return value.toJava(type);
* Convert the Ruby object to a Java Object.
* @param value to be converted
* @return the converted object
public static Object rubyToJava(IRubyObject value) {
return value.toJava(Object.class);
* Convert a java object to a Ruby object.
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, Object value) {
if (value instanceof IRubyObject) return (IRubyObject) value;
IRubyObject result = JavaUtil.convertJavaToUsableRubyObject(runtime, value);
return result instanceof JavaObject ? Java.wrap(runtime, result) : result;
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, boolean value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, value ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE);
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, byte value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, Byte.valueOf(value));
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, char value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, Character.valueOf(value));
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, double value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, new Double(value));
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, float value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, new Float(value));
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, int value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, Integer.valueOf(value));
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, long value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, Long.valueOf(value));
public static IRubyObject javaToRuby(Ruby runtime, short value) {
return javaToRuby(runtime, Short.valueOf(value));
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