org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic.MathLinker Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Version: CPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
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package org.jruby.runtime.invokedynamic;
import java.lang.invoke.CallSite;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodHandle;
import java.lang.invoke.MethodType;
import org.jruby.Ruby;
import org.jruby.RubyClass;
import org.jruby.RubyFixnum;
import org.jruby.RubyFloat;
import org.jruby.RubyInstanceConfig;
import org.jruby.runtime.CallType;
import org.jruby.runtime.MethodIndex;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodHandles.*;
import static java.lang.invoke.MethodType.*;
import org.jruby.runtime.ThreadContext;
import org.jruby.runtime.builtin.IRubyObject;
import org.jruby.runtime.callsite.CacheEntry;
import org.jruby.util.JavaNameMangler;
import org.jruby.util.log.Logger;
import org.jruby.util.log.LoggerFactory;
public class MathLinker {
private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger("MathLinker");
public static CallSite fixnumOperatorBootstrap(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type, long value, String file, int line) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException {
String[] names = name.split(":");
String operator = JavaNameMangler.demangleMethodName(names[1]);
JRubyCallSite site = new JRubyCallSite(lookup, type, CallType.NORMAL, file, line, operator, false, false, true);
MethodHandle target = lookup.findStatic(MathLinker.class, "fixnumOperator",
methodType(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class, JRubyCallSite.class, long.class));
target = insertArguments(target, 3, site, value);
return site;
public static CallSite fixnumBooleanBootstrap(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type, long value, String file, int line) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException {
String[] names = name.split(":");
String operator = JavaNameMangler.demangleMethodName(names[1]);
JRubyCallSite site = new JRubyCallSite(lookup, type, CallType.NORMAL, file, line, operator, false, false, true);
MethodHandle target = lookup.findStatic(MathLinker.class, "fixnumBoolean",
methodType(boolean.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class, JRubyCallSite.class, long.class));
target = insertArguments(target, 3, site, value);
return site;
public static CallSite floatOperatorBootstrap(Lookup lookup, String name, MethodType type, double value, String file, int line) throws NoSuchMethodException, IllegalAccessException {
String[] names = name.split(":");
String operator = JavaNameMangler.demangleMethodName(names[1]);
JRubyCallSite site = new JRubyCallSite(lookup, type, CallType.NORMAL, file, line, operator, false, false, true);
MethodHandle target = lookup.findStatic(MathLinker.class, "floatOperator",
methodType(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class, JRubyCallSite.class, double.class));
target = insertArguments(target, 3, site, value);
return site;
public static IRubyObject fixnumOperator(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, JRubyCallSite site, long value) throws Throwable {
String operator = site.name();
String opMethod = MethodIndex.getFastFixnumOpsMethod(operator);
String name = "fixnum_" + opMethod;
MethodType type = methodType(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class);
MethodHandle target = null;
if (operator.equals("+") || operator.equals("-")) {
if (value == 1) {
name += "_one";
target = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, name, type);
} else if (value == 2) {
name += "_two";
target = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, name, type);
if (target == null) {
type = type.insertParameterTypes(3, long.class);
target = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, name, type);
target = insertArguments(target, 3, value);
MethodHandle fallback = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, "fixnumOperatorFail",
methodType(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class, JRubyCallSite.class, RubyFixnum.class));
fallback = insertArguments(fallback, 3, site, context.runtime.newFixnum(value));
MethodHandle test = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, "fixnumTest", methodType(boolean.class, Ruby.class, IRubyObject.class));
test = test.bindTo(context.runtime);
test = permuteArguments(test, methodType(boolean.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class), new int[] {2});
if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_INDY_BINDINGS) LOG.info(name + "\tFixnum operation at site #" + site.siteID() + " (" + site.file() + ":" + site.line() + ") bound directly");
site.setTarget(guardWithTest(test, target, fallback));
return (IRubyObject)site.getTarget().invokeWithArguments(context, caller, self);
public static boolean fixnumBoolean(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, JRubyCallSite site, long value) throws Throwable {
String operator = site.name();
String opMethod = MethodIndex.getFastFixnumOpsMethod(operator);
String name = "fixnum_boolean_" + opMethod;
MethodType type = methodType(boolean.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class);
MethodHandle target = null;
if (target == null) {
type = type.insertParameterTypes(3, long.class);
target = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, name, type);
target = insertArguments(target, 3, value);
MethodHandle fallback = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, "fixnumBooleanFail",
methodType(boolean.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class, JRubyCallSite.class, RubyFixnum.class));
fallback = insertArguments(fallback, 3, site, context.runtime.newFixnum(value));
MethodHandle test = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, "fixnumTest", methodType(boolean.class, Ruby.class, IRubyObject.class));
test = test.bindTo(context.runtime);
test = permuteArguments(test, methodType(boolean.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class), new int[] {2});
if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_INDY_BINDINGS) LOG.info(name + "\tFixnum boolean operation at site #" + site.siteID() + " (" + site.file() + ":" + site.line() + ") bound directly");
site.setTarget(guardWithTest(test, target, fallback));
return (Boolean)site.getTarget().invokeWithArguments(context, caller, self);
public static boolean fixnumTest(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject self) {
return self instanceof RubyFixnum && !runtime.isFixnumReopened();
public static IRubyObject fixnumOperatorFail(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, JRubyCallSite site, RubyFixnum value) throws Throwable {
String operator = site.name();
RubyClass selfClass = InvokeDynamicSupport.pollAndGetClass(context, self);
CacheEntry entry = site.entry;
if (entry.typeOk(selfClass)) {
return entry.method.call(context, self, selfClass, operator, value);
} else {
entry = selfClass.searchWithCache(operator);
if (InvokeDynamicSupport.methodMissing(entry, site.callType(), operator, caller)) {
return InvokeDynamicSupport.callMethodMissing(entry, site.callType(), context, self, operator, value);
site.entry = entry;
return entry.method.call(context, self, selfClass, operator, value);
public static boolean fixnumBooleanFail(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, JRubyCallSite site, RubyFixnum value) throws Throwable {
return fixnumOperatorFail(context, caller, self, site, value).isTrue();
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_plus(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_plus(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_minus(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_minus(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_mul(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_mul(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_equal(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_lt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_lt(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_le(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_le(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_gt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_gt(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_ge(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_ge(context, value);
public static boolean fixnum_boolean_op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_equal_boolean(context, value);
public static boolean fixnum_boolean_op_lt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_lt_boolean(context, value);
public static boolean fixnum_boolean_op_le(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_le_boolean(context, value);
public static boolean fixnum_boolean_op_gt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_gt_boolean(context, value);
public static boolean fixnum_boolean_op_ge(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_ge_boolean(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_cmp(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_cmp(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_and(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_and(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_or(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_or(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_xor(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_xor(context, value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_rshift(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_rshift(value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_lshift(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, long value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_lshift(value);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_plus_one(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_plus_one(context);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_minus_one(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_minus_one(context);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_plus_two(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_plus_two(context);
public static IRubyObject fixnum_op_minus_two(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFixnum)self).op_minus_two(context);
public static IRubyObject floatOperator(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, JRubyCallSite site, double value) throws Throwable {
String operator = site.name();
String opMethod = MethodIndex.getFastFixnumOpsMethod(operator);
String name = "float_" + opMethod;
MethodType type = methodType(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class);
MethodHandle target = null;
if (target == null) {
type = type.insertParameterTypes(3, double.class);
target = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, name, type);
target = insertArguments(target, 3, value);
MethodHandle fallback = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, "floatOperatorFail",
methodType(IRubyObject.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class, JRubyCallSite.class, RubyFloat.class));
fallback = insertArguments(fallback, 3, site, context.runtime.newFloat(value));
MethodHandle test = lookup().findStatic(MathLinker.class, "floatTest", methodType(boolean.class, Ruby.class, IRubyObject.class));
test = test.bindTo(context.runtime);
test = permuteArguments(test, methodType(boolean.class, ThreadContext.class, IRubyObject.class, IRubyObject.class), new int[] {2});
if (RubyInstanceConfig.LOG_INDY_BINDINGS) LOG.info(name + "\tFloat operation at site #" + site.siteID() + " (" + site.file() + ":" + site.line() + ") bound directly");
site.setTarget(guardWithTest(test, target, fallback));
return (IRubyObject)site.getTarget().invokeWithArguments(context, caller, self);
public static boolean floatTest(Ruby runtime, IRubyObject self) {
return self instanceof RubyFloat && !runtime.isFloatReopened();
public static IRubyObject floatOperatorFail(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, JRubyCallSite site, RubyFloat value) throws Throwable {
String operator = site.name();
RubyClass selfClass = InvokeDynamicSupport.pollAndGetClass(context, self);
CacheEntry entry = site.entry;
if (entry.typeOk(selfClass)) {
return entry.method.call(context, self, selfClass, operator, value);
} else {
entry = selfClass.searchWithCache(operator);
if (InvokeDynamicSupport.methodMissing(entry, site.callType(), operator, caller)) {
return InvokeDynamicSupport.callMethodMissing(entry, site.callType(), context, self, operator, value);
site.entry = entry;
return entry.method.call(context, self, selfClass, operator, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_plus(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_plus(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_minus(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_minus(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_mul(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_mul(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_equal(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_equal(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_lt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_lt(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_le(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_le(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_gt(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_gt(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_ge(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_ge(context, value);
public static IRubyObject float_op_cmp(ThreadContext context, IRubyObject caller, IRubyObject self, double value) throws Throwable {
return ((RubyFloat)self).op_cmp(context, value);
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