org.jruby.compiler.BodyCompiler Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Version: EPL 1.0/GPL 2.0/LGPL 2.1
* The contents of this file are subject to the Eclipse Public
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***** END LICENSE BLOCK *****/
package org.jruby.compiler;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import org.jcodings.Encoding;
import org.jruby.ast.NodeType;
import org.jruby.lexer.yacc.ISourcePosition;
import org.jruby.parser.StaticScope;
import org.jruby.util.ByteList;
import org.jruby.util.DefinedMessage;
* @author headius
public interface BodyCompiler {
* End compilation for the method associated with the specified token. This should
* close out all structures created for compilation of the method.
* @param token A token identifying the method to be terminated.
public void endBody();
* As code executes, values are assumed to be "generated", often by being pushed
* on to some execution stack. Generally, these values are consumed by other
* methods on the context, but occasionally a value must be "thrown out". This method
* provides a way to discard the previous value generated by some other call(s).
public void consumeCurrentValue();
* Push a copy the topmost value on the stack.
public void duplicateCurrentValue();
* For logging, println the object reference currently atop the stack
public void aprintln();
* Swap the top and second values on the stack.
public void swapValues();
* Reverse the top n values on the stack.
* @param n The number of values to reverse.
public void reverseValues(int n);
* This method provides a way to specify a line number for the current piece of code
* being compiled. The compiler may use this information to create debugging
* information in a bytecode-format-dependent way.
* @param position The ISourcePosition information to use.
public void lineNumber(ISourcePosition position);
public VariableCompiler getVariableCompiler();
public InvocationCompiler getInvocationCompiler();
* Retrieve the current "self" and put a reference on top of the stack.
public void retrieveSelf();
* Retrieve the current "self" object's metaclass and put a reference on top of the stack
public void retrieveSelfClass();
public void retrieveClassVariable(String name);
public void assignClassVariable(String name);
public void assignClassVariable(String name, CompilerCallback value);
public void declareClassVariable(String name);
public void declareClassVariable(String name, CompilerCallback value);
* Generate a new "Fixnum" value.
public void createNewFixnum(long value);
* Generate a new "Float" value.
public void createNewFloat(double value);
* Generate a new "Bignum" value.
public void createNewBignum(java.math.BigInteger value);
* Generate a new "String" value.
public void createNewString(ByteList value, int codeRange);
* Generate a new dynamic "String" value.
public void createNewString(ArrayCallback callback, int count, Encoding encoding);
public void createNewSymbol(ArrayCallback callback, int count, Encoding encoding);
* Build a string using the given callback. A String will be create at the start,
* and each iteration is expected to leave a String on the stack.
public void buildNewString(ArrayCallback callback, int count, Encoding encoding);
* Append the given bytelist + coderange to the string currently on the stack.
public void appendByteList(ByteList value, int codeRange, boolean is19);
* Append the object on stack to the string below it.
public void appendObject(boolean is19);
* A "shortcut" append that skips conversions to String where possible.
* Same stack requirements as appendObject.
public void shortcutAppend(boolean is19);
* Convert a String on stack to a Symbol
public void stringToSymbol(boolean is19);
* Generate a new "Symbol" value (or fetch the existing one).
public void createNewSymbol(String name);
public void createObjectArray(Object[] elementArray, ArrayCallback callback);
* Given an aggregated set of objects (likely created through a call to createObjectArray)
* create a Ruby array object.
public void createNewArray(boolean lightweight);
* Construct a Ruby array given an array of objects to feed to an ArrayCallback
* to construct the elements of the array.
* @param sourceArray The objects that will be used to construct elements
* @param callback The callback to which to pass the objects
* @param lightweight Whether the array should be lightweight
public void createNewArray(Object[] sourceArray, ArrayCallback callback, boolean lightweight);
* Construct a Ruby array given an array of objects to feed to an ArrayCallback
* to construct the elements of the array. All the elements are guaranteed
* to be literals, so the contents can safely be chunked if too large.
* @param sourceArray The objects that will be used to construct elements
* @param callback The callback to which to pass the objects
* @param lightweight Whether the array should be lightweight
public void createNewLiteralArray(Object[] sourceArray, ArrayCallback callback, boolean lightweight);
* Create an empty Ruby array
public void createEmptyArray();
* Create an empty Ruby Hash object and put a reference on top of the stack.
public void createEmptyHash();
* Create a new hash by calling back to the specified ArrayCallback. It is expected that the keyCount
* will be the actual count of key/value pairs, and the caller will handle passing an appropriate elements
* collection in and dealing with the sequential indices passed to the callback.
* @param elements An object holding the elements from which to create the Hash.
* @param callback An ArrayCallback implementation to which the elements array and iteration counts
* are passed in sequence.
* @param keyCount the total count of key-value pairs to be constructed from the elements collection.
public void createNewHash(Object elements, ArrayCallback callback, int keyCount);
* Create a new hash by calling back to the specified ArrayCallback. It is expected that the keyCount
* will be the actual count of key/value pairs, and the caller will handle passing an appropriate elements
* collection in and dealing with the sequential indices passed to the callback. This version expects
* that all elements will be literals, and will break up the hash construction if it is too large.
* @param elements An object holding the elements from which to create the Hash.
* @param callback An ArrayCallback implementation to which the elements array and iteration counts
* are passed in sequence.
* @param keyCount the total count of key-value pairs to be constructed from the elements collection.
public void createNewLiteralHash(Object elements, ArrayCallback callback, int keyCount);
* @see createNewHash
* Create new hash running in ruby 1.9 compat version.
public void createNewHash19(Object elements, ArrayCallback callback, int keyCount);
* Create a new range. It is expected that the stack will contain the end and begin values for the range as
* its topmost and second topmost elements.
* @param isExclusive Whether the range is exclusive or not (inclusive)
public void createNewRange(CompilerCallback beginEndCalback, boolean isExclusive);
* Create a new literal lambda. The stack should contain a reference to the closure object.
public void createNewLambda(CompilerCallback closure);
* Perform a boolean branch operation based on the Ruby "true" value of the top value
* on the stack. If Ruby "true", invoke the true branch callback. Otherwise, invoke the false branch callback.
* @param trueBranch The callback for generating code for the "true" condition
* @param falseBranch The callback for generating code for the "false" condition
public void performBooleanBranch(BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
* Perform a boolean branch operation based on the boolean top value
* on the stack. If true, invoke the true branch callback. Otherwise, invoke the false branch callback.
* @param trueBranch The callback for generating code for the "true" condition
* @param falseBranch The callback for generating code for the "false" condition
public void performBooleanBranch2(BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
* Perform a boolean branch operation based on the boolean global value
* on the stack. If true, invoke the true branch callback. Otherwise, invoke the false branch callback.
* @param trueBranch The callback for generating code for the "true" condition
* @param falseBranch The callback for generating code for the "false" condition
public void performBooleanGlobalBranch(String globalName, BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
* Perform a boolean branch operation based on the boolean constant value
* on the stack. If true, invoke the true branch callback. Otherwise, invoke the false branch callback.
* @param trueBranch The callback for generating code for the "true" condition
* @param falseBranch The callback for generating code for the "false" condition
public void performBooleanConstantBranch(String globalName, BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
* Perform a logical short-circuited Ruby "and" operation, using Ruby notions of true and false.
* If the value on top of the stack is false, it remains and the branch is not executed. If it is true,
* the top of the stack is replaced with the result of the branch.
* @param longBranch The branch to execute if the "and" operation does not short-circuit.
public void performLogicalAnd(BranchCallback longBranch);
* Perform a logical short-circuited Ruby "or" operation, using Ruby notions of true and false.
* If the value on top of the stack is true, it remains and the branch is not executed. If it is false,
* the top of the stack is replaced with the result of the branch.
* @param longBranch The branch to execute if the "or" operation does not short-circuit.
public void performLogicalOr(BranchCallback longBranch);
* Perform a boolean loop using the given condition-calculating branch and body branch. For
* while loops, pass true for checkFirst. For statement-modifier while loops, pass false. For
* unless loops, reverse the result of the condition after calculating it.
* This version ensures the stack is maintained so while results can be used in any context.
* @param condition The code to execute for calculating the loop condition. A Ruby true result will
* cause the body to be executed again.
* @param body The body to executed for the loop.
* @param checkFirst whether to check the condition the first time through or not.
public void performBooleanLoopSafe(BranchCallback condition, BranchCallback body, boolean checkFirst);
* Perform a boolean loop using the given condition-calculating branch and body branch. For
* while loops, pass true for checkFirst. For statement-modifier while loops, pass false. For
* unless loops, reverse the result of the condition after calculating it.
* @param condition The code to execute for calculating the loop condition. A Ruby true result will
* cause the body to be executed again.
* @param body The body to executed for the loop.
* @param checkFirst whether to check the condition the first time through or not.
public void performBooleanLoop(BranchCallback condition, BranchCallback body, boolean checkFirst);
* Perform a boolean loop using the given condition-calculating branch and body branch. For
* while loops, pass true for checkFirst. For statement-modifier while loops, pass false. For
* unless loops, reverse the result of the condition after calculating it.
* This version does not handle non-local flow control which can bubble out of
* eval or closures, and only expects normal flow control to be used within
* its body.
* @param condition The code to execute for calculating the loop condition. A Ruby true result will
* cause the body to be executed again.
* @param body The body to executed for the loop.
* @param checkFirst whether to check the condition the first time through or not.
public void performBooleanLoopLight(BranchCallback condition, BranchCallback body, boolean checkFirst);
* Return the current value on the top of the stack, taking into consideration surrounding blocks.
public void performReturn();
* Create a new closure (block) using the given lexical scope information, call arity, and
* body generated by the body callback. The closure will capture containing scopes and related information.
public void createNewClosure(String file, int line, StaticScope scope, int arity, CompilerCallback body, CompilerCallback args, boolean hasMultipleArgsHead, NodeType argsNodeId, ASTInspector inspector);
* Create a new closure (block) using the given lexical scope information, call arity, and
* body generated by the body callback. The closure will capture containing scopes and related information.
public void createNewClosure19(String file, int line, StaticScope scope, int arity, CompilerCallback body, CompilerCallback args, boolean hasMultipleArgsHead, NodeType argsNodeId, String parameterList, ASTInspector inspector);
* Create a new closure (block) for a for loop with the given call arity and
* body generated by the body callback.
public void createNewForLoop(int arity, CompilerCallback body, CompilerCallback args, boolean hasMultipleArgsHead, NodeType argsNodeId, ASTInspector inspector);
* Define a new method with the given name, arity, local variable count, and body callback.
* This will create a new compiled method and bind it to the given name at this point in
* the program's execution.
public void defineNewMethod(String name, int methodArity, StaticScope scope,
CompilerCallback body, CompilerCallback args,
CompilerCallback receiver, ASTInspector inspector, boolean root,
String filename, int line, String parameterDesc);
* Define an alias for a new name to an existing oldName'd method.
public void defineAlias(CompilerCallback args);
* Assign a constant on the class or module currently in scope.
* @param name name of the constant
* @param value callback to load the value
public void assignConstantInCurrent(String name, CompilerCallback value);
* Assign a constant on a specific class or module.
* @param name name of the constant
* @param moduleAndValue callback to load the class/module and value
public void assignConstantInModule(String name, CompilerCallback moduleAndValue);
* Assign a constant on the Object class.
* @param name name of the constant
* @param value callback to load the value
public void assignConstantInObject(String name, CompilerCallback value);
* Assign a constant on the class or module currently in scope. The value
* is expected to be on the top of the stack.
* @param name name of the constant
public void mAssignConstantInCurrent(String name);
* Assign a constant on a specific class or module. The class/module
* and value are expected to be on the top of the stack.
* @param name name of the constant
public void mAssignConstantInModule(String name);
* Assign a constant on the Object class. The value
* is expected to be on the top of the stack.
* @param name name of the constant
public void mAssignConstantInObject(String name);
* Retrieve the constant with the specified name available at the current point in the
* program's execution.
* @param name The name of the constant
public void retrieveConstant(String name);
* Retreive a named constant from the RubyModule/RubyClass that's just been pushed.
* @param name The name of the constant
public void retrieveConstantFromModule(String name);
* Retreive a named constant from the RubyModule/RubyClass that's just been pushed.
* @param name The name of the constant
public void retrieveConstantFromObject(String name);
* Load a Ruby "false" value on top of the stack.
public void loadFalse();
* Load a Ruby "true" value on top of the stack.
public void loadTrue();
* Load a Ruby "nil" value on top of the stack.
public void loadNil();
public void loadNull();
* Load the Object class
public void loadObject();
* Retrieve the instance variable with the given name, based on the current "self".
* @param name The name of the instance variable to retrieve.
public void retrieveInstanceVariable(String name);
* Assign the value on top of the stack to the instance variable with the specified name
* on the current "self". The value is consumed.
* @param name The name of the value to assign.
public void assignInstanceVariable(String name);
* Assign the value on top of the stack to the instance variable with the specified name
* on the current "self". The value is consumed.
* @param name The name of the value to assign.
* @param value A callback for compiling the value to assign
public void assignInstanceVariable(String name, CompilerCallback value);
* Assign the top of the stack to the global variable with the specified name.
* @param name The name of the global variable.
public void assignGlobalVariable(String name);
* Assign the top of the stack to the global variable with the specified name.
* @param name The name of the global variable.
* @param value The callback to compile the value to assign
public void assignGlobalVariable(String name, CompilerCallback value);
* Retrieve the global variable with the specified name to the top of the stack.
* @param name The name of the global variable.
public void retrieveGlobalVariable(String name);
* Perform a logical Ruby "not" operation on the value on top of the stack, leaving the
* negated result.
public void negateCurrentValue();
* Convert the current value into a "splatted value" suitable for passing as
* method arguments or disassembling into multiple variables.
public void splatCurrentValue(String methodName);
* Given a splatted value, extract a single value. If no splat or length is
* zero, use nil
public void singlifySplattedValue();
* 1.9 version of singlifySplattedValue.
public void singlifySplattedValue19();
* Given an IRubyObject[] on the stack (or otherwise available as the present object)
* call back to the provided ArrayCallback 'callback' for 'count' elements, starting with 'start'.
* Each call to callback will have a value from the input array on the stack; once the items are exhausted,
* the code in nilCallback will be invoked *with no value on the stack*.
public void forEachInValueArray(int count, int start, Object source, ArrayCallback callback, CompilerCallback argsCallback);
* Given an IRubyObject[] on the stack (or otherwise available as the present object)
* call back to the provided ArrayCallback 'callback' for 'count' elements, starting with 'start'.
* Each call to callback will have a value from the input array on the stack; once the items are exhausted,
* the code in nilCallback will be invoked *with no value on the stack*.
public void forEachInValueArray(int count, int preSize, Object preSource, int postSize, Object postSource, ArrayCallback callback, CompilerCallback argsCallback);
* Ensures that the present value is an IRubyObject[] by wrapping it with one if it is not.
public void ensureRubyArray();
* Ensures that the present value is an IRubyObject[] by wrapping it with one or coercing it if it is not.
public void ensureMultipleAssignableRubyArray(boolean masgnHasHead);
public void issueBreakEvent(CompilerCallback value);
public void issueNextEvent(CompilerCallback value);
public void issueRedoEvent();
public void issueRetryEvent();
public void asString();
public void nthRef(int match);
public void match(boolean is19);
public void match2(CompilerCallback value, boolean is19);
public void match2Capture(CompilerCallback value, int[] scopeOffsets, boolean is19);
public void match3(boolean is19);
public void createNewRegexp(ByteList value, int options);
public void createNewRegexp(CompilerCallback createStringCallback, int options);
public void createDRegexp19(ArrayCallback arrayCallback, Object[] sourceArray, int options);
public void pollThreadEvents();
public void literal(String value);
* Push the current back reference
public void backref();
* Call a static helper method on RubyRegexp with the current backref
public void backrefMethod(String methodName);
public void nullToNil();
* Makes sure that the code in protectedCode will always run after regularCode.
public void protect(BranchCallback regularCode, BranchCallback protectedCode, Class ret);
public void rescue(BranchCallback regularCode, Class exception, BranchCallback protectedCode, Class ret);
public void performRescue(BranchCallback regularCode, BranchCallback rubyCatchCode, BranchCallback rubyElseCode, boolean needsRetry);
public void performRescueLight(BranchCallback regularCode, BranchCallback rubyCatchCode, BranchCallback rubyElseCode, boolean needsRetry);
public void performEnsure(BranchCallback regularCode, BranchCallback ensuredCode);
public void stringOrNil();
public void pushNull();
public void pushString(String strVal);
public void pushByteList(ByteList bl);
public void pushDefinedMessage(DefinedMessage definedMessage);
public void isMethodBound(String name, BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public void hasBlock(BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public void isGlobalDefined(String name, BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public void isConstantDefined(String name);
public void isInstanceVariableDefined(String name);
public void isClassVarDefined(String name, BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public Object getNewEnding();
public void ifNull(Object gotoToken);
public void isNil(BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public void isNull(BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public void ifNotNull(Object gotoToken);
public void setEnding(Object endingToken);
public void go(Object gotoToken);
public void isConstantBranch(BranchCallback setup, String name);
public void metaclass();
public void getVisibilityFor(String name);
public void isPrivate(Object gotoToken, int toConsume);
public void isNotProtected(Object gotoToken, int toConsume);
public void selfIsKindOf(Object gotoToken);
public void loadCurrentModule();
public void notIsModuleAndClassVarDefined(String name, Object gotoToken);
public void loadSelf();
public void ifSingleton(Object gotoToken);
public void getInstanceVariable(String name);
public void getFrameName();
public void getFrameKlazz();
public void superClass();
public void attached();
public void ifNotSuperMethodBound(Object token);
public void isInstanceOf(Class clazz, BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public void isCaptured(int number, BranchCallback trueBranch, BranchCallback falseBranch);
public void concatArrays();
public void appendToArray();
public void argsCatToArguments();
public void argsCatToArguments19();
public void splatToArguments();
public void splatToArguments19();
public void convertToJavaArray();
public void aryToAry();
public void toJavaString();
public void aliasGlobal(String newName, String oldName);
public void undefMethod(CompilerCallback nameArg);
public void defineClass(String name, StaticScope staticScope, CompilerCallback superCallback, CompilerCallback pathCallback, CompilerCallback bodyCallback, CompilerCallback receiverCallback, ASTInspector inspector);
public void defineModule(String name, StaticScope staticScope, CompilerCallback pathCallback, CompilerCallback bodyCallback, ASTInspector inspector);
public void unwrapPassedBlock();
public void performBackref(char type);
public void callZSuper(CompilerCallback closure);
public void appendToObjectArray();
public void checkIsExceptionHandled(ArgumentsCallback rescueArgs);
public void rethrowException();
public void loadClass(String name);
public void loadStandardError();
public void unwrapRaiseException();
public void loadException();
public void setFilePosition(ISourcePosition position);
public void setLinePosition(ISourcePosition position);
public void checkWhenWithSplat();
public void createNewEndBlock(CompilerCallback body);
public void runBeginBlock(StaticScope scope, CompilerCallback body);
public void rethrowIfSystemExit();
public BodyCompiler chainToMethod(String name);
public BodyCompiler outline(String methodName);
public void wrapJavaException();
public void literalSwitch(int[] caseInts, Object[] caseBodies, ArrayCallback casesCallback, CompilerCallback defaultCallback);
public void typeCheckBranch(Class type, BranchCallback trueCallback, BranchCallback falseCallback);
public void loadFilename();
* Store the current live exception object in the $! thread-global.
public void storeExceptionInErrorInfo();
* Store the current exception in $!, wrapping in NativeException if necessary.
public void storeNativeExceptionInErrorInfo();
public void clearErrorInfo();
public void compileSequencedConditional(
CompilerCallback inputValue,
FastSwitchType fastSwitchType,
Map switchCases,
List conditionals,
List bodies,
CompilerCallback fallback);
public void raiseTypeError(String string);
public void traceLine();
public void traceClass();
public void traceEnd();
public String getNativeMethodName();
public void preMultiAssign(int head, boolean args);
* Return true if this method compiled is a "simple" root compiler, i.e.
* not chained and not a block/closure.
* @return
public boolean isSimpleRoot();
* Pass two stack elements, the first an array, to the "argsPush" utility method.
public void argsPush();
* Pass two stack elements, converting the first to an array, to the "argsCat" utility method.
public void argsCat();
* Load the specified encoding.
public void loadEncoding(Encoding encoding);
* Check defined?() for a Call
* @stack: target receiver object
public void definedCall(String name);
* Check defined?() for a Not. Under 1.9, returns "method" if the contained
* logic evaluates ok.
* @stack: String defined for contained expression
public void definedNot();
* Convert the top IRubyObject value on the stack to a primitive boolean
* using IRubyObject.isTrue();
public void isTrue();
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