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org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.remote.ActionsCoercer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.remote;
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Set;
import org.openqa.selenium.By;
import org.openqa.selenium.InvalidArgumentException;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Action;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Actions;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Encodable;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.InputSource;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Interaction;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Interactive;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.KeyInput;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Pause;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.PointerInput;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.PointerInput.Kind;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.PointerInput.Origin;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.PointerInput.PointerEventProperties;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.Sequence;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.WheelInput;
import org.openqa.selenium.interactions.WheelInput.ScrollOrigin;
import org.openqa.selenium.internal.Require;
import org.openqa.selenium.json.Json;
import org.openqa.selenium.json.JsonInput;
* This class performs the coercion from JSON to the encoded {@link Actions} object.
public class ActionsCoercer {
* Decode the specified input into the corresponding actions.
* @param input encoded {@link JsonInput} object
* @return decoded {@link Actions} object
public static Actions fromJson(final JsonInput input) {
// extract list of serialized sequences
List> sequences =;
List sources = new ArrayList<>();
List>> iterators = new ArrayList<>();
ActionsWrapper actionsWrapper = new ActionsWrapper(new WebDriverWrapper());
// if list of sequences is empty, return now
if (sequences.isEmpty()) return actionsWrapper;
// build parallel lists of sources and action iterators
for (Map sequence : sequences) {
// get name of input source
String id = sequence.get("id").toString();
// resolve type of input source
switch (sequence.get("type").toString()) {
case "key":
case "pointer":
// get pointer source parameters
Map parameters = (Map) sequence.get("parameters");
// resolve kind of pointer source
Kind kind = Kind.valueOf(parameters.get("pointerType").toString().toUpperCase());
actionsWrapper.setActivePointer(kind, id);
case "wheel":
// add actions iterator for this source
iterators.add(((List>) sequence.get("actions")).iterator());
Interaction[] interactionGroup = new Interaction[sources.size()];
// while actions remain to process
while (iterators.get(0).hasNext()) {
// process next action from each source
for (int i = 0; i < sources.size(); i++) {
InputSource source = sources.get(i);
Map action = iterators.get(i).next();
switch (action.get("type").toString()) {
case "pause":
interactionGroup[i] = pause(source, action);
case "keyDown":
interactionGroup[i] = keyDown(source, action);
case "keyUp":
interactionGroup[i] = keyUp(source, action);
case "pointerDown":
interactionGroup[i] = pointerDown(source, action);
case "pointerUp":
interactionGroup[i] = pointerUp(source, action);
case "pointerMove":
interactionGroup[i] = pointerMove(source, action);
case "scroll":
interactionGroup[i] = scroll(source, action);
throw new InvalidArgumentException("Invalid action type: " + action.get("type"));
// add current interaction group
return actionsWrapper;
* Decode an encoded {@code pause} action.
* @param source input source device
* @param action encoded {@link Pause} action
* @return decoded 'pause' {@link Interaction} object
public static Interaction pause(final InputSource source, final Map action) {
Duration duration = Duration.ofMillis((Long) action.get("duration"));
return new Pause(source, duration);
* Decode an encoded {@code keyDown} action.
* @param source input source device
* @param action encoded 'keyDown' TypingInteraction action
* @return decoded 'keyDown' {@link Interaction} object
public static Interaction keyDown(final InputSource source, final Map action) {
String value = action.get("value").toString();
return ((KeyInput) source).createKeyDown(value.codePointAt(0));
* Decode an encoded {@code keyUp} action.
* @param source input source device
* @param action encoded 'keyUp' TypingInteraction action
* @return decoded 'keyUp' {@link Interaction} object
public static Interaction keyUp(final InputSource source, final Map action) {
String value = action.get("value").toString();
return ((KeyInput) source).createKeyUp(value.codePointAt(0));
* Decode an encoded {@code pointerDown} action.
* @param source input source device
* @param action encoded 'pointerDown' PointerPress action
* @return decoded 'pointerDown' {@link Interaction} object
public static Interaction pointerDown(final InputSource source, final Map action) {
int button = ((Number) action.get("button")).intValue();
return ((PointerInput) source).createPointerDown(button, eventProperties(action));
* Decode an encoded {@code pointerUp} action.
* @param source input source device
* @param action encoded 'pointerUp' PointerPress action
* @return decoded 'pointerUp' {@link Interaction} object
public static Interaction pointerUp(final InputSource source, final Map action) {
int button = ((Number) action.get("button")).intValue();
return ((PointerInput) source).createPointerUp(button, eventProperties(action));
* Decode an encoded {@code pointerMove} action.
* @param source input source device
* @param action encoded Move action
* @return decoded 'pointerMove' {@link Interaction} object
public static Interaction pointerMove(final InputSource source, final Map action) {
Duration duration = Duration.ofMillis((Long) action.get("duration"));
Origin origin = origin(action.get("origin"));
int x = ((Number) action.get("x")).intValue();
int y = ((Number) action.get("y")).intValue();
return ((PointerInput) source).createPointerMove(duration, origin, x, y, eventProperties(action));
* Decode an encoded {@code scroll} action.
* @param source input source device
* @param action encoded ScrollInteraction action
* @return decoded 'scroll' {@link Interaction} object
public static Interaction scroll(final InputSource source, final Map action) {
Duration duration = Duration.ofMillis((Long) action.get("duration"));
ScrollOrigin origin = scrollOrigin(action.get("origin"));
int x = ((Number) action.get("x")).intValue();
int y = ((Number) action.get("y")).intValue();
return ((WheelInput) source).createScroll(x, y, 0, 0, duration, origin);
* Decode the specified raw properties into a pointer event properties object.
* @param rawProperties raw properties map
* @return decoded {@link PointerEventProperties} object
private static PointerEventProperties eventProperties(final Map rawProperties) {
PointerEventProperties eventProperties = new PointerEventProperties();
for (Entry rawProperty : rawProperties.entrySet()) {
switch (rawProperty.getKey()) {
case "width":
eventProperties.setWidth(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).floatValue());
case "height":
eventProperties.setHeight(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).floatValue());
case "pressure":
eventProperties.setPressure(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).floatValue());
case "tangentialPressure":
eventProperties.setTangentialPressure(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).floatValue());
case "tiltX":
eventProperties.setTiltX(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).intValue());
case "tiltY":
eventProperties.setTiltY(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).intValue());
case "twist":
eventProperties.setTwist(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).intValue());
case "altitudeAngle":
eventProperties.setAltitudeAngle(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).floatValue());
case "azimuthAngle":
eventProperties.setAzimuthAngle(((Number) rawProperty.getValue()).floatValue());
return eventProperties;
* Create a pointer origin object from the specified raw origin.
* @param rawOrigin raw origin object
* @return decoded {@link Origin} object
private static Origin origin(final Object rawOrigin) {
try {
Constructor ctor = Origin.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Object.class);
return ctor.newInstance(rawOrigin);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Failed deserializing [origin]", e);
* Create a scroll origin object from the specified raw origin.
* @param originObject raw origin object
* @return decoded {@link ScrollOrigin} object
private static ScrollOrigin scrollOrigin(Object originObject) {
try {
Constructor ctor = ScrollOrigin.class.getDeclaredConstructor(Object.class, int.class, int.class);
return ctor.newInstance(originObject, 0, 0);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Failed deserializing [scrollOrigin]", e);
* This is a wrapper class for decoded {@link Actions} objects that facilitates element reference resolution.
static class ActionsWrapper extends Actions {
private WebDriverWrapper driverWrapper;
public ActionsWrapper(WebDriverWrapper driver) {
this.driverWrapper = driver;
* {@inheritDoc}
public Action build() {
Require.nonNull("[ActionsWrapper] Action origins unresolved; call 'resolveOrigins' first", driverWrapper.driver);
* Resolve origin element references of actions within this {@link Actions} object.
* @param driver target {@link HtmlUnitDriver}
* @return this {@link Actions} object
public Actions resolveOrigins(final HtmlUnitDriver driver) {
this.driverWrapper.driver = Require.nonNull("Driver", driver);
return this;
* Iterate over the actions of this {@link Actions} object, resolving origin element references.
* @param driver target {@link HtmlUnitDriver}
private void resolveInteractionOriginElements(final HtmlUnitDriver driver) {
final JsonToHtmlUnitWebElementConverter elementConverter = new JsonToHtmlUnitWebElementConverter(driver);
getSequences().stream().map(this::actions).forEach(action -> elementConverter.apply(action));
* Obtain a reference to the list of actions within the specified sequence object.
* @param sequence {@link Sequence} object
* @return list of {@link Encodable} objects with the specified sequence
private List actions(final Sequence sequence) {
try {
Field actions = Sequence.class.getDeclaredField("actions");
return (List) actions.get(sequence);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Failed acquiring actions", e);
* This wrapper class provides placeholder objects for the drivers used by {@link ActionsCoercer} objects.
private static class WebDriverWrapper implements WebDriver, Interactive {
private WebDriver driver;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void perform(Collection actions) {
((Interactive) driver).perform(actions);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void resetInputState() {
((Interactive) driver).resetInputState();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void get(String url) {
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getCurrentUrl() {
return driver.getCurrentUrl();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getTitle() {
return driver.getTitle();
* {@inheritDoc}
public List findElements(By by) {
return driver.findElements(by);
* {@inheritDoc}
public WebElement findElement(By by) {
return driver.findElement(by);
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getPageSource() {
return driver.getPageSource();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void close() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public void quit() {
* {@inheritDoc}
public Set getWindowHandles() {
return driver.getWindowHandles();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getWindowHandle() {
return driver.getWindowHandle();
* {@inheritDoc}
public TargetLocator switchTo() {
return driver.switchTo();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Navigation navigate() {
return driver.navigate();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Options manage() {
return driver.manage();