com.nrinaudo.fetch.QueryString.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.nrinaudo.fetch
import scala.util.{Success, Failure, Try}
object QueryString {
// - Implicit formats ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
implicit val Doubles: ValueFormat[Double] = ValueFormat.Doubles
implicit val Longs: ValueFormat[Long] = ValueFormat.Longs
implicit val Shorts: ValueFormat[Short] = ValueFormat.Shorts
implicit val Ints: ValueFormat[Int] = ValueFormat.Ints
implicit val Bytes: ValueFormat[Byte] = ValueFormat.Bytes
implicit val Floats: ValueFormat[Float] = ValueFormat.Floats
implicit val Booleans: ValueFormat[Boolean] = ValueFormat.Booleans
implicit val Strings: ValueFormat[String] = ValueFormat.Strings
implicit val Chars: ValueFormat[Char] = ValueFormat.Chars
// - Instance creation -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def apply(content: Map[String, List[String]] = Map()): QueryString = new QueryString(content)
def apply(query: String): QueryString = {
def extract(str: String) = new QueryString(str.split("&").foldLeft(Map[String, List[String]]()) {
case (map, entry) =>
val (n, v) = entry.splitAt(entry.indexOf('='))
val name = UrlEncoder.decode(n)
val value = UrlEncoder.decode(v.substring(1))
// TODO: appending at the end of the list has a complexity of O(n) and is inefficient for long lists. Fix.
map + (name -> map.get(name).fold(List(value))(_ :+ value))
// Protection against returning null rather than the empty string.
if(query == null || query.isEmpty) new QueryString(Map())
else if(query.charAt(0) == '?') extract(query.substring(1))
else extract(query)
/** Represents an [[Url]]'s query string. */
class QueryString private (content: Map[String, List[String]]) {
val values = content.mapValues(_.filter(!_.isEmpty)).filter {
case (name, entries) => !(name.isEmpty || entries.isEmpty)
// - Parameter setting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
/** Returns `Some[List[String]]` if the specified values map to actual content, `None` otherwise.
* The purpose of this method is to filter out empty value lists.
private def writeValues[T: ValueWriter](values: T*) =
/** Sets the specified parameter to the specified value.
* The main purpose of this method is to let application developers write code such as:
* {{{
* new QueryString() & ("param1" -> "value1") & ("param2" -> "value2")
* }}}
* Note that this method only accepts a single value, and will always replace any previous value for the specified
* name. If you need to specify the same parameter multiple times, use [[add]] instead.
* @param param tuple whose first entry if the parameter's name and second entry its value.
* @tparam T type of the value to set.
* @return an updated query string.
def &[T: ValueWriter](param: (String, T)): QueryString = set(param._1, param._2)
def add[T: ValueWriter](name: String, values: T*): QueryString = writeValues(values: _*).fold(this) { list =>
new QueryString(this.values + (name -> this.values.get(name).fold(list.toList) {_ ::: list.toList}))
def set[T: ValueWriter](name: String, values: T*): QueryString = writeValues(values: _*).fold(this) { list =>
new QueryString(this.values + (name -> list.toList))
// - Parameter getting -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def getFirst[T: ValueReader](name: String): Option[Try[T]] = get[T](name) map (_ map (_(0)))
def get[T: ValueReader](name: String): Option[Try[List[T]]] = values.get(name).map { list =>
ValueReader.sequence(list) match {
case Some(l) => Success(l)
case None => Failure(new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value: " + list))
def getFirstOpt[T: ValueReader](name: String): Option[T] = getOpt[T](name) map(_(0))
def getOpt[T: ValueReader](name: String): Option[List[T]] = for {
v1 <- values.get(name)
v2 <- ValueReader.sequence(v1)(implicitly[ValueReader[T]])
} yield v2
def apply[T: ValueReader](name: String): List[T] = values(name) map { v =>
implicitly[ValueReader[T]].read(v).getOrElse(throw new IllegalArgumentException("Illegal value: " + v))
def first[T: ValueReader](name: String): T = apply[T](name).apply(0)
// - Object implementation -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
override def hashCode(): Int = values.hashCode()
override def equals(p1: scala.Any): Boolean = p1 match {
case q: QueryString => q.values == values
case _ => false
// - Serialization ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def writeTo(builder: StringBuilder): StringBuilder = {
var first = true
for {
(name, list) <- values
value <- list
} {
if(first) first = false
else builder.append("&")
override lazy val toString: String = writeTo(new StringBuilder).result()