com.nrinaudo.fetch.Url.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.nrinaudo.fetch
object Url {
// - URI-based construction ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def fromUri(uri: URI): Option[Url] = for {
protocolStr <- Option(uri.getScheme)
protocol <- Protocol.parse(protocolStr)
host <- Option(uri.getHost)
} yield Url(protocol, host, if(uri.getPort == -1) protocol.defaultPort else uri.getPort,
splitPath(uri.getRawPath), QueryString(uri.getRawQuery), Option(uri.getFragment))
private def splitPath(path: String) =
if(path == null) Nil
else path.split("/").toList.filter(!_.isEmpty).map(UrlEncoder.decode)
// - String-based construction ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def parse(url: String): Option[Url] = fromUri(new URI(url))
case class Url(protocol: Protocol, host: String, port: Int, path: List[String] = List(),
query: QueryString = QueryString(), fragment: Option[String] = None) {
// - Url building ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
def protocol(value: Protocol): Url = copy(protocol = value)
def host(value: String): Url = copy(host = value)
def port(value: Int): Url = copy(port = value)
def path(value: String*): Url = path(value.toList)
def path(value: List[String]): Url = copy(path = value)
def fragment(value: Option[String]): Url = copy(fragment = value)
// TODO: maybe a list, with its slow appends, is not the best solution for storing paths?
def addSegment(value: String): Url = path(path :+ value :_*)
def query(value: QueryString): Url = copy(query = value)
def param[T: ValueWriter](name: String, values: T*): Url = query(query.set(name, values: _*))
def /(segment: String): Url = addSegment(segment)
def ?(value: QueryString): Url = query(value)
// TODO: this is currently extremely cumbersome if T happens to be a List[T].
// Implicit from ValueFormat[T] to ValueFormat[List[T]]?
def &[T: ValueWriter](value: (String, T)): Url = param(value._1, value._2)
// - Object methods --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Note: I wanted to implement this properly with the correct URI constructor and all, but it turns out this creates
// a string and then parses it...
def toURI: URI = new URI(toString)
override lazy val toString = {
val builder = new StringBuilder
// Protocol and host.
// Appends the port if different from the default one.
if(protocol.defaultPort != port) builder.append(':').append(port)
// Path
builder.append(path.filter(!_.isEmpty).map(UrlEncoder.encode).mkString("/", "/", ""))
// Query String.
if(!query.values.isEmpty) query.writeTo(builder.append('?'))
fragment.foreach {r => builder.append("#").append(UrlEncoder.encode(r))}