com.nrinaudo.fetch.UrlEncoder Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2014, ioSquare SAS. All rights reserved.
* The information contained in this file is confidential and proprietary.
* Any reproduction, use or disclosure, in whole or in part, of this
* information without the express, prior written consent of ioSquare SAS
* is strictly prohibited.
package com.nrinaudo.fetch;
* W3C implementation of UTF-8 URL encoding / decoding
* (see here).
* I'm not convinced their implementation is the most efficient there is, but it *should* at the very least be
* correct.
public class UrlEncoder {
private final static String[] hex = {
"%00", "%01", "%02", "%03", "%04", "%05", "%06", "%07",
"%08", "%09", "%0a", "%0b", "%0c", "%0d", "%0e", "%0f",
"%10", "%11", "%12", "%13", "%14", "%15", "%16", "%17",
"%18", "%19", "%1a", "%1b", "%1c", "%1d", "%1e", "%1f",
"%20", "%21", "%22", "%23", "%24", "%25", "%26", "%27",
"%28", "%29", "%2a", "%2b", "%2c", "%2d", "%2e", "%2f",
"%30", "%31", "%32", "%33", "%34", "%35", "%36", "%37",
"%38", "%39", "%3a", "%3b", "%3c", "%3d", "%3e", "%3f",
"%40", "%41", "%42", "%43", "%44", "%45", "%46", "%47",
"%48", "%49", "%4a", "%4b", "%4c", "%4d", "%4e", "%4f",
"%50", "%51", "%52", "%53", "%54", "%55", "%56", "%57",
"%58", "%59", "%5a", "%5b", "%5c", "%5d", "%5e", "%5f",
"%60", "%61", "%62", "%63", "%64", "%65", "%66", "%67",
"%68", "%69", "%6a", "%6b", "%6c", "%6d", "%6e", "%6f",
"%70", "%71", "%72", "%73", "%74", "%75", "%76", "%77",
"%78", "%79", "%7a", "%7b", "%7c", "%7d", "%7e", "%7f",
"%80", "%81", "%82", "%83", "%84", "%85", "%86", "%87",
"%88", "%89", "%8a", "%8b", "%8c", "%8d", "%8e", "%8f",
"%90", "%91", "%92", "%93", "%94", "%95", "%96", "%97",
"%98", "%99", "%9a", "%9b", "%9c", "%9d", "%9e", "%9f",
"%a0", "%a1", "%a2", "%a3", "%a4", "%a5", "%a6", "%a7",
"%a8", "%a9", "%aa", "%ab", "%ac", "%ad", "%ae", "%af",
"%b0", "%b1", "%b2", "%b3", "%b4", "%b5", "%b6", "%b7",
"%b8", "%b9", "%ba", "%bb", "%bc", "%bd", "%be", "%bf",
"%c0", "%c1", "%c2", "%c3", "%c4", "%c5", "%c6", "%c7",
"%c8", "%c9", "%ca", "%cb", "%cc", "%cd", "%ce", "%cf",
"%d0", "%d1", "%d2", "%d3", "%d4", "%d5", "%d6", "%d7",
"%d8", "%d9", "%da", "%db", "%dc", "%dd", "%de", "%df",
"%e0", "%e1", "%e2", "%e3", "%e4", "%e5", "%e6", "%e7",
"%e8", "%e9", "%ea", "%eb", "%ec", "%ed", "%ee", "%ef",
"%f0", "%f1", "%f2", "%f3", "%f4", "%f5", "%f6", "%f7",
"%f8", "%f9", "%fa", "%fb", "%fc", "%fd", "%fe", "%ff"
public static StringBuilder encodeInto(String s, StringBuilder builder) {
int len = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
int ch = s.charAt(i);
if ('A' <= ch && ch <= 'Z') { // 'A'..'Z'
} else if ('a' <= ch && ch <= 'z') { // 'a'..'z'
} else if ('0' <= ch && ch <= '9') { // '0'..'9'
// Removed the special case for space: it *should* be encoded as %20, not +. We just need to be able
// to decode + properly.
/*} else if (ch == ' ') { // space
builder.append('+'); */
} else if (ch == '-' || ch == '_' // unreserved
|| ch == '.' || ch == '!'
|| ch == '~' || ch == '*'
|| ch == '\'' || ch == '('
|| ch == ')') {
} else if (ch <= 0x007f) { // other ASCII
} else if (ch <= 0x07FF) { // non-ASCII <= 0x7FF
builder.append(hex[0xc0 | (ch >> 6)]);
builder.append(hex[0x80 | (ch & 0x3F)]);
} else { // 0x7FF < ch <= 0xFFFF
builder.append(hex[0xe0 | (ch >> 12)]);
builder.append(hex[0x80 | ((ch >> 6) & 0x3F)]);
builder.append(hex[0x80 | (ch & 0x3F)]);
return builder;
public static String encode(String s)
return encodeInto(s, new StringBuilder()).toString();
public static StringBuilder decodeInto(String s, StringBuilder builder) {
int l = s.length() ;
int ch;
int b, sumb = 0;
for (int i = 0, more = -1 ; i < l ; i++) {
/* Get next byte b from URL segment s */
switch (ch = s.charAt(i)) {
case '%':
ch = s.charAt (++i) ;
int hb = (Character.isDigit ((char) ch)
? ch - '0'
: 10+Character.toLowerCase((char) ch) - 'a') & 0xF ;
ch = s.charAt (++i) ;
int lb = (Character.isDigit ((char) ch)
? ch - '0'
: 10+Character.toLowerCase ((char) ch)-'a') & 0xF ;
b = (hb << 4) | lb ;
break ;
case '+':
b = ' ' ;
break ;
b = ch ;
/* Decode byte b as UTF-8, sumb collects incomplete chars */
if ((b & 0xc0) == 0x80) { // 10xxxxxx (continuation byte)
sumb = (sumb << 6) | (b & 0x3f) ; // Add 6 bits to sumb
if (--more == 0) builder.append((char) sumb) ; // Add char to builder
} else if ((b & 0x80) == 0x00) { // 0xxxxxxx (yields 7 bits)
builder.append((char)b) ; // Store in builder
} else if ((b & 0xe0) == 0xc0) { // 110xxxxx (yields 5 bits)
sumb = b & 0x1f;
more = 1; // Expect 1 more byte
} else if ((b & 0xf0) == 0xe0) { // 1110xxxx (yields 4 bits)
sumb = b & 0x0f;
more = 2; // Expect 2 more bytes
} else if ((b & 0xf8) == 0xf0) { // 11110xxx (yields 3 bits)
sumb = b & 0x07;
more = 3; // Expect 3 more bytes
} else if ((b & 0xfc) == 0xf8) { // 111110xx (yields 2 bits)
sumb = b & 0x03;
more = 4; // Expect 4 more bytes
} else /*if ((b & 0xfe) == 0xfc)*/ { // 1111110x (yields 1 bit)
sumb = b & 0x01;
more = 5; // Expect 5 more bytes
/* We don't test if the UTF-8 encoding is well-formed */
return builder;
public static String decode(String s) {
return decodeInto(s, new StringBuilder()).toString();