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package com.nthportal.versions
* A package containing utilities related to
* [[ SemVer 2.0.0]] versions.
* Note: This package is not associated with the SemVer organization in
* any way; it is merely designed to comply with the SemVer specification.
package object semver {
private val sectionRegex = """[0-9A-Za-z-]+(\.[0-9A-Za-z-]+)*""".r
* Parses a version string into a SemVer version. Strips build metadata
* from the version string if present.
* @param version the version string to parse
* @param ed the [[ExtensionDef extension definition]] with which to parse
* @param ep a [[ExtensionParser parser]] for extensions
* @tparam E the type of the extension
* @throws VersionFormatException if the given string is not a valid SemVer version
* @return the SemVer version represented by the specified version
def parseSemVerVersion[E](version: String)
(implicit ep: ExtensionParser[E],
ed: ExtensionDef[E]): v3.ExtendedVersion[E] = {
import BuildMetadata.stringMetadataParser
* Parses a version string into a SemVer version. Keeps and parses build metadata
* if present.
* @param version the version string to parse
* @param ed the [[ExtensionDef extension definition]] with which to parse
* @param ep a [[ExtensionParser parser]] for extensions
* @tparam E the type of the extension
* @throws VersionFormatException if the given string is not a valid SemVer version
* @return the SemVer version represented by the specified version
def parseSemVerWithBuildMetadata[E, M](version: String)
(implicit ep: ExtensionParser[E],
ed: ExtensionDef[E],
mp: BuildMetadata.Parser[M]): SemVerFull[E, M] = {
try {
version split '+' match {
case Array(ver, meta) =>
validateSemVerSection(meta, "build metadata")
SemVerFull(parseExtendedVersion(ver), Some(mp.parse(meta)))
case Array(ver) =>
require(!version.endsWith("+"), "build metadata cannot be empty")
SemVerFull(parseExtendedVersion(ver), None)
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("SemVer versions may only have a single build metadata section")
} catch {
case e: IllegalArgumentException => throw new VersionFormatException(version, e)
private def validateSemVerSection(contents: String, sectionName: String): Unit = {
require(sectionRegex.pattern.matcher(contents).matches(), s"Invalid $sectionName: " + contents)
private def parseExtendedVersion[E](version: String)
(implicit ep: ExtensionParser[E],
ed: ExtensionDef[E]): v3.ExtendedVersion[E] = {
v3.ExtendedVersion.parseVersion(version)(ed, _extensionParser(extension => {
validateSemVerSection(extension, "extension")
implicit final class RichVersion(private val ver: v3.Version) extends AnyVal {
* Returns a [[v3.Version version]] with the major version number
* incremented by `1`, as described in
* [[ the specification]].
* @return a version with the major version number incremented by `1`
def bumpMajor: v3.Version = v3.Version(ver.major + 1, 0, 0)
* Returns a [[v3.Version version]] with the minor version number
* incremented by `1`, as described in
* [[ the specification]].
* @return a version with the minor version number incremented by `1`
def bumpMinor: v3.Version = ver.copy(minor = ver.minor + 1, patch = 0)
* Returns a [[v3.Version version]] with the patch version number
* incremented by `1`, as described in
* [[ the specification]].
* @return a version with the patch version number incremented by `1`
def bumpPatch: v3.Version = ver.copy(patch = ver.patch + 1)
implicit final class RichExtendedVersion[E](private val ver: v3.ExtendedVersion[E]) extends AnyVal {
* Returns a [[v3.ExtendedVersion version]] with the major version number
* incremented by `1`, as described in
* [[ the specification]].
* @return a version with the major version number incremented by `1`
def bumpMajor: v3.ExtendedVersion[E] = ver.copy(version = ver.version.bumpMajor)
* Returns a [[v3.ExtendedVersion version]] with the minor version number
* incremented by `1`, as described in
* [[ the specification]].
* @return a version with the minor version number incremented by `1`
def bumpMinor: v3.ExtendedVersion[E] = ver.copy(version = ver.version.bumpMinor)
* Returns a [[v3.ExtendedVersion version]] with the patch version number
* incremented by `1`, as described in
* [[ the specification]].
* @return a version with the patch version number incremented by `1`
def bumpPatch: v3.ExtendedVersion[E] = ver.copy(version = ver.version.bumpPatch)
* Creates a [[SemVerFull SemVer version]] with empty build metadata
* from this extended version.
* @tparam M the type of the build metadata
* @return a SemVer version with empty build metadata
def withNoMetadata[M]: SemVerFull[E, M] = SemVerFull(ver, None)
* Creates a [[SemVerFull SemVer version]] with the specified build
* metadata from this extended version.
* @param metadata the build metadata
* @tparam M the type of the build metadata
* @return a SemVer version with the specified build metadata
def withBuildMetadata[M](metadata: M): SemVerFull[E, M] = SemVerFull(ver, Some(metadata))
* @see [[withBuildMetadata]]
def +[M](buildMetadata: M): SemVerFull[E, M] = withBuildMetadata(buildMetadata)