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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.EventLogPathProcessor.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2021-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool

import java.time.LocalDateTime

import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, LinkedHashMap}
import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FileContext, FileStatus, FileSystem, Path, PathFilter}

import org.apache.spark.deploy.history.{EventLogFileReader, EventLogFileWriter}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.AppFilterImpl
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.profiling.ApplicationInfo
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.util.FSUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.util.StringUtils

sealed trait EventLogInfo {
  def eventLog: Path

case class EventLogFileSystemInfo(timestamp: Long, size: Long)

case class ApacheSparkEventLog(override val eventLog: Path) extends EventLogInfo
case class DatabricksEventLog(override val eventLog: Path) extends EventLogInfo

case class FailedEventLog(override val eventLog: Path,
                          private val reason: String) extends EventLogInfo {
  def getReason: String = {
    StringUtils.renderStr(reason, doEscapeMetaCharacters = true, maxLength = 0)

object EventLogPathProcessor extends Logging {
  // Apache Spark event log prefixes
  private val EVENT_LOG_DIR_NAME_PREFIX = "eventlog_v2_"
  private val DB_EVENT_LOG_FILE_NAME_PREFIX = "eventlog"

  private def isEventLogDir(status: FileStatus): Boolean = {
    status.isDirectory && isEventLogDir(status.getPath.getName)

  // This only checks the name of the path
  private def isEventLogDir(path: String): Boolean = {

  private def isDBEventLogFile(fileName: String): Boolean = {

  def isDBEventLogFile(status: FileStatus): Boolean = {
    status.isFile && isDBEventLogFile(status.getPath.getName)

  // scalastyle:off line.size.limit
  // scalastyle:on line.size.limit
  private val SPARK_SHORT_COMPRESSION_CODEC_NAMES = Set("lz4", "lzf", "snappy", "zstd")
  // Apache Spark ones plus gzip

  // Files having these keywords are not considered as event logs
  private val EXCLUDED_EVENTLOG_NAME_KEYWORDS = Set("stdout", "stderr", "log4j", ".log.")

   * Filter to identify valid event log files based on the criteria:
   *  - File should either not have any suffix or have a supported compression codec suffix
   *  - File should not contain any of the EXCLUDED_EVENTLOG_NAME_KEYWORDS keywords in its name
   * @param logFile File to be filtered.
   * @return        True if the file is a valid event log, false otherwise.
  private def eventLogNameFilter(logFile: Path): Boolean = {
    val hasValidSuffix = EventLogFileWriter.codecName(logFile)
      .forall(suffix => SPARK_SHORT_COMPRESSION_CODEC_NAMES_FOR_FILTER.contains(suffix))
    val hasExcludedKeyword = EXCLUDED_EVENTLOG_NAME_KEYWORDS.exists(logFile.getName.contains)
    hasValidSuffix && !hasExcludedKeyword

  // Databricks has the latest events in file named eventlog and then any rolled in format
  // eventlog-2021-06-14--20-00.gz, here we assume that if any files start with eventlog
  // then the directory is a Databricks event log directory.
  private def isDatabricksEventLogDir(dir: FileStatus, fs: FileSystem): Boolean = {
    lazy val dbLogFiles = fs.listStatus(dir.getPath, new PathFilter {
      override def accept(path: Path): Boolean = {
    dir.isDirectory && dbLogFiles.size > 1

   * Identifies if the input file or directory is a valid event log.
   * TODO - Need to handle size of files in directory, for now document its not supported.
   *        Reference:
   * @param s   FileStatus to be identified.
   * @param fs  FileSystem instance for file system operations.
   * @return    Option[EventLogInfo] if valid, None otherwise.
  private def identifyEventLog(s: FileStatus, fs: FileSystem): Option[EventLogInfo] = {
    if (s.isFile && eventLogNameFilter(s.getPath)) {
      // Regular event log file. See function `eventLogNameFilter` for criteria.
    } else if (isEventLogDir(s)) {
      // Apache Spark event log directory (starting with "eventlog_v2_").
    } else if (isDatabricksEventLogDir(s, fs)) {
      // Databricks event log directory (files starting with "eventlog").
    } else {
      // Ignore other types of files.

   * Retrieves all event logs from the input path.
   * Note:
   *   - If the input path is a directory and recursive search is enabled, this function will
   *     search for event logs in all subdirectories.
   *   - This is done using a queue to avoid stack overflow.
   * @param inputPath               Root path to search for event logs.
   * @param fs                      FileSystem instance for file system operations.
   * @param recursiveSearchEnabled  If enabled, search for event logs in all subdirectories.
   * @return                        List of (EventLogInfo, EventLogFileSystemInfo) tuples.
  private def getEventLogInfoInternal(inputPath: Path, fs: FileSystem,
      recursiveSearchEnabled: Boolean): List[(EventLogInfo, EventLogFileSystemInfo)] = {
    val results = ArrayBuffer[(EventLogInfo, EventLogFileSystemInfo)]()
    val queue = mutable.Queue[FileStatus]()
    while (queue.nonEmpty) {
      // Note: currentEntry can be a file, directory, or a symlink.
      val currentEntry = queue.dequeue()
      identifyEventLog(currentEntry, fs) match {
        case Some(eventLogInfo) =>
          // If currentEntry is an event log (either a file or a directory), add it to the results
          // with its modification time and size.
          results += eventLogInfo -> EventLogFileSystemInfo(
            currentEntry.getModificationTime, currentEntry.getLen)
        case None if currentEntry.isDirectory =>
          // If currentEntry is a directory (but not an event log) enqueue all contained files for
          // further processing. Include subdirectories only if recursive search is enabled.
            .filter(child => child.isFile || (child.isDirectory && recursiveSearchEnabled))
        case _ =>
          // Using a debug log (instead of warn) to avoid excessive logging due to recursive nature.
          val supportedTypes = SPARK_SHORT_COMPRESSION_CODEC_NAMES_FOR_FILTER.mkString(", ")
          logDebug(s"File: ${currentEntry.getPath} is not a supported file type. " +
            s"Supported compression types are: $supportedTypes. Skipping this file.")

   * If the user provides wildcard in the eventlogs, then the path processor needs
   * to process the path as a pattern. Otherwise, HDFS throws an exception mistakenly that
   * no such file exists.
   * Once the glob path is checked, the list of eventlogs is the result of the flattenMap
   * of all the processed files.
   * @return List of (rawPath, List[processedPaths])
  private def processWildcardsLogs(eventLogsPaths: List[String],
      hadoopConf: Configuration): List[(String, List[String])] = { { rawPath =>
      if (!rawPath.contains("*")) {
        (rawPath, List(rawPath))
      } else {
        try {
          val globPath = new Path(rawPath)
          val fileContext = FileContext.getFileContext(globPath.toUri, hadoopConf)
          val fileStatuses = fileContext.util().globStatus(globPath)
          val paths =
          (rawPath, paths)
        } catch {
          case _ : Throwable =>
            // Do not fail in this block.
            // Instead, ignore the error and add the file as is; then the caller should fail when
            // processing the file.
            // This will make handling errors more consistent during the processing of the analysis
            logWarning(s"Processing pathLog with wildCard has failed: $rawPath")
            (rawPath, List.empty)

  def getEventLogInfo(pathString: String, hadoopConf: Configuration,
      recursiveSearchEnabled: Boolean = true): Map[EventLogInfo, Option[EventLogFileSystemInfo]] = {
    val inputPath = new Path(pathString)
    try {
      // Note that some cloud storage APIs may throw FileNotFoundException when the pathPrefix
      // (i.e., bucketName) is not visible to the current configuration instance.
      val fs = FSUtils.getFSForPath(inputPath, hadoopConf)
      val eventLogInfos = getEventLogInfoInternal(inputPath, fs, recursiveSearchEnabled)
      if (eventLogInfos.isEmpty) {
        val message = "No valid event logs found in the path. Check the path or set the " +
          "log level to DEBUG for more details."
        Map(FailedEventLog(inputPath, message) -> None)
      } else {
    } catch {
      case fnfEx: FileNotFoundException =>
        logWarning(s"$pathString not found, skipping!")
        Map(FailedEventLog(new Path(pathString), fnfEx.getMessage) -> None)
      case NonFatal(e) =>
        logWarning(s"Unexpected exception occurred reading $pathString, skipping!", e)
        Map(FailedEventLog(new Path(pathString), e.getMessage) -> None)

   * Function to process event log paths passed in and evaluate which ones are really event
   * logs and filter based on user options.
   * @param filterNLogs             Number of event logs to be selected
   * @param matchlogs               Keyword to match file names in the directory
   * @param eventLogsPaths          Array of event log paths
   * @param hadoopConf              Hadoop Configuration
   * @param recursiveSearchEnabled  If enabled, search for event logs in all subdirectories.
   *                                Enabled by default.
   * @param maxEventLogSize         Optional maximum event log size as a string
   * @param minEventLogSize         Optional minimum event log size as a string
   * @param fsStartTime             Filesystem date and time for filtering event logs based on
   *                                start time
   * @param fsEndTime               Filesystem date and time for filtering event logs based on
   *                                end time
   * @return (Seq[EventLogInfo], Seq[EventLogInfo]) - Tuple indicating paths of event logs in
   *         filesystem. First element contains paths of event logs after applying filters and
   *         second element contains paths of all event logs.
  def processAllPaths(
      filterNLogs: Option[String],
      matchlogs: Option[String],
      eventLogsPaths: List[String],
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      recursiveSearchEnabled: Boolean = true,
      maxEventLogSize: Option[String] = None,
      minEventLogSize: Option[String] = None,
      fsStartTime: Option[String] = None,
      fsEndTime: Option[String] = None): (Seq[EventLogInfo], Seq[EventLogInfo]) = {
    val logsPathNoWildCards = processWildcardsLogs(eventLogsPaths, hadoopConf)
    val logsWithTimestamp = logsPathNoWildCards.flatMap {
      case (rawPath, processedPaths) if processedPaths.isEmpty =>
        // If no event logs are found in the path after wildcard expansion, return a failed event
        Map(FailedEventLog(new Path(rawPath), s"No event logs found in $rawPath") -> None)
      case (_, processedPaths) =>
        processedPaths.flatMap(getEventLogInfo(_, hadoopConf, recursiveSearchEnabled))

    logDebug("Paths after stringToPath: " + logsWithTimestamp)
    // Filter the event logs to be processed based on the criteria. If it is not provided in the
    // command line, then return all the event logs processed above.
    val matchedLogs = { strMatch =>

    val filteredLogs = if ((filterNLogs.nonEmpty && !filterByAppCriteria(filterNLogs)) ||
      maxEventLogSize.isDefined || minEventLogSize.isDefined ||
      fsStartTime.isDefined || fsEndTime.isDefined) {
      val validMatchedLogs = matchedLogs.collect {
        case (info, Some(ts)) => info -> ts
      val filteredByMinSize = if (minEventLogSize.isDefined) {
        val minSizeInBytes = if (StringUtils.isMemorySize(minEventLogSize.get)) {
          // if it is memory return the bytes unit
        } else {
          // size is assumed to be mb
          StringUtils.convertMemorySizeToBytes(minEventLogSize.get + "m")
        val (matched, filtered) = validMatchedLogs.partition(info => info._2.size >= minSizeInBytes)
        logInfo(s"Filtering eventlogs by size, minimum size is ${minSizeInBytes}b. The logs " +
          s"filtered out include: ${",")}")
      } else {
      val filteredByMaxSize = if (maxEventLogSize.isDefined) {
        val maxSizeInBytes = if (StringUtils.isMemorySize(maxEventLogSize.get)) {
          // if it is memory return the bytes unit
        } else {
          // size is assumed to be mb
          StringUtils.convertMemorySizeToBytes(maxEventLogSize.get + "m")
        val (matched, filtered) =
          filteredByMinSize.partition(info => info._2.size <= maxSizeInBytes)
        logInfo(s"Filtering eventlogs by size, max size is ${maxSizeInBytes}b. The logs filtered " +
          s"out include: ${",")}")
      } else {
      // filter by date time range first
      val filteredByDateTime = if (fsStartTime.isDefined || fsEndTime.isDefined) {
        if (fsStartTime.isDefined && fsEndTime.isDefined) {
          val startTimeMs = AppFilterImpl.parseDateTimePeriod(fsStartTime.get).get
          val endTimeMs = AppFilterImpl.parseDateTimePeriod(fsEndTime.get).get
          val (matched, filtered) = filteredByMaxSize.partition { case (_, v) =>
            (v.timestamp >= startTimeMs) && (v.timestamp <= endTimeMs)
          logInfo(s"Filtered out event logs based on both fs start time: ${fsStartTime.get} " +
            s"and fs end time: ${fsEndTime.get}. The logs filtered out include: " +
        } else if (fsStartTime.isDefined) {
          val startTimeMs = AppFilterImpl.parseDateTimePeriod(fsStartTime.get).get
          val (matched, filtered) =
            filteredByMaxSize.partition { case (_, v) => v.timestamp >= startTimeMs }
          logInfo(s"Filtered out event logs based on fs start time: ${fsStartTime.get} " +
            s"The logs filtered out include: " +
        } else {
          val endTimeMs = AppFilterImpl.parseDateTimePeriod(fsEndTime.get).get
          val (matched, filtered) =
            filteredByMaxSize.partition { case (_, v) => v.timestamp <= endTimeMs }
          logInfo(s"Filtered out event logs based on fs end time: ${fsEndTime.get} " +
            s"The logs filtered out include: " +
      } else {
      if (filterNLogs.nonEmpty && !filterByAppCriteria(filterNLogs)) {
        val filteredInfo = filterNLogs.get.split("-")
        val numberofEventLogs = filteredInfo(0).toInt
        val criteria = filteredInfo(1)
        // Before filtering based on user criteria, remove the failed event logs
        // (i.e. logs without timestamp) from the list.
        val matched = if (criteria.equals("newest")) {
          LinkedHashMap(filteredByDateTime.toSeq.sortWith(_._2.timestamp > _._2.timestamp): _*)
        } else if (criteria.equals("oldest")) {
          LinkedHashMap(filteredByDateTime.toSeq.sortWith(_._2.timestamp < _._2.timestamp): _*)
        } else {
          logError("Criteria should be either newest-filesystem or oldest-filesystem")
          Map.empty[EventLogInfo, Long]
      } else {
    } else {
    (filteredLogs.keys.toSeq, logsWithTimestamp.keys.toSeq)

  def filterByAppCriteria(filterNLogs: Option[String]): Boolean = {
    filterNLogs.get.endsWith("-oldest") || filterNLogs.get.endsWith("-newest") ||

  def logApplicationInfo(app: ApplicationInfo) = {
    logInfo(s"==============  ${app.appId} (index=${app.index})  ==============")

  def getDBEventLogFileDate(eventLogFileName: String): LocalDateTime = {
    if (!isDBEventLogFile(eventLogFileName)) {
      logError(s"$eventLogFileName Not an event log file!")
    val fileParts = eventLogFileName.split("--")
    if (fileParts.size < 2) {
      // assume this is the current log and we want that one to be read last
    } else {
      val date = fileParts(0).split("-")
      val day = Integer.parseInt(date(3))
      val month = Integer.parseInt(date(2))
      val year = Integer.parseInt(date(1))
      val time = fileParts(1).split("-")
      val minParse = time(1).split('.')
      val hour = Integer.parseInt(time(0))
      val min = Integer.parseInt(minParse(0))
      LocalDateTime.of(year, month, day, hour, min)

 * The reader which will read the information of Databricks rolled multiple event log files.
class DatabricksRollingEventLogFilesFileReader(
    fs: FileSystem,
    path: Path) extends EventLogFileReader(fs, path) with Logging {

  private lazy val files: Seq[FileStatus] = {
    val ret = fs.listStatus(rootPath).toSeq
    if (!ret.exists(EventLogPathProcessor.isDBEventLogFile)) {
    } else {

  private lazy val eventLogFiles: Seq[FileStatus] = {
    files.filter(EventLogPathProcessor.isDBEventLogFile).sortWith { (status1, status2) =>
      val dateTime = EventLogPathProcessor.getDBEventLogFileDate(status1.getPath.getName)
      val dateTime2 = EventLogPathProcessor.getDBEventLogFileDate(status2.getPath.getName)

  override def completed: Boolean = true
  override def modificationTime: Long = lastEventLogFile.getModificationTime
  private def lastEventLogFile: FileStatus = eventLogFiles.last
  override def listEventLogFiles: Seq[FileStatus] = eventLogFiles

  // unused functions
  override def compressionCodec: Option[String] = None
  override def totalSize: Long = 0
  override def zipEventLogFiles(zipStream: ZipOutputStream): Unit = {}
  override def fileSizeForLastIndexForDFS: Option[Long] = None
  override def fileSizeForLastIndex: Long = lastEventLogFile.getLen
  override def lastIndex: Option[Long] = None

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