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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.analysis.AppSQLPlanAnalyzer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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package com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.analysis
import scala.collection.mutable.{AbstractSet, ArrayBuffer, HashMap, LinkedHashSet}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.planparser.SQLPlanParser
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.profiling.{AccumProfileResults, DataSourceCase, SQLAccumProfileResults, SQLMetricInfoCase, SQLStageInfoProfileResult, UnsupportedSQLPlan, WholeStageCodeGenResults}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.tool.qualification.QualSQLPlanAnalyzer
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlanInfo
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.ui.{SparkPlanGraph, SparkPlanGraphCluster, SparkPlanGraphNode}
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.{AppBase, RDDCheckHelper, SqlPlanInfoGraphBuffer, SqlPlanInfoGraphEntry}
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.profiling.ApplicationInfo
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.qualification.QualificationAppInfo
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.tool.util.ToolsPlanGraph
* This class processes SQL plan to build some information such as: metrics, wholeStage nodes, and
* connecting operators to nodes. The implementation used to be directly under Profiler's
* ApplicationInfo class. Moving the logic and the data structure to this new class is part of
* refactor to have a SQLPlan processor that can produce the same analysis for both the Prof/Qual
* tools.
* Calling processSQLPlanMetrics() has a side effect on the app object:
* 1- it updates dataSourceInfo with V2 and V1 data sources
* 2- it updates sqlIDtoProblematic the map between SQL ID and potential problems
* 3- it updates sqlIdToInfo.DsOrRdd as boolean to indicate whether a sql is an RDD/DS or not
* TODO: this class should extend the trait SparkSQLPlanInfoVisitor[T]
* @param app the Application info objects that contains the SQL plans to be processed
class AppSQLPlanAnalyzer(app: AppBase, appIndex: Int) extends AppAnalysisBase(app) {
// A map between (SQL ID, Node ID) and the set of stage IDs
// TODO: The Qualification should use this map instead of building a new set for each exec.
private val sqlPlanNodeIdToStageIds: HashMap[(Long, Long), Set[Int]] =
HashMap.empty[(Long, Long), Set[Int]]
var wholeStage: ArrayBuffer[WholeStageCodeGenResults] = ArrayBuffer[WholeStageCodeGenResults]()
// A list of UnsupportedSQLPlan that contains the SQL ID, node ID, node name.
// TODO: for now, unsupportedSQLPlan is kept here for now to match the legacy Profiler's
// output but we need to revisit this in the future to see if we can move it to a
// different place or fix any inconsistent issues between this implementation and
// SQLPlanParser.
var unsupportedSQLPlan: ArrayBuffer[UnsupportedSQLPlan] = ArrayBuffer[UnsupportedSQLPlan]()
var allSQLMetrics: ArrayBuffer[SQLMetricInfoCase] = ArrayBuffer[SQLMetricInfoCase]()
* Connects Operators to Stages using AccumulatorIDs.
* TODO: This function can be fused in the visitNode function to avoid the extra iteration.
* @param cb function that creates a SparkPlanGraph. This can be used as a cacheHolder for the
* object created to be used later.
private def connectOperatorToStage(cb: (Long, SparkPlanInfo) => SparkPlanGraph): Unit = {
for ((sqlId, planInfo) <- app.sqlPlans) {
val planGraph: SparkPlanGraph = cb.apply(sqlId, planInfo)
// Maps stages to operators by checking for non-zero intersection
// between nodeMetrics and stageAccumulateIDs
val nodeIdToStage = planGraph.allNodes.map { node =>
val mappedStages = SQLPlanParser.getStagesInSQLNode(node, app)
((sqlId, node.id), mappedStages)
sqlPlanNodeIdToStageIds ++= nodeIdToStage
* Update the potential problems in the app object. This is a common function that is used by
* Both Qual/Prof analysis.
* For Qual apps, the app.sqlIDtoProblematic won't be set because it is done later during the
* aggregation phase.
* @param sqlId the SQL ID being analyzed
* @param potentialProblems a set of strings that represent the potential problems found in the
* SQL plan.
private def updateAppPotentialProblems(sqlId: Long,
potentialProblems: AbstractSet[String]): Unit = {
// Append problematic issues to the global variable for that SqlID
val existingIssues = app.sqlIDtoProblematic.getOrElse(sqlId, LinkedHashSet[String]())
app.sqlIDtoProblematic(sqlId) = existingIssues ++ potentialProblems
// A visitor context to hold the state of the SQL plan visitor.
// The fields are updated and modified by the visitNode function.
// sqlIsDsOrRDD is initialized to False, and it is set only once to True when a node is detected
// as RDD or DS.
protected case class SQLPlanVisitorContext(
sqlPIGEntry: SqlPlanInfoGraphEntry,
sqlDataSources: ArrayBuffer[DataSourceCase] = ArrayBuffer[DataSourceCase](),
potentialProblems: LinkedHashSet[String] = LinkedHashSet[String](),
var sqlIsDsOrRDD: Boolean = false)
* The method is called for each node in the SparkGraph plan.
* It visits the node to extract the following information
* 1- the metrics;
* 2- potential problems.
* 3- data sources
* It updates the following fields defined in AppSQLPlanAnalyzer:
* 1- allSQLMetrics: a list of SQLMetricInfoCase
* 2- wholeStage: a list of WholeStageCodeGenResults
* 3- unsupportedSQLPlan: a list of UnsupportedSQLPlan that contains the SQL ID, node ID,
* node name.
* TODO: Consider handling the construction of this list in a different way for the
* Qualification
* 4- sqlPlanNodeIdToStageIds: A map between (SQL ID, Node ID) and the set of stage IDs
* It has the following effect on the visitor object:
* 1- It updates the sqlIsDsOrRDD argument to True when the visited node is an RDD or Dataset.
* 2- If the SQLID is an RDD, the potentialProblems is cleared because once SQL is marked as RDD,
* all the other problems are ignored. Note that we need to set that flag only once to True
* for the given SQLID.
* 3- It appends the current node's potential problems to the SQLID problems only if the SQL is
* visitor.sqlIsDsOrRDD is False. Otherwise, it is kind of redundant to keep checking for
* potential problems for every node when they get to be ignored.
* It has the following effect on the app object:
* 1- it updates dataSourceInfo with V2 and V1 data sources
* 2- it updates sqlIDtoProblematic the map between SQL ID and potential problems
* @param visitor the visitor context defined per SQLPlan
* @param node the node being currently visited.
protected def visitNode(visitor: SQLPlanVisitorContext,
node: SparkPlanGraphNode): Unit = {
node match {
case cluster: SparkPlanGraphCluster =>
val ch = cluster.nodes
ch.foreach { c =>
wholeStage += WholeStageCodeGenResults(
appIndex, visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID, node.id, node.name, c.name, c.id)
case _ =>
// get V2 dataSources for that node
val nodeV2Reads = app.checkGraphNodeForReads(visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID, node)
if (nodeV2Reads.isDefined) {
visitor.sqlDataSources += nodeV2Reads.get
val nodeIsDsOrRDD = RDDCheckHelper.isDatasetOrRDDPlan(node.name, node.desc).isRDD
if (nodeIsDsOrRDD) {
// we want to report every node that is an RDD
val thisPlan = UnsupportedSQLPlan(visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID, node.id, node.name, node.desc,
"Contains Dataset or RDD")
unsupportedSQLPlan += thisPlan
// If one node is RDD, the Sql should be set too
if (!visitor.sqlIsDsOrRDD) { // We need to set the flag only once for the given sqlID
visitor.sqlIsDsOrRDD = true
app.sqlIdToInfo.get(visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID).foreach { sql =>
app.sqlIDToDataSetOrRDDCase += visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID
// Clear the potential problems since it is an RDD to free memory
if (!visitor.sqlIsDsOrRDD) {
// Append current node's potential problems to the Sql problems only if the SQL is not an
// RDD. This is an optimization since the potentialProblems won't be used any more.
visitor.potentialProblems ++= app.findPotentialIssues(node.desc)
// Then process SQL plan metric type
for (metric <- node.metrics) {
val stages =
sqlPlanNodeIdToStageIds.getOrElse((visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID, node.id), Set.empty)
val allMetric = SQLMetricInfoCase(visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID, metric.name,
metric.accumulatorId, metric.metricType, node.id, node.name, node.desc, stages)
allSQLMetrics += allMetric
if (app.sqlPlanMetricsAdaptive.nonEmpty) {
val adaptive = app.sqlPlanMetricsAdaptive.filter { adaptiveMetric =>
adaptiveMetric.sqlID == visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID &&
adaptiveMetric.accumulatorId == metric.accumulatorId
adaptive.foreach { adaptiveMetric =>
val allMetric = SQLMetricInfoCase(visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID, adaptiveMetric.name,
adaptiveMetric.accumulatorId, adaptiveMetric.metricType, node.id,
node.name, node.desc, stages)
// could make this more efficient but seems ok for now
val exists = allSQLMetrics.filter { a =>
((a.accumulatorId == adaptiveMetric.accumulatorId)
&& (a.sqlID == visitor.sqlPIGEntry.sqlID)
&& (a.nodeID == node.id && adaptiveMetric.metricType == a.metricType))
if (exists.isEmpty) {
allSQLMetrics += allMetric
* Function to process SQL Plan Metrics after all events are processed
def processSQLPlanMetrics(): Unit = {
// Define a buffer to cache the SQLPlanInfoGraphs
val sqlPlanInfoBuffer = SqlPlanInfoGraphBuffer()
// Define a function used to fill in the buffer while executing "connectOperatorToStage"
val createGraphFunc = (sqlId: Long, planInfo: SparkPlanInfo) => {
sqlPlanInfoBuffer.addSqlPlanInfoGraph(sqlId, planInfo).sparkPlanGraph
for (sqlPIGEntry <- sqlPlanInfoBuffer.sqlPlanInfoGraphs) {
// store all dataSources of the given SQL in a variable so that we won't have to iterate
// through the entire list
// get V1 dataSources for that SQLId
val visitorContext = SQLPlanVisitorContext(sqlPIGEntry,
for (node <- sqlPIGEntry.sparkPlanGraph.allNodes) {
visitNode(visitorContext, node)
if (visitorContext.sqlDataSources.nonEmpty) {
val sqlNestedComplexTypes =
visitorContext.sqlDataSources.map { ds => ds.schema })
// Append problematic issues to the global variable for that SqlID
if (sqlNestedComplexTypes._2.nonEmpty) {
visitorContext.potentialProblems += "NESTED COMPLEX TYPE"
// Finally, update the potential problems in the app object
// Note that the implementation depends on teh type of the AppBase
if (visitorContext.potentialProblems.nonEmpty) {
updateAppPotentialProblems(sqlPIGEntry.sqlID, visitorContext.potentialProblems)
def aggregateSQLStageInfo: Seq[SQLStageInfoProfileResult] = {
val jobsWithSQL = app.jobIdToInfo.filter { case (_, j) =>
val sqlToStages = jobsWithSQL.flatMap { case (jobId, j) =>
val stages = j.stageIds
val stagesInJob = app.stageManager.getStagesByIds(stages)
stagesInJob.map { sModel =>
val nodeIds = sqlPlanNodeIdToStageIds.filter { case (_, v) =>
val nodeNames = app.sqlPlans.get(j.sqlID.get).map { planInfo =>
val nodes = ToolsPlanGraph(planInfo).allNodes
val validNodes = nodes.filter { n =>
nodeIds.contains((j.sqlID.get, n.id))
validNodes.map(n => s"${n.name}(${n.id.toString})")
SQLStageInfoProfileResult(appIndex, j.sqlID.get, jobId, sModel.stageInfo.stageId,
sModel.stageInfo.attemptNumber(), sModel.duration, nodeNames)
def generateSQLAccums(): Seq[SQLAccumProfileResults] = {
allSQLMetrics.flatMap { metric =>
val accumTaskStats = app.accumManager.calculateAccStats(metric.accumulatorId)
// local mode driver gets updates
val driverAccumsOpt = app.driverAccumMap.get(metric.accumulatorId)
val driverMax = driverAccumsOpt match {
case Some(accums) =>
val filtered = accums.filter { a =>
a.sqlID == metric.sqlID
val accumValues = filtered.map(_.value).sortWith(_ < _)
if (accumValues.isEmpty) {
} else if (accumValues.length <= 1) {
Some(StatisticsMetrics(0L, 0L, 0L, accumValues.sum))
} else {
Some(StatisticsMetrics(accumValues(0), accumValues(accumValues.size / 2),
accumValues(accumValues.size - 1), accumValues.sum))
case None =>
if (accumTaskStats.isDefined || driverMax.isDefined) {
val taskInfo = accumTaskStats.getOrElse(StatisticsMetrics.ZERO_RECORD)
val driverInfo = driverMax.getOrElse(StatisticsMetrics.ZERO_RECORD)
val max = Math.max(taskInfo.max, driverInfo.max)
val min = Math.max(taskInfo.min, driverInfo.min)
val med = Math.max(taskInfo.med, driverInfo.med)
val total = Math.max(taskInfo.total, driverInfo.total)
Some(SQLAccumProfileResults(appIndex, metric.sqlID,
metric.nodeID, metric.nodeName, metric.accumulatorId, metric.name,
min, med, max, total, metric.metricType, metric.stageIds.mkString(",")))
} else {
* Generate the stage level metrics for the SQL plan including GPU metrics if applicable.
* Along with Spark defined metrics, below is the list of GPU metrics that are collected if they
* are present in the eventlog:
* gpuSemaphoreWait, gpuRetryCount, gpuSplitAndRetryCount, gpuRetryBlockTime,
* gpuRetryComputationTime, gpuSpillToHostTime, gpuSpillToDiskTime, gpuReadSpillFromHostTime,
* gpuReadSpillFromDiskTime
* @return a sequence of AccumProfileResults
def generateStageLevelAccums(): Seq[AccumProfileResults] = {
app.accumManager.accumInfoMap.flatMap { accumMapEntry =>
val accumInfo = accumMapEntry._2
accumInfo.stageValuesMap.keySet.flatMap( stageId => {
val stageTaskIds = app.taskManager.getAllTasksStageAttempt(stageId).map(_.taskId).toSet
// get the task updates that belong to that stage
val taskUpatesSubset =
if (taskUpatesSubset.isEmpty) {
} else {
val min = taskUpatesSubset.head
val max = taskUpatesSubset.last
val sum = taskUpatesSubset.sum
val median = if (taskUpatesSubset.size % 2 == 0) {
val mid = taskUpatesSubset.size / 2
(taskUpatesSubset(mid) + taskUpatesSubset(mid - 1)) / 2
} else {
taskUpatesSubset(taskUpatesSubset.size / 2)
min = min,
median = median,
max = max,
total = sum))
object AppSQLPlanAnalyzer {
def apply(app: AppBase, appIndex: Integer = 1): AppSQLPlanAnalyzer = {
val sqlAnalyzer = app match {
case qApp: QualificationAppInfo =>
new QualSQLPlanAnalyzer(qApp, appIndex)
case pApp: ApplicationInfo =>
new AppSQLPlanAnalyzer(pApp, pApp.index)
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