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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuParquetScan.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Creates the distribution package of the RAPIDS plugin for Apache Spark
* Copyright (c) 2019-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nvidia.spark.rapids
import java.io.{Closeable, EOFException, FileNotFoundException, IOException, OutputStream}
import java.net.URI
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
import java.nio.channels.SeekableByteChannel
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets
import java.util
import java.util.{Collections, Locale}
import java.util.concurrent._
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import scala.language.implicitConversions
import ai.rapids.cudf._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.Arm.{closeOnExcept, withResource}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuMetric._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.ParquetPartitionReader.{CopyRange, LocalCopy}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsConf.ParquetFooterReaderType
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.filecache.FileCache
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.jni.{DateTimeRebase, ParquetFooter}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.shims.{ColumnDefaultValuesShims, GpuParquetCrypto, GpuTypeShims, ParquetLegacyNanoAsLongShims, ParquetSchemaClipShims, ParquetStringPredShims, ShimFilePartitionReaderFactory, SparkShimImpl}
import org.apache.commons.io.IOUtils
import org.apache.commons.io.output.{CountingOutputStream, NullOutputStream}
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.{FSDataInputStream, Path}
import org.apache.parquet.bytes.BytesUtils
import org.apache.parquet.bytes.BytesUtils.readIntLittleEndian
import org.apache.parquet.column.ColumnDescriptor
import org.apache.parquet.filter2.predicate.FilterApi
import org.apache.parquet.format.converter.ParquetMetadataConverter
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.{ParquetFileReader, ParquetInputFormat}
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.ParquetFileWriter.MAGIC
import org.apache.parquet.hadoop.metadata._
import org.apache.parquet.io.{InputFile, SeekableInputStream}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.{DecimalMetadata, GroupType, MessageType, OriginalType, PrimitiveType, Type}
import org.apache.parquet.schema.PrimitiveType.PrimitiveTypeName
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Expression
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.CaseInsensitiveMap
import org.apache.spark.sql.connector.read.{InputPartition, PartitionReader, PartitionReaderFactory}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.QueryExecutionException
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{DataSourceUtils, PartitionedFile, PartitioningAwareFileIndex, SchemaColumnConvertNotSupportedException}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.FileScan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.v2.parquet.ParquetScan
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.execution.TrampolineUtil
import org.apache.spark.sql.sources.Filter
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.sql.util.CaseInsensitiveStringMap
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.{ColumnarBatch, ColumnVector => SparkVector}
import org.apache.spark.util.SerializableConfiguration
* Base GpuParquetScan used for common code across Spark versions. Gpu version of
* Spark's 'ParquetScan'.
* @param sparkSession SparkSession.
* @param hadoopConf Hadoop configuration.
* @param fileIndex File index of the relation.
* @param dataSchema Schema of the data.
* @param readDataSchema Schema to read.
* @param readPartitionSchema Partition schema.
* @param pushedFilters Filters on non-partition columns.
* @param options Parquet option settings.
* @param partitionFilters Filters on partition columns.
* @param dataFilters File source metadata filters.
* @param rapidsConf Rapids configuration.
* @param queryUsesInputFile This is a parameter to easily allow turning it
* off in GpuTransitionOverrides if InputFileName,
* InputFileBlockStart, or InputFileBlockLength are used
case class GpuParquetScan(
sparkSession: SparkSession,
hadoopConf: Configuration,
fileIndex: PartitioningAwareFileIndex,
dataSchema: StructType,
readDataSchema: StructType,
readPartitionSchema: StructType,
pushedFilters: Array[Filter],
options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap,
partitionFilters: Seq[Expression],
dataFilters: Seq[Expression],
rapidsConf: RapidsConf,
queryUsesInputFile: Boolean = false)
extends FileScan with GpuScan with Logging {
override def isSplitable(path: Path): Boolean = true
override def createReaderFactory(): PartitionReaderFactory = {
val broadcastedConf = sparkSession.sparkContext.broadcast(
new SerializableConfiguration(hadoopConf))
if (rapidsConf.isParquetPerFileReadEnabled) {
logInfo("Using the original per file parquet reader")
GpuParquetPartitionReaderFactory(sparkSession.sessionState.conf, broadcastedConf,
dataSchema, readDataSchema, readPartitionSchema, pushedFilters, rapidsConf, metrics,
options.asScala.toMap, None)
} else {
GpuParquetMultiFilePartitionReaderFactory(sparkSession.sessionState.conf, broadcastedConf,
dataSchema, readDataSchema, readPartitionSchema, pushedFilters, rapidsConf, metrics,
queryUsesInputFile, None)
override def equals(obj: Any): Boolean = obj match {
case p: GpuParquetScan =>
super.equals(p) && dataSchema == p.dataSchema && options == p.options &&
equivalentFilters(pushedFilters, p.pushedFilters) && rapidsConf == p.rapidsConf &&
queryUsesInputFile == p.queryUsesInputFile
case _ => false
override def hashCode(): Int = getClass.hashCode()
override def description(): String = {
super.description() + ", PushedFilters: " + seqToString(pushedFilters)
// overrides nothing in 330
def withFilters(
partitionFilters: Seq[Expression], dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): FileScan =
this.copy(partitionFilters = partitionFilters, dataFilters = dataFilters)
override def withInputFile(): GpuScan = copy(queryUsesInputFile = true)
object GpuParquetScan {
def tagSupport(scanMeta: ScanMeta[ParquetScan]): Unit = {
val scan = scanMeta.wrapped
val schema = StructType(scan.readDataSchema ++ scan.readPartitionSchema)
tagSupport(scan.sparkSession, schema, scanMeta)
def tagSupport(sparkSession: SparkSession, readSchema: StructType,
meta: RapidsMeta[_, _, _]): Unit = {
if (ParquetLegacyNanoAsLongShims.legacyParquetNanosAsLong) {
meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("GPU does not support spark.sql.legacy.parquet.nanosAsLong")
if (!meta.conf.isParquetEnabled) {
meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("Parquet input and output has been disabled. To enable set" +
s"${RapidsConf.ENABLE_PARQUET} to true")
if (!meta.conf.isParquetReadEnabled) {
meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("Parquet input has been disabled. To enable set" +
s"${RapidsConf.ENABLE_PARQUET_READ} to true")
FileFormatChecks.tag(meta, readSchema, ParquetFormatType, ReadFileOp)
// Currently timestamp conversion is not supported.
// If support needs to be added then we need to follow the logic in Spark's
// ParquetPartitionReaderFactory and VectorizedColumnReader which essentially
// does the following:
// - check if Parquet file was created by "parquet-mr"
// - if not then look at SQLConf.SESSION_LOCAL_TIMEZONE and assume timestamps
// were written in that timezone and convert them to UTC timestamps.
// Essentially this should boil down to a vector subtract of the scalar delta
// between the configured timezone's delta from UTC on the timestamp data.
val schemaHasTimestamps = readSchema.exists { field =>
TrampolineUtil.dataTypeExistsRecursively(field.dataType, _.isInstanceOf[TimestampType])
if (schemaHasTimestamps && sparkSession.sessionState.conf.isParquetINT96TimestampConversion) {
meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("GpuParquetScan does not support int96 timestamp conversion")
if (ColumnDefaultValuesShims.hasExistenceDefaultValues(readSchema)) {
meta.willNotWorkOnGpu("GpuParquetScan does not support default values in schema")
* This estimates the number of nodes in a parquet footer schema based off of the parquet spec
* Specifically https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md
private def numNodesEstimate(dt: DataType): Long = dt match {
case StructType(fields) =>
// A struct has a group node that holds the children
1 + fields.map(f => numNodesEstimate(f.dataType)).sum
case ArrayType(elementType, _) =>
// A List/Array has one group node to tag it as a list and another one
// that is marked as repeating.
2 + numNodesEstimate(elementType)
case MapType(keyType, valueType, _) =>
// A Map has one group node to tag it as a map and another one
// that is marked as repeating, but holds the key/value
2 + numNodesEstimate(keyType) + numNodesEstimate(valueType)
case _ =>
// All the other types are just value types and are represented by a non-group node
* Adjust the footer reader type based off of a heuristic.
def footerReaderHeuristic(
inputValue: ParquetFooterReaderType.Value,
data: StructType,
read: StructType,
useFieldId: Boolean): ParquetFooterReaderType.Value = {
val canUseNative = !(useFieldId && ParquetSchemaClipShims.hasFieldIds(read))
if (!canUseNative) {
// Native does not support field IDs yet
} else {
inputValue match {
case ParquetFooterReaderType.AUTO =>
val dnc = numNodesEstimate(data)
val rnc = numNodesEstimate(read)
if (rnc.toDouble / dnc <= 0.5 && dnc - rnc > 10) {
} else {
case other => other
def throwIfRebaseNeededInExceptionMode(table: Table, dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode): Unit = {
(0 until table.getNumberOfColumns).foreach { i =>
val col = table.getColumn(i)
if (dateRebaseMode == DateTimeRebaseException &&
DateTimeRebaseUtils.isDateRebaseNeededInRead(col)) {
throw DataSourceUtils.newRebaseExceptionInRead("Parquet")
} else if (timestampRebaseMode == DateTimeRebaseException &&
DateTimeRebaseUtils.isTimeRebaseNeededInRead(col)) {
throw DataSourceUtils.newRebaseExceptionInRead("Parquet")
def rebaseDateTime(table: Table, dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode): Table = {
val dateRebaseNeeded = dateRebaseMode == DateTimeRebaseLegacy
val timeRebaseNeeded = timestampRebaseMode == DateTimeRebaseLegacy
lazy val tableHasDate = (0 until table.getNumberOfColumns).exists { i =>
checkTypeRecursively(table.getColumn(i), { dt => dt == DType.TIMESTAMP_DAYS })
lazy val tableHasTimestamp = (0 until table.getNumberOfColumns).exists { i =>
checkTypeRecursively(table.getColumn(i), { dt => dt == DType.TIMESTAMP_MICROSECONDS })
if ((dateRebaseNeeded && tableHasDate) || (timeRebaseNeeded && tableHasTimestamp)) {
// Need to close the input table when returning a new table.
withResource(table) { tmpTable =>
val newColumns = (0 until tmpTable.getNumberOfColumns).map { i =>
deepTransformRebaseDateTime(tmpTable.getColumn(i), dateRebaseNeeded, timeRebaseNeeded)
withResource(newColumns) { newCols =>
new Table(newCols: _*)
} else {
private def checkTypeRecursively(input: ColumnView, f: DType => Boolean): Boolean = {
val dt = input.getType
if (dt.isTimestampType && dt != DType.TIMESTAMP_DAYS && dt != DType.TIMESTAMP_MICROSECONDS) {
// There should be something wrong here since timestamps other than DAYS should already
// been converted into MICROSECONDS when reading Parquet files.
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Unexpected date/time type: $dt " +
dt match {
case DType.LIST | DType.STRUCT => (0 until input.getNumChildren).exists(i =>
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(i)) { child =>
checkTypeRecursively(child, f)
case t: DType => f(t)
private def deepTransformRebaseDateTime(cv: ColumnVector, dateRebaseNeeded: Boolean,
timeRebaseNeeded: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
ColumnCastUtil.deepTransform(cv) {
case (cv, _) if cv.getType.isTimestampType =>
// cv type is guaranteed to be either TIMESTAMP_DAYS or TIMESTAMP_MICROSECONDS,
// since we already checked it in `checkTypeRecursively`.
if ((cv.getType == DType.TIMESTAMP_DAYS && dateRebaseNeeded) ||
cv.getType == DType.TIMESTAMP_MICROSECONDS && timeRebaseNeeded) {
} else {
// contains meta about all the blocks in a file
case class ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta(filePath: Path, blocks: collection.Seq[BlockMetaData],
partValues: InternalRow, schema: MessageType, readSchema: StructType,
dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode, timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean)
private case class BlockMetaWithPartFile(meta: ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta, file: PartitionedFile)
* A parquet compatible stream that allows reading from a HostMemoryBuffer to Parquet.
* The majority of the code here was copied from Parquet's DelegatingSeekableInputStream with
* minor modifications to have it be make it Scala and call into the
* HostMemoryInputStreamMixIn's state.
class HMBSeekableInputStream(
val hmb: HostMemoryBuffer,
val hmbLength: Long) extends SeekableInputStream
with HostMemoryInputStreamMixIn {
private val temp = new Array[Byte](8192)
override def seek(offset: Long): Unit = {
pos = offset
override def readFully(buffer: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
val amountRead = read(buffer)
val remaining = buffer.length - amountRead
if (remaining > 0) {
throw new EOFException("Reached the end of stream with " + remaining + " bytes left to read")
override def readFully(buffer: Array[Byte], offset: Int, length: Int): Unit = {
val amountRead = read(buffer, offset, length)
val remaining = length - amountRead
if (remaining > 0) {
throw new EOFException("Reached the end of stream with " + remaining + " bytes left to read")
override def read(buf: ByteBuffer): Int =
if (buf.hasArray) {
} else {
override def readFully(buf: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
if (buf.hasArray) {
} else {
private def readHeapBuffer(buf: ByteBuffer) = {
val bytesRead = read(buf.array, buf.arrayOffset + buf.position(), buf.remaining)
if (bytesRead < 0) {
} else {
buf.position(buf.position() + bytesRead)
private def readFullyHeapBuffer(buf: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
readFully(buf.array, buf.arrayOffset + buf.position(), buf.remaining)
private def readDirectBuffer(buf: ByteBuffer): Int = {
var nextReadLength = Math.min(buf.remaining, temp.length)
var totalBytesRead = 0
var bytesRead = 0
totalBytesRead = 0
bytesRead = read(temp, 0, nextReadLength)
while (bytesRead == temp.length) {
totalBytesRead += bytesRead
nextReadLength = Math.min(buf.remaining, temp.length)
bytesRead = read(temp, 0, nextReadLength)
if (bytesRead < 0) {
if (totalBytesRead == 0) {
} else {
} else {
buf.put(temp, 0, bytesRead)
totalBytesRead += bytesRead
private def readFullyDirectBuffer(buf: ByteBuffer): Unit = {
var nextReadLength = Math.min(buf.remaining, temp.length)
var bytesRead = 0
bytesRead = 0
bytesRead = read(temp, 0, nextReadLength)
while (nextReadLength > 0 && bytesRead >= 0) {
buf.put(temp, 0, bytesRead)
nextReadLength = Math.min(buf.remaining, temp.length)
bytesRead = read(temp, 0, nextReadLength)
if (bytesRead < 0 && buf.remaining > 0) {
throw new EOFException("Reached the end of stream with " +
buf.remaining + " bytes left to read")
class HMBInputFile(buffer: HostMemoryBuffer) extends InputFile {
override def getLength: Long = buffer.getLength
override def newStream(): SeekableInputStream = new HMBSeekableInputStream(buffer, getLength)
private case class GpuParquetFileFilterHandler(
@transient sqlConf: SQLConf,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]) extends Logging {
private val FOOTER_LENGTH_SIZE = 4
private val isCaseSensitive = sqlConf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
private val enableParquetFilterPushDown: Boolean = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDown
private val pushDownDate = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDate
private val pushDownTimestamp = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownTimestamp
private val pushDownDecimal = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownDecimal
// From Spark 340, more string predicates are supported as push-down filters, so this
// flag is renamed to 'xxxxStringPredicate' and specified by another config.
private val pushDownStringPredicate = ParquetStringPredShims.pushDown(sqlConf)
private val pushDownInFilterThreshold = sqlConf.parquetFilterPushDownInFilterThreshold
private val datetimeRebaseMode = SparkShimImpl.parquetRebaseRead(sqlConf)
private val int96RebaseMode = SparkShimImpl.int96ParquetRebaseRead(sqlConf)
private val readUseFieldId = ParquetSchemaClipShims.useFieldId(sqlConf)
private val ignoreMissingParquetFieldId = ParquetSchemaClipShims.ignoreMissingIds(sqlConf)
private val PARQUET_ENCRYPTION_CONFS = Seq("parquet.encryption.kms.client.class",
"parquet.encryption.kms.client.class", "parquet.crypto.factory.class")
private val PARQUET_MAGIC_ENCRYPTED = "PARE".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)
private def isParquetTimeInInt96(parquetType: Type): Boolean = {
parquetType match {
case p:PrimitiveType =>
p.getPrimitiveTypeName == PrimitiveTypeName.INT96
case g:GroupType => //GroupType
g.getFields.asScala.exists(t => isParquetTimeInInt96(t))
case _ => false
* Convert the spark data type to something that the native processor can understand.
private def convertToParquetNative(schema: DataType): ParquetFooter.SchemaElement = {
schema match {
case cst: StructType =>
val schemaBuilder = ParquetFooter.StructElement.builder()
cst.fields.foreach { field =>
schemaBuilder.addChild(field.name, convertToParquetNative(field.dataType))
case _: NumericType | BinaryType | BooleanType | DateType | TimestampType | StringType =>
new ParquetFooter.ValueElement()
case at: ArrayType =>
new ParquetFooter.ListElement(convertToParquetNative(at.elementType))
case mt: MapType =>
new ParquetFooter.MapElement(
case other =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Need some help here $other...")
private def convertToFooterSchema(schema: StructType): ParquetFooter.StructElement = {
private def getFooterBuffer(
filePath: Path,
conf: Configuration,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]): HostMemoryBuffer = {
val filePathString = filePath.toString
FileCache.get.getFooter(filePathString, conf).map { hmb =>
withResource(hmb) { _ =>
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_HITS, NoopMetric) += 1
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_HITS_SIZE, NoopMetric) += hmb.getLength
// buffer includes header and trailing length and magic, stripped here
hmb.slice(MAGIC.length, hmb.getLength - Integer.BYTES - MAGIC.length)
}.getOrElse {
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_MISSES, NoopMetric) += 1
withResource(readFooterBuffer(filePath, conf)) { hmb =>
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_MISSES_SIZE, NoopMetric) += hmb.getLength
// footer was not cached, so try to cache it
// If we get a filecache token then we can complete the caching by providing the data.
// If we do not get a token then we should not cache this data.
val cacheToken = FileCache.get.startFooterCache(filePathString, conf)
cacheToken.foreach { t =>
t.complete(hmb.slice(0, hmb.getLength))
// buffer includes header and trailing length and magic, stripped here
hmb.slice(MAGIC.length, hmb.getLength - Integer.BYTES - MAGIC.length)
private def readFooterBuffer(
filePath: Path,
conf: Configuration): HostMemoryBuffer = {
PerfIO.readParquetFooterBuffer(filePath, conf, verifyParquetMagic)
.getOrElse(readFooterBufUsingHadoop(filePath, conf))
private def readFooterBufUsingHadoop(filePath: Path, conf: Configuration): HostMemoryBuffer = {
val fs = filePath.getFileSystem(conf)
val stat = fs.getFileStatus(filePath)
// Much of this code came from the parquet_mr projects ParquetFileReader, and was modified
// to match our needs
val fileLen = stat.getLen
// MAGIC + data + footer + footerIndex + MAGIC
if (fileLen < MAGIC.length + FOOTER_LENGTH_SIZE + MAGIC.length) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"$filePath is not a Parquet file (too small length: $fileLen )")
val footerLengthIndex = fileLen - FOOTER_LENGTH_SIZE - MAGIC.length
withResource(fs.open(filePath)) { inputStream =>
withResource(new NvtxRange("ReadFooterBytes", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) { _ =>
val footerLength = readIntLittleEndian(inputStream)
val magic = new Array[Byte](MAGIC.length)
val footerIndex = footerLengthIndex - footerLength
verifyParquetMagic(filePath, magic)
if (footerIndex < MAGIC.length || footerIndex >= footerLengthIndex) {
throw new RuntimeException(s"corrupted file: the footer index is not within " +
s"the file: $footerIndex")
val hmbLength = (fileLen - footerIndex).toInt
closeOnExcept(HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(hmbLength + MAGIC.length, false)) { outBuffer =>
val out = new HostMemoryOutputStream(outBuffer)
// read the footer til the end of the file
val tmpBuffer = new Array[Byte](4096)
var bytesLeft = hmbLength
while (bytesLeft > 0) {
val readLength = Math.min(bytesLeft, tmpBuffer.length)
inputStream.readFully(tmpBuffer, 0, readLength)
out.write(tmpBuffer, 0, readLength)
bytesLeft -= readLength
private def verifyParquetMagic(filePath: Path, magic: Array[Byte]): Unit = {
if (!util.Arrays.equals(MAGIC, magic)) {
if (util.Arrays.equals(PARQUET_MAGIC_ENCRYPTED, magic)) {
throw new RuntimeException("The GPU does not support reading encrypted Parquet " +
"files. To read encrypted or columnar encrypted files, disable the GPU Parquet " +
s"reader via ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_PARQUET_READ.key}.")
} else {
throw new RuntimeException(s"$filePath is not a Parquet file. " +
s"Expected magic number at tail ${util.Arrays.toString(MAGIC)} " +
s"but found ${util.Arrays.toString(magic)}")
private def readAndFilterFooter(
file: PartitionedFile,
conf : Configuration,
readDataSchema: StructType,
filePath: Path): ParquetFooter = {
val footerSchema = convertToFooterSchema(readDataSchema)
val footerBuffer = getFooterBuffer(filePath, conf, metrics)
withResource(footerBuffer) { footerBuffer =>
withResource(new NvtxRange("Parse and filter footer by range", NvtxColor.RED)) { _ =>
// In the future, if we know we're going to read the entire file,
// i.e.: having file length from file stat == amount to read,
// then sending -1 as length to the native footer parser allows it to
// skip the row group filtering.
val len = file.length
ParquetFooter.readAndFilter(footerBuffer, file.start, len,
footerSchema, !isCaseSensitive)
"msg=method readFooter in class ParquetFileReader is deprecated"
private def readAndSimpleFilterFooter(
file: PartitionedFile,
conf : Configuration,
filePath: Path): ParquetMetadata = {
//noinspection ScalaDeprecation
withResource(new NvtxRange("readFooter", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) { _ =>
val filePathString = filePath.toString
FileCache.get.getFooter(filePathString, conf).map { hmb =>
withResource(hmb) { _ =>
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_HITS, NoopMetric) += 1
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_HITS_SIZE, NoopMetric) += hmb.getLength
ParquetFileReader.readFooter(new HMBInputFile(hmb),
ParquetMetadataConverter.range(file.start, file.start + file.length))
}.getOrElse {
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_MISSES, NoopMetric) += 1
// footer was not cached, so try to cache it
// If we get a filecache token then we can complete the caching by providing the data.
// If something goes wrong before completing the caching then the token must be canceled.
// If we do not get a token then we should not cache this data.
val cacheToken = FileCache.get.startFooterCache(filePathString, conf)
cacheToken.map { token =>
var needTokenCancel = true
try {
withResource(readFooterBuffer(filePath, conf)) { hmb =>
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_FOOTER_MISSES_SIZE, NoopMetric) += hmb.getLength
token.complete(hmb.slice(0, hmb.getLength))
needTokenCancel = false
ParquetFileReader.readFooter(new HMBInputFile(hmb),
ParquetMetadataConverter.range(file.start, file.start + file.length))
} finally {
if (needTokenCancel) {
}.getOrElse {
ParquetFileReader.readFooter(conf, filePath,
ParquetMetadataConverter.range(file.start, file.start + file.length))
def filterBlocks(
footerReader: ParquetFooterReaderType.Value,
file: PartitionedFile,
conf: Configuration,
filters: Array[Filter],
readDataSchema: StructType): ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta = {
withResource(new NvtxRange("filterBlocks", NvtxColor.PURPLE)) { _ =>
val filePath = new Path(new URI(file.filePath.toString()))
// Make sure we aren't trying to read encrypted files. For now, remove the related
// parquet confs from the hadoop configuration and try to catch the resulting
// exception and print a useful message
PARQUET_ENCRYPTION_CONFS.foreach { encryptConf =>
if (conf.get(encryptConf) != null) {
val footer: ParquetMetadata = try {
footerReader match {
case ParquetFooterReaderType.NATIVE =>
val serialized = withResource(readAndFilterFooter(file, conf,
readDataSchema, filePath)) { tableFooter =>
if (tableFooter.getNumColumns <= 0) {
// Special case because java parquet reader does not like having 0 columns.
val numRows = tableFooter.getNumRows
val block = new BlockMetaData()
val schema = new MessageType("root")
return ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta(filePath, Seq(block), file.partitionValues,
schema, readDataSchema, DateTimeRebaseLegacy, DateTimeRebaseLegacy,
hasInt96Timestamps = false)
withResource(serialized) { serialized =>
withResource(new NvtxRange("readFilteredFooter", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) { _ =>
val inputFile = new HMBInputFile(serialized)
// We already filtered the ranges so no need to do more here...
ParquetFileReader.readFooter(inputFile, ParquetMetadataConverter.NO_FILTER)
case _ =>
readAndSimpleFilterFooter(file, conf, filePath)
} catch {
case e if GpuParquetCrypto.isColumnarCryptoException(e) =>
throw new RuntimeException("The GPU does not support reading encrypted Parquet " +
"files. To read encrypted or columnar encrypted files, disable the GPU Parquet " +
s"reader via ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_PARQUET_READ.key}.", e)
val fileSchema = footer.getFileMetaData.getSchema
// check spark.sql.parquet.fieldId.read.ignoreMissing
ParquetSchemaClipShims.checkIgnoreMissingIds(ignoreMissingParquetFieldId, fileSchema,
val pushedFilters = if (enableParquetFilterPushDown) {
val parquetFilters = SparkShimImpl.getParquetFilters(fileSchema, pushDownDate,
pushDownTimestamp, pushDownDecimal, pushDownStringPredicate, pushDownInFilterThreshold,
isCaseSensitive, footer.getFileMetaData.getKeyValueMetaData.get, datetimeRebaseMode)
} else {
val blocks = if (pushedFilters.isDefined) {
withResource(new NvtxRange("getBlocksWithFilter", NvtxColor.CYAN)) { _ =>
// Use the ParquetFileReader to perform dictionary-level filtering
ParquetInputFormat.setFilterPredicate(conf, pushedFilters.get)
//noinspection ScalaDeprecation
withResource(new ParquetFileReader(conf, footer.getFileMetaData, filePath,
footer.getBlocks, Collections.emptyList[ColumnDescriptor])) { parquetReader =>
} else {
val (clipped, clippedSchema) =
withResource(new NvtxRange("clipSchema", NvtxColor.DARK_GREEN)) { _ =>
val clippedSchema = ParquetSchemaUtils.clipParquetSchema(
fileSchema, readDataSchema, isCaseSensitive, readUseFieldId)
// Check if the read schema is compatible with the file schema.
checkSchemaCompat(clippedSchema, readDataSchema,
(t: Type, d: DataType) => throwTypeIncompatibleError(t, d, file.filePath.toString()),
isCaseSensitive, readUseFieldId)
val clipped = GpuParquetUtils.clipBlocksToSchema(clippedSchema, blocks, isCaseSensitive)
(clipped, clippedSchema)
val hasDateTimeInReadSchema = DataTypeUtils.hasDateOrTimestampType(readDataSchema)
val dateRebaseModeForThisFile = DateTimeRebaseUtils.datetimeRebaseMode(
val hasInt96Timestamps = isParquetTimeInInt96(fileSchema)
val timestampRebaseModeForThisFile = if (hasInt96Timestamps) {
footer.getFileMetaData.getKeyValueMetaData.get, int96RebaseMode)
} else {
ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta(filePath, clipped, file.partitionValues,
clippedSchema, readDataSchema, dateRebaseModeForThisFile,
timestampRebaseModeForThisFile, hasInt96Timestamps)
* Recursively check if the read schema is compatible with the file schema. The errorCallback
* will be invoked to throw an exception once any incompatible type pairs are found.
* Any element in the read schema that are missing from the file schema are ignored.
* The function only accepts top-level schemas, which means structures of root columns. Based
* on this assumption, it can infer root types from input schemas.
* @param fileType input file's Parquet schema
* @param readType spark type read from Parquet file
* @param errorCallback call back function to throw exception if type mismatch
* @param rootFileType file type of each root column
* @param rootReadType read type of each root column
private def checkSchemaCompat(fileType: Type,
readType: DataType,
errorCallback: (Type, DataType) => Unit,
isCaseSensitive: Boolean,
useFieldId: Boolean,
rootFileType: Option[Type] = None,
rootReadType: Option[DataType] = None): Unit = {
readType match {
case struct: StructType =>
val fileFieldMap = fileType.asGroupType().getFields.asScala
.map { f =>
(if (isCaseSensitive) f.getName else f.getName.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) -> f
val fieldIdToFieldMap = ParquetSchemaClipShims.fieldIdToFieldMap(useFieldId, fileType)
def getParquetType(f: StructField): Option[Type] = {
if(useFieldId && ParquetSchemaClipShims.hasFieldId(f)) {
// use field ID and Spark schema specified field ID
} else {
fileFieldMap.get(if (isCaseSensitive) f.name else f.name.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT))
struct.fields.foreach { f =>
getParquetType(f).foreach { fieldType =>
// Record root types for each column, so as to throw a readable exception
// over nested types.
case array: ArrayType =>
if (fileType.isPrimitive) {
if (fileType.getRepetition == Type.Repetition.REPEATED) {
checkSchemaCompat(fileType, array.elementType, errorCallback, isCaseSensitive,
useFieldId, rootFileType, rootReadType)
} else {
errorCallback(fileType, readType)
} else {
val fileGroupType = fileType.asGroupType()
if (fileGroupType.getFieldCount > 1 &&
fileGroupType.isRepetition(Type.Repetition.REPEATED)) {
// legacy array format where struct child is directly repeated under array type group
checkSchemaCompat(fileGroupType, array.elementType, errorCallback, isCaseSensitive,
useFieldId, rootFileType, rootReadType)
} else {
val repeatedType = fileGroupType.getType(0)
val childType =
if (isElementType(repeatedType, fileType.getName)) {
// Legacy element, per Parquet LogicalType backward compatibility rules.
// Retain the child as the element type.
else {
// Conforms to current Parquet LogicalType rules.
// Unwrap child group layer, and use grandchild's element type.
checkSchemaCompat(childType, array.elementType, errorCallback, isCaseSensitive,
useFieldId, rootFileType, rootReadType)
case map: MapType =>
val parquetMap = fileType.asGroupType().getType(0).asGroupType()
val parquetMapKey = parquetMap.getType(0)
val parquetMapValue = parquetMap.getType(1)
checkSchemaCompat(parquetMapKey, map.keyType, errorCallback, isCaseSensitive, useFieldId,
rootFileType, rootReadType)
checkSchemaCompat(parquetMapValue, map.valueType, errorCallback, isCaseSensitive,
useFieldId, rootFileType, rootReadType)
case dt =>
() => errorCallback(rootFileType.get, rootReadType.get))
// scalastyle:off
// Implement Parquet LIST backwards-compatibility rules.
// See: https://github.com/apache/parquet-format/blob/master/LogicalTypes.md#backward-compatibility-rules
// Inspired by Apache Spark's ParquetSchemaConverter.isElementType():
// https://github.com/apache/spark/blob/3a0e6bde2aaa11e1165f4fde040ff02e1743795e/sql/core/src/main/scala/org/apache/spark/sql/execution/datasources/parquet/ParquetSchemaConverter.scala#L413
// scalastyle:on
private def isElementType(repeatedType: Type, parentName: String): Boolean = {
// For legacy 2-level list types with primitive element type, e.g.:
// // ARRAY (nullable list, non-null elements)
// optional group my_list (LIST) {
// repeated int32 element;
// }
} || {
// For legacy 2-level list types whose element type is a group type with 2 or more fields,
// e.g.:
// // ARRAY> (nullable list, non-null elements)
// optional group my_list (LIST) {
// repeated group element {
// required binary str (UTF8);
// required int32 num;
// };
// }
repeatedType.asGroupType().getFieldCount > 1
} || {
// For legacy 2-level list types generated by parquet-avro (Parquet version < 1.6.0), e.g.:
// // ARRAY> (nullable list, non-null elements)
// optional group my_list (LIST) {
// repeated group array {
// required binary str (UTF8);
// };
// }
repeatedType.getName == "array"
} || {
// For Parquet data generated by parquet-thrift, e.g.:
// // ARRAY> (nullable list, non-null elements)
// optional group my_list (LIST) {
// repeated group my_list_tuple {
// required binary str (UTF8);
// };
// }
repeatedType.getName == s"${parentName}_tuple"
* Check the compatibility over primitive types. This function refers to the `getUpdater` method
* of org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.parquet.ParquetVectorUpdaterFactory.
* To avoid unnecessary pattern matching, this function is designed to return or throw ASAP.
* This function uses some deprecated Parquet APIs, because Spark 3.1 is relied on parquet-mr
* of an older version.
@scala.annotation.nowarn("msg=method getDecimalMetadata in class PrimitiveType is deprecated")
private def checkPrimitiveCompat(pt: PrimitiveType,
dt: DataType,
errorCallback: () => Unit): Unit = {
pt.getPrimitiveTypeName match {
case PrimitiveTypeName.BOOLEAN if dt == DataTypes.BooleanType =>
case PrimitiveTypeName.INT32 =>
if (dt == DataTypes.IntegerType || GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(dt)
|| canReadAsIntDecimal(pt, dt)) {
// Year-month interval type is stored as int32 in parquet
// TODO: After we deprecate Spark 3.1, replace OriginalType with LogicalTypeAnnotation
if (dt == DataTypes.LongType && pt.getOriginalType == OriginalType.UINT_32) {
if (dt == DataTypes.ByteType || dt == DataTypes.ShortType || dt == DataTypes.DateType) {
case PrimitiveTypeName.INT64 =>
if (dt == DataTypes.LongType || GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dt) ||
// Day-time interval type is stored as int64 in parquet
canReadAsLongDecimal(pt, dt)) {
// TODO: After we deprecate Spark 3.1, replace OriginalType with LogicalTypeAnnotation
if (isLongDecimal(dt) && pt.getOriginalType == OriginalType.UINT_64) {
if (pt.getOriginalType == OriginalType.TIMESTAMP_MICROS ||
pt.getOriginalType == OriginalType.TIMESTAMP_MILLIS) {
case PrimitiveTypeName.FLOAT if dt == DataTypes.FloatType =>
case PrimitiveTypeName.DOUBLE if dt == DataTypes.DoubleType =>
case PrimitiveTypeName.INT96 if dt == DataTypes.TimestampType =>
case PrimitiveTypeName.BINARY if dt == DataTypes.StringType =>
// PrimitiveTypeName.FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY for StringType is not supported by parquet
case PrimitiveTypeName.BINARY | PrimitiveTypeName.FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY
if dt == DataTypes.BinaryType =>
case PrimitiveTypeName.BINARY | PrimitiveTypeName.FIXED_LEN_BYTE_ARRAY
if canReadAsIntDecimal(pt, dt) || canReadAsLongDecimal(pt, dt) ||
canReadAsBinaryDecimal(pt, dt) =>
case _ =>
// If we get here, it means the combination of Spark and Parquet type is invalid or not
// supported.
private def throwTypeIncompatibleError(parquetType: Type,
sparkType: DataType,
filePath: String): Unit = {
val exception = new SchemaColumnConvertNotSupportedException(
// A copy of QueryExecutionErrors.unsupportedSchemaColumnConvertError introduced in 3.2+
// TODO: replace with unsupportedSchemaColumnConvertError after we deprecate Spark 3.1
val message = "Parquet column cannot be converted in " +
s"file $filePath. Column: ${parquetType.getName}, " +
s"Expected: ${sparkType.catalogString}, Found: $parquetType"
throw new QueryExecutionException(message, exception)
private def isLongDecimal(dt: DataType): Boolean =
dt match {
case d: DecimalType => d.precision == 20 && d.scale == 0
case _ => false
// TODO: After we deprecate Spark 3.1, fetch decimal meta with DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation
@scala.annotation.nowarn("msg=method getDecimalMetadata in class PrimitiveType is deprecated")
private def canReadAsIntDecimal(pt: PrimitiveType, dt: DataType) = {
DecimalType.is32BitDecimalType(dt) && isDecimalTypeMatched(pt.getDecimalMetadata, dt)
// TODO: After we deprecate Spark 3.1, fetch decimal meta with DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation
@scala.annotation.nowarn("msg=method getDecimalMetadata in class PrimitiveType is deprecated")
private def canReadAsLongDecimal(pt: PrimitiveType, dt: DataType): Boolean = {
DecimalType.is64BitDecimalType(dt) && isDecimalTypeMatched(pt.getDecimalMetadata, dt)
// TODO: After we deprecate Spark 3.1, fetch decimal meta with DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation
@scala.annotation.nowarn("msg=method getDecimalMetadata in class PrimitiveType is deprecated")
private def canReadAsBinaryDecimal(pt: PrimitiveType, dt: DataType): Boolean = {
DecimalType.isByteArrayDecimalType(dt) && isDecimalTypeMatched(pt.getDecimalMetadata, dt)
// TODO: After we deprecate Spark 3.1, fetch decimal meta with DecimalLogicalTypeAnnotation
@scala.annotation.nowarn("msg=class DecimalMetadata in package schema is deprecated")
private def isDecimalTypeMatched(metadata: DecimalMetadata,
sparkType: DataType): Boolean = {
if (metadata == null) {
} else {
val dt = sparkType.asInstanceOf[DecimalType]
metadata.getPrecision <= dt.precision && metadata.getScale == dt.scale
* Similar to GpuParquetPartitionReaderFactory but extended for reading multiple files
* in an iteration. This will allow us to read multiple small files and combine them
* on the CPU side before sending them down to the GPU.
case class GpuParquetMultiFilePartitionReaderFactory(
@transient sqlConf: SQLConf,
broadcastedConf: Broadcast[SerializableConfiguration],
dataSchema: StructType,
readDataSchema: StructType,
partitionSchema: StructType,
filters: Array[Filter],
@transient rapidsConf: RapidsConf,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric],
queryUsesInputFile: Boolean,
alluxioPathReplacementMap: Option[Map[String, String]])
extends MultiFilePartitionReaderFactoryBase(sqlConf, broadcastedConf,
rapidsConf, alluxioPathReplacementMap) {
private val isCaseSensitive = sqlConf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
private val debugDumpPrefix = rapidsConf.parquetDebugDumpPrefix
private val debugDumpAlways = rapidsConf.parquetDebugDumpAlways
private val numThreads = rapidsConf.multiThreadReadNumThreads
private val maxNumFileProcessed = rapidsConf.maxNumParquetFilesParallel
private val ignoreMissingFiles = sqlConf.ignoreMissingFiles
private val ignoreCorruptFiles = sqlConf.ignoreCorruptFiles
private val filterHandler = GpuParquetFileFilterHandler(sqlConf, metrics)
private val readUseFieldId = ParquetSchemaClipShims.useFieldId(sqlConf)
private val footerReadType = GpuParquetScan.footerReaderHeuristic(
rapidsConf.parquetReaderFooterType, dataSchema, readDataSchema, readUseFieldId)
private val numFilesFilterParallel = rapidsConf.numFilesFilterParallel
private val combineThresholdSize =
.map { deprecatedVal =>
logWarning(s"${RapidsConf.PARQUET_MULTITHREADED_COMBINE_THRESHOLD} is deprecated, " +
s"use ${RapidsConf.READER_MULTITHREADED_COMBINE_THRESHOLD} instead. But for now " +
"the deprecated one will be honored if both are set.")
private val combineWaitTime =
.map { f =>
logWarning(s"${RapidsConf.PARQUET_MULTITHREADED_COMBINE_WAIT_TIME} is deprecated, " +
s"use ${RapidsConf.READER_MULTITHREADED_COMBINE_WAIT_TIME} instead. But for now " +
"the deprecated one will be honored if both are set.")
private val keepReadsInOrderFromConf =
.map { deprecatedVal =>
logWarning(s"${RapidsConf.PARQUET_MULTITHREADED_READ_KEEP_ORDER} is deprecated, " +
s"use ${RapidsConf.READER_MULTITHREADED_READ_KEEP_ORDER} instead. But for now " +
"the deprecated one will be honored if both are set.")
private val alluxioReplacementTaskTime =
// We can't use the coalescing files reader when InputFileName, InputFileBlockStart,
// or InputFileBlockLength because we are combining all the files into a single buffer
// and we don't know which file is associated with each row. If this changes we need to
// make sure the Alluxio path replacement also handles setting the input file name to
// the non-Alluxio path like the multi-threaded reader does.
override val canUseCoalesceFilesReader: Boolean =
rapidsConf.isParquetCoalesceFileReadEnabled && !(queryUsesInputFile || ignoreCorruptFiles)
override val canUseMultiThreadReader: Boolean = rapidsConf.isParquetMultiThreadReadEnabled
* Build the PartitionReader for cloud reading
* @param files files to be read
* @param conf configuration
* @return cloud reading PartitionReader
override def buildBaseColumnarReaderForCloud(
files: Array[PartitionedFile],
conf: Configuration): PartitionReader[ColumnarBatch] = {
val filterFunc = (file: PartitionedFile) => {
filterHandler.filterBlocks(footerReadType, file, conf,
filters, readDataSchema)
val combineConf = CombineConf(combineThresholdSize, combineWaitTime)
new MultiFileCloudParquetPartitionReader(conf, files, filterFunc, isCaseSensitive,
debugDumpPrefix, debugDumpAlways, maxReadBatchSizeRows, maxReadBatchSizeBytes,
targetBatchSizeBytes, maxGpuColumnSizeBytes,
useChunkedReader, maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes,
metrics, partitionSchema, numThreads, maxNumFileProcessed, ignoreMissingFiles,
ignoreCorruptFiles, readUseFieldId, alluxioPathReplacementMap.getOrElse(Map.empty),
alluxioReplacementTaskTime, queryUsesInputFile, keepReadsInOrderFromConf, combineConf)
private def filterBlocksForCoalescingReader(
footerReadType: ParquetFooterReaderType.Value,
file: PartitionedFile,
conf: Configuration,
filters: Array[Filter],
readDataSchema: StructType): BlockMetaWithPartFile = {
try {
logDebug(s"Filtering blocks for coalescing reader, file: ${file.filePath}")
val meta = filterHandler.filterBlocks(footerReadType, file, conf, filters,
BlockMetaWithPartFile(meta, file)
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException if ignoreMissingFiles =>
logWarning(s"Skipped missing file: ${file.filePath}", e)
val meta = ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta(
new Path(new URI(file.filePath.toString())), Seq.empty,
file.partitionValues, null, null, DateTimeRebaseLegacy, DateTimeRebaseLegacy,
hasInt96Timestamps = false)
BlockMetaWithPartFile(meta, file)
// Throw FileNotFoundException even if `ignoreCorruptFiles` is true
case e: FileNotFoundException if !ignoreMissingFiles => throw e
// If ignoreMissingFiles=true, this case will never be reached. But it's ok
// to leave this branch here.
case e@(_: RuntimeException | _: IOException) if ignoreCorruptFiles =>
s"Skipped the rest of the content in the corrupted file: ${file.filePath}", e)
val meta = ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta(
new Path(new URI(file.filePath.toString())), Seq.empty,
file.partitionValues, null, null, DateTimeRebaseLegacy, DateTimeRebaseLegacy,
hasInt96Timestamps = false)
BlockMetaWithPartFile(meta, file)
private class CoalescingFilterRunner(
footerReadType: ParquetFooterReaderType.Value,
taskContext: TaskContext,
files: Array[PartitionedFile],
conf: Configuration,
filters: Array[Filter],
readDataSchema: StructType) extends Callable[Array[BlockMetaWithPartFile]] with Logging {
override def call(): Array[BlockMetaWithPartFile] = {
try {
files.map { file =>
filterBlocksForCoalescingReader(footerReadType, file, conf, filters, readDataSchema)
} finally {
* Build the PartitionReader for coalescing reading
* @param files files to be read
* @param conf the configuration
* @return coalescing reading PartitionReader
override def buildBaseColumnarReaderForCoalescing(
origFiles: Array[PartitionedFile],
conf: Configuration): PartitionReader[ColumnarBatch] = {
// update the file paths for Alluxio if needed, the coalescing reader doesn't support
// input_file_name so no need to track what the non Alluxio file name is
val files = if (alluxioReplacementTaskTime) {
AlluxioUtils.updateFilesTaskTimeIfAlluxio(origFiles, alluxioPathReplacementMap).map(_.toRead)
} else {
// Since coalescing reader isn't supported if input_file_name is used, so won't
// ever get here with that. So with convert time or no Alluxio just use the files as
// passed in.
val clippedBlocks = ArrayBuffer[ParquetSingleDataBlockMeta]()
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val metaAndFilesArr = if (numFilesFilterParallel > 0) {
val tc = TaskContext.get()
val threadPool = MultiFileReaderThreadPool.getOrCreateThreadPool(numThreads)
files.grouped(numFilesFilterParallel).map { fileGroup =>
new CoalescingFilterRunner(footerReadType, tc, fileGroup, conf, filters, readDataSchema))
} else {
files.map { file =>
filterBlocksForCoalescingReader(footerReadType, file, conf, filters, readDataSchema)
metaAndFilesArr.foreach { metaAndFile =>
val singleFileInfo = metaAndFile.meta
clippedBlocks ++= singleFileInfo.blocks.map(block =>
new ParquetExtraInfo(singleFileInfo.dateRebaseMode,
val filterTime = System.nanoTime() - startTime
metrics.get(FILTER_TIME).foreach {
_ += filterTime
metrics.get("scanTime").foreach {
_ += TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis(filterTime)
new MultiFileParquetPartitionReader(conf, files, clippedBlocks.toSeq, isCaseSensitive,
debugDumpPrefix, debugDumpAlways, maxReadBatchSizeRows, maxReadBatchSizeBytes,
targetBatchSizeBytes, maxGpuColumnSizeBytes,
useChunkedReader, maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes,
metrics, partitionSchema, numThreads, ignoreMissingFiles, ignoreCorruptFiles, readUseFieldId)
* File format short name used for logging and other things to uniquely identity
* which file format is being used.
* @return the file format short name
override final def getFileFormatShortName: String = "Parquet"
case class GpuParquetPartitionReaderFactory(
@transient sqlConf: SQLConf,
broadcastedConf: Broadcast[SerializableConfiguration],
dataSchema: StructType,
readDataSchema: StructType,
partitionSchema: StructType,
filters: Array[Filter],
@transient rapidsConf: RapidsConf,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric],
@transient params: Map[String, String],
alluxioPathReplacementMap: Option[Map[String, String]])
extends ShimFilePartitionReaderFactory(params) with Logging {
private val isCaseSensitive = sqlConf.caseSensitiveAnalysis
private val debugDumpPrefix = rapidsConf.parquetDebugDumpPrefix
private val debugDumpAlways = rapidsConf.parquetDebugDumpAlways
private val maxReadBatchSizeRows = rapidsConf.maxReadBatchSizeRows
private val maxReadBatchSizeBytes = rapidsConf.maxReadBatchSizeBytes
private val targetSizeBytes = rapidsConf.gpuTargetBatchSizeBytes
private val maxGpuColumnSizeBytes = rapidsConf.maxGpuColumnSizeBytes
private val useChunkedReader = rapidsConf.chunkedReaderEnabled
private val maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes =
if(rapidsConf.limitChunkedReaderMemoryUsage) {
(rapidsConf.chunkedReaderMemoryUsageRatio * targetSizeBytes).toLong
} else {
private val filterHandler = GpuParquetFileFilterHandler(sqlConf, metrics)
private val readUseFieldId = ParquetSchemaClipShims.useFieldId(sqlConf)
private val footerReadType = GpuParquetScan.footerReaderHeuristic(
rapidsConf.parquetReaderFooterType, dataSchema, readDataSchema, readUseFieldId)
override def supportColumnarReads(partition: InputPartition): Boolean = true
override def buildReader(partitionedFile: PartitionedFile): PartitionReader[InternalRow] = {
throw new IllegalStateException("GPU column parser called to read rows")
override def buildColumnarReader(
partitionedFile: PartitionedFile): PartitionReader[ColumnarBatch] = {
val reader = new PartitionReaderWithBytesRead(buildBaseColumnarParquetReader(partitionedFile))
ColumnarPartitionReaderWithPartitionValues.newReader(partitionedFile, reader, partitionSchema,
private def buildBaseColumnarParquetReader(
file: PartitionedFile): PartitionReader[ColumnarBatch] = {
val conf = broadcastedConf.value.value
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
val singleFileInfo = filterHandler.filterBlocks(footerReadType, file, conf, filters,
metrics.get(FILTER_TIME).foreach {
_ += (System.nanoTime() - startTime)
new ParquetPartitionReader(conf, file, singleFileInfo.filePath, singleFileInfo.blocks,
singleFileInfo.schema, isCaseSensitive, readDataSchema, debugDumpPrefix, debugDumpAlways,
maxReadBatchSizeRows, maxReadBatchSizeBytes, targetSizeBytes,
useChunkedReader, maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes,
metrics, singleFileInfo.dateRebaseMode,
singleFileInfo.timestampRebaseMode, singleFileInfo.hasInt96Timestamps, readUseFieldId)
trait ParquetPartitionReaderBase extends Logging with ScanWithMetrics
with MultiFileReaderFunctions {
// the size of Parquet magic (at start+end) and footer length values
val PARQUET_META_SIZE: Long = 4 + 4 + 4
// Configuration
def conf: Configuration
def execMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]
def isSchemaCaseSensitive: Boolean
val copyBufferSize = conf.getInt("parquet.read.allocation.size", 8 * 1024 * 1024)
def checkIfNeedToSplitBlocks(currentDateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
nextDateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
currentTimestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
nextTimestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
currentSchema: SchemaBase,
nextSchema: SchemaBase,
currentFilePath: String,
nextFilePath: String): Boolean = {
// We need to ensure all files we are going to combine have the same datetime
// rebase mode.
if (currentDateRebaseMode != nextDateRebaseMode &&
currentTimestampRebaseMode != nextTimestampRebaseMode) {
logInfo(s"datetime rebase mode for the next file ${nextFilePath} is different " +
s"then current file ${currentFilePath}, splitting into another batch.")
return true
if (!currentSchema.equals(nextSchema)) {
logInfo(s"File schema for the next file ${nextFilePath}" +
s" schema ${nextSchema} doesn't match current ${currentFilePath}" +
s" schema ${currentSchema}, splitting it into another batch!")
return true
"msg=constructor NullOutputStream in class NullOutputStream is deprecated"
protected def calculateParquetFooterSize(
currentChunkedBlocks: Seq[BlockMetaData],
schema: MessageType): Long = {
// Calculate size of the footer metadata.
// This uses the column metadata from the original file, but that should
// always be at least as big as the updated metadata in the output.
val out = new CountingOutputStream(new NullOutputStream)
writeFooter(out, currentChunkedBlocks, schema)
* Calculate an amount of extra memory if we are combining multiple files together.
* We want to add extra memory because the ColumnChunks saved in the footer have 2 fields
* file_offset and data_page_offset that get much larger when we are combining files.
* Here we estimate that by taking the number of columns * number of blocks which should be
* the number of column chunks and then saying there are 2 fields that could be larger and
* assume max size of those would be 8 bytes worst case. So we probably allocate to much here
* but it shouldn't be by a huge amount and its better then having to realloc and copy.
* @param numCols the number of columns
* @param numBlocks the total number of blocks to be combined
* @return amount of extra memory to allocate
def calculateExtraMemoryForParquetFooter(numCols: Int, numBlocks: Int): Int = {
val numColumnChunks = numCols * numBlocks
numColumnChunks * 2 * 8
protected def calculateParquetOutputSize(
currentChunkedBlocks: Seq[BlockMetaData],
schema: MessageType,
handleCoalesceFiles: Boolean): Long = {
// start with the size of Parquet magic (at start+end) and footer length values
var size: Long = PARQUET_META_SIZE
// Calculate the total amount of column data that will be copied
// NOTE: Avoid using block.getTotalByteSize here as that is the
// uncompressed size rather than the size in the file.
size += currentChunkedBlocks.flatMap(_.getColumns.asScala.map(_.getTotalSize)).sum
val footerSize = calculateParquetFooterSize(currentChunkedBlocks, schema)
val extraMemory = if (handleCoalesceFiles) {
val numCols = currentChunkedBlocks.head.getColumns().size()
calculateExtraMemoryForParquetFooter(numCols, currentChunkedBlocks.size)
} else {
val totalSize = size + footerSize + extraMemory
protected def writeFooter(
out: OutputStream,
blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData],
schema: MessageType): Unit = {
val fileMeta = new FileMetaData(schema, Collections.emptyMap[String, String],
val metadataConverter = new ParquetMetadataConverter
val footer = new ParquetMetadata(fileMeta, blocks.asJava)
val meta = metadataConverter.toParquetMetadata(ParquetPartitionReader.PARQUET_VERSION, footer)
org.apache.parquet.format.Util.writeFileMetaData(meta, out)
protected def copyDataRange(
range: CopyRange,
in: FSDataInputStream,
out: HostMemoryOutputStream,
copyBuffer: Array[Byte]): Long = {
var readTime = 0L
var writeTime = 0L
if (in.getPos != range.offset) {
var bytesLeft = range.length
while (bytesLeft > 0) {
// downcast is safe because copyBuffer.length is an int
val readLength = Math.min(bytesLeft, copyBuffer.length).toInt
val start = System.nanoTime()
in.readFully(copyBuffer, 0, readLength)
val mid = System.nanoTime()
out.write(copyBuffer, 0, readLength)
val end = System.nanoTime()
readTime += (mid - start)
writeTime += (end - mid)
bytesLeft -= readLength
* Computes new block metadata to reflect where the blocks and columns will appear in the
* computed Parquet file.
* @param blocks block metadata from the original file(s) that will appear in the computed file
* @param realStartOffset starting file offset of the first block
* @return updated block metadata
"msg=method getPath in class ColumnChunkMetaData is deprecated"
protected def computeBlockMetaData(
blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData],
realStartOffset: Long): Seq[BlockMetaData] = {
val outputBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[BlockMetaData](blocks.length)
var totalBytesToCopy = 0L
blocks.foreach { block =>
val columns = block.getColumns.asScala
val outputColumns = new ArrayBuffer[ColumnChunkMetaData](columns.length)
columns.foreach { column =>
// update column metadata to reflect new position in the output file
val startPosCol = column.getStartingPos
val offsetAdjustment = realStartOffset + totalBytesToCopy - startPosCol
val newDictOffset = if (column.getDictionaryPageOffset > 0) {
column.getDictionaryPageOffset + offsetAdjustment
} else {
val columnSize = column.getTotalSize
//noinspection ScalaDeprecation
outputColumns += ColumnChunkMetaData.get(
column.getStartingPos + offsetAdjustment,
totalBytesToCopy += columnSize
outputBlocks += GpuParquetUtils.newBlockMeta(block.getRowCount, outputColumns.toSeq)
* Copies the data corresponding to the clipped blocks in the original file and compute the
* block metadata for the output. The output blocks will contain the same column chunk
* metadata but with the file offsets updated to reflect the new position of the column data
* as written to the output.
* @param in the input stream for the original Parquet file
* @param out the output stream to receive the data
* @param blocks block metadata from the original file that will appear in the computed file
* @param realStartOffset starting file offset of the first block
* @return updated block metadata corresponding to the output
protected def copyBlocksData(
filePath: Path,
out: HostMemoryOutputStream,
blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData],
realStartOffset: Long,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]): Seq[BlockMetaData] = {
val startPos = out.getPos
val filePathString: String = filePath.toString
val remoteItems = new ArrayBuffer[CopyRange](blocks.length)
var totalBytesToCopy = 0L
withResource(new ArrayBuffer[LocalCopy](blocks.length)) { localItems =>
blocks.foreach { block =>
block.getColumns.asScala.foreach { column =>
val columnSize = column.getTotalSize
val outputOffset = totalBytesToCopy + startPos
val channel = FileCache.get.getDataRangeChannel(filePathString,
column.getStartingPos, columnSize, conf)
if (channel.isDefined) {
localItems += LocalCopy(channel.get, columnSize, outputOffset)
} else {
remoteItems += CopyRange(column.getStartingPos, columnSize, outputOffset)
totalBytesToCopy += columnSize
localItems.foreach { localItem =>
copyLocal(localItem, out, metrics)
copyRemoteBlocksData(remoteItems.toSeq, filePath,
filePathString, out, metrics)
// fixup output pos after blocks were copied possibly out of order
out.seek(startPos + totalBytesToCopy)
computeBlockMetaData(blocks, realStartOffset)
private def copyRemoteBlocksData(
remoteCopies: Seq[CopyRange],
filePath: Path,
filePathString: String,
out: HostMemoryOutputStream,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]): Long = {
if (remoteCopies.isEmpty) {
return 0L
val coalescedRanges = coalesceReads(remoteCopies)
val totalBytesCopied = PerfIO.readToHostMemory(
conf, out.buffer, filePath.toUri,
coalescedRanges.map(r => IntRangeWithOffset(r.offset, r.length, r.outputOffset))
).getOrElse {
withResource(filePath.getFileSystem(conf).open(filePath)) { in =>
val copyBuffer: Array[Byte] = new Array[Byte](copyBufferSize)
coalescedRanges.foldLeft(0L) { (acc, blockCopy) =>
acc + copyDataRange(blockCopy, in, out, copyBuffer)
// try to cache the remote ranges that were copied
remoteCopies.foreach { range =>
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_DATA_RANGE_MISSES, NoopMetric) += 1
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_DATA_RANGE_MISSES_SIZE, NoopMetric) += range.length
val cacheToken = FileCache.get.startDataRangeCache(
filePathString, range.offset, range.length, conf)
// If we get a filecache token then we can complete the caching by providing the data.
// If we do not get a token then we should not cache this data.
cacheToken.foreach { token =>
token.complete(out.buffer.slice(range.outputOffset, range.length))
private def coalesceReads(ranges: Seq[CopyRange]): Seq[CopyRange] = {
val coalesced = new ArrayBuffer[CopyRange](ranges.length)
var currentRange: CopyRange = null
var currentRangeEnd = 0L
def addCurrentRange(): Unit = {
if (currentRange != null) {
val rangeLength = currentRangeEnd - currentRange.offset
if (rangeLength == currentRange.length) {
coalesced += currentRange
} else {
coalesced += currentRange.copy(length = rangeLength)
currentRange = null
currentRangeEnd = 0L
ranges.foreach { c =>
if (c.offset == currentRangeEnd) {
currentRangeEnd += c.length
} else {
currentRange = c
currentRangeEnd = c.offset + c.length
private def copyLocal(
item: LocalCopy,
out: HostMemoryOutputStream,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]): Long = {
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_DATA_RANGE_HITS, NoopMetric) += 1
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_DATA_RANGE_HITS_SIZE, NoopMetric) += item.length
metrics.getOrElse(GpuMetric.FILECACHE_DATA_RANGE_READ_TIME, NoopMetric).ns {
out.copyFromChannel(item.channel, item.length)
protected def readPartFile(
blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData],
clippedSchema: MessageType,
filePath: Path): (HostMemoryBuffer, Long, Seq[BlockMetaData]) = {
withResource(new NvtxRange("Parquet buffer file split", NvtxColor.YELLOW)) { _ =>
val estTotalSize = calculateParquetOutputSize(blocks, clippedSchema, false)
closeOnExcept(HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(estTotalSize)) { hmb =>
val out = new HostMemoryOutputStream(hmb)
val outputBlocks = copyBlocksData(filePath, out, blocks, out.getPos, metrics)
val footerPos = out.getPos
writeFooter(out, outputBlocks, clippedSchema)
BytesUtils.writeIntLittleEndian(out, (out.getPos - footerPos).toInt)
// check we didn't go over memory
if (out.getPos > estTotalSize) {
throw new QueryExecutionException(s"Calculated buffer size $estTotalSize is to " +
s"small, actual written: ${out.getPos}")
(hmb, out.getPos, outputBlocks)
protected def populateCurrentBlockChunk(
blockIter: BufferedIterator[BlockMetaData],
maxReadBatchSizeRows: Int,
maxReadBatchSizeBytes: Long,
readDataSchema: StructType): Seq[BlockMetaData] = {
val currentChunk = new ArrayBuffer[BlockMetaData]
var numRows: Long = 0
var numBytes: Long = 0
var numParquetBytes: Long = 0
def readNextBatch(): Unit = {
if (blockIter.hasNext) {
val peekedRowGroup = blockIter.head
if (peekedRowGroup.getRowCount > Integer.MAX_VALUE) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Too many rows in split")
if (numRows == 0 || numRows + peekedRowGroup.getRowCount <= maxReadBatchSizeRows) {
val estimatedBytes = GpuBatchUtils.estimateGpuMemory(readDataSchema,
if (numBytes == 0 || numBytes + estimatedBytes <= maxReadBatchSizeBytes) {
currentChunk += blockIter.next()
numRows += currentChunk.last.getRowCount
numParquetBytes += currentChunk.last.getTotalByteSize
numBytes += estimatedBytes
logDebug(s"Loaded $numRows rows from Parquet. Parquet bytes read: $numParquetBytes. " +
s"Estimated GPU bytes: $numBytes")
* Take case-sensitive into consideration when getting the data reading column names
* before sending parquet-formatted buffer to cudf.
* Also clips the column names if `useFieldId` is true.
* @param readDataSchema Spark schema to read
* @param fileSchema the schema of the dumped parquet-formatted buffer, already removed unmatched
* @param isCaseSensitive if it is case sensitive
* @param useFieldId if enabled `spark.sql.parquet.fieldId.read.enabled`
* @return a sequence of tuple of column names following the order of readDataSchema
protected def toCudfColumnNames(
readDataSchema: StructType,
fileSchema: MessageType,
isCaseSensitive: Boolean,
useFieldId: Boolean): Seq[String] = {
// map from field ID to the parquet column name
val fieldIdToNameMap = ParquetSchemaClipShims.fieldIdToNameMap(useFieldId, fileSchema)
// if use field id, clip the unused reading column names
// e.g.: reading schema is:
// StructType(
// StructField("mapped_c1", IntegerType, metadata={'parquet.field.id': 1}),
// StructField("mapped_c2", IntegerType, metadata={'parquet.field.id': 55}),
// StructField("c3", IntegerType))
// File schema is:
// message spark_schema {
// optional int32 c1 = 1 (field ID is 1),
// optional int32 c2 = 2 (field ID is 2),
// optional int32 c3,
// }
// ID = 55 not matched, returns ["c1", "c3"]
// excludes unmatched columns
val clippedReadFields = readDataSchema.fields.filter(f => !(useFieldId &&
ParquetSchemaClipShims.hasFieldId(f) &&
if (!isCaseSensitive) {
val fields = fileSchema.asGroupType().getFields.asScala.map(_.getName).toSet
val m = CaseInsensitiveMap(fields.zip(fields).toMap)
// The schemas may be different among parquet files, so some column names may not be existing
// in the CaseInsensitiveMap. In that case, we just use the field name of readDataSchema
// For hive special case, the readDataSchema is lower case, we need to do
// the case insensitive conversion
// See https://github.com/NVIDIA/spark-rapids/pull/3982#issue-770410779
clippedReadFields.map { f =>
if (useFieldId && ParquetSchemaClipShims.hasFieldId(f)) {
// find the parquet column name
} else {
} else {
clippedReadFields.map { f =>
if (useFieldId && ParquetSchemaClipShims.hasFieldId(f)) {
} else {
def getParquetOptions(
readDataSchema: StructType,
clippedSchema: MessageType,
useFieldId: Boolean): ParquetOptions = {
val includeColumns = toCudfColumnNames(readDataSchema, clippedSchema,
isSchemaCaseSensitive, useFieldId)
.includeColumn(includeColumns : _*)
/** conversions used by multithreaded reader and coalescing reader */
implicit def toBlockMetaData(block: DataBlockBase): BlockMetaData =
implicit def toDataBlockBase(blocks: Seq[BlockMetaData]): Seq[DataBlockBase] =
implicit def toBlockMetaDataSeq(blocks: Seq[DataBlockBase]): Seq[BlockMetaData] =
// Parquet schema wrapper
private case class ParquetSchemaWrapper(schema: MessageType) extends SchemaBase {
override def isEmpty: Boolean = schema.getFields.isEmpty
// Parquet BlockMetaData wrapper
private case class ParquetDataBlock(dataBlock: BlockMetaData) extends DataBlockBase {
override def getRowCount: Long = dataBlock.getRowCount
override def getReadDataSize: Long = dataBlock.getTotalByteSize
override def getBlockSize: Long = dataBlock.getColumns.asScala.map(_.getTotalSize).sum
/** Parquet extra information containing rebase modes and whether there is int96 timestamp */
class ParquetExtraInfo(val dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
val timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
val hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean) extends ExtraInfo
// contains meta about a single block in a file
private case class ParquetSingleDataBlockMeta(
filePath: Path,
dataBlock: ParquetDataBlock,
partitionValues: InternalRow,
schema: ParquetSchemaWrapper,
readSchema: StructType,
extraInfo: ParquetExtraInfo) extends SingleDataBlockInfo
* A PartitionReader that can read multiple Parquet files up to the certain size. It will
* coalesce small files together and copy the block data in a separate thread pool to speed
* up processing the small files before sending down to the GPU.
* Efficiently reading a Parquet split on the GPU requires re-constructing the Parquet file
* in memory that contains just the column chunks that are needed. This avoids sending
* unnecessary data to the GPU and saves GPU memory.
* @param conf the Hadoop configuration
* @param splits the partitioned files to read
* @param clippedBlocks the block metadata from the original Parquet file that has been clipped
* to only contain the column chunks to be read
* @param isSchemaCaseSensitive whether schema is case sensitive
* @param debugDumpPrefix a path prefix to use for dumping the fabricated Parquet data
* @param debugDumpAlways whether to debug dump always or only on errors
* @param maxReadBatchSizeRows soft limit on the maximum number of rows the reader reads per batch
* @param maxReadBatchSizeBytes soft limit on the maximum number of bytes the reader reads per batch
* @param targetBatchSizeBytes the target size of a batch
* @param maxGpuColumnSizeBytes the maximum size of a GPU column
* @param useChunkedReader whether to read Parquet by chunks or read all at once
* @param maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes soft limit on the number of bytes of internal memory
* usage that the reader will use
* @param execMetrics metrics
* @param partitionSchema Schema of partitions.
* @param numThreads the size of the threadpool
* @param ignoreMissingFiles Whether to ignore missing files
* @param ignoreCorruptFiles Whether to ignore corrupt files
class MultiFileParquetPartitionReader(
override val conf: Configuration,
splits: Array[PartitionedFile],
clippedBlocks: Seq[ParquetSingleDataBlockMeta],
override val isSchemaCaseSensitive: Boolean,
debugDumpPrefix: Option[String],
debugDumpAlways: Boolean,
maxReadBatchSizeRows: Integer,
maxReadBatchSizeBytes: Long,
targetBatchSizeBytes: Long,
maxGpuColumnSizeBytes: Long,
useChunkedReader: Boolean,
maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes: Long,
override val execMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric],
partitionSchema: StructType,
numThreads: Int,
ignoreMissingFiles: Boolean,
ignoreCorruptFiles: Boolean,
useFieldId: Boolean)
extends MultiFileCoalescingPartitionReaderBase(conf, clippedBlocks,
partitionSchema, maxReadBatchSizeRows, maxReadBatchSizeBytes, maxGpuColumnSizeBytes,
numThreads, execMetrics)
with ParquetPartitionReaderBase {
// Some implicits to convert the base class to the sub-class and vice versa
implicit def toMessageType(schema: SchemaBase): MessageType =
implicit def ParquetSingleDataBlockMeta(in: ExtraInfo): ParquetExtraInfo =
// The runner to copy blocks to offset of HostMemoryBuffer
class ParquetCopyBlocksRunner(
taskContext: TaskContext,
file: Path,
outhmb: HostMemoryBuffer,
blocks: ArrayBuffer[DataBlockBase],
offset: Long)
extends Callable[(Seq[DataBlockBase], Long)] {
override def call(): (Seq[DataBlockBase], Long) = {
try {
val startBytesRead = fileSystemBytesRead()
val outputBlocks = withResource(outhmb) { _ =>
withResource(new HostMemoryOutputStream(outhmb)) { out =>
copyBlocksData(file, out, blocks.toSeq, offset, metrics)
val bytesRead = fileSystemBytesRead() - startBytesRead
(outputBlocks, bytesRead)
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException if ignoreMissingFiles =>
logWarning(s"Skipped missing file: ${file.toString}", e)
(Seq.empty, 0)
// Throw FileNotFoundException even if `ignoreCorruptFiles` is true
case e: FileNotFoundException if !ignoreMissingFiles => throw e
case e @ (_: RuntimeException | _: IOException) if ignoreCorruptFiles =>
s"Skipped the rest of the content in the corrupted file: ${file.toString}", e)
// It leave the empty hole for the re-composed parquet file if we skip
// the corrupted file. But it should be ok since there is no meta pointing to that "hole"
(Seq.empty, 0)
} finally {
override def checkIfNeedToSplitDataBlock(currentBlockInfo: SingleDataBlockInfo,
nextBlockInfo: SingleDataBlockInfo): Boolean = {
override def calculateEstimatedBlocksOutputSize(batchContext: BatchContext): Long = {
val allBlocks = batchContext.origChunkedBlocks.values.flatten.toSeq
// Some Parquet versions sanity check the block metadata, and since the blocks could be from
// multiple files they will not pass the checks as they are.
val blockStartOffset = ParquetPartitionReader.PARQUET_MAGIC.length
val updatedBlocks = computeBlockMetaData(allBlocks, blockStartOffset)
calculateParquetOutputSize(updatedBlocks, batchContext.schema, true)
override def getBatchRunner(
taskContext: TaskContext,
file: Path,
outhmb: HostMemoryBuffer,
blocks: ArrayBuffer[DataBlockBase],
offset: Long,
batchContext: BatchContext): Callable[(Seq[DataBlockBase], Long)] = {
new ParquetCopyBlocksRunner(taskContext, file, outhmb, blocks, offset)
override final def getFileFormatShortName: String = "Parquet"
private var currentTargetBatchSize = targetBatchSizeBytes
override final def startNewBufferRetry(): Unit = {
currentTargetBatchSize = targetBatchSizeBytes
override def readBufferToTablesAndClose(dataBuffer: HostMemoryBuffer, dataSize: Long,
clippedSchema: SchemaBase, readDataSchema: StructType,
extraInfo: ExtraInfo): GpuDataProducer[Table] = {
val parseOpts = getParquetOptions(readDataSchema, clippedSchema, useFieldId)
// About to start using the GPU
MakeParquetTableProducer(useChunkedReader, maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes,
conf, currentTargetBatchSize, parseOpts,
dataBuffer, 0, dataSize, metrics,
extraInfo.dateRebaseMode, extraInfo.timestampRebaseMode,
extraInfo.hasInt96Timestamps, isSchemaCaseSensitive, useFieldId, readDataSchema,
clippedSchema, splits, debugDumpPrefix, debugDumpAlways)
override def writeFileHeader(buffer: HostMemoryBuffer, bContext: BatchContext): Long = {
withResource(new HostMemoryOutputStream(buffer)) { out =>
override def calculateFinalBlocksOutputSize(footerOffset: Long,
blocks: collection.Seq[DataBlockBase], bContext: BatchContext): Long = {
val actualFooterSize = calculateParquetFooterSize(blocks.toSeq, bContext.schema)
// 4 + 4 is for writing size and the ending PARQUET_MAGIC.
footerOffset + actualFooterSize + 4 + 4
override def writeFileFooter(buffer: HostMemoryBuffer, bufferSize: Long, footerOffset: Long,
blocks: Seq[DataBlockBase], bContext: BatchContext): (HostMemoryBuffer, Long) = {
val lenLeft = bufferSize - footerOffset
val finalSize = closeOnExcept(buffer) { _ =>
withResource(buffer.slice(footerOffset, lenLeft)) { finalizehmb =>
withResource(new HostMemoryOutputStream(finalizehmb)) { footerOut =>
writeFooter(footerOut, blocks, bContext.schema)
BytesUtils.writeIntLittleEndian(footerOut, footerOut.getPos.toInt)
footerOffset + footerOut.getPos
(buffer, finalSize)
* A PartitionReader that can read multiple Parquet files in parallel. This is most efficient
* running in a cloud environment where the I/O of reading is slow.
* Efficiently reading a Parquet split on the GPU requires re-constructing the Parquet file
* in memory that contains just the column chunks that are needed. This avoids sending
* unnecessary data to the GPU and saves GPU memory.
* @param conf the Hadoop configuration
* @param files the partitioned files to read
* @param filterFunc a function to filter the necessary blocks from a given file
* @param isSchemaCaseSensitive whether schema is case sensitive
* @param debugDumpPrefix a path prefix to use for dumping the fabricated Parquet data
* @param debugDumpAlways whether to debug dump always or only on errors
* @param maxReadBatchSizeRows soft limit on the maximum number of rows the reader reads per batch
* @param maxReadBatchSizeBytes soft limit on the maximum number of bytes the reader reads per batch
* @param targetBatchSizeBytes the target size of the batch
* @param maxGpuColumnSizeBytes the maximum size of a GPU column
* @param useChunkedReader whether to read Parquet by chunks or read all at once
* @param maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes soft limit on the number of bytes of internal memory
* usage that the reader will use
* @param execMetrics metrics
* @param partitionSchema Schema of partitions.
* @param numThreads the size of the threadpool
* @param maxNumFileProcessed the maximum number of files to read on the CPU side and waiting to be
* processed on the GPU. This affects the amount of host memory used.
* @param ignoreMissingFiles Whether to ignore missing files
* @param ignoreCorruptFiles Whether to ignore corrupt files
* @param useFieldId Whether to use field id for column matching
* @param alluxioPathReplacementMap Map containing mapping of DFS scheme to Alluxio scheme
* @param alluxioReplacementTaskTime Whether the Alluxio replacement algorithm is set to task time
* @param queryUsesInputFile Whether the query requires the input file name functionality
* @param keepReadsInOrder Whether to require the files to be read in the same order as Spark.
* Defaults to true for formats that don't explicitly handle this.
* @param combineConf configs relevant to combination
class MultiFileCloudParquetPartitionReader(
override val conf: Configuration,
files: Array[PartitionedFile],
filterFunc: PartitionedFile => ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta,
override val isSchemaCaseSensitive: Boolean,
debugDumpPrefix: Option[String],
debugDumpAlways: Boolean,
maxReadBatchSizeRows: Integer,
maxReadBatchSizeBytes: Long,
targetBatchSizeBytes: Long,
maxGpuColumnSizeBytes: Long,
useChunkedReader: Boolean,
maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes: Long,
override val execMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric],
partitionSchema: StructType,
numThreads: Int,
maxNumFileProcessed: Int,
ignoreMissingFiles: Boolean,
ignoreCorruptFiles: Boolean,
useFieldId: Boolean,
alluxioPathReplacementMap: Map[String, String],
alluxioReplacementTaskTime: Boolean,
queryUsesInputFile: Boolean,
keepReadsInOrder: Boolean,
combineConf: CombineConf)
extends MultiFileCloudPartitionReaderBase(conf, files, numThreads, maxNumFileProcessed, null,
execMetrics, maxReadBatchSizeRows, maxReadBatchSizeBytes, ignoreCorruptFiles,
alluxioPathReplacementMap, alluxioReplacementTaskTime, keepReadsInOrder, combineConf)
with ParquetPartitionReaderBase {
def checkIfNeedToSplit(current: HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData,
next: HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData): Boolean = {
override def canUseCombine: Boolean = {
if (queryUsesInputFile) {
logDebug("Query uses input file name, can't use combine mode")
} else {
combineConf.combineThresholdSize > 0
private case class CombinedEmptyMeta(emptyNumRows: Long, emptyBufferSize: Long,
emptyTotalBytesRead: Long, allEmpty: Boolean, metaForEmpty: HostMemoryEmptyMetaData)
private case class CombinedMeta(allPartValues: Array[(Long, InternalRow)],
toCombine: Array[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase],
firstNonEmpty: HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData)
// assumes all these are ok to combine and have the same metadata for schema
// and *RebaseMode and timestamp type settings
private def doCombineHMBs(combinedMeta: CombinedMeta): HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase = {
val toCombineHmbs = combinedMeta.toCombine.filterNot(_.isInstanceOf[HostMemoryEmptyMetaData])
val metaToUse = combinedMeta.firstNonEmpty
logDebug(s"Using Combine mode and actually combining, num files ${toCombineHmbs.size} " +
s"files: ${toCombineHmbs.map(_.partitionedFile.filePath).mkString(",")}")
val startCombineTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
// this size includes the written header and footer on each buffer so remove
// the size of those to get data size
val existingSizeUsed = toCombineHmbs.map { hbWithMeta =>
hbWithMeta.memBuffersAndSizes.map(smb => Math.max(smb.bytes - PARQUET_META_SIZE, 0)).sum
// since we know not all of them are empty and we know all these have the same schema since
// we already separated, just use the clippedSchema from metadata
val schemaToUse = metaToUse.clippedSchema
val blocksAlreadyRead = toCombineHmbs.flatMap(_.memBuffersAndSizes.flatMap(_.blockMeta))
val footerSize = calculateParquetFooterSize(blocksAlreadyRead.toSeq, schemaToUse)
// all will have same schema so same number of columns
val numCols = blocksAlreadyRead.head.getColumns().size()
val extraMemory = calculateExtraMemoryForParquetFooter(numCols, blocksAlreadyRead.size)
val initTotalSize = existingSizeUsed + footerSize + extraMemory
val combined = closeOnExcept(HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(initTotalSize)) { combinedHmb =>
var offset = withResource(new HostMemoryOutputStream(combinedHmb)) { out =>
val allOutputBlocks = new ArrayBuffer[BlockMetaData]()
// copy the actual data
toCombineHmbs.map { hbWithMeta =>
hbWithMeta.memBuffersAndSizes.map { hmbInfo =>
val copyAmount = hmbInfo.blockMeta.map { meta =>
if (copyAmount > 0 && hmbInfo.hmb != null) {
combinedHmb.copyFromHostBuffer(offset, hmbInfo.hmb,
ParquetPartitionReader.PARQUET_MAGIC.size, copyAmount)
val outputBlocks = computeBlockMetaData(hmbInfo.blockMeta, offset)
allOutputBlocks ++= outputBlocks
offset += copyAmount
if (hmbInfo.hmb != null) {
// using all of the actual combined output blocks meta calculate what the footer size
// will really be
val actualFooterSize = calculateParquetFooterSize(allOutputBlocks.toSeq, schemaToUse)
var buf: HostMemoryBuffer = combinedHmb
val totalBufferSize = if ((initTotalSize - offset) < actualFooterSize) {
val newBufferSize = offset + actualFooterSize + 4 + 4
logWarning(s"The original estimated size $initTotalSize is too small, " +
s"reallocating and copying data to bigger buffer size: $newBufferSize")
// Copy the old buffer to a new allocated bigger buffer and close the old buffer
buf = withResource(combinedHmb) { _ =>
withResource(new HostMemoryInputStream(combinedHmb, offset)) { in =>
// realloc memory and copy
closeOnExcept(HostMemoryBuffer.allocate(newBufferSize)) { newhmb =>
withResource(new HostMemoryOutputStream(newhmb)) { out =>
IOUtils.copy(in, out)
} else {
withResource(buf.slice(offset, (totalBufferSize - offset))) { footerHmbSlice =>
withResource(new HostMemoryOutputStream(footerHmbSlice)) { footerOut =>
writeFooter(footerOut, allOutputBlocks.toSeq, schemaToUse)
BytesUtils.writeIntLittleEndian(footerOut, footerOut.getPos.toInt)
offset += footerOut.getPos
val newHmbBufferInfo = SingleHMBAndMeta(buf, offset,
combinedMeta.allPartValues.map(_._1).sum, Seq.empty)
val newHmbMeta = HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData(
metaToUse.origPartitionedFile, // this doesn't matter since already read
val filterTime = combinedMeta.toCombine.map(_.getFilterTime).sum
val bufferTime = combinedMeta.toCombine.map(_.getBufferTime).sum
newHmbMeta.setMetrics(filterTime, bufferTime)
logDebug(s"Took ${(System.currentTimeMillis() - startCombineTime)} " +
s"ms to do combine of ${toCombineHmbs.size} files, " +
s"task id: ${TaskContext.get().taskAttemptId()}")
private def computeCombineHMBMeta(
input: Array[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase]): (CombinedMeta, CombinedEmptyMeta) = {
val allPartValues = new ArrayBuffer[(Long, InternalRow)]()
var allEmpty = true
var metaForEmpty: HostMemoryEmptyMetaData = null
var emptyNumRows = 0L
var emptyBufferSize = 0L
var emptyTotalBytesRead = 0L
val toCombine = ArrayBuffer[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase]()
// this is only used when keepReadsInOrder is false
val leftOversWhenNotKeepReadsInOrder = ArrayBuffer[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase]()
var firstNonEmpty: HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData = null
var numCombined: Int = 0
var needsSplit = false
var iterLoc = 0
// iterating through this to handle the case we want to keep the files
// in the same order as Spark
while (!needsSplit && iterLoc < input.size) {
val result = input(iterLoc)
result match {
case emptyHMData: HostMemoryEmptyMetaData =>
if (metaForEmpty == null || emptyHMData.numRows > 0) {
// we might have multiple EmptyMetaData results. If some are due to ignoring
// missing files and others are row counts, we want to make sure we
// take the metadata information from the ones with row counts because
// the ones from ignoring missing files has less information with it.
metaForEmpty = emptyHMData
val totalNumRows = result.memBuffersAndSizes.map(_.numRows).sum
val partValues = result.partitionedFile.partitionValues
allPartValues.append((totalNumRows, partValues))
emptyBufferSize += emptyHMData.bufferSize
emptyNumRows += emptyHMData.numRows
emptyTotalBytesRead += emptyHMData.bytesRead
toCombine += emptyHMData
numCombined += 1
case hmWithData: HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData =>
allEmpty = false
if (firstNonEmpty != null && checkIfNeedToSplit(firstNonEmpty, hmWithData)) {
// if we need to keep the same order as Spark we just stop here and put rest in
// leftOverFiles, but if we don't then continue so we combine as much as possible
if (keepReadsInOrder) {
needsSplit = true
combineLeftOverFiles = Some(input.drop(numCombined))
} else {
leftOversWhenNotKeepReadsInOrder += hmWithData
} else {
if (firstNonEmpty == null) {
firstNonEmpty = hmWithData
numCombined += 1
toCombine += hmWithData
val partValues = hmWithData.partitionedFile.partitionValues
val totalNumRows = hmWithData.memBuffersAndSizes.map(_.numRows).sum
allPartValues.append((totalNumRows, partValues))
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Unknown HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase")
iterLoc += 1
if (!keepReadsInOrder && leftOversWhenNotKeepReadsInOrder.nonEmpty) {
combineLeftOverFiles = Some(leftOversWhenNotKeepReadsInOrder.toArray)
val combinedMeta = CombinedMeta(allPartValues.toArray, toCombine.toArray, firstNonEmpty)
val combinedEmptyMeta = CombinedEmptyMeta(emptyNumRows, emptyBufferSize, emptyTotalBytesRead,
allEmpty, metaForEmpty)
(combinedMeta, combinedEmptyMeta)
override def combineHMBs(
input: Array[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase]): HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase = {
if (input.size == 1) {
} else {
val (combinedMeta, combinedEmptyMeta) = computeCombineHMBMeta(input)
if (combinedEmptyMeta.allEmpty) {
val metaForEmpty = combinedEmptyMeta.metaForEmpty
HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(metaForEmpty.partitionedFile, // just pick one since not used
metaForEmpty.dateRebaseMode, // these shouldn't matter since data is empty
metaForEmpty.timestampRebaseMode, // these shouldn't matter since data is empty
metaForEmpty.hasInt96Timestamps, // these shouldn't matter since data is empty
} else {
private case class HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(
override val partitionedFile: PartitionedFile,
override val origPartitionedFile: Option[PartitionedFile],
bufferSize: Long,
override val bytesRead: Long,
dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean,
clippedSchema: MessageType,
readSchema: StructType,
numRows: Long,
override val allPartValues: Option[Array[(Long, InternalRow)]] = None)
extends HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase {
override def memBuffersAndSizes: Array[SingleHMBAndMeta] =
case class HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData(
override val partitionedFile: PartitionedFile,
override val origPartitionedFile: Option[PartitionedFile],
override val memBuffersAndSizes: Array[SingleHMBAndMeta],
override val bytesRead: Long,
dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean,
clippedSchema: MessageType,
readSchema: StructType,
override val allPartValues: Option[Array[(Long, InternalRow)]]
) extends HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase
private class ReadBatchRunner(
file: PartitionedFile,
origPartitionedFile: Option[PartitionedFile],
filterFunc: PartitionedFile => ParquetFileInfoWithBlockMeta,
taskContext: TaskContext) extends Callable[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase] with Logging {
private var blockChunkIter: BufferedIterator[BlockMetaData] = null
* Returns the host memory buffers and file meta data for the file processed.
* If there was an error then the error field is set. If there were no blocks the buffer
* is returned as null. If there were no columns but rows (count() operation) then the
* buffer is null and the size is the number of rows.
* Note that the TaskContext is not set in these threads and should not be used.
override def call(): HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase = {
try {
} catch {
case e: FileNotFoundException if ignoreMissingFiles =>
logWarning(s"Skipped missing file: ${file.filePath}", e)
HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(file, origPartitionedFile, 0, 0,
DateTimeRebaseLegacy, DateTimeRebaseLegacy,
hasInt96Timestamps = false, null, null, 0)
// Throw FileNotFoundException even if `ignoreCorruptFiles` is true
case e: FileNotFoundException if !ignoreMissingFiles => throw e
case e @ (_: RuntimeException | _: IOException) if ignoreCorruptFiles =>
s"Skipped the rest of the content in the corrupted file: ${file.filePath}", e)
HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(file, origPartitionedFile, 0, 0,
DateTimeRebaseLegacy, DateTimeRebaseLegacy,
hasInt96Timestamps = false, null, null, 0)
} finally {
private def doRead(): HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase = {
val startingBytesRead = fileSystemBytesRead()
val hostBuffers = new ArrayBuffer[SingleHMBAndMeta]
var filterTime = 0L
var bufferStartTime = 0L
val result = try {
val filterStartTime = System.nanoTime()
val fileBlockMeta = filterFunc(file)
filterTime = System.nanoTime() - filterStartTime
bufferStartTime = System.nanoTime()
if (fileBlockMeta.blocks.isEmpty) {
val bytesRead = fileSystemBytesRead() - startingBytesRead
// no blocks so return null buffer and size 0
HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(file, origPartitionedFile, 0, bytesRead,
fileBlockMeta.dateRebaseMode, fileBlockMeta.timestampRebaseMode,
fileBlockMeta.hasInt96Timestamps, fileBlockMeta.schema, fileBlockMeta.readSchema, 0)
} else {
blockChunkIter = fileBlockMeta.blocks.iterator.buffered
if (isDone) {
val bytesRead = fileSystemBytesRead() - startingBytesRead
// got close before finishing
HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(file, origPartitionedFile, 0, bytesRead,
fileBlockMeta.dateRebaseMode, fileBlockMeta.timestampRebaseMode,
fileBlockMeta.hasInt96Timestamps, fileBlockMeta.schema, fileBlockMeta.readSchema, 0)
} else {
if (fileBlockMeta.schema.getFieldCount == 0) {
val bytesRead = fileSystemBytesRead() - startingBytesRead
val numRows = fileBlockMeta.blocks.map(_.getRowCount).sum.toInt
HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(file, origPartitionedFile, 0, bytesRead,
fileBlockMeta.dateRebaseMode, fileBlockMeta.timestampRebaseMode,
fileBlockMeta.hasInt96Timestamps, fileBlockMeta.schema, fileBlockMeta.readSchema,
} else {
val filePath = new Path(new URI(file.filePath.toString()))
while (blockChunkIter.hasNext) {
val blocksToRead = populateCurrentBlockChunk(blockChunkIter,
maxReadBatchSizeRows, maxReadBatchSizeBytes, fileBlockMeta.readSchema)
val (dataBuffer, dataSize, blockMeta) =
readPartFile(blocksToRead, fileBlockMeta.schema, filePath)
val numRows = blocksToRead.map(_.getRowCount).sum.toInt
hostBuffers += SingleHMBAndMeta(dataBuffer, dataSize,
numRows, blockMeta)
val bytesRead = fileSystemBytesRead() - startingBytesRead
if (isDone) {
// got close before finishing
HostMemoryEmptyMetaData(file, origPartitionedFile, 0, bytesRead,
fileBlockMeta.dateRebaseMode, fileBlockMeta.timestampRebaseMode,
fileBlockMeta.hasInt96Timestamps, fileBlockMeta.schema,
fileBlockMeta.readSchema, 0)
} else {
HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData(file, origPartitionedFile, hostBuffers.toArray,
bytesRead, fileBlockMeta.dateRebaseMode,
fileBlockMeta.timestampRebaseMode, fileBlockMeta.hasInt96Timestamps,
fileBlockMeta.schema, fileBlockMeta.readSchema, None)
} catch {
case e: Throwable =>
throw e
val bufferTime = System.nanoTime() - bufferStartTime
result.setMetrics(filterTime, bufferTime)
* File reading logic in a Callable which will be running in a thread pool
* @param tc task context to use
* @param file file to be read
* @param conf configuration
* @param filters push down filters
* @return Callable[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase]
override def getBatchRunner(
tc: TaskContext,
file: PartitionedFile,
origFile: Option[PartitionedFile],
conf: Configuration,
filters: Array[Filter]): Callable[HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase] = {
new ReadBatchRunner(file, origFile, filterFunc, tc)
* File format short name used for logging and other things to uniquely identity
* which file format is being used.
* @return the file format short name
override final def getFileFormatShortName: String = "Parquet"
* Decode HostMemoryBuffers by GPU
* @param fileBufsAndMeta the file HostMemoryBuffer read from a PartitionedFile
* @return Option[ColumnarBatch]
override def readBatches(fileBufsAndMeta: HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaDataBase):
Iterator[ColumnarBatch] = fileBufsAndMeta match {
case meta: HostMemoryEmptyMetaData =>
// Not reading any data, but add in partition data if needed
val rows = meta.numRows.toInt
val origBatch = if (meta.readSchema.isEmpty) {
new ColumnarBatch(Array.empty, rows)
} else {
// Someone is going to process this data, even if it is just a row count
val nullColumns = meta.readSchema.fields.safeMap(f =>
GpuColumnVector.fromNull(rows, f.dataType).asInstanceOf[SparkVector])
new ColumnarBatch(nullColumns, rows)
// we have to add partition values here for this batch, we already verified that
// its not different for all the blocks in this batch
meta.allPartValues match {
case Some(partRowsAndValues) =>
val (rowsPerPart, partValues) = partRowsAndValues.unzip
BatchWithPartitionDataUtils.addPartitionValuesToBatch(origBatch, rowsPerPart,
partValues, partitionSchema, maxGpuColumnSizeBytes)
case None =>
meta.partitionedFile.partitionValues, partitionSchema, maxGpuColumnSizeBytes)
case buffer: HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData =>
val memBuffersAndSize = buffer.memBuffersAndSizes
val hmbAndInfo = memBuffersAndSize.head
val batchIter = readBufferToBatches(buffer.dateRebaseMode,
buffer.timestampRebaseMode, buffer.hasInt96Timestamps, buffer.clippedSchema,
buffer.readSchema, buffer.partitionedFile, hmbAndInfo.hmb, hmbAndInfo.bytes,
if (memBuffersAndSize.length > 1) {
val updatedBuffers = memBuffersAndSize.drop(1)
currentFileHostBuffers = Some(buffer.copy(memBuffersAndSizes = updatedBuffers))
} else {
currentFileHostBuffers = None
case _ => throw new RuntimeException("Wrong HostMemoryBuffersWithMetaData")
private def readBufferToBatches(
dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean,
clippedSchema: MessageType,
readDataSchema: StructType,
partedFile: PartitionedFile,
hostBuffer: HostMemoryBuffer,
dataSize: Long,
allPartValues: Option[Array[(Long, InternalRow)]]): Iterator[ColumnarBatch] = {
val parseOpts = closeOnExcept(hostBuffer) { _ =>
getParquetOptions(readDataSchema, clippedSchema, useFieldId)
val colTypes = readDataSchema.fields.map(f => f.dataType)
// about to start using the GPU
RmmRapidsRetryIterator.withRetryNoSplit(hostBuffer) { _ =>
// The MakeParquetTableProducer will close the input buffer, and that would be bad
// because we don't want to close it until we know that we are done with it
val tableReader = MakeParquetTableProducer(useChunkedReader,
conf, targetBatchSizeBytes,
hostBuffer, 0, dataSize, metrics,
dateRebaseMode, timestampRebaseMode, hasInt96Timestamps,
isSchemaCaseSensitive, useFieldId, readDataSchema, clippedSchema, files,
debugDumpPrefix, debugDumpAlways)
val batchIter = CachedGpuBatchIterator(tableReader, colTypes)
if (allPartValues.isDefined) {
val allPartInternalRows = allPartValues.get.map(_._2)
val rowsPerPartition = allPartValues.get.map(_._1)
new GpuColumnarBatchWithPartitionValuesIterator(batchIter, allPartInternalRows,
rowsPerPartition, partitionSchema, maxGpuColumnSizeBytes)
} else {
// this is a bit weird, we don't have number of rows when allPartValues isn't
// filled in so can't use GpuColumnarBatchWithPartitionValuesIterator
batchIter.flatMap { batch =>
// we have to add partition values here for this batch, we already verified that
// its not different for all the blocks in this batch
partedFile.partitionValues, partitionSchema, maxGpuColumnSizeBytes)
object MakeParquetTableProducer extends Logging {
def apply(
useChunkedReader: Boolean,
maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes: Long,
conf: Configuration,
chunkSizeByteLimit: Long,
opts: ParquetOptions,
buffer: HostMemoryBuffer,
offset: Long,
len: Long,
metrics : Map[String, GpuMetric],
dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean,
isSchemaCaseSensitive: Boolean,
useFieldId: Boolean,
readDataSchema: StructType,
clippedParquetSchema: MessageType,
splits: Array[PartitionedFile],
debugDumpPrefix: Option[String],
debugDumpAlways: Boolean
): GpuDataProducer[Table] = {
if (useChunkedReader) {
ParquetTableReader(conf, chunkSizeByteLimit, maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes,
opts, buffer, offset,
len, metrics, dateRebaseMode, timestampRebaseMode, hasInt96Timestamps,
isSchemaCaseSensitive, useFieldId, readDataSchema, clippedParquetSchema,
splits, debugDumpPrefix, debugDumpAlways)
} else {
val table = withResource(buffer) { _ =>
try {
RmmRapidsRetryIterator.withRetryNoSplit[Table] {
withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("Parquet decode", NvtxColor.DARK_GREEN,
metrics(GPU_DECODE_TIME))) { _ =>
Table.readParquet(opts, buffer, offset, len)
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
val dumpMsg = debugDumpPrefix.map { prefix =>
val p = DumpUtils.dumpBuffer(conf, buffer, offset, len, prefix, ".parquet")
s", data dumped to $p"
throw new IOException(s"Error when processing ${splits.mkString("; ")}$dumpMsg", e)
closeOnExcept(table) { _ =>
debugDumpPrefix.foreach { prefix =>
if (debugDumpAlways) {
val p = DumpUtils.dumpBuffer(conf, buffer, offset, len, prefix, ".parquet")
logWarning(s"Wrote data for ${splits.mkString(", ")} to $p")
GpuParquetScan.throwIfRebaseNeededInExceptionMode(table, dateRebaseMode,
if (readDataSchema.length < table.getNumberOfColumns) {
throw new QueryExecutionException(s"Expected ${readDataSchema.length} columns " +
s"but read ${table.getNumberOfColumns} from ${splits.mkString("; ")}")
metrics(NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES) += 1
val evolvedSchemaTable = ParquetSchemaUtils.evolveSchemaIfNeededAndClose(table,
clippedParquetSchema, readDataSchema, isSchemaCaseSensitive, useFieldId)
val outputTable = GpuParquetScan.rebaseDateTime(evolvedSchemaTable, dateRebaseMode,
new SingleGpuDataProducer(outputTable)
case class ParquetTableReader(
conf: Configuration,
chunkSizeByteLimit: Long,
maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes: Long,
opts: ParquetOptions,
buffer: HostMemoryBuffer,
offset: Long,
len: Long,
metrics : Map[String, GpuMetric],
dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean,
isSchemaCaseSensitive: Boolean,
useFieldId: Boolean,
readDataSchema: StructType,
clippedParquetSchema: MessageType,
splits: Array[PartitionedFile],
debugDumpPrefix: Option[String],
debugDumpAlways: Boolean) extends GpuDataProducer[Table] with Logging {
private[this] val reader = new ParquetChunkedReader(chunkSizeByteLimit,
maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes, opts, buffer, offset, len)
private[this] lazy val splitsString = splits.mkString("; ")
override def hasNext: Boolean = reader.hasNext
override def next: Table = {
val table = withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("Parquet decode", NvtxColor.DARK_GREEN,
metrics(GPU_DECODE_TIME))) { _ =>
try {
} catch {
case e: Exception =>
val dumpMsg = debugDumpPrefix.map { prefix =>
val p = DumpUtils.dumpBuffer(conf, buffer, offset, len, prefix, ".parquet")
s", data dumped to $p"
throw new IOException(s"Error when processing $splitsString$dumpMsg", e)
closeOnExcept(table) { _ =>
GpuParquetScan.throwIfRebaseNeededInExceptionMode(table, dateRebaseMode, timestampRebaseMode)
if (readDataSchema.length < table.getNumberOfColumns) {
throw new QueryExecutionException(s"Expected ${readDataSchema.length} columns " +
s"but read ${table.getNumberOfColumns} from $splitsString")
metrics(NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES) += 1
val evolvedSchemaTable = ParquetSchemaUtils.evolveSchemaIfNeededAndClose(table,
clippedParquetSchema, readDataSchema, isSchemaCaseSensitive, useFieldId)
GpuParquetScan.rebaseDateTime(evolvedSchemaTable, dateRebaseMode, timestampRebaseMode)
override def close(): Unit = {
debugDumpPrefix.foreach { prefix =>
if (debugDumpAlways) {
val p = DumpUtils.dumpBuffer(conf, buffer, offset, len, prefix, ".parquet")
logWarning(s"Wrote data for $splitsString to $p")
* A PartitionReader that reads a Parquet file split on the GPU.
* Efficiently reading a Parquet split on the GPU requires re-constructing the Parquet file
* in memory that contains just the column chunks that are needed. This avoids sending
* unnecessary data to the GPU and saves GPU memory.
* @param conf the Hadoop configuration
* @param split the file split to read
* @param filePath the path to the Parquet file
* @param clippedBlocks the block metadata from the original Parquet file that has been clipped
* to only contain the column chunks to be read
* @param clippedParquetSchema the Parquet schema from the original Parquet file that has been
* clipped to contain only the columns to be read
* @param readDataSchema the Spark schema describing what will be read
* @param debugDumpPrefix a path prefix to use for dumping the fabricated Parquet data or null
* @param debugDumpAlways whether to debug dump always or only on errors
class ParquetPartitionReader(
override val conf: Configuration,
split: PartitionedFile,
filePath: Path,
clippedBlocks: Iterable[BlockMetaData],
clippedParquetSchema: MessageType,
override val isSchemaCaseSensitive: Boolean,
readDataSchema: StructType,
debugDumpPrefix: Option[String],
debugDumpAlways: Boolean,
maxReadBatchSizeRows: Integer,
maxReadBatchSizeBytes: Long,
targetBatchSizeBytes: Long,
useChunkedReader: Boolean,
maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes: Long,
override val execMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric],
dateRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
timestampRebaseMode: DateTimeRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps: Boolean,
useFieldId: Boolean) extends FilePartitionReaderBase(conf, execMetrics)
with ParquetPartitionReaderBase {
private val blockIterator: BufferedIterator[BlockMetaData] = clippedBlocks.iterator.buffered
override def next(): Boolean = {
if (batchIter.hasNext) {
return true
batchIter = EmptyGpuColumnarBatchIterator
if (!isDone) {
if (!blockIterator.hasNext) {
isDone = true
} else {
batchIter = readBatches()
// NOTE: At this point, the task may not have yet acquired the semaphore if `batch` is `None`.
// We are not acquiring the semaphore here since this next() is getting called from
// the `PartitionReaderIterator` which implements a standard iterator pattern, and
// advertises `hasNext` as false when we return false here. No downstream tasks should
// try to call next after `hasNext` returns false, and any task that produces some kind of
// data when `hasNext` is false is responsible to get the semaphore themselves.
private def readBatches(): Iterator[ColumnarBatch] = {
withResource(new NvtxRange("Parquet readBatch", NvtxColor.GREEN)) { _ =>
val currentChunkedBlocks = populateCurrentBlockChunk(blockIterator,
maxReadBatchSizeRows, maxReadBatchSizeBytes, readDataSchema)
if (clippedParquetSchema.getFieldCount == 0) {
// not reading any data, so return a degenerate ColumnarBatch with the row count
val numRows = currentChunkedBlocks.map(_.getRowCount).sum.toInt
if (numRows == 0) {
} else {
// Someone is going to process this data, even if it is just a row count
val nullColumns = readDataSchema.safeMap(f =>
GpuColumnVector.fromNull(numRows, f.dataType).asInstanceOf[SparkVector])
new SingleGpuColumnarBatchIterator(new ColumnarBatch(nullColumns.toArray, numRows))
} else {
val colTypes = readDataSchema.fields.map(f => f.dataType)
val iter = if (currentChunkedBlocks.isEmpty) {
CachedGpuBatchIterator(EmptyTableReader, colTypes)
} else {
val parseOpts = getParquetOptions(readDataSchema, clippedParquetSchema, useFieldId)
val (dataBuffer, dataSize, _) = metrics(BUFFER_TIME).ns {
readPartFile(currentChunkedBlocks, clippedParquetSchema, filePath)
if (dataSize == 0) {
CachedGpuBatchIterator(EmptyTableReader, colTypes)
} else {
// about to start using the GPU
RmmRapidsRetryIterator.withRetryNoSplit(dataBuffer) { _ =>
// Inc the ref count because MakeParquetTableProducer will try to close the dataBuffer
// which we don't want until we know that the retry is done with it.
val producer = MakeParquetTableProducer(useChunkedReader,
maxChunkedReaderMemoryUsageSizeBytes, conf,
targetBatchSizeBytes, parseOpts,
dataBuffer, 0, dataSize, metrics,
dateRebaseMode, timestampRebaseMode,
hasInt96Timestamps, isSchemaCaseSensitive,
useFieldId, readDataSchema,
clippedParquetSchema, Array(split),
debugDumpPrefix, debugDumpAlways)
CachedGpuBatchIterator(producer, colTypes)
iter.map { batch =>
logDebug(s"GPU batch size: ${GpuColumnVector.getTotalDeviceMemoryUsed(batch)} bytes")
object ParquetPartitionReader {
private[rapids] val PARQUET_MAGIC = "PAR1".getBytes(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)
private[rapids] val PARQUET_CREATOR = "RAPIDS Spark Plugin"
private[rapids] val PARQUET_VERSION = 1
private[rapids] trait CopyItem {
val length: Long
private[rapids] case class LocalCopy(
channel: SeekableByteChannel,
length: Long,
outputOffset: Long) extends CopyItem with Closeable {
override def close(): Unit = {
private[rapids] case class CopyRange(
offset: Long,
length: Long,
outputOffset: Long) extends CopyItem
* Build a new BlockMetaData
* @param rowCount the number of rows in this block
* @param columns the new column chunks to reference in the new BlockMetaData
* @return the new BlockMetaData
private[rapids] def newParquetBlock(
rowCount: Long,
columns: Seq[ColumnChunkMetaData]): BlockMetaData = {
val block = new BlockMetaData
var totalSize: Long = 0
columns.foreach { column =>
totalSize += column.getTotalUncompressedSize
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