com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsBuffer.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2020-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nvidia.spark.rapids
import java.io.File
import java.nio.channels.WritableByteChannel
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import ai.rapids.cudf.{Cuda, DeviceMemoryBuffer, HostMemoryBuffer, MemoryBuffer, Table}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.Arm.withResource
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.StorageTier.StorageTier
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.format.TableMeta
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.RapidsDiskBlockManager
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
* An identifier for a RAPIDS buffer that can be automatically spilled between buffer stores.
* NOTE: Derived classes MUST implement proper hashCode and equals methods, as these objects are
* used as keys in hash maps. Scala case classes are recommended.
trait RapidsBufferId {
val tableId: Int
* Indicates whether the buffer may share a spill file with other buffers.
* If false then the spill file will be automatically removed when the buffer is freed.
* If true then the spill file will not be automatically removed, and another subsystem needs
* to be responsible for cleaning up the spill files for those types of buffers.
val canShareDiskPaths: Boolean = false
* Generate a path to a local file that can be used to spill the corresponding buffer to disk.
* The path must be unique across all buffers unless canShareDiskPaths is true.
def getDiskPath(diskBlockManager: RapidsDiskBlockManager): File
/** Enumeration of the storage tiers */
object StorageTier extends Enumeration {
type StorageTier = Value
val DEVICE: StorageTier = Value(0, "device memory")
val HOST: StorageTier = Value(1, "host memory")
val DISK: StorageTier = Value(2, "local disk")
* ChunkedPacker is an Iterator that uses a cudf::chunked_pack to copy a cuDF `Table`
* to a target buffer in chunks.
* Each chunk is sized at most `bounceBuffer.getLength`, and the caller should cudaMemcpy
* bytes from `bounceBuffer` to a target buffer after each call to `next()`.
* @note `ChunkedPacker` must be closed by the caller as it has GPU and host resources
* associated with it.
* @param id The RapidsBufferId for this pack operation to be included in the metadata
* @param table cuDF Table to chunk_pack
* @param bounceBuffer GPU memory to be used for packing. The buffer should be at least 1MB
* in length.
class ChunkedPacker(
id: RapidsBufferId,
table: Table,
bounceBuffer: DeviceMemoryBuffer)
extends Iterator[MemoryBuffer]
with Logging
with AutoCloseable {
private var closed: Boolean = false
// When creating cudf::chunked_pack use a pool if available, otherwise default to the
// per-device memory resource
private val chunkedPack = {
val pool = GpuDeviceManager.chunkedPackMemoryResource
val cudfChunkedPack = try {
pool.flatMap { chunkedPool =>
Some(table.makeChunkedPack(bounceBuffer.getLength, chunkedPool))
} catch {
case _: OutOfMemoryError =>
if (!ChunkedPacker.warnedAboutPoolFallback) {
ChunkedPacker.warnedAboutPoolFallback = true
s"OOM while creating chunked_pack using pool sized ${pool.map(_.getMaxSize)}B. " +
"Falling back to the per-device memory resource.")
// if the pool is not configured, or we got an OOM, try again with the per-device pool
cudfChunkedPack.getOrElse {
private val tableMeta = withResource(chunkedPack.buildMetadata()) { packedMeta =>
// take out a lease on the bounce buffer
def getTotalContiguousSize: Long = chunkedPack.getTotalContiguousSize
def getMeta: TableMeta = {
override def hasNext: Boolean = synchronized {
if (closed) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"ChunkedPacker for $id is closed")
def next(): MemoryBuffer = synchronized {
if (closed) {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"ChunkedPacker for $id is closed")
val bytesWritten = chunkedPack.next(bounceBuffer)
// we increment the refcount because the caller has no idea where
// this memory came from, so it should close it.
bounceBuffer.slice(0, bytesWritten)
override def close(): Unit = synchronized {
if (!closed) {
closed = true
val toClose = new ArrayBuffer[AutoCloseable]()
toClose.append(chunkedPack, bounceBuffer)
object ChunkedPacker {
private var warnedAboutPoolFallback: Boolean = false
* This iterator encapsulates a buffer's internal `MemoryBuffer` access
* for spill reasons. Internally, there are two known implementations:
* - either this is a "single shot" copy, where the entirety of the `RapidsBuffer` is
* already represented as a single contiguous blob of memory, then the expectation
* is that this iterator is exhausted with a single call to `next`
* - or, we have a `RapidsBuffer` that isn't contiguous. This iteration will then
* drive a `ChunkedPacker` to pack the `RapidsBuffer`'s table as needed. The
* iterator will likely need several calls to `next` to be exhausted.
* @param buffer `RapidsBuffer` to copy out of its tier.
class RapidsBufferCopyIterator(buffer: RapidsBuffer)
extends Iterator[MemoryBuffer] with AutoCloseable with Logging {
private val chunkedPacker: Option[ChunkedPacker] = if (buffer.supportsChunkedPacker) {
} else {
def isChunked: Boolean = chunkedPacker.isDefined
// this is used for the single shot case to flag when `next` is call
// to satisfy the Iterator interface
private var singleShotCopyHasNext: Boolean = false
private var singleShotBuffer: MemoryBuffer = _
if (!isChunked) {
singleShotCopyHasNext = true
singleShotBuffer = buffer.getMemoryBuffer
override def hasNext: Boolean =
override def next(): MemoryBuffer = {
"next called on exhausted iterator")
chunkedPacker.map(_.next()).getOrElse {
singleShotCopyHasNext = false
singleShotBuffer.slice(0, singleShotBuffer.getLength)
def getTotalCopySize: Long = {
override def close(): Unit = {
val toClose = new ArrayBuffer[AutoCloseable]()
/** Interface provided by all types of RAPIDS buffers */
trait RapidsBuffer extends AutoCloseable {
/** The buffer identifier for this buffer. */
val id: RapidsBufferId
* The size of this buffer in bytes in its _current_ store. As the buffer goes through
* contiguous split (either added as a contiguous table already, or spilled to host),
* its size changes because contiguous_split adds its own alignment padding.
* @note Do not use this size to allocate a target buffer to copy, always use `getPackedSize.`
val memoryUsedBytes: Long
* The size of this buffer if it has already gone through contiguous_split.
* @note Use this function when allocating a target buffer for spill or shuffle purposes.
def getPackedSizeBytes: Long = memoryUsedBytes
* At spill time, obtain an iterator used to copy this buffer to a different tier.
def getCopyIterator: RapidsBufferCopyIterator =
new RapidsBufferCopyIterator(this)
/** Descriptor for how the memory buffer is formatted */
def meta: TableMeta
/** The storage tier for this buffer */
val storageTier: StorageTier
* Get the columnar batch within this buffer. The caller must have
* successfully acquired the buffer beforehand.
* @param sparkTypes the spark data types the batch should have
* @see [[addReference]]
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to close the batch.
* @note If the buffer is compressed data then the resulting batch will be built using
* `GpuCompressedColumnVector`, and it is the responsibility of the caller to deal
* with decompressing the data if necessary.
def getColumnarBatch(sparkTypes: Array[DataType]): ColumnarBatch
* Get the host-backed columnar batch from this buffer. The caller must have
* successfully acquired the buffer beforehand.
* If this `RapidsBuffer` was added originally to the device tier, or if this is
* a just a buffer (not a batch), this function will throw.
* @param sparkTypes the spark data types the batch should have
* @see [[addReference]]
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to close the batch.
def getHostColumnarBatch(sparkTypes: Array[DataType]): ColumnarBatch = {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"$this does not support host columnar batches.")
* Get the underlying memory buffer. This may be either a HostMemoryBuffer or a DeviceMemoryBuffer
* depending on where the buffer currently resides.
* The caller must have successfully acquired the buffer beforehand.
* @see [[addReference]]
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to close the buffer.
def getMemoryBuffer: MemoryBuffer
val supportsChunkedPacker: Boolean = false
* Makes a new chunked packer. It is the responsibility of the caller to close this.
def makeChunkedPacker: ChunkedPacker = {
throw new NotImplementedError("not implemented for this store")
* Copy the content of this buffer into the specified memory buffer, starting from the given
* offset.
* @param srcOffset offset to start copying from.
* @param dst the memory buffer to copy into.
* @param dstOffset offset to copy into.
* @param length number of bytes to copy.
* @param stream CUDA stream to use
def copyToMemoryBuffer(
srcOffset: Long, dst: MemoryBuffer, dstOffset: Long, length: Long, stream: Cuda.Stream): Unit
* Get the device memory buffer from the underlying storage. If the buffer currently resides
* outside of device memory, a new DeviceMemoryBuffer is created with the data copied over.
* The caller must have successfully acquired the buffer beforehand.
* @see [[addReference]]
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to close the buffer.
def getDeviceMemoryBuffer: DeviceMemoryBuffer
* Get the host memory buffer from the underlying storage. If the buffer currently resides
* outside of host memory, a new HostMemoryBuffer is created with the data copied over.
* The caller must have successfully acquired the buffer beforehand.
* @see [[addReference]]
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to close the buffer.
def getHostMemoryBuffer: HostMemoryBuffer
* Try to add a reference to this buffer to acquire it.
* @note The close method must be called for every successfully obtained reference.
* @return true if the reference was added or false if this buffer is no longer valid
def addReference(): Boolean
* Schedule the release of the buffer's underlying resources.
* Subsequent attempts to acquire the buffer will fail. As soon as the
* buffer has no outstanding references, the resources will be released.
* This is separate from the close method which does not normally release
* resources. close will only release resources if called as the last
* outstanding reference and the buffer was previously marked as freed.
def free(): Unit
* Get the spill priority value for this buffer. Lower values are higher
* priority for spilling, meaning buffers with lower values will be
* preferred for spilling over buffers with a higher value.
def getSpillPriority: Long
* Set the spill priority for this buffer. Lower values are higher priority
* for spilling, meaning buffers with lower values will be preferred for
* spilling over buffers with a higher value.
* @note should only be called from the buffer catalog
* @param priority new priority value for this buffer
def setSpillPriority(priority: Long): Unit
* Function invoked by the `RapidsBufferStore.addBuffer` method that prompts
* the specific `RapidsBuffer` to check its reference counting to make itself
* spillable or not. Only `RapidsTable` and `RapidsHostMemoryBuffer` implement
* this method.
def updateSpillability(): Unit = {}
* Obtains a read lock on this instance of `RapidsBuffer` and calls the function
* in `body` while holding the lock.
* @param body function that takes a `MemoryBuffer` and produces `K`
* @tparam K any return type specified by `body`
* @return the result of body(memoryBuffer)
def withMemoryBufferReadLock[K](body: MemoryBuffer => K): K
* Obtains a write lock on this instance of `RapidsBuffer` and calls the function
* in `body` while holding the lock.
* @param body function that takes a `MemoryBuffer` and produces `K`
* @tparam K any return type specified by `body`
* @return the result of body(memoryBuffer)
def withMemoryBufferWriteLock[K](body: MemoryBuffer => K): K
* A buffer with no corresponding device data (zero rows or columns).
* These buffers are not tracked in buffer stores since they have no
* device memory. They are only tracked in the catalog and provide
* a representative `ColumnarBatch` but cannot provide a
* `MemoryBuffer`.
* @param id buffer ID to associate with the buffer
* @param meta schema metadata
sealed class DegenerateRapidsBuffer(
override val id: RapidsBufferId,
override val meta: TableMeta) extends RapidsBuffer {
override val memoryUsedBytes: Long = 0L
override val storageTier: StorageTier = StorageTier.DEVICE
override def getColumnarBatch(sparkTypes: Array[DataType]): ColumnarBatch = {
val rowCount = meta.rowCount
val packedMeta = meta.packedMetaAsByteBuffer()
if (packedMeta != null) {
withResource(DeviceMemoryBuffer.allocate(0)) { deviceBuffer =>
withResource(Table.fromPackedTable(meta.packedMetaAsByteBuffer(), deviceBuffer)) { table =>
GpuColumnVectorFromBuffer.from(table, deviceBuffer, meta, sparkTypes)
} else {
// no packed metadata, must be a table with zero columns
new ColumnarBatch(Array.empty, rowCount.toInt)
override def free(): Unit = {}
override def getMemoryBuffer: MemoryBuffer =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("degenerate buffer has no memory buffer")
override def copyToMemoryBuffer(srcOffset: Long, dst: MemoryBuffer, dstOffset: Long, length: Long,
stream: Cuda.Stream): Unit =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("degenerate buffer cannot copy to memory buffer")
override def getDeviceMemoryBuffer: DeviceMemoryBuffer =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("degenerate buffer has no device memory buffer")
override def getHostMemoryBuffer: HostMemoryBuffer =
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("degenerate buffer has no host memory buffer")
override def addReference(): Boolean = true
override def getSpillPriority: Long = Long.MaxValue
override def setSpillPriority(priority: Long): Unit = {}
override def withMemoryBufferReadLock[K](body: MemoryBuffer => K): K = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("degenerate buffer has no memory buffer")
override def withMemoryBufferWriteLock[K](body: MemoryBuffer => K): K = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("degenerate buffer has no memory buffer")
override def close(): Unit = {}
trait RapidsHostBatchBuffer extends AutoCloseable {
* Get the host-backed columnar batch from this buffer. The caller must have
* successfully acquired the buffer beforehand.
* If this `RapidsBuffer` was added originally to the device tier, or if this is
* a just a buffer (not a batch), this function will throw.
* @param sparkTypes the spark data types the batch should have
* @see [[addReference]]
* @note It is the responsibility of the caller to close the batch.
def getHostColumnarBatch(sparkTypes: Array[DataType]): ColumnarBatch
val memoryUsedBytes: Long
trait RapidsBufferChannelWritable {
* At spill time, write this buffer to an nio WritableByteChannel.
* @param writableChannel that this buffer can just write itself to, either byte-for-byte
* or via serialization if needed.
* @param stream the Cuda.Stream for the spilling thread. If the `RapidsBuffer` that
* implements this method is on the device, synchronization may be needed
* for staged copies.
* @return the amount of bytes written to the channel
def writeToChannel(writableChannel: WritableByteChannel, stream: Cuda.Stream): Long