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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuShuffledHashJoinExec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nvidia.spark.rapids
import scala.collection.mutable
import ai.rapids.cudf.{NvtxColor, NvtxRange}
import ai.rapids.cudf.JCudfSerialization.HostConcatResult
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.Arm.{closeOnExcept, withResource}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RmmRapidsRetryIterator.withRetryNoSplit
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.shims.{GpuHashPartitioning, ShimBinaryExecNode}
import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, Expression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.{FullOuter, Inner, InnerLike, JoinType, LeftAnti, LeftSemi}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.Distribution
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.ShuffledHashJoinExec
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.GpuOr
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.execution.{GpuHashJoin, GpuSubPartitionHashJoin, JoinTypeChecks}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
class GpuShuffledHashJoinMeta(
join: ShuffledHashJoinExec,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_, _, _]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule)
extends SparkPlanMeta[ShuffledHashJoinExec](join, conf, parent, rule) {
val leftKeys: Seq[BaseExprMeta[_]] =
join.leftKeys.map(GpuOverrides.wrapExpr(_, conf, Some(this)))
val rightKeys: Seq[BaseExprMeta[_]] =
join.rightKeys.map(GpuOverrides.wrapExpr(_, conf, Some(this)))
val conditionMeta: Option[BaseExprMeta[_]] =
join.condition.map(GpuOverrides.wrapExpr(_, conf, Some(this)))
val buildSide: GpuBuildSide = GpuJoinUtils.getGpuBuildSide(join.buildSide)
override val childExprs: Seq[BaseExprMeta[_]] = leftKeys ++ rightKeys ++ conditionMeta
override val namedChildExprs: Map[String, Seq[BaseExprMeta[_]]] =
JoinTypeChecks.equiJoinMeta(leftKeys, rightKeys, conditionMeta)
override def tagPlanForGpu(): Unit = {
GpuHashJoin.tagJoin(this, join.joinType, buildSide, join.leftKeys, join.rightKeys,
override def convertToGpu(): GpuExec = {
val condition = conditionMeta.map(_.convertToGpu())
val (joinCondition, filterCondition) = if (conditionMeta.forall(_.canThisBeAst)) {
(condition, None)
} else {
(None, condition)
val Seq(left, right) = childPlans.map(_.convertIfNeeded())
val joinExec = join.joinType match {
case Inner | FullOuter if conf.useShuffledSymmetricHashJoin =>
isSkewJoin = false)(
case _ =>
isSkewJoin = false)(
// For inner joins we can apply a post-join condition for any conditions that cannot be
// evaluated directly in a mixed join that leverages a cudf AST expression
filterCondition.map(c => GpuFilterExec(c,
case class GpuShuffledHashJoinExec(
override val leftKeys: Seq[Expression],
override val rightKeys: Seq[Expression],
joinType: JoinType,
buildSide: GpuBuildSide,
override val condition: Option[Expression],
left: SparkPlan,
right: SparkPlan,
override val isSkewJoin: Boolean)(
cpuLeftKeys: Seq[Expression],
cpuRightKeys: Seq[Expression]) extends ShimBinaryExecNode with GpuHashJoin
with GpuSubPartitionHashJoin {
override def otherCopyArgs: Seq[AnyRef] = cpuLeftKeys :: cpuRightKeys :: Nil
import GpuMetric._
override val outputRowsLevel: MetricsLevel = ESSENTIAL_LEVEL
override val outputBatchesLevel: MetricsLevel = MODERATE_LEVEL
override lazy val additionalMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric] = Map(
override def requiredChildDistribution: Seq[Distribution] =
override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"GpuShuffledHashJoin does not support the execute() code path.")
// Goal to be used for the coalescing the build side. Note that this is internal to
// the join and not used for planning purposes. The two valid choices are `RequireSingleBatch` or
// `RequireSingleBatchWithFilter`
private lazy val buildGoal: CoalesceSizeGoal = joinType match {
case _: InnerLike | LeftSemi | LeftAnti =>
val nullFilteringMask = boundBuildKeys.map(GpuIsNotNull).reduce(GpuOr)
case _ => RequireSingleBatch
private def realTargetBatchSize(): Long = {
val configValue = RapidsConf.GPU_BATCH_SIZE_BYTES.get(conf)
// The 10k is mostly for tests, hopefully no one is setting anything that low in production.
Math.max(configValue, 10 * 1024)
override def childrenCoalesceGoal: Seq[CoalesceGoal] = {
val batchedBuildGoal = TargetSize(realTargetBatchSize())
(joinType, buildSide) match {
case (_, GpuBuildLeft) => Seq(batchedBuildGoal, null)
case (_, GpuBuildRight) => Seq(null, batchedBuildGoal)
override def internalDoExecuteColumnar() : RDD[ColumnarBatch] = {
val buildDataSize = gpuLongMetric(BUILD_DATA_SIZE)
val numOutputRows = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS)
val numOutputBatches = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES)
val opTime = gpuLongMetric(OP_TIME)
val streamTime = gpuLongMetric(STREAM_TIME)
val joinTime = gpuLongMetric(JOIN_TIME)
val numPartitions = RapidsConf.NUM_SUB_PARTITIONS.get(conf)
val subPartConf = RapidsConf.HASH_SUB_PARTITION_TEST_ENABLED.get(conf)
.map(_ && RapidsConf.TEST_CONF.get(conf))
val localBuildOutput = buildPlan.output
// Create a map of metrics that can be handed down to shuffle and coalesce
// iterators, setting as noop certain metrics that the coalesce iterators
// normally update, but that in the case of the join they would produce
// the wrong statistics (since there are conflicts)
val coalesceMetrics = allMetrics ++
Map(GpuMetric.NUM_INPUT_ROWS -> NoopMetric,
GpuMetric.NUM_INPUT_BATCHES -> NoopMetric,
GpuMetric.NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES -> NoopMetric,
GpuMetric.NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS -> NoopMetric)
val realTarget = realTargetBatchSize()
streamedPlan.executeColumnar().zipPartitions(buildPlan.executeColumnar()) {
(streamIter, buildIter) => {
val (buildData, maybeBufferedStreamIter) =
new CollectTimeIterator("shuffled join stream", streamIter, streamTime),
realTarget, localBuildOutput, buildGoal, subPartConf, coalesceMetrics)
buildData match {
case Left(singleBatch) =>
closeOnExcept(singleBatch) { _ =>
buildDataSize += GpuColumnVector.getTotalDeviceMemoryUsed(singleBatch)
// doJoin will close singleBatch
doJoin(singleBatch, maybeBufferedStreamIter, realTarget,
numOutputRows, numOutputBatches, opTime, joinTime)
case Right(builtBatchIter) =>
// For big joins, when the build data can not fit into a single batch.
val sizeBuildIter = builtBatchIter.map { cb =>
closeOnExcept(cb) { _ =>
buildDataSize += GpuColumnVector.getTotalDeviceMemoryUsed(cb)
doJoinBySubPartition(sizeBuildIter, maybeBufferedStreamIter, realTarget,
numPartitions, numOutputRows, numOutputBatches, opTime, joinTime)
override def nodeName: String = {
if (isSkewJoin) super.nodeName + "(skew=true)" else super.nodeName
object GpuShuffledHashJoinExec extends Logging {
* Return the build data as a single ColumnarBatch when sub-partitioning is not enabled,
* while as an iterator of ColumnarBatch when sub-partitioning is enabled.
* sub-partitioning can be activated by specifying its relevant config but this is intended
* for tests only. In production, whether sub-partitioning will be enabled depends on
* if all the data in build side can fit into a single batch. If yes, sub-partitioning
* will not be enabled. Otherwise, it will.
* This function also takes care of acquiring the GPU semaphore optimally in the scenario
* where the build side is relatively small (less than `targetSize`).
* In the optimal case, this function will load the build side on the host up to the
* goal configuration and if it fits entirely, allow the stream iterator
* to also pull to host its first batch. After the first stream batch is on the host, the
* stream iterator acquires the semaphore and then the build side is copied to the GPU.
* Prior to this we would get a build batch on the GPU, acquiring
* the semaphore in the process, and then begin pulling from the stream iterator,
* which could include IO (while holding onto the semaphore).
* @param buildIter build side iterator
* @param streamIter stream side iterator
* @param targetSize target batch size goal
* @param buildOutput output attributes of the build plan
* @param buildGoal the build goal to use when coalescing batches
* @param subPartConf the config whether to enable sub-partitioning algorithm
* @param coalesceMetrics metrics map with metrics to be used in downstream
* iterators
* @return a pair of an Either for build and streamed iterator that can be used
* for the join.
private[rapids] def prepareBuildBatchesForJoin(
buildIter: Iterator[ColumnarBatch],
streamIter: Iterator[ColumnarBatch],
targetSize: Long,
buildOutput: Seq[Attribute],
buildGoal: CoalesceSizeGoal,
subPartConf: Option[Boolean],
coalesceMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]):
(Either[ColumnarBatch, Iterator[ColumnarBatch]], Iterator[ColumnarBatch]) = {
val buildTime = coalesceMetrics(GpuMetric.BUILD_TIME)
val buildTypes = buildOutput.map(_.dataType).toArray
closeOnExcept(new CloseableBufferedIterator(buildIter)) { bufBuildIter =>
val startTime = System.nanoTime()
// Batches type detection
val isBuildSerialized = bufBuildIter.hasNext && isBatchSerialized(bufBuildIter.head)
// Let batches coalesce for size overflow check
val coalesceBuiltIter = if (isBuildSerialized) {
new HostShuffleCoalesceIterator(bufBuildIter, targetSize, coalesceMetrics)
} else { // Batches on GPU have already coalesced to the target size by the given goal.
if (coalesceBuiltIter.hasNext) {
val firstBuildBatch = coalesceBuiltIter.next()
// Batches have coalesced to the target size, so size will overflow if there are
// more than one batch, or the first batch size already exceeds the target.
val sizeOverflow = closeOnExcept(firstBuildBatch) { _ =>
coalesceBuiltIter.hasNext || getBatchSize(firstBuildBatch) > targetSize
val needSingleBuildBatch = !subPartConf.getOrElse(sizeOverflow)
if (needSingleBuildBatch && isBuildSerialized && !sizeOverflow) {
// add the time it took to fetch that first host-side build batch
buildTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime
// It can be optimized for grabbing the GPU semaphore when there is only a single
// serialized host batch and the sub-partitioning is not activated.
val (singleBuildCb, bufferedStreamIter) = getBuildBatchOptimizedAndClose(
firstBuildBatch.asInstanceOf[HostConcatResult], streamIter, buildTypes,
buildGoal, buildTime)
logDebug("In the optimized case for grabbing the GPU semaphore, return " +
s"a single batch (size: ${getBatchSize(singleBuildCb)}) for the build side " +
s"with $buildGoal goal.")
(Left(singleBuildCb), bufferedStreamIter)
} else { // Other cases without optimization
val safeIter = GpuSubPartitionHashJoin.safeIteratorFromSeq(Seq(firstBuildBatch)) ++
val gpuBuildIter = if (isBuildSerialized) {
// batches on host, move them to GPU
new GpuShuffleCoalesceIterator(safeIter.asInstanceOf[Iterator[HostConcatResult]],
buildTypes, coalesceMetrics)
} else { // batches already on GPU
val buildRet = getFilterFunc(buildGoal).map { filterAndClose =>
// Filtering is required
getFilteredBuildBatches(gpuBuildIter, filterAndClose, targetSize, subPartConf,
}.getOrElse {
if (needSingleBuildBatch) {
val oneCB = getAsSingleBatch(gpuBuildIter, buildOutput, buildGoal, coalesceMetrics)
logDebug(s"Return a single batch (size: ${getBatchSize(oneCB)}) for the " +
s"build side with $buildGoal goal.")
} else {
logDebug("Return multiple batches as the build side data for the following " +
"sub-partitioning join")
Right(new CollectTimeIterator("hash join build", gpuBuildIter, buildTime))
buildTime += System.nanoTime() - startTime
(buildRet, streamIter)
} else {
// build is empty
(Left(GpuColumnVector.emptyBatchFromTypes(buildTypes)), streamIter)
private def getFilterFunc(goal: CoalesceSizeGoal): Option[ColumnarBatch => ColumnarBatch] = {
goal match {
case RequireSingleBatchWithFilter(filterExpr) =>
Some(cb => withResource(cb)(GpuFilter(_, filterExpr)))
case _ =>
private def getFilteredBuildBatches(
buildIter: Iterator[ColumnarBatch],
filterFunc: ColumnarBatch => ColumnarBatch,
targetSize: Long,
subPartConf: Option[Boolean],
buildTime: GpuMetric): Either[ColumnarBatch, Iterator[ColumnarBatch]] = {
val filteredIter = buildIter.map(filterFunc)
// Redo the size estimation for filtered batches
var accBatchSize = 0L
closeOnExcept(new mutable.ArrayBuffer[SpillableColumnarBatch]) { spillBuf =>
while (accBatchSize < targetSize && filteredIter.hasNext) {
closeOnExcept(filteredIter.next()) { cb =>
accBatchSize += GpuColumnVector.getTotalDeviceMemoryUsed(cb)
SpillableColumnarBatch(cb, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_BATCHING_PRIORITY))
val multiBuildBatches = subPartConf.getOrElse {
// Total size goes beyond the target size.
accBatchSize > targetSize || (accBatchSize == targetSize && filteredIter.hasNext)
if (multiBuildBatches) {
// The size still overflows after filtering or sub-partitioning is enabled for test.
logDebug("Return multiple batches as the build side data for the following " +
"sub-partitioning join in null-filtering mode.")
val safeIter = GpuSubPartitionHashJoin.safeIteratorFromSeq(spillBuf.toSeq).map { sp =>
} ++ filteredIter
Right(new CollectTimeIterator("hash join build", safeIter, buildTime))
} else {
// The size after filtering is within the target size or sub-partitioning is disabled.
while(filteredIter.hasNext) {
// Pull out all the remaining batches, this is for the case when sub-partitioning
// is disabled by setting the relevant conf to false no matter how big the data is.
SpillableColumnarBatch(filteredIter.next(), SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_BATCHING_PRIORITY))
val spill = GpuSubPartitionHashJoin.concatSpillBatchesAndClose(spillBuf.toSeq)
// There is a prior empty check so this `spill` can not be a None.
assert(spill.isDefined, "The build data iterator should not be empty.")
withResource(spill) { _ =>
logDebug(s"Return a single batch (size: ${spill.get.sizeInBytes}) for the " +
s"build side in null-filtering mode.")
/** Only accepts a HostConcatResult or a ColumnarBatch as input */
private def getBatchSize(maybeBatch: AnyRef): Long = maybeBatch match {
case batch: ColumnarBatch => GpuColumnVector.getTotalDeviceMemoryUsed(batch)
case hostBatch: HostConcatResult => hostBatch.getTableHeader().getDataLen()
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException(s"Expect a HostConcatResult or a " +
s"ColumnarBatch, but got a ${maybeBatch.getClass.getSimpleName}")
private def getBuildBatchOptimizedAndClose(
hostConcatResult: HostConcatResult,
streamIter: Iterator[ColumnarBatch],
buildDataTypes: Array[DataType],
buildGoal: CoalesceSizeGoal,
buildTime: GpuMetric): (ColumnarBatch, Iterator[ColumnarBatch]) = {
// For the optimal case, the build iterator is already drained and didn't have a
// prior so it was a single batch, and is entirely on the host.
// We peek at the stream iterator with `hasNext` on the buffered iterator, which
// will grab the semaphore when putting the first stream batch on the GPU, and
// then we bring the build batch to the GPU and return.
withResource(hostConcatResult) { _ =>
closeOnExcept(new CloseableBufferedIterator(streamIter)) { bufStreamIter =>
withResource(new NvtxRange("first stream batch", NvtxColor.RED)) { _ =>
if (bufStreamIter.hasNext) {
} else {
// Bring the build batch to the GPU now
val buildBatch = buildTime.ns {
val cb =
cudf_utils.HostConcatResultUtil.getColumnarBatch(hostConcatResult, buildDataTypes)
getFilterFunc(buildGoal).map(filterAndClose => filterAndClose(cb)).getOrElse(cb)
(buildBatch, bufStreamIter)
private def getAsSingleBatch(
inputIter: Iterator[ColumnarBatch],
inputAttrs: Seq[Attribute],
goal: CoalesceSizeGoal,
coalesceMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric]): ColumnarBatch = {
val singleBatchIter = new GpuCoalesceIterator(inputIter,
inputAttrs.map(_.dataType).toArray, goal,
NoopMetric, NoopMetric, NoopMetric, NoopMetric, NoopMetric,
coalesceMetrics(GpuMetric.CONCAT_TIME), coalesceMetrics(GpuMetric.OP_TIME),
"single build batch")
ConcatAndConsumeAll.getSingleBatchWithVerification(singleBatchIter, inputAttrs)
def isBatchSerialized(batch: ColumnarBatch): Boolean = {
batch.numCols() == 1 && batch.column(0).isInstanceOf[SerializedTableColumn]
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