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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.window.GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowExec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

 * Copyright (c) 2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.nvidia.spark.rapids.window

import scala.collection.mutable.{ArrayBuffer, ListBuffer}
import scala.reflect.ClassTag

import ai.rapids.cudf
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.{ConcatAndConsumeAll, GpuAlias, GpuBindReferences, GpuBoundReference, GpuColumnVector, GpuExpression, GpuLiteral, GpuMetric, GpuProjectExec, SpillableColumnarBatch, SpillPriorities}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.Arm.{closeOnExcept, withResource}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits.AutoCloseableProducingSeq
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RmmRapidsRetryIterator.{splitSpillableInHalfByRows, withRetry, withRetryNoSplit}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.ScalableTaskCompletion.onTaskCompletion
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.window.TableAndBatchUtils.{adoptAndMakeSpillable, getTableSlice, sliceAndMakeSpillable, toSpillableBatch, toTable}
import java.util

import org.apache.spark.TaskContext
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Attribute, AttributeReference, Expression, NamedExpression, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.aggregate.{CudfAggregate, GpuAggregateExpression, GpuAggregateFunction, GpuCount}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.{DataType, IntegerType, LongType}
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.{ColumnarBatch, ColumnVector}

 * Just a simple wrapper to make working with buffers of AutoClosable things play
 * nicely with withResource.
class AutoClosableArrayBuffer[T <: AutoCloseable]() extends AutoCloseable {
  private val data = new ArrayBuffer[T]()

  def append(scb: T): Unit = data.append(scb)

  def last: T = data.last

  def removeLast(): T = data.remove(data.length - 1)

  def foreach[U](f: T => U): Unit = data.foreach(f)

  def toArray[B >: T : ClassTag]: Array[B] = data.toArray

  override def toString: String = s"AutoCloseable(${super.toString})"

  override def close(): Unit = {

 * Utilities for conversion between SpillableColumnarBatch, ColumnarBatch, and cudf.Table.
object TableAndBatchUtils {

   * Constructs SpillableColumnarBatch from ColumnarBatch `cb`.
   * The new SpillableColumnarBatch takes ownership of `cb`, so the caller
   * should not be closing `cb` after the call.
   * The returned SpillableColumnarBatch needs to be closed by the caller
   * after use.
  def adoptAndMakeSpillable(cb: ColumnarBatch): SpillableColumnarBatch = {
    SpillableColumnarBatch(cb, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_BATCHING_PRIORITY)

   * Constructs a SpillableColumnarBatch from the `table` and `types` specified.
   * The argument `table` is not closed by this function.
   * The resultant SpillableColumnarBatch needs to be closed by the caller
   * after use.
  def toSpillableBatch(table: cudf.Table, types: Seq[DataType]): SpillableColumnarBatch = {
    adoptAndMakeSpillable(GpuColumnVector.from(table, types.toArray))

   * Shorthand function to construct a cudf.Table from a ColumnarBatch.
   * The columns in the ColumnarBatch will have their reference counts incremented,
   * when the new Table is constructed.
   * Both the argument and the returned Table need to be closed by the caller,
   * after use.
  def toTable(cb: ColumnarBatch): cudf.Table = GpuColumnVector.from(cb)

   * Gets a rectangular slice of the specified cudf.Table, with
   * rows [beginRow, endRow) of columns [beginCol, endCol).
   * The argument `tbl` is not closed by the function. The caller needs to close,
   * or otherwise manage its lifetime.
   * The returned Table is owned by the caller, and needs to be closed after use.
  def getTableSlice(tbl: cudf.Table,
                    beginRow: Int, endRow: Int,
                    beginCol: Int, endCol: Int): cudf.Table = {
    val projectedColumns =
      Range(beginCol, endCol).map { i => tbl.getColumn(i).slice(beginRow, endRow).head }
    withResource(projectedColumns) { _ =>
      new cudf.Table(projectedColumns.toArray: _*)

   * Gets a rectangular slice of the specified cudf.Table, with rows [beginRow, endRow)
   * of all its columns, and returns the result as a new cudf.Table.
   * The argument `tbl` is not closed by the function. The caller needs to close,
   * or otherwise manage its lifetime.
   * The returned Table is owned by the caller, and needs to be closed after use.
   def getTableSlice(tbl: cudf.Table, beginRow: Int, endRow: Int): cudf.Table = {
    getTableSlice(tbl, beginRow, endRow, beginCol=0, endCol=tbl.getNumberOfColumns)

   * Gets a rectangular slice of the specified cudf.Table, with rows [beginRow, endRow)
   * of all its columns, and converts the result into a SpillableColumnarBatch.
   * The argument `tbl` is not closed by the function. The caller needs to close,
   * or otherwise manage its lifetime.
   * The returned SpillableColumnarBatch is owned by the caller, and needs to be
   * closed after use.
  def sliceAndMakeSpillable(tbl: cudf.Table,
                            rowBegin: Int,
                            rowEnd: Int,
                            dataTypes: Seq[DataType]): SpillableColumnarBatch = {
    withResource(getTableSlice(tbl, rowBegin, rowEnd)) { sliced =>
      adoptAndMakeSpillable(GpuColumnVector.from(sliced, dataTypes.toArray))

// It is not really simple to do a single iterator that can do the splits and retries along with
// The data as needed. Instead we are going to decompose the problem into multiple iterators that
// feed into each other.
// The first pass iterator will take in a batch of data and produce one or more aggregated result
// pairs that include the ride-along columns with the aggregation results for that batch.
// Note that it is assumed that the aggregation was done as a sort based aggregation, so
// the ride-along columns and the aggregation result should both be sorted by the partition by
// columns.  Also the aggregation result must have a count column so it can be expanded using
// repeat to get back to the size of the ride-along columns.
case class FirstPassAggResult(rideAlongColumns: SpillableColumnarBatch,
    aggResult: SpillableColumnarBatch) extends AutoCloseable {
  override def close(): Unit = {

class GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowFirstPassIterator(
    input: Iterator[ColumnarBatch],
    boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages,
    opTime: GpuMetric) extends Iterator[FirstPassAggResult] {
  private var subIterator: Option[Iterator[FirstPassAggResult]] = None
  override def hasNext: Boolean = subIterator.exists(_.hasNext) || input.hasNext

  private def getSpillableInputBatch: SpillableColumnarBatch = {

  // "Fixes up" the count aggregate results, by casting up to INT64.
  // TODO (future):
  //   Upscaling count results should happen via post aggregation projection.
  //   Refer to `postUpdate` in GpuAggregationExec.
  private def upscaleCountResults(unfixed: cudf.Table): cudf.Table = {
    // The group "count" result is in the last column, with type INT32.
    // Cast this up to INT64.  Return the other columns unchanged.
    val nCols = unfixed.getNumberOfColumns
    val fixedCols = Range(0, nCols).map {
      case i if i != nCols-1 => unfixed.getColumn(i).incRefCount()
      case _ => unfixed.getColumn(nCols - 1).castTo(cudf.DType.INT64)
    withResource(fixedCols) { _ =>
      new cudf.Table(fixedCols: _*)

  // Append column at the end to account for the added `GpuCount(1)`.
  private def preProcess(inputCB: ColumnarBatch): ColumnarBatch = {
    withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(inputCB)) { inputTable =>
      withResource(cudf.Scalar.fromInt(1)) { one =>
            inputTable.getColumn(0).getRowCount.asInstanceOf[Int])) { ones =>
          val columns = Range(0, inputTable.getNumberOfColumns)
            .map {inputTable.getColumn} :+ ones
          withResource(new cudf.Table(columns: _*)) { preProcessedTable =>
              boundStages.inputTypes.toArray :+ IntegerType)

  private def groupByAggregate(inputCB: ColumnarBatch) = {
    // Note: The data is always ordered first by the grouping keys,
    // as ASC NULLS FIRST, regardless of how the order-by columns
    // are ordered.  This happens prior to the window exec, since
    // the GpuSortOrder is upstream from the window exec.
    val groupByOptions = cudf.GroupByOptions.builder()
    val cudfAggregates = boundStages.cudfUpdateAggregates
    val aggInputOrdinals = boundStages.aggInputOrdinals
    val cudfAggsOnColumns = {
      case (cudfAgg, ord) => cudfAgg.groupByAggregate.onColumn(ord)

    withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(inputCB)) { inputTable =>
      val aggResults = inputTable.groupBy(groupByOptions, boundStages.groupColumnOrdinals: _*)
        .aggregate(cudfAggsOnColumns: _*)
      // The COUNT aggregate result (at the end) is returned from libcudf as an INT32,
      // while Spark expects an `INT64`.  This needs to be scaled up.
      withResource(aggResults) {

  override def next(): FirstPassAggResult = {
    if (!hasNext) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException()
    if (subIterator.exists(_.hasNext)) {
    } else {
      val currIter = withRetry(getSpillableInputBatch, splitSpillableInHalfByRows) { scb =>
        withResource(scb.getColumnarBatch()) { cb =>
          withResource(preProcess(cb)) { preProcessedInput =>
            withResource(groupByAggregate(preProcessedInput)) { aggResultTable =>
              val rideAlongColumns = GpuProjectExec.project(preProcessedInput,

                  boundStages.groupingColumnTypes ++ boundStages.aggResultTypes))
      val result =
      subIterator = Some(currIter)

 * Partitions the aggregation results from the first pass into two groups:
 *   1. The aggregation results (and the corresponding rows in the ride-along column)
 *      belonging to the last group.  This group is deemed currently incomplete,
 *      because the end of the group hasn't been encountered yet.
 *   2. The aggregation results (and the corresponding rows in the ride-along column)
 *      belonging to all the preceding groups. All those groups are deemed complete.
 * Note that PartitionedFirstPassAggResult is not constructed from FirstPassAggResult
 * unless there are at least two distinct groups. (If there's only one group, it
 * couldn't possibly be complete yet.)
class PartitionedFirstPassAggResult(firstPassAggResult: FirstPassAggResult,
                                    boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages) {
  var lastGroupAggResult: Option[SpillableColumnarBatch] = None
  var lastGroupRideAlong: Option[SpillableColumnarBatch] = None
  var otherGroupAggResult: Option[SpillableColumnarBatch] = None
  var otherGroupRideAlong: Option[SpillableColumnarBatch] = None

  val numGroups: Int = firstPassAggResult.aggResult.numRows()
  private val numGroupingKeys: Int = boundStages.boundPartitionSpec.size
  private val numRideAlongRows: Int = firstPassAggResult.rideAlongColumns.numRows()

  if (numGroups < 2) {
    // This should not have been called if there was only one group.
    throw new IllegalStateException("Expected at least two result groups.")

   * The `rideAlongGroupsTable` is the projection of the group rows from "rideAlong" columns
   * from the first pass aggregation.  There could well be repeats of the group values,
   * once for every "rideAlong" row in the same group.
   * The `aggResultTable` has one row per group; no repeats.
   * This helper function finds the beginning index (in groupTable) for the last group
   * in `aggResultTable`.
  private def getStartIndexForLastGroup(aggResultTable: cudf.Table,
                                        rideAlongGroupsTable: cudf.Table): Int = {
    val lastRowIndex = aggResultTable.getRowCount.asInstanceOf[Int] - 1
      beginRow = lastRowIndex,
      endRow = lastRowIndex + 1,
      beginCol = 0,
      endCol = numGroupingKeys)) { group =>
      // The grouping keys are always ordered ASC NULLS FIRST,
      // regardless of how the order-by columns are ordered.
      // Searching for a group does not involve the order-by columns in any way.
      // A simple `lowerBound` does the trick.
      val orderBys = Range(0, numGroupingKeys).map(i => cudf.OrderByArg.asc(i, true))
      withResource(rideAlongGroupsTable.lowerBound(group, orderBys: _*)) { groupMargin =>
        withResource(groupMargin.copyToHost()) { groupMarginHost =>

  withResource(firstPassAggResult.rideAlongColumns.getColumnarBatch()) { rideAlongCB =>
    withResource(GpuProjectExec.project(rideAlongCB, boundStages.boundPartitionSpec)) { rideGrpCB =>
      withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(rideGrpCB)) { rideAlongGroupsTable =>
        withResource(firstPassAggResult.aggResult.getColumnarBatch()) { aggResultsCB =>
          withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(aggResultsCB)) { aggResultTable =>
            val lastGroupBeginIdx = getStartIndexForLastGroup(aggResultTable,
            withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(rideAlongCB)) { rideAlongTable =>
              // Slice and dice!
              val aggResultTypes = boundStages.groupingColumnTypes ++ boundStages.aggResultTypes
              val rideAlongTypes = boundStages.rideAlongColumnTypes

              lastGroupAggResult = Some(sliceAndMakeSpillable(aggResultTable,
                                                              numGroups - 1,
              lastGroupRideAlong = Some(sliceAndMakeSpillable(rideAlongTable,
              otherGroupAggResult = Some(sliceAndMakeSpillable(aggResultTable,
                                                               numGroups - 1,
              otherGroupRideAlong = Some(sliceAndMakeSpillable(rideAlongTable,
} // class PartitionedFirstPassAggResult.

// The second pass through the data will take the output of the first pass. It will slice
// the result depending on if it knows that the group by keys is complete or not.
// Completed data will have the aggregation results merged into a single aggregation result
// Note that this aggregation result needs to remain sorted.  The result is returned as
// an iterator of ride-along columns, and the full agg results for those columns. It is not
// the responsibility of the second stage to try and combine small batches or split up large
// ones, beyond what the retry framework might do.
case class SecondPassAggResult(rideAlongColumns: util.LinkedList[SpillableColumnarBatch],
                               aggResult: SpillableColumnarBatch) extends AutoCloseable {
  override def close(): Unit = {

class GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowSecondPassIterator(
    input: Iterator[FirstPassAggResult],
    boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages,
    opTime: GpuMetric) extends Iterator[SecondPassAggResult] {
  // input data where we don't know if the results are done yet
  private var rideAlongColumnsPendingCompletion = new util.LinkedList[SpillableColumnarBatch]()
  // Agg results where the input keys are not fully complete yet. They will need to be combined
  // together before being returned.

  // Agg results where the input keys are not fully complete yet. They will need to be combined
  // together before being returned.
  private var aggResultsPendingCompletion = ListBuffer.empty[SpillableColumnarBatch]

  // Register cleanup for incomplete shutdown.
  Option(TaskContext.get()).foreach { tc =>
    onTaskCompletion(tc) {
      Range(0, rideAlongColumnsPendingCompletion.size).foreach { i =>

  override def hasNext: Boolean = (!rideAlongColumnsPendingCompletion.isEmpty) || input.hasNext

  private def removeGroupColumns(aggResults: SpillableColumnarBatch): SpillableColumnarBatch = {
    val aggResultTable = withResource(aggResults.getColumnarBatch()) { toTable }
    val numColumnsToSkip = boundStages.boundPartitionSpec.size
    val groupResultsRemovedCB = withResource(aggResultTable) {
      GpuColumnVector.from(_, boundStages.aggResultTypes.toArray, numColumnsToSkip,
    SpillableColumnarBatch(groupResultsRemovedCB, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_BATCHING_PRIORITY)

   * Concatenates all underlying tables in `inputSCB`, and returns
   * a SpillableColumnarBatch of the result.
  private def concat(inputSCB: Seq[SpillableColumnarBatch],
                     schema: Seq[DataType])
  : SpillableColumnarBatch = {

    val tables = { scb =>
      withResource(scb.getColumnarBatch()) {

    val resultTable = if (tables.length == 1) {
    else {
      withResource(tables) { _ =>
        cudf.Table.concatenate(tables: _*)

    withResource(resultTable) {
      toSpillableBatch(_, schema)

  private def groupByMerge(aggResultSCB: SpillableColumnarBatch) = {
    // Note: The data is always ordered first by the grouping keys,
    // as ASC NULLS FIRST, regardless of how the order-by columns
    // are ordered.  This happens prior to the window exec, since
    // the GpuSortOrder is upstream from the window exec.
    val groupByOptions = cudf.GroupByOptions.builder()
    val numGroupColumns = boundStages.groupingColumnTypes.size
    val cudfMergeAggregates = boundStages.cudfMergeAggregates
    val cudfAggsOnColumns = {
      case (mergeAgg, ord) => mergeAgg.groupByAggregate.onColumn(ord + numGroupColumns)
    val aggResultTable = withResource(aggResultSCB.getColumnarBatch()) { toTable }
    val mergeResults = withResource(aggResultTable) {
      _.groupBy(groupByOptions, Range(0, numGroupColumns).toArray: _*)
        .aggregate(cudfAggsOnColumns: _*)
    withResource(mergeResults) { _ =>
      val mergeResultTypes = boundStages.groupingColumnTypes ++ boundStages.aggResultTypes
      val cb = GpuColumnVector.from(mergeResults, mergeResultTypes.toArray)
      SpillableColumnarBatch(cb, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_BATCHING_PRIORITY)

  private def processNewData(newData: FirstPassAggResult): Option[SecondPassAggResult] = {

    if (newData.aggResult.numRows() == 1) {
      // All the aggregation results are for the same group.
      // Add the lot to "incomplete".  No results with this input.
      aggResultsPendingCompletion += newData.aggResult.incRefCount()
    else {
      opTime.ns {
        // There are at least two aggregation result rows. i.e. At least 2 groups,
        // implying that at least one group has seen completion.
        // This may now be processed as follows:
        //   1. Set aside the last agg result row (incomplete), and its rideAlong.
        //   2. Append the rest of the results together.  Run agg merge.
        //   3. Save last agg result and rideAlong as currently incomplete.
        //   4. Return merge results as the result batch.

        val partitioned = withRetryNoSplit(newData) {
          new PartitionedFirstPassAggResult(_, boundStages)

        val completedAggResults =
          aggResultsPendingCompletion ++ partitioned.otherGroupAggResult

        val result = withRetryNoSplit(completedAggResults.toSeq) { completedAggResults =>
                              boundStages.groupingColumnTypes ++
                                boundStages.aggResultTypes)) { concatAggResults =>
            withResource(groupByMerge(concatAggResults)) { mergedAggResults =>
              val completedRideAlongBatches =
                rideAlongColumnsPendingCompletion.clone // Cloned for exception/retry safety.
              val groupsRemoved = removeGroupColumns(mergedAggResults)

        // Output has been calculated. Set last group's data in "pendingCompletion".
        rideAlongColumnsPendingCompletion = new util.LinkedList[SpillableColumnarBatch]()
        aggResultsPendingCompletion = ListBuffer.tabulate(1) { _ =>


  override def next(): SecondPassAggResult = {
    if (!hasNext) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException()
    var output: Option[SecondPassAggResult] = None
    while (output.isEmpty) {
      if (input.hasNext) {
        withResource( { newData =>
          output = processNewData(newData)
      } else {
        opTime.ns {
          // No more input. All pending batches can now be assumed complete.
          output = withRetryNoSplit(aggResultsPendingCompletion.toSeq) { aggResults =>
                                boundStages.groupingColumnTypes ++
                                  boundStages.aggResultTypes)) { concatAggResults =>
              withResource(groupByMerge(concatAggResults)) { mergedAggResults =>
          // Final output has been calculated. It is safe to reset the buffers.
          aggResultsPendingCompletion = ListBuffer.empty[SpillableColumnarBatch]
          rideAlongColumnsPendingCompletion = new util.LinkedList[SpillableColumnarBatch]

// The next to final step is to take the original input data along with the agg data, estimate how
// to split/combine the input batches to output batches that are close to the target batch size.

case class SlicedBySize(rideAlongColumns: SpillableColumnarBatch,
    aggResults: SpillableColumnarBatch) extends AutoCloseable {
  override def close(): Unit = {

object PendingSecondAggResults {
  def apply(result: SecondPassAggResult,
      boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages,
      targetSizeBytes: Long,
      opTime: GpuMetric): PendingSecondAggResults = {
    closeOnExcept(result) { _ =>
      new PendingSecondAggResults(result.rideAlongColumns, result.aggResult,
        boundStages, targetSizeBytes, opTime)

  def makeBatch(columns: Array[cudf.ColumnVector], types: Array[DataType]): ColumnarBatch = {
    val tmp = {
      case (c, t) => GpuColumnVector.from(c, t).asInstanceOf[ColumnVector]
    new ColumnarBatch(tmp, columns(0).getRowCount.toInt)

  def splitCb(cb: ColumnarBatch, inclusiveCutPoint: Int): (ColumnarBatch, ColumnarBatch) = {
    // First save the types
    val types = GpuColumnVector.extractTypes(cb)
    // Slice is at the column level, not at a table level
    closeOnExcept(new ArrayBuffer[cudf.ColumnVector]()) { before =>
      val afterCb = closeOnExcept(new ArrayBuffer[cudf.ColumnVector]()) { after =>
        GpuColumnVector.extractBases(cb).foreach { base =>
          val result = base.split(inclusiveCutPoint)
          assert(result.length == 2)
        makeBatch(after.toArray, types)
      closeOnExcept(afterCb) { _ =>
        (makeBatch(before.toArray, types), afterCb)

  def sliceInclusiveCb(cb: ColumnarBatch, inclusiveStart: Int, inclusiveEnd: Int): ColumnarBatch = {
    // First save the types
    val types = GpuColumnVector.extractTypes(cb)
    // Slice is at the column level, not at a table level
    closeOnExcept(new ArrayBuffer[cudf.ColumnVector]()) { cbs =>
      GpuColumnVector.extractBases(cb).foreach { base =>
        val result = base.slice(inclusiveStart, inclusiveEnd + 1)
        assert(result.length == 1)
      makeBatch(cbs.toArray, types)

   * Makes a boolean vector where only one row is true.
   * @param trueRow the row that should be true
   * @param size the total number of rows.
  def makeSingleRowMask(trueRow: Int, size: Int): cudf.ColumnVector = {
    assert(size > trueRow, s"$size > $trueRow")
    // TODO probably want an optimization if the size is really small
    val rowsBefore = trueRow
    val rowsAfter = size - trueRow - 1
    if (rowsBefore == 0 && rowsAfter == 0) {
      // Special Case where we cannot concat
    } else {
      withResource(new AutoClosableArrayBuffer[cudf.ColumnView]) { toConcat =>
        withResource(cudf.Scalar.fromBool(false)) { fs =>
          if (rowsBefore > 0) {
            toConcat.append(cudf.ColumnVector.fromScalar(fs, rowsBefore))
          if (rowsAfter > 0) {
            toConcat.append(cudf.ColumnVector.fromScalar(fs, rowsAfter))
        cudf.ColumnVector.concatenate(toConcat.toArray: _*)

  def replaceCountInAggAt(cb: ColumnarBatch, countRow: Int, newCount: Long): ColumnarBatch = {
    // TODO I'm sure there is a lot we can do to optimize this, but this works...
    withResource(AggResultBatchConventions.getRepeatedAggColumns(cb)) { aggColumns =>
      val newCountCv = withResource(AggResultBatchConventions.getCount(cb)) { count =>
        withResource(makeSingleRowMask(countRow, count.getRowCount.toInt)) { mask =>
          withResource(cudf.Scalar.fromLong(newCount)) { ncScalar =>
            mask.ifElse(ncScalar, count.getBase)
      withResource(newCountCv) { _ =>
        AggResultBatchConventions.appendCountColumn(aggColumns, newCountCv)

  def concatBatchesAndClose(toConcat: AutoClosableArrayBuffer[SpillableColumnarBatch],
      opTime: GpuMetric): SpillableColumnarBatch = {
    val cb = withRetryNoSplit(toConcat) { _ =>
      opTime.ns {
        val ready = closeOnExcept(new AutoClosableArrayBuffer[ColumnarBatch]) { cbs =>
          toConcat.foreach { scb =>
        // This consumes/closes the array of batches
    SpillableColumnarBatch(cb, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_ON_DECK_PRIORITY)

  def splitAggResultByRepeatedRows(aggResult: SpillableColumnarBatch,
      targetRows: Int,
      totalRows: Long): (SpillableColumnarBatch, SpillableColumnarBatch) = {
    // We have high confidence that we need to split this in two, but even then we don't
    // have enough information here to know that we don't need to split it without
    // processing the batch
    withResource(aggResult.getColumnarBatch()) { cb =>
      if (cb.numRows() == 1) {
        // This is a very common special case where there is one and only one row, so
        // we need to keep all of the columns the same, but slice the count row accordingly.
        withResource(AggResultBatchConventions.getRepeatedAggColumns(cb)) { aggs =>
          // The aggs are just repeated, but the count is new
          val firstPart = withResource(cudf.ColumnVector.fromLongs(targetRows)) { count =>
            AggResultBatchConventions.appendCountColumn(aggs, count)
          val secondPart = closeOnExcept(firstPart) { _ =>
            withResource(cudf.ColumnVector.fromLongs(totalRows - targetRows)) {
              count =>
                AggResultBatchConventions.appendCountColumn(aggs, count)
          (SpillableColumnarBatch(firstPart, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_ON_DECK_PRIORITY),
              SpillableColumnarBatch(secondPart, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_BATCHING_PRIORITY))
      } else {
        // This is a little complicated in the general case. We need to find which row
        // in the aggregation we need to split on. The only way to do that is to get a
        // running sum of the counts, and then do an upper bound on that column
        withResource(AggResultBatchConventions.getCount(cb)) { counts =>
          val (splitIndex, countToKeep, countForNextTime) =
            withResource(counts.getBase.prefixSum()) { runningCount =>
              val splitIndex = withResource(new cudf.Table(runningCount)) { runningCountTable =>
                withResource(cudf.ColumnVector.fromLongs(targetRows)) { tr =>
                  withResource(new cudf.Table(tr)) { targetRowsTable =>
                    runningCountTable.lowerBound(Array(true), targetRowsTable, Array(false))
              withResource(splitIndex) { _ =>
                val indexToLookAt = withResource(splitIndex.getScalarElement(0)) { s =>
                val totalRowsUpToIndex = withResource(
                  runningCount.getScalarElement(indexToLookAt)) { s =>
                val countInRow = withResource(counts.getBase.getScalarElement(indexToLookAt)) { s =>
                val countToKeep = targetRows - (totalRowsUpToIndex - countInRow)
                val countForNextTime = countInRow - countToKeep
                (indexToLookAt, countToKeep, countForNextTime)
          if (countForNextTime == 0) {
            // We got lucky and it is on an agg boundary
            val (a, b) = splitCb(cb, splitIndex + 1)
            (SpillableColumnarBatch(a, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_ON_DECK_PRIORITY),
                SpillableColumnarBatch(b, SpillPriorities.ACTIVE_BATCHING_PRIORITY))
          } else {
            val scbFirst = withResource(sliceInclusiveCb(cb, 0, splitIndex)) { first =>
              SpillableColumnarBatch(replaceCountInAggAt(first, splitIndex, countToKeep),
            closeOnExcept(scbFirst) { _ =>
              val scbSecond = withResource(sliceInclusiveCb(cb, splitIndex, cb.numRows() - 1)) {
                second =>
                  SpillableColumnarBatch(replaceCountInAggAt(second, 0, countForNextTime),
              (scbFirst, scbSecond)

class PendingSecondAggResults private(
    private val rideAlongColumns: util.LinkedList[SpillableColumnarBatch],
    private var aggResult: SpillableColumnarBatch,
    private val boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages,
    private val targetSizeBytes: Long,
    opTime: GpuMetric) extends Iterator[SlicedBySize] with AutoCloseable {
  import PendingSecondAggResults._

  private var totalRowsInAgg = {
    var total = 0L
    rideAlongColumns.forEach(total += _.numRows())

  override def hasNext: Boolean = !rideAlongColumns.isEmpty

   * We want to estimate the average size per row that the aggregations will add. This
   * does not have to be perfect because we will back it up with a split and retry handling
   * that can slice the output in half. We are also going to include the count column because
   * I don't want to read the data back, if it spilled.
  private def estimateAggSizePerRow: Double =
    aggResult.sizeInBytes.toDouble / aggResult.numRows()

   * Gets the next batch of ride along columns to process.
  private def getRideAlongToProcess(): SpillableColumnarBatch = {
    val averageAggSizePerRow = estimateAggSizePerRow
    var currentSize = 0L
    var numRowsTotal = 0

    // First pull in the batches that might be enough to process
    val toProcess = new AutoClosableArrayBuffer[SpillableColumnarBatch]()
    closeOnExcept(toProcess) { _ =>
      while (currentSize < targetSizeBytes && !rideAlongColumns.isEmpty) {
        val scb = rideAlongColumns.pop()
        val numRows = scb.numRows()
        val estimatedSize = (scb.sizeInBytes + (numRows * averageAggSizePerRow)).toLong
        numRowsTotal += numRows
        currentSize += estimatedSize

      if (currentSize > targetSizeBytes) {
        // If we buffered too much data we need to decide how to slice it, but we only
        // want to slice the last batch in toProcess because we know that the batch before
        // it was not large enough to send us over the limit. We do this by estimating how
        // many rows we need from toProcess and hence how many rows we need to remove.
        val avgSizePerRow = currentSize.toDouble / numRowsTotal
        val estimatedRowsToKeep = math.ceil(targetSizeBytes / avgSizePerRow).toLong
        val estimatedRowsToRemove = numRowsTotal - estimatedRowsToKeep

        // If we need to remove more rows, than the last batch has, we just remove the last batch
        val numRowsToRemove = if (estimatedRowsToRemove >= toProcess.last.numRows) {
          val theLastOne = toProcess.removeLast()
          // We probably don't need to update numRowsTotal, but it is just to be defensive
          numRowsTotal -= theLastOne.numRows()
        } else {
          numRowsTotal - estimatedRowsToKeep

        if (numRowsToRemove > 0) {
          // We need to slice the last batch
          val theLastOne = toProcess.removeLast()
          val numRowsToKeepInLastBatch = (theLastOne.numRows() - numRowsToRemove).toInt
          val (keep, forNextTime) = withRetryNoSplit(theLastOne) { _ =>
            opTime.ns {
              withResource(theLastOne.getColumnarBatch()) { cb =>
                splitCb(cb, numRowsToKeepInLastBatch)

    concatBatchesAndClose(toProcess, opTime)

  def getSlicedAggResultByRepeatedRows(numDesiredRows: Int): SpillableColumnarBatch = {
    val (ret, keep) = withRetryNoSplit(aggResult) { _ =>
      splitAggResultByRepeatedRows(aggResult, numDesiredRows, totalRowsInAgg)
    totalRowsInAgg -= numDesiredRows
    aggResult = keep

  override def next(): SlicedBySize = {
    if (!hasNext) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException()
    closeOnExcept(getRideAlongToProcess()) { rideAlongScb =>
      if (rideAlongColumns.isEmpty) {
        // This is the last batch so we don't need to even figure out where to slice
        // the AggResult
        SlicedBySize(rideAlongScb, aggResult.incRefCount())
      } else {
        SlicedBySize(rideAlongScb, getSlicedAggResultByRepeatedRows(rideAlongScb.numRows()))

  override def close(): Unit = {

 * Try to slice the input batches into right sized output.
class GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggSliceBySizeIterator(
    input: Iterator[SecondPassAggResult],
    boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages,
    targetSizeBytes: Long,
    opTime: GpuMetric) extends Iterator[SlicedBySize] {

  private var pending: Option[PendingSecondAggResults] = None
  private def pendingHasNext: Boolean = pending.exists(_.hasNext)

  override def hasNext: Boolean = pendingHasNext || input.hasNext

  override def next(): SlicedBySize = {
    if (!hasNext) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException()

    if (!pendingHasNext) {
      pending = Some(PendingSecondAggResults(, boundStages, targetSizeBytes, opTime))
    val ret =
    // avoid leaks in the tests
    if (!pendingHasNext) {
      pending = None

  Option(TaskContext.get()).foreach { tc =>
    onTaskCompletion(tc) {

  def close(): Unit = {
    pending = None

// The final step is to expand the data to match that size, combine everything together and
// return the result.

class GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggFinalIterator(
    input: Iterator[SlicedBySize],
    boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages,
    numOutputBatches: GpuMetric,
    numOutputRows: GpuMetric,
    opTime: GpuMetric) extends Iterator[ColumnarBatch] {

  override def hasNext: Boolean = input.hasNext

  override def next(): ColumnarBatch = {
    if (!hasNext) {
      throw new NoSuchElementException()
    // TODO we need to add in the split to the retry

    withRetryNoSplit( { toExpand =>
      opTime.ns {
        // The first stage is to expand the aggregate based on the count column
        val repeatedAggs = withResource(toExpand.aggResults.getColumnarBatch()) { cb =>
          withResource(AggResultBatchConventions.getCount(cb)) { counts =>
            withResource(AggResultBatchConventions.getRepeatedAggColumns(cb)) { toRepeat =>
              val dataTypes = GpuColumnVector.extractTypes(toRepeat)
              withResource(GpuColumnVector.from(toRepeat)) { table =>
                withResource(table.repeat(counts.getBase)) { repeated =>
                  GpuColumnVector.from(repeated, dataTypes)
        // Second step is to stitch the two together
        val combined = withResource(repeatedAggs) { _ =>
          withResource(toExpand.rideAlongColumns.getColumnarBatch()) { rideAlong =>
              GpuColumnVector.extractColumns(repeatedAggs): _*)
        withResource(combined) { _ =>
          closeOnExcept(GpuProjectExec.project(combined, boundStages.boundFinalProject)) { ret =>
            numOutputBatches += 1
            numOutputRows += ret.numRows()

 * Holds the bound references for various aggregation stages
 * @param boundRideAlong used for a project that pulls out columns that are passing through
 *                       unchanged.
 * @param boundAggregations aggregations to be done. NOTE THIS IS WIP
 * @param boundFinalProject the final project to get the output in the right order
case class GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages(
    inputTypes: Seq[DataType],
    boundPartitionSpec: Seq[GpuExpression],
    boundRideAlong: Seq[GpuExpression],
    boundAggregations: Seq[GpuExpression],
    boundFinalProject: Seq[GpuExpression]) extends Serializable {

  val groupingColumnTypes: Seq[DataType] ={_.dataType}
  val groupColumnOrdinals: Seq[Int] = {
    case GpuBoundReference(ordinal, _, _) => ordinal
  val aggregateFunctions: Seq[GpuAggregateFunction] = {
  val aggResultTypes: Seq[DataType] ={ _.dataType }
  val aggInputProjections: Seq[Expression] = aggregateFunctions.flatMap{ _.inputProjection }
  val aggInputOrdinals: Seq[Int] = {
    case GpuBoundReference(ordinal, _, _) => ordinal
    // TODO (future):
    //   Assuming GpuLiteral is always for GpuCount. Might be better to generate
    //   a literals column, per operator that takes a literal.
    case GpuLiteral(_, _) => inputTypes.size // An all 1s column appended at the end.
    case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected expression")
  val cudfUpdateAggregates: Seq[CudfAggregate] = aggregateFunctions.flatMap {
  val cudfMergeAggregates: Seq[CudfAggregate] = aggregateFunctions.flatMap {
  val rideAlongColumnTypes: Seq[DataType] = { _.dataType }

object AggResultBatchConventions {
  private def getColumnFromBatch(cb: ColumnarBatch, colId: Int): ColumnVector = {
    val ret = cb.column(colId)

  def getCount(cb: ColumnarBatch): GpuColumnVector = {
    // By convention the last column is the count column
    getColumnFromBatch(cb, cb.numCols() - 1).asInstanceOf[GpuColumnVector]

  def getRepeatedAggColumns(cb: ColumnarBatch): ColumnarBatch = {
    // By convention all of the columns, except the last one are agg columns
    val columns = (0 until cb.numCols() - 1).safeMap { index =>
      getColumnFromBatch(cb, index)
    new ColumnarBatch(columns.toArray, cb.numRows())

  def appendCountColumn(repeatedAggColumns: ColumnarBatch,
      counts: cudf.ColumnVector): ColumnarBatch = {
    val countCol = GpuColumnVector.fromChecked(counts, LongType)
    GpuColumnVector.appendColumns(repeatedAggColumns, countCol)

 * An iterator that can do unbounded to unbounded window aggregations as group by aggregations
 * followed by an expand/join.
object GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowIterator {
  def rideAlongProjection(windowOps: Seq[NamedExpression],
      childOutput: Seq[Attribute]): (Seq[Attribute], Seq[GpuExpression]) = {
    val rideAlong = windowOps.filter {
      case GpuAlias(_: AttributeReference, _) | _: AttributeReference => true
      case _ => false
    val rideAlongOutput =
    val boundRideAlong = GpuBindReferences.bindGpuReferences(rideAlong, childOutput)
    (rideAlongOutput, boundRideAlong)

  def tmpAggregationOps(windowOps: Seq[NamedExpression],
      childOutput: Seq[Attribute]): (Seq[Attribute], Seq[GpuExpression]) = {
    //  TODO I don't know what this is really going to look like. I am just doing an approximation
    //    here so I can get the output of the aggregations after everything is done for the
    //    repeat. Please fill this in/split it apart, whatever to make it work for you
    val windowAggs = windowOps.flatMap {
      case GpuAlias(_: AttributeReference, _) | _: AttributeReference => None
      case ga@GpuAlias(GpuWindowExpression(agg: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedWindowAgg, _), _) =>
        // We don't care about the spec, they are all unbounded to unbounded so just get the func
        // We do care that we keep the expression id so we can line it up at the very end
      case ga@GpuAlias(GpuWindowExpression(GpuAggregateExpression(
      agg: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedWindowAgg, _, _, _, _), _), _) =>
        // TODO should I verify distinct, filter, etc
        // We don't care about the spec, they are all unbounded to unbounded so just get the func
        // We do care that we keep the expression id so we can line it up at the very end
      case other =>
        // This should only happen if we did something wrong with how this was created.
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(
          s"Found unexpected expression $other in window exec ${other.getClass}")
    } :+ GpuAlias(GpuCount(Seq(GpuLiteral(1L))), "_count")()
    // Later code by conventions "knows" that the last column is a count and that it can be
    // thrown away. We should never try and dedupe this count with an existing count column,
    // because if we need to slice the aggregation results we will modify the count column
    // to do that. This will not work if we are going to output that count column.

    val aggregationsOutput =
    val boundAggregations = GpuBindReferences.bindGpuReferences(windowAggs, childOutput)
    (aggregationsOutput, boundAggregations)

  def repeatOps(aggregationsOutput: Seq[Attribute]): Seq[Attribute] = {
    // By convention the last column in the aggs is the count column we want to use
    aggregationsOutput.slice(0, aggregationsOutput.length - 1)

  def computeFinalProject(rideAlongOutput: Seq[Attribute],
      aggsToRepeatOutput: Seq[Attribute],
      windowOps: Seq[NamedExpression]): Seq[GpuExpression] = {
    val combinedOutput = rideAlongOutput ++ aggsToRepeatOutput
    val remapped = { expr =>
      GpuAlias(AttributeReference(, expr.dataType, expr.nullable)(expr.exprId),
    GpuBindReferences.bindGpuReferences(remapped, combinedOutput)

   * Break up the window operations into the various needed stages and bind them.
   * @param gpuPartitionSpec the partition spec for the GPU
   * @param windowOps the window operations (along with the pass-through columns)
   * @param childOutput what the output of the operation feeding this looks like
   * @return
  def breakUpAggregations(gpuPartitionSpec: Seq[Expression],
      windowOps: Seq[NamedExpression],
      childOutput: Seq[Attribute]): GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages = {
    val childTypes ={_.dataType}

    // STEP 0. Bind the partition spec to be used for the window.
    val boundPartitionSpec = GpuBindReferences.bindGpuReferences(gpuPartitionSpec, childOutput)

    // STEP 1. project that will pull out the columns that are output unchanged.
    val (rideAlongOutput, boundRideAlong) = rideAlongProjection(windowOps, childOutput)

    // STEP 2. project that will pull out the columns needed for the aggregation.
    val (aggregationsOutput, boundAggregations) = tmpAggregationOps(windowOps, childOutput)

    // STEP N: Given the output of the aggregations get the aggregations without that count.
    // The count and aggs locations is by convention.
    val aggsToRepeatOutput = repeatOps(aggregationsOutput)

    // STEP N + 1: After the repeat is done the repeated columns are put at the end of the
    //  rideAlong columns and then we need to do a project that would put them all in the
    //  proper output order, according to the windowOps
    val finalProject = computeFinalProject(rideAlongOutput, aggsToRepeatOutput, windowOps)

    GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages(childTypes, boundPartitionSpec, boundRideAlong,
                                     boundAggregations, finalProject)

  def apply(input: Iterator[ColumnarBatch],
      boundStages: GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggStages,
      numOutputBatches: GpuMetric,
      numOutputRows: GpuMetric,
      opTime: GpuMetric,
      targetSizeBytes: Long): Iterator[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val firstPass = new GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowFirstPassIterator(input, boundStages,
    val secondPass = new GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowSecondPassIterator(firstPass,
      boundStages, opTime)
    val slicedBySize = new GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggSliceBySizeIterator(secondPass,
      boundStages, targetSizeBytes, opTime)
    new GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggFinalIterator(slicedBySize, boundStages,
      numOutputBatches, numOutputRows, opTime)

 * This allows for batches of data to be processed without needing them to correspond to
 * the partition by boundaries. This is specifically for unbounded to unbounded window
 * operations that can be replaced with an aggregation and then expanded out/joined with
 * the original input data.
case class GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowExec(
    windowOps: Seq[NamedExpression],
    gpuPartitionSpec: Seq[Expression],
    gpuOrderSpec: Seq[SortOrder],
    child: SparkPlan)(
    override val cpuPartitionSpec: Seq[Expression],
    override val cpuOrderSpec: Seq[SortOrder],
    targetSizeBytes: Long) extends GpuWindowBaseExec {

  override def otherCopyArgs: Seq[AnyRef] =
    cpuPartitionSpec :: cpuOrderSpec :: targetSizeBytes.asInstanceOf[java.lang.Long] :: Nil

  // For this we only need the data to be sorted by the partition columns, but
  //  we don't change the input sort from the CPU yet. In some cases we might even
  //  be able to remove the sort entirely.
  override def requiredChildOrdering: Seq[Seq[SortOrder]] =

  override protected def internalDoExecuteColumnar(): RDD[ColumnarBatch] = {
    val numOutputBatches = gpuLongMetric(GpuMetric.NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES)
    val numOutputRows = gpuLongMetric(GpuMetric.NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS)
    val opTime = gpuLongMetric(GpuMetric.OP_TIME)

    val boundStages = GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowIterator.breakUpAggregations(
      gpuPartitionSpec, windowOps, child.output)

    child.executeColumnar().mapPartitions { iter =>
      GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowIterator(iter, boundStages,
        numOutputBatches, numOutputRows, opTime, targetSizeBytes)

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