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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.window.GpuWindowExpression.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2020-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nvidia.spark.rapids.window
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import ai.rapids.cudf
import ai.rapids.cudf.{BinaryOp, ColumnVector, ColumnView, DType, GroupByScanAggregation, RollingAggregation, RollingAggregationOnColumn, Scalar, ScanAggregation}
import com.nvidia.spark.Retryable
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.Arm.{closeOnExcept, withResource}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuOverrides.wrapExpr
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.shims.{GpuWindowUtil, ShimExpression}
import scala.util.{Left, Right}
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult.{TypeCheckFailure, TypeCheckSuccess}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions._
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.aggregate.{AggregateExpression, AggregateFunction, Average, CollectList, CollectSet, Count, Max, Min, Sum}
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.{AddOverflowChecks, GpuCreateNamedStruct, GpuDivide, GpuSubtract}
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.aggregate.{GpuAggregateExpression, GpuAggregateFunction, GpuCount}
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.shims.RapidsErrorUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
import org.apache.spark.unsafe.types.CalendarInterval
abstract class GpuWindowExpressionMetaBase(
windowExpression: WindowExpression,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_,_,_]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule)
extends ExprMeta[WindowExpression](windowExpression, conf, parent, rule) {
private def getAndCheckRowBoundaryValue(boundary: Expression) : Int = boundary match {
case literal: Literal =>
literal.dataType match {
case IntegerType =>
case t =>
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"unsupported window boundary type $t")
case UnboundedPreceding => Int.MinValue
case UnboundedFollowing => Int.MaxValue
case CurrentRow => 0
case _ =>
willNotWorkOnGpu("unsupported window boundary type")
/** Tag if RangeFrame expression is supported */
def tagOtherTypesForRangeFrame(bounds: Expression): Unit = {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"the type of boundary is not supported in a window range" +
s" function, found $bounds")
override def tagExprForGpu(): Unit = {
// Must have two children:
// 1. An AggregateExpression as the window function: SUM, MIN, MAX, COUNT
// 2. A WindowSpecDefinition, defining the window-bounds, partitioning, and ordering.
val windowFunction = wrapped.windowFunction
wrapped.windowSpec.frameSpecification match {
case spec: SpecifiedWindowFrame =>
spec.frameType match {
case RowFrame =>
// Will also verify that the types are what we expect.
val lower = getAndCheckRowBoundaryValue(spec.lower)
val upper = getAndCheckRowBoundaryValue(spec.upper)
windowFunction match {
case _: Lead | _: Lag => // ignored we are good
case _ =>
// need to be sure that the lower/upper are acceptable
// Negative bounds are allowed, so long as lower does not exceed upper.
if (upper < lower) {
willNotWorkOnGpu("upper-bounds must equal or exceed the lower bounds. " +
s"Found lower=$lower, upper=$upper ")
// Also check for negative offsets.
if (upper < 0 || lower > 0) {
windowFunction.asInstanceOf[AggregateExpression].aggregateFunction match {
case _: Average => // Supported
case _: CollectList => // Supported
case _: CollectSet => // Supported
case _: Count => // Supported
case _: Max => // Supported
case _: Min => // Supported
case _: Sum => // Supported
case f: AggregateFunction =>
willNotWorkOnGpu("negative row bounds unsupported for specified " +
s"aggregation: ${f.prettyName}")
case RangeFrame =>
// Spark by default does a RangeFrame if no RowFrame is given
// even for columns that are not time type columns. We can switch this to row
// based iff the ranges we are looking at both unbounded.
if (spec.isUnbounded) {
// this is okay because we will translate it to be a row query
} else {
// check whether order by column is supported or not
val orderSpec = wrapped.windowSpec.orderSpec
if (orderSpec.length > 1) {
// We only support a single order by column
willNotWorkOnGpu("only a single date/time or numeric (Boolean exclusive) " +
"based column in window range functions is supported")
val orderByTypeSupported = orderSpec.forall { so =>
so.dataType match {
case ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType | LongType | FloatType | DoubleType |
DateType | TimestampType | StringType | DecimalType() => true
case _ => false
if (!orderByTypeSupported) {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"the type of orderBy column is not supported in a window" +
s" range function, found ${orderSpec.head.dataType}")
def checkRangeBoundaryConfig(dt: DataType): Unit = {
dt match {
case ByteType => if (!conf.isRangeWindowByteEnabled) willNotWorkOnGpu(
s"Range window frame is not 100% compatible when the order by type is " +
s"byte and the range value calculated has overflow. " +
s"To enable it please set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_RANGE_WINDOW_BYTES} to true.")
case ShortType => if (!conf.isRangeWindowShortEnabled) willNotWorkOnGpu(
s"Range window frame is not 100% compatible when the order by type is " +
s"short and the range value calculated has overflow. " +
s"To enable it please set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_RANGE_WINDOW_SHORT} to true.")
case IntegerType => if (!conf.isRangeWindowIntEnabled) willNotWorkOnGpu(
s"Range window frame is not 100% compatible when the order by type is " +
s"int and the range value calculated has overflow. " +
s"To enable it please set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_RANGE_WINDOW_INT} to true.")
case LongType => if (!conf.isRangeWindowLongEnabled) willNotWorkOnGpu(
s"Range window frame is not 100% compatible when the order by type is " +
s"long and the range value calculated has overflow. " +
s"To enable it please set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_RANGE_WINDOW_LONG} to true.")
case FloatType => if (!conf.isRangeWindowFloatEnabled) willNotWorkOnGpu(
s"Range window frame is currently disabled when the order by type is float. " +
s"To enable it please set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_RANGE_WINDOW_FLOAT} to true.")
case DoubleType => if (!conf.isRangeWindowDoubleEnabled) willNotWorkOnGpu(
s"Range window frame is currently disabled when the order by type is double. " +
s"To enable it please set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_RANGE_WINDOW_DOUBLE} to true.")
case DecimalType() => if (!conf.isRangeWindowDecimalEnabled) willNotWorkOnGpu(
s"To enable DECIMAL order by columns with Range window frames, " +
s"please set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_RANGE_WINDOW_DECIMAL} to true.")
case _ => // never reach here
// check whether the boundaries are supported or not.
Seq(spec.lower, spec.upper).foreach {
case l @ Literal(_, ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType |
LongType | FloatType | DoubleType | DecimalType()) =>
case Literal(ci: CalendarInterval, CalendarIntervalType) =>
// interval is only working for TimeStampType
if (ci.months != 0) {
willNotWorkOnGpu("interval months isn't supported")
case UnboundedFollowing | UnboundedPreceding | CurrentRow =>
case anythings => tagOtherTypesForRangeFrame(anythings)
case other =>
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"only SpecifiedWindowFrame is a supported window-frame specification. " +
s"Found ${other.prettyName}")
* Convert what this wraps to a GPU enabled version.
override def convertToGpu(): GpuExpression = {
val Seq(left, right) = childExprs.map(_.convertToGpu())
GpuWindowExpression(left, right.asInstanceOf[GpuWindowSpecDefinition])
case class GpuWindowExpression(windowFunction: Expression, windowSpec: GpuWindowSpecDefinition)
extends GpuUnevaluable with ShimExpression {
override def children: Seq[Expression] = windowFunction :: windowSpec :: Nil
override def dataType: DataType = windowFunction.dataType
override def foldable: Boolean = windowFunction.foldable
override def nullable: Boolean = windowFunction.nullable
override def toString: String = s"$windowFunction $windowSpec"
override def sql: String = windowFunction.sql + " OVER " + windowSpec.sql
lazy val normalizedFrameSpec: GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame = {
val fs = windowFrameSpec.canonicalized.asInstanceOf[GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame]
fs.frameType match {
case RangeFrame if fs.isUnbounded =>
GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame(RowFrame, fs.lower, fs.upper)
case _ => fs
private val windowFrameSpec = windowSpec.frameSpecification.asInstanceOf[GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame]
lazy val wrappedWindowFunc: GpuWindowFunction = windowFunction match {
case func: GpuWindowFunction => func
case agg: GpuAggregateExpression => agg.aggregateFunction match {
case func: GpuWindowFunction => func
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"${other.getClass} is not a supported window aggregation")
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"${other.getClass} is not a supported window function")
private[this] lazy val optimizedRunningWindow: Option[GpuRunningWindowFunction] = {
if (normalizedFrameSpec.frameType == RowFrame &&
GpuWindowExec.isRunningWindow(windowSpec) &&
wrappedWindowFunc.isInstanceOf[GpuRunningWindowFunction]) {
val runningWin = wrappedWindowFunc.asInstanceOf[GpuRunningWindowFunction]
val isSupported = if (windowSpec.partitionSpec.isEmpty) {
} else {
if (isSupported) {
} else {
} else {
lazy val isOptimizedRunningWindow: Boolean = optimizedRunningWindow.isDefined
def initialProjections(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression] = {
val running = optimizedRunningWindow
if (running.isDefined) {
val r = running.get
if (windowSpec.partitionSpec.isEmpty) {
} else {
} else {
class GpuWindowSpecDefinitionMeta(
windowSpec: WindowSpecDefinition,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_,_,_]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule)
extends ExprMeta[WindowSpecDefinition](windowSpec, conf, parent, rule) {
val partitionSpec: Seq[BaseExprMeta[Expression]] =
windowSpec.partitionSpec.map(wrapExpr(_, conf, Some(this)))
val orderSpec: Seq[BaseExprMeta[SortOrder]] =
windowSpec.orderSpec.map(wrapExpr(_, conf, Some(this)))
val windowFrame: BaseExprMeta[WindowFrame] =
wrapExpr(windowSpec.frameSpecification, conf, Some(this))
override val ignoreUnsetDataTypes: Boolean = true
override def tagExprForGpu(): Unit = {
if (!windowSpec.frameSpecification.isInstanceOf[SpecifiedWindowFrame]) {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"WindowFunctions without a SpecifiedWindowFrame are unsupported.")
* Convert what this wraps to a GPU enabled version.
override def convertToGpu(): GpuExpression = {
case class GpuWindowSpecDefinition(
partitionSpec: Seq[Expression],
orderSpec: Seq[SortOrder],
frameSpecification: GpuWindowFrame)
extends GpuExpression with ShimExpression with GpuUnevaluable {
override def children: Seq[Expression] = partitionSpec ++ orderSpec :+ frameSpecification
override lazy val resolved: Boolean =
childrenResolved && checkInputDataTypes().isSuccess &&
override def nullable: Boolean = true
override def foldable: Boolean = false
override def dataType: DataType = {
// Note: WindowSpecDefinition has no dataType. Should throw UnsupportedOperationException.
// Setting this to a concrete type to work around bug in SQL logging in certain
// Spark versions, which mistakenly call `dataType()` on Unevaluable expressions.
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
frameSpecification match {
case GpuUnspecifiedFrame =>
"Cannot use an UnspecifiedFrame. This should have been converted during analysis. " +
"Please file a bug report.")
case f: GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame if f.frameType == RangeFrame && !f.isUnbounded &&
orderSpec.isEmpty =>
"A range window frame cannot be used in an unordered window specification.")
case f: GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame if f.frameType == RangeFrame && f.isValueBound &&
orderSpec.size > 1 =>
s"A range window frame with value boundaries cannot be used in a window specification " +
s"with multiple order by expressions: ${orderSpec.mkString(",")}")
case f: GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame if f.frameType == RangeFrame && f.isValueBound &&
!isValidFrameType(f.valueBoundary.head.dataType) =>
s"The data type '${orderSpec.head.dataType.catalogString}' used in the order " +
"specification does not match the data type " +
s"'${f.valueBoundary.head.dataType.catalogString}' which is used in the range frame.")
case _ => TypeCheckSuccess
override def sql: String = {
def toSql(exprs: Seq[Expression], prefix: String): Seq[String] = {
Seq(exprs).filter(_.nonEmpty).map(_.map(_.sql).mkString(prefix, ", ", ""))
val elements =
toSql(partitionSpec, "PARTITION BY ") ++
toSql(orderSpec, "ORDER BY ") ++
elements.mkString("(", " ", ")")
private def isValidFrameType(ft: DataType): Boolean = {
GpuWindowUtil.isValidRangeFrameType(orderSpec.head.dataType, ft)
abstract class GpuSpecifiedWindowFrameMetaBase(
windowFrame: SpecifiedWindowFrame,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_,_,_]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule)
extends ExprMeta[SpecifiedWindowFrame](windowFrame, conf, parent, rule) {
// SpecifiedWindowFrame has no associated dataType.
override val ignoreUnsetDataTypes: Boolean = true
* Tag RangeFrame for other types and get the value
def getAndTagOtherTypesForRangeFrame(bounds : Expression, isLower : Boolean): Long = {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"Bounds for Range-based window frames must be specified in numeric" +
s" type (Boolean exclusive) or CalendarInterval. Found ${bounds.dataType}")
if (isLower) -1 else 1 // not check again
override def tagExprForGpu(): Unit = {
if (windowFrame.frameType.equals(RangeFrame)) {
// or CalendarIntervalType in days.
// Check that:
// 1. if `bounds` is specified as a Literal, it is specified in DAYS.
// 2. if `bounds` is a lower-bound, it can't be ahead of the current row.
// 3. if `bounds` is an upper-bound, it can't be behind the current row.
def checkIfInvalid(bounds : Expression, isLower : Boolean) : Option[String] = {
if (!bounds.isInstanceOf[Literal]) {
// Bounds are likely SpecialFrameBoundaries (CURRENT_ROW, UNBOUNDED PRECEDING/FOLLOWING).
return None
* Check bounds value relative to current row:
* 1. lower-bound should not be ahead of the current row.
* 2. upper-bound should not be behind the current row.
def checkBounds[T](boundsValue: T)
(implicit ev: Numeric[T]): Option[String] = {
if (isLower && ev.compare(boundsValue, ev.zero) > 0) {
Some(s"Lower-bounds ahead of current row is not supported. Found: $boundsValue")
else if (!isLower && ev.compare(boundsValue, ev.zero) < 0) {
Some(s"Upper-bounds behind current row is not supported. Found: $boundsValue")
else {
bounds match {
case Literal(value, ByteType) =>
case Literal(value, ShortType) =>
case Literal(value, IntegerType) =>
case Literal(value, LongType) =>
case Literal(value, FloatType) =>
case Literal(value, DoubleType) =>
case Literal(value: Decimal, DecimalType()) =>
case Literal(ci: CalendarInterval, CalendarIntervalType) =>
if (ci.months != 0) {
willNotWorkOnGpu("interval months isn't supported")
// return the total microseconds
try {
Math.multiplyExact(ci.days.toLong, TimeUnit.DAYS.toMicros(1)),
} catch {
case _: ArithmeticException =>
willNotWorkOnGpu("windows over timestamps are converted to microseconds " +
s"and $ci is too large to fit")
case _ =>
getAndTagOtherTypesForRangeFrame(bounds, isLower)
val invalidUpper = checkIfInvalid(windowFrame.upper, isLower = false)
if (invalidUpper.nonEmpty) {
val invalidLower = checkIfInvalid(windowFrame.lower, isLower = true)
if (invalidLower.nonEmpty) {
if (windowFrame.frameType.equals(RowFrame)) {
windowFrame.lower match {
case literal : Literal =>
if (!literal.value.isInstanceOf[Int]) {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"Literal Lower-bound of ROWS window-frame must be of INT type. " +
s"Found ${literal.dataType}")
// We don't support a lower bound > 0 except for lead/lag where it is required
// That check is done in GpuWindowExpressionMeta where it knows what type of operation
// is being done
case UnboundedPreceding =>
case CurrentRow =>
case _ =>
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"Lower-bound of ROWS window-frame must be an INT literal," +
s"Found unexpected bound: ${windowFrame.lower.prettyName}")
windowFrame.upper match {
case literal : Literal =>
if (!literal.value.isInstanceOf[Int]) {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"Literal Upper-bound of ROWS window-frame must be of INT type. " +
s"Found ${literal.dataType}")
// We don't support a upper bound < 0 except for lead/lag where it is required
// That check is done in GpuWindowExpressionMeta where it knows what type of operation
// is being done
case UnboundedFollowing =>
case CurrentRow =>
case _ => willNotWorkOnGpu(s"Upper-bound of ROWS window-frame must be an INT literal," +
s"Found unexpected bound: ${windowFrame.upper.prettyName}")
override def convertToGpu(): GpuExpression = {
val Seq(left, right) = childExprs.map(_.convertToGpu())
GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame(windowFrame.frameType, left, right)
trait GpuWindowFrame extends GpuExpression with GpuUnevaluable with ShimExpression {
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Nil
override def dataType: DataType = {
// Note: WindowFrame has no dataType. Should throw UnsupportedOperationException.
// Setting this to a concrete type to work around bug in SQL logging in certain
// Spark versions, which mistakenly call `dataType()` on Unevaluable expressions.
override def foldable: Boolean = false
override def nullable: Boolean = false
case object GpuUnspecifiedFrame extends GpuWindowFrame // Placeholder, to handle UnspecifiedFrame
// This class closely follows what's done in SpecifiedWindowFrame.
case class GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame(
frameType: FrameType,
lower: Expression,
upper: Expression)
extends GpuWindowFrame {
override def children: Seq[Expression] = lower :: upper :: Nil
lazy val valueBoundary: Seq[Expression] =
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
// Check lower value.
val lowerCheck = checkBoundary(lower, "lower")
if (lowerCheck.isFailure) {
return lowerCheck
// Check upper value.
val upperCheck = checkBoundary(upper, "upper")
if (upperCheck.isFailure) {
return upperCheck
// Check combination (of expressions).
(lower, upper) match {
case (l: GpuExpression, u: GpuExpression) if !isValidFrameBoundary(l, u) =>
TypeCheckFailure(s"Window frame upper bound '$upper' does not follow the lower bound " +
case (_: GpuSpecialFrameBoundary, _) => TypeCheckSuccess
case (_, _: GpuSpecialFrameBoundary) => TypeCheckSuccess
case (l: GpuExpression, u: GpuExpression) if l.dataType != u.dataType =>
s"Window frame bounds '$lower' and '$upper' do no not have the same data type: " +
s"'${l.dataType.catalogString}' <> '${u.dataType.catalogString}'")
case (l: GpuExpression, u: GpuExpression) if isGreaterThan(l, u) =>
"The lower bound of a window frame must be less than or equal to the upper bound")
case _ => TypeCheckSuccess
override def sql: String = {
val lowerSql = boundarySql(lower)
val upperSql = boundarySql(upper)
s"${frameType.sql} BETWEEN $lowerSql AND $upperSql"
def isUnbounded: Boolean = {
(lower, upper) match {
case (l:GpuSpecialFrameBoundary, u:GpuSpecialFrameBoundary) =>
l.boundary == UnboundedPreceding && u.boundary == UnboundedFollowing
case _ => false
def isValueBound: Boolean = valueBoundary.nonEmpty
def isOffset: Boolean = (lower, upper) match {
case (l: Expression, u: Expression) => frameType == RowFrame && l == u
case _ => false
private def boundarySql(expr: Expression): String = expr match {
case e: GpuSpecialFrameBoundary => e.sql
case u: UnaryMinus => u.child.sql + " PRECEDING"
case e: Expression => e.sql + " FOLLOWING"
// Check whether the left boundary value is greater than the right boundary value. It's required
// that the both expressions have the same data type.
// Since CalendarIntervalType is not comparable, we only compare expressions that are AtomicType.
// Note: This check is currently skipped for GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame,
// because: AtomicType has protected access in Spark. It is not available here.
private def isGreaterThan(l: Expression, r: Expression): Boolean = l.dataType match {
// case _: org.apache.spark.sql.types.AtomicType =>
// GreaterThan(l, r).eval().asInstanceOf[Boolean]
case _ => false
private def checkBoundary(b: Expression, location: String): TypeCheckResult = b match {
case _: GpuSpecialFrameBoundary => TypeCheckSuccess
case e: Expression if !e.foldable =>
TypeCheckFailure(s"Window frame $location bound '$e' is not a literal.")
// Skipping type checks, because AbstractDataType::acceptsType() has protected access.
// This should have been checked already.
// case e: Expression if !frameType.inputType.acceptsType(e.dataType) =>
// TypeCheckFailure(
// s"The data type of the $location bound '${e.dataType.catalogString}' does not match " +
// s"the expected data type '${frameType.inputType.simpleString}'.")
case _ => TypeCheckSuccess
private def isValidFrameBoundary(l: GpuExpression, u: GpuExpression): Boolean = {
(l, u) match {
case (low: GpuSpecialFrameBoundary, _) if low.boundary == UnboundedFollowing => false
case (_, up: GpuSpecialFrameBoundary) if up.boundary == UnboundedPreceding => false
case _ => true
case class GpuSpecialFrameBoundary(boundary : SpecialFrameBoundary)
extends GpuExpression with ShimExpression with GpuUnevaluable {
override def children : Seq[Expression] = Nil
override def dataType: DataType = NullType
override def foldable: Boolean = false
override def nullable: Boolean = false
* Maps boundary to an Int value that in some cases can be used to build up the window options
* for a window aggregation. UnboundedPreceding and UnboundedFollowing produce Int.MinValue and
* Int.MaxValue respectively. In row based operations this should be fine because we cannot have
* a batch with that many rows in it anyways. For range based queries isUnbounded should be
* called too, to properly interpret the data. CurrentRow produces 0 which works for both row and
* range based queries.
def value : Int = {
boundary match {
case UnboundedPreceding => Int.MinValue
case UnboundedFollowing => Int.MaxValue
case CurrentRow => 0
case anythingElse =>
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(s"Unsupported window-bound $anythingElse!")
def isUnbounded: Boolean = {
boundary match {
case UnboundedPreceding | UnboundedFollowing => true
case _ => false
// This is here for now just to tag an expression as being a GpuWindowFunction and match
// Spark. This may expand in the future if other types of window functions show up.
trait GpuWindowFunction extends GpuUnevaluable with ShimExpression {
* Get "min-periods" value, i.e. the minimum number of periods/rows
* above which a non-null value is returned for the function.
* Otherwise, null is returned.
* @return Non-negative value for min-periods.
def getMinPeriods: Int = 1
* This is a special window function that simply replaces itself with one or more
* window functions and other expressions that can be executed. This allows you to write
* `GpuAverage` in terms of `GpuSum` and `GpuCount` which can both operate on all window
* optimizations making `GpuAverage` be able to do the same.
trait GpuReplaceWindowFunction extends GpuWindowFunction {
* Return a new single expression that can replace the existing aggregation in window
* calculations. Please note that this requires that there are no nested window operations.
* For example you cannot do a SUM of AVERAGES with this currently. That support may be added
* in the future.
def windowReplacement(spec: GpuWindowSpecDefinition): Expression
* Return true if windowReplacement should be called to replace this GpuWindowFunction with
* something else.
def shouldReplaceWindow(spec: GpuWindowSpecDefinition): Boolean = true
* GPU Counterpart of `AggregateWindowFunction`.
* On the CPU this would extend `DeclarativeAggregate` and use the provided methods
* to build up the expressions need to produce a result. For window operations we do it
* in a single pass, where all of the data is available so instead we have out own set of
* expressions.
trait GpuAggregateWindowFunction extends GpuWindowFunction {
* Using child references, define the shape of the vectors sent to the window operations
val windowInputProjection: Seq[Expression]
* Create the aggregation operation to perform for Windowing. The input to this method
* is a sequence of (index, ColumnVector) that corresponds one to one with what was
* returned by [[windowInputProjection]]. The index is the index into the Table for the
* corresponding ColumnVector. Some aggregations need extra values.
def windowAggregation(inputs: Seq[(ColumnVector, Int)]): RollingAggregationOnColumn
* Do a final pass over the window aggregation output. This lets us cast the result to a desired
* type or check for overflow. This is not used for GpuRunningWindowFunction. There you can use
* `scanCombine`.
def windowOutput(result: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = result.incRefCount()
* A window function that is optimized for running windows using the cudf scan and group by
* scan operations. In some cases, like row number and rank, Spark only supports them as running
* window operations. This is why it directly extends GpuWindowFunction because it can be a stand
* alone window function. In all other cases it should be combined with GpuAggregateWindowFunction
* to provide a fully functional window operation. It should be noted that WindowExec tries to
* deduplicate input projections and aggregations to reduce memory usage. Because of tracking
* requirements it is required that there is a one to one relationship between an input projection
* and a corresponding aggregation.
trait GpuRunningWindowFunction extends GpuWindowFunction {
* Get the input projections for a group by scan. This corresponds to a running window with
* a partition by clause. The partition keys will be used as the grouping keys.
* @param isRunningBatched is this for a batched running window that will use a fixer or not?
* @return the input expressions that will be aggregated using the result from
* `groupByScanAggregation`
def groupByScanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression]
* Get the aggregations to perform on the results of `groupByScanInputProjection`. The
* aggregations will be zipped with the values to produce the output.
* @param isRunningBatched is this for a batched running window that will use a fixer or not?
* @return the aggregations to perform as a group by scan.
def groupByScanAggregation(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[GroupByScanAggregation]]
* Should a group by scan be run or not. This should never return false unless this is also an
* instance of `GpuAggregateWindowFunction` so the window code can fall back to it for
* computation.
def isGroupByScanSupported = true
* Get the input projections for a scan. This corresponds to a running window without a
* partition by clause.
* @param isRunningBatched is this for a batched running window that will use a fixer or not?
* @return the input expressions that will be aggregated using the result from
* `scanAggregation`
def scanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression]
* Get the aggregations to perform on the results of `scanInputProjection`. The
* aggregations will be zipped with the values to produce the output.
* @param isRunningBatched is this for a batched running window that will use a fixer or not?
* @return the aggregations to perform as a group by scan.
def scanAggregation(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[ScanAggregation]]
* Should a scan be run or not. This should never return false unless this is also an
* instance of `GpuAggregateWindowFunction` so the window code can fall back to it for
* computation.
def isScanSupported = true
* Provides a way to combine the result of multiple aggregations into a final value. By
* default it requires that there is a single aggregation and works as just a pass through.
* @param isRunningBatched is this for a batched running window that will use a fixer or not?
* @param cols the columns to be combined
* @return the result of combining these together.
def scanCombine(isRunningBatched: Boolean, cols: Seq[ColumnVector]): ColumnVector = {
require(cols.length == 1, "Only one column is supported fro the default scan combine")
* Provides a way to process running window operations without needing to buffer and split the
* batches on partition by boundaries. When this happens part of a partition by key set may
* have been processed in the last batch, and the rest of it will need to be updated. For example
* if we are doing a running min operation. We may first get in something like
* PARTS: 1, 1, 2, 2
* VALUES: 2, 3, 10, 9
* The output of processing this would result in a new column that would look like
* MINS: 2, 2, 10, 9
* But we don't know if the group with 2 in PARTS is done or not. So the fixer saved
* the last value in MINS, which is a 9. When the next batch shows up
* PARTS: 2, 2, 3, 3
* VALUES: 11, 5, 13, 14
* We generate the window result again and get
* MINS: 11, 5, 13, 13
* But we cannot output this yet because there may have been overlap with the previous batch.
* The framework will figure that out and pass data into `fixUp` to do the fixing. It will
* pass in MINS, and also a column of boolean values `true, true, false, false` to indicate
* which rows overlapped with the previous batch. In our min example `fixUp` will do a min
* between the last value in the previous batch and the values that could overlap with it.
* RESULT: 9, 5, 13, 13
* which can be output.
trait BatchedRunningWindowFixer extends AutoCloseable with Retryable {
* Fix up `windowedColumnOutput` with any stored state from previous batches.
* Like all window operations the input data will have been sorted by the partition
* by columns and the order by columns.
* @param samePartitionMask a mask that uses `true` to indicate the row
* is for the same partition by keys that was the last row in the
* previous batch or `false` to indicate it is not. If this is known
* to be all true or all false values a single boolean is used. If
* it can change for different rows than a column vector is provided.
* Only values that are for the same partition by keys should be
* modified. Because the input data is sorted by the partition by
* columns the boolean values will be grouped together.
* @param sameOrderMask a mask just like `samePartitionMask` but for ordering. This happens
* for some operations like `rank` and `dense_rank` that use the ordering
* columns in a row based query. This is not needed for all fixers and is not
* free to calculate, so you must set `needsOrderMask` to true if you are
* going to use it.
* @param windowedColumnOutput the output of the windowAggregation without anything
* fixed/modified. This should not be closed by `fixUp` as it will be
* handled by the framework.
* @return a fixed ColumnVector that was with outputs updated for items that were in the same
* group by key as the last row in the previous batch.
def fixUp(
samePartitionMask: Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean],
sameOrderMask: Option[Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean]],
windowedColumnOutput: cudf.ColumnView): cudf.ColumnVector
def needsOrderMask: Boolean = false
protected def incRef(col: cudf.ColumnView): cudf.ColumnVector = col.copyToColumnVector()
* Provides a way to process window operations without needing to buffer and split the
* batches on partition by boundaries. When this happens part of a partition by key set may
* have been processed in the previous batches, and may need to be updated. For example
* if we are doing a min operation with unbounded preceding and unbounded following.
* We may first get in something like
* PARTS: 1, 1, 2, 2
* VALUES: 2, 3, 10, 9
* The output of processing this would result in a new column that would look like
* MINS: 2, 2, 9, 9
* But we don't know if the group with 2 in PARTS is done or not. So the fixer saved
* the last value in MINS, which is a 9, and caches the batch. When the next batch shows up
* PARTS: 2, 2, 3, 3
* VALUES: 11, 5, 13, 14
* We generate the window result again and get
* MINS: 5, 5, 13, 13
* And now we need to grab the first entry which is a 5 and update the cached data with another min.
* The cached data for PARTS=2 is now 5. We then need to go back and fix up all of the previous
* batches that had something to do with PARTS=2. The first batch will be pulled from the cache
* and updated to look like
* PARTS: 1, 1, 2, 2
* VALUES: 2, 3, 10, 9
* MINS: 2, 2, 5, 5
* which can be output because we were able to fix up all of the PARTS in that batch.
trait BatchedUnboundedToUnboundedWindowFixer extends AutoCloseable {
* Called to fix up a batch. There is no guarantee on the order the batches are fixed. The only
* ordering guarantee is that the state will be updated for all batches before any are "fixed"
* @param samePartitionMask indicates which rows are a part of the same partition.
* @param column the column of data to be fixed.
* @return a column of data that was fixed.
def fixUp(samePartitionMask: Either[ColumnVector, Boolean], column: ColumnVector): ColumnVector
* Clear any state so that updateState can be called again for a new partition by group.
def reset(): Unit
* Cache and update any state needed. Because this is specific to unbounded preceding to
* unbounded following the result should be the same for any row within a batch. As such, this is
* only guaranteed to be called once per batch with the value from a row within the batch.
* @param scalar the value to use to update what is cached.
def updateState(scalar: Scalar): Unit
* For many operations a running window (unbounded preceding to current row) can
* process the data without dividing the data up into batches that contain all of the data
* for a given group by key set. Instead we store a small amount of state from a previous result
* and use it to fix the final result. This is a memory optimization.
trait GpuBatchedRunningWindowWithFixer {
* Checks whether the running window can be fixed up. This should be called before
* newFixer(), to check whether the fixer would work.
def canFixUp: Boolean = true
* Get a new class that can be used to fix up batched running window operations.
def newFixer(): BatchedRunningWindowFixer
* For many window operations the results in earlier rows depends on the results from the last
* or later rows. In many of these cases we chunk the data based off of the partition by groups
* and process the data at once. But this can lead to out of memory errors, or hitting the
* row limit on some columns. Doing two passes through the data where the first pass processes
* the data and a second pass fixes up the data can let us keep the data in the original batches
* and reduce total memory usage. But this requires that some of the batches be made spillable
* while we wait for the end of the partition by group.
* Right now this is written to be specific to windows that are unbounded preceding to unbounded
* following, but it could be adapted to also work for current row to unbounded following, and
* possibly more situations.
trait GpuUnboundToUnboundWindowWithFixer {
def newUnboundedToUnboundedFixer: BatchedUnboundedToUnboundedWindowFixer
* This is used to tag a GpuAggregateFunction that it has been tested to work properly
* with `GpuUnboundedToUnboundedAggWindowExec`.
trait GpuUnboundedToUnboundedWindowAgg extends GpuAggregateFunction
* Fixes up a count operation for unbounded preceding to unbounded following
* @param errorOnOverflow if we need to throw an exception when an overflow happens or not.
class CountUnboundedToUnboundedFixer(errorOnOverflow: Boolean)
extends BatchedUnboundedToUnboundedWindowFixer {
private var previousValue: Option[Long] = None
override def reset(): Unit = {
previousValue = None
override def updateState(scalar: Scalar): Unit = {
// It should be impossible for count to produce a null.
// Even if the input was all nulls the count is 0
if (previousValue.isEmpty) {
previousValue = Some(scalar.getLong)
} else {
val old = previousValue.get
previousValue = Some(old + scalar.getLong)
if (errorOnOverflow && previousValue.get < 0) {
// This matches what would happen in an add operation, which is where the overflow
// in the CPU count would happen
throw RapidsErrorUtils.arithmeticOverflowError(
"One or more rows overflow for Add operation.")
override def close(): Unit = reset()
override def fixUp(samePartitionMask: Either[ColumnVector, Boolean],
column: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
withResource(Scalar.fromLong(previousValue.get)) { scalar =>
samePartitionMask match {
case scala.Left(cv) =>
cv.ifElse(scalar, column)
case scala.Right(true) =>
ColumnVector.fromScalar(scalar, column.getRowCount.toInt)
case _ =>
class BatchedUnboundedToUnboundedBinaryFixer(val binOp: BinaryOp, val dataType: DataType)
extends BatchedUnboundedToUnboundedWindowFixer {
private var previousResult: Option[Scalar] = None
override def updateState(scalar: Scalar): Unit = previousResult match {
case None =>
previousResult = Some(scalar.incRefCount())
case Some(prev) =>
// This is ugly, but for now it is simple to make it work
val result = withResource(ColumnVector.fromScalar(prev, 1)) { p1 =>
withResource(p1.binaryOp(binOp, scalar, prev.getType)) { result1 =>
closeOnExcept(result) { _ =>
previousResult = Some(result)
override def fixUp(samePartitionMask: Either[ColumnVector, Boolean],
column: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
val scalar = previousResult match {
case Some(value) =>
case None =>
GpuScalar.from(null, dataType)
withResource(scalar) { scalar =>
samePartitionMask match {
case scala.Left(cv) =>
cv.ifElse(scalar, column)
case scala.Right(true) =>
ColumnVector.fromScalar(scalar, column.getRowCount.toInt)
case _ =>
override def close(): Unit = reset()
override def reset(): Unit = {
previousResult = None
* This class fixes up batched running windows by performing a binary op on the previous value and
* those in the the same partition by key group. It does not deal with nulls, so it works for things
* like row_number and count, that cannot produce nulls, or for NULL_MIN and NULL_MAX that do the
* right thing when they see a null.
class BatchedRunningWindowBinaryFixer(val binOp: BinaryOp, val name: String)
extends BatchedRunningWindowFixer with Logging {
private var previousResult: Option[Scalar] = None
// checkpoint
private var checkpointPreviousResult: Option[Scalar] = None
override def checkpoint(): Unit = {
checkpointPreviousResult = previousResult
override def restore(): Unit = {
if (checkpointPreviousResult.isDefined) {
// close previous result
previousResult match {
case Some(r) if r != checkpointPreviousResult.get =>
case _ =>
previousResult = checkpointPreviousResult
checkpointPreviousResult = None
def getPreviousResult: Option[Scalar] = previousResult
def updateState(finalOutputColumn: cudf.ColumnVector): Unit = {
logDebug(s"$name: updateState from $previousResult to...")
previousResult =
Some(finalOutputColumn.getScalarElement(finalOutputColumn.getRowCount.toInt - 1))
logDebug(s"$name: ... $previousResult")
override def fixUp(samePartitionMask: Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean],
sameOrderMask: Option[Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean]],
windowedColumnOutput: cudf.ColumnView): cudf.ColumnVector = {
logDebug(s"$name: fix up $previousResult $samePartitionMask")
val ret = (previousResult, samePartitionMask) match {
case (None, _) => incRef(windowedColumnOutput)
case (Some(prev), scala.util.Right(mask)) =>
if (mask) {
windowedColumnOutput.binaryOp(binOp, prev, prev.getType)
} else {
// The mask is all false so do nothing
case (Some(prev), scala.util.Left(mask)) =>
withResource(windowedColumnOutput.binaryOp(binOp, prev, prev.getType)) { updated =>
mask.ifElse(updated, windowedColumnOutput)
override def close(): Unit = {
previousResult = None
* Common base class for batched running window fixers for FIRST() and LAST() window functions.
* This mostly handles the checkpoint logic. The fixup logic is left to the concrete subclass.
* @param name Name of the function (E.g. "FIRST").
* @param ignoreNulls Whether the function needs to ignore NULL values in the calculation.
abstract class FirstLastRunningWindowFixerBase(val name: String, val ignoreNulls: Boolean = false)
extends BatchedRunningWindowFixer with Logging {
* Saved "carry-over" result that might be applied to the next batch.
protected[this] var previousResult: Option[Scalar] = None
* Checkpoint result, in case it needs to be rolled back.
protected[this] var chkptPreviousResult: Option[Scalar] = None
* Saves the last row from the `finalOutputColumn`, to carry over to the next
* column processed by this fixer.
protected[this] def resetPrevious(finalOutputColumn: cudf.ColumnVector): Unit = {
val numRows = finalOutputColumn.getRowCount.toInt
if (numRows > 0) {
val lastIndex = numRows - 1
logDebug(s"$name: updateState from $previousResult to...")
previousResult = Some(finalOutputColumn.getScalarElement(lastIndex))
logDebug(s"$name: ... $previousResult")
* Save the state, so it can be restored in the case of a retry.
* (This is called inside a Spark task context on executors.)
override def checkpoint(): Unit = chkptPreviousResult = previousResult
* Restore the state that was saved by calling to "checkpoint".
* (This is called inside a Spark task context on executors.)
override def restore(): Unit = {
// If there is a previous checkpoint result, restore it to previousResult.
if (chkptPreviousResult.isDefined) {
// Close erstwhile previousResult.
previousResult match {
case Some(r) if r != chkptPreviousResult.get => r.close()
case _ => // Nothing to close if result is None, or matches the checkpoint.
previousResult = chkptPreviousResult
chkptPreviousResult = None
override def close(): Unit = {
previousResult = None
* Batched running window fixer for `FIRST() ` window functions. Supports fixing for batched
* execution for `ROWS` and `RANGE` based window specifications.
* @param ignoreNulls Whether the function needs to ignore NULL values in the calculation.
class FirstRunningWindowFixer(ignoreNulls: Boolean = false)
extends FirstLastRunningWindowFixerBase(name="First", ignoreNulls=ignoreNulls) {
* Fix up `windowedColumnOutput` with any stored state from previous batches.
* Like all window operations the input data will have been sorted by the partition
* by columns and the order by columns.
* @param samePartitionMask a mask that uses `true` to indicate the row
* is for the same partition by keys that was the last row in the
* previous batch or `false` to indicate it is not. If this is known
* to be all true or all false values a single boolean is used. If
* it can change for different rows than a column vector is provided.
* Only values that are for the same partition by keys should be
* modified. Because the input data is sorted by the partition by
* columns the boolean values will be grouped together.
* @param sameOrderMask Similar mask for ordering. Unused for `FIRST`.
* @param unfixedWindowResults the output of the windowAggregation without anything
* fixed/modified. This should not be closed by `fixUp` as it will be
* handled by the framework.
* @return a fixed ColumnVector that was with outputs updated for items that were in the same
* group by key as the last row in the previous batch.
override def fixUp(samePartitionMask: Either[ColumnVector, Boolean],
sameOrderMask: Option[Either[ColumnVector, Boolean]],
unfixedWindowResults: ColumnView): ColumnVector = {
// `sameOrderMask` is irrelevant for this operation.
logDebug(s"$name: fix up $previousResult $samePartitionMask")
val ret = (previousResult, samePartitionMask) match {
case (None, _) =>
// No previous result. Current result needs no fixing.
case (Some(prev), Right(allRowsInSamePartition)) => // Boolean flag.
// All the current batch results may be replaced.
if (allRowsInSamePartition) {
if (!ignoreNulls || prev.isValid) {
// If !ignoreNulls, `prev` is the result for all rows.
// If ignoreNulls *AND* `prev` isn't null, `prev` is the result for all rows.
ColumnVector.fromScalar(prev, unfixedWindowResults.getRowCount.toInt)
} else {
// If ignoreNulls, *AND* `prev` is null, keep the current result.
} else {
// No rows in the same partition. Current result needs no fixing.
case (Some(prev), Left(someRowsInSamePartition)) => // Boolean vector.
if (!ignoreNulls || prev.isValid) {
someRowsInSamePartition.ifElse(prev, unfixedWindowResults)
} else {
// Reset previous result.
closeOnExcept(ret) { ret =>
* Batched running window fixer for `LAST() ` window functions. Supports fixing for batched
* execution for `ROWS` and `RANGE` based window specifications.
* @param ignoreNulls Whether the function needs to ignore NULL values in the calculation.
class LastRunningWindowFixer(ignoreNulls: Boolean = false)
extends FirstLastRunningWindowFixerBase(name="Last", ignoreNulls=ignoreNulls) {
* Fixes up `unfixedWindowResults` with stored state from previous batch(es).
* In this case (i.e. `LAST`), the previous result only comes into it if:
* 1. There was a previous result at all.
* 2. Nulls have to be ignored (i.e. ignoreNulls == true).
* 3. The previous result (row) from the last batch is not null.
* 4. There exists at least one `unfixedWindowResults` row that is NULL, and
* belongs to the same partition/group as the previous result.
* In all other cases, the `unfixedWindowResults` prevail.
* @param samePartitionMask a mask that uses `true` to indicate the row
* is for the same partition by keys that was the last row in the
* previous batch or `false` to indicate it is not. If this is known
* to be all true or all false values a single boolean is used. If
* it can change for different rows than a column vector is provided.
* Only values that are for the same partition by keys should be
* modified. Because the input data is sorted by the partition by
* columns the boolean values will be grouped together.
* @param sameOrderMask Similar mask for ordering. Unused for `LAST`.
* @param unfixedWindowResults the output of the windowAggregation without anything
* fixed/modified. This should not be closed by `fixUp` as it will be
* handled by the framework.
* @return a fixed ColumnVector that was with outputs updated for items that were in the same
* group by key as the last row in the previous batch.
override def fixUp(samePartitionMask: Either[ColumnVector, Boolean],
sameOrderMask: Option[Either[ColumnVector, Boolean]], // Irrelevant to LAST.
unfixedWindowResults: ColumnView): ColumnVector = {
logDebug(s"$name: fix up $previousResult $samePartitionMask")
val ret = (previousResult, samePartitionMask) match {
case (None, _) =>
// No previous result. Current result needs no fixing.
case (Some(_), Right(false)) => // samePartitionMask == false.
// No rows in this batch correspond to the previousResult's partition.
// Current result needs no fixing.
case (Some(prev), Right(true)) => // samePartitionMask == true.
// All the rows in this batch correspond to the previousResult's partition.
if (!ignoreNulls || !prev.isValid) {
// If !ignoreNulls, current result needs no fixing. The latest answer is the right one.
// If ignoreNulls, but prev is NULL, current result is again the right answer.
} else {
// ignoreNulls *and* prev.isValid. => Final result now depends on the unfixed results.
// `prev` must replace all null rows from the same group in the unfixed results.
// In this case, that includes the entire column.
case (Some(prev), Left(someRowsInSamePartition)) => // samePartitionMask is a Boolean vector.
if (!ignoreNulls || !prev.isValid) {
// If !ignoreNulls, current result needs no fixing. The latest answer is the right one.
// If ignoreNulls, but prev is NULL, current result is again the right answer.
} else {
// ignoreNulls==true, *and* prev.isValid.
// prev must replace nulls for all rows that belong in the same group.
val mustReplace = withResource(unfixedWindowResults.isNull) { isNull =>
withResource(mustReplace) { mustReplace =>
mustReplace.ifElse(prev, unfixedWindowResults)
// Reset previous result.
closeOnExcept(ret) { ret =>
* This class fixes up batched running windows for sum. Sum is a lot like other binary op
* fixers, but it has to special case nulls and that is not super generic. In the future we
* might be able to make this more generic but we need to see what the use case really is.
class SumBinaryFixer(toType: DataType, isAnsi: Boolean)
extends BatchedRunningWindowFixer with Logging {
private val name = "sum"
private var previousResult: Option[Scalar] = None
private var previousOverflow: Option[Scalar] = None
// checkpoint
private var checkpointResult: Option[Scalar] = None
private var checkpointOverflow: Option[Scalar] = None
override def checkpoint(): Unit = {
checkpointOverflow = previousOverflow
checkpointResult = previousResult
override def restore(): Unit = {
if (checkpointOverflow.isDefined) {
// close previous result
previousOverflow match {
case Some(r) if r != checkpointOverflow.get =>
case _ =>
previousOverflow = checkpointOverflow
checkpointOverflow = None
if (checkpointResult.isDefined) {
// close previous result
previousResult match {
case Some(r) if r != checkpointResult.get =>
case _ =>
previousResult = checkpointResult
checkpointResult = None
def updateState(finalOutputColumn: cudf.ColumnVector,
wasOverflow: Option[cudf.ColumnVector]): Unit = {
val lastIndex = finalOutputColumn.getRowCount.toInt - 1
logDebug(s"$name: updateState from $previousResult to...")
previousResult = Some(finalOutputColumn.getScalarElement(lastIndex))
previousOverflow = wasOverflow.map(_.getScalarElement(lastIndex))
logDebug(s"$name: ... $previousResult")
private def makeZeroScalar(dt: DType): Scalar = dt match {
case DType.INT8 => Scalar.fromByte(0.toByte)
case DType.INT16 => Scalar.fromShort(0.toShort)
case DType.INT32 => Scalar.fromInt(0)
case DType.INT64=> Scalar.fromLong(0)
case DType.FLOAT32 => Scalar.fromFloat(0.0f)
case DType.FLOAT64 => Scalar.fromDouble(0.0)
case dec if dec.isDecimalType =>
if (dec.getTypeId == DType.DTypeEnum.DECIMAL32) {
Scalar.fromDecimal(dec.getScale, 0)
} else if (dec.getTypeId == DType.DTypeEnum.DECIMAL64) {
Scalar.fromDecimal(dec.getScale, 0L)
} else {
Scalar.fromDecimal(dec.getScale, java.math.BigInteger.ZERO)
case other =>
throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Making a zero scalar for $other is not supported")
private[this] def fixUpNonDecimal(samePartitionMask: Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean],
windowedColumnOutput: cudf.ColumnView): cudf.ColumnVector = {
logDebug(s"$name: fix up $previousResult $samePartitionMask")
val ret = (previousResult, samePartitionMask) match {
case (None, _) => incRef(windowedColumnOutput)
case (Some(prev), scala.util.Right(mask)) =>
if (mask) {
// ADD is not null safe, so we have to replace NULL with 0 if and only if prev is also
// not null
if (prev.isValid) {
val nullsReplaced = withResource(windowedColumnOutput.isNull) { nulls =>
withResource(makeZeroScalar(windowedColumnOutput.getType)) { zero =>
nulls.ifElse(zero, windowedColumnOutput)
withResource(nullsReplaced) { nullsReplaced =>
nullsReplaced.binaryOp(BinaryOp.ADD, prev, prev.getType)
} else {
// prev is NULL but NULL + something == NULL which we don't want
} else {
// The mask is all false so do nothing
case (Some(prev), scala.util.Left(mask)) =>
if (prev.isValid) {
val nullsReplaced = withResource(windowedColumnOutput.isNull) { nulls =>
withResource(nulls.and(mask)) { shouldReplace =>
withResource(makeZeroScalar(windowedColumnOutput.getType)) { zero =>
shouldReplace.ifElse(zero, windowedColumnOutput)
withResource(nullsReplaced) { nullsReplaced =>
withResource(nullsReplaced.binaryOp(BinaryOp.ADD, prev, prev.getType)) { updated =>
mask.ifElse(updated, windowedColumnOutput)
} else {
// prev is NULL but NULL + something == NULL which we don't want
closeOnExcept(ret) { ret =>
updateState(ret, None)
private[this] def fixUpDecimal(samePartitionMask: Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean],
windowedColumnOutput: cudf.ColumnView,
dt: DecimalType): cudf.ColumnVector = {
logDebug(s"$name: fix up $previousResult $samePartitionMask")
val (ret, decimalOverflowOnAdd) = (previousResult, previousOverflow, samePartitionMask) match {
case (None, None, _) =>
// The mask is all false so do nothing
withResource(Scalar.fromBool(false)) { falseVal =>
windowedColumnOutput.getRowCount.toInt)) { over =>
(incRef(windowedColumnOutput), over)
case (Some(prev), Some(previousOver), scala.util.Right(mask)) =>
if (mask) {
if (!prev.isValid) {
// So in the window operation we can have a null if all of the input values before it
// were also null or if we overflowed the result and inserted in a null.
// If we overflowed, then all of the output for this group should be null, but the
// overflow check code can handle inserting that, so just inc the ref count and return
// the overflow column.
// If we didn't overflow, and the input is null then
// prev is NULL but NULL + something == NULL which we don't want, so also
// just increment the reference count and go on.
windowedColumnOutput.getRowCount.toInt)) { over =>
(incRef(windowedColumnOutput), over)
} else {
// The previous didn't overflow, so now we need to do the add and check for overflow.
val nullsReplaced = withResource(windowedColumnOutput.isNull) { nulls =>
withResource(makeZeroScalar(windowedColumnOutput.getType)) { zero =>
nulls.ifElse(zero, windowedColumnOutput)
withResource(nullsReplaced) { nullsReplaced =>
closeOnExcept(nullsReplaced.binaryOp(BinaryOp.ADD, prev, prev.getType)) { added =>
(added, AddOverflowChecks.didDecimalOverflow(nullsReplaced, prev, added))
} else {
// The mask is all false so do nothing
withResource(Scalar.fromBool(false)) { falseVal =>
windowedColumnOutput.getRowCount.toInt)) { over =>
(incRef(windowedColumnOutput), over)
case (Some(prev), Some(previousOver), scala.util.Left(mask)) =>
if (prev.isValid) {
// The previous didn't overflow, so now we need to do the add and check for overflow.
val nullsReplaced = withResource(windowedColumnOutput.isNull) { nulls =>
withResource(nulls.and(mask)) { shouldReplace =>
withResource(makeZeroScalar(windowedColumnOutput.getType)) { zero =>
shouldReplace.ifElse(zero, windowedColumnOutput)
withResource(nullsReplaced) { nullsReplaced =>
withResource(nullsReplaced.binaryOp(BinaryOp.ADD, prev, prev.getType)) { added =>
closeOnExcept(mask.ifElse(added, windowedColumnOutput)) { updated =>
withResource(Scalar.fromBool(false)) { falseVal =>
.didDecimalOverflow(nullsReplaced, prev, added)) { over =>
(updated, mask.ifElse(over, falseVal))
} else {
// So in the window operation we can have a null if all of the input values before it
// were also null or if we overflowed the result and inserted in a null.
// If we overflowed, then all of the output for this group should be null, but the
// overflow check code can handle inserting that, so just inc the ref count and return
// the overflow column.
// If we didn't overflow, and the input is null then
// prev is NULL but NULL + something == NULL which we don't want, so also
// just increment the reference count and go on.
windowedColumnOutput.getRowCount.toInt)) { over =>
(incRef(windowedColumnOutput), over)
case _ =>
throw new IllegalStateException("INTERNAL ERROR: Should never have a situation where " +
"prev and previousOver do not match.")
withResource(ret) { _ =>
val outOfBounds = withResource(decimalOverflowOnAdd) { _ =>
withResource(DecimalUtil.outOfBounds(ret, dt)) {
withResource(outOfBounds) { _ =>
closeOnExcept(GpuCast.fixDecimalBounds(ret, outOfBounds, isAnsi)) { replaced =>
updateState(replaced, Some(outOfBounds))
override def fixUp(samePartitionMask: Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean],
sameOrderMask: Option[Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean]],
windowedColumnOutput: cudf.ColumnView): cudf.ColumnVector = {
toType match {
case dt: DecimalType =>
fixUpDecimal(samePartitionMask, windowedColumnOutput, dt)
case _ =>
fixUpNonDecimal(samePartitionMask, windowedColumnOutput)
override def close(): Unit = {
previousResult = None
previousOverflow = None
* Rank is more complicated than DenseRank to fix. This is because there are gaps in the
* rank values. The rank value of each group is row number of the first row in the group.
* So values in the same partition group but not the same ordering are fixed by adding
* the row number from the previous batch to them. If they are a part of the same ordering and
* part of the same partition, then we need to just put in the previous rank value.
* Because we need both a rank and a row number to fix things up the input to this is a struct
* containing a rank column as the first entry and a row number column as the second entry. This
* happens in the `scanCombine` method for GpuRank. It is a little ugly but it works to maintain
* the requirement that the input to the fixer is a single column.
class RankFixer extends BatchedRunningWindowFixer with Logging {
import RankFixer._
// We have to look at row number as well as rank. This fixer is the same one that `GpuRowNumber`
// uses.
private[this] val rowNumFixer = new BatchedRunningWindowBinaryFixer(BinaryOp.ADD, "row_number")
// convenience method to get access to the previous row number.
private[this] def previousRow: Option[Scalar] = rowNumFixer.getPreviousResult
// The previous rank value
private[this] var previousRank: Option[Scalar] = None
// checkpoint
private[this] var checkpointRank: Option[Scalar] = None
override def checkpoint(): Unit = {
checkpointRank = previousRank
override def restore(): Unit = {
if (checkpointRank.isDefined) {
// close previous result
previousRank match {
case Some(r) if r != checkpointRank.get =>
case _ =>
previousRank = checkpointRank
checkpointRank = None
override def needsOrderMask: Boolean = true
override def fixUp(
samePartitionMask: Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean],
sameOrderMask: Option[Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean]],
windowedColumnOutput: cudf.ColumnView): cudf.ColumnVector = {
assert(windowedColumnOutput.getType == DType.STRUCT)
assert(windowedColumnOutput.getNumChildren == 2)
val initialRank = windowedColumnOutput.getChildColumnView(0)
val initialRowNum = windowedColumnOutput.getChildColumnView(1)
val ret = (previousRank, samePartitionMask) match {
case (None, _) => incRef(initialRank)
case (Some(prevRank), scala.util.Right(partMask)) =>
if (partMask) {
// We are in the same partition as the last part of the batch so we have to look at the
// ordering to know what to do.
sameOrderMask.get match {
case scala.util.Left(orderMask) =>
fixRankSamePartition(initialRank, orderMask, prevRank, previousRow)
case scala.util.Right(orderMask) =>
// Technically I think this code is unreachable because the only time a constant
// true or false is returned is if the order by column is empty or if the parts mask
// is false. Spark requires there to be order by columns and we already know that
// the partition mask is true. But it is small so just to be on the safe side.
if (orderMask) {
// it is all for the same partition and order so it is the same value as the
// previous rank
cudf.ColumnVector.fromScalar(prevRank, initialRank.getRowCount.toInt)
} else {
fixRankSamePartDifferentOrdering(initialRank, previousRow)
} else {
case (Some(prevRank), scala.util.Left(partMask)) =>
sameOrderMask.get match {
case scala.util.Left(orderMask) =>
// Fix up the data for the same partition and keep the rest unchanged.
val samePart = fixRankSamePartition(initialRank, orderMask, prevRank, previousRow)
withResource(samePart) { samePart =>
partMask.ifElse(samePart, initialRank)
case scala.util.Right(_) =>
// The framework guarantees that the order by mask is a subset of the group by mask
// So if the group by mask in not a constant, then the order by mask also cannot be
// a constant
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Internal Error the order mask is not a subset of the part mask")
// We just want to update the state for row num
rowNumFixer.fixUp(samePartitionMask, sameOrderMask, initialRowNum).close()
logDebug(s"rank: updateState from $previousRank to...")
previousRank = Some(ret.getScalarElement(ret.getRowCount.toInt - 1))
logDebug(s"rank/row: ... $previousRank $previousRow")
override def close(): Unit = {
previousRank = None
object RankFixer {
private def fixRankSamePartDifferentOrdering(rank: cudf.ColumnView,
previousRow: Option[Scalar]): cudf.ColumnVector =
rank.add(previousRow.get, rank.getType)
private def fixRankSamePartition(rank: cudf.ColumnView,
orderMask: cudf.ColumnView,
prevRank: Scalar,
previousRow: Option[Scalar]): cudf.ColumnVector = {
withResource(fixRankSamePartDifferentOrdering(rank, previousRow)) { partlyFixed =>
orderMask.ifElse(prevRank, partlyFixed)
* Fix up dense rank batches. A dense rank has no gaps in the rank values.
* The rank corresponds to the ordering columns(s) equality. So when a batch
* finishes and another starts that split can either be at the beginning of a
* new order by section or part way through one. If it is at the beginning, then
* like row number we want to just add in the previous value and go on. If
* it was part way through, then we want to add in the previous value minus 1.
* The minus one is to pick up where we left off.
* If anything is outside of a continues partition by group then we just keep
* those values unchanged.
class DenseRankFixer extends BatchedRunningWindowFixer with Logging {
import DenseRankFixer._
private var previousRank: Option[Scalar] = None
// checkpoint
private var checkpointRank: Option[Scalar] = None
override def checkpoint(): Unit = {
checkpointRank = previousRank
override def restore(): Unit = {
if (checkpointRank.isDefined) {
// close previous result
previousRank match {
case Some(r) if r != checkpointRank.get =>
case _ =>
previousRank = checkpointRank
checkpointRank = None
override def needsOrderMask: Boolean = true
override def fixUp(
samePartitionMask: Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean],
sameOrderMask: Option[Either[cudf.ColumnVector, Boolean]],
windowedColumnOutput: cudf.ColumnView): cudf.ColumnVector = {
val ret = (previousRank, samePartitionMask) match {
case (None, _) => incRef(windowedColumnOutput)
case (Some(prevRank), scala.util.Right(partMask)) =>
if (partMask) {
// We are in the same partition as the last part of the batch so we have to look at the
// ordering to know what to do.
sameOrderMask.get match {
case scala.util.Left(orderMask) =>
// It is all in the same partition so just fix it for that.
fixRankInSamePartition(windowedColumnOutput, orderMask, prevRank)
case scala.util.Right(orderMask) =>
// Technically I think this code is unreachable because the only time a constant
// true or false is returned is if the order by column is empty or if the parts mask
// is false. Spark requires there to be order by columns and we already know that
// the partition mask is true. But it is small so just to be on the safe side.
if (orderMask) {
// Everything in this batch is part of the same ordering group too.
// We don't add previous rank - 1, because the current value for everything is 1
// so rank - 1 + 1 == rank.
cudf.ColumnVector.fromScalar(prevRank, windowedColumnOutput.getRowCount.toInt)
} else {
// Same partition but hit an order by boundary.
addPrevRank(windowedColumnOutput, prevRank)
} else {
// Different partition by group so this is a NOOP
case (Some(prevRank), scala.util.Left(partMask)) =>
sameOrderMask.get match {
case scala.util.Left(orderMask) =>
// Fix up the data for the same partition and keep the rest unchanged.
val samePart = fixRankInSamePartition(windowedColumnOutput, orderMask, prevRank)
withResource(samePart) { samePart =>
partMask.ifElse(samePart, windowedColumnOutput)
case scala.util.Right(_) =>
// The framework guarantees that the order by mask is a subset of the group by mask
// So if the group by mask in not a constant, then the order by mask also cannot be
// a constant
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Internal Error the order mask is not a subset of the part mask")
logDebug(s"dense rank: updateState from $previousRank to...")
previousRank = Some(ret.getScalarElement(ret.getRowCount.toInt - 1))
logDebug(s"dense rank: ... $previousRank")
override def close(): Unit = {
previousRank = None
object DenseRankFixer {
private[this] def isFirstTrue(cv: cudf.ColumnView): Boolean = {
withResource(cv.getScalarElement(0)) { scalar =>
private def addPrevRank(cv: cudf.ColumnView, prevRank: Scalar): cudf.ColumnVector =
private[this] def addPrevRankMinusOne(cv: cudf.ColumnView,
prevRank: Scalar): cudf.ColumnVector = {
withResource(addPrevRank(cv, prevRank)) { prev =>
withResource(Scalar.fromInt(1)) { one =>
private def fixRankInSamePartition(
rank: cudf.ColumnView,
orderMask: cudf.ColumnView,
prevRank: Scalar): cudf.ColumnVector = {
// This is a little ugly, but the only way to tell if we are part of the previous order by
// group or not is to look at the orderMask. In this case we check if the first value in the
// mask is true.
val added = if (isFirstTrue(orderMask)) {
addPrevRankMinusOne(rank, prevRank)
} else {
addPrevRank(rank, prevRank)
withResource(added) { added =>
orderMask.ifElse(prevRank, added)
* Rank is a special window operation where it is only supported as a running window. In cudf
* it is only supported as a scan and a group by scan. But there are special requirements beyond
* that when doing the computation as a running batch. To fix up each batch it needs both the rank
* and the row number. To make this work and be efficient there is different behavior for batched
* running window vs non-batched. If it is for a running batch we include the row number values,
* in both the initial projections and in the corresponding aggregations. Then we combine them
* into a struct column in `scanCombine` before it is passed on to the `RankFixer`. If it is not
* a running batch, then we drop the row number part because it is just not needed.
* @param children the order by columns.
* @note this is a running window only operator.
case class GpuRank(children: Seq[Expression]) extends GpuRunningWindowFunction
with GpuBatchedRunningWindowWithFixer with ShimExpression {
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def groupByScanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression] = {
// The requirement is that each input projection has a corresponding aggregation
// associated with it. This also fits with how rank works in cudf, where the input is also
// a single column. If there are multiple order by columns we wrap them in a struct.
// This is not ideal from a memory standpoint, and in the future we might be able to fix this
// with a ColumnView, but for now with how the Java cudf APIs work it would be hard to work
// around.
val orderedBy = if (children.length == 1) {
} else {
val childrenWithNames = children.zipWithIndex.flatMap {
case (expr, idx) => Seq(GpuLiteral(idx.toString, StringType), expr)
// If the computation is for a batched running window then we need a row number too
if (isRunningBatched) {
Seq(orderedBy, GpuLiteral(1, IntegerType))
} else {
override def groupByScanAggregation(
isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[GroupByScanAggregation]] = {
if (isRunningBatched) {
// We are computing both rank and row number so we can fix it up at the end
Seq(AggAndReplace(GroupByScanAggregation.rank(), None),
AggAndReplace(GroupByScanAggregation.sum(), None))
} else {
// Not batched just do the rank
Seq(AggAndReplace(GroupByScanAggregation.rank(), None))
override def scanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression] =
override def scanAggregation(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[ScanAggregation]] = {
if (isRunningBatched) {
// We are computing both rank and row number so we can fix it up at the end
Seq(AggAndReplace(ScanAggregation.rank(), None), AggAndReplace(ScanAggregation.sum(), None))
} else {
// Not batched just do the rank
Seq(AggAndReplace(ScanAggregation.rank(), None))
override def scanCombine(isRunningBatched: Boolean, cols: Seq[ColumnVector]): ColumnVector = {
if (isRunningBatched) {
// When the data is batched we are using the fixer, and it needs rank and row number
// to calculate the final value
assert(cols.length == 2)
ColumnVector.makeStruct(cols: _*)
} else {
assert(cols.length == 1)
override def newFixer(): BatchedRunningWindowFixer = new RankFixer()
* Dense Rank is a special window operation where it is only supported as a running window. In cudf
* it is only supported as a scan and a group by scan.
* @param children the order by columns.
* @note this is a running window only operator
case class GpuDenseRank(children: Seq[Expression]) extends GpuRunningWindowFunction
with GpuBatchedRunningWindowWithFixer {
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def groupByScanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression] = {
// The requirement is that each input projection has a corresponding aggregation
// associated with it. This also fits with how rank works in cudf, where the input is also
// a single column. If there are multiple order by columns we wrap them in a struct.
// This is not ideal from a memory standpoint, and in the future we might be able to fix this
// with a ColumnView, but for now with how the Java cudf APIs work it would be hard to work
// around.
if (children.length == 1) {
} else {
val childrenWithNames = children.zipWithIndex.flatMap {
case (expr, idx) => Seq(GpuLiteral(idx.toString, StringType), expr)
override def groupByScanAggregation(
isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[GroupByScanAggregation]] =
Seq(AggAndReplace(GroupByScanAggregation.denseRank(), None))
override def scanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression] =
override def scanAggregation(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[ScanAggregation]] =
Seq(AggAndReplace(ScanAggregation.denseRank(), None))
override def newFixer(): BatchedRunningWindowFixer = new DenseRankFixer()
* The row number in the window.
* @note this is a running window only operator
case object GpuRowNumber extends GpuRunningWindowFunction
with GpuBatchedRunningWindowWithFixer {
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def dataType: DataType = IntegerType
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Nil
override def newFixer(): BatchedRunningWindowFixer =
new BatchedRunningWindowBinaryFixer(BinaryOp.ADD, "row_number")
// For group by scans cudf does not support ROW_NUMBER so we will do a SUM
// on a column of 1s. We could do a COUNT_ALL too, but it would not be as consistent
// with the non group by scan
override def groupByScanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression] =
Seq(GpuLiteral(1, IntegerType))
override def groupByScanAggregation(
isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[GroupByScanAggregation]] =
Seq(AggAndReplace(GroupByScanAggregation.sum(), None))
// For regular scans cudf does not support ROW_NUMBER, nor does it support COUNT_ALL
// so we will do a SUM on a column of 1s
override def scanInputProjection(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[Expression] =
override def scanAggregation(isRunningBatched: Boolean): Seq[AggAndReplace[ScanAggregation]] =
Seq(AggAndReplace(ScanAggregation.sum(), None))
override def scanCombine(isRunningBatched: Boolean, cols: Seq[ColumnVector]): ColumnVector = {
trait GpuOffsetWindowFunction extends GpuAggregateWindowFunction {
protected val input: Expression
protected val offset: Expression
protected val default: Expression
protected val parsedOffset: Int = offset match {
case GpuLiteral(o: Int, IntegerType) => o
case other =>
throw new IllegalStateException(s"$other is not a supported offset type")
override def nullable: Boolean = default == null || default.nullable || input.nullable
override def dataType: DataType = input.dataType
override def children: Seq[Expression] = Seq(input, offset, default)
override val windowInputProjection: Seq[Expression] = default match {
case GpuLiteral(v, _) if v == null => Seq(input)
case _ => Seq(input, default)
case class GpuLead(input: Expression, offset: Expression, default: Expression)
extends GpuOffsetWindowFunction {
override def windowAggregation(
inputs: Seq[(ColumnVector, Int)]): RollingAggregationOnColumn = {
val in = inputs.toArray
if (in.length > 1) {
// Has a default
RollingAggregation.lead(parsedOffset, in(1)._1).onColumn(in.head._2)
} else {
case class GpuLag(input: Expression, offset: Expression, default: Expression)
extends GpuOffsetWindowFunction {
override def windowAggregation(
inputs: Seq[(ColumnVector, Int)]): RollingAggregationOnColumn = {
val in = inputs.toArray
if (in.length > 1) {
// Has a default
RollingAggregation.lag(parsedOffset, in(1)._1).onColumn(in.head._2)
} else {
* percent_rank() is a running window function in that it only operates on a window of unbounded
* preceding to current row. But the percent part actually makes it need a full count of the number
* of rows in the window. This is why we rewrite the operator to allow us to compute the result
* in a way that will not overflow memory.
case class GpuPercentRank(children: Seq[Expression]) extends GpuReplaceWindowFunction {
override def nullable: Boolean = false
override def dataType: DataType = DoubleType
override def windowReplacement(spec: GpuWindowSpecDefinition): Expression = {
// Spark writes this as
// If(n > one, (rank - one).cast(DoubleType) / (n - one).cast(DoubleType), 0.0d)
// where n is the count of all values in the window and rank is the rank.
// The databricks docs describe it as
// nvl(
// (rank() over (PARTITION BY p ORDER BY o) - 1) /
// (nullif(count(1) over(PARTITION BY p) - 1, 0)),
// 0.0)
// We do it slightly differently to try and optimize things for the GPU.
// We ignore ANSI mode because the count agg will take care of overflows already
// and n - 1 cannot overflow. It also cannot be negative because it is COUNT(1) and 1
// cannot be null.
// A divide by 0 in non-ANSI mode produces a null, which we can use to avoid extra data copies.
// The If/Else from the original Spark expression on the GPU needs to split the input data to
// avoid the ANSI divide throwing an error on the divide by 0 that it is trying to avoid. We
// skip that and just take the null as output, which we can replace with 0.0 afterwards.
// That is the only case when we would get a null as output.
// From this we essentially do
// coalesce(CAST(rank - 1 AS DOUBLE) / CAST(n - 1 AS DOUBLE), 0.0)
val isAnsi = false
val fullUnboundedFrame = GpuSpecifiedWindowFrame(RowFrame,
val fullUnboundedSpec = GpuWindowSpecDefinition(spec.partitionSpec, spec.orderSpec,
val count = GpuWindowExpression(GpuCount(Seq(GpuLiteral(1))), fullUnboundedSpec)
val rank = GpuWindowExpression(GpuRank(children), spec)
val rankMinusOne = GpuCast(GpuSubtract(rank, GpuLiteral(1), isAnsi), DoubleType, isAnsi)
val countMinusOne = GpuCast(GpuSubtract(count, GpuLiteral(1L), isAnsi), DoubleType, isAnsi)
val divided = GpuDivide(rankMinusOne, countMinusOne, failOnError = isAnsi)
GpuCoalesce(Seq(divided, GpuLiteral(0.0)))
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