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org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.execution.GpuShuffleExchangeExecBase.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2019-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.execution
import scala.collection.AbstractIterator
import scala.concurrent.Future
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.shims.{GpuHashPartitioning, GpuRangePartitioning, ShimUnaryExecNode, ShuffleOriginUtil, SparkShimImpl}
import org.apache.spark.{MapOutputStatistics, ShuffleDependency}
import org.apache.spark.rapids.shims.GpuShuffleExchangeExec
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.serializer.Serializer
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Ascending, Attribute, SortOrder}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.RoundRobinPartitioning
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.TreeNodeTag
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.SparkPlan
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.adaptive.AdaptiveSparkPlanExec
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.exchange.{Exchange, ShuffleExchangeExec}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric._
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.GpuShuffleDependency
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.ColumnarBatch
import org.apache.spark.util.MutablePair
abstract class GpuShuffleMetaBase(
shuffle: ShuffleExchangeExec,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_, _, _]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule)
extends SparkPlanMeta[ShuffleExchangeExec](shuffle, conf, parent, rule) {
// Some kinds of Partitioning are a type of expression, but Partitioning itself is not
// so don't let them leak through as expressions
override val childExprs: scala.Seq[ExprMeta[_]] = Seq.empty
override val childParts: scala.Seq[PartMeta[_]] =
Seq(GpuOverrides.wrapPart(shuffle.outputPartitioning, conf, Some(this)))
// Propagate possible type conversions on the output attributes of map-side plans to
// reduce-side counterparts. We can pass through the outputs of child because Shuffle will
// not change the data schema. And we need to pass through because Shuffle itself and
// reduce-side plans may failed to pass the type check for tagging CPU data types rather
// than their GPU counterparts.
// Taking AggregateExec with TypedImperativeAggregate function as example:
// Assume I have a query: SELECT a, COLLECT_LIST(b) FROM table GROUP BY a, which physical plan
// looks like:
// ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[a#10], functions=[collect_list(b#11, 0, 0)],
// output=[a#10, collect_list(b)#17])
// +- Exchange hashpartitioning(a#10, 200), true, [id=#13]
// +- ObjectHashAggregate(keys=[a#10], functions=[partial_collect_list(b#11, 0, 0)],
// output=[a#10, buf#21])
// +- LocalTableScan [a#10, b#11]
// We will override the data type of buf#21 in GpuNoHashAggregateMeta. Otherwise, the partial
// Aggregate will fall back to CPU because buf#21 produce a GPU-unsupported type: BinaryType.
// Just like the partial Aggregate, the ShuffleExchange will also fall back to CPU unless we
// apply the same type overriding as its child plan: the partial Aggregate.
override protected val useOutputAttributesOfChild: Boolean = true
// For transparent plan like ShuffleExchange, the accessibility of runtime data transition is
// depended on the next non-transparent plan. So, we need to trace back.
override val availableRuntimeDataTransition: Boolean =
override def tagPlanForGpu(): Unit = {
if (!ShuffleOriginUtil.isSupported(shuffle.shuffleOrigin)) {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"${shuffle.shuffleOrigin} not supported on GPU")
shuffle.outputPartitioning match {
case _: RoundRobinPartitioning
if SparkShimImpl.sessionFromPlan(shuffle).sessionState.conf
.sortBeforeRepartition =>
val orderableTypes = GpuOverrides.pluginSupportedOrderableSig +
.foreach { dataType =>
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"round-robin partitioning cannot sort $dataType to run " +
s"this on the GPU set ${SQLConf.SORT_BEFORE_REPARTITION.key} to false")
case _ =>
// When AQE is enabled, we need to preserve meta data as outputAttributes and
// availableRuntimeDataTransition to the spark plan for the subsequent query stages.
// These meta data will be fetched in the SparkPlanMeta of CustomShuffleReaderExec.
if (wrapped.getTagValue(GpuShuffleMetaBase.shuffleExOutputAttributes).isEmpty) {
wrapped.setTagValue(GpuShuffleMetaBase.shuffleExOutputAttributes, outputAttributes)
if (wrapped.getTagValue(GpuShuffleMetaBase.availableRuntimeDataTransition).isEmpty) {
override final def convertToGpu(): GpuExec = {
// Any AQE child node should be marked columnar if we're columnar.
val newChild = childPlans.head.wrapped match {
case adaptive: AdaptiveSparkPlanExec =>
val goal = TargetSize(conf.gpuTargetBatchSizeBytes)
SparkShimImpl.columnarAdaptivePlan(adaptive, goal)
case _ => childPlans.head.convertIfNeeded()
protected def convertShuffleToGpu(newChild: SparkPlan): GpuExec = {
object GpuShuffleMetaBase {
val shuffleExOutputAttributes = TreeNodeTag[Seq[Attribute]](
val availableRuntimeDataTransition = TreeNodeTag[Boolean](
* Performs a shuffle that will result in the desired partitioning.
abstract class GpuShuffleExchangeExecBaseWithMetrics(
gpuOutputPartitioning: GpuPartitioning,
child: SparkPlan) extends GpuShuffleExchangeExecBase(gpuOutputPartitioning, child) {
// 'mapOutputStatisticsFuture' is only needed when enable AQE.
@transient lazy val mapOutputStatisticsFuture: Future[MapOutputStatistics] = {
if (inputBatchRDD.getNumPartitions == 0) {
} else {
* Performs a shuffle that will result in the desired partitioning.
abstract class GpuShuffleExchangeExecBase(
gpuOutputPartitioning: GpuPartitioning,
child: SparkPlan) extends Exchange with ShimUnaryExecNode with GpuExec {
import GpuMetric._
private lazy val useGPUShuffle = {
gpuOutputPartitioning match {
case gpuPartitioning: GpuPartitioning => gpuPartitioning.usesGPUShuffle
case _ => false
private lazy val useMultiThreadedShuffle = {
gpuOutputPartitioning match {
case gpuPartitioning: GpuPartitioning => gpuPartitioning.usesMultiThreadedShuffle
case _ => false
// Shuffle produces a lot of small output batches that should be coalesced together.
// This coalesce occurs on the GPU and should always be done when using RAPIDS shuffle,
// when it is under UCX or CACHE_ONLY modes.
// Normal shuffle performs the coalesce on the CPU to optimize the transfers to the GPU.
override def coalesceAfter: Boolean = useGPUShuffle
private lazy val writeMetrics =
lazy val readMetrics =
override lazy val additionalMetrics : Map[String, GpuMetric] = Map(
// dataSize and dataReadSize are uncompressed, one is on write and the
// other on read
"dataSize" -> createSizeMetric(ESSENTIAL_LEVEL,"data size"),
"dataReadSize" -> createSizeMetric(MODERATE_LEVEL, "data read size"),
"rapidsShuffleSerializationTime" ->
createNanoTimingMetric(DEBUG_LEVEL,"rs. serialization time"),
"rapidsShuffleDeserializationTime" ->
createNanoTimingMetric(DEBUG_LEVEL,"rs. deserialization time"),
"rapidsShuffleWriteTime" ->
createNanoTimingMetric(ESSENTIAL_LEVEL,"rs. shuffle write time"),
"rapidsShuffleCombineTime" ->
createNanoTimingMetric(DEBUG_LEVEL,"rs. shuffle combine time"),
"rapidsShuffleWriteIoTime" ->
createNanoTimingMetric(DEBUG_LEVEL,"rs. shuffle write io time"),
"rapidsShuffleReadTime" ->
createNanoTimingMetric(ESSENTIAL_LEVEL,"rs. shuffle read time")
) ++ GpuMetric.wrap(readMetrics) ++ GpuMetric.wrap(writeMetrics)
// Spark doesn't report totalTime for this operator so we override metrics
override lazy val allMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric] = Map(
) ++ additionalMetrics
override def nodeName: String = "GpuColumnarExchange"
def shuffleDependency : ShuffleDependency[Int, InternalRow, InternalRow] = {
throw new IllegalStateException()
private lazy val sparkTypes: Array[DataType] = child.output.map(_.dataType).toArray
// This value must be lazy because the child's output may not have been resolved
// yet in all cases.
private lazy val serializer: Serializer = new GpuColumnarBatchSerializer(
@transient lazy val inputBatchRDD: RDD[ColumnarBatch] = child.executeColumnar()
* A `ShuffleDependency` that will partition columnar batches of its child based on
* the partitioning scheme defined in `newPartitioning`. Those partitions of
* the returned ShuffleDependency will be the input of shuffle.
lazy val shuffleDependencyColumnar : ShuffleDependency[Int, ColumnarBatch, ColumnarBatch] = {
* Caches the created ShuffleBatchRDD so we can reuse that.
private var cachedShuffleRDD: ShuffledBatchRDD = null
protected override def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] =
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Row-based execution should not occur for $this")
override def internalDoExecuteColumnar(): RDD[ColumnarBatch] = SparkShimImpl
.attachTreeIfSupported(this, "execute") {
// Returns the same ShuffleRowRDD if this plan is used by multiple plans.
if (cachedShuffleRDD == null) {
cachedShuffleRDD = new ShuffledBatchRDD(shuffleDependencyColumnar, metrics ++ readMetrics)
object GpuShuffleExchangeExecBase {
def prepareBatchShuffleDependency(
rdd: RDD[ColumnarBatch],
outputAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
newPartitioning: GpuPartitioning,
sparkTypes: Array[DataType],
serializer: Serializer,
useGPUShuffle: Boolean,
useMultiThreadedShuffle: Boolean,
metrics: Map[String, GpuMetric],
writeMetrics: Map[String, SQLMetric],
additionalMetrics: Map[String, GpuMetric])
: ShuffleDependency[Int, ColumnarBatch, ColumnarBatch] = {
val isRoundRobin = newPartitioning match {
case _: GpuRoundRobinPartitioning => true
case _ => false
* Analogous to how spark config for sorting before repartition works, the GPU implementation
* here sorts on the GPU over all columns of the table in ascending order and nulls as smallest.
* This essentially means the results are not one to one w.r.t. the row hashcode based sort.
* As long as we don't mix and match repartition() between CPU and GPU this should not be a
* concern. Latest spark behavior does not even require this sort as it fails the upstream
* task when indeterminate tasks re-run.
val newRdd = if (isRoundRobin && SQLConf.get.sortBeforeRepartition) {
val boundReferences = outputAttributes.zipWithIndex.map { case (attr, index) =>
SortOrder(GpuBoundReference(index, attr.dataType,
attr.nullable)(attr.exprId, attr.name), Ascending)
// Force the sequence to materialize so we don't have issues with serializing too much
val sorter = new GpuSorter(boundReferences, outputAttributes)
rdd.mapPartitions { cbIter =>
GpuSortEachBatchIterator(cbIter, sorter, false)
} else {
val partitioner: GpuExpression = getPartitioner(newRdd, outputAttributes, newPartitioning)
def getPartitioned: ColumnarBatch => Any = {
batch => partitioner.columnarEvalAny(batch)
val rddWithPartitionIds: RDD[Product2[Int, ColumnarBatch]] = {
newRdd.mapPartitions { iter =>
val getParts = getPartitioned
new AbstractIterator[Product2[Int, ColumnarBatch]] {
private var partitioned : Array[(ColumnarBatch, Int)] = _
private var at = 0
private val mutablePair = new MutablePair[Int, ColumnarBatch]()
private def partNextBatch(): Unit = {
if (partitioned != null) {
partitioned = null
at = 0
if (iter.hasNext) {
var batch = iter.next()
while (batch.numRows == 0 && iter.hasNext) {
batch = iter.next()
// Get a non-empty batch or the last batch. So still need to
// check if it is empty for the later case.
if (batch.numRows > 0) {
partitioned = getParts(batch).asInstanceOf[Array[(ColumnarBatch, Int)]]
partitioned.foreach(batches => {
metrics(GpuMetric.NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS) += batches._1.numRows()
metrics(GpuMetric.NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES) += partitioned.length
at = 0
} else {
override def hasNext: Boolean = {
if (partitioned == null || at >= partitioned.length) {
partitioned != null && at < partitioned.length
override def next(): Product2[Int, ColumnarBatch] = {
if (partitioned == null || at >= partitioned.length) {
if (partitioned == null || at >= partitioned.length) {
throw new NoSuchElementException("Walked off of the end...")
val tup = partitioned(at)
mutablePair.update(tup._2, tup._1)
at += 1
// Now, we manually create a GpuShuffleDependency. Because pairs in rddWithPartitionIds
// are in the form of (partitionId, row) and every partitionId is in the expected range
// [0, part.numPartitions - 1]. The partitioner of this is a PartitionIdPassthrough.
// We do a GPU version because it allows us to know that the data is on the GPU so we can
// detect it and do further processing if needed.
val dependency =
new GpuShuffleDependency[Int, ColumnarBatch, ColumnarBatch](
new BatchPartitionIdPassthrough(newPartitioning.numPartitions),
shuffleWriterProcessor = ShuffleExchangeExec.createShuffleWriteProcessor(writeMetrics),
useGPUShuffle = useGPUShuffle,
useMultiThreadedShuffle = useMultiThreadedShuffle,
metrics = GpuMetric.unwrap(additionalMetrics))
private def getPartitioner(
rdd: RDD[ColumnarBatch],
outputAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
newPartitioning: GpuPartitioning): GpuExpression with GpuPartitioning = {
newPartitioning match {
case h: GpuHashPartitioning =>
GpuBindReferences.bindReference(h, outputAttributes)
case r: GpuRangePartitioning =>
val sorter = new GpuSorter(r.gpuOrdering, outputAttributes)
val bounds = GpuRangePartitioner.createRangeBounds(r.numPartitions, sorter,
rdd, SQLConf.get.rangeExchangeSampleSizePerPartition)
// No need to bind arguments for the GpuRangePartitioner. The Sorter has already done it
new GpuRangePartitioner(bounds, sorter)
case GpuSinglePartitioning =>
case rrp: GpuRoundRobinPartitioning =>
GpuBindReferences.bindReference(rrp, outputAttributes)
case _ => sys.error(s"Exchange not implemented for $newPartitioning")
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