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com.nvidia.spark.rapids.AlluxioUtils.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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 * Copyright (c) 2022-2023, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.

package com.nvidia.spark.rapids


import scala.util.control.NonFatal

import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.shims.PartitionedFileUtilsShim
import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration
import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path

import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.sql.RuntimeConfig
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{DynamicPruning, Expression, PlanExpression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.{CatalogFileIndex, FileIndex, HadoopFsRelation, InMemoryFileIndex, PartitionDirectory, PartitionedFile, PartitionSpec}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.rapids.GpuPartitioningUtils

 * Utilities for using Alluxio with the plugin for reading.
 * Currently we only support Alluxio with the Datasource v1 Parquet reader.
 * We currently support 2 different replacement algorithms:
 *    CONVERT_TIME: this replaces the file path when we convert a FileSourceScanExec to
 *      a GpuFileSourceScanExec. This will create an entirely new FileIndex and potentially
 *      has to re-infer the partitioning if its not a FileIndex type we know. So this can
 *      cause an extra list leaf files which for many files will run another job and thus
 *      has additional overhead. This will update the file locations to be the
 *      Alluxio specific ones if the data is already cached. In order to support the
 *      input_file_name functionality we have to convert the alluxio:// path back to its
 *      original url when we go to actually read the file.
 *    TASK_TIME: this replaces the file path as late as possible on the task side when
 *      we actually go to read the file. This makes is so that the original non-Alluxio
 *      path gets reported for the input_file_name properly without having to convert
 *      paths back to the original. This also has the benefit that it can be more performant
 *      if it doesn't have to do the extra list leaf files, but you don't get the
 *      locality information updated. So for small Alluxio clusters or with Spark
 *      clusters short on task slots this may be a better fit.
 * The way we do the actual replacement algorithm differs depending on the file reader
 * PERFILE is not supported with Alluxio due to not easily being able to fix up
 * input_file_name. We could but would require copying the FileScanRDD so skip for now.
 * The COALESCING reader is not support when input_file_name is requested so it falls
 * back to the MULTITHREADED reader if that is used, when input_file_name is not requested,
 * we replace the paths properly based on the replacement algorithm and don't have to worry
 * about calculating the original path.  The MULTITHREADED reader supports input_file_name
 * so it handles calculating the original file path in the case of the convert time algorithm.
 * In order to do the replacement at task time and to output the original path for convert
 * time, we need to have a mapping of the original scheme to the alluxio scheme. This has been
 * made a parameter to many of the readers. With auto mount and task time replacement,
 * we make a pass through the files on the driver side in GpuFileSourceScanExec in order to
 * do the mounting before the tasks try to access alluxio.
 * Note that Delta Lake uses the input_file_name functionality to do things like
 * Updates and Deletes and will fail if the path has the alluxio:// in it.
 * Below we support 2 configs to turn on Alluxio, we have the automount which uses a regex
 * to replace paths and then we have the config that specifies direct paths to replace and
 * user has to manually mount those.
object AlluxioUtils extends Logging {
  private val checkedAlluxioPath = scala.collection.mutable.HashSet[String]()
  private val ALLUXIO_SCHEME = "alluxio://"
  private val mountedBuckets: scala.collection.mutable.Map[String, String] =
  private var alluxioPathsToReplaceMap: Option[Map[String, String]] = None
  private var alluxioBucketRegex: Option[String] = None
  private var isInitReplaceMap: Boolean = false
  private var isInitMountPointsForAutoMount: Boolean = false
  private var alluxioFS: AlluxioFS = new AlluxioFS()
  private var alluxioMasterAndPortReader = new AlluxioConfigReader()

  private def checkAlluxioMounted(
      hadoopConfiguration: Configuration,
      alluxio_path: String): Unit = {
    this.synchronized {
      if (!checkedAlluxioPath.contains(alluxio_path)) {
        val path = new Path(alluxio_path)
        val fs = path.getFileSystem(hadoopConfiguration)
        if (!fs.exists(path)) {
          throw new FileNotFoundException(
            s"Alluxio path $alluxio_path does not exist, maybe forgot to mount it")
        logDebug(s"Alluxio path $alluxio_path is mounted")
      } else {
        logDebug(s"Alluxio path $alluxio_path already mounted")

  // By default, read from /opt/alluxio, refer to `spark.rapids.alluxio.home` config in `RapidsConf`
  private def readAlluxioMasterAndPort(conf: RapidsConf): (String, String) = {

  // Read out alluxio.master.hostname, alluxio.master.rpc.port
  // from Alluxio's conf
  // We require an environment variable "ALLUXIO_HOME"
  // This function will only read once from ALLUXIO/conf.
  private def initAlluxioInfo(conf: RapidsConf, hadoopConf: Configuration,
      runtimeConf: RuntimeConfig): Unit = {
    this.synchronized {
      // left outside isInit to allow changing at runtime

      if (AlluxioCfgUtils.isConfiguredReplacementMap(conf)) {
        // replace-map is enabled, if set this will invalid the auto-mount
        if (!isInitReplaceMap) {
          alluxioPathsToReplaceMap = getReplacementMapOption(conf)
          isInitReplaceMap = true
      } else if (conf.getAlluxioAutoMountEnabled) {
        // auto-mount is enabled
        if (!isInitMountPointsForAutoMount) {
          val (alluxioMasterHostStr, alluxioMasterPortStr) = readAlluxioMasterAndPort(conf)
          alluxioBucketRegex = Some(conf.getAlluxioBucketRegex)
          // load mounted point by call Alluxio client.
          try {
            val (access_key, secret_key) = getKeyAndSecret(hadoopConf, runtimeConf)
            // get existing mount points
            alluxioFS.setHostAndPort(alluxioMasterHostStr, alluxioMasterPortStr.toInt)
            alluxioFS.setUserAndKeys(conf.getAlluxioUser, access_key, secret_key)
            val mountPoints = alluxioFS.getExistingMountPoints()

            mountPoints.foreach { case (alluxioPath, s3Path) =>
              // record map info from alluxio path to s3 path
              mountedBuckets(alluxioPath) = s3Path
              logInfo(s"Found mounted bucket $s3Path to $alluxioPath")
          } catch {
            case NonFatal(e) => logWarning(s"Failed to get alluxio mount table", e)
          isInitMountPointsForAutoMount = true
      } else {
        // disabled Alluxio feature, do nothing

  // The path should be like s3://bucket/... or s3a://bucket/...
  private def getSchemeAndBucketFromPath(path: String): (String, String) = {
    val i = path.split("://")
    val scheme = i(0)
    if (i.length <= 1) {
      throw new RuntimeException(s"path $path is not expected for Alluxio auto mount")
    val bucket = i(1).split("/")(0)
    (scheme + "://", bucket)

  // path is like "s3://foo/test...", it mounts bucket "foo" by calling the alluxio CLI
  // And we'll append --option to set access_key and secret_key if existing.
  // Suppose the key doesn't exist when using like Databricks's instance profile
  private def autoMountBucket(alluxioUser: String, scheme: String, bucket: String,
      s3AccessKey: Option[String], s3SecretKey: Option[String]): Unit = {

    // to match the output of alluxio fs mount, append / to remote_path
    // and add / before bucket name for absolute path in Alluxio
    val remote_path = scheme + bucket + "/"
    val local_bucket = "/" + bucket
    this.synchronized {
      if (!mountedBuckets.contains(local_bucket)) {
        try {
          // not mount yet, call mount command
          // we only support s3 or s3a bucket for now.
          // To support other cloud storage,
          // we need to support credential parameters for the others
          alluxioFS.setUserAndKeys(alluxioUser, s3AccessKey, s3SecretKey)
          alluxioFS.mount(local_bucket, remote_path)
          logInfo(s"Mounted bucket $remote_path to $local_bucket in Alluxio")
          mountedBuckets(local_bucket) = remote_path
        } catch {
          case NonFatal(e) =>
            throw new RuntimeException(s"Mount bucket $remote_path to $local_bucket failed", e)
      } else if (mountedBuckets(local_bucket).equals(remote_path)) {
        logDebug(s"Already mounted bucket $remote_path to $local_bucket in Alluxio")
      } else {
        throw new RuntimeException(s"Found a same bucket name in $remote_path " +
          s"and ${mountedBuckets(local_bucket)}")

  // first try to get fs.s3a.access.key from spark config
  // second try to get from environment variables
  private def getKeyAndSecret(
      hadoopConfiguration: Configuration,
      runtimeConf: RuntimeConfig): (Option[String], Option[String]) = {
    val hadoopAccessKey =
    val hadoopSecretKey =
    if (hadoopAccessKey != null && hadoopSecretKey != null) {
      (Some(hadoopAccessKey), Some(hadoopSecretKey))
    } else {
      val accessKey = runtimeConf.getOption("spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key")
      val secretKey = runtimeConf.getOption("spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key")
      if (accessKey.isDefined && secretKey.isDefined) {
        (accessKey, secretKey)
      } else {
        val envAccessKey = scala.util.Properties.envOrNone("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID")
        val envSecretKey = scala.util.Properties.envOrNone("AWS_ACCESS_SECRET_KEY")
        (envAccessKey, envSecretKey)

  private def replaceSchemeWithAlluxio(file: String, scheme: String, masterPort: String): String = {
    // replace s3://foo/.. to alluxio://alluxioMasterHostAndPort/foo/...
    val newFile = file.replaceFirst(scheme, ALLUXIO_SCHEME + masterPort + "/")
    logDebug(s"Replace $file to $newFile")

  private def genFuncForPathReplacement(
      replaceMapOption: Option[Map[String, String]])
  : Option[Path => AlluxioPathReplaceConvertTime] = {
    if (replaceMapOption.isDefined) {
      Some((f: Path) => {
        val pathStr = f.toString
        val matchedSet = replaceMapOption.get.filter(a => pathStr.startsWith(a._1))
        if (matchedSet.size > 1) {
          // never reach here since replaceMap is a Map
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Found ${matchedSet.size} same replacing rules " +
            s"from ${RapidsConf.ALLUXIO_PATHS_REPLACE.key} which requires only 1 rule " +
            s"for each file path")
        } else if (matchedSet.size == 1) {
          val res = AlluxioPathReplaceConvertTime(
            new Path(pathStr.replaceFirst(matchedSet.head._1, matchedSet.head._2)),
          logDebug(s"Specific path replacement, replacing paths with: $res")
        } else {
          AlluxioPathReplaceConvertTime(f, None)
    } else {

  private def genFuncForAutoMountReplacement(
      alluxioUser: String,
      runtimeConf: RuntimeConfig,
      hadoopConf: Configuration): Option[Path => AlluxioPathReplaceConvertTime] = {

    Some((f: Path) => {
      val pathStr = f.toString
      val res = if (pathStr.matches(alluxioBucketRegex.get)) {
        val (access_key, secret_key) = getKeyAndSecret(hadoopConf, runtimeConf)
        val (scheme, bucket) = getSchemeAndBucketFromPath(pathStr)
        autoMountBucket(alluxioUser, scheme, bucket, access_key, secret_key)
          new Path(replaceSchemeWithAlluxio(pathStr, scheme, alluxioFS.getMasterHostAndPort().get)),
      } else {
        AlluxioPathReplaceConvertTime(f, None)
      logDebug(s"Automount replacing paths: $res")

  // Contains the file string to read and contains a boolean indicating if the
  // path was updated to an alluxio:// path.
  private case class AlluxioPathReplaceTaskTime(fileStr: String, wasReplaced: Boolean)

  // Contains the file Path to read and optionally contains the prefix of the original path.
  // The original path is needed when using the input_file_name option with the reader so
  // it reports the original path and not the alluxio version
  case class AlluxioPathReplaceConvertTime(filePath: Path, origPrefix: Option[String])

  // Replaces the file name with Alluxio one if it matches.
  // Returns a tuple with the file path and whether or not it replaced the
  // scheme with the Alluxio one.
  private def genFuncForTaskTimeReplacement(pathsToReplace: Map[String, String])
  : String => AlluxioPathReplaceTaskTime = {
    (pathStr: String) => {
      // pathsToReplace contain strings of exact paths to replace
      val matchedSet = pathsToReplace.filter { case (pattern, _) => pathStr.startsWith(pattern) }
      if (matchedSet.size > 1) {
        // never reach here since replaceMap is a Map
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Found ${matchedSet.size} same replacing rules " +
          s"from ${RapidsConf.ALLUXIO_PATHS_REPLACE.key} which requires only 1 rule " +
          s"for each file path")
      } else if (matchedSet.size == 1) {
          pathStr.replaceFirst(matchedSet.head._1, matchedSet.head._2), wasReplaced = true)
      } else {
        AlluxioPathReplaceTaskTime(pathStr, wasReplaced = false)

  private def getReplacementMapOption(conf: RapidsConf): Option[Map[String, String]] = {
    val alluxioPathsReplace: Option[Seq[String]] = conf.getAlluxioPathsToReplace
    // alluxioPathsReplace: Seq("key->value", "key1->value1")
    // turn the rules to the Map with eg
    // { s3://foo -> alluxio://,
    //   gs://bar -> alluxio:// }
    if (alluxioPathsReplace.isDefined) { => { => {
          val split = rule.split("->")
          if (split.size == 2) {
            split(0).trim -> split(1).trim
          } else {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Invalid setting for " +
    } else {

  private def getReplacementFunc(
      conf: RapidsConf,
      runtimeConf: RuntimeConfig,
      hadoopConf: Configuration): Option[Path => AlluxioPathReplaceConvertTime] = {
    if (conf.getAlluxioPathsToReplace.isDefined) {
    } else if (conf.getAlluxioAutoMountEnabled) {
      genFuncForAutoMountReplacement(conf.getAlluxioUser, runtimeConf, hadoopConf)
    } else {

  // assumes Alluxio directories already mounted at this point
  def updateFilesTaskTimeIfAlluxio(
      origFiles: Array[PartitionedFile],
      alluxioPathReplacementMap: Option[Map[String, String]])
  : Array[PartitionedFileInfoOptAlluxio] = {
    val res: Array[PartitionedFileInfoOptAlluxio] = { pathsToReplace =>
        replacePathInPartitionFileTaskTimeIfNeeded(pathsToReplace, origFiles)
      }.getOrElse(, None)))
    logDebug(s"Updated files at TASK_TIME for Alluxio: ${res.mkString(",")}")

  // Replaces the path if needed and returns the replaced path and optionally the
  // original file if it replaced the scheme with an Alluxio scheme.
  private def replacePathInPartitionFileTaskTimeIfNeeded(
      pathsToReplace: Map[String, String],
      files: Array[PartitionedFile]): Array[PartitionedFileInfoOptAlluxio] = {
    val replaceFunc = genFuncForTaskTimeReplacement(pathsToReplace) { file =>
      val replacedFileInfo = replaceFunc(file.filePath.toString())
      if (replacedFileInfo.wasReplaced) {
        logDebug(s"TASK_TIME replaced ${file.filePath} with ${replacedFileInfo.fileStr}")
          replacedFileInfo.fileStr, file.start, file.length),
      } else {
        PartitionedFileInfoOptAlluxio(file, None)

  // if auto-mount, use this to check if need replacements
  def autoMountIfNeeded(
      conf: RapidsConf,
      pds: Seq[PartitionDirectory],
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      runtimeConf: RuntimeConfig): Option[Map[String, String]] = {
    val alluxioAutoMountEnabled = conf.getAlluxioAutoMountEnabled
    initAlluxioInfo(conf, hadoopConf, runtimeConf)
    if (alluxioAutoMountEnabled) {
      val (access_key, secret_key) = getKeyAndSecret(hadoopConf, runtimeConf)
      val replacedSchemes = pds.flatMap { pd => { file =>
          if (file.matches(alluxioBucketRegex.get)) {
            val (scheme, bucket) = getSchemeAndBucketFromPath(file)
            autoMountBucket(conf.getAlluxioUser, scheme, bucket, access_key, secret_key)
          } else {
      if (replacedSchemes.nonEmpty) {
        val alluxioMasterHostAndPort = alluxioFS.getMasterHostAndPort()
        Some( -> (ALLUXIO_SCHEME + alluxioMasterHostAndPort.get + "/")).toMap)
      } else {
    } else {

  // If specified replace map, use this to check if need replacements
  def checkIfNeedsReplaced(
      conf: RapidsConf,
      pds: Seq[PartitionDirectory],
      hadoopConf: Configuration,
      runtimeConf: RuntimeConfig): Option[Map[String, String]] = {
    initAlluxioInfo(conf, hadoopConf, runtimeConf)
    val anyToReplace = pds.exists { pd => { file =>
        val matchedSet = alluxioPathsToReplaceMap.get.filter(a => file.startsWith(a._1))
        if (matchedSet.size > 1) {
          // never reach here since replaceMap is a Map
          throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Found ${matchedSet.size} same replacing rules " +
            s"from ${RapidsConf.ALLUXIO_PATHS_REPLACE.key} which requires only 1 rule " +
            s"for each file path")
        } else if (matchedSet.size == 1) {
        } else {
    if (anyToReplace) {
    } else {

  // reverse the replacePathIfNeeded, returns a tuple of the file passed in and then if it
  // was replaced the original file
  def getOrigPathFromReplaced(pfs: Array[PartitionedFile],
      pathsToReplace: Map[String, String]): Array[PartitionedFileInfoOptAlluxio] = { { pf =>
      val file = pf.filePath.toString()
      // pathsToReplace contain strings of exact paths to replace
      val matchedSet = pathsToReplace.filter { case (_, alluxioPattern) =>
      if (matchedSet.size > 1) {
        // never reach here since replaceMap is a Map
        throw new IllegalArgumentException(s"Found ${matchedSet.size} same replacing rules " +
          s"from ${RapidsConf.ALLUXIO_PATHS_REPLACE.key} which requires only 1 rule " +
          s"for each file path")
      } else if (matchedSet.size == 1) {
        val replacedFile = file.replaceFirst(matchedSet.head._2, matchedSet.head._1)
        logDebug(s"getOrigPath replacedFile: $replacedFile")
          Some(PartitionedFileUtilsShim.newPartitionedFile(pf.partitionValues, replacedFile,
            pf.start, file.length)))
      } else {
        PartitionedFileInfoOptAlluxio(pf, None)

  // This is used when replacement algorithm is CONVERT_TIME and causes
  // a new lookup on the alluxio files. For unknown FileIndex types it can
  // also cause us to have to infer the partitioning again.
  def replacePathIfNeeded(
      conf: RapidsConf,
      relation: HadoopFsRelation,
      partitionFilters: Seq[Expression],
      dataFilters: Seq[Expression]): (FileIndex, Option[Map[String, String]]) = {
    val hadoopConf = relation.sparkSession.sparkContext.hadoopConfiguration
    val runtimeConf = relation.sparkSession.conf
    initAlluxioInfo(conf, hadoopConf, runtimeConf)
    val replaceFunc = getReplacementFunc(conf, runtimeConf, hadoopConf)

    val (location, allReplacedPrefixes) = if (replaceFunc.isDefined) {
      def replacePathsInPartitionSpec(spec: PartitionSpec): (PartitionSpec, Seq[String]) = {
        val partitionsWithPathsReplaced = { p =>
          val replacedPathAndPrefix = replaceFunc.get(p.path)
        val paths =
        val replacedPrefixes = partitionsWithPathsReplaced.flatMap(_._2)
        (PartitionSpec(spec.partitionColumns, paths), replacedPrefixes)

      def createNewFileIndexWithPathsReplaced(
          spec: PartitionSpec,
          rootPaths: Seq[Path]): (InMemoryFileIndex, Seq[String]) = {
        val (specAdjusted, replacedPrefixes) = replacePathsInPartitionSpec(spec)
        val replacedPathsAndIndicator =
        val replacedPaths =
        val didReplaceAnyRoots = replacedPathsAndIndicator.flatMap(_.origPrefix)
        val fi = new InMemoryFileIndex(
          userSpecifiedPartitionSpec = Some(specAdjusted))
        (fi, didReplaceAnyRoots ++ replacedPrefixes)

      // Before this change,
      // if we know the type of file index, try to reuse as much of the existing
      // FileIndex as we can to keep from having to recalculate it and potentially
      // mess it up. But this causes always reading old files, see the issue of this PR.
      // Now, because we have the Task time replacement algorithm,
      // just fall back to inferring partitioning for all FileIndex types except
      // CatalogFileIndex.
      // We use this approach to handle all the file index types for all CSPs like Databricks.
      relation.location match {
        case cfi: CatalogFileIndex =>
          logDebug("Handling CatalogFileIndex")
          val memFI = cfi.filterPartitions(Nil)
          createNewFileIndexWithPathsReplaced(memFI.partitionSpec(), memFI.rootPaths)
        case _ =>
          logDebug(s"Handling file index type: ${relation.location.getClass}")

          // With the base Spark FileIndex type we don't know how to modify it to
          // just replace the paths so we have to try to recompute.
          def isDynamicPruningFilter(e: Expression): Boolean = {
            e.isInstanceOf[DynamicPruning] || e.find(_.isInstanceOf[PlanExpression[_]]).isDefined

          val partitionDirs = relation.location.listFiles(
            partitionFilters.filterNot(isDynamicPruningFilter), dataFilters)

          // replace all of input files
          val inputFilesAndDidReplace = partitionDirs.flatMap(partitionDir => {
   => replaceFunc.get(f.getPath))
          val inputFiles =
          val didReplaceAny = inputFilesAndDidReplace.flatMap(_.origPrefix)

          // replace all of rootPaths which are already unique
          val rootPathsAndDidReplace =
          val rootPaths =
          val rootPathsDidReplace = rootPathsAndDidReplace.flatMap(_.origPrefix)

          // check the alluxio paths in root paths exist or not
          // throw out an exception to stop the job when any of them is not mounted
          if (alluxioPathsToReplaceMap.isDefined) {
            rootPaths.foreach { rootPath =>
                find(value => rootPath.toString.startsWith(value)).
                foreach(matched => checkAlluxioMounted(hadoopConf, matched))

          val parameters: Map[String, String] = relation.options

          // infer PartitionSpec
          val (partitionSpec, replacedBasePath) = GpuPartitioningUtils.inferPartitioning(

          val allReplacedPrefixes = didReplaceAny ++ rootPathsDidReplace ++ replacedBasePath
          // generate a new InMemoryFileIndex holding paths with alluxio schema
          val fi = new InMemoryFileIndex(
            userSpecifiedPartitionSpec = Some(partitionSpec))
          (fi, allReplacedPrefixes)
    } else {
      (relation.location, Seq.empty)
    val mapIfReplacedPaths = if (allReplacedPrefixes.nonEmpty) {
      // with alluxio.automount.enabled we only have a regex so we need to track
      // the exact schemes we replaced in order to set the input_file_name properly,
      // with the alluxio.pathsToReplace it already contains the exact paths
      if (conf.getAlluxioAutoMountEnabled) {
          _ -> (ALLUXIO_SCHEME + alluxioFS.getMasterHostAndPort().get + "/")).toMap)
      } else {
    } else {
    (location, mapIfReplacedPaths)

  // If reading large s3 files on a cluster with slower disks, skip using Alluxio.
  def shouldReadDirectlyFromS3(rapidsConf: RapidsConf, pds: Seq[PartitionDirectory]): Boolean = {
    if (!rapidsConf.enableAlluxioSlowDisk) {
      logInfo(s"Skip reading directly from S3 because spark.rapids.alluxio.slow.disk is disabled")
    } else {
      val filesWithoutDir = pds.flatMap(pd => pd.files).filter { file =>
        // skip directory

      val files = filesWithoutDir.filter { f =>
         * Determines whether a file should be calculated for the average file size.
         * This is used to filter out some unrelated files,
         * such as transaction log files in the Delta file type.
         * However Delta files has other unrelated
         * files such as old regular parquet files.
         * Limitation: This is not OK for Delta file type, json file type, Avro file type......
         * Currently only care about parquet and orc files.
         * Note: It's hard to extract this into a method, because in Databricks 312 the files in
         * `PartitionDirectory` are in type of
         * `org.apache.spark.sql.execution.datasources.SerializableFileStatus`
         * instead of `org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileStatus`
        f.getPath.getName.endsWith(".parquet") || f.getPath.getName.endsWith(".orc")

      val totalSize =

      val avgSize = if (files.isEmpty) 0 else totalSize / files.length
      if (avgSize > rapidsConf.getAlluxioLargeFileThreshold) {
        // if files are large
        logInfo(s"Reading directly from S3, " +
            s"average file size $avgSize > threshold ${rapidsConf.getAlluxioLargeFileThreshold}")
      } else {
        logInfo(s"Skip reading directly from S3, " +
            s"average file size $avgSize <= threshold ${rapidsConf.getAlluxioLargeFileThreshold}")

   * For test purpose only
  def setAlluxioFS(alluxioFSMock: AlluxioFS): Unit = {
    alluxioFS = alluxioFSMock

   * For test purpose only
  def setAlluxioMasterAndPortReader(
      alluxioMasterAndPortReaderMock: AlluxioConfigReader): Unit = {
    alluxioMasterAndPortReader = alluxioMasterAndPortReaderMock

   * For test purpose only
  def resetInitInfo(): Unit = {
    isInitReplaceMap = false
    isInitMountPointsForAutoMount = false
    alluxioPathsToReplaceMap = None
    alluxioBucketRegex = None

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