com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuCast.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2019-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.nvidia.spark.rapids
import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
import java.time.DateTimeException
import java.util.Optional
import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer
import ai.rapids.cudf.{BinaryOp, CaptureGroups, ColumnVector, ColumnView, DType, RegexProgram, Scalar}
import ai.rapids.cudf
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.Arm.{closeOnExcept, withResource}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.jni.{CastStrings, DecimalUtils, GpuTimeZoneDB}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.shims.{AnsiUtil, GpuCastShims, GpuIntervalUtils, GpuTypeShims, SparkShimImpl, YearParseUtil}
import org.apache.commons.text.StringEscapeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.analysis.TypeCheckResult
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.{Cast, Expression, NullIntolerant, TimeZoneAwareExpression}
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.trees.UnaryLike
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeConstants.MICROS_PER_SECOND
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.SQLConf
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.GpuToTimestamp.replaceSpecialDates
import org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.shims.RapidsErrorUtils
import org.apache.spark.sql.types._
/** Meta-data for cast and ansi_cast. */
final class CastExprMeta[
INPUT <: UnaryLike[Expression] with TimeZoneAwareExpression with NullIntolerant](
cast: INPUT,
val evalMode: GpuEvalMode.Value,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_, _, _]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule,
doFloatToIntCheck: Boolean,
// stringToDate supports ANSI mode from Spark v3.2.0. Here is the details.
// We do not want to create a shim class for this small change
stringToAnsiDate: Boolean,
toTypeOverride: Option[DataType] = None)
extends CastExprMetaBase(cast, conf, parent, rule, doFloatToIntCheck) {
val legacyCastComplexTypesToString: Boolean =
override val toType: DataType = toTypeOverride.getOrElse(cast.dataType)
override def tagExprForGpu(): Unit = {
if (evalMode == GpuEvalMode.TRY) {
willNotWorkOnGpu("try_cast is not supported on the GPU")
def withToTypeOverride(newToType: DecimalType): CastExprMeta[INPUT] =
new CastExprMeta[INPUT](cast, evalMode, conf, parent, rule,
doFloatToIntCheck, stringToAnsiDate, Some(newToType))
override def convertToGpu(child: Expression): GpuExpression =
GpuCast(child, toType, evalMode == GpuEvalMode.ANSI, cast.timeZoneId,
legacyCastComplexTypesToString, stringToAnsiDate)
/** Meta-data for cast, ansi_cast and ToPrettyString */
abstract class CastExprMetaBase[INPUT <: UnaryLike[Expression] with TimeZoneAwareExpression](
cast: INPUT,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_, _, _]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule,
doFloatToIntCheck: Boolean = false)
extends UnaryExprMeta[INPUT](cast, conf, parent, rule) {
val fromType: DataType = cast.child.dataType
val toType: DataType = cast.dataType
override def isTimeZoneSupported: Boolean = {
(fromType, toType) match {
case (TimestampType, DateType) => true // this is for to_date(...)
case (DateType, TimestampType) => true
case _ => false
override def tagExprForGpu(): Unit = {
protected def recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(
fromDataType: DataType = fromType,
toDataType: DataType = toType,
depth: Int = 0): Unit = {
val checks = rule.getChecks.get.asInstanceOf[CastChecks]
if (depth > 0 &&
!checks.gpuCanCast(fromDataType, toDataType)) {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"Casting child type $fromDataType to $toDataType is not supported")
(fromDataType, toDataType) match {
case (FloatType | DoubleType, ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType | LongType) if
doFloatToIntCheck && !conf.isCastFloatToIntegralTypesEnabled =>
case (dt: DecimalType, _: StringType) =>
if (dt.precision > DType.DECIMAL128_MAX_PRECISION) {
willNotWorkOnGpu(s"decimal to string with a " +
s"precision > ${DType.DECIMAL128_MAX_PRECISION} is not supported yet")
case ( _: DecimalType, _: FloatType | _: DoubleType) if !conf.isCastDecimalToFloatEnabled =>
willNotWorkOnGpu("the GPU will use a different strategy from Java's BigDecimal " +
"to convert decimal data types to floating point and this can produce results that " +
"slightly differ from the default behavior in Spark. To enable this operation on " +
s"the GPU, set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_CAST_DECIMAL_TO_FLOAT} to true.")
case (_: FloatType | _: DoubleType, _: DecimalType) if !conf.isCastFloatToDecimalEnabled =>
willNotWorkOnGpu("the GPU will use a different strategy from Java's BigDecimal " +
"to convert floating point data types to decimals and this can produce results that " +
"slightly differ from the default behavior in Spark. To enable this operation on " +
s"the GPU, set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_CAST_FLOAT_TO_DECIMAL} to true.")
case (_: FloatType | _: DoubleType, _: StringType) if !conf.isCastFloatToStringEnabled =>
willNotWorkOnGpu("the GPU will use different precision than Java's toString method when " +
"converting floating point data types to strings and this can produce results that " +
"differ from the default behavior in Spark. To enable this operation on the GPU, set" +
s" ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_CAST_FLOAT_TO_STRING} to true.")
case (_: StringType, _: FloatType | _: DoubleType) if !conf.isCastStringToFloatEnabled =>
willNotWorkOnGpu("Currently hex values aren't supported on the GPU. Also note " +
"that casting from string to float types on the GPU returns incorrect results when " +
"the string represents any number \"1.7976931348623158E308\" <= x < " +
"\"1.7976931348623159E308\" and \"-1.7976931348623159E308\" < x <= " +
"\"-1.7976931348623158E308\" in both these cases the GPU returns Double.MaxValue " +
"while CPU returns \"+Infinity\" and \"-Infinity\" respectively. To enable this " +
s"operation on the GPU, set ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_CAST_STRING_TO_FLOAT} to true.")
case (_: StringType, _: TimestampType) =>
if (!conf.isCastStringToTimestampEnabled) {
willNotWorkOnGpu("the GPU only supports a subset of formats " +
"when casting strings to timestamps. Refer to the CAST documentation " +
"for more details. To enable this operation on the GPU, set" +
s" ${RapidsConf.ENABLE_CAST_STRING_TO_TIMESTAMP} to true.")
YearParseUtil.tagParseStringAsDate(conf, this)
case (_: StringType, _: DateType) =>
YearParseUtil.tagParseStringAsDate(conf, this)
case (_: StringType, dt:DecimalType) =>
if (dt.scale < 0 && !SparkShimImpl.isCastingStringToNegDecimalScaleSupported) {
willNotWorkOnGpu("RAPIDS doesn't support casting string to decimal for " +
"negative scale decimal in this version of Spark because of SPARK-37451")
case (structType: StructType, StringType) =>
structType.foreach { field =>
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(field.dataType, StringType, depth + 1)
case (fromStructType: StructType, toStructType: StructType) => {
case (fromChild, toChild) =>
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(fromChild.dataType, toChild.dataType, depth + 1)
case (ArrayType(elementType, _), StringType) =>
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(elementType, StringType, depth + 1)
case (ArrayType(nestedFrom, _), ArrayType(nestedTo, _)) =>
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(nestedFrom, nestedTo, depth + 1)
case (MapType(keyFrom, valueFrom, _), MapType(keyTo, valueTo, _)) =>
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(keyFrom, keyTo, depth + 1)
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(valueFrom, valueTo, depth + 1)
case (MapType(keyFrom, valueFrom, _), StringType) =>
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(keyFrom, StringType, depth + 1)
recursiveTagExprForGpuCheck(valueFrom, StringType, depth + 1)
case _ =>
def buildTagMessage(entry: ConfEntry[_]): String = {
s"${entry.doc}. To enable this operation on the GPU, set ${entry.key} to true."
object CastOptions {
val DEFAULT_CAST_OPTIONS = new CastOptions(false, false, false)
val ARITH_ANSI_OPTIONS = new CastOptions(false, true, false)
val TO_PRETTY_STRING_OPTIONS = ToPrettyStringOptions
def getArithmeticCastOptions(failOnError: Boolean): CastOptions =
object ToPrettyStringOptions extends CastOptions(false, false, false,
castToJsonString = false) {
override val leftBracket: String = "{"
override val rightBracket: String = "}"
override val nullString: String = "NULL"
override val useDecimalPlainString: Boolean = true
override val useHexFormatForBinary: Boolean = true
* This class is used to encapsulate parameters to use to help determine how to
* cast
* @param legacyCastComplexTypesToString If we should use legacy casting method
* @param ansiMode Whether the cast should be ANSI compliant
* @param stringToDateAnsiMode Whether to cast String to Date using ANSI compliance
* @param castToJsonString Whether to use JSON format when casting to String
* @param ignoreNullFieldsInStructs Whether to omit null values when converting to JSON
* @param timeZoneId If cast is timezone aware, the timezone needed
class CastOptions(
legacyCastComplexTypesToString: Boolean,
ansiMode: Boolean,
stringToDateAnsiMode: Boolean,
val castToJsonString: Boolean = false,
val ignoreNullFieldsInStructs: Boolean = true,
val timeZoneId: Option[String] = Option.empty[String]) extends Serializable {
* Retuns the left bracket to use when surrounding brackets when converting
* map or struct types to string
* example:
* [ "a" -> "b"] when legacyCastComplexTypesToString is enabled
* otherwise { "a" -> "b" }
val leftBracket: String = if (legacyCastComplexTypesToString) "[" else "{"
* Returns the right bracket to use when surrounding brackets when converting
* map or struct types to string
* example:
* [ "a" -> "b"] when legacyCastComplexTypesToString is enabled
* otherwise { "a" -> "b" }
val rightBracket: String = if (legacyCastComplexTypesToString) "]" else "}"
* Returns the string value to use to represent null elements in array/struct/map.
val nullString: String = if (legacyCastComplexTypesToString) "" else "null"
* Returns whether a decimal value with exponents should be
* converted to a plain string, exactly like Java BigDecimal.toPlainString()
* example:
* plain string value of decimal 1.23E+7 is 12300000
val useDecimalPlainString: Boolean = ansiMode
* Returns whether the binary data should be printed as hex values
* instead of ascii values
val useHexFormatForBinary: Boolean = false
* Returns whether we should cast using ANSI compliance
val isAnsiMode: Boolean = ansiMode
* Returns whether we should use ANSI compliance when casting a String
* to Date
val useAnsiStringToDateMode: Boolean = stringToDateAnsiMode
* Returns whether we should use legacy behavior to convert complex types
* like structs/maps to a String
val useLegacyComplexTypesToString: Boolean = legacyCastComplexTypesToString
object GpuCast {
private val DATE_REGEX_YYYY_MM_DD = "\\A\\d{4}\\-\\d{1,2}\\-\\d{1,2}([ T](:?[\\r\\n]|.)*)?\\Z"
private val DATE_REGEX_YYYY_MM = "\\A\\d{4}\\-\\d{1,2}\\Z"
private val DATE_REGEX_YYYY = "\\A\\d{4}\\Z"
private val TIMESTAMP_REGEX_YYYY_MM_DD = "\\A\\d{4}\\-\\d{1,2}\\-\\d{1,2}[ ]?\\Z"
private val TIMESTAMP_REGEX_YYYY_MM = "\\A\\d{4}\\-\\d{1,2}[ ]?\\Z"
private val TIMESTAMP_REGEX_YYYY = "\\A\\d{4}[ ]?\\Z"
"\\A\\d{4}\\-\\d{1,2}\\-\\d{1,2}[ T]?(\\d{1,2}:\\d{1,2}:([0-5]\\d|\\d)(\\.\\d{0,6})?Z?)\\Z"
private val BIG_DECIMAL_LONG_MIN = BigDecimal(Long.MinValue)
private val BIG_DECIMAL_LONG_MAX = BigDecimal(Long.MaxValue)
val INVALID_INPUT_MESSAGE: String = "Column contains at least one value that is not in the " +
"required range"
val OVERFLOW_MESSAGE: String = "overflow occurred"
val INVALID_NUMBER_MSG: String = "At least one value is either null or is an invalid number"
def doCast(
input: ColumnView,
fromDataType: DataType,
toDataType: DataType,
options: CastOptions = CastOptions.DEFAULT_CAST_OPTIONS): ColumnVector = {
if (DataType.equalsStructurally(fromDataType, toDataType)) {
return input.copyToColumnVector()
val ansiMode = options.isAnsiMode
(fromDataType, toDataType) match {
case (NullType, to) =>
GpuColumnVector.columnVectorFromNull(input.getRowCount.toInt, to)
case (DateType, BooleanType | _: NumericType) =>
// casts from date type to numerics are always null
GpuColumnVector.columnVectorFromNull(input.getRowCount.toInt, toDataType)
// Cast to String
case (DateType | TimestampType | FloatType | DoubleType | BinaryType |
_: DecimalType | _: ArrayType | _: MapType | _: StructType, StringType) =>
castToString(input, fromDataType, options)
case (TimestampType, FloatType | DoubleType) =>
withResource(input.castTo(DType.INT64)) { asLongs =>
withResource(Scalar.fromDouble(1000000)) { microsPerSec =>
// Use trueDiv to ensure cast to double before division for full precision
asLongs.trueDiv(microsPerSec, GpuColumnVector.getNonNestedRapidsType(toDataType))
case (TimestampType, ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType) =>
// normally we would just do a floordiv here, but cudf downcasts the operands to
// the output type before the divide.
withResource(input.castTo(DType.INT64)) { asLongs =>
withResource(Scalar.fromInt(1000000)) { microsPerSec =>
withResource(asLongs.floorDiv(microsPerSec, DType.INT64)) { cv =>
if (ansiMode) {
toDataType match {
case IntegerType =>
assertValuesInRange[Long](cv, Int.MinValue.toLong,
Int.MaxValue.toLong, errorMsg = OVERFLOW_MESSAGE)
case ShortType =>
assertValuesInRange[Long](cv, Short.MinValue.toLong,
Short.MaxValue.toLong, errorMsg = OVERFLOW_MESSAGE)
case ByteType =>
assertValuesInRange[Long](cv, Byte.MinValue.toLong,
Byte.MaxValue.toLong, errorMsg = OVERFLOW_MESSAGE)
case (TimestampType, _: LongType) =>
withResource(input.castTo(DType.INT64)) { asLongs =>
withResource(Scalar.fromInt(1000000)) { microsPerSec =>
asLongs.floorDiv(microsPerSec, GpuColumnVector.getNonNestedRapidsType(toDataType))
// ansi cast from larger-than-long integral-like types, to long
case (dt: DecimalType, LongType) if ansiMode =>
// This is a work around for
val min = BIG_DECIMAL_LONG_MIN.setScale(dt.scale, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.DOWN).bigDecimal
val max = BIG_DECIMAL_LONG_MAX.setScale(dt.scale, BigDecimal.RoundingMode.DOWN).bigDecimal
// We are going against our convention of calling assertValuesInRange()
// because the min/max values are a different decimal type i.e. Decimal 128 as opposed to
// the incoming input column type.
withResource(input.min()) { minInput =>
withResource(input.max()) { maxInput =>
if (minInput.isValid && minInput.getBigDecimal().compareTo(min) == -1 ||
maxInput.isValid && maxInput.getBigDecimal().compareTo(max) == 1) {
throw new ArithmeticException(OVERFLOW_MESSAGE)
if (dt.precision <= DType.DECIMAL32_MAX_PRECISION && dt.scale < 0) {
// This is a work around for
withResource(input.castTo(DType.create(DType.DTypeEnum.DECIMAL64, -dt.scale))) { tmp =>
} else {
case (dt: DecimalType, LongType) if dt.precision <= DType.DECIMAL32_MAX_PRECISION &&
dt.scale < 0 =>
// This is a work around for
withResource(input.castTo(DType.create(DType.DTypeEnum.DECIMAL64, -dt.scale))) { tmp =>
// ansi cast from larger-than-integer integral-like types, to integer
case (LongType | _: DecimalType, IntegerType) if ansiMode =>
fromDataType match {
case LongType =>
assertValuesInRange[Long](input, Int.MinValue.toLong, Int.MaxValue.toLong)
case _ =>
assertValuesInRange[BigDecimal](input, BigDecimal(Int.MinValue),
// ansi cast from larger-than-short integral-like types, to short
case (LongType | IntegerType | _: DecimalType, ShortType) if ansiMode =>
fromDataType match {
case LongType =>
assertValuesInRange[Long](input, Short.MinValue.toLong, Short.MaxValue.toLong)
case IntegerType =>
assertValuesInRange[Int](input, Short.MinValue.toInt, Short.MaxValue.toInt)
case _ =>
assertValuesInRange[BigDecimal](input, BigDecimal(Short.MinValue),
// ansi cast from larger-than-byte integral-like types, to byte
case (LongType | IntegerType | ShortType | _: DecimalType, ByteType) if ansiMode =>
fromDataType match {
case LongType =>
assertValuesInRange[Long](input, Byte.MinValue.toLong, Byte.MaxValue.toLong)
case IntegerType =>
assertValuesInRange[Int](input, Byte.MinValue.toInt, Byte.MaxValue.toInt)
case ShortType =>
assertValuesInRange[Short](input, Byte.MinValue.toShort, Byte.MaxValue.toShort)
case _ =>
assertValuesInRange[BigDecimal](input, BigDecimal(Byte.MinValue),
// ansi cast from floating-point types, to byte
case (FloatType | DoubleType, ByteType) if ansiMode =>
fromDataType match {
case FloatType =>
assertValuesInRange[Float](input, Byte.MinValue.toFloat, Byte.MaxValue.toFloat)
case DoubleType =>
assertValuesInRange[Double](input, Byte.MinValue.toDouble, Byte.MaxValue.toDouble)
// ansi cast from floating-point types, to short
case (FloatType | DoubleType, ShortType) if ansiMode =>
fromDataType match {
case FloatType =>
assertValuesInRange[Float](input, Short.MinValue.toFloat, Short.MaxValue.toFloat)
case DoubleType =>
assertValuesInRange[Double](input, Short.MinValue.toDouble, Short.MaxValue.toDouble)
// ansi cast from floating-point types, to integer
case (FloatType | DoubleType, IntegerType) if ansiMode =>
fromDataType match {
case FloatType =>
assertValuesInRange[Float](input, Int.MinValue.toFloat, Int.MaxValue.toFloat)
case DoubleType =>
assertValuesInRange[Double](input, Int.MinValue.toDouble, Int.MaxValue.toDouble)
// ansi cast from floating-point types, to long
case (FloatType | DoubleType, LongType) if ansiMode =>
fromDataType match {
case FloatType =>
assertValuesInRange[Float](input, Long.MinValue.toFloat, Long.MaxValue.toFloat)
case DoubleType =>
assertValuesInRange[Double](input, Long.MinValue.toDouble, Long.MaxValue.toDouble)
case (FloatType | DoubleType, TimestampType) =>
// Spark casting to timestamp from double assumes value is in microseconds
if (ansiMode && AnsiUtil.supportsAnsiCastFloatToTimestamp()) {
// We are going through a util class because Spark 3.3.0+ throws an
// exception if the float value is nan, +/- inf or out-of-range value,
// where previously it didn't
AnsiUtil.castFloatToTimestampAnsi(input, toDataType)
} else {
// non-Ansi mode, convert nan/inf to null
withResource(Scalar.fromInt(1000000)) { microsPerSec =>
withResource(input.nansToNulls()) { inputWithNansToNull =>
withResource(FloatUtils.infinityToNulls(inputWithNansToNull)) {
inputWithoutNanAndInfinity =>
if (fromDataType == FloatType &&
SparkShimImpl.hasCastFloatTimestampUpcast) {
withResource(inputWithoutNanAndInfinity.castTo(DType.FLOAT64)) { doubles =>
withResource(doubles.mul(microsPerSec, DType.INT64)) {
inputTimesMicrosCv =>
} else {
withResource(inputWithoutNanAndInfinity.mul(microsPerSec, DType.INT64)) {
inputTimesMicrosCv =>
case (FloatType | DoubleType, dt: DecimalType) =>
castFloatsToDecimal(input, dt, ansiMode)
case (from: DecimalType, to: DecimalType) =>
castDecimalToDecimal(input, from, to, ansiMode)
case (BooleanType, TimestampType) =>
// cudf requires casting to a long first.
withResource(input.castTo(DType.INT64)) { longs =>
case (BooleanType | ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType, TimestampType) =>
// cudf requires casting to a long first
withResource(input.castTo(DType.INT64)) { longs =>
withResource(longs.castTo(DType.TIMESTAMP_SECONDS)) { timestampSecs =>
case (_: LongType, TimestampType) =>
// Spark casting to timestamp assumes value is in seconds, but timestamps
// are tracked in microseconds.
castLongToTimestamp(input, toDataType)
case (_: NumericType, TimestampType) =>
// Spark casting to timestamp assumes value is in seconds, but timestamps
// are tracked in microseconds.
withResource(input.castTo(DType.TIMESTAMP_SECONDS)) { timestampSecs =>
case (FloatType, LongType) | (DoubleType, IntegerType | LongType) =>
// Float.NaN => Int is casted to a zero but float.NaN => Long returns a small negative
// number Double.NaN => Int | Long, returns a small negative number so Nans have to be
// converted to zero first
withResource(FloatUtils.nanToZero(input)) { inputWithNansToZero =>
case (StringType, ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType | LongType) =>
CastStrings.toInteger(input, ansiMode,
case (StringType, FloatType | DoubleType) =>
CastStrings.toFloat(input, ansiMode,
case (StringType, BooleanType | DateType | TimestampType) =>
withResource(input.strip()) { trimmed =>
toDataType match {
case BooleanType =>
castStringToBool(trimmed, ansiMode)
case DateType =>
if (options.useAnsiStringToDateMode) {
castStringToDateAnsi(trimmed, ansiMode)
} else {
case TimestampType =>
castStringToTimestamp(trimmed, ansiMode)
case (StringType, dt: DecimalType) =>
CastStrings.toDecimal(input, ansiMode, dt.precision, -dt.scale)
case (ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType | LongType, dt: DecimalType) =>
castIntegralsToDecimal(input, dt, ansiMode)
case (ShortType | IntegerType | LongType | ByteType | StringType, BinaryType) =>
case (ArrayType(nestedFrom, _), ArrayType(nestedTo, _)) =>
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) { childView =>
withResource(doCast(childView, nestedFrom, nestedTo, options)) { childColumnVector =>
case (from: StructType, to: StructType) =>
castStructToStruct(from, to, input, options)
case (from: MapType, to: MapType) =>
castMapToMap(from, to, input, options)
case (dayTime: DataType, _: StringType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dayTime) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.toDayTimeIntervalString(input, dayTime)
case (_: StringType, dayTime: DataType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dayTime) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.castStringToDayTimeIntervalWithThrow(input, dayTime)
// cast(`day time interval` as integral)
case (dt: DataType, _: LongType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dt) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.dayTimeIntervalToLong(input, dt)
case (dt: DataType, _: IntegerType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dt) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.dayTimeIntervalToInt(input, dt)
case (dt: DataType, _: ShortType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dt) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.dayTimeIntervalToShort(input, dt)
case (dt: DataType, _: ByteType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dt) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.dayTimeIntervalToByte(input, dt)
// cast(integral as `day time interval`)
case (_: LongType, dt: DataType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dt) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.longToDayTimeInterval(input, dt)
case (_: IntegerType | ShortType | ByteType, dt: DataType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dt) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.intToDayTimeInterval(input, dt)
// cast(`year month interval` as integral)
case (ym: DataType, _: LongType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(ym) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.yearMonthIntervalToLong(input, ym)
case (ym: DataType, _: IntegerType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(ym) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.yearMonthIntervalToInt(input, ym)
case (ym: DataType, _: ShortType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(ym) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.yearMonthIntervalToShort(input, ym)
case (ym: DataType, _: ByteType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(ym) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.yearMonthIntervalToByte(input, ym)
// cast(integral as `year month interval`)
case (_: LongType, ym: DataType) if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(ym) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.longToYearMonthInterval(input, ym)
case (_: IntegerType | ShortType | ByteType, ym: DataType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(ym) =>
GpuIntervalUtils.intToYearMonthInterval(input, ym)
case (TimestampType, DateType) if options.timeZoneId.isDefined =>
val zoneId = DateTimeUtils.getZoneId(options.timeZoneId.get)
zoneId.normalized())) {
shifted => shifted.castTo(GpuColumnVector.getNonNestedRapidsType(toDataType))
case (DateType, TimestampType) if options.timeZoneId.isDefined =>
val zoneId = DateTimeUtils.getZoneId(options.timeZoneId.get)
withResource(input.castTo(GpuColumnVector.getNonNestedRapidsType(toDataType))) { cv =>
GpuTimeZoneDB.fromTimestampToUtcTimestamp(cv, zoneId.normalized())
case _ =>
* Asserts that all values in a column are within the specific range.
* @param values ColumnVector to be performed with range check
* @param minValue Range minimum value of input type T
* @param maxValue Range maximum value of input type T
* @param inclusiveMin Whether the min value is included in the valid range or not
* @param inclusiveMax Whether the max value is included in the valid range or not
* @param errorMsg Specify the message in the `IllegalStateException`
* @throws IllegalStateException if any values in the column are not within the specified range
private def assertValuesInRange[T](values: ColumnView,
minValue: T,
maxValue: T,
inclusiveMin: Boolean = true,
inclusiveMax: Boolean = true,
errorMsg: String = OVERFLOW_MESSAGE)
(implicit ord: Ordering[T]): Unit = {
def throwIfAnyNan(): Unit = {
withResource(values.isNan()) { valuesIsNan =>
withResource(valuesIsNan.any()) { anyNan =>
if (anyNan.isValid && anyNan.getBoolean) {
throw RapidsErrorUtils.arithmeticOverflowError(errorMsg)
def throwIfOutOfRange(minInput: T, maxInput: T): Unit = {
if (inclusiveMin &&, minValue) < 0 ||
!inclusiveMin &&, minValue) <= 0 ||
inclusiveMax &&, maxValue) > 0 ||
!inclusiveMax &&, maxValue) >= 0) {
throw RapidsErrorUtils.arithmeticOverflowError(errorMsg)
def getValue(s: Scalar): T = (s.getType match {
case DType.FLOAT64 => s.getDouble
case DType.FLOAT32 => s.getFloat
case DType.STRING => s.getJavaString
case dt if dt.isDecimalType => BigDecimal(s.getBigDecimal)
case dt if dt.isBackedByLong => s.getLong
case dt if dt.isBackedByInt => s.getInt
case dt if dt.isBackedByShort => s.getShort
case dt if dt.isBackedByByte => s.getByte
case _ => throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported scalar type")
withResource(values.min()) { minInput =>
withResource(values.max()) { maxInput =>
if (values.getType == DType.FLOAT32 || values.getType == DType.FLOAT64) {
throwIfOutOfRange(getValue(minInput), getValue(maxInput))
def castToString(
input: ColumnView,
fromDataType: DataType, options: CastOptions): ColumnVector = fromDataType match {
case StringType => input.copyToColumnVector()
case DateType => input.asStrings("%Y-%m-%d")
case TimestampType if options.castToJsonString => castTimestampToJson(input)
case TimestampType => castTimestampToString(input)
case FloatType | DoubleType => CastStrings.fromFloat(input)
case BinaryType => castBinToString(input, options)
case _: DecimalType => GpuCastShims.CastDecimalToString(input, options.useDecimalPlainString)
case StructType(fields) => castStructToString(input, fields, options)
case ArrayType(elementType, _) =>
castArrayToString(input, elementType, options)
case from: MapType =>
castMapToString(input, from, options)
case _ =>
private def castTimestampToString(input: ColumnView): ColumnVector = {
// the complexity in this function is due to Spark's rules for truncating
// the fractional part of the timestamp string. Any trailing decimal place
// or zeroes should be truncated
// ".000000" -> ""
// ".000100" -> ".0001"
// ".100000" -> ".1"
// ".101010" -> ".10101"
withResource(input.castTo(DType.TIMESTAMP_MICROSECONDS)) { micros =>
withResource(micros.asStrings("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%6f")) { cv =>
// to keep code complexity down, do a first pass that
// removes ".000000" using simple string replace
val firstPass = withResource(Scalar.fromString(".000000")) { search =>
withResource(Scalar.fromString("")) { replace =>
cv.stringReplace(search, replace)
// now remove trailing zeroes from any remaining fractional parts
// the first group captures everything between
// the decimal point and the last non-zero digit
// the second group (non-capture) covers the remaining zeroes
withResource(firstPass) { _ =>
val prog = new RegexProgram("(\\.[0-9]*[1-9]+)(?:0+)?$")
firstPass.stringReplaceWithBackrefs(prog, "\\1")
private def castTimestampToJson(input: ColumnView): ColumnVector = {
// we fall back to CPU if the JSON timezone is not UTC, so it is safe
// to hard-code `Z` here for now, but we should really add a timestamp
// format to CastOptions when we add support for custom formats in
* A 5 steps solution for concatenating string array column.
* Giving an input with 3 rows:
* `[ ["1", "2", null, "3"], [], null]`
* When `legacyCastToString = true`:
* Step 1: add space char in the front of all not-null elements:
* `[ [" 1", " 2", null, " 3"], [], null]`
* step 2: cast `null` elements to their string representation :
* `[ [" 1", " 2", "", " 3"], [], null]`(here we use "" to represent null)
* step 3: concatenate list elements, seperated by `","`:
* `[" 1, 2,, 3", null, null]`
* step 4: remove the first char, if it is an `' '`:
* `["1, 2,, 3", null, null]`
* step 5: replace nulls with empty string:
* `["1, 2,, 3", "", ""]`
* when `legacyCastToString = false`, step 1, 4 are skipped
private def concatenateStringArrayElements(
input: ColumnView,
options: CastOptions,
castingBinaryData: Boolean = false): ColumnVector = {
import options._
val emptyStr = ""
val spaceStr = if (options.castToJsonString) "" else " "
val sepStr = if (useHexFormatForBinary && castingBinaryData) spaceStr
else if (useLegacyComplexTypesToString || options.castToJsonString) "," else ", "
Seq(emptyStr, spaceStr, nullString, sepStr).safeMap(Scalar.fromString)
) { case Seq(empty, space, nullRep, sep) =>
val withSpacesIfLegacy = if (!options.castToJsonString && !useLegacyComplexTypesToString) {
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) {
} else {
// add a space string to each non-null element
val (strChild, childNotNull, numElements) =
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) { childCol =>
closeOnExcept(childCol.replaceNulls(nullRep)) {
(_, childCol.isNotNull(), childCol.getRowCount.toInt)
withResource(Seq(strChild, childNotNull)) { _ =>
val hasSpaces = withResource(ColumnVector.fromScalar(space, numElements)) { spaceCol =>
ColumnVector.stringConcatenate(Array(spaceCol, strChild))
withResource(hasSpaces) {
childNotNull.ifElse(_, strChild)
val concatenated = withResource(withSpacesIfLegacy) { strChildCol =>
withResource(input.replaceListChild(strChildCol)) { strArrayCol =>
withResource(ColumnVector.fromScalar(sep, input.getRowCount.toInt)) {
val strCol = withResource(concatenated) {
if (!useLegacyComplexTypesToString) {
} else {
// If the first char of a string is ' ', remove it (only for legacyCastToString = true)
withResource(strCol) { _ =>
withResource(strCol.startsWith(space)) { startsWithSpace =>
withResource(strCol.substring(1)) { remain =>
startsWithSpace.ifElse(remain, strCol)
private def castArrayToString(input: ColumnView,
elementType: DataType,
options: CastOptions,
castingBinaryData: Boolean = false): ColumnVector = {
// We use square brackets for arrays regardless
val (leftStr, rightStr) = ("[", "]")
val emptyStr = ""
val numRows = input.getRowCount.toInt
Seq(leftStr, rightStr, emptyStr, options.nullString).safeMap(Scalar.fromString)
){ case Seq(left, right, empty, nullRep) =>
val strChildContainsNull = withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) {child =>
child, elementType, StringType, options)
val concatenated = withResource(strChildContainsNull) { _ =>
withResource(input.replaceListChild(strChildContainsNull)) {
concatenateStringArrayElements(_, options, castingBinaryData)
// Add brackets to each string. Ex: ["1, 2, 3", "4, 5"] => ["[1, 2, 3]", "[4, 5]"]
val hasBrackets = withResource(concatenated) { _ =>
Seq(left, right).safeMap(ColumnVector.fromScalar(_, numRows))
) { case Seq(leftColumn, rightColumn) =>
ColumnVector.stringConcatenate(empty, nullRep, Array(leftColumn, concatenated,
withResource(hasBrackets) {
_.mergeAndSetValidity(BinaryOp.BITWISE_AND, input)
private def castMapToString(
input: ColumnView,
from: MapType,
options: CastOptions): ColumnVector = {
val numRows = input.getRowCount.toInt
* Create a new column with quotes around the supplied string column. Caller
* is responsible for closing `column`.
def addQuotes(column: ColumnVector, rowCount: Int): ColumnVector = {
withResource(ArrayBuffer.empty[ColumnVector]) { columns =>
withResource(Scalar.fromString("\"")) { quote =>
withResource(ColumnVector.fromScalar(quote, rowCount)) {
quoteScalar =>
columns += quoteScalar.incRefCount()
columns += escapeJsonString(column)
columns += quoteScalar.incRefCount()
withResource(Scalar.fromString("")) { emptyScalar =>
ColumnVector.stringConcatenate(emptyScalar, emptyScalar, columns.toArray)
// cast the key column and value column to string columns
val (strKey, strValue) = withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) { kvStructColumn =>
if (options.castToJsonString) {
// keys must have quotes around them in JSON mode
val strKey: ColumnVector = withResource(kvStructColumn.getChildColumnView(0)) { keyColumn =>
withResource(castToString(keyColumn, from.keyType, options)) { key =>
addQuotes(key, keyColumn.getRowCount.toInt)
// string values must have quotes around them in JSON mode, and null values need
// to be represented by the string literal `null`
val strValue = closeOnExcept(strKey) { _ =>
withResource(kvStructColumn.getChildColumnView(1)) { valueColumn =>
val dt = valueColumn.getType
val valueStr = if (dt == DType.STRING || dt.isDurationType || dt.isTimestampType) {
withResource(castToString(valueColumn, from.valueType, options)) { valueStr =>
addQuotes(valueStr, valueColumn.getRowCount.toInt)
} else {
castToString(valueColumn, from.valueType, options)
withResource(valueStr) { _ =>
withResource(Scalar.fromString("null")) { nullScalar =>
withResource(valueColumn.isNull) { isNull =>
isNull.ifElse(nullScalar, valueStr)
(strKey, strValue)
} else {
val strKey = withResource(kvStructColumn.getChildColumnView(0)) { keyColumn =>
castToString(keyColumn, from.keyType, options)
val strValue = closeOnExcept(strKey) { _ =>
withResource(kvStructColumn.getChildColumnView(1)) { valueColumn =>
castToString(valueColumn, from.valueType, options)
(strKey, strValue)
val (arrowStr, emptyStr, spaceStr) = if (options.castToJsonString) {
(":", "", "")
} else {
("->", "", " ")
import options._
// concatenate the key-value pairs to string
// Example: ("key", "value") -> "key -> value"
) { case Seq(leftScalar, rightScalar, arrowScalar, emptyScalar, nullScalar, spaceScalar) =>
val strElements = withResource(Seq(strKey, strValue)) { case Seq(strKey, strValue) =>
val numElements = strKey.getRowCount.toInt
withResource(Seq(spaceScalar, arrowScalar).safeMap(ColumnVector.fromScalar(_, numElements))
) { case Seq(spaceCol, arrowCol) =>
if (useLegacyComplexTypesToString) {
spaceCol.mergeAndSetValidity(BinaryOp.BITWISE_AND, strValue)
) { spaceBetweenSepAndVal =>
emptyScalar, nullScalar,
Array(strKey, spaceCol, arrowCol, spaceBetweenSepAndVal, strValue))
} else {
emptyScalar, nullScalar, Array(strKey, spaceCol, arrowCol, spaceCol, strValue))
// concatenate elements
val strCol = withResource(strElements) { _ =>
withResource(input.replaceListChild(strElements)) {
concatenateStringArrayElements(_, options)
val resPreValidityFix = withResource(strCol) { _ =>
Seq(leftScalar, rightScalar).safeMap(ColumnVector.fromScalar(_, numRows))
) { case Seq(leftCol, rightCol) =>
emptyScalar, nullScalar, Array(leftCol, strCol, rightCol))
withResource(resPreValidityFix) {
_.mergeAndSetValidity(BinaryOp.BITWISE_AND, input)
private def castStructToString(
input: ColumnView,
inputSchema: Array[StructField],
options: CastOptions): ColumnVector = {
import options._
if (options.castToJsonString) {
return castStructToJsonString(input, inputSchema, options)
val emptyStr = ""
val separatorStr = if (useLegacyComplexTypesToString) "," else ", "
val spaceStr = " "
val numRows = input.getRowCount.toInt
val numInputColumns = input.getNumChildren
def doCastStructToString(
emptyScalar: Scalar,
nullScalar: Scalar,
sepColumn: ColumnVector,
spaceColumn: ColumnVector,
leftColumn: ColumnVector,
rightColumn: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
withResource(ArrayBuffer.empty[ColumnVector]) { columns =>
// legacy: [firstCol
// 3.1+: {firstCol
columns += leftColumn.incRefCount()
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) { firstColumnView =>
columns += castToString(firstColumnView, inputSchema.head.dataType, options)
for (nonFirstIndex <- 1 until numInputColumns) {
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(nonFirstIndex)) { nonFirstColumnView =>
// legacy: ","
// 3.1+: ", "
columns += sepColumn.incRefCount()
val nonFirstColumn = doCast(nonFirstColumnView,
inputSchema(nonFirstIndex).dataType, StringType, options)
if (useLegacyComplexTypesToString) {
// " " if non-null
columns += spaceColumn.mergeAndSetValidity(BinaryOp.BITWISE_AND, nonFirstColumnView)
columns += nonFirstColumn
columns += rightColumn.incRefCount()
withResource(ColumnVector.stringConcatenate(emptyScalar, nullScalar, columns.toArray))(
_.mergeAndSetValidity(BinaryOp.BITWISE_AND, input) // original whole row is null
withResource(Seq(emptyStr, nullString, separatorStr, spaceStr, leftBracket, rightBracket)
.safeMap(Scalar.fromString)) {
case Seq(emptyScalar, nullScalar, columnScalars@_*) =>
columnScalars.safeMap(s => ColumnVector.fromScalar(s, numRows))
) { case Seq(sepColumn, spaceColumn, leftColumn, rightColumn) =>
doCastStructToString(emptyScalar, nullScalar, sepColumn,
spaceColumn, leftColumn, rightColumn)
* This is a specialized version of castStructToString that uses JSON format.
* The main differences are:
* - Struct field names are included
* - Null fields are optionally omitted
def castStructToJsonString(input: ColumnView,
inputSchema: Array[StructField],
options: CastOptions): ColumnVector = {
val rowCount = input.getRowCount.toInt
def castToJsonAttribute(fieldIndex: Int,
colon: ColumnVector,
quote: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
val jsonName = StringEscapeUtils.escapeJson(inputSchema(fieldIndex).name)
val dt = inputSchema(fieldIndex).dataType
val needsQuoting = dt == DataTypes.StringType || dt == DataTypes.DateType ||
dt == DataTypes.TimestampType
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(fieldIndex)) { cv =>
withResource(ArrayBuffer.empty[ColumnVector]) { attrColumns =>
// prefix with quoted column name followed by colon
withResource(Scalar.fromString("\"" + jsonName + "\"")) { name =>
attrColumns += ColumnVector.fromScalar(name, rowCount)
attrColumns += colon.incRefCount()
if (options.ignoreNullFieldsInStructs) {
// write the value
withResource(castToString(cv, inputSchema(fieldIndex).dataType, options)) {
attrValue =>
if (needsQuoting) {
attrColumns += quote.incRefCount()
attrColumns += escapeJsonString(attrValue)
attrColumns += quote.incRefCount()
} else {
attrColumns += attrValue.incRefCount()
// now concatenate
val jsonAttr = withResource(Scalar.fromString("")) { emptyString =>
ColumnVector.stringConcatenate(emptyString, emptyString, attrColumns.toArray)
// add an empty string or the attribute
withResource(jsonAttr) { _ =>
withResource(cv.isNull) { isNull =>
withResource(Scalar.fromNull(DType.STRING)) { nullScalar =>
isNull.ifElse(nullScalar, jsonAttr)
} else {
val jsonAttr = withResource(ArrayBuffer.empty[ColumnVector]) { attrValues =>
withResource(castToString(cv, inputSchema(fieldIndex).dataType, options)) {
attrValue =>
if (needsQuoting) {
attrValues += quote.incRefCount()
attrValues += escapeJsonString(attrValue)
attrValues += quote.incRefCount()
withResource(Scalar.fromString("")) { emptyString =>
ColumnVector.stringConcatenate(emptyString, emptyString, attrValues.toArray)
} else {
// add attribute value, or null literal string if value is null
attrColumns += withResource(jsonAttr) { _ =>
withResource(cv.isNull) { isNull =>
withResource(Scalar.fromString("null")) { nullScalar =>
isNull.ifElse(nullScalar, jsonAttr)
// now concatenate
withResource(Scalar.fromString("")) { emptyString =>
ColumnVector.stringConcatenate(emptyString, emptyString, attrColumns.toArray)
withResource(Seq("", ",", ":", "\"", "{", "}").safeMap(Scalar.fromString)) {
case Seq(emptyScalar, commaScalar, columnScalars@_*) =>
withResource(columnScalars.safeMap(s => ColumnVector.fromScalar(s, rowCount))) {
case Seq(colon, quote, leftBrace, rightBrace) =>
val jsonAttrs = withResource(ArrayBuffer.empty[ColumnVector]) { columns =>
// create one column per attribute, which will either be in the form `"name":value` or
// empty string for rows that have null values
if (input.getNumChildren == 1) {
castToJsonAttribute(0, colon, quote)
} else {
for (i <- 0 until input.getNumChildren) {
columns += castToJsonAttribute(i, colon, quote)
// concatenate the columns into one string
emptyScalar, columns.toArray, false))(
_.mergeAndSetValidity(BinaryOp.BITWISE_AND, input) // original whole row is null
// now wrap the string with `{` and `}`
withResource(jsonAttrs) { _ =>
withResource(ArrayBuffer.empty[ColumnVector]) { columns =>
columns += leftBrace.incRefCount()
columns += jsonAttrs.incRefCount()
columns += rightBrace.incRefCount()
emptyScalar, columns.toArray, false))(
_.mergeAndSetValidity(BinaryOp.BITWISE_AND, input) // original whole row is null
* Escape quotes and newlines in a string column. Caller is responsible for closing `cv`.
private def escapeJsonString(cv: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
val chars = Seq("\r", "\n", "\\", "\"")
val escaped =
withResource(ColumnVector.fromStrings(chars: _*)) { search =>
withResource(ColumnVector.fromStrings(escaped: _*)) { replace =>
cv.stringReplace(search, replace)
private[rapids] def castFloatingTypeToString(input: ColumnView): ColumnVector = {
withResource(input.castTo(DType.STRING)) { cudfCast =>
// replace "e+" with "E"
val replaceExponent = withResource(Scalar.fromString("e+")) { cudfExponent =>
withResource(Scalar.fromString("E")) { sparkExponent =>
cudfCast.stringReplace(cudfExponent, sparkExponent)
// replace "Inf" with "Infinity"
withResource(replaceExponent) { replaceExponent =>
withResource(Scalar.fromString("Inf")) { cudfInf =>
withResource(Scalar.fromString("Infinity")) { sparkInfinity =>
replaceExponent.stringReplace(cudfInf, sparkInfinity)
private def castStringToBool(input: ColumnVector, ansiEnabled: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
val trueStrings = Seq("t", "true", "y", "yes", "1")
val falseStrings = Seq("f", "false", "n", "no", "0")
val boolStrings = trueStrings ++ falseStrings
// determine which values are valid bool strings
withResource(ColumnVector.fromStrings(boolStrings: _*)) { boolStrings =>
val lowerStripped = withResource(input.strip()) {
val sanitizedInput = withResource(lowerStripped) { _ =>
withResource(lowerStripped.contains(boolStrings)) { validBools =>
// in ansi mode, fail if any values are not valid bool strings
if (ansiEnabled) {
withResource(validBools.all()) { isAllBool =>
if (isAllBool.isValid && !isAllBool.getBoolean) {
throw new IllegalStateException(INVALID_INPUT_MESSAGE)
// replace non-boolean values with null
withResource(Scalar.fromNull(DType.STRING)) {
validBools.ifElse(lowerStripped, _)
withResource(sanitizedInput) { _ =>
// return true, false, or null, as appropriate
withResource(ColumnVector.fromStrings(trueStrings: _*)) {
/** This method does not close the `input` ColumnVector. */
def convertDateOrNull(
input: ColumnView,
regex: String,
cudfFormat: String,
failOnInvalid: Boolean = false): ColumnVector = {
val prog = new RegexProgram(regex, CaptureGroups.NON_CAPTURE)
val isValidDate = withResource(input.matchesRe(prog)) { isMatch =>
withResource(input.isTimestamp(cudfFormat)) { isTimestamp =>
withResource(isValidDate) { _ =>
if (failOnInvalid) {
withResource(isValidDate.all()) { all =>
if (all.isValid && !all.getBoolean) {
throw new DateTimeException("One or more values is not a valid date")
withResource(Scalar.fromNull(DType.TIMESTAMP_DAYS)) { orElse =>
withResource(input.asTimestampDays(cudfFormat)) { asDays =>
isValidDate.ifElse(asDays, orElse)
/** This method does not close the `input` ColumnVector. */
def convertDateOr(
input: ColumnVector,
regex: String,
cudfFormat: String,
orElse: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
val prog = new RegexProgram(regex, CaptureGroups.NON_CAPTURE)
val isValidDate = withResource(input.matchesRe(prog)) { isMatch =>
withResource(input.isTimestamp(cudfFormat)) { isTimestamp =>
withResource(isValidDate) { _ =>
withResource(orElse) { _ =>
withResource(input.asTimestampDays(cudfFormat)) { asDays =>
isValidDate.ifElse(asDays, orElse)
private def checkResultForAnsiMode(input: ColumnVector, result: ColumnVector,
errMessage: String): ColumnVector = {
closeOnExcept(result) { _ =>
val notConverted = withResource(input.isNotNull()) { inputNotNull =>
withResource(result.isNull()) { resultIsNull =>
val notConvertedAny = withResource(notConverted) {
withResource(notConvertedAny) { _ =>
if (notConvertedAny.isValid && notConvertedAny.getBoolean) {
throw new DateTimeException(errMessage)
* Trims and parses a given UTF8 date string to a corresponding [[Int]] value.
* The return type is [[Option]] in order to distinguish between 0 and null. The following
* formats are allowed:
* `yyyy`
* `yyyy-[m]m`
* `yyyy-[m]m-[d]d`
* `yyyy-[m]m-[d]d `
* `yyyy-[m]m-[d]d *`
* `yyyy-[m]m-[d]dT*`
def castStringToDate(sanitizedInput: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
// convert dates that are in valid formats yyyy, yyyy-mm, yyyy-mm-dd
val converted = convertDateOr(sanitizedInput, DATE_REGEX_YYYY_MM_DD, "%Y-%m-%d",
convertDateOr(sanitizedInput, DATE_REGEX_YYYY_MM, "%Y-%m",
convertDateOrNull(sanitizedInput, DATE_REGEX_YYYY, "%Y")))
// handle special dates like "epoch", "now", etc.
closeOnExcept(converted) { tsVector =>
DateUtils.fetchSpecialDates(DType.TIMESTAMP_DAYS) match {
case specialDates if specialDates.nonEmpty =>
// `tsVector` will be closed in replaceSpecialDates
replaceSpecialDates(sanitizedInput, tsVector, specialDates)
case _ =>
def castStringToDateAnsi(input: ColumnVector, ansiMode: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
val result = castStringToDate(input)
if (ansiMode) {
// When ANSI mode is enabled, we need to throw an exception if any values could not be
// converted
checkResultForAnsiMode(input, result,
"One or more values could not be converted to DateType")
} else {
/** This method does not close the `input` ColumnVector. */
def convertTimestampOrNull(
input: ColumnVector,
regex: String,
cudfFormat: String): ColumnVector = {
withResource(Scalar.fromNull(DType.TIMESTAMP_MICROSECONDS)) { orElse =>
val prog = new RegexProgram(regex, CaptureGroups.NON_CAPTURE)
val isValidTimestamp = withResource(input.matchesRe(prog)) { isMatch =>
withResource(input.isTimestamp(cudfFormat)) { isTimestamp =>
withResource(isValidTimestamp) { isValidTimestamp =>
withResource(input.asTimestampMicroseconds(cudfFormat)) { asDays =>
isValidTimestamp.ifElse(asDays, orElse)
/** This method does not close the `input` ColumnVector. */
private def convertTimestampOr(
input: ColumnVector,
regex: String,
cudfFormat: String,
orElse: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
withResource(orElse) { orElse =>
val prog = new RegexProgram(regex, CaptureGroups.NON_CAPTURE)
val isValidTimestamp = withResource(input.matchesRe(prog)) { isMatch =>
withResource(input.isTimestamp(cudfFormat)) { isTimestamp =>
withResource(isValidTimestamp) { isValidTimestamp =>
withResource(input.asTimestampMicroseconds(cudfFormat)) { asDays =>
isValidTimestamp.ifElse(asDays, orElse)
/** This method does not close the `input` ColumnVector. */
private def convertFullTimestampOr(
input: ColumnVector,
orElse: ColumnVector): ColumnVector = {
val cudfFormat1 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f"
val cudfFormat2 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f"
val cudfFormat3 = "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S"
val cudfFormat4 = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S"
withResource(orElse) { orElse =>
// valid dates must match the regex and either of the cuDF formats
val isCudfMatch = Seq(
).foldLeft(input.isTimestamp(cudfFormat1)) { (isTimestamp, nextFormat) =>
withResource(isTimestamp) { _ =>
withResource(input.isTimestamp(nextFormat)) { nextIsTimeStamp =>
val isValidTimestamp = withResource(isCudfMatch) { _ =>
val prog = new RegexProgram(TIMESTAMP_REGEX_FULL, CaptureGroups.NON_CAPTURE)
withResource(input.matchesRe(prog)) { isRegexMatch =>
// we only need to parse with one of the cuDF formats because the parsing code ignores
// the ' ' or 'T' between the date and time components
withResource(isValidTimestamp) { _ =>
withResource(input.asTimestampMicroseconds(cudfFormat1)) { asDays =>
isValidTimestamp.ifElse(asDays, orElse)
def castStringToTimestamp(input: ColumnVector, ansiMode: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
// special timestamps
val today = DateUtils.currentDate()
val todayStr = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd")
.format(today * DateUtils.ONE_DAY_SECONDS * 1000L)
var sanitizedInput = input.incRefCount()
// prepend today's date to timestamp formats without dates
sanitizedInput = withResource(sanitizedInput) { _ =>
val prog = new RegexProgram(TIMESTAMP_REGEX_NO_DATE)
sanitizedInput.stringReplaceWithBackrefs(prog, s"${todayStr}T\\1")
withResource(sanitizedInput) { sanitizedInput =>
// convert dates that are in valid timestamp formats
val converted =
convertTimestampOr(sanitizedInput, TIMESTAMP_REGEX_YYYY_MM_DD, "%Y-%m-%d",
convertTimestampOr(sanitizedInput, TIMESTAMP_REGEX_YYYY_MM, "%Y-%m",
convertTimestampOrNull(sanitizedInput, TIMESTAMP_REGEX_YYYY, "%Y"))))
// handle special dates like "epoch", "now", etc.
val finalResult = closeOnExcept(converted) { tsVector =>
DateUtils.fetchSpecialDates(DType.TIMESTAMP_MICROSECONDS) match {
case specialDates if specialDates.nonEmpty =>
// `tsVector` will be closed in replaceSpecialDates.
replaceSpecialDates(sanitizedInput, tsVector, specialDates)
case _ =>
if (ansiMode) {
// When ANSI mode is enabled, we need to throw an exception if any values could not be
// converted
checkResultForAnsiMode(input, finalResult,
"One or more values could not be converted to TimestampType")
} else {
private def castMapToMap(
from: MapType,
to: MapType,
input: ColumnView,
options: CastOptions): ColumnVector = {
// For cudf a map is a list of (key, value) structs, but lets keep it in ColumnView as much
// as possible
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) { kvStructColumn =>
val castKey = withResource(kvStructColumn.getChildColumnView(0)) { keyColumn =>
doCast(keyColumn, from.keyType, to.keyType, options)
withResource(castKey) { castKey =>
val castValue = withResource(kvStructColumn.getChildColumnView(1)) { valueColumn =>
doCast(valueColumn, from.valueType, to.valueType, options)
withResource(castValue) { castValue =>
withResource(ColumnView.makeStructView(castKey, castValue)) { castKvStructColumn =>
// We don't have to worry about null in the key/value struct because they are not
// allowed for maps in Spark
withResource(input.replaceListChild(castKvStructColumn)) { replacedView =>
private def castStructToStruct(
from: StructType,
to: StructType,
input: ColumnView,
options: CastOptions): ColumnVector = {
withResource(new ArrayBuffer[ColumnVector](from.length)) { childColumns =>
from.indices.foreach { index =>
childColumns += doCast(
to(index).dataType, options)
withResource(ColumnView.makeStructView(childColumns.toSeq: _*)) { casted =>
if (input.getNullCount == 0) {
} else {
withResource(input.isNull) { isNull =>
withResource(GpuScalar.from(null, to)) { nullVal =>
isNull.ifElse(nullVal, casted)
private def castBinToString(input: ColumnView, options: CastOptions): ColumnVector = {
if (options.useHexFormatForBinary) {
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) { dataCol =>
withResource(dataCol.toHex()) { stringCol =>
withResource(input.replaceListChild(stringCol)) { cv =>
castArrayToString(cv, DataTypes.StringType, options, true)
} else {
// Spark interprets the binary as UTF-8 bytes. So the layout of the
// binary and the layout of the string are the same. We just need to play some games with
// the CPU side metadata to make CUDF think it is a String.
// Sadly there is no simple CUDF API to do this, so for now we pull it apart and put
// it back together again
withResource(input.getChildColumnView(0)) { dataCol =>
withResource(new ColumnView(DType.STRING, input.getRowCount,
dataCol.getData, input.getValid, input.getOffsets)) { cv =>
private def castIntegralsToDecimal(
input: ColumnView,
dt: DecimalType,
ansiMode: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
val prec = input.getType.getPrecisionForInt
// Cast input to decimal
val inputDecimalType = new DecimalType(prec, 0)
withResource(input.castTo(DecimalUtil.createCudfDecimal(inputDecimalType))) { castedInput =>
castDecimalToDecimal(castedInput, inputDecimalType, dt, ansiMode)
private def castFloatsToDecimal(
input: ColumnView,
dt: DecimalType,
ansiMode: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
val targetType = DecimalUtil.createCudfDecimal(dt)
val converted = DecimalUtils.floatingPointToDecimal(input, targetType, dt.precision)
if (ansiMode && converted.hasFailure) {
throw RapidsErrorUtils.arithmeticOverflowError(OVERFLOW_MESSAGE)
def fixDecimalBounds(input: ColumnView,
outOfBounds: ColumnView,
ansiMode: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
if (ansiMode) {
withResource(outOfBounds.any()) { isAny =>
if (isAny.isValid && isAny.getBoolean) {
throw RapidsErrorUtils.arithmeticOverflowError(OVERFLOW_MESSAGE)
} else {
withResource(Scalar.fromNull(input.getType)) { nullVal =>
outOfBounds.ifElse(nullVal, input)
def checkNFixDecimalBounds(
input: ColumnView,
to: DecimalType,
ansiMode: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
withResource(DecimalUtil.outOfBounds(input, to)) { outOfBounds =>
fixDecimalBounds(input, outOfBounds, ansiMode)
private def castDecimalToDecimal(
input: ColumnView,
from: DecimalType,
to: DecimalType,
ansiMode: Boolean): ColumnVector = {
val toDType = DecimalUtil.createCudfDecimal(to)
val fromDType = DecimalUtil.createCudfDecimal(from)
val fromWholeNumPrecision = from.precision - from.scale
val toWholeNumPrecision = to.precision - to.scale
// Decimal numbers in general terms have two parts, a part before decimal (whole number)
// and a part after decimal (fractional number)
// If we are upcasting the whole number part there is no need to check for out of bound
// values.
val isWholeNumUpcast = fromWholeNumPrecision <= toWholeNumPrecision
// When upcasting the scale (fractional number) part there is no need for rounding.
val isScaleUpcast = from.scale <= to.scale
if (toDType.equals(fromDType) && to.precision >= from.precision) {
// This can happen in some cases when the scale does not change but the precision does. To
// Spark they are different types, but CUDF sees them as the same, so no need to change
// anything.
// If the input is a ColumnVector already this will just inc the reference count
} else {
// We have to round first to match what Spark is doing...
val rounded = if (!isScaleUpcast) {
// We have to round the data to the desired scale. Spark uses HALF_UP rounding in
// this case so we need to also.
input.round(to.scale, cudf.RoundMode.HALF_UP)
} else {
val checked = withResource(rounded) { rounded =>
if (!isWholeNumUpcast || !isScaleUpcast) {
// We need to check for out of bound values.
// The wholeNumberUpcast is obvious why we have to check, but we also have to check it
// when we rounded, because rounding can add a digit to the effective precision.
checkNFixDecimalBounds(rounded, to, ansiMode)
} else {
withResource(checked) { checked =>
* return `longInput` * MICROS_PER_SECOND, the input values are seconds.
* return Long.MaxValue if `long value` * MICROS_PER_SECOND > Long.MaxValue
* return Long.MinValue if `long value` * MICROS_PER_SECOND < Long.MinValue
def castLongToTimestamp(longInput: ColumnView, toType: DataType): ColumnVector = {
// rewrite from `java.util.concurrent.SECONDS.toMicros`
val maxSeconds = Long.MaxValue / MICROS_PER_SECOND
val minSeconds = -maxSeconds
val mulRet = withResource(Scalar.fromLong(MICROS_PER_SECOND)) { microsPerSecondS =>
val updatedMaxRet = withResource(mulRet) { mulCv =>
withResource(Scalar.fromLong(maxSeconds)) { maxSecondsS =>
withResource(longInput.greaterThan(maxSecondsS)) { greaterThanMaxSeconds =>
withResource(Scalar.fromLong(Long.MaxValue)) { longMaxS =>
greaterThanMaxSeconds.ifElse(longMaxS, mulCv)
val cv = withResource(updatedMaxRet) { updatedMax =>
withResource(Seq(minSeconds, Long.MinValue).safeMap(Scalar.fromLong)) {
case Seq(minSecondsS, longMinS) =>
withResource(longInput.lessThan(minSecondsS)) {
_.ifElse(longMinS, updatedMax)
withResource(cv) {
* Casts using the GPU
case class GpuCast(
child: Expression,
dataType: DataType,
ansiMode: Boolean = false,
timeZoneId: Option[String] = None,
legacyCastComplexTypesToString: Boolean = false,
stringToDateAnsiModeEnabled: Boolean = false)
extends GpuUnaryExpression with TimeZoneAwareExpression with NullIntolerant {
import GpuCast._
private val options: CastOptions =
new CastOptions(legacyCastComplexTypesToString, ansiMode, stringToDateAnsiModeEnabled,
timeZoneId = timeZoneId)
// when ansi mode is enabled, some cast expressions can throw exceptions on invalid inputs
override def hasSideEffects: Boolean = super.hasSideEffects || {
(child.dataType, dataType) match {
case (StringType, _) if ansiMode => true
case (TimestampType, ByteType | ShortType | IntegerType) if ansiMode => true
case (_: DecimalType, LongType) if ansiMode => true
case (LongType | _: DecimalType, IntegerType) if ansiMode => true
case (LongType | IntegerType | _: DecimalType, ShortType) if ansiMode => true
case (LongType | IntegerType | ShortType | _: DecimalType, ByteType) if ansiMode => true
case (FloatType | DoubleType, ByteType) if ansiMode => true
case (FloatType | DoubleType, ShortType) if ansiMode => true
case (FloatType | DoubleType, IntegerType) if ansiMode => true
case (FloatType | DoubleType, LongType) if ansiMode => true
case (_: LongType, dayTimeIntervalType: DataType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dayTimeIntervalType) => true
case (_: IntegerType, dayTimeIntervalType: DataType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dayTimeIntervalType) =>
case (dayTimeIntervalType: DataType, _: IntegerType | ShortType | ByteType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedDayTimeType(dayTimeIntervalType) => true
case (_: LongType, yearMonthIntervalType: DataType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(yearMonthIntervalType) => true
case (_: IntegerType, yearMonthIntervalType: DataType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(yearMonthIntervalType) =>
case (yearMonthIntervalType: DataType, _: ShortType | ByteType)
if GpuTypeShims.isSupportedYearMonthType(yearMonthIntervalType) => true
case (FloatType | DoubleType, TimestampType) =>
case _ => false
override def toString: String = s"cast($child as ${dataType.simpleString})"
override def checkInputDataTypes(): TypeCheckResult = {
if (Cast.canCast(child.dataType, dataType)) {
} else {
s"cannot cast ${child.dataType.catalogString} to ${dataType.catalogString}")
override def nullable: Boolean = Cast.forceNullable(child.dataType, dataType) || child.nullable
override def withTimeZone(timeZoneId: String): TimeZoneAwareExpression =
copy(timeZoneId = Option(timeZoneId))
// When this cast involves TimeZone, it's only resolved if the timeZoneId is set;
// Otherwise behave like Expression.resolved.
override lazy val resolved: Boolean =
childrenResolved && checkInputDataTypes().isSuccess && (!needsTimeZone || timeZoneId.isDefined)
def needsTimeZone: Boolean = Cast.needsTimeZone(child.dataType, dataType)
override def sql: String = dataType match {
// HiveQL doesn't allow casting to complex types. For logical plans translated from HiveQL,
// this type of casting can only be introduced by the analyzer, and can be omitted when
// converting back to SQL query string.
case _: ArrayType | _: MapType | _: StructType => child.sql
case _ => s"CAST(${child.sql} AS ${dataType.sql})"
override def doColumnar(input: GpuColumnVector): ColumnVector =
doCast(input.getBase, input.dataType(), dataType, options)