org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.execution.GpuBroadcastExchangeExec.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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Creates the distribution package of the RAPIDS plugin for Apache Spark
The newest version!
* Copyright (c) 2019-2024, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.apache.spark.sql.rapids.execution
import java.util.UUID
import java.util.concurrent._
import scala.collection.mutable
import scala.concurrent.ExecutionContext
import scala.ref.WeakReference
import scala.util.control.NonFatal
import ai.rapids.cudf.{HostMemoryBuffer, JCudfSerialization, NvtxColor, NvtxRange}
import ai.rapids.cudf.JCudfSerialization.HostConcatResult
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.Arm.{closeOnExcept, withResource}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.GpuMetric._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.RapidsPluginImplicits._
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.lore.{GpuLoreDumpRDD, SimpleRDD}
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.lore.GpuLore.LORE_DUMP_RDD_TAG
import com.nvidia.spark.rapids.shims.{ShimBroadcastExchangeLike, ShimUnaryExecNode, SparkShimImpl}
import org.apache.spark.SparkException
import org.apache.spark.broadcast.Broadcast
import org.apache.spark.internal.Logging
import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher
import org.apache.spark.rdd.RDD
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.InternalRow
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.logical.Statistics
import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.plans.physical.{BroadcastMode, BroadcastPartitioning, Partitioning}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.{SparkPlan, SQLExecution}
import{BroadcastExchangeExec, Exchange}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.joins.{BroadcastHashJoinExec, BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec}
import org.apache.spark.sql.execution.metric.SQLMetrics
import org.apache.spark.sql.internal.{SQLConf, StaticSQLConf}
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.DataType
import org.apache.spark.sql.vectorized.{ColumnarBatch, ColumnVector}
* Class that is used to broadcast results (a contiguous host batch) to executors.
* This is instantiated in the driver, serialized to an output stream provided by Spark
* to broadcast, and deserialized on the executor. Both the driver's and executor's copies
* are cleaned via GC. Because Spark closes `AutoCloseable` broadcast results after spilling
* to disk, this class does not subclass `AutoCloseable`. Instead we implement a `closeInternal`
* method only to be triggered via GC.
* @param data HostConcatResult populated for a broadcast that has column, otherwise it is null.
* It is transient because we want the executor to deserialize its `data` from Spark's
* torrent-backed input stream.
* @param output used to find the schema for this broadcast batch
* @param numRows number of rows for this broadcast batch
* @param dataLen size in bytes for this broadcast batch
// scalastyle:off no.finalize
class SerializeConcatHostBuffersDeserializeBatch(
@transient var data: HostConcatResult,
output: Seq[Attribute],
var numRows: Int,
var dataLen: Long)
extends Serializable with Logging {
@transient private var dataTypes =
// used for memoization of deserialization to GPU on Executor
@transient private var batchInternal: SpillableColumnarBatch = null
private def maybeGpuBatch: Option[SpillableColumnarBatch] = Option(batchInternal)
def batch: SpillableColumnarBatch = this.synchronized {
maybeGpuBatch.getOrElse {
withResource(new NvtxRange("broadcast manifest batch", NvtxColor.PURPLE)) { _ =>
val spillable =
if (data == null || data.getTableHeader.getNumColumns == 0) {
// If `data` is null or there are no columns, this is a rows-only batch
new ColumnarBatch(Array.empty, numRows),
} else if (data.getTableHeader.getNumRows == 0) {
// If we have columns but no rows, we can use the emptyBatchFromTypes optimization
} else {
// Regular GPU batch with rows/cols
// At this point we no longer need the host data and should not need to touch it again.
// Note that we don't close this using `withResources` around the creation of the
// `SpillableColumnarBatch`. That is because if a retry exception is thrown we want to
// still be able to recreate this broadcast batch, so we can't close the host data
// until we are at this line.
data = null
batchInternal = spillable
* Create host columnar batches from either serialized buffers or device columnar batch. This
* method can be safely called in both driver node and executor nodes. For now, it is used on
* the driver side for reusing GPU broadcast results in the CPU.
* NOTE: The caller is responsible to release these host columnar batches.
def hostBatch: ColumnarBatch = this.synchronized { { spillable =>
withResource(spillable.getColumnarBatch()) { batch =>
val hostColumns: Array[ColumnVector] = GpuColumnVector
new ColumnarBatch(hostColumns, numRows)
}.getOrElse {
withResource(new NvtxRange("broadcast manifest batch", NvtxColor.PURPLE)) { _ =>
if (data == null) {
new ColumnarBatch(Array.empty, numRows)
} else {
val header = data.getTableHeader
val buffer = data.getHostBuffer
val hostColumns = SerializedHostTableUtils.buildHostColumns(
header, buffer, dataTypes)
val rowCount = header.getNumRows
new ColumnarBatch(hostColumns.toArray, rowCount)
private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = {
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = {
* doWriteObject is invoked from both the driver, when it is trying to write
* a collected broadcast result on an stream to torrent broadcast to executors, and also
* when the executor MemoryStore evicts a "broadcast_[id]" block to make room in host memory.
* The driver will have `data` populated on construction and the executor will deserialize
* the object and, as part of the deserialization, invoke `doReadObject`.
* This will populate `data` before any task has had a chance to call `.batch` on this class.
* If `batchInternal` is defined we are in the executor, and there is no work to be done.
* This broadcast has been materialized on the GPU/RapidsBufferCatalog, and it is completely
* managed by the plugin.
* Public for unit tests.
* @param out the stream to write to
def doWriteObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = this.synchronized { {
case justRows: JustRowsColumnarBatch =>
JCudfSerialization.writeRowsToStream(out, justRows.numRows())
case scb: SpillableColumnarBatch =>
val table = withResource(scb.getColumnarBatch()) { cb =>
withResource(table) { _ =>
JCudfSerialization.writeToStream(table, out, 0, table.getRowCount)
}.getOrElse {
if (data == null || data.getTableHeader.getNumColumns == 0) {
JCudfSerialization.writeRowsToStream(out, numRows)
} else if (numRows == 0) {
// We didn't get any data back, but we need to write out an empty table that matches
withResource(GpuColumnVector.emptyHostColumns(dataTypes)) { hostVectors =>
JCudfSerialization.writeToStream(hostVectors, out, 0, 0)
} else {
val headers = Array(data.getTableHeader)
val buffers = Array(data.getHostBuffer)
JCudfSerialization.writeConcatedStream(headers, buffers, out)
* Deserializes a broadcast result in the host into `data`, `numRows` and `dataLen`.
* Public for unit tests.
def doReadObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = this.synchronized {
// no-op if we already have `batchInternal` or `data` set
if (batchInternal == null && data == null) {
withResource(new NvtxRange("DeserializeBatch", NvtxColor.PURPLE)) { _ =>
val (header, buffer) = SerializedHostTableUtils.readTableHeaderAndBuffer(in)
withResource(buffer) { _ =>
dataTypes = if (header.getNumColumns > 0) {
} else {
// for a rowsOnly broadcast, null out the `data` member.
val rowsOnly = dataTypes.isEmpty
numRows = header.getNumRows
dataLen = header.getDataLen
data = if (!rowsOnly) {
JCudfSerialization.concatToHostBuffer(Array(header), Array(buffer))
} else {
def dataSize: Long = dataLen
* This method is meant to only be called from `finalize` and it is not a regular
* AutoCloseable.close because we do not want Spark to close `batchInternal` when it spills
* the broadcast block's host torrent data.
* Reference:
* Public for tests.
def closeInternal(): Unit = this.synchronized {
Seq(data, batchInternal).safeClose()
data = null
batchInternal = null
@scala.annotation.nowarn("msg=method finalize in class Object is deprecated")
override def finalize(): Unit = {
// scalastyle:on no.finalize
// scalastyle:off no.finalize
* Object used for executors to serialize a result for their partition that will be collected
* on the driver to be broadcasted out as part of the exchange.
* @param batch - GPU batch to be serialized and sent to the driver.
class SerializeBatchDeserializeHostBuffer(batch: ColumnarBatch)
extends Serializable with AutoCloseable {
@transient private var columns = GpuColumnVector.extractBases(batch).map(_.copyToHost())
@transient var header: JCudfSerialization.SerializedTableHeader = null
@transient var buffer: HostMemoryBuffer = null
@transient private var numRows = batch.numRows()
private def writeObject(out: ObjectOutputStream): Unit = {
withResource(new NvtxRange("SerializeBatch", NvtxColor.PURPLE)) { _ =>
if (buffer != null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot re-serialize a batch this way...")
} else {
JCudfSerialization.writeToStream(columns, out, 0, numRows)
// In this case an RDD, we want to close the batch once it is serialized out or we will
// leak GPU memory (technically it will just wait for GC to release it and probably
// not a lot because this is used for a broadcast that really should be small)
// In the case of broadcast the life cycle of the object is tied to GC and there is no clean
// way to separate the two right now. So we accept the leak.
columns = null
private def readObject(in: ObjectInputStream): Unit = {
withResource(new NvtxRange("HostDeserializeBatch", NvtxColor.PURPLE)) { _ =>
val (h, b) = SerializedHostTableUtils.readTableHeaderAndBuffer(in)
// buffer will only be cleaned up on GC, so cannot warn about leaks
header = h
buffer = b
numRows = h.getNumRows
def dataSize: Long = {
JCudfSerialization.getSerializedSizeInBytes(columns, 0, numRows)
override def close(): Unit = {
columns = null
buffer = null
@scala.annotation.nowarn("msg=method finalize in class Object is deprecated")
override def finalize(): Unit = {
class GpuBroadcastMeta(
exchange: BroadcastExchangeExec,
conf: RapidsConf,
parent: Option[RapidsMeta[_, _, _]],
rule: DataFromReplacementRule) extends
SparkPlanMeta[BroadcastExchangeExec](exchange, conf, parent, rule) with Logging {
override def tagPlanForGpu(): Unit = {
if (!TrampolineUtil.isSupportedRelation(exchange.mode)) {
s"unsupported BroadcastMode: ${exchange.mode}. " +
s"GPU supports only IdentityBroadcastMode and HashedRelationBroadcastMode")
def isSupported(rm: RapidsMeta[_, _, _]): Boolean = rm.wrapped match {
case _: BroadcastHashJoinExec => true
case _: BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec => true
case _ => false
if (parent.isDefined) {
if (!parent.exists(isSupported)) {
willNotWorkOnGpu("BroadcastExchange only works on the GPU if being used " +
"with a GPU version of BroadcastHashJoinExec or BroadcastNestedLoopJoinExec")
override def convertToGpu(): GpuExec = {
GpuBroadcastExchangeExec(exchange.mode, childPlans.head.convertIfNeeded())(
abstract class GpuBroadcastExchangeExecBase(
mode: BroadcastMode,
child: SparkPlan) extends ShimBroadcastExchangeLike with ShimUnaryExecNode with GpuExec {
override val outputRowsLevel: MetricsLevel = ESSENTIAL_LEVEL
override val outputBatchesLevel: MetricsLevel = MODERATE_LEVEL
override lazy val additionalMetrics = Map(
"dataSize" -> createSizeMetric(ESSENTIAL_LEVEL, "data size"),
"broadcastTime" -> createNanoTimingMetric(ESSENTIAL_LEVEL, "time to broadcast"))
override def outputPartitioning: Partitioning = BroadcastPartitioning(mode)
// For now all broadcasts produce a single batch. We might need to change that at some point
override def outputBatching: CoalesceGoal = RequireSingleBatch
protected val timeout: Long = SQLConf.get.broadcastTimeout
// prior to Spark 3.5.0, runId is defined as `def` rather than `val` so
// produces a new ID on each reference. We override with a `val` so that
// the value is assigned once.
override val runId: UUID = UUID.randomUUID
lazy val relationFuture: Future[Broadcast[Any]] = {
// relationFuture is used in "doExecute". Therefore we can get the execution id correctly here.
val executionId = sparkContext.getLocalProperty(SQLExecution.EXECUTION_ID_KEY)
val numOutputBatches = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_BATCHES)
val numOutputRows = gpuLongMetric(NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS)
val dataSize = gpuLongMetric("dataSize")
val collectTime = gpuLongMetric(COLLECT_TIME)
val buildTime = gpuLongMetric(BUILD_TIME)
val broadcastTime = gpuLongMetric("broadcastTime")
session, GpuBroadcastExchangeExecBase.executionContext) {
try {
// Setup a job group here so later it may get cancelled by groupId if necessary.
sparkContext.setJobGroup(runId.toString, s"broadcast exchange (runId ${runId})",
interruptOnCancel = true)
val broadcastResult = {
val collected =
withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("broadcast collect", NvtxColor.GREEN,
collectTime)) { _ =>
val childRdd = child.executeColumnar()
// collect batches from the executors
val data = { cb =>
new SerializeBatchDeserializeHostBuffer(cb)
withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("broadcast build", NvtxColor.DARK_GREEN,
buildTime)) { _ =>
val emptyRelation = if (collected.isEmpty) {
} else {
emptyRelation.getOrElse {
collected, output, numOutputBatches, numOutputRows, dataSize)
val broadcasted =
withResource(new NvtxWithMetrics("broadcast", NvtxColor.CYAN,
broadcastTime)) { _ =>
// Broadcast the relation
SQLMetrics.postDriverMetricUpdates(sparkContext, executionId, metrics.values.toSeq)
} catch {
// SPARK-24294: To bypass scala bug:, we throw
// SparkFatalException, which is a subclass of Exception. ThreadUtils.awaitResult
// will catch this exception and re-throw the wrapped fatal throwable.
case oe: OutOfMemoryError =>
val ex = createOutOfMemoryException(oe)
throw ex
case e if !NonFatal(e) =>
val ex = new Exception(e)
throw ex
case e: Throwable =>
throw e
protected def createOutOfMemoryException(oe: OutOfMemoryError) = {
new Exception(
new OutOfMemoryError("Not enough memory to build and broadcast the table to all " +
"worker nodes. As a workaround, you can either disable broadcast by setting " +
s"${SQLConf.AUTO_BROADCASTJOIN_THRESHOLD.key} to -1 or increase the spark " +
s"driver memory by setting ${SparkLauncher.DRIVER_MEMORY} to a higher value.")
override protected def doPrepare(): Unit = {
// Materialize the future.
override protected def doExecute(): RDD[InternalRow] = {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"GpuBroadcastExchange does not support the execute() code path.")
override protected[sql] def doExecuteBroadcast[T](): Broadcast[T] = {
try {
relationFuture.get(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS).asInstanceOf[Broadcast[T]]
} catch {
case ex: TimeoutException =>
logError(s"Could not execute broadcast in $timeout secs.", ex)
if (!relationFuture.isDone) {
throw new SparkException(s"Could not execute broadcast in $timeout secs. " +
s"You can increase the timeout for broadcasts via ${SQLConf.BROADCAST_TIMEOUT.key} or " +
s"disable broadcast join by setting ${SQLConf.AUTO_BROADCASTJOIN_THRESHOLD.key} to -1",
final def executeColumnarBroadcast[T](): Broadcast[T] = {
if (isCanonicalizedPlan) {
throw new IllegalStateException("A canonicalized plan is not supposed to be executed.")
try {
val ret = relationFuture.get(timeout, TimeUnit.SECONDS)
} catch {
case ex: TimeoutException =>
logError(s"Could not execute broadcast in $timeout secs.", ex)
if (!relationFuture.isDone) {
throw new SparkException(s"Could not execute broadcast in $timeout secs. " +
s"You can increase the timeout for broadcasts via ${SQLConf.BROADCAST_TIMEOUT.key} or " +
s"disable broadcast join by setting ${SQLConf.AUTO_BROADCASTJOIN_THRESHOLD.key} to -1",
// We have to do this explicitly here rather than similar to the general version one in
// [[GpuExec]] since in adaptive execution, the broadcast value has already been calculated
// before we tag this plan to dump.
private def doLoreDump(result: Broadcast[Any]): Unit = {
val inner = new SimpleRDD(session.sparkContext, result, schema)
getTagValue(LORE_DUMP_RDD_TAG).foreach { info =>
val rdd = new GpuLoreDumpRDD(info, inner)
override def runtimeStatistics: Statistics = {
sizeInBytes = metrics("dataSize").value,
rowCount = Some(metrics(GpuMetric.NUM_OUTPUT_ROWS).value))
override protected def internalDoExecuteColumnar(): RDD[ColumnarBatch] = {
throw new IllegalStateException(s"Internal Error ${this.getClass} has column support" +
s" mismatch:\n$this")
object GpuBroadcastExchangeExecBase {
val executionContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(
protected def checkRowLimit(numRows: Int) = {
// Spark restricts the size of broadcast relations to be less than 512000000 rows and we
// enforce the same limit
// scalastyle:off line.size.limit
// scalastyle:on line.size.limit
if (numRows >= 512000000) {
throw new SparkException(
s"Cannot broadcast the table with 512 million or more rows: $numRows rows")
protected def checkSizeLimit(sizeInBytes: Long) = {
// Spark restricts the size of broadcast relations to be less than 8GB
throw new SparkException(
s"Cannot broadcast the table that is larger than" +
s"${MAX_BROADCAST_TABLE_BYTES >> 30}GB: ${sizeInBytes >> 30} GB")
* Concatenate deserialized host buffers into a single HostConcatResult that is then
* passed to a `SerializeConcatHostBuffersDeserializeBatch`.
* This result will in turn be broadcasted from the driver to the executors.
def makeBroadcastBatch(
buffers: Array[SerializeBatchDeserializeHostBuffer],
output: Seq[Attribute],
numOutputBatches: GpuMetric,
numOutputRows: GpuMetric,
dataSize: GpuMetric): SerializeConcatHostBuffersDeserializeBatch = {
val rowsOnly = buffers.isEmpty || buffers.head.header.getNumColumns == 0
var numRows = 0
var dataLen: Long = 0
val hostConcatResult = if (rowsOnly) {
numRows = withResource(buffers) { _ =>
"Rows-only broadcast resolved had non-empty " +
s"output ${output.mkString(",")}")
} else {
val hostConcatResult = withResource(buffers) { _ =>
closeOnExcept(hostConcatResult) { _ =>
// this result will be GC'ed later, so we mark it as such
numRows = hostConcatResult.getTableHeader.getNumRows
dataLen = hostConcatResult.getTableHeader.getDataLen
numOutputBatches += 1
numOutputRows += numRows
dataSize += dataLen
// create the batch we will broadcast out
new SerializeConcatHostBuffersDeserializeBatch(
hostConcatResult, output, numRows, dataLen)
case class GpuBroadcastExchangeExec(
mode: BroadcastMode,
child: SparkPlan)
(val cpuCanonical: BroadcastExchangeExec)
extends GpuBroadcastExchangeExecBase(mode, child) {
override def otherCopyArgs: Seq[AnyRef] = Seq(cpuCanonical)
private var _isGpuPlanningComplete = false
* Returns true if this node and children are finished being optimized by the RAPIDS Accelerator.
def isGpuPlanningComplete: Boolean = _isGpuPlanningComplete
* Method to call after all RAPIDS Accelerator optimizations have been applied
* to indicate this node and its children are done being planned by the RAPIDS Accelerator.
* Some optimizations, such as AQE exchange reuse fixup, need to know when a node will no longer
* be updated so it can be tracked for reuse.
def markGpuPlanningComplete(): Unit = {
if (!_isGpuPlanningComplete) {
_isGpuPlanningComplete = true
ExchangeMappingCache.trackExchangeMapping(cpuCanonical, this)
override def doCanonicalize(): SparkPlan = {
GpuBroadcastExchangeExec(mode.canonicalized, child.canonicalized)(cpuCanonical)
/** Caches the mappings from canonical CPU exchanges to the GPU exchanges that replaced them */
object ExchangeMappingCache extends Logging {
// Cache is a mapping from CPU broadcast plan to GPU broadcast plan. The cache should not
// artificially hold onto unused plans, so we make both the keys and values weak. The values
// point to their corresponding keys, so the keys will not be collected unless the value
// can be collected. The values will be held during normal Catalyst planning until those
// plans are no longer referenced, allowing both the key and value to be reaped at that point.
private val cache = new mutable.WeakHashMap[Exchange, WeakReference[Exchange]]
/** Try to find a recent GPU exchange that has replaced the specified CPU canonical plan. */
def findGpuExchangeReplacement(cpuCanonical: Exchange): Option[Exchange] = {
/** Add a GPU exchange to the exchange cache */
def trackExchangeMapping(cpuCanonical: Exchange, gpuExchange: Exchange): Unit = {
val old = findGpuExchangeReplacement(cpuCanonical)
if (!old.exists(_.asInstanceOf[GpuBroadcastExchangeExec].isGpuPlanningComplete)) {
cache.put(cpuCanonical, WeakReference(gpuExchange))
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