Maven / Gradle / Ivy
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.ociweb.pronghorn.pipe.ChannelReader;
import com.ociweb.pronghorn.pipe.util.hash.IntHashTable;
import com.ociweb.pronghorn.util.TrieParser;
import com.ociweb.pronghorn.util.TrieParserReader;
public class HTTPSpecification < T extends Enum & HTTPContentType,
R extends Enum & HTTPRevision,
V extends Enum & HTTPVerb,
H extends Enum & HTTPHeader
> {
public final Class supportedHTTPContentTypes;
public final Class supportedHTTPRevisions;
public final Class supportedHTTPVerbs;
public final Class supportedHTTPHeaders;
public final int maxVerbLength;
public final int headerCount;
public final H[] headers;
public final T[] contentTypes;
public final V[] verbs;
public final R[] revisions;
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(HTTPSpecification.class);
private boolean trustAccurateStrings = true;
private final TrieParser headerParser;
private TrieParser contentTypeTrie;
public final IntHashTable fileExtHashTable;
public static final boolean supportWrongLineFeeds = false;
//TODO: if these values are Long.MAX_VALUE-1 then the trie parser does not rebuild them.
// assembly bug in the trie parser for very large longs.
//must not collide with any valid struct field ID so we start with max value
public final static long END_OF_HEADER_ID = Integer.MAX_VALUE-1;//for the empty header found at the bottom of the header
public final static long UNKNOWN_HEADER_ID = Integer.MAX_VALUE-2;
private static HTTPSpecification defaultSpec;
public static HTTPSpecification defaultSpec() {
if (null == defaultSpec) {
defaultSpec = new HTTPSpecification(HTTPContentTypeDefaults.class, HTTPRevisionDefaults.class, HTTPVerbDefaults.class, HTTPHeaderDefaults.class );
return defaultSpec;
public A writeHeader(A target, int ordinal, ChannelReader data) {
return writeHeader(target, getHeader(ordinal), data);
public A writeHeader(A target, HTTPHeader header, ChannelReader data) {
try {
header.writeValue(target, this, data);
} catch (Throwable e) {
logger.error("Bad header unable to parse {} ",header);
throw new RuntimeException(e);
return target;
private HTTPSpecification(Class supportedHTTPContentTypes, Class supportedHTTPRevisions, Class supportedHTTPVerbs, Class supportedHTTPHeaders) {
this.supportedHTTPContentTypes = supportedHTTPContentTypes;
this.supportedHTTPRevisions = supportedHTTPRevisions;
this.supportedHTTPVerbs = supportedHTTPVerbs;
this.supportedHTTPHeaders = supportedHTTPHeaders;
this.headers = supportedHTTPHeaders.getEnumConstants();
this.headerCount = null==this.headers? 0 : headers.length;
this.revisions = supportedHTTPRevisions.getEnumConstants();
this.contentTypes = supportedHTTPContentTypes.getEnumConstants();
this.fileExtHashTable = buildFileExtHashTable(supportedHTTPContentTypes);
this.contentTypeTrie = contentTypeTrieBuilder(contentTypes);
//find ordinal values and max length
int maxVerbLength = 0;
this.verbs = supportedHTTPVerbs.getEnumConstants();
if (this.verbs != null) {
int j = verbs.length;
while (--j >= 0) {
maxVerbLength = Math.max(maxVerbLength, verbs[j].name().length());
this.maxVerbLength = maxVerbLength;
//build header lookup trie parser
assert(false == (trustAccurateStrings=false)); //side effect by design, do not modify
headerParser = new TrieParser(512, 2, trustAccurateStrings, false, true);
if (headers != null) {
int h = headers.length;
while (--h>=0) {
headerParser.setUTF8Value(headers[h].writingRoot(), headers[h].ordinal());
public TrieParser headerParser() {
return headerParser;
public boolean headerMatches(int headerId, CharSequence cs) {
return match(cs, headers[headerId].writingRoot());
public boolean verbMatches(int verbId, CharSequence cs) {
return match(cs, verbs[verbId].getKey());
public boolean match(CharSequence a, CharSequence b) {
if(b.length() != a.length()) {
return false;
int i = b.length();
while (--i>=0) {
if (Character.toLowerCase(b.charAt(i))!= Character.toLowerCase(a.charAt(i))) {
return false;
return true;
public int headerId(byte[] h, TrieParserReader reader) {
return (int)reader.query(reader, headerParser(), h, 0, h.length, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
public H getHeader(int headerId) {
assert(this.headers!=null) : "No headers have been set in this specification.";
assert(headerId >= 0 && headerId < this.headers.length) : "There is no header with the provided ID";
return this.headers[headerId];
public HTTPContentType getContentType(int contentTypeId) {
assert(this.contentTypes!=null) : "No content types have been set in this specification.";
assert(contentTypeId >=0 && contentTypeId < this.contentTypes.length) : "There is no content type with the provided ID";
return this.contentTypes[contentTypeId];
public TrieParser contentTypeTrieBuilder() {
return contentTypeTrie;
private TrieParser contentTypeTrieBuilder(HTTPContentType[] types) {
int x;
TrieParser typeMap = new TrieParser(4096,1,true,false,true); //TODO: set switch to turn on off the deep check skip TODO: must be shared across all instances??
if (null!=types) {
x = types.length;
while (--x >= 0) {
//with or without the charset part on the end
//Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
typeMap.setUTF8Value(types[x].contentType(),"\r\n", types[x].ordinal());
typeMap.setUTF8Value(types[x].contentType(),"; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n", types[x].ordinal());
typeMap.setUTF8Value(types[x].contentType(),"\n", types[x].ordinal()); //\n must be last because we prefer to have it pick \r\n
typeMap.setUTF8Value(types[x].contentType(),"; charset=ISO-8859-1\n", types[x].ordinal());
return typeMap;
public void visitHeaders(ChannelReader stream, Appendable target) {
int id = stream.readShort();
while (id > 0) {
try {
headerConsume(id, stream, target);
} catch (IOException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
id = stream.readShort();
public void headerSkip(int headerId, ChannelReader stream) {
public void headerConsume(int headerId, ChannelReader stream, Appendable target) {
headers[headerId].consumeValue(stream, target);
public long headerConsume(int headerId, ChannelReader stream) {
return headers[headerId].consumeValue(stream);
public static HTTPContentType lookupContentTypeByExtension(HTTPSpecification httpSpec, String resourceName) {
int idxOfDot = resourceName.lastIndexOf('.');
int typeIdx = 0;
if (idxOfDot>=0) {
int extHash = HTTPSpecification.extHash(resourceName.substring(idxOfDot+1, resourceName.length()));
//value will be zero if not found
typeIdx = IntHashTable.getItem(httpSpec.fileExtHashTable, extHash);
return (HTTPContentType)httpSpec.contentTypes[typeIdx];
private static < T extends Enum & HTTPContentType> IntHashTable buildFileExtHashTable(Class supportedHTTPContentTypes) {
int hashBits = 13; //8K
IntHashTable localExtTable = new IntHashTable(hashBits);
T[] conentTypes = supportedHTTPContentTypes.getEnumConstants();
int c = conentTypes.length;
while (--c >= 0) {
if (!conentTypes[c].isAlias()) {//never use an alias for the file Ext lookup.
int hash = HTTPSpecification.extHash(conentTypes[c].fileExtension());
if ( IntHashTable.hasItem(localExtTable, hash) ) {
final int ord = IntHashTable.getItem(localExtTable, hash);
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Hash error, check for new values and algo. "+conentTypes[c].fileExtension()+" colides with existing "+conentTypes[ord].fileExtension());
} else {
IntHashTable.setItem(localExtTable, hash, conentTypes[c].ordinal());
return localExtTable;
public static int extHash(byte[] back, int pos, int len, int mask) {
int x = pos+len;
int result = back[mask&(x-1)];
int c;
while((--len >= 0) && ('.' != (c = back[--x & mask])) ) {
result = (result << FileReadModuleStageData.extHashShift) ^ (0x1F & c); //mask to ignore sign
return result;
public static int extHash(CharSequence cs) {
int len = cs.length();
int result = cs.charAt(len-1);//init with the last value, will be used twice.
while(--len >= 0) {
result = (result << FileReadModuleStageData.extHashShift) ^ (0x1F & cs.charAt(len)); //mask to ignore sign
return result;
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