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com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.ObsoleteProperties.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy

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package com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod

import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.Animation
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationDelay
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationDirection
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationDuration
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationFillMode
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationIterationCount
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationName
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationPlayState
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.AnimationTimingFunction
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.Azimuth
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BackgroundClip
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BackgroundOrigin
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BackgroundSize
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BorderBottomLeftRadius
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BorderBottomRightRadius
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BorderImage
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BorderRadius
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BorderTopLeftRadius
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BorderTopRightRadius
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxAlign
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxDecorationBreak
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxDirection
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxFlex
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxFlexGroup
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxLines
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxOrdinalGroup
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxOrient
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxPack
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.BoxShadow
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.Clip
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.FontVariantAlternates
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.GridColumnGap
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.GridGap
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.GridRowGap
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ImeMode
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.InsetBlock
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.InsetBlockEnd
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.InsetBlockStart
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.InsetInline
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.InsetInlineEnd
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.InsetInlineStart
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.LineBreak
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozBinding
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozFloatEdge
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozForceBrokenImageIcon
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadius
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusBottomright
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusTopleft
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusTopright
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozUserInput
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MsScrollbarTrackColor
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ObjectFit
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ObjectPosition
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.Opacity
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.Outline
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.OutlineColor
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.OutlineStyle
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.OutlineWidth
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ScrollSnapCoordinate
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ScrollSnapDestination
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ScrollSnapPointsX
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ScrollSnapPointsY
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ScrollSnapTypeX
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.ScrollSnapTypeY
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TabSize
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TextAlignLast
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TextDecorationColor
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TextDecorationLine
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TextDecorationStyle
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TextOverflow
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.Transform
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TransformOrigin
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.Transition
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TransitionDelay
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TransitionDuration
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TransitionProperty
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.TransitionTimingFunction
import com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.UserSelect
import org.scalablytyped.runtime.StObject
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSGlobalScope, JSGlobal, JSImport, JSName, JSBracketAccess}

trait ObsoleteProperties[TLength, TTime] extends StObject {
    * The **`box-align`** CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
    * **Syntax**: `start | center | end | baseline | stretch`
    * **Initial value**: `stretch`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxAlign: js.UndefOr[BoxAlign] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-direction`** CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
    * **Syntax**: `normal | reverse | inherit`
    * **Initial value**: `normal`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxDirection: js.UndefOr[BoxDirection] = js.undefined
    * The **`-moz-box-flex`** and **`-webkit-box-flex`** CSS properties specify how a `-moz-box` or `-webkit-box` grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxFlex: js.UndefOr[BoxFlex] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-flex-group`** CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to a flex group.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `1`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxFlexGroup: js.UndefOr[BoxFlexGroup] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-lines`** CSS property determines whether the box may have a single or multiple lines (rows for horizontally oriented boxes, columns for vertically oriented boxes).
    * **Syntax**: `single | multiple`
    * **Initial value**: `single`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxLines: js.UndefOr[BoxLines] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-ordinal-group`** CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `1`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxOrdinalGroup: js.UndefOr[BoxOrdinalGroup] = js.undefined
    * This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
    * **Syntax**: `horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit`
    * **Initial value**: `inline-axis` (`horizontal` in XUL)
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxOrient: js.UndefOr[BoxOrient] = js.undefined
    * The **`-moz-box-pack`** and **`-webkit-box-pack`** CSS properties specify how a `-moz-box` or `-webkit-box` packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
    * **Syntax**: `start | center | end | justify`
    * **Initial value**: `start`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlBoxPack: js.UndefOr[BoxPack] = js.undefined
    * The **`line-break`** CSS property sets how to break lines of Chinese, Japanese, or Korean (CJK) text when working with punctuation and symbols.
    * **Syntax**: `auto | loose | normal | strict | anywhere`
    * **Initial value**: `auto`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlLineBreak: js.UndefOr[LineBreak] = js.undefined
    * The **`opacity`** CSS property sets the opacity of an element. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `1.0`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlOpacity: js.UndefOr[Opacity] = js.undefined
    * The `**user-select**` CSS property controls whether the user can select text. This doesn't have any effect on content loaded as chrome, except in textboxes.
    * **Syntax**: `auto | text | none | contain | all`
    * **Initial value**: `auto`
    * @deprecated
  var KhtmlUserSelect: js.UndefOr[UserSelect] = js.undefined
    * The **`background-clip`** CSS property sets whether an element's background extends underneath its border box, padding box, or content box.
    * **Syntax**: `#`
    * **Initial value**: `border-box`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBackgroundClip: js.UndefOr[BackgroundClip] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-decoration-break`** CSS property specifies how an element's fragments should be rendered when broken across multiple lines, columns, or pages.
    * **Syntax**: `slice | clone`
    * **Initial value**: `slice`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBackgroundInlinePolicy: js.UndefOr[BoxDecorationBreak] = js.undefined
    * The **`background-origin`** CSS property sets the background's origin: from the border start, inside the border, or inside the padding.
    * **Syntax**: `#`
    * **Initial value**: `padding-box`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBackgroundOrigin: js.UndefOr[BackgroundOrigin] = js.undefined
    * The **`background-size`** CSS property sets the size of the element's background image. The image can be left to its natural size, stretched, or constrained to fit the available space.
    * **Syntax**: `#`
    * **Initial value**: `auto auto`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBackgroundSize: js.UndefOr[BackgroundSize[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`-moz-binding`** CSS property is used by Mozilla-based applications to attach an XBL binding to a DOM element.
    * **Syntax**: ` | none`
    * **Initial value**: `none`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBinding: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozBinding] = js.undefined
    * The **`border-radius`** CSS property rounds the corners of an element's outer border edge. You can set a single radius to make circular corners, or two radii to make elliptical corners.
    * **Syntax**: `{1,4} [ / {1,4} ]?`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBorderRadius: js.UndefOr[BorderRadius[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`border-bottom-left-radius`** CSS property rounds the bottom-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
    * **Syntax**: `{1,2}`
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBorderRadiusBottomleft: js.UndefOr[BorderBottomLeftRadius[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`border-bottom-right-radius`** CSS property rounds the bottom-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
    * **Syntax**: `{1,2}`
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBorderRadiusBottomright: js.UndefOr[BorderBottomRightRadius[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`border-top-left-radius`** CSS property rounds the top-left corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
    * **Syntax**: `{1,2}`
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBorderRadiusTopleft: js.UndefOr[BorderTopLeftRadius[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`border-top-right-radius`** CSS property rounds the top-right corner of an element by specifying the radius (or the radius of the semi-major and semi-minor axes) of the ellipse defining the curvature of the corner.
    * **Syntax**: `{1,2}`
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBorderRadiusTopright: js.UndefOr[BorderTopRightRadius[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-align`** CSS property specifies how an element aligns its contents across its layout in a perpendicular direction. The effect of the property is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
    * **Syntax**: `start | center | end | baseline | stretch`
    * **Initial value**: `stretch`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBoxAlign: js.UndefOr[BoxAlign] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-direction`** CSS property specifies whether a box lays out its contents normally (from the top or left edge), or in reverse (from the bottom or right edge).
    * **Syntax**: `normal | reverse | inherit`
    * **Initial value**: `normal`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBoxDirection: js.UndefOr[BoxDirection] = js.undefined
    * The **`-moz-box-flex`** and **`-webkit-box-flex`** CSS properties specify how a `-moz-box` or `-webkit-box` grows to fill the box that contains it, in the direction of the containing box's layout.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBoxFlex: js.UndefOr[BoxFlex] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-ordinal-group`** CSS property assigns the flexbox's child elements to an ordinal group.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `1`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBoxOrdinalGroup: js.UndefOr[BoxOrdinalGroup] = js.undefined
    * This is a property of the original CSS Flexible Box Layout Module draft, and has been replaced by a newer standard. See flexbox for information about the current standard.
    * **Syntax**: `horizontal | vertical | inline-axis | block-axis | inherit`
    * **Initial value**: `inline-axis` (`horizontal` in XUL)
    * @deprecated
  var MozBoxOrient: js.UndefOr[BoxOrient] = js.undefined
    * The **`-moz-box-pack`** and **`-webkit-box-pack`** CSS properties specify how a `-moz-box` or `-webkit-box` packs its contents in the direction of its layout. The effect of this is only visible if there is extra space in the box.
    * **Syntax**: `start | center | end | justify`
    * **Initial value**: `start`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBoxPack: js.UndefOr[BoxPack] = js.undefined
    * The **`box-shadow`** CSS property adds shadow effects around an element's frame. You can set multiple effects separated by commas. A box shadow is described by X and Y offsets relative to the element, blur and spread radius, and color.
    * **Syntax**: `none | #`
    * **Initial value**: `none`
    * @deprecated
  var MozBoxShadow: js.UndefOr[BoxShadow] = js.undefined
    * The non-standard **`-moz-float-edge`** CSS property specifies whether the height and width properties of the element include the margin, border, or padding thickness.
    * **Syntax**: `border-box | content-box | margin-box | padding-box`
    * **Initial value**: `content-box`
    * @deprecated
  var MozFloatEdge: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozFloatEdge] = js.undefined
    * The **`-moz-force-broken-image-icon`** extended CSS property can be used to force the broken image icon to be shown even when a broken image has an `alt` attribute.
    * **Syntax**: `0 | 1`
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozForceBrokenImageIcon: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozForceBrokenImageIcon] = js.undefined
    * The **`opacity`** CSS property sets the opacity of an element. Opacity is the degree to which content behind an element is hidden, and is the opposite of transparency.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `1.0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOpacity: js.UndefOr[Opacity] = js.undefined
    * The **`outline`** CSS shorthand property set all the outline properties in a single declaration.
    * **Syntax**: `[ <'outline-color'> || <'outline-style'> || <'outline-width'> ]`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutline: js.UndefOr[Outline[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`outline-color`** CSS property sets the color of an element's outline.
    * **Syntax**: ` | invert`
    * **Initial value**: `invert`, for browsers supporting it, `currentColor` for the other
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineColor: js.UndefOr[OutlineColor] = js.undefined
    * In Mozilla applications like Firefox, the **`-moz-outline-radius`** CSS shorthand property can be used to give an element's `outline` rounded corners.
    * **Syntax**: `{1,4} [ / {1,4} ]?`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineRadius: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadius[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * In Mozilla applications, the **`-moz-outline-radius-bottomleft`** CSS property can be used to round the bottom-left corner of an element's `outline`.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusBottomleft[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * In Mozilla applications, the **`-moz-outline-radius-bottomright`** CSS property can be used to round the bottom-right corner of an element's `outline`.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineRadiusBottomright: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusBottomright[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * In Mozilla applications, the **`-moz-outline-radius-topleft`** CSS property can be used to round the top-left corner of an element's `outline`.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineRadiusTopleft: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusTopleft[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * In Mozilla applications, the **`-moz-outline-radius-topright`** CSS property can be used to round the top-right corner of an element's `outline`.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `0`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineRadiusTopright: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozOutlineRadiusTopright[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`outline-style`** CSS property sets the style of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the `border`.
    * **Syntax**: `auto | <'border-style'>`
    * **Initial value**: `none`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineStyle: js.UndefOr[OutlineStyle] = js.undefined
    * The CSS **`outline-width`** property sets the thickness of an element's outline. An outline is a line that is drawn around an element, outside the `border`.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `medium`
    * @deprecated
  var MozOutlineWidth: js.UndefOr[OutlineWidth[TLength]] = js.undefined
    * The **`text-align-last`** CSS property sets how the last line of a block or a line, right before a forced line break, is aligned.
    * **Syntax**: `auto | start | end | left | right | center | justify`
    * **Initial value**: `auto`
    * @deprecated
  var MozTextAlignLast: js.UndefOr[TextAlignLast] = js.undefined
    * The **`text-decoration-color`** CSS property sets the color of decorations added to text by `text-decoration-line`.
    * **Syntax**: ``
    * **Initial value**: `currentcolor`
    * @deprecated
  var MozTextDecorationColor: js.UndefOr[TextDecorationColor] = js.undefined
    * The **`text-decoration-line`** CSS property sets the kind of decoration that is used on text in an element, such as an underline or overline.
    * **Syntax**: `none | [ underline || overline || line-through || blink ] | spelling-error | grammar-error`
    * **Initial value**: `none`
    * @deprecated
  var MozTextDecorationLine: js.UndefOr[TextDecorationLine] = js.undefined
    * The **`text-decoration-style`** CSS property sets the style of the lines specified by `text-decoration-line`. The style applies to all lines that are set with `text-decoration-line`.
    * **Syntax**: `solid | double | dotted | dashed | wavy`
    * **Initial value**: `solid`
    * @deprecated
  var MozTextDecorationStyle: js.UndefOr[TextDecorationStyle] = js.undefined
    * In Mozilla applications, **`-moz-user-input`** determines if an element will accept user input.
    * **Syntax**: `auto | none | enabled | disabled`
    * **Initial value**: `auto`
    * @deprecated
  var MozUserInput: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.csstype.mod.Property.MozUserInput] = js.undefined
    * The **`animation`** shorthand CSS property applies an animation between styles. It is a shorthand for `animation-name`, `animation-duration`, `animation-timing-function`, `animation-delay`, `animation-iteration-count`, `animation-direction`, `animation-fill-mode`, and `animation-play-state`.
    * **Syntax**: `#`
    * @deprecated
  var OAnimation: js.UndefOr[Animation[TTime]] = js.undefined
    * The **`animation-delay`** CSS property specifies the amount of time to wait from applying the animation to an element before beginning to perform the animation. The animation can start later, immediately from its beginning, or immediately and partway through the animation.
    * **Syntax**: `

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