com.olvind.mui.muiMaterial.anon.AnchorOrigin.scala Maven / Gradle / Ivy
The newest version!
package com.olvind.mui.muiMaterial.anon
import com.olvind.mui.muiMaterial.badgeBadgeMod.BadgeOrigin
import com.olvind.mui.muiMaterial.stylesCreateThemeMod.Theme
import com.olvind.mui.muiSystem.styleFunctionSxStyleFunctionSxMod.SxProps
import com.olvind.mui.muiSystem.styleFunctionSxStyleFunctionSxMod.SystemStyleObject
import org.scalablytyped.runtime.StObject
import scala.scalajs.js
import scala.scalajs.js.annotation.{JSGlobalScope, JSGlobal, JSImport, JSName, JSBracketAccess}
trait AnchorOrigin extends StObject {
* The anchor of the badge.
* @default {
* vertical: 'top',
* horizontal: 'right',
* }
var anchorOrigin: js.UndefOr[BadgeOrigin] = js.undefined
* @ignore
var className: js.UndefOr[String] = js.undefined
* Override or extend the styles applied to the component.
var classes: js.UndefOr[PartialBadgeClasses] = js.undefined
* The color of the component.
* It supports both default and custom theme colors, which can be added as shown in the
* [palette customization guide](
* @default 'default'
var color: js.UndefOr["primary" | "secondary" | "default" | "error" | "info" | "success" | "warning"] = js.undefined
* The components used for each slot inside.
* This prop is an alias for the `slots` prop.
* It's recommended to use the `slots` prop instead.
* @default {}
var components: js.UndefOr[Badge] = js.undefined
* The extra props for the slot components.
* You can override the existing props or add new ones.
* This prop is an alias for the `slotProps` prop.
* It's recommended to use the `slotProps` prop instead, as `componentsProps` will be deprecated in the future.
* @default {}
var componentsProps: js.UndefOr[com.olvind.mui.muiBase.anon.Badge] = js.undefined
* Wrapped shape the badge should overlap.
* @default 'rectangular'
var overlap: js.UndefOr["rectangular" | "circular"] = js.undefined
* The system prop that allows defining system overrides as well as additional CSS styles.
var sx: js.UndefOr[SxProps[Theme]] = js.undefined
* The variant to use.
* @default 'standard'
var variant: js.UndefOr["standard" | "dot"] = js.undefined
object AnchorOrigin {
inline def apply(): AnchorOrigin = {
val __obj = js.Dynamic.literal()
implicit open class MutableBuilder[Self <: AnchorOrigin] (val x: Self) extends AnyVal {
inline def setAnchorOrigin(value: BadgeOrigin): Self = StObject.set(x, "anchorOrigin", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setAnchorOriginUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "anchorOrigin", js.undefined)
inline def setClassName(value: String): Self = StObject.set(x, "className", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setClassNameUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "className", js.undefined)
inline def setClasses(value: PartialBadgeClasses): Self = StObject.set(x, "classes", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setClassesUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "classes", js.undefined)
inline def setColor(value: "primary" | "secondary" | "default" | "error" | "info" | "success" | "warning"): Self = StObject.set(x, "color", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setColorUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "color", js.undefined)
inline def setComponents(value: Badge): Self = StObject.set(x, "components", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setComponentsProps(value: com.olvind.mui.muiBase.anon.Badge): Self = StObject.set(x, "componentsProps", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setComponentsPropsUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "componentsProps", js.undefined)
inline def setComponentsUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "components", js.undefined)
inline def setOverlap(value: "rectangular" | "circular"): Self = StObject.set(x, "overlap", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setOverlapUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "overlap", js.undefined)
inline def setSx(value: SxProps[Theme]): Self = StObject.set(x, "sx", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setSxFunction1(value: Theme => SystemStyleObject[Theme]): Self = StObject.set(x, "sx", js.Any.fromFunction1(value))
inline def setSxNull: Self = StObject.set(x, "sx", null)
inline def setSxUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "sx", js.undefined)
inline def setSxVarargs(value: (Boolean | SystemStyleObject[Theme] | (js.Function1[Theme, SystemStyleObject[Theme]]))*): Self = StObject.set(x, "sx", js.Array(value*))
inline def setVariant(value: "standard" | "dot"): Self = StObject.set(x, "variant", value.asInstanceOf[js.Any])
inline def setVariantUndefined: Self = StObject.set(x, "variant", js.undefined)