com.onloupe.agent.metrics.SampledMetric Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.onloupe.agent.metrics;
import java.lang.reflect.Field;
import java.lang.reflect.Method;
import java.time.OffsetDateTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.UUID;
import com.onloupe.core.NameValuePair;
import com.onloupe.core.logging.Log;
import com.onloupe.core.serialization.monitor.CustomSampledMetricPacket;
import com.onloupe.core.serialization.monitor.CustomSampledMetricSamplePacket;
import com.onloupe.core.util.TypeUtils;
import com.onloupe.model.metric.MemberType;
* The Class SampledMetric.
public final class SampledMetric {
/** The metric definition. */
private SampledMetricDefinition metricDefinition;
/** The packet. */
private CustomSampledMetricPacket packet;
* Create a new API custom sampled metric object from the provided API custom
* sampled metric definition and internal custom sampled metric.
* The new metric will automatically be added to the metric definition's metrics
* collection.
* @param definition The API custom sampled metric definition for the metric
* instance.
* @param packet the packet
public SampledMetric(SampledMetricDefinition definition, CustomSampledMetricPacket packet) {
// verify and store off our input
if (definition == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("definition");
if (packet == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("packet");
// one last safety check: The definition and the packet better agree.
if (!definition.getId().equals(packet.getDefinitionId())) {
throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException(
"The provided metric packet has a different definition Id than the provide metric definition.");
this.metricDefinition = definition;
this.packet = packet;
this.metricDefinition.getMetrics().put(packet.getInstanceName(), this);
* Registers all sampled metric definitions defined by attributes on the
* provided object or Type, and registers metric instances where
* SampledMetricInstanceName attribute is also found or a non-null fall-back is
* specified.
* This call ensures that the time-consuming reflection scan of all members
* looking for attributes across the entire inheritance of an object instance or
* Type has been done (e.g. outside of a critical path) so that the first call
* to Write(userDataObject) will not have to do that work within a critical
* path. Results are cached internally, so redundant calls to this method will
* not repeat the scan for types already scanned (including as part of a
* different top-level type).
* If a live object is given (not just a Type) then the member(s) bound as
* [SampledMetricInstanceName] will be queried and used to also register a
* sampled metric instance with the returned name, to save that step as well,
* although this step is much quicker. If a Type is given instead of a live
* object, it can not be queried for instance name(s) and will only register the
* sampled metric definitions. Metric instances will still be created as needed
* when sampling a userDataObject, automatically.
* If fallbackInstanceName is null, only instances which specify an instance
* name in the live object will be registered (and returned). With a valid
* string for fall-back instance name (including string.Empty for the "default
* instance"), a sampled metric will be registered and returned (barring errors)
* for each definition found. The instance indicated by the binding in the
* object will always be used by preference over the fall-back instance name
* parameter, even if the instance name member returns a null.
* @param userDataObject An object or Type defining sampled metrics via
* attributes on itself or on its base types or
* interfaces.
* @param fallbackInstanceName The instance name to fall back on if a definition
* does not specify an instance name binding (may be
* null).
* @return And array of all sampled metric instances found or created (one per
* definition) based on the instance name binding and optional
* fallbackInstanceName.
public static SampledMetric[] registerAll(Object userDataObject, String fallbackInstanceName) {
// we need a live object, not a null object or we'll fail
if (userDataObject == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("userDataObject");
// Register all of the event metric definitions it contains, object or Type:
SampledMetricDefinition[] definitions = SampledMetricDefinition.registerAll(userDataObject);
List metricsList = new ArrayList();
if (!(userDataObject instanceof java.lang.Class)) {
// They gave us a live object, not just a Type, so see if there are metric
// instances we can register.
// We'll cache the instance name for efficiency when multiple definitions in a
// row have the same BoundType.
java.lang.Class boundType = null;
String instanceName = null;
for (SampledMetricDefinition definition : definitions) {
if (definition.isBound() && definition.getNameBound()) {
// We are bound, so BoundType won't be null. Initial null value won't match, so
// we'll look it up.
if (definition.getBoundType() != boundType) {
// New bound type, we need to look up the instance name bound for sampled
// metrics on that Type.
String tempVar = definition.invokeInstanceNameBinding(userDataObject);
instanceName = (tempVar != null) ? tempVar : fallbackInstanceName;
// A null return means it didn't have an instance name binding or couldn't read
// it, so we'll
// use the specified fallbackInstanceName instead. If the instance name member
// returned null,
// this call will actually give us string.Empty, so we won't override it. If
// this call and
// fallbackInstanceName are both null, we won't register the instance.
boundType = definition.getBoundType();
if (instanceName != null) // null means it didn't find one, so we won't register an instance.
// In case there's an error in registration of one metric, we don't want to stop
// the rest.
try {
// An empty string (meaning the found value was null or empty) will be
// registered (same as null).
metricsList.add(register(definition, instanceName));
// ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause
catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
// ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause
return metricsList.toArray(new SampledMetric[0]);
* Pre-registers all sampled metric definitions defined by attributes on the
* provided object or Type, and registers metric instances where
* SampledMetricInstanceName attribute is also found.
* This call ensures that the reflection scan of all members looking for
* attributes across the entire inheritance of an object instance or Type has
* been done (e.g. outside of a critical path) so that the first call to
* Write can be as fast as possible. Results are
* cached internally, so redundant calls to this method will not repeat the scan
* for types already scanned (including as part of a different top-level type).
* If a live object is given (not just a Type) then the member(s) decorated with
* a SampledMetricInstanceNameAttribute
* Class will be queried and used to also register a sampled metric
* instance with the returned name.
* If a Type is given instead of a live object, it can't be queried for instance
* name(s) and will only register the sampled metric definitions. Metric
* instances will still be automatically created as needed when writing a
* metricDataObject.
* For examples, see the Sampled
* Metric class overview.
* @param metricData An object or Type defining sampled metrics via attributes
* on itself or on its base types or interfaces.
public static void register(Object metricData) {
registerAll(metricData, null); // Register all definitions, but with no fall-back for unspecified instances.
* Creates a new metric instance from the provided definition information, or
* returns any existing instance if found.
* This call is designed to be safe in multithreaded environments. If two
* threads attempt to register the same metric at the same time, the first will
* register the metric and the second (and all subsequent calls to Register with
* the same three part key) will return the same object.
* If the Metric Definition doesn't exist, it will be created. If the Sampled
* Metric doesn't exist, it will be created.
* If a metric definition does exist with the same 3-part Key but is not a
* sampled metric an exception will be thrown. This is one of the only times
* that an exception can be thrown by the Loupe Agent.
* For examples, see the Sampled
* Metric class overview.
* @param metricsSystem The metrics capture system label.
* @param categoryName The name of the category with which this metric is
* associated.
* @param counterName The name of the metric definition within the category.
* @param samplingType The sampling type of this sampled metric counter.
* @param unitCaption A displayable caption for the units this metric samples,
* or null for unit-less values.
* @param metricCaption A displayable caption for this sampled metric counter.
* @param description An extended end-user description of this sampled metric
* counter.
* @param instanceName The unique name of this instance within the metric's
* collection (may be null).
* @return the sampled metric
public static SampledMetric register(String metricsSystem, String categoryName, String counterName,
SamplingType samplingType, String unitCaption, String metricCaption, String description,
String instanceName) {
SampledMetricDefinition metricDefinition = SampledMetricDefinition.register(metricsSystem, categoryName,
counterName, samplingType, unitCaption, metricCaption, description);
// Then just forward into our call that requires the definition to be specified
return register(metricDefinition, instanceName);
* Creates a new metric instance from the provided definition information, or
* returns any existing instance if found.
* If the Sampled Metric doesn't exist, it will be created.
* This call is designed to be safe in multithreaded environments. If two
* threads attempt to register the same metric at the same time, the first will
* register the metric and the second (and all subsequent calls to Register with
* the same three part key) will return the same object.
* @param definition The metric definition for the metric instance.
* @param instanceName The unique name of this instance within the metric's
* collection (may be null).
* @return The event metric object for the specified event metric instance.
* For examples, see the Sampled
* Metric class overview.
public static SampledMetric register(SampledMetricDefinition definition, String instanceName) {
if (definition == null) {
// Uh-oh. AddOrGet() gave us a non-CustomSampledMetricDefinition?
return null;
return definition.addOrGetMetric(instanceName);
* Write a metric sample with the provided data immediately, for non-fraction
* sampling types.
* Sampled metrics using any fraction sampling type should instead use an
* overload providing both values. For examples, see the
* Sampled Metric class overview.
* @param rawValue The raw data value.
public void writeSample(double rawValue) {
// Create a new custom sampled metric and write it out to the log
Log.write(new CustomSampledMetricSamplePacket(packet, rawValue));
* Write a metric sample with the provided data immediately, for non-fraction
* sampling types.
* Sampled metrics using any fraction sampling type should instead use an
* overload providing both values. For examples, see the
* Sampled Metric class overview.
* @param rawValue The raw data value.
* @param rawTimestamp The exact date and time the raw value was determined.
public void writeSample(double rawValue, OffsetDateTime rawTimestamp) {
// Create a new custom sampled metric and write it out to the log
Log.write(new CustomSampledMetricSamplePacket(packet, rawValue, rawTimestamp));
* Write a metric sample with the provided data immediately, for fraction
* sampling types.
* Sampled metrics using a non-fraction sampling type should instead use an
* overload taking a single data values. For examples, see the
* Sampled Metric class overview.
* @param rawValue The raw data value.
* @param baseValue The divisor entry of this sample.
public void writeSample(double rawValue, double baseValue) {
// Create a new custom sampled metric and write it out to the log
Log.write(new CustomSampledMetricSamplePacket(packet, rawValue, baseValue));
* Write a metric sample with the provided data immediately, for fraction
* sampling types.
* Sampled metrics using a non-fraction sampling type should instead use an
* overload taking a single data values. For examples, see the
* Sampled Metric class overview.
* @param rawValue The raw data value.
* @param baseValue The divisor entry of this sample.
* @param rawTimestamp The exact date and time the raw value was determined.
public void writeSample(double rawValue, double baseValue, OffsetDateTime rawTimestamp) {
// Create a new custom sampled metric and write it out to the log
Log.write(new CustomSampledMetricSamplePacket(packet, rawValue, baseValue, rawTimestamp));
* Write a sampled metric sample for this sampled metric instance using the
* provided data object.
* The provided user data object must be assignable to the bound type which
* defined this sampled metric via attributes. For examples, see the
* Sampled Metric class overview.
* @param metricData The object to retrieve metric values from.
public void writeSample(Object metricData) {
if (metricData == null) {
throw new NullPointerException("metricData");
if (!getDefinition().isBound()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"This sampled metric's definition is not bound to sample automatically from a user data object. WriteSample(...) must be given the data values directly.");
java.lang.Class userDataType = metricData.getClass();
if (!getDefinition().getBoundType().isAssignableFrom(userDataType)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format(Locale.ROOT,
"The provided user data object type (%1$s) is not assignable to this sampled metric's bound type (%2$s) and can not be sampled automatically for this metric instance.",
userDataType, getDefinition().getBoundType()));
try {
// Get the numerator value...
NameValuePair dataBinding = getDefinition().getDataBinding();
// This should throw an exception if dataBinding isn't valid, so we'll bail the
// whole thing.
Double numerator = null;
if (dataBinding.getValue().equals(MemberType.FIELD)) {
Field field = userDataType.getDeclaredField(dataBinding.getName());
numerator = field.getDouble(metricData);
} else if (dataBinding.getValue().equals(MemberType.METHOD)) {
Method method = userDataType.getMethod(dataBinding.getName());
numerator = (double)method.invoke(metricData);
if (SampledMetricDefinition.requiresDivisor(getSamplingType())) {
NameValuePair divisorBinding = getDefinition().getDivisorBinding();
// This should throw an exception if divisorBinding isn't valid, so we'll bail
// the whole thing.
Double rawDivisor = null;
if (divisorBinding.getValue().equals(MemberType.FIELD)) {
Field field = userDataType.getDeclaredField(divisorBinding.getName());
rawDivisor = field.getDouble(metricData);
} else if (divisorBinding.getValue().equals(MemberType.METHOD)) {
Method method = userDataType.getMethod(divisorBinding.getName());
rawDivisor = (double)method.invoke(metricData);
writeSample(numerator, rawDivisor); // Write the pair of values.
} else {
writeSample(numerator); // Write the single data value.
} catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
// We can't write this sample if we got an error reading the data.
* Write sampled metric samples for all sampled metrics defined on the provided
* data object by attributes.
* The provided user data object must be assignable to the bound type which
* defined this sampled metric via attributes. For examples, see the
* Sampled Metric class overview.
* @param metricData The object to retrieve both metric values and
* definition from
* @param fallbackInstanceName The instance name to fall back on if a definition
* does not specify an instance name binding (may be
* null).
public static void write(Object metricData, String fallbackInstanceName) {
// We have to force a null fall-back instance name into a valid string to force
// all metrics to be sampled.
SampledMetric[] allMetrics = registerAll(metricData,
(fallbackInstanceName != null) ? fallbackInstanceName : "");
for (SampledMetric metric : allMetrics) {
try {
// ReSharper disable EmptyGeneralCatchClause
catch (java.lang.Exception e) {
// ReSharper restore EmptyGeneralCatchClause
* Write sampled metric samples for all sampled metrics defined on the provided
* data object by attributes.
* The provided user data object must be assignable to the bound type which
* defined this sampled metric via attributes. For examples, see the
* Sampled Metric class overview.
* @param metricData The object to retrieve both metric values and definition
* from
public static void write(Object metricData) {
// The real logic is in SampledMetricDefinition.
write(metricData, "");
* The definition of this sampled metric.
* @return the definition
public SampledMetricDefinition getDefinition() {
return this.metricDefinition;
* The unique Id of this sampled metric instance. This can reliably be used as a
* key to refer to this item, within the same session which created it.
* The Id is limited to a specific session, and thus identifies a consistent
* unchanged definition. The Id can not be used to identify a definition
* across different sessions, which could have different actual definitions due
* to changing user code. See the Key property to identify
* a metric definition across different sessions.
* @return the id
public UUID getId() {
return this.packet.getID();
* The four-part key of the metric instance being captured, as a single string.
* The Key is the combination of metrics capture system label, category name,
* and counter name of the metric definition, along with the instance name, to
* uniquely identify a specific metric instance of a specific metric definition.
* It can also identify the same metric instance across different sessions.
* @return the key
public String getKey() {
return this.packet.getName();
* A short caption of what the metric tracks, suitable for end-user display.
* @return the caption
public String getCaption() {
return this.packet.getCaption();
* A description of what is tracked by this metric, suitable for end-user
* display.
* @return the description
public String getDescription() {
return this.packet.getDescription();
* The metrics capture system label of this metric definition.
* @return the metrics system
public String getMetricsSystem() {
return this.metricDefinition.getMetricsSystem();
* The category of this metric for display purposes. Displayed as a dot (.)
* delimited hierarchal display.
* You can create arbitrarily deep categorization by using periods (.) to
* separate category levels. For example, the category "Database.Query.Search"
* will be parsed to create a three-level category {Database, Query, Search}.
* You can have spaces in the category name.
* @return the category name
public String getCategoryName() {
return this.metricDefinition.getCategoryName();
* The display name of this metric (unique within the category name).
* @return the counter name
public String getCounterName() {
return this.metricDefinition.getCounterName();
* The intended method of interpreting the sampled counter value.
* Depending on how your application can conveniently aggregate data, select the
* matching sampling type. For example, consider a metric designed to record
* disk utilization in bytes / second. This can be done by:
* - Recording with each sample the total number of
* bytes written from the start of the process to the current point. This would
* use the Total Count Sampling Type.
* - Recording with each sample the number of bytes written since the last
* sample. This would use the IncrementalCount Sampling
* Type.
- Recording with each sample the bytes per second
* since the last sample. This would use the RawCount
* Sampling Type.
* Fraction Sampling Formats
* When you want to record a metric that represents a percentage, such as
* percent utilization, it's often easiest to record the individual metric
* samples with both parts of the fraction used to derive the percentage. For
* example, consider a metric designed to record percent disk utilization (as a
* percentage of working time). This can be done by:
* - Recording with each sample the total number of
* ticks spent writing to disk as the value and the total number of ticks spent
* servicing requests as the base value. This would use the TotalFraction
* Sampling Type.
- Recording with
* each sample the number of ticks spent writing to disk since the last sample
* as the value and the number of ticks spent servicing client requests since
* the last sample as the base value. This would use the IncrementalFraction
* Sampling Type.
- Recording with
* each sample the number of ticks spent writing per second as the value and the
* number of ticks spent servicing client requests per second as the base value.
* This would use the RawFraction Sampling Type.
* The advantage of the fractional sampling types over simply doing the division
* yourself is primarily the additional safety aspects built into Loupe (such as
* division by zero protection) and automatic, accurate extrapolation to
* different sampling intervals (such as when samples are recorded once per
* second but you want to view them on a longer interval)
* @return the sampling type
* @see SamplingType SamplingType Enumeration
public SamplingType getSamplingType() {
return this.metricDefinition.getSamplingType();
* The display caption for the units this metric's values represent, or null for
* unit-less values.
* Unit caption is used in the Analyst during charting and graphing to allow
* metrics that share the same units to be displayed on the same axis.
* Comparison is case insensitive, but otherwise done as a normal string
* compare.
* Normally unit captions do not include aggregation text, such as Average, Min
* or Max to support the best axis grouping.
* @return the unit caption
public String getUnitCaption() {
return this.metricDefinition.getUnitCaption();
* Gets the instance name for this sampled metric.
* @return the instance name
public String getInstanceName() {
return this.packet.getInstanceName();
* Indicates whether this is the default metric instance for this metric
* definition or not.
* The default instance has a null instance name. This property is provided as a
* convenience to simplify client code so you don't have to distinguish empty
* strings or null.
* @return true, if is default
public boolean isDefault() {
return (TypeUtils.isBlank(this.packet.getInstanceName()));