com.onthegomap.planetiler.config.Arguments Maven / Gradle / Ivy
package com.onthegomap.planetiler.config;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.geo.GeoUtils;
import com.onthegomap.planetiler.stats.Stats;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.format.DateTimeParseException;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.function.Function;
import java.util.function.Supplier;
import java.util.function.UnaryOperator;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import org.locationtech.jts.geom.Envelope;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
* Lightweight abstraction over ways to provide key/value pair arguments to a program like jvm properties, environmental
* variables, or a config file.
* When looking up a key, tries to find a case-and-separator-insensitive match, for example {@code "CONFIG_OPTION"} will
* match {@code "config-option"} and {@code "config_option"}.
* If you replace an option with a new value, you can read a value from the new option and fall back to old one by using
* {@code "new_flag|old_flag"} as the key.
public class Arguments {
private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Arguments.class);
private final UnaryOperator provider;
private final Supplier extends Collection> keys;
private boolean silent = false;
private Arguments(UnaryOperator provider, Supplier extends Collection> keys) {
this.provider = provider;
this.keys = keys;
* Returns arguments from JVM system properties prefixed with {@code planetiler.}
* For example to set {@code key=value}: {@code java -Dplanetiler.key=value -jar ...}
public static Arguments fromJvmProperties() {
return fromJvmProperties(
() -> System.getProperties().stringPropertyNames()
static Arguments fromJvmProperties(UnaryOperator getter, Supplier extends Collection> keys) {
return fromPrefixed(getter, keys, "planetiler", ".", false);
* Returns arguments parsed from environmental variables prefixed with {@code PLANETILER_}
* For example to set {@code key=value}: {@code PLANETILER_KEY=value java -jar ...}
public static Arguments fromEnvironment() {
return fromEnvironment(
() -> System.getenv().keySet()
static Arguments fromEnvironment(UnaryOperator getter, Supplier> keys) {
return fromPrefixed(getter, keys, "PLANETILER", "_", true);
* Returns arguments parsed from a {@link Properties} object.
public static Arguments from(Properties properties) {
return new Arguments(
* Returns arguments parsed from command-line arguments.
* For example to set {@code key=value}: {@code java -jar ... key=value} or {@code java -jar ... --key value}
* Or to set {@code key=true}: {@code java -jar ... --key}
* @param args arguments provided to main method
* @return arguments parsed from command-line arguments
public static Arguments fromArgs(String... args) {
Map parsed = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
String arg = args[i].strip();
String[] kv = arg.split("=", 2);
String key = kv[0].replaceAll("^[\\s-]+", "");
if (kv.length == 2) {
String value = kv[1];
parsed.put(key, value);
} else if (kv.length == 1) {
if (arg.startsWith("-")) {
if (i >= args.length - 1 || args[i + 1].strip().startsWith("-")) {
parsed.put(key, "true");
} else {
parsed.put(key, args[++i].strip());
} else {
parsed.put(key, "true");
return of(parsed);
* Returns arguments provided from a properties file.
* @see .properties format explanation
public static Arguments fromConfigFile(Path path) {
Properties properties = new Properties();
try (var reader = Files.newBufferedReader(path)) {
return from(properties);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to load config file: " + path, e);
* Returns arguments parsed from command-line arguments, JVM properties, environmental variables, or a config file.
* Priority order:
* - command-line arguments: {@code java ... key=value}
* - jvm properties: {@code java -Dplanetiler.key=value ...}
* - environmental variables: {@code PLANETILER_KEY=value java ...}
* - in a config file from "config" argument from any of the above
* @param args command-line args provide to main entrypoint method
* @return arguments parsed from those sources
public static Arguments fromArgsOrConfigFile(String... args) {
Arguments fromArgsOrEnv = fromEnvOrArgs(args);
Path configFile = fromArgsOrEnv.file("config", "path to config file", null);
if (configFile != null) {
return fromArgsOrEnv.orElse(fromConfigFile(configFile));
} else {
return fromArgsOrEnv;
* Returns arguments parsed from command-line arguments, JVM properties, environmental variables.
* Priority order:
* - command-line arguments: {@code java ... key=value}
* - jvm properties: {@code java -Dplanetiler.key=value ...}
* - environmental variables: {@code PLANETILER_KEY=value java ...}
* @param args command-line args provide to main entrypoint method
* @return arguments parsed from those sources
public static Arguments fromEnvOrArgs(String... args) {
return fromArgs(args)
private static String normalize(String key, String separator, boolean upperCase) {
String result = key.replaceAll("[._-]", separator);
return upperCase ? result.toUpperCase(Locale.ROOT) : result.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);
private static String normalize(String key) {
return normalize(key, "_", false);
public static Arguments of(Map map) {
Map updated = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (var entry : map.entrySet()) {
updated.put(normalize(entry.getKey()), entry.getValue());
return new Arguments(updated::get, updated::keySet);
/** Shorthand for {@link #of(Map)} which constructs the map from a list of key/value pairs. */
public static Arguments of(Object... args) {
Map map = new TreeMap<>();
for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i += 2) {
map.put(args[i].toString(), args[i + 1].toString());
return of(map);
private static Arguments from(UnaryOperator provider, Supplier extends Collection> rawKeys,
UnaryOperator forward, UnaryOperator reverse) {
Supplier> keys = () -> rawKeys.get().stream().flatMap(key -> {
String reversed = reverse.apply(key);
return normalize(key).equals(normalize(reversed)) ? Stream.empty() : Stream.of(reversed);
return new Arguments(key -> provider.apply(forward.apply(key)), keys);
private static Arguments fromPrefixed(UnaryOperator provider, Supplier extends Collection> keys,
String prefix, String separator, boolean uppperCase) {
var prefixRegex = Pattern.compile("^" + Pattern.quote(normalize(prefix + separator, separator, uppperCase)),
return from(provider, keys,
key -> normalize(prefix + separator + key, separator, uppperCase),
key -> normalize(prefixRegex.matcher(key).replaceFirst(""))
private String get(String key) {
String[] options = key.split("\\|");
String value = null;
for (int i = 0; i < options.length; i++) {
String option = options[i].strip();
value = provider.apply(normalize(option));
if (value != null) {
if (i != 0) {
LOGGER.warn("Argument '{}' is deprecated", option);
return value;
* Chain two argument providers so that {@code other} is used as a fallback to {@code this}.
* @param other another arguments provider
* @return arguments instance that checks {@code this} first and if a match is not found then {@code other}
public Arguments orElse(Arguments other) {
var result = new Arguments(
key -> {
String ourResult = get(key);
return ourResult != null ? ourResult : other.get(key);
() -> Stream.concat(
if (silent) {
return result;
String getArg(String key) {
String value = get(key);
return value == null ? null : value.trim();
String getArg(String key, String defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key);
return value == null ? defaultValue : value;
* Returns an {@link Envelope} parsed from {@code key} argument, or null if missing.
* Format: {@code westLng,southLat,eastLng,northLat}
* @param key argument name
* @param description argument description
* @return An envelope parsed from {@code key} or null if missing
public Envelope bounds(String key, String description) {
String input = getArg(key);
Envelope result = null;
if ("world".equalsIgnoreCase(input) || "planet".equalsIgnoreCase(input)) {
result = GeoUtils.WORLD_LAT_LON_BOUNDS;
} else if (input != null) {
double[] bounds = Stream.of(input.split("[\\s,]+")).mapToDouble(Double::parseDouble).toArray();
if (bounds.length != 4) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("bounds must have 4 coordinates, got: " + input);
result = new Envelope(bounds[0], bounds[2], bounds[1], bounds[3]);
logArgValue(key, description, result);
return result;
protected void logArgValue(String key, String description, Object result) {
if (!silent && LOGGER.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOGGER.debug("argument: {}={} ({})", key.replaceFirst("\\|.*$", ""), result, description);
/** Stop logging argument values when they are read and return this instance. */
public Arguments silence() {
this.silent = true;
return this;
public String getString(String key, String description, String defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key, defaultValue);
logArgValue(key, description, value);
return value;
public String getString(String key, String description) {
String value = getRequiredArg(key, description);
logArgValue(key, description, value);
return value;
/** Returns a {@link Path} parsed from {@code key} argument, or fall back to a default if the argument is not set. */
public Path file(String key, String description, Path defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key);
Path file = value == null ? defaultValue : Path.of(value);
logArgValue(key, description, file);
return file;
/** Returns a {@link Path} parsed from {@code key} argument which may or may not exist. */
public Path file(String key, String description) {
String value = getRequiredArg(key, description);
Path file = Path.of(value);
logArgValue(key, description, file);
return file;
private String getRequiredArg(String key, String description) {
String value = getArg(key);
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Missing required parameter: " + key + " (" + description + ")");
return value;
* Returns a {@link Path} parsed from {@code key} argument which must exist for the program to function.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file does not exist
public Path inputFile(String key, String description, Path defaultValue) {
Path path = file(key, description, defaultValue);
if (!Files.exists(path)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " does not exist");
return path;
* Returns a {@link Path} parsed from a required {@code key} argument which must exist for the program to function.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the file does not exist or if the parameter is not provided.
public Path inputFile(String key, String description) {
Path path = file(key, description);
if (!Files.exists(path)) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(path + " does not exist");
return path;
/** Returns a boolean parsed from {@code key} argument where {@code "true"} is true and anything else is false. */
public boolean getBoolean(String key, String description, boolean defaultValue) {
boolean value = "true".equalsIgnoreCase(getArg(key, Boolean.toString(defaultValue)));
logArgValue(key, description, value);
return value;
/** Returns a boolean parsed from {@code key} or {@code null} if not specified. */
public Boolean getBooleanObject(String key, String description) {
var arg = getArg(key);
Boolean value = arg == null ? null : "true".equalsIgnoreCase(arg);
logArgValue(key, description, value);
return value;
/** Returns a {@link List} parsed from {@code key} argument where values are separated by commas. */
public List getList(String key, String description, List defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key, String.join(",", defaultValue));
List results = Stream.of(value.split(","))
.filter(c -> !c.isBlank()).toList();
logArgValue(key, description, value);
return results;
* Returns the number of threads from {@link Runtime#availableProcessors()} but allow the user to override it by
* setting the {@code threads} argument.
* @throws NumberFormatException if {@code threads} can't be parsed as an integer
public int threads() {
String value = getArg("threads", Integer.toString(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()));
int threads = Math.max(2, Integer.parseInt(value));
logArgValue("threads", "num threads", threads);
return threads;
* Returns a {@link Stats} implementation based on the arguments provided.
* If {@code pushgateway} is set then it uses a stats implementation that pushes to prometheus through a
* push gateway every {@code pushgateway.interval} seconds.
* Otherwise, uses an in-memory stats implementation.
public Stats getStats() {
String prometheus = getArg("pushgateway");
if (prometheus != null && !prometheus.isBlank()) {"argument: stats=use prometheus push gateway stats");
String job = getString("pushgateway.job", "prometheus pushgateway job ID", "planetiler");
Duration interval = getDuration("pushgateway.interval", "how often to send stats to prometheus push gateway",
return Stats.prometheusPushGateway(prometheus, job, interval);
} else {"argument: stats=use in-memory stats");
return Stats.inMemory();
* Returns an argument as integer.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the argument cannot be parsed as an integer
public int getInteger(String key, String description, int defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key, Integer.toString(defaultValue));
int parsed = switch (value.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT)) {
case "false" -> 0;
case "true" -> defaultValue;
default -> Integer.parseInt(value);
logArgValue(key, description, parsed);
return parsed;
* Returns an argument as double.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the argument cannot be parsed as a double
public double getDouble(String key, String description, double defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key, Double.toString(defaultValue));
double parsed = Double.parseDouble(value);
logArgValue(key, description, parsed);
return parsed;
* Returns an argument as a {@link Duration} (i.e. "10s", "90m", "1h30m").
* @throws DateTimeParseException if the argument cannot be parsed as a duration
public Duration getDuration(String key, String description, String defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key, defaultValue);
if (!value.startsWith("P") && !value.startsWith("T") && !value.startsWith("-")) {
value = "PT" + value;
Duration parsed = Duration.parse(value);
logArgValue(key, description, parsed.get(ChronoUnit.SECONDS) + " seconds");
return parsed;
* Returns an argument as long.
* @throws NumberFormatException if the argument cannot be parsed as a long
public long getLong(String key, String description, long defaultValue) {
String value = getArg(key, Long.toString(defaultValue));
long parsed = Long.parseLong(value);
logArgValue(key, description, parsed);
return parsed;
public T getObject(String key, String description, T defaultValue, Function converter) {
final String serializedValue = getArg(key);
final T value = serializedValue == null ? defaultValue : converter.apply(serializedValue);
logArgValue(key, description, value);
return value;
* Returns a map from all the arguments provided to their values.
public Map toMap() {
Map result = new HashMap<>();
for (var key : keys.get()) {
result.put(normalize(key), get(key));
return result;
/** Returns a copy of this {@code Arguments} instance that logs each extracted argument value exactly once. */
public Arguments withExactlyOnceLogging() {
Multiset logged = HashMultiset.create();
return new Arguments(this.provider, this.keys) {
protected void logArgValue(String key, String description, Object result) {
int count = logged.add(key, 1);
if (count == 0) {
super.logArgValue(key, description, result);
} else if (count == 3000) {
LOGGER.warn("Too many requests for argument '{}', result should be cached", key);
public boolean silenced() {
return silent;
public Arguments copy() {
return new Arguments(provider, keys);
* Returns a new arguments instance that translates requests for a {@code "key"} to {@code "prefix_key"}.
public Arguments withPrefix(String prefix) {
return fromPrefixed(provider, keys, prefix, "_", false);
/** Returns a view of this instance, that only supports requests for {@code allowedKeys}. */
public Arguments subset(String... allowedKeys) {
Set allowed = new HashSet<>();
for (String key : allowedKeys) {
return new Arguments(
key -> allowed.contains(normalize(key)) ? provider.apply(key) : null,
() -> keys.get().stream().filter(key -> allowed.contains(normalize(key))).toList()
/** Returns a new arguments instance where the value for {@code key} defaults to {@code value}. */
public Arguments withDefault(Object key, Object value) {
return orElse(Arguments.of(key.toString().replaceFirst("^-*", ""), value));