com.opengamma.strata.market.explain.ExplainKey Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (C) 2015 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
* Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.strata.market.explain;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.List;
import org.joda.convert.FromString;
import com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.Currency;
import com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.CurrencyAmount;
import com.opengamma.strata.basics.date.DayCount;
import com.opengamma.strata.basics.index.Index;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.TypedString;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.common.PayReceive;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.rate.IborInterpolatedRateComputation;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.swap.CompoundingMethod;
* A key for the map of explanatory values.
* This key is used with {@link ExplainMap} to create a loosely defined data structure
* that allows an explanation of a calculation to be represented.
* @param the type of the object associated with the key
public final class ExplainKey
extends TypedString> {
/** Serialization version. */
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
* The index of this entry within the parent.
* For example, this could be used to represent the index of the leg within the swap,
* or the index of the payment period within the leg.
public static final ExplainKey ENTRY_INDEX = of("EntryIndex");
* The type of this entry.
* For example, this could be used to distinguish between a swap leg, swap payment period and a FRA.
public static final ExplainKey ENTRY_TYPE = of("EntryType");
* The list of legs.
public static final ExplainKey> LEGS = of("Legs");
* The list of payment events.
public static final ExplainKey> PAYMENT_EVENTS = of("PaymentEvents");
* The list of payment periods.
public static final ExplainKey> PAYMENT_PERIODS = of("PaymentPeriods");
* The list of accrual periods.
public static final ExplainKey> ACCRUAL_PERIODS = of("AccrualPeriods");
* The list of reset periods.
public static final ExplainKey> RESET_PERIODS = of("ResetPeriods");
* The list of rate observations.
public static final ExplainKey> OBSERVATIONS = of("Observations");
* The present value.
public static final ExplainKey PRESENT_VALUE = of("PresentValue");
* The forecast value.
public static final ExplainKey FORECAST_VALUE = of("ForecastValue");
* The flag to indicate that the period has completed.
* For example, a swap payment period that has already paid would have this set to true.
* This will generally never be set to false.
public static final ExplainKey COMPLETED = of("Completed");
* The currency of the payment.
public static final ExplainKey PAYMENT_CURRENCY = of("PaymentCurrency");
* Whether the entry is being paid or received.
public static final ExplainKey PAY_RECEIVE = of("PayReceive");
* An indication of the pay-off formula that applies to the leg.
* For example, this could be used to distinguish between fixed, overnight, IBOR and inflation.
public static final ExplainKey LEG_TYPE = of("LegType");
* The effective notional, which may be converted from the contract notional in the case of FX reset.
public static final ExplainKey NOTIONAL = of("Notional");
* The notional, as defined in the trade.
* This is the notional in the trade, which may be converted to the actual notional by FX reset.
public static final ExplainKey TRADE_NOTIONAL = of("TradeNotional");
* The payment date, adjusted to be a valid business day if necessary.
public static final ExplainKey PAYMENT_DATE = of("PaymentDate");
* The payment date, before any business day adjustment.
public static final ExplainKey UNADJUSTED_PAYMENT_DATE = of("PaymentDate");
* The accrual start date, adjusted to be a valid business day if necessary.
public static final ExplainKey START_DATE = of("StartDate");
* The accrual start date, before any business day adjustment.
public static final ExplainKey UNADJUSTED_START_DATE = of("UnadjustedStartDate");
* The accrual end date, adjusted to be a valid business day if necessary.
public static final ExplainKey END_DATE = of("EndDate");
* The accrual end date, before any business day adjustment.
public static final ExplainKey UNADJUSTED_END_DATE = of("UnadjustedEndDate");
* The day count used to calculate the year fraction.
public static final ExplainKey ACCRUAL_DAY_COUNT = of("AccrualDayCount");
* The year fraction between the start and end dates.
public static final ExplainKey ACCRUAL_YEAR_FRACTION = of("AccrualYearFraction");
* The number of accrual days between the start and end dates.
public static final ExplainKey ACCRUAL_DAYS = of("AccrualDays");
* The actual number of days between the start and end dates.
public static final ExplainKey DAYS = of("Days");
* The discount factor, typically derived from a curve.
public static final ExplainKey DISCOUNT_FACTOR = of("DiscountFactor");
* The fixed rate, as defined in the contract.
public static final ExplainKey FIXED_RATE = of("FixedRate");
* The observed index, such as an Ibor or Overnight index.
public static final ExplainKey INDEX = of("Index");
* The start date used to calculate the forward rate.
public static final ExplainKey FORWARD_RATE_START_DATE = of("ForwardRateStartDate");
* The end date used to calculate the forward rate.
public static final ExplainKey FORWARD_RATE_END_DATE = of("ForwardRateEndDate");
* The fixing date.
public static final ExplainKey FIXING_DATE = of("FixingDate");
* The observed index value, typically derived from a curve.
* This may be known exactly if the fixing has occurred.
public static final ExplainKey INDEX_VALUE = of("IndexValue");
* The flag to indicate that the that the observed value is from a fixing time-series.
* This will generally never be set to false.
public static final ExplainKey FROM_FIXING_SERIES = of("FromFixingSeries");
* The weight of this observation.
* Weighting applies when averaging more than one observation to produce the final rate.
public static final ExplainKey WEIGHT = of("Weight");
* The combined rate, including weighting.
* This rate differs from the observed rate if there is more than one fixing involved.
* For example, {@link IborInterpolatedRateComputation} has two observed rates
* which are combined to create this rate.
public static final ExplainKey COMBINED_RATE = of("CombinedRate");
* The spread, added to the forward rate.
public static final ExplainKey SPREAD = of("Spread");
* The gearing, that the rate is multiplied by.
public static final ExplainKey GEARING = of("Gearing");
* The pay-off rate, which includes adjustments like weighting, spread and gearing.
public static final ExplainKey PAY_OFF_RATE = of("PayOffRate");
* The unit amount.
* This is typically the rate multiplied by the year fraction, before multiplication by the notional.
public static final ExplainKey UNIT_AMOUNT = of("UnitAmount");
* The method of compounding.
public static final ExplainKey COMPOUNDING = of("CompoundingMethod");
* The strike value.
public static final ExplainKey STRIKE_VALUE = of("StrikeValue");
* The convexity adjusted rate.
public static final ExplainKey CONVEXITY_ADJUSTED_RATE = of("ConvexityAdjustedRate");
* The forward rate.
public static final ExplainKey FORWARD_RATE = of("ForwardRate");
* Obtains an instance from the specified name.
* Field names may contain any character, but must not be empty.
* @param the inferred type of the key
* @param name the name of the field
* @return a field with the specified name
public static ExplainKey of(String name) {
return new ExplainKey(name);
* Creates an instance.
* @param name the name of the field
private ExplainKey(String name) {