Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2014 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
* Please see distribution for license.
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.util.Optional;
import com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.Currency;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.rate.RatesProvider;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.LegalEntityId;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.SecurityId;
* A provider of data for bond pricing, based on repo and issuer discounting.
* This provides the environmental information against which bond pricing occurs,
* which is the repo and issuer curves. If the bond is inflation linked, the
* price index data is obtained from {@link RatesProvider}.
* The standard independent implementation is {@link ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider}.
* All implementations of this interface must be immutable and thread-safe.
public interface LegalEntityDiscountingProvider {
* Gets the valuation date.
* The raw data in this provider is calibrated for this date.
* @return the valuation date
public abstract LocalDate getValuationDate();
* Gets the discount factors from a repo curve based on the security ID, issuer ID and currency.
* This searches first for a curve associated with the security iD and currency,
* and then for a curve associated with the issuer ID and currency.
* If the valuation date is on or after the specified date, the discount factor is 1.
* @param securityId the standard ID of security to get the discount factors for
* @param issuerId the standard ID of legal entity to get the discount factors for
* @param currency the currency to get the discount factors for
* @return the discount factors
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the discount factors are not available
public abstract RepoCurveDiscountFactors repoCurveDiscountFactors(
SecurityId securityId,
LegalEntityId issuerId,
Currency currency);
* Gets the discount factors from a repo curve based on the issuer ID and currency.
* This searches for a curve associated with the issuer ID and currency.
* If the valuation date is on or after the specified date, the discount factor is 1.
* @param issuerId the standard ID of legal entity to get the discount factors for
* @param currency the currency to get the discount factors for
* @return the discount factors
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the discount factors are not available
public abstract RepoCurveDiscountFactors repoCurveDiscountFactors(
LegalEntityId issuerId,
Currency currency);
* Gets the discount factors from an issuer based on the issuer ID and currency.
* This searches for a curve associated with the issuer ID and currency.
* If the valuation date is on or after the specified date, the discount factor is 1.
* @param issuerId the standard ID to get the discount factors for
* @param currency the currency to get the discount factors for
* @return the discount factors
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the discount factors are not available
public abstract IssuerCurveDiscountFactors issuerCurveDiscountFactors(LegalEntityId issuerId, Currency currency);
* Computes the parameter sensitivity.
* This computes the {@link CurrencyParameterSensitivities} associated with the {@link PointSensitivities}.
* This corresponds to the projection of the point sensitivity to the curve internal parameters representation.
* This method handles {@link RepoCurveZeroRateSensitivity} and {@link IssuerCurveZeroRateSensitivity}.
* For other sensitivity objects, see {@link RatesProvider#parameterSensitivity(PointSensitivities)}.
* @param pointSensitivities the point sensitivity
* @return the sensitivity to the curve parameters
public abstract CurrencyParameterSensitivities parameterSensitivity(PointSensitivities pointSensitivities);
* Gets market data of a specific type.
* This is a general purpose mechanism to obtain market data.
* In general, it is desirable to pass the specific market data needed for pricing into
* the pricing method. However, in some cases, notably swaps, this is not feasible.
* It is strongly recommended to clearly state on pricing methods what data is required.
* @param the type of the value
* @param id the identifier to find
* @return the data associated with the key
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if the data is not available
public abstract T data(MarketDataId id);
* Finds the market data with the specified name.
* This is most commonly used to find a {@link Curve} using a {@link CurveName}.
* If the market data cannot be found, empty is returned.
* @param the type of the market data value
* @param name the name to find
* @return the market data value, empty if not found
public abstract Optional findData(MarketDataName name);
* Converts this provider to an equivalent {@code ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider}.
* @return the equivalent immutable legal entity provider
public abstract ImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider toImmutableLegalEntityDiscountingProvider();