com.opengamma.strata.pricer.cms.SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
* Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.strata.pricer.cms;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import static;
import java.time.LocalDate;
import java.time.ZonedDateTime;
import java.util.OptionalDouble;
import java.util.function.Function;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.Currency;
import com.opengamma.strata.basics.currency.CurrencyAmount;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.ArgChecker;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.Messages;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.array.DoubleArray;
import com.opengamma.strata.math.MathException;
import com.opengamma.strata.math.impl.integration.RungeKuttaIntegrator1D;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.impl.option.SabrExtrapolationRightFunction;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.rate.RatesProvider;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.swap.DiscountingSwapProductPricer;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.swaption.SabrSwaptionVolatilities;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.swaption.SwaptionSabrSensitivity;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.swaption.SwaptionVolatilitiesName;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.cms.CmsPeriod;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.cms.CmsPeriodType;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.common.PutCall;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.swap.RatePaymentPeriod;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.swap.ResolvedSwap;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.swap.ResolvedSwapLeg;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.swap.SwapIndex;
import com.opengamma.strata.product.swap.SwapLegType;
* Computes the price of a CMS coupon/caplet/floorlet by swaption replication on a shifted SABR formula with extrapolation.
* The extrapolation is done on call prices above a certain strike. See {@link SabrExtrapolationRightFunction} for
* more details on the extrapolation method.
* The replication requires numerical integration. This is completed by {@link RungeKuttaIntegrator1D}.
* The consistency between {@code RatesProvider} and {@code SabrParametersSwaptionVolatilities} is not checked in this
* class, but validated only once in {@link SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsLegPricer}.
* Reference: Hagan, P. S. (2003). Convexity conundrums: Pricing CMS swaps, caps, and floors.
* Wilmott Magazine, March, pages 38--44.
* OpenGamma implementation note: Replication pricing for linear and TEC format CMS, Version 1.2, March 2011.
* OpenGamma implementation note for the extrapolation: Smile extrapolation, version 1.2, May 2011.
public final class SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer {
* Logger.
private static final Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer.class);
* The minimal number of iterations for the numerical integration.
private static final int NUM_ITER = 10;
/** The relative tolerance for the numerical integration in PV computation. */
private static final double REL_TOL = 1.0e-10;
/** The absolute tolerance for the numerical integration in PV computation.
* The numerical integration stops when the difference between two steps is below the absolute tolerance
* plus the relative tolerance multiplied by the value.*/
private static final double ABS_TOL = 1.0e-8;
* The relative tolerance for the numerical integration in sensitivity computation.
private static final double REL_TOL_STRIKE = 1e-5;
* The relative tolerance for the numerical integration in sensitivity computation.
private static final double REL_TOL_VEGA = 1e-3;
* The maximum iteration count.
private static final int MAX_COUNT = 10;
* Shift from zero bound for floor.
* To avoid numerical instability of the SABR function around 0. Shift by 0.01 bps.
private static final double ZERO_SHIFT = 1e-6;
* The minimal time for which the convexity adjustment is computed. The time is less than a day.
* For expiry below that value, the forward rate is used for present value.
private static final double MIN_TIME = 1e-4;
* Pricer for the underlying swap.
private final DiscountingSwapProductPricer swapPricer;
* The cut-off strike.
* The smile is extrapolated above that level.
private final double cutOffStrike;
* The tail thickness parameter.
* This must be greater than 0 in order to ensure that the call price converges to 0 for infinite strike.
private final double mu;
* Obtains the pricer.
* @param swapPricer the pricer for underlying swap
* @param cutOffStrike the cut-off strike value
* @param mu the tail thickness
* @return the pricer
public static SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer of(
DiscountingSwapProductPricer swapPricer,
double cutOffStrike,
double mu) {
return new SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer(swapPricer, cutOffStrike, mu);
* Obtains the pricer with default swap pricer.
* @param cutOffStrike the cut-off strike value
* @param mu the tail thickness
* @return the pricer
public static SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer of(double cutOffStrike, double mu) {
return of(DiscountingSwapProductPricer.DEFAULT, cutOffStrike, mu);
* Returns the underlying swap pricer.
* @return the pricer
public DiscountingSwapProductPricer getSwapPricer() {
return swapPricer;
* Returns the tail thickness parameter.
* @return the parameter
public double getMu() {
return mu;
* Returns the cut-off strike.
* @return the strike
public double getCutOffStrike() {
return cutOffStrike;
// Private constructor
private SabrExtrapolationReplicationCmsPeriodPricer(
DiscountingSwapProductPricer swapPricer,
double cutOffStrike,
double mu) {
this.swapPricer = ArgChecker.notNull(swapPricer, "swapPricer");
this.cutOffStrike = cutOffStrike; = ArgChecker.notNegativeOrZero(mu, "mu");
* Computes the present value by replication in SABR framework with extrapolation on the right.
* @param cmsPeriod the CMS
* @param provider the rates provider
* @param swaptionVolatilities the swaption volatilities
* @return the present value
public CurrencyAmount presentValue(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
RatesProvider provider,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities) {
Currency ccy = cmsPeriod.getCurrency();
if (provider.getValuationDate().isAfter(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate())) {
SwapIndex index = cmsPeriod.getIndex();
ResolvedSwap swap = cmsPeriod.getUnderlyingSwap();
double dfPayment = provider.discountFactor(ccy, cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
ZonedDateTime valuationDate = swaptionVolatilities.getValuationDateTime();
LocalDate fixingDate = cmsPeriod.getFixingDate();
double expiryTime = swaptionVolatilities.relativeTime(
double tenor = swaptionVolatilities.tenor(swap.getStartDate(), swap.getEndDate());
double shift = swaptionVolatilities.shift(expiryTime, tenor);
double strikeCpn = cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.COUPON) ? -shift : cmsPeriod.getStrike();
if (!fixingDate.isAfter(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
OptionalDouble fixedRate = provider.timeSeries(cmsPeriod.getIndex()).get(fixingDate);
if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
double payoff = payOff(cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType(), strikeCpn, fixedRate.getAsDouble());
return CurrencyAmount.of(ccy, dfPayment * payoff * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction());
} else if (fixingDate.isBefore(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
"Unable to get fixing for {} on date {}, no time-series supplied", cmsPeriod.getIndex(), fixingDate));
double forward = swapPricer.parRate(swap, provider);
if (expiryTime < MIN_TIME) {
double payoff = payOff(cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType(), strikeCpn, forward);
return CurrencyAmount.of(ccy, dfPayment * payoff * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction());
double eta = index.getTemplate().getConvention().getFixedLeg().getDayCount()
.relativeYearFraction(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate(), swap.getStartDate());
CmsIntegrantProvider intProv = new CmsIntegrantProvider(
cmsPeriod, swap, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strikeCpn, expiryTime, tenor, cutOffStrike, eta);
double factor = dfPayment / intProv.h(forward) * intProv.g(forward);
double strikePart = factor * intProv.k(strikeCpn) *;
RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(ABS_TOL, REL_TOL, NUM_ITER);
double integralPart = 0d;
Function integrant = intProv.integrant();
try {
if (intProv.getPutCall().isCall()) {
integralPart = dfPayment *
integrateCall(integrator, integrant, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strikeCpn, expiryTime, tenor);
} else {
integralPart = -dfPayment * integrator.integrate(integrant, -shift + ZERO_SHIFT, strikeCpn);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MathException(e);
double priceCMS = (strikePart + integralPart);
if (cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.COUPON)) {
priceCMS -= dfPayment * shift;
priceCMS *= cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction();
return CurrencyAmount.of(ccy, priceCMS);
* Computes the adjusted forward rate for a CMS coupon.
* The adjusted forward rate, is the number such that, multiplied by the notional, the year fraction and the payment
* date discount factor, it produces the present value. In other terms, it is the number which used in the same
* formula used for Ibor coupon pricing will provide the correct present value.
* For period already fixed, this number will be equal to the swap index fixing.
* For cap or floor the result is the adjusted forward rate for the coupon equivalent to the cap/floor,
* i.e. the coupon with the same dates and index but with no cap or floor strike.
* @param cmsPeriod the CMS period, which should be of the type {@link CmsPeriodType#COUPON}
* @param provider the rates provider
* @param swaptionVolatilities the swaption volatilities
* @return the adjusted forward rate
public double adjustedForwardRate(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
RatesProvider provider,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities) {
CmsPeriod coupon = cmsPeriod.toCouponEquivalent();
Currency ccy = cmsPeriod.getCurrency();
double dfPayment = provider.discountFactor(ccy, coupon.getPaymentDate());
double pv = presentValue(coupon, provider, swaptionVolatilities).getAmount();
return pv / (coupon.getNotional() * coupon.getYearFraction() * dfPayment);
* Computes the adjustment to the forward rate for a CMS coupon.
* The adjustment to the forward rate, is the quantity that need to be added to the forward rate to obtain the
* adjusted forward rate. The adjusted forward rate is the number which used in the same formula used for
* Ibor coupon pricing (forward * notional * accrual factor * discount factor) will provide the correct present value.
* For cap or floor the result is the adjustment to the forward rate for the coupon equivalent to the cap/floor,
* i.e. the coupon with the same dates and index but with no cap or floor strike.
* @param cmsPeriod the CMS period, which should be of the type {@link CmsPeriodType#COUPON}
* @param provider the rates provider
* @param swaptionVolatilities the swaption volatilities
* @return the adjusted forward rate
public double adjustmentToForwardRate(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
RatesProvider provider,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities) {
CmsPeriod coupon = cmsPeriod.toCouponEquivalent();
double adjustedForwardRate = adjustedForwardRate(coupon, provider, swaptionVolatilities);
double forward = swapPricer.parRate(coupon.getUnderlyingSwap(), provider);
return adjustedForwardRate - forward;
* Computes the present value curve sensitivity by replication in SABR framework with extrapolation on the right.
* @param cmsPeriod the CMS
* @param provider the rates provider
* @param swaptionVolatilities the swaption volatilities
* @return the present value sensitivity
public PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivityRates(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
RatesProvider provider,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities) {
Currency ccy = cmsPeriod.getCurrency();
if (provider.getValuationDate().isAfter(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate())) {
return PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
SwapIndex index = cmsPeriod.getIndex();
ResolvedSwap swap = cmsPeriod.getUnderlyingSwap();
double dfPayment = provider.discountFactor(ccy, cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
ZonedDateTime valuationDate = swaptionVolatilities.getValuationDateTime();
LocalDate fixingDate = cmsPeriod.getFixingDate();
double expiryTime = swaptionVolatilities.relativeTime(
double tenor = swaptionVolatilities.tenor(swap.getStartDate(), swap.getEndDate());
double shift = swaptionVolatilities.shift(expiryTime, tenor);
double strikeCpn = cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.COUPON) ? -shift : cmsPeriod.getStrike();
if (!fixingDate.isAfter(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
OptionalDouble fixedRate = provider.timeSeries(cmsPeriod.getIndex()).get(fixingDate);
if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
double payoff = payOff(cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType(), strikeCpn, fixedRate.getAsDouble());
return provider.discountFactors(ccy).zeroRatePointSensitivity(
cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate()).multipliedBy(payoff * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction());
} else if (fixingDate.isBefore(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
"Unable to get fixing for {} on date {}, no time-series supplied", cmsPeriod.getIndex(), fixingDate));
double forward = swapPricer.parRate(swap, provider);
double eta = index.getTemplate().getConvention().getFixedLeg().getDayCount()
.relativeYearFraction(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate(), swap.getStartDate());
CmsDeltaIntegrantProvider intProv = new CmsDeltaIntegrantProvider(
cmsPeriod, swap, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strikeCpn, expiryTime, tenor, cutOffStrike, eta);
RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(ABS_TOL, REL_TOL, NUM_ITER);
double[] bs = intProv.bsbsp(strikeCpn);
double[] n = intProv.getNnp();
double strikePartPrice = intProv.k(strikeCpn) * n[0] * bs[0];
double integralPartPrice = 0d;
double integralPart = 0d;
Function integrant = intProv.integrant();
Function integrantDelta = intProv.integrantDelta();
try {
if (intProv.getPutCall().isCall()) {
integralPartPrice =
integrateCall(integrator, integrant, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strikeCpn, expiryTime, tenor);
integralPart = dfPayment *
integrateCall(integrator, integrantDelta, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strikeCpn, expiryTime, tenor);
} else {
integralPartPrice = -integrator.integrate(integrant, -shift + ZERO_SHIFT, strikeCpn);
integralPart = -dfPayment * integrator.integrate(integrantDelta, -shift, strikeCpn);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new MathException(e);
double deltaPD = strikePartPrice + integralPartPrice;
if (cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.COUPON)) {
deltaPD -= shift;
deltaPD *= cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction();
double strikePart = dfPayment * intProv.k(strikeCpn) * (n[1] * bs[0] + n[0] * bs[1]);
double deltaFwd = (strikePart + integralPart) * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction();
PointSensitivityBuilder sensiFwd = swapPricer.parRateSensitivity(swap, provider).multipliedBy(deltaFwd);
PointSensitivityBuilder sensiDf = provider.discountFactors(ccy)
return sensiFwd.combinedWith(sensiDf);
* Computes the present value sensitivity to SABR parameters by replication in SABR framework with extrapolation on the right.
* @param cmsPeriod the CMS
* @param provider the rates provider
* @param swaptionVolatilities the swaption volatilities
* @return the present value sensitivity
public PointSensitivityBuilder presentValueSensitivityModelParamsSabr(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
RatesProvider provider,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities) {
Currency ccy = cmsPeriod.getCurrency();
SwapIndex index = cmsPeriod.getIndex();
ResolvedSwap swap = cmsPeriod.getUnderlyingSwap();
double dfPayment = provider.discountFactor(ccy, cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
ZonedDateTime valuationDate = swaptionVolatilities.getValuationDateTime();
LocalDate fixingDate = cmsPeriod.getFixingDate();
ZonedDateTime expiryDate = fixingDate.atTime(index.getFixingTime()).atZone(index.getFixingZone());
double tenor = swaptionVolatilities.tenor(swap.getStartDate(), swap.getEndDate());
if (provider.getValuationDate().isAfter(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate())) {
return PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
if (!fixingDate.isAfter(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
OptionalDouble fixedRate = provider.timeSeries(cmsPeriod.getIndex()).get(fixingDate);
if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
return PointSensitivityBuilder.none();
} else if (fixingDate.isBefore(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
"Unable to get fixing for {} on date {}, no time-series supplied", cmsPeriod.getIndex(), fixingDate));
double expiryTime = swaptionVolatilities.relativeTime(expiryDate);
double shift = swaptionVolatilities.shift(expiryTime, tenor);
double strikeCpn = cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.COUPON) ? -shift : cmsPeriod.getStrike();
double forward = swapPricer.parRate(swap, provider);
double eta = index.getTemplate().getConvention().getFixedLeg().getDayCount()
.relativeYearFraction(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate(), swap.getStartDate());
CmsIntegrantProvider intProv = new CmsIntegrantProvider(
cmsPeriod, swap, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strikeCpn, expiryTime, tenor, cutOffStrike, eta);
double factor = dfPayment / intProv.h(forward) * intProv.g(forward);
double factor2 = factor * intProv.k(strikeCpn);
double[] strikePartPrice = intProv.getSabrExtrapolation()
.priceAdjointSabr(Math.max(0d, strikeCpn + shift), intProv.getPutCall()) // handle tiny but negative number
RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(ABS_TOL, REL_TOL_VEGA, NUM_ITER);
double[] totalSensi = new double[4];
for (int loopparameter = 0; loopparameter < 4; loopparameter++) {
double integralPart = 0d;
Function integrant = intProv.integrantVega(loopparameter);
try {
if (intProv.getPutCall().isCall()) {
integralPart = dfPayment *
integrateCall(integrator, integrant, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strikeCpn, expiryTime, tenor);
} else {
integralPart = -dfPayment * integrator.integrate(integrant, -shift + ZERO_SHIFT, strikeCpn);
} catch (Exception e) {
throw new RuntimeException(e);
totalSensi[loopparameter] =
(strikePartPrice[loopparameter] + integralPart) * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction();
SwaptionVolatilitiesName name = swaptionVolatilities.getName();
return PointSensitivityBuilder.of(
SwaptionSabrSensitivity.of(name, expiryTime, tenor, ALPHA, ccy, totalSensi[0]),
SwaptionSabrSensitivity.of(name, expiryTime, tenor, BETA, ccy, totalSensi[1]),
SwaptionSabrSensitivity.of(name, expiryTime, tenor, RHO, ccy, totalSensi[2]),
SwaptionSabrSensitivity.of(name, expiryTime, tenor, NU, ccy, totalSensi[3]));
* Computes the present value sensitivity to strike by replication in SABR framework with extrapolation on the right.
* @param cmsPeriod the CMS
* @param provider the rates provider
* @param swaptionVolatilities the swaption volatilities
* @return the present value sensitivity
public double presentValueSensitivityStrike(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
RatesProvider provider,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities) {
"presentValueSensitivityStrike is not relevant for CMS coupon");
Currency ccy = cmsPeriod.getCurrency();
SwapIndex index = cmsPeriod.getIndex();
if (provider.getValuationDate().isAfter(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate())) {
return 0d;
ResolvedSwap swap = cmsPeriod.getUnderlyingSwap();
double dfPayment = provider.discountFactor(ccy, cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate());
ZonedDateTime valuationDate = swaptionVolatilities.getValuationDateTime();
LocalDate fixingDate = cmsPeriod.getFixingDate();
double tenor = swaptionVolatilities.tenor(swap.getStartDate(), swap.getEndDate());
ZonedDateTime expiryDate = fixingDate.atTime(index.getFixingTime()).atZone(index.getFixingZone());
double expiryTime = swaptionVolatilities.relativeTime(expiryDate);
double strike = cmsPeriod.getStrike();
double shift = swaptionVolatilities.shift(expiryTime, tenor);
if (!fixingDate.isAfter(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
OptionalDouble fixedRate = provider.timeSeries(cmsPeriod.getIndex()).get(fixingDate);
if (fixedRate.isPresent()) {
double payoff = 0d;
switch (cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType()) {
case CAPLET:
payoff = fixedRate.getAsDouble() >= strike ? -1d : 0d;
payoff = fixedRate.getAsDouble() < strike ? 1d : 0d;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported CMS type");
return payoff * cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction() * dfPayment;
} else if (fixingDate.isBefore(valuationDate.toLocalDate())) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(Messages.format(
"Unable to get fixing for {} on date {}, no time-series supplied", cmsPeriod.getIndex(), fixingDate));
double forward = swapPricer.parRate(swap, provider);
double eta = index.getTemplate().getConvention().getFixedLeg().getDayCount()
.relativeYearFraction(cmsPeriod.getPaymentDate(), swap.getStartDate());
CmsIntegrantProvider intProv = new CmsIntegrantProvider(
cmsPeriod, swap, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strike, expiryTime, tenor, cutOffStrike, eta);
double factor = dfPayment * intProv.g(forward) / intProv.h(forward);
RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator = new RungeKuttaIntegrator1D(ABS_TOL, REL_TOL_STRIKE, NUM_ITER);
double[] kpkpp = intProv.kpkpp(strike);
double firstPart;
double thirdPart;
Function integrant = intProv.integrantDualDelta();
if (intProv.getPutCall().isCall()) {
firstPart = -kpkpp[0] *;
thirdPart = integrateCall(integrator, integrant, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strike, expiryTime, tenor);
} else {
firstPart = -kpkpp[0] *;
thirdPart = -integrator.integrate(integrant, -shift + ZERO_SHIFT, strike);
double secondPart =
intProv.k(strike) * intProv.getSabrExtrapolation().priceDerivativeStrike(strike + shift, intProv.getPutCall());
return cmsPeriod.getNotional() * cmsPeriod.getYearFraction() * factor * (firstPart + secondPart + thirdPart);
private double payOff(CmsPeriodType cmsPeriodType, double strikeCpn, Double fixedRate) {
double payoff = 0d;
switch (cmsPeriodType) {
case CAPLET:
payoff = Math.max(fixedRate - strikeCpn, 0d);
payoff = Math.max(strikeCpn - fixedRate, 0d);
case COUPON:
payoff = fixedRate;
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported CMS type");
return payoff;
private double integrateCall(
RungeKuttaIntegrator1D integrator,
Function integrant,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities,
double forward,
double strike,
double expiryTime,
double tenor) {
double res;
double vol = swaptionVolatilities.volatility(expiryTime, tenor, forward, forward);
double upper0 = Math.max(
forward * Math.exp(6d * vol * Math.sqrt(expiryTime)),
Math.max(cutOffStrike, 2d * strike)); // To ensure that the integral covers a good part of the smile
double upper = Math.min(upper0, 1d); // To ensure that we don't miss the meaningful part
res = integrator.integrate(integrant, strike, upper);
double reminder = integrant.apply(upper) * upper;
double error = reminder / res;
int count = 0;
while (Math.abs(error) > integrator.getRelativeTolerance() && count < MAX_COUNT) {
res += integrator.integrate(integrant, upper, 2d * upper);
upper *= 2d;
reminder = integrant.apply(upper) * upper;
error = reminder / res;
if (count == MAX_COUNT) {"Maximum iteration count, " + MAX_COUNT + ", has been reached. Relative error is greater than " +
return res;
* Explains the present value of the CMS period.
* This returns explanatory information about the calculation.
* @param period the product
* @param ratesProvider the rates provider
* @param swaptionVolatilities the volatilities
* @param builder the builder to populate
public void explainPresentValue(
CmsPeriod period,
RatesProvider ratesProvider,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities,
ExplainMapBuilder builder) {
String type = period.getCmsPeriodType().toString();
Currency ccy = period.getCurrency();
LocalDate paymentDate = period.getPaymentDate();
builder.put(ExplainKey.ENTRY_TYPE, "Cms" + type + "Period");
builder.put(ExplainKey.STRIKE_VALUE, period.getStrike());
builder.put(ExplainKey.NOTIONAL, CurrencyAmount.of(ccy, period.getNotional()));
builder.put(ExplainKey.PAYMENT_DATE, period.getPaymentDate());
builder.put(ExplainKey.DISCOUNT_FACTOR, ratesProvider.discountFactor(ccy, paymentDate));
builder.put(ExplainKey.START_DATE, period.getStartDate());
builder.put(ExplainKey.END_DATE, period.getEndDate());
builder.put(ExplainKey.FIXING_DATE, period.getFixingDate());
builder.put(ExplainKey.ACCRUAL_YEAR_FRACTION, period.getYearFraction());
builder.put(ExplainKey.PRESENT_VALUE, presentValue(period, ratesProvider, swaptionVolatilities));
builder.put(ExplainKey.FORWARD_RATE, swapPricer.parRate(period.getUnderlyingSwap(), ratesProvider));
builder.put(ExplainKey.CONVEXITY_ADJUSTED_RATE, adjustedForwardRate(period, ratesProvider, swaptionVolatilities));
* Inner class to implement the integration used in price replication.
private class CmsIntegrantProvider {
/* Small parameter below which a value is regarded as 0. */
protected static final double EPS = 1.0E-4;
private final int nbFixedPeriod;
private final int nbFixedPaymentYear;
private final double tau;
private final double eta;
private final double strike;
private final double shift;
private final double factor;
private final SabrExtrapolationRightFunction sabrExtrapolation;
private final PutCall putCall;
private final double[] g0;
* Gets the tau field.
* @return the tau
public double getTau() {
return tau;
* Gets the eta field.
* @return the eta
public double getEta() {
return eta;
* Gets the putCall field.
* @return the putCall
public PutCall getPutCall() {
return putCall;
* Gets the strike field.
* @return the strike
protected double getStrike() {
return strike;
* Gets the shift field.
* @return the shift
protected double getShift() {
return shift;
* Gets the sabrExtrapolation field.
* @return the sabrExtrapolation
public SabrExtrapolationRightFunction getSabrExtrapolation() {
return sabrExtrapolation;
public CmsIntegrantProvider(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
ResolvedSwap swap,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities,
double forward,
double strike,
double timeToExpiry,
double tenor,
double cutOffStrike,
double eta) {
ResolvedSwapLeg fixedLeg = swap.getLegs(SwapLegType.FIXED).get(0);
this.nbFixedPeriod = fixedLeg.getPaymentPeriods().size();
this.nbFixedPaymentYear = (int) Math.round(1d /
((RatePaymentPeriod) fixedLeg.getPaymentPeriods().get(0)).getAccrualPeriods().get(0).getYearFraction());
this.tau = 1d / nbFixedPaymentYear;
this.eta = eta;
SabrFormulaData sabrPoint = SabrFormulaData.of(
swaptionVolatilities.alpha(timeToExpiry, tenor),
swaptionVolatilities.beta(timeToExpiry, tenor),
swaptionVolatilities.rho(timeToExpiry, tenor),, tenor));
this.shift = swaptionVolatilities.shift(timeToExpiry, tenor);
this.sabrExtrapolation = SabrExtrapolationRightFunction
.of(forward + shift, timeToExpiry, sabrPoint, cutOffStrike + shift, mu);
this.putCall = cmsPeriod.getCmsPeriodType().equals(CmsPeriodType.FLOORLET) ? PutCall.PUT : PutCall.CALL;
this.strike = strike;
this.g0 = new double[4];
g0[0] = nbFixedPeriod * tau;
g0[1] = -0.5 * nbFixedPeriod * (nbFixedPeriod + 1.0d) * tau * tau;
g0[2] = -2.0d / 3.0d * g0[1] * (nbFixedPeriod + 2.0d) * tau;
g0[3] = -3.0d / 4.0d * g0[2] * (nbFixedPeriod + 2.0d) * tau;
this.factor = g(forward) / h(forward);
* Obtains the integrant used in price replication.
* @return the integrant
Function integrant() {
return new Function() {
public Double apply(Double x) {
double[] kD = kpkpp(x);
// Implementation note: kD[0] contains the first derivative of k; kD[1] the second derivative of k.
return factor * (kD[1] * (x - strike) + 2d * kD[0]) * bs(x);
* Obtains the integrant sensitivity to the i-th SABR parameter.
* @param i the index of SABR parameters
* @return the vega integrant
Function integrantVega(int i) {
return new Function() {
public Double apply(Double x) {
double[] kD = kpkpp(x);
// Implementation note: kD[0] contains the first derivative of k; kD[1] the second derivative of k.
double xShifted = Math.max(x + shift, 0d); // handle tiny but negative number
DoubleArray priceDerivativeSabr = getSabrExtrapolation().priceAdjointSabr(xShifted, putCall).getDerivatives();
return priceDerivativeSabr.get(i) * (factor * (kD[1] * (x - strike) + 2d * kD[0]));
* Obtains the integrant sensitivity to strike.
* @return the dual delta integrant
Function integrantDualDelta() {
return new Function() {
public Double apply(Double x) {
double[] kD = kpkpp(x);
// Implementation note: kD[0] contains the first derivative of k; kD[1] the second derivative of k.
return -kD[1] * bs(x);
* The approximation of the discount factor as function of the swap rate.
* @param x the swap rate.
* @return the discount factor.
double h(double x) {
return Math.pow(1d + tau * x, eta);
* The cash annuity.
* @param x the swap rate.
* @return the annuity.
double g(double x) {
if (Math.abs(x) >= EPS) {
double periodFactor = 1d + x / nbFixedPaymentYear;
double nPeriodDiscount = Math.pow(periodFactor, -nbFixedPeriod);
return (1d - nPeriodDiscount) / x;
// Special case when x ~ 0: expansion of g around 0
return g0[0] + g0[1] * x + 0.5 * g0[2] * x * x + g0[3] * x * x * x / 6.0d;
* The cash annuity.
* @param x the swap rate.
* @return the annuity.
double[] ggpgpp(double x) {
if (Math.abs(x) >= EPS) {
double periodFactor = 1d + x / nbFixedPaymentYear;
double nPeriodDiscount = Math.pow(periodFactor, -nbFixedPeriod);
double[] ggpgpp = new double[3];
ggpgpp[0] = (1d - nPeriodDiscount) / x;
ggpgpp[1] = -ggpgpp[0] / x + nbFixedPeriod * nPeriodDiscount / (x * nbFixedPaymentYear * periodFactor);
ggpgpp[2] = 2d / (x * x) * ggpgpp[0] -
2d * nbFixedPeriod * nPeriodDiscount / (x * x * nbFixedPaymentYear * periodFactor) - (nbFixedPeriod + 1d) *
nbFixedPeriod * nPeriodDiscount / (x * nbFixedPaymentYear * nbFixedPaymentYear * periodFactor * periodFactor);
return ggpgpp;
// Special case when x ~ 0: expansion of g around 0
return new double[] {g0[0] + g0[1] * x + 0.5 * g0[2] * x * x + g0[3] * x * x * x / 6.0d,
g0[1] + g0[2] * x + 0.5 * g0[3] * x * x, g0[2] + g0[3] * x};
* The factor used in the strike part and in the integration of the replication.
* @param x the swap rate.
* @return the factor.
double k(double x) {
double g = g(x);
double h = Math.pow(1.0 + tau * x, eta);
return h / g;
* The first and second derivative of the function k.
* The first element is the first derivative and the second element is second derivative.
* @param x the swap rate.
* @return the derivatives
protected double[] kpkpp(double x) {
double periodFactor = 1d + x / nbFixedPaymentYear;
* The value of the annuity and its first and second derivative.
double[] ggpgpp = ggpgpp(x);
double h = Math.pow(1d + tau * x, eta);
double hp = eta * tau * h / periodFactor;
double hpp = (eta - 1d) * tau * hp / periodFactor;
double kp = hp / ggpgpp[0] - h * ggpgpp[1] / (ggpgpp[0] * ggpgpp[0]);
double kpp = hpp / ggpgpp[0] - 2d * hp * ggpgpp[1] / (ggpgpp[0] * ggpgpp[0]) -
h * (ggpgpp[2] / (ggpgpp[0] * ggpgpp[0]) - 2d * (ggpgpp[1] * ggpgpp[1]) / (ggpgpp[0] * ggpgpp[0] * ggpgpp[0]));
return new double[] {kp, kpp};
* The Black price with numeraire 1 as function of the strike.
* @param strike the strike.
* @return the Black prcie.
double bs(double strike) {
double strikeShifted = Math.max(strike + getShift(), 0d); // handle tiny but negative number
return sabrExtrapolation.price(strikeShifted, putCall);
* Inner class to implement the integration used for delta calculation.
private class CmsDeltaIntegrantProvider extends CmsIntegrantProvider {
private final double[] nnp;
public CmsDeltaIntegrantProvider(
CmsPeriod cmsPeriod,
ResolvedSwap swap,
SabrSwaptionVolatilities swaptionVolatilities,
double forward,
double strike,
double timeToExpiry,
double tenor,
double cutOffStrike,
double eta) {
super(cmsPeriod, swap, swaptionVolatilities, forward, strike, timeToExpiry, tenor, cutOffStrike, eta);
this.nnp = nnp(forward);
* Gets the nnp field.
* @return the nnp
public double[] getNnp() {
return nnp;
* Obtains the integrant sensitivity to forward.
* @return the delta integrant
Function integrantDelta() {
return new Function() {
public Double apply(Double x) {
double[] kD = kpkpp(x);
// Implementation note: kD[0] contains the first derivative of k; kD[1] the second derivative of k.
double[] bs = bsbsp(x);
return (kD[1] * (x - getStrike()) + 2d * kD[0]) * (nnp[1] * bs[0] + nnp[0] * bs[1]);
* The Black price and its derivative with respect to the forward.
* @param strike the strike.
* @return the Black price and its derivative.
private double[] bsbsp(double strike) {
double[] result = new double[2];
double strikeShifted = Math.max(strike + getShift(), 0d); // handle tiny but negative number
result[0] = getSabrExtrapolation().price(strikeShifted, getPutCall());
result[1] = getSabrExtrapolation().priceDerivativeForward(strikeShifted, getPutCall());
return result;
private double[] nnp(double x) {
double[] result = new double[2];
double[] ggpgpp = ggpgpp(x);
double[] hhp = hhp(x);
result[0] = ggpgpp[0] / hhp[0];
result[1] = ggpgpp[1] / hhp[0] - ggpgpp[0] * hhp[1] / (hhp[0] * hhp[0]);
return result;
private double[] hhp(double x) {
double[] result = new double[2];
result[0] = Math.pow(1d + getTau() * x, getEta());
result[1] = getEta() * getTau() * result[0] / (1d + x * getTau());
return result;