com.opengamma.strata.pricer.impl.volatility.local.ImpliedTrinomialTreeLocalVolatilityCalculator Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (C) 2016 - present by OpenGamma Inc. and the OpenGamma group of companies
* Please see distribution for license.
package com.opengamma.strata.pricer.impl.volatility.local;
import static;
import static;
import static com.opengamma.strata.math.MathUtils.pow2;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.array.DoubleArray;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.array.DoubleMatrix;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.tuple.DoublesPair;
import com.opengamma.strata.collect.tuple.Pair;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.fxopt.RecombiningTrinomialTreeData;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.impl.option.BlackFormulaRepository;
import com.opengamma.strata.pricer.impl.option.BlackScholesFormulaRepository;
* Local volatility calculation based on trinomila tree model.
* Emanuel Derman, Iraj Kani and Neil Chriss, "Implied Trinomial Trees of the Volatility Smile" (1996).
public class ImpliedTrinomialTreeLocalVolatilityCalculator implements LocalVolatilityCalculator {
* The default interpolator.
private static final GridSurfaceInterpolator DEFAULT_INTERPOLATOR = GridSurfaceInterpolator.of(TIME_SQUARE, LINEAR);
* The number of steps in trinomial tree.
private final int nSteps;
* The maximum value of time in trinomial tree.
* The time step in the tree is then given by {@code maxTime/nSteps}.
private final double maxTime;
* The interpolator for local volatilities.
* The resulting local volatilities are interpolated by this interpolator along time and spot dimensions.
private final SurfaceInterpolator interpolator;
* Creates an instance with default setups.
* The number of time steps is 20, and the tree covers up to 3 years.
* The time square linear interpolator is used for time direction,
* whereas the linear interpolator is used for spot dimension.
* The extrapolation is flat for both the dimensions.
public ImpliedTrinomialTreeLocalVolatilityCalculator() {
* Creates an instance with the number of steps and maximum time fixed.
* The default interpolators are used: the time square linear interpolator for time direction,
* the linear interpolator for spot dimension, and flat extrapolator for both the dimensions.
* @param nSteps the number of steps
* @param maxTime the maximum time
public ImpliedTrinomialTreeLocalVolatilityCalculator(int nSteps, double maxTime) {
this(nSteps, maxTime, DEFAULT_INTERPOLATOR);
* Creates an instance by specifying the number of steps, maximum time, and 2D interpolator.
* @param nSteps number of steps
* @param maxTime the maximum time
* @param interpolator the interpolator
public ImpliedTrinomialTreeLocalVolatilityCalculator(int nSteps, double maxTime, SurfaceInterpolator interpolator) {
this.nSteps = nSteps;
this.maxTime = maxTime;
this.interpolator = interpolator;
public InterpolatedNodalSurface localVolatilityFromImpliedVolatility(
Surface impliedVolatilitySurface,
double spot,
Function interestRate,
Function dividendRate) {
Function surface = new Function() {
public Double apply(DoublesPair tk) {
return impliedVolatilitySurface.zValue(tk);
ImmutableList localVolData = calibrate(surface, spot, interestRate, dividendRate).getFirst();
SurfaceMetadata metadata = DefaultSurfaceMetadata.builder()
.surfaceName(SurfaceName.of("localVol_" + impliedVolatilitySurface.getName()))
return InterpolatedNodalSurface.ofUnsorted(
* Calibrate trinomial tree to implied volatility surface.
* @param impliedVolatilitySurface the implied volatility surface
* @param spot the spot
* @param interestRate the interest rate
* @param dividendRate the dividend rate
* @return the trinomial tree
public RecombiningTrinomialTreeData calibrateImpliedVolatility(
Function impliedVolatilitySurface,
double spot,
Function interestRate,
Function dividendRate) {
return calibrate(impliedVolatilitySurface, spot, interestRate, dividendRate).getSecond();
public InterpolatedNodalSurface localVolatilityFromPrice(
Surface callPriceSurface,
double spot,
Function interestRate,
Function dividendRate) {
double[][] stateValue = new double[nSteps + 1][];
double[] df = new double[nSteps];
List probability = new ArrayList(nSteps);
int nTotal = (nSteps - 1) * (nSteps - 1) + 1;
double[] timeRes = new double[nTotal];
double[] spotRes = new double[nTotal];
double[] volRes = new double[nTotal];
// uniform grid based on TrigeorgisLatticeSpecification, using reference values
double refPrice = callPriceSurface.zValue(maxTime, spot) * Math.exp(interestRate.apply(maxTime) * maxTime);
double refForward = spot * Math.exp((interestRate.apply(maxTime) - dividendRate.apply(maxTime)) * maxTime);
double refVolatility = BlackFormulaRepository.impliedVolatility(refPrice, refForward, spot, maxTime, true);
double dt = maxTime / nSteps;
double dx = refVolatility * Math.sqrt(3d * dt);
double upFactor = Math.exp(dx);
double downFactor = Math.exp(-dx);
double[] adSec = new double[2 * nSteps + 1];
double[] assetPrice = new double[2 * nSteps + 1];
for (int i = nSteps; i > -1; --i) {
if (i == 0) {
resolveFirstLayer(interestRate, dividendRate, nTotal, dt, spot, adSec, assetPrice, timeRes, spotRes, volRes,
df, stateValue, probability);
} else {
double time = dt * i;
double zeroRate = interestRate.apply(time);
double zeroDividendRate = dividendRate.apply(time);
int nNodes = 2 * i + 1;
double[] assetPriceLocal = new double[nNodes];
double[] callOptionPrice = new double[nNodes];
double[] putOptionPrice = new double[nNodes];
int position = i - 1;
double assetTmp = spot * Math.pow(upFactor, i);
// call options for upper half nodes
for (int j = nNodes - 1; j > position - 1; --j) {
assetPriceLocal[j] = assetTmp;
callOptionPrice[j] = callPriceSurface.zValue(time, assetPriceLocal[j]);
assetTmp *= downFactor;
// put options for lower half nodes
assetTmp = spot * Math.pow(downFactor, i);
for (int j = 0; j < position + 2; ++j) {
assetPriceLocal[j] = assetTmp;
putOptionPrice[j] = callPriceSurface.zValue(time, assetPriceLocal[j]) - spot * Math.exp(-zeroDividendRate * time) +
Math.exp(-zeroRate * time) * assetPriceLocal[j];
assetTmp *= upFactor;
resolveLayer(interestRate, dividendRate, i, nTotal, position, dt, zeroRate, zeroDividendRate, callOptionPrice,
putOptionPrice, adSec, assetPrice, assetPriceLocal, timeRes, spotRes, volRes, df, stateValue, probability);
SurfaceMetadata metadata = DefaultSurfaceMetadata.builder()
.surfaceName(SurfaceName.of("localVol_" + callPriceSurface.getName()))
return InterpolatedNodalSurface.ofUnsorted(
private Pair, RecombiningTrinomialTreeData> calibrate(
Function impliedVolatilitySurface,
double spot,
Function interestRate,
Function dividendRate) {
double[][] stateValue = new double[nSteps + 1][];
double[] df = new double[nSteps];
double[] timePrim = new double[nSteps + 1];
List probability = new ArrayList(nSteps);
int nTotal = (nSteps - 1) * (nSteps - 1) + 1;
double[] timeRes = new double[nTotal];
double[] spotRes = new double[nTotal];
double[] volRes = new double[nTotal];
// uniform grid based on TrigeorgisLatticeSpecification
double volatility = impliedVolatilitySurface.apply(DoublesPair.of(maxTime, spot));
double dt = maxTime / nSteps;
double dx = volatility * Math.sqrt(3d * dt);
double upFactor = Math.exp(dx);
double downFactor = Math.exp(-dx);
double[] adSec = new double[2 * nSteps + 1];
double[] assetPrice = new double[2 * nSteps + 1];
for (int i = nSteps; i > -1; --i) {
timePrim[i] = dt * i;
if (i == 0) {
resolveFirstLayer(interestRate, dividendRate, nTotal, dt, spot, adSec, assetPrice, timeRes, spotRes, volRes,
df, stateValue, probability);
} else {
double zeroRate = interestRate.apply(timePrim[i]);
double zeroDividendRate = dividendRate.apply(timePrim[i]);
double zeroCostRate = zeroRate - zeroDividendRate;
int nNodes = 2 * i + 1;
double[] assetPriceLocal = new double[nNodes];
double[] callOptionPrice = new double[nNodes];
double[] putOptionPrice = new double[nNodes];
int position = i - 1;
double assetTmp = spot * Math.pow(upFactor, i);
// call options for upper half nodes
for (int j = nNodes - 1; j > position - 1; --j) {
assetPriceLocal[j] = assetTmp;
double impliedVol = impliedVolatilitySurface.apply(DoublesPair.of(timePrim[i], assetPriceLocal[j]));
callOptionPrice[j] = BlackScholesFormulaRepository.price(
spot, assetPriceLocal[j], timePrim[i], impliedVol, zeroRate, zeroCostRate, true);
assetTmp *= downFactor;
// put options for lower half nodes
assetTmp = spot * Math.pow(downFactor, i);
for (int j = 0; j < position + 2; ++j) {
assetPriceLocal[j] = assetTmp;
double impliedVol = impliedVolatilitySurface.apply(DoublesPair.of(timePrim[i], assetPriceLocal[j]));
putOptionPrice[j] = BlackScholesFormulaRepository.price(
spot, assetPriceLocal[j], timePrim[i], impliedVol, zeroRate, zeroCostRate, false);
assetTmp *= upFactor;
resolveLayer(interestRate, dividendRate, i, nTotal, position, dt, zeroRate, zeroDividendRate, callOptionPrice,
putOptionPrice, adSec, assetPrice, assetPriceLocal, timeRes, spotRes, volRes, df, stateValue, probability);
ImmutableList localVolData = ImmutableList.of(timeRes, spotRes, volRes);
RecombiningTrinomialTreeData treeData = RecombiningTrinomialTreeData.of(
DoubleMatrix.ofUnsafe(stateValue), probability, DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(df), DoubleArray.ofUnsafe(timePrim));
return Pair.of(localVolData, treeData);
// resolve the t=0 layer
private void resolveFirstLayer(Function interestRate, Function dividendRate,
int nTotal, double dt, double spot, double[] adSec, double[] assetPrice, double[] timeRes, double[] spotRes,
double[] volRes, double[] df, double[][] stateValue, List probability) {
double discountFactor = Math.exp(-interestRate.apply(dt) * dt);
double fwdFactor = Math.exp((interestRate.apply(dt) - dividendRate.apply(dt)) * dt);
double upProb = adSec[2] / discountFactor;
double midProb = getMiddle(upProb, fwdFactor, spot, assetPrice[0], assetPrice[1], assetPrice[2]);
double dwProb = 1d - upProb - midProb;
double fwd = spot * fwdFactor;
timeRes[nTotal - 1] = dt;
spotRes[nTotal - 1] = spot;
double var = (dwProb * pow2(assetPrice[0] - fwd) + midProb * pow2(assetPrice[1] - fwd) +
upProb * pow2(assetPrice[2] - fwd)) / (fwd * fwd * dt);
volRes[nTotal - 1] = Math.sqrt(0.5 * (var + volRes[nTotal - 2] * volRes[nTotal - 2]));
probability.add(0, DoubleMatrix.ofUnsafe(new double[][] {{dwProb, midProb, upProb}}));
df[0] = discountFactor;
stateValue[0] = new double[] {spot};
// resolve the i-th layer
private void resolveLayer(Function interestRate, Function dividendRate, int i,
int nTotal, int position, double dt, double zeroRate, double zeroDividendRate, double[] callOptionPrice,
double[] putOptionPrice, double[] adSec, double[] assetPrice, double[] assetPriceLocal, double[] timeRes,
double[] spotRes, double[] volRes, double[] df, double[][] stateValue, List probability) {
int positionLocal = position;
int nNodes = callOptionPrice.length;
double[] adSecLocal = new double[nNodes];
// AD security prices from call options
for (int j = nNodes - 1; j > positionLocal; --j) {
adSecLocal[j] = callOptionPrice[j - 1];
for (int k = j + 1; k < nNodes; ++k) {
adSecLocal[j] -= (assetPriceLocal[k] - assetPriceLocal[j - 1]) * adSecLocal[k];
adSecLocal[j] /= (assetPriceLocal[j] - assetPriceLocal[j - 1]);
// AD security prices from put options
for (int j = 0; j < positionLocal; ++j) {
adSecLocal[j] = putOptionPrice[j + 1];
for (int k = 0; k < j; ++k) {
adSecLocal[j] -= (assetPriceLocal[j + 1] - assetPriceLocal[k]) * adSecLocal[k];
adSecLocal[j] /= (assetPriceLocal[j + 1] - assetPriceLocal[j]);
if (i != nSteps) {
double time = dt * i;
double timeNext = dt * (i - 1);
double rate = (zeroRate * time - interestRate.apply(timeNext) * timeNext) / dt;
double dividend = (zeroDividendRate * time - dividendRate.apply(timeNext) * timeNext) / dt;
double cost = rate - dividend;
double discountFactor = Math.exp(-rate * dt);
double fwdFactor = Math.exp(cost * dt);
double[][] prob = new double[nNodes][3];
// highest node
prob[nNodes - 1][2] = adSec[nNodes + 1] / adSecLocal[nNodes - 1] / discountFactor;
prob[nNodes - 1][1] = getMiddle(prob[nNodes - 1][2], fwdFactor, assetPriceLocal[nNodes - 1],
assetPrice[nNodes - 1], assetPrice[nNodes], assetPrice[nNodes + 1]);
prob[nNodes - 1][0] = 1d - prob[nNodes - 1][2] - prob[nNodes - 1][1];
correctProbability(prob[nNodes - 1], fwdFactor, assetPriceLocal[nNodes - 1], assetPrice[nNodes - 1],
assetPrice[nNodes], assetPrice[nNodes + 1]);
// second highest node
prob[nNodes - 2][2] = (adSec[nNodes] / discountFactor - prob[nNodes - 1][1] * adSecLocal[nNodes - 1]) /
adSecLocal[nNodes - 2];
prob[nNodes - 2][1] = getMiddle(prob[nNodes - 2][2], fwdFactor, assetPriceLocal[nNodes - 2],
assetPrice[nNodes - 2], assetPrice[nNodes - 1], assetPrice[nNodes]);
prob[nNodes - 2][0] = 1d - prob[nNodes - 2][2] - prob[nNodes - 2][1];
correctProbability(prob[nNodes - 2], fwdFactor, assetPriceLocal[nNodes - 2], assetPrice[nNodes - 2],
assetPrice[nNodes - 1], assetPrice[nNodes]);
// subsequent nodes
for (int j = nNodes - 3; j > -1; --j) {
prob[j][2] = (adSec[j + 2] / discountFactor - prob[j + 2][0] * adSecLocal[j + 2] - prob[j + 1][1] *
adSecLocal[j + 1]) / adSecLocal[j];
prob[j][1] = getMiddle(prob[j][2], fwdFactor, assetPriceLocal[j], assetPrice[j], assetPrice[j + 1],
assetPrice[j + 2]);
prob[j][0] = 1d - prob[j][1] - prob[j][2];
correctProbability(prob[j], fwdFactor, assetPriceLocal[j], assetPrice[j], assetPrice[j + 1],
assetPrice[j + 2]);
// local variance
int offset = nTotal - i * i - 1;
double[] varBare = new double[nNodes];
for (int k = 0; k < nNodes; ++k) {
double fwd = assetPriceLocal[k] * fwdFactor;
varBare[k] = (prob[k][0] * pow2(assetPrice[k] - fwd) + prob[k][1] * pow2(assetPrice[k + 1] - fwd) +
prob[k][2] * pow2(assetPrice[k + 2] - fwd)) / (fwd * fwd * dt);
if (varBare[k] < 0d) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative variance");
// smoothing
for (int k = 0; k < nNodes - 2; ++k) {
double var = (k == 0 || k == nNodes - 3) ?
(varBare[k] + varBare[k + 1] + varBare[k + 2]) / 3d :
(varBare[k - 1] + varBare[k] + varBare[k + 1] + varBare[k + 2] + varBare[k + 3]) / 5d;
volRes[offset + k] = i == nSteps - 1 ?
Math.sqrt(var) :
Math.sqrt(0.5 * (var + volRes[offset - (2 * i - k)] * volRes[offset - (2 * i - k)]));
timeRes[offset + k] = dt * (i + 1d);
spotRes[offset + k] = assetPriceLocal[k + 1];
probability.add(0, DoubleMatrix.ofUnsafe(prob));
df[i] = discountFactor;
stateValue[i] = Arrays.copyOf(assetPriceLocal, nNodes);
System.arraycopy(adSecLocal, 0, adSec, 0, nNodes);
System.arraycopy(assetPriceLocal, 0, assetPrice, 0, nNodes);
private void correctProbability(double[] probability, double factor, double assetBase, double assertPriceLow,
double assertPriceMid, double assetPriceHigh) {
if (!(probability[2] > 0d && probability[1] > 0d && probability[0] > 0d)) {
double fwd = assetBase * factor;
if (fwd <= assertPriceMid && fwd > assertPriceLow) {
probability[0] = 0.5 * (fwd - assertPriceLow) / (assetPriceHigh - assertPriceLow);
probability[2] = 0.5 * ((assetPriceHigh - fwd) / (assetPriceHigh - assertPriceLow) +
(assertPriceMid - fwd) / (assertPriceMid - assertPriceLow));
} else if (fwd < assetPriceHigh && fwd > assertPriceMid) {
probability[0] = 0.5 * ((fwd - assertPriceMid) / (assetPriceHigh - assertPriceLow) +
(fwd - assertPriceLow) / (assetPriceHigh - assertPriceLow));
probability[2] = 0.5 * (assetPriceHigh - fwd) / assetPriceHigh;
probability[1] = 1d - probability[0] - probability[2];
private double getMiddle(double upProbability, double factor, double assetBase, double assetPrevDw,
double assetPrevMd, double assetPrevUp) {
return (factor * assetBase - assetPrevDw - upProbability * (assetPrevUp - assetPrevDw)) / (assetPrevMd - assetPrevDw);