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de.oc.dbdoc.Main Maven / Gradle / Ivy
// Copyright (c) 2004 OPITZ CONSULTING GmbH
package de.oc.dbdoc;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.List;
import org.apache.velocity.Template;
import org.apache.velocity.VelocityContext;
import de.oc.dbdoc.ant.Diagram;
import de.oc.dbdoc.ant.Styles;
import de.oc.dbdoc.ant.Tableregistry;
import de.oc.dbdoc.export.DotExport;
import de.oc.dbdoc.export.DotWriterImpl;
import de.oc.dbdoc.export.PlantUmlWriterImpl;
import de.oc.dbdoc.graphdata.Graph;
import de.oc.dbdoc.graphdata.GraphForDiagram;
import de.oc.dbdoc.graphdata.GraphForSingleTable;
import de.oc.dbdoc.graphdata.GraphForSingleTableAncestors;
import de.oc.dbdoc.graphdata.GraphForSingleTableDescendants;
import de.oc.dbdoc.schemadata.Association;
import de.oc.dbdoc.schemadata.Schema;
import de.oc.dbdoc.schemadata.Table;
* @author FSA
public class Main
private static boolean isPlantuml;
public static class GraphRef
private Graph _graph;
private boolean _isOutref;
private String _linkLabel;
private List _otherLinkedGraphRefs = new ArrayList();
private Schema _schema;
public List getOtherLinkedGraphRefs()
return _otherLinkedGraphRefs;
public GraphRef( Graph pGraph, boolean pIsOutref, Schema pSchema )
this( pGraph, pIsOutref, pSchema, pGraph.getLabel() );
public GraphRef( Graph pGraph, boolean pIsOutref, Schema pSchema, String pLinkLabel )
_graph = pGraph;
_isOutref = pIsOutref;
_linkLabel = pLinkLabel;
_schema = pSchema;
public Graph getGraph()
return _graph;
public void addLinkedGraphRef( GraphRef pGraphRef )
_otherLinkedGraphRefs.add( pGraphRef );
public boolean isOutref()
return _isOutref;
public GraphRef createForOtherGraph( Graph pGraph )
return new GraphRef( pGraph, !_isOutref ? false : _hasOutrefVersion( pGraph, _schema ), _schema );
public String getLinkLabel()
return _linkLabel;
public static String readFile( File pFile )
String lReturn = "";
try( BufferedReader lBufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( pFile ) ) )
String lLine = null;
while( (lLine = lBufferedReader.readLine()) != null )
lReturn += lLine + "\n";
return lReturn;
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
public static void writeDiagramsRecursive( Diagram pRootDiagram, Styles pStyles, Schema pSchema, String pHtmlOutDir, String pDotOutDir, String pTableSourcefileFolder, Tableregistry pTableregistry, boolean pIsSvg, boolean pIsPlantuml )
isPlantuml = pIsPlantuml;
GraphForDiagram lRootGraph = new GraphForDiagram( pRootDiagram, pStyles, null, pTableregistry );
_writeGraphRecursive( lRootGraph, pSchema, pHtmlOutDir, pDotOutDir, pTableSourcefileFolder, pTableregistry, pIsSvg );
for( Table lTable : pSchema.getTables() )
Graph lGraphNormal = new GraphForSingleTable( lTable, Collections.singletonList( (Graph) lRootGraph ), pStyles, pTableregistry );
boolean lHasOutref = _hasOutrefVersion( lGraphNormal, pSchema );
List lGraphRefs = new ArrayList();
if( lHasOutref )
lGraphRefs.add( new GraphRef( lGraphNormal, true, pSchema, "only outgoing references" ) );
lGraphRefs.add( new GraphRef( lGraphNormal, false, pSchema, "all references" ) );
lGraphRefs.add( new GraphRef( new GraphForSingleTableDescendants( lTable, Collections.singletonList( (Graph) lRootGraph ), pStyles, pTableregistry ), false, pSchema, "all descendants" ) );
lGraphRefs.add( new GraphRef( lGraphNormal, false, pSchema, "normal view" ) );
if( _hasInrefVersion( lGraphNormal, pSchema ) )
lGraphRefs.add( new GraphRef( new GraphForSingleTableAncestors( lTable, Collections.singletonList( (Graph) lRootGraph ), pStyles, pTableregistry ), false, pSchema, "all ancestors" ) );
for( GraphRef lGraphRef : lGraphRefs )
for( GraphRef lGraphRefOther : lGraphRefs )
if( lGraphRef != lGraphRefOther )
lGraphRef.addLinkedGraphRef( lGraphRefOther );
for( GraphRef lGraphRef : lGraphRefs )
_writeSingleGraph( lGraphRef, pSchema, pHtmlOutDir, pDotOutDir, pTableSourcefileFolder, pTableregistry, pIsSvg );
catch( Exception e )
throw new RuntimeException( e );
private static void _writeGraphRecursive( Graph pGraph, Schema pSchema, String pHtmlOutDir, String pDotOutDir, String pTableSourcefileFolder, Tableregistry pTableregistry, boolean pIsSvg ) throws Exception
boolean lHasOutref = _hasOutrefVersion( pGraph, pSchema );
GraphRef lGraphRefAllref = new GraphRef( pGraph, false, pSchema, "all references" );
if( lHasOutref )
GraphRef lGraphRefOutref = new GraphRef( pGraph, true, pSchema, "only outgoing references" );
lGraphRefAllref.addLinkedGraphRef( lGraphRefOutref );
lGraphRefOutref.addLinkedGraphRef( lGraphRefAllref );
_writeSingleGraph( lGraphRefOutref, pSchema, pHtmlOutDir, pDotOutDir, pTableSourcefileFolder, pTableregistry, pIsSvg );
_writeSingleGraph( lGraphRefAllref, pSchema, pHtmlOutDir, pDotOutDir, pTableSourcefileFolder, pTableregistry, pIsSvg );
for( Graph lSubGraph : pGraph.getSubGraphs() )
_writeGraphRecursive( lSubGraph, pSchema, pHtmlOutDir, pDotOutDir, pTableSourcefileFolder, pTableregistry, pIsSvg );
public static String getNameFromLabel( String pLabel )
String lReturn = "";
for( int i = 0; i < pLabel.length(); i++ )
char lChar = pLabel.charAt( i );
if( Character.isLetterOrDigit( lChar ) || lChar == '_' )
lReturn += lChar;
if( lReturn.length() > 0 && lReturn.charAt( lReturn.length() - 1 ) != '_' )
lReturn += '_';
return lReturn.toLowerCase();
private static void _writeSingleGraph( GraphRef pGraphRef, Schema pSchema, String pHtmlOutDir, String pDotOutDir, String pTableSourcefileFolder, Tableregistry pTableregistry, boolean pIsSvg ) throws Exception
System.out.println( "writing graph: " + getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, "plantuml" ) );
FileWriter lPlantUmlFileWriter = new FileWriter( pHtmlOutDir + "/" + getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, "plantuml" ) );
new DotExport().export( pGraphRef.getGraph(), pSchema, new PlantUmlWriterImpl( lPlantUmlFileWriter ), pGraphRef.isOutref() );
else {
System.out.println( "writing graph: " + getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, pGraphRef.getGraph().getDotExecutable() ) );
_writeHTML(pHtmlOutDir, pGraphRef, pSchema, pTableSourcefileFolder, pTableregistry, pIsSvg);
FileWriter lFileWriter = new FileWriter(pDotOutDir + "/" + getFileNameForGraph(pGraphRef, pGraphRef.getGraph().getDotExecutable()));
new DotExport().export(pGraphRef.getGraph(), pSchema, new DotWriterImpl(lFileWriter), pGraphRef.isOutref());
private static boolean _hasOutrefVersion( Graph pGraph, Schema pSchema )
if( !pGraph.allAssociations() )
return false;
for( Association lAssociation : pSchema.getAssociations() )
if( !pGraph.containsTableRecursive( lAssociation.getTableFrom() ) )
if( pGraph.containsTableRecursive( lAssociation.getTableTo() ) )
return true;
return false;
private static boolean _hasInrefVersion( Graph pGraph, Schema pSchema )
if( !pGraph.allAssociations() )
return false;
for( Association lAssociation : pSchema.getAssociations() )
if( !pGraph.containsTableRecursive( lAssociation.getTableTo() ) )
if( pGraph.containsTableRecursive( lAssociation.getTableFrom() ) )
return true;
return false;
public static final String TAB_FILE_PREFIX = "tab_";
public static String getFileNameForName( String pName, boolean pIsOutref, String pExtension )
return getNameFromLabel( pName ) + (pIsOutref ? "_outref" : "") + "." + pExtension;
public static String getFileNameForGraph( GraphRef pGraphRef, String pExtension )
return getFileNameForName( pGraphRef.getGraph().isRoot() ? "index" : (pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() ? TAB_FILE_PREFIX : "sg_") + pGraphRef.getGraph().getLabel(), pGraphRef.isOutref(), pExtension );
public static String getHtmlFileNameForGraph( GraphRef pGraphRef )
return getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, "html" );
public static String _getImgFileNameForGraph( GraphRef pGraphRef, boolean pIsSvg )
if( pIsSvg )
return getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, "svg" );
return getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, "png" );
private static String _getHtmlLinkForGraph( GraphRef pGraphRef )
return "" + pGraphRef.getLinkLabel() + " ";
private static void _createSubgraphListRecursive( ArrayList pSubGraphLinks, GraphRef pGraphRef, int pLevel )
if( !pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() )
for( Graph lSubGraph : pGraphRef.getGraph().getSubGraphs() )
if( !lSubGraph.isSingleTable() )
String lLink = _getHtmlLinkForGraph( pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( lSubGraph ) );
for( int i = 0; i < pLevel; i++ )
if( i == pLevel - 1 )
lLink = "->" + lLink;
lLink = " " + lLink;
pSubGraphLinks.add( lLink );
_createSubgraphListRecursive( pSubGraphLinks, pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( lSubGraph ), pLevel + 1 );
private static void _writeHTML( String pHtmlOutDir, GraphRef pGraphRef, Schema pSchema, String pTableSourcefileFolder, Tableregistry pTableregistry, boolean pIsSvg ) throws Exception
ArrayList lSubGraphLinks = new ArrayList();
ArrayList lSubTableLinks = new ArrayList();
ArrayList lParentGraphLinks = new ArrayList();
ArrayList lContainedTables = new ArrayList();
_createSubgraphListRecursive( lSubGraphLinks, pGraphRef, 0 );
for( Table lTable : pSchema.getTables() )
if( pGraphRef.getGraph().containsTableRecursive( lTable ) )
lContainedTables.add( lTable );
lSubTableLinks.add( _getHtmlLinkForGraph( pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( new GraphForSingleTable( lTable, Collections.singletonList( pGraphRef.getGraph() ), null, pTableregistry ) ) ) );
// Wurzelgraphnamen in Link umwandeln
String lParentGraphLink;
if( pGraphRef.getGraph().isRoot() || pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() )
lParentGraphLink = null;
if( pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() )
_getHtmlLinksForDiagramsContainingTables( lParentGraphLinks, pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( pGraphRef.getGraph().getParentGraph() ), lContainedTables.get( 0 ) );
lParentGraphLink = "";
Graph lParent = pGraphRef.getGraph().getParentGraph();
lParentGraphLink = _getHtmlLinkForGraph( pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( lParent ) ) + (lParentGraphLink.length() == 0 ? "" : " -> " + lParentGraphLink);
if( lParent.isRoot() )
lParent = lParent.getParentGraph();
} while( true );
String lGraphChangeLink = "";
for( GraphRef lGraphRef : pGraphRef.getOtherLinkedGraphRefs() )
lGraphChangeLink += " " + _getHtmlLinkForGraph( lGraphRef );
lGraphChangeLink = lGraphChangeLink.trim();
if( lGraphChangeLink.length() == 0 )
lGraphChangeLink = null;
String lTableSource = null;
if( pGraphRef.getGraph().isSingleTable() && pTableSourcefileFolder != null && pTableSourcefileFolder.length() > 0 )
File lFile = new File( pTableSourcefileFolder + "/" + pGraphRef.getGraph().getLabel().toLowerCase() + ".sql" );
if( lFile.exists() )
lTableSource = readFile( lFile );
VelocityEngine lVelocityEngine = new VelocityEngine();
Template lTemplate = Velocity.getTemplate( "graphtemplate.vm" );
VelocityContext lVelocityContext = new VelocityContext();
lVelocityContext.put( "pImageName", _getImgFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, pIsSvg ) );
if( !pIsSvg )
lVelocityContext.put( "pSvgName", getFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef, "svg" ) );
lVelocityContext.put( "pGraphChangeLink", lGraphChangeLink );
lVelocityContext.put( "pTitle", pGraphRef.getGraph().getLabel() );
lVelocityContext.put( "pParentGraphLink", lParentGraphLink );
lVelocityContext.put( "pParentGraphLinks", lParentGraphLinks.isEmpty() ? null : lParentGraphLinks );
lVelocityContext.put( "pSubGraphLinks", lSubGraphLinks.isEmpty() ? null : lSubGraphLinks );
lVelocityContext.put( "pSubTableLinks", lSubTableLinks.isEmpty() ? null : lSubTableLinks );
lVelocityContext.put( "pTableSource", lTableSource );
FileWriter lFileWriter = new FileWriter( pHtmlOutDir + "/" + getHtmlFileNameForGraph( pGraphRef ) );
lTemplate.merge( lVelocityContext, lFileWriter );
private static void _getHtmlLinksForDiagramsContainingTables( ArrayList pDiagramGraphLinks, GraphRef pGraphRef, Table pTable )
if( pGraphRef.getGraph().containsTableRecursive( pTable ) )
pDiagramGraphLinks.add( _getHtmlLinkForGraph( pGraphRef ) );
for( Graph lGraph : pGraphRef.getGraph().getSubGraphs() )
_getHtmlLinksForDiagramsContainingTables( pDiagramGraphLinks, pGraphRef.createForOtherGraph( lGraph ), pTable );
public static void log( String pString )
System.out.println( pString );