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* OpsGenie REST API
* OpsGenie API Description
* OpenAPI spec version: 1.0.0
* NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
* Do not edit the class manually.
package com.ifountain.opsgenie.client.swagger.api;
import com.ifountain.opsgenie.client.swagger.ApiClient;
import com.ifountain.opsgenie.client.swagger.ApiException;
import com.ifountain.opsgenie.client.swagger.Configuration;
import com.ifountain.opsgenie.client.swagger.Pair;
import com.ifountain.opsgenie.client.swagger.model.*;
import com.sun.jersey.api.client.GenericType;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2017-07-13T16:12:27.505+03:00")
public class AlertApi {
private ApiClient apiClient;
public AlertApi() {
public AlertApi(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
public ApiClient getApiClient() {
return apiClient;
public void setApiClient(ApiClient apiClient) {
this.apiClient = apiClient;
* Acknowledge Alert
* Acknowledges alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param body Request payload of acknowledging alert action (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse acknowledgeAlert(String identifier, String identifierType, AcknowledgeAlertRequest body) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling acknowledgeAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/acknowledge"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Add Alert Details
* Add details to the alert
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param body Request payload of adding alert details action (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse addDetails(String identifier, AddAlertDetailsRequest body, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling addDetails");
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling addDetails");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/details"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Add Alert Note
* Adds note to alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param body Request payload of adding note to alert action (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse addNote(String identifier, AddAlertNoteRequest body, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling addNote");
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling addNote");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/notes"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Add Saved Search
* Create saved search with given fields
* @param body Request payload of creating saved search (required)
* @return AddSavedSearchResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public AddSavedSearchResponse addSavedSearches(AddSavedSearchRequest body) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling addSavedSearches");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/saved-searches";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Add Alert Tags
* Add tags to the alert
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param body Request payload of creating alert tags action (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse addTags(String identifier, AddAlertTagsRequest body, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling addTags");
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling addTags");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/tags"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Add Team
* Add team to alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param body Request payload of adding team to alert action (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse addTeam(String identifier, AddAlertTeamRequest body, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling addTeam");
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling addTeam");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/teams"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Assign Alert
* Assign alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param body Request payload of assigning alert action (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse assignAlert(String identifier, AssignAlertRequest body, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling assignAlert");
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling assignAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/assign"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Close Alert
* Closes alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param body Request payload of closing alert action (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse closeAlert(String identifier, String identifierType, CloseAlertRequest body) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling closeAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/close"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Create Alert
* Creates a new alert
* @param body Request payload of created alert (required)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse createAlert(CreateAlertRequest body) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling createAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Delete Alert
* Deletes an alert using alert id, tiny id or alias
* @param params.identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param params.identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param params.source Display name of the request source (optional)
* @param params.user Display name of the request owner (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse deleteAlert(DeleteAlertRequest params) throws ApiException {
String identifier = params.getIdentifier();
String identifierType = params.getIdentifierType().getValue();
String source = params.getSource();
String user = params.getUser();
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling deleteAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "source", source));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "user", user));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Delete Alert Attachment
* Delete alert attachment for the given identifier
* @param params.identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param params.attachmentId Identifier of alert attachment (required)
* @param params.alertIdentifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param params.user Display name of the request owner (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse deleteAttachment(DeleteAlertAttachmentRequest params) throws ApiException {
String identifier = params.getIdentifier();
Long attachmentId = params.getAttachmentId();
String alertIdentifierType = params.getAlertIdentifierType().getValue();
String user = params.getUser();
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling deleteAttachment");
// verify the required parameter 'attachmentId' is set
if (attachmentId == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'attachmentId' when calling deleteAttachment");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/attachments/{attachmentId}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()))
.replaceAll("\\{" + "attachmentId" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(attachmentId.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "alertIdentifierType", alertIdentifierType));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "user", user));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Delete Alert Details
* Delete the details of an alert using alert id, tiny id or alias
* @param params.identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param params.keys Comma separated list of keys to remove from the custom properties of the alert (e.g. 'key1,key2') (required)
* @param params.identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param params.user Display name of the request owner (optional)
* @param params.note Additional alert note to add (optional)
* @param params.source Display name of the request source (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse deleteDetails(DeleteAlertDetailsRequest params) throws ApiException {
String identifier = params.getIdentifier();
List keys = params.getKeys();
String identifierType = params.getIdentifierType().getValue();
String user = params.getUser();
String note = params.getNote();
String source = params.getSource();
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling deleteDetails");
// verify the required parameter 'keys' is set
if (keys == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'keys' when calling deleteDetails");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/details"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "user", user));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "note", note));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "source", source));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("csv", "keys", keys));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Delete Saved Search
* Deletes saved search using given search identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of the saved search which could be 'id' or 'name' (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', or 'name' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse deleteSavedSearch(String identifier, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling deleteSavedSearch");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/saved-searches/{identifier}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Delete Alert Tags
* Delete tags of the alert
* @param params.identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param params.tags Tags field of the given alert as comma seperated values (e.g. 'tag1,tag2') (required)
* @param params.identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param params.user Display name of the request owner (optional)
* @param params.note Additional alert note to add (optional)
* @param params.source Display name of the request source (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse deleteTags(DeleteAlertTagsRequest params) throws ApiException {
String identifier = params.getIdentifier();
List tags = params.getTags();
String identifierType = params.getIdentifierType().getValue();
String user = params.getUser();
String note = params.getNote();
String source = params.getSource();
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling deleteTags");
// verify the required parameter 'tags' is set
if (tags == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'tags' when calling deleteTags");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/tags"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "user", user));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "note", note));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "source", source));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("csv", "tags", tags));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "DELETE", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Escalate Alert
* Escalate alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param body Request payload of escalating alert action (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse escalateAlert(String identifier, EscalateAlertToNextRequest body, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling escalateAlert");
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling escalateAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/escalate"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Custom Alert Action
* Custom actions for the alert
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param actionName Name of the action to execute (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param body Request payload of executing custom alert action (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse executeCustomAction(String identifier, String actionName, String identifierType, ExecuteCustomAlertActionRequest body) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling executeCustomAction");
// verify the required parameter 'actionName' is set
if (actionName == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'actionName' when calling executeCustomAction");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/actions/{actionName}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()))
.replaceAll("\\{" + "actionName" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(actionName.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Get Alert
* Returns alert with given id, tiny id or alias
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return GetAlertResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public GetAlertResponse getAlert(String identifier, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling getAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Get Alert Attachment
* Get alert attachment name and url for the given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param attachmentId Identifier of alert attachment (required)
* @param alertIdentifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return GetAlertAttachmentResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public GetAlertAttachmentResponse getAttachment(String identifier, Long attachmentId, String alertIdentifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling getAttachment");
// verify the required parameter 'attachmentId' is set
if (attachmentId == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'attachmentId' when calling getAttachment");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/attachments/{attachmentId}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()))
.replaceAll("\\{" + "attachmentId" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(attachmentId.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "alertIdentifierType", alertIdentifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Get Request Status of Alert
* Returns status of alert request
* @param requestId Id of the request for its status (required)
* @return GetRequestStatusResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public GetRequestStatusResponse getRequestStatus(String requestId) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'requestId' is set
if (requestId == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'requestId' when calling getRequestStatus");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/requests/{requestId}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "requestId" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(requestId.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Get Saved Search
* Get saved search for the given search identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of the saved search which could be 'id' or 'name' (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', or 'name' (optional, default to id)
* @return GetSavedSearchResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public GetSavedSearchResponse getSavedSearch(String identifier, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling getSavedSearch");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/saved-searches/{identifier}"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* List Alerts
* Returns list of alerts
* @param params.limit Maximum number of items to provide in the result. Must be a positive integer value. Default value is 20 and maximum value is 100 (optional)
* @param params.sort Name of the field that result set will be sorted by (optional, default to createdAt)
* @param params.offset Start index of the result set (to apply pagination). Minimum value (and also default value) is 0 (optional)
* @param params.order Sorting order of the result set (optional, default to desc)
* @param params.query Search query to apply while filtering the alerts (optional)
* @param params.searchIdentifier Identifier of the saved search query to apply while filtering the alerts (optional)
* @param params.searchIdentifierType Identifier type of the saved search query. Possible values are 'id', or 'name' (optional, default to id)
* @return ListAlertsResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ListAlertsResponse listAlerts(ListAlertsRequest params) throws ApiException {
Integer limit = params.getLimit();
String sort = params.getSort().getValue();
Integer offset = params.getOffset();
String order = params.getOrder().getValue();
String query = params.getQuery();
String searchIdentifier = params.getSearchIdentifier();
String searchIdentifierType = params.getSearchIdentifierType().getValue();
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "limit", limit));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "sort", sort));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "offset", offset));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "order", order));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "query", query));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "searchIdentifier", searchIdentifier));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "searchIdentifierType", searchIdentifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* List Alert Attachment
* List alert attachment names and urls for related alert
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param alertIdentifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return ListAlertAttachmentResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ListAlertAttachmentResponse listAttachments(String identifier, String alertIdentifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling listAttachments");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/attachments"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "alertIdentifierType", alertIdentifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* List Alert Logs
* List alert logs for the given alert identifier
* @param params.identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param params.identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param params.offset Starting value of the offset property (optional)
* @param params.direction Page direction to apply for the given offset with 'next' and 'prev' (optional, default to next)
* @param params.limit Maximum number of items to provide in the result. Must be a positive integer value. Default value is 20 and maximum value is 100 (optional)
* @param params.order Sorting order of the result set (optional, default to desc)
* @return ListAlertLogsResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ListAlertLogsResponse listLogs(ListAlertLogsRequest params) throws ApiException {
String identifier = params.getIdentifier();
String identifierType = params.getIdentifierType().getValue();
String offset = params.getOffset();
String direction = params.getDirection().getValue();
Integer limit = params.getLimit();
String order = params.getOrder().getValue();
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling listLogs");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/logs"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "offset", offset));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "direction", direction));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "limit", limit));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "order", order));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* List Alert Notes
* List alert notes for the given alert identifier
* @param params.identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param params.identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param params.offset Starting value of the offset property (optional)
* @param params.direction Page direction to apply for the given offset with 'next' and 'prev' (optional, default to next)
* @param params.limit Maximum number of items to provide in the result. Must be a positive integer value. Default value is 20 and maximum value is 100 (optional)
* @param params.order Sorting order of the result set (optional, default to desc)
* @return ListAlertNotesResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ListAlertNotesResponse listNotes(ListAlertNotesRequest params) throws ApiException {
String identifier = params.getIdentifier();
String identifierType = params.getIdentifierType().getValue();
String offset = params.getOffset();
String direction = params.getDirection().getValue();
Integer limit = params.getLimit();
String order = params.getOrder().getValue();
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling listNotes");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/notes"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "offset", offset));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "direction", direction));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "limit", limit));
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "order", order));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* List Alert Recipients
* List alert recipients for the given alert identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return ListAlertRecipientsResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ListAlertRecipientsResponse listRecipients(String identifier, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling listRecipients");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/recipients"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Lists Saved Searches
* List all saved searches
* @return ListSavedSearchResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public ListSavedSearchResponse listSavedSearches() throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = null;
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/saved-searches";
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "GET", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* Snooze Alert
* Snooze alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param body Request payload of snoozing alert action (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse snoozeAlert(String identifier, SnoozeAlertRequest body, String identifierType) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling snoozeAlert");
// verify the required parameter 'body' is set
if (body == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'body' when calling snoozeAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/snooze"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[]{"GenieKey"};
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);
* UnAcknowledge Alert
* UnAcknowledge alert with given identifier
* @param identifier Identifier of alert which could be alert id, tiny id or alert alias (required)
* @param identifierType Type of the identifier that is provided as an in-line parameter. Possible values are 'id', 'alias' or 'tiny' (optional, default to id)
* @param body Request payload of unacknowledging alert action (optional)
* @return SuccessResponse
* @throws ApiException if fails to make API call
public SuccessResponse unAcknowledgeAlert(String identifier, String identifierType, UnAcknowledgeAlertRequest body) throws ApiException {
Object localVarPostBody = body;
// verify the required parameter 'identifier' is set
if (identifier == null) {
throw new ApiException(400, "Missing the required parameter 'identifier' when calling unAcknowledgeAlert");
// create path and map variables
String localVarPath = "/v2/alerts/{identifier}/unacknowledge"
.replaceAll("\\{" + "identifier" + "\\}", apiClient.escapeString(identifier.toString()));
// query params
List localVarQueryParams = new ArrayList();
Map localVarHeaderParams = new HashMap();
Map localVarFormParams = new HashMap();
localVarQueryParams.addAll(apiClient.parameterToPairs("", "identifierType", identifierType));
final String[] localVarAccepts = {
final String localVarAccept = apiClient.selectHeaderAccept(localVarAccepts);
final String[] localVarContentTypes = {
final String localVarContentType = apiClient.selectHeaderContentType(localVarContentTypes);
String[] localVarAuthNames = new String[] { "GenieKey" };
GenericType localVarReturnType = new GenericType() {};
return apiClient.invokeAPI(localVarPath, "POST", localVarQueryParams, localVarPostBody, localVarHeaderParams, localVarFormParams, localVarAccept, localVarContentType, localVarAuthNames, localVarReturnType);