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* Copyright 2018 Gerald Curley
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package com.opsmatters.core.documents;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.StringTokenizer;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import jxl.write.NumberFormats;
import jxl.write.WritableCellFormat;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import com.opsmatters.core.util.Formats;
import com.opsmatters.core.util.FormatUtilities;
* Class to encapsulate the text and attributes of a file column.
* @author Gerald Curley (opsmatters)
public class FileColumn
private static final Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(FileColumn.class.getName());
* Indicates cell format not set.
public static final short NO_TYPE = -1;
* Indicates the "string" data format.
public static final short STRING_TYPE = 0;
* Indicates the "number" data format.
public static final short NUMBER_TYPE = 1;
* Indicates the "boolean" data format.
public static final short BOOLEAN_TYPE = 2;
* Indicates the "datetime" data format.
public static final short DATETIME_TYPE = 3;
* Indicates the "integer" data format.
public static final short INTEGER_TYPE = 4;
* Indicates the "decimal" data format.
public static final short DECIMAL_TYPE = 5;
* Indicates the "seconds" data format.
public static final short SECONDS_TYPE = 6;
* Indicates the "type" attribute.
public static final String TYPE_ATTR = "type";
* Indicates the "format" attribute.
public static final String FORMAT_ATTR = "format";
* Indicates the "inputType" attribute.
public static final String INPUT_TYPE_ATTR = "inputType";
* Indicates the "inputFormat" attribute.
public static final String INPUT_FORMAT_ATTR = "inputFormat";
* Indicates the "outputType" attribute.
public static final String OUTPUT_TYPE_ATTR = "outputType";
* Indicates the "outputFormat" attribute.
public static final String OUTPUT_FORMAT_ATTR = "outputFormat";
* Indicates the "regex" attribute.
public static final String REGEX_ATTR = "regex";
* Indicates the "nullText" attribute.
public static final String NULL_TEXT_ATTR = "nulltext";
* Indicates the "nullValue" attribute.
public static final String NULL_VALUE_ATTR = "nullvalue";
* Indicates the "align" attribute.
public static final String ALIGN_ATTR = "align";
* Indicates the "wrap" attribute.
public static final String WRAP_ATTR = "wrap";
* Indicates the "display" attribute.
public static final String DISPLAY_ATTR = "display";
* The attribute value for "general" alignment.
public static final short ALIGN_GENERAL = 0;
* The attribute value for "centre" alignment.
public static final short ALIGN_CENTRE = 1;
* The attribute value for "left" alignment.
public static final short ALIGN_LEFT = 2;
* The attribute value for "right" alignment.
public static final short ALIGN_RIGHT = 3;
* The attribute value for "justify" alignment.
public static final short ALIGN_JUSTIFY = 4;
* The attribute value for "fill" alignment.
public static final short ALIGN_FILL = 5;
* Constructor that takes a column name
* @param s The name of the column
public FileColumn(String s)
name = s.trim();
* Set the column attributes from the given string in the format name=value[:name=value...]
* @param str The string containing the formatted attributes
public void setAttributes(String str)
str = str.trim();
String delimiter = ":"; // default is colon delimiter,
if(str.indexOf(";") != -1) // but use semi-colon with date format parameters (eg. HH:mm)
delimiter = ";";
StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(str, delimiter);
String token = st.nextToken().trim();
int pos = token.indexOf("=");
if(pos != -1)
String name = token.substring(0, pos).trim();
String value = token.substring(pos+1).trim();
type = getCellType(value);
else if(name.equals(FORMAT_ATTR))
format = value;
else if(name.equals(INPUT_TYPE_ATTR))
inputType = getDataType(value);
if(outputType == NO_TYPE)
outputType = inputType;
else if(name.equals(INPUT_FORMAT_ATTR))
inputFormat = value;
else if(name.equals(OUTPUT_TYPE_ATTR))
outputType = getDataType(value);
if(inputType == NO_TYPE)
inputType = outputType;
else if(name.equals(OUTPUT_FORMAT_ATTR))
outputFormat = value;
else if(name.equals(REGEX_ATTR))
regex = value;
else if(name.equals(NULL_VALUE_ATTR))
nullValue = value;
else if(name.equals(ALIGN_ATTR))
align = getAlignment(value);
else if(name.equals(WRAP_ATTR))
wrap = Boolean.parseBoolean(value);
else if(name.equals(DISPLAY_ATTR))
display = value;
* Returns the cell type for the given value.
* @param value The cell type value
* @return The code for the cell type
private short getCellType(String value)
short ret = STRING_TYPE;
else if(value.equals("datetime"))
else if(value.equals("boolean"))
return ret;
* Returns the data type for the given value.
* @param value The data type value
* @return The code for the data type
private short getDataType(String value)
short ret = STRING_TYPE;
else if(value.equals("integer"))
else if(value.equals("decimal"))
else if(value.equals("seconds"))
else if(value.equals("datetime"))
else if(value.equals("boolean"))
return ret;
* Returns the alignment for the given value.
* @param value The alignment value
* @return The code for the alignment
private short getAlignment(String value)
short ret = ALIGN_LEFT;
else if(value.equals("left"))
else if(value.equals("right"))
else if(value.equals("justify"))
else if(value.equals("fill"))
return ret;
* Returns the name of the column with its attributes.
public String toString()
StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer();
buff.append(" type=");
buff.append(" format=");
buff.append(" inputType=");
buff.append(" inputFormat=");
buff.append(" outputType=");
buff.append(" outputFormat=");
buff.append(" regex=");
buff.append(" align=");
buff.append(" wrap=");
buff.append(" nullValue=");
buff.append(" display=");
return buff.toString();
* Returns the name of the column.
* @return The name of the column
public String getName()
return name;
* Returns the displayed name of the column.
* @return The displayed name of the column
public String getDisplayName()
return display.length() > 0 ? display : name;
* Returns the type of the column.
* @return The type of the column
public short getType()
return type;
* Sets the type of the column.
* @param type The type of the column
public void setType(short type)
this.type = type;
* Returns the text that should be displayed for the column if the value is null.
* @return The text that should be displayed for the column if the value is null
public String getNullValue()
return nullValue;
* Returns the display format of the column.
* @return The display format of the column
public String getFormat()
return format;
* Sets the display format of the column.
* @param format The display format of the column
public void setFormat(String format)
if(format != null)
this.format = new String(format);
* Returns the input type of the column for conversion.
* @return The input type of the column for conversion
public short getInputType()
return inputType;
* Sets the input type of the column for conversion.
* @param inputType The input type of the column for conversion
public void setInputType(short inputType)
this.inputType = inputType;
* Returns the input format of the column for conversion.
* @return The input format of the column for conversion
public String getInputFormat()
return inputFormat;
* Sets the input format of the column for conversion.
* @param inputFormat The input format of the column for conversion
public void setInputFormat(String inputFormat)
if(inputFormat != null)
this.inputFormat = new String(inputFormat);
* Returns the output type of the column for conversion.
* @return The output type of the column for conversion
public short getOutputType()
return outputType;
* Sets the output type of the column for conversion.
* @param outputType The output type of the column for conversion
public void setOutputType(short outputType)
this.outputType = outputType;
* Returns the output format of the column.
* @return The output format of the column for conversion
public String getOutputFormat()
return outputFormat;
* Sets the output format of the column.
* @param outputFormat The output format of the column for conversion
public void setOutputFormat(String outputFormat)
if(outputFormat != null)
this.outputFormat = new String(outputFormat);
* Returns the regular expression for the column.
* @return The regular expression for the column
public String getRegex()
return regex;
* Sets the regular expression for the column.
* @param regex The regular expression for the column
public void setRegex(String regex)
if(regex != null)
this.regex = new String(regex);
* Returns the alignment of the column.
* @return The alignment of the column
public short getAlign()
return align;
* Returns true if the column should wrap lines.
* @return true if the column should wrap lines
public boolean getWrap()
return wrap;
* Returns the alternative (displayed) name for the column.
* @return The alternative (displayed) name for the column
public String getDisplay()
return display;
* Sets the alternative (displayed) name for the column.
* @param display The alternative (displayed) name for the column
public void setDisplay(String display)
if(display != null)
this.display = new String(display);
* Returns the format object for this column.
* @return The format object for this column
public WritableCellFormat getCellFormat()
return getCellFormat(true);
* Returns the format object for this column.
* @param create true if the format object should be created if it doesn't exist
* @return The format object for this column
public WritableCellFormat getCellFormat(boolean create)
WritableCellFormat ret = null;
if(cellFormat != null)
ret = cellFormat;
else if(create)
ret = new WritableCellFormat(NumberFormats.TEXT);
return ret;
* Sets the format object for this column.
* @param cf The format object to use for this column
public void setCellFormat(WritableCellFormat cf)
cellFormat = cf;
* Returns the formatted object for the given cell.
* @param o The value of the cell
* @param dateFormat The date format to use if the cell contains a date
* @return The formatted object for the given cell
public String getValue(Object o, String dateFormat)
String ret = "null";
if(o != null)
if(o instanceof java.lang.Number)
ret = o.toString();
if(type == NO_TYPE)
if(inputType != NO_TYPE)
ret = convert(ret, dateFormat);
else if(o instanceof java.lang.Boolean)
ret = o.toString();
if(type == NO_TYPE)
else if(o instanceof Date)
Date dt = (Date)o;
ret = Long.toString(dt.getTime());
if(type == NO_TYPE)
if(format.length() == 0)
format = new String(dateFormat);
ret = o.toString().trim();
if(type == NO_TYPE)
if(!(o instanceof String))
logger.severe("invalid file column type="+o.getClass().getName());
if(inputType != NO_TYPE)
ret = convert(ret, dateFormat);
else // Cell contains null
// Replace null item with default string
if(nullValue != null)
ret = new String(nullValue);
return ret;
* Convert the given string using the defined input and output formats and types.
* @param str The value to be converted
* @param dateFormat The date format to use if the value is a date
* @return The converted value
private String convert(String str, String dateFormat)
String ret = str;
// Carry out the required string conversion
long longValue = 0L;
double doubleValue = 0.0d;
// Convert the input value to a number
if(str.length() > 0)
if(inputType == INTEGER_TYPE || inputType == NUMBER_TYPE)
longValue = Long.parseLong(str);
else if(inputType == DECIMAL_TYPE || inputType == SECONDS_TYPE)
doubleValue = Double.parseDouble(str);
else if(inputType == DATETIME_TYPE && inputFormat.length() > 0)
longValue = parseDateTime(str, inputFormat);
// Convert seconds to milliseconds
if(inputType == SECONDS_TYPE)
doubleValue *= 1000.0d;
// Allow for cross type conversions
// eg. decimal->datetime, seconds->datetime
if(inputType == DECIMAL_TYPE || inputType == SECONDS_TYPE)
longValue = (long)doubleValue;
doubleValue = (double)longValue;
// Convert the number to the output format
if(outputType == INTEGER_TYPE)
ret = Long.toString(longValue);
else if(outputType == DECIMAL_TYPE || outputType == SECONDS_TYPE)
ret = convertDecimal(doubleValue, outputFormat);
else if(outputType == DATETIME_TYPE)
ret = convertDateTime(longValue,
outputFormat.length() > 0 ? outputFormat : dateFormat);
else if(outputType == STRING_TYPE)
ret = convertString(str, outputFormat, regex);
return ret;
* Parses the given date string in the given format to a milliseconds vale.
* @param str The formatted date to be parsed
* @param format The format to use when parsing the date
* @return The date in milliseconds
private long parseDateTime(String str, String format)
return FormatUtilities.getDateTime(str, format, false, true);
* Converts the given milliseconds date value to the output date format.
* @param dt The date to be formatted
* @param format The format to use for the date
* @return The formatted date
private String convertDateTime(long dt, String format)
if(format.length() == 0)
format = Formats.DATETIME_FORMAT;
return FormatUtilities.getFormattedDateTime(dt, format, false, 0L);
* Converts the given numeric value to the output date format.
* @param d The value to be converted
* @param format The format to use for the value
* @return The formatted value
private String convertDecimal(double d, String format)
String ret = "";
if(format.length() > 0)
DecimalFormat f = new DecimalFormat(format);
ret = f.format(d);
ret = Double.toString(d);
return ret;
* Converts the given string value to the output string format.
* @param str The value to be converted
* @param format The format to use for the value
* @param expr A regex to use for formatting the value
* @return The formatted value
private String convertString(String str, String format, String expr)
String ret = str;
String[] params = null;
if(format.length() > 0)
ret = "";
if(expr.length() > 0) // Indicates a format using regex
Pattern pattern = getPattern(expr);
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(str);
params = new String[m.groupCount()];
for(int i = 0; i < m.groupCount(); i++)
params[i] =;
else if(str != null)
params = new String[]{str};
if(params != null)
ret = String.format(format, params);
return ret;
* Returns the pattern for the given regular expression.
* @param expr A regex to use for formatting
* @return The pattern for the expression
private Pattern getPattern(String expr)
Pattern pattern = patterns.get(expr);
if(pattern == null)
pattern = Pattern.compile(expr);
patterns.put(expr, pattern);
return pattern;
private String name = "";
private String nullValue = null;
private short type = NO_TYPE;
private String format = "";
private short inputType = NO_TYPE;
private String inputFormat = "";
private short outputType = NO_TYPE;
private String outputFormat = "";
private String regex = "";
private WritableCellFormat cellFormat = null;
private short align = ALIGN_GENERAL;
private boolean wrap = false;
private String display = "";
private static Map patterns = new Hashtable();