com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.java.ClassPath Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* File: ClassPath.java
* The contents of this file are subject to the terms and conditions of
* the Common Development and Distribution License 1.0 (the "License").
* You may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You can obtain a copy of the License by consulting the LICENSE.txt file
* distributed with this file, or by consulting https://oss.oracle.com/licenses/CDDL
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions
* and limitations under the License.
* When distributing the software, include this License Header Notice in each
* file and include the License file LICENSE.txt.
* If applicable, add the following below the License Header, with the fields
* enclosed by brackets [] replaced by your own identifying information:
* "Portions Copyright [year] [name of copyright owner]"
package com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.java;
import com.oracle.bedrock.Option;
import com.oracle.bedrock.OptionsByType;
import com.oracle.bedrock.lang.StringHelper;
import com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.java.options.JavaModules;
import com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.options.PlatformSeparators;
import com.oracle.bedrock.table.Table;
import com.oracle.bedrock.table.Tabular;
import java.io.File;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.net.MalformedURLException;
import java.net.URI;
import java.net.URISyntaxException;
import java.net.URL;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Enumeration;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import java.util.stream.Collectors;
import java.util.stream.Stream;
* A local immutable representation of a Java class path.
* Copyright (c) 2013. All Rights Reserved. Oracle Corporation.
* Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
* @author Brian Oliver
public class ClassPath implements Iterable, Tabular, Option
* The known of Java Archives Types, typically used in class-paths and
* file names. (strictly in ascending order).
public static final String[] JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPES = new String[] {"aar", "car", "ear", "gar",
"jar", "rar", "sar", "war", "zip"};
* The paths that make up the {@link ClassPath}.
private final LinkedHashSet paths;
* A list of reg-ex patterns to use to exclude artifacts from the path.
private final Set excludes;
* A flag indicating whether to apply the default exclusions.
private final boolean useDefaultExcludes;
* The default class path exclusions.
private static final Set defaultExcludes = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(
* Constructs an empty {@link ClassPath} using the system default
* {@link File#separator} and {@link File#pathSeparator}s.
public ClassPath()
paths = new LinkedHashSet<>();
excludes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
useDefaultExcludes = true;
* Constructs a {@link ClassPath} based zero or more other {@link ClassPath}s.
* (ie: a copy constructor)
* @param classPaths the {@link ClassPath}s to copy
public ClassPath(ClassPath... classPaths)
this(Arrays.stream(classPaths).allMatch(cp -> cp.useDefaultExcludes), classPaths);
* Constructs a {@link ClassPath} based zero or more other {@link ClassPath}s.
* (ie: a copy constructor)
* @param defaultsExcludes {@code true} to use default file exclusions
* @param classPaths the {@link ClassPath}s to copy
private ClassPath(boolean defaultsExcludes, ClassPath... classPaths)
paths = new LinkedHashSet<>();
excludes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
useDefaultExcludes = defaultsExcludes;
if (classPaths != null && classPaths.length > 0)
for (ClassPath classPath : classPaths)
for (String path : classPath)
path = sanitizePath(path);
* Constructs a {@link ClassPath} based zero or more other {@link ClassPath}s.
* (ie: a copy constructor)
* @param classPaths the {@link ClassPath}s to copy
public ClassPath(Iterable classPaths)
paths = new LinkedHashSet<>();
excludes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
boolean useDefaults = true;
if (classPaths != null)
for (ClassPath classPath : classPaths)
useDefaults = useDefaults && classPath.useDefaultExcludes;
for (String path : classPath)
path = sanitizePath(path);
useDefaultExcludes = useDefaults;
* Constructs a {@link ClassPath} from zero or more standard Java class-paths
* (using the system defined path and file separators).
* @param classPaths zero or more Java class-paths
public ClassPath(String... classPaths)
paths = new LinkedHashSet<>();
excludes = new LinkedHashSet<>();
useDefaultExcludes = true;
if (classPaths != null)
for (String classPath : classPaths)
// sanitize the entire classpath
classPath = classPath == null ? "" : classPath.trim();
// remove quotes
classPath = StringHelper.dequote(classPath);
if (!classPath.isEmpty())
// separate the individual paths from the class path
String[] paths = classPath.split(File.pathSeparator);
for (String path : paths)
// sanitize the each path as well
path = sanitizePath(path);
if (!path.isEmpty())
* Obtain the number of path elements in the {@link ClassPath}
* @return the number of path elements
public int size()
return (int) paths.stream()
* Determines if the {@link ClassPath} is empty (contains no path definitions).
* @return true iff the {@link ClassPath} is empty
public boolean isEmpty()
return paths.stream().noneMatch(this::include);
* Obtains the paths defined by the {@link ClassPath} as an array of URLs.
* @return an array of URLs representing the paths defined by the {@link ClassPath}
public URL[] getURLs()
List urls = new ArrayList<>();
for (String path : this)
if (include(path))
urls.add(new File(path).toURI().toURL());
catch (MalformedURLException e)
throw new RuntimeException("Failed to convert the path [" + path + "] into a URL", e);
return urls.toArray(URL[]::new);
* Determines if the {@link ClassPath} contains the specified path element.
* @param path the path element
* @return true iff the {@link ClassPath} contains the specified path element
* (exact match)
public boolean contains(String path)
if (path == null || !include(path))
return false;
// sanitize the path
path = sanitizePath(path);
for (String aPath : paths)
if (aPath.equals(path))
return true;
return false;
* Determines if the {@link ClassPath} contains all of the path elements defined
* by the specified {@link ClassPath}.
* @param classPath the {@link ClassPath} containing the path elements to confirm
* that are in this {@link ClassPath}
* @return true iff the specified {@link ClassPath} is contained in this {@link ClassPath}
public boolean contains(ClassPath classPath)
if (classPath == null)
return false;
for (String path : classPath)
if (!contains(path))
return false;
return true;
public Iterator iterator()
return paths.stream()
* Obtains a String representation of the {@link ClassPath} that is suitable
* for using as a Java class-path property (using the system defined
* file and path separators).
* @return the Java class-path
public String toString()
return toString(PlatformSeparators.autoDetect());
* Obtains a String representation of the {@link ClassPath} that is suitable
* for using as a Java class-path property (using the specified
* file and path separators).
* Note: The returned String may contain spaces in which case the caller should
* appropriate double-quote the String for their appropriate Platform.
* @param optionsByType the {@link OptionsByType} for converting the {@link ClassPath} into a String
* @return the Java class-path
public String toString(OptionsByType optionsByType)
StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();
PlatformSeparators separators = optionsByType.get(PlatformSeparators.class);
ClassPathModifier modifier = optionsByType.get(ClassPathModifier.class);
String pathSeparator = separators.getPathSeparator();
Stream stream;
if (excludes.isEmpty())
stream = paths.stream().filter(this::include);
stream = paths.stream().filter(this::include);
stream.forEach(path -> {
if (builder.length() > 0)
// (on certain platforms they may be double quoted again!)
// (on certain platforms they may be double quoted again!)
return modifier.modify(builder.toString());
* Obtains a String representation of the {@link ClassPath} that is suitable
* for using as a Java class-path property (using the specified
* file and path separators).
* Note: The returned String may contain spaces in which case the caller should
* appropriate double-quote the String for their appropriate Platform.
* @param options the {@link Option}s
* @return the Java class-path
public String toString(Option... options)
return toString(OptionsByType.of(options));
public Table getTable()
Table table = new Table();
for (String path : this)
// If the path is the current directory "./" or "./*" then just add it as-is
if ("./".equals(path) || "./*".equals(path))
File file = new File(path);
String parent = file.getParent();
parent == null ? "" : "(" + parent + ")");
return table;
* Create a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* removing the default class path exclusions.
* @return a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* removing the default class path exclusions
public ClassPath withDefaultExcludes()
return new ClassPath(true, this);
* Create a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* with the default class path exclusions added back.
* @return a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* with the default class path exclusions added back
public ClassPath withoutDefaultExcludes()
return new ClassPath(false, this);
* Create a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* excluding any artifacts matching any of the specified expressions.
* @param exclude the reg-ex expressions to use to exclude artifacts
* @return a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* excluding any artifacts matching any of the specified expressions
public ClassPath excluding(String... exclude)
if (exclude == null || exclude.length == 0)
return this;
ClassPath classPath = new ClassPath(this);
for (String ex : exclude)
return classPath;
* Create a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* excluding any artifacts matching any of those in the specified
* {@link ClassPath}.
* @param exclude {@link ClassPath} to exclude
* @return a {@link ClassPath} that is the same as this {@link ClassPath}
* excluding any artifacts matching any of those in the specified
* {@link ClassPath}
public ClassPath excluding(ClassPath exclude)
if (exclude.isEmpty())
return this;
ClassPath classPath = new ClassPath(this);
for (String path : exclude.paths)
return classPath;
private boolean include(String path)
boolean exclude = false;
if (useDefaultExcludes)
exclude = defaultExcludes.stream()
.anyMatch(pattern -> pattern.matcher(path).matches());
if (!excludes.isEmpty())
exclude = exclude || excludes.stream()
.anyMatch(pattern -> pattern.matcher(path).matches());
return !exclude;
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (this == other)
return true;
if (other == null || getClass() != other.getClass())
return false;
ClassPath classPath = (ClassPath) other;
if (useDefaultExcludes != classPath.useDefaultExcludes)
return false;
return paths.equals(classPath.paths);
public int hashCode()
return toString().hashCode();
* Sanitizes a class-path element (a single path) by removing unnecessary
* pre and post fix spaces, together with single and double quotes.
* @param path the path element to sanitize
* @return a sanitized non-null path
private static String sanitizePath(String path)
if (path == null)
return "";
// remove unnecessary white space
path = path.trim();
// remove quotes
path = StringHelper.unquote(path);
if (!path.isEmpty())
// add a file separator iff it's not an archive
path = isResourceAnArchive(path)
|| path.endsWith(File.separator)
|| path.endsWith("*") ? path : path + File.separator;
return path;
* Attempts to determine if the specified resource represents a known Java
* Archive (based on the resource name, not attempting to load or unpack
* it).
* @see #getResourceArchiveType(String)
* @param resourceName the resource name
* @return true if the resource name is a known Java Archive.
public static boolean isResourceAnArchive(String resourceName)
return getResourceArchiveType(resourceName) != null;
* Attempts to determine if the specified resource Java Archive type
* (based on the resource name, not attempting to load or unpack it).
* The algorithm succeeds if the specified resource ends in a
* known Java Archive type extension (eg: .jar). Alternatively it succeeds
* if the specified resource uses a Java Archive type as a URI protocol
* (eg: jar://example.jar!MyClass).
* @param resourceName the resource name
* @return the Java Archive extension or null
if the
* resource is not a Java Archive
public static String getResourceArchiveType(String resourceName)
// ensure we remove leading and trailing spaces
resourceName = resourceName == null ? "" : resourceName.trim();
// attempt to determine the archive type based on the extension
int index = resourceName.lastIndexOf(".");
if (index >= 0)
String extension = resourceName.substring(index + 1).toLowerCase();
// search for the archive extension
index = Arrays.binarySearch(JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPES, extension);
if (index >= 0)
return JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPES[index];
// attempt to determine the archive type based on a prefix
for (String archiveType : JAVA_ARCHIVE_TYPES)
if (resourceName.startsWith(archiveType + ":"))
return archiveType;
// not found, so we assume it's not an archive
return null;
* Obtains the {@link ClassPath} for the specified resource using the provided ClassLoader.
* @param resourceName the resource to locate
* @param classLoader the ClassLoader (or null indicating the current
* Thread getContextClassLoader())
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the location of the specified resource
* @throws IOException when the resource can't be located
public static ClassPath ofResource(String resourceName,
ClassLoader classLoader) throws IOException
// ensure we have a resource name
if (resourceName == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Resource name must not be null");
// ensure we have a ClassLoader
classLoader = classLoader == null ? Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader() : classLoader;
// attempt to locate the resource
Enumeration resources = classLoader.getResources(resourceName);
if (resources.hasMoreElements())
URL url = resources.nextElement();
// decode the URL to remove possible encoded characters
String location = URLDecoder.decode(url.toExternalForm(), "UTF-8");
// encode spaces as %20 so we can create a valid URI
location = location.replace(" ", "%20");
// remove the resource from the location
// (as we want the location of the resource not the resource)
location = location.substring(0, location.length() - resourceName.length() - 1);
// determine the archive type
String archiveType = getResourceArchiveType(location);
if (archiveType != null && location.startsWith(archiveType + ":"))
location = location.substring(archiveType.length() + 1, location.length() - 1);
return new ClassPath(new File(new URI(location)).getAbsolutePath());
catch (URISyntaxException e)
throw new IOException("Unable to create a ClassPath for [" + location + "] using ClassLoader ["
+ classLoader + "] as an illegal URI was encountered",
throw new IOException("Unable to locate the specified resource [" + resourceName
+ "] using ClassLoader [" + classLoader + "] with ClassPath ["
+ ClassPath.ofSystem() + "]");
* Obtains the {@link ClassPath} for the specified resource using the current Thread
* context ClassLoader
* @param resourceName the resource to locate
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the location of the specified resource
* @throws IOException when the resource can't be located
public static ClassPath ofResource(String resourceName) throws IOException
return ofResource(resourceName, Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader());
* Obtains the {@link ClassPath} for the specified Class.
* @param clazz the class
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the location of the specified Class
* @throws IOException when the resource can't be located
public static ClassPath ofClass(Class> clazz) throws IOException
// ensure we have a class name
if (clazz == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Class must not be null");
// locate the declaring class
while (clazz.getEnclosingClass() != null)
clazz = clazz.getEnclosingClass();
// create a resource name for the class (must use a / here)
String resourceName = clazz.getCanonicalName().replace(".", "/") + ".class";
// determine the location as a resource
return ofResource(resourceName, clazz.getClassLoader());
* Obtains the {@link ClassPath} for the specified Class.
* @param className the class name
* @param classLoader the {@link ClassLoader} to use for loading the class
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the location of the specified Class
* @throws ClassNotFoundException when the specified class can't be located
* @throws IOException when the resource can't be located
public static ClassPath ofClass(String className,
ClassLoader classLoader) throws ClassNotFoundException, IOException
Class> clazz = classLoader.loadClass(className);
return ofClass(clazz);
* Obtains a {@link ClassPath} containing only absolute path of the specified File
* @param file the file
* @return a {@link ClassPath} of a file
public static ClassPath ofFile(File file)
if (file == null)
throw new NullPointerException("File must not be null");
return new ClassPath(file.toString());
* Obtains a {@link ClassPath} containing only absolute path of the specified File
* @param path the Path to the artifact
* @return a {@link ClassPath} of a file
public static ClassPath ofPath(Path path)
if (path == null)
throw new NullPointerException("Path must not be null");
return new ClassPath(path.toString());
* Obtains Java System class-path.
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the System java.class.path property.
public static ClassPath automatic()
return JavaModules.useModules()
? ofModulePath()
: ofSystem();
* Obtains Java System module path.
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the System java.class.path property.
public static ClassPath ofModulePath()
String sProperty = System.getProperty("jdk.module.path");
return sProperty == null || sProperty.isBlank()
? new ClassPath()
: new ClassPath(sProperty);
* Obtains Java System class-path.
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the System java.class.path property.
public static ClassPath ofSystem()
String sProperty = System.getProperty("java.class.path");
return sProperty == null || sProperty.isBlank()
? new ClassPath()
: new ClassPath(sProperty);
* Obtains a {@link ClassPath} for the specified {@link Iterable} of
* path elements.
* @param paths the paths for the {@link ClassPath}
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the paths
public static ClassPath of(Iterable paths)
if (paths == null)
return new ClassPath();
ArrayList classPaths = new ArrayList();
for (String path : paths)
classPaths.add(new ClassPath(path));
return new ClassPath(classPaths);
* Obtains a {@link ClassPath} representing the specified {@link ClassPath}s.
* @param classPaths the {@link ClassPath}s
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the {@link ClassPath}s
public static ClassPath of(ClassPath... classPaths)
if (classPaths == null)
return new ClassPath();
return new ClassPath(classPaths);
* Obtains a {@link ClassPath} representing the specified class path {@link String}s.
* @param classPaths the class path {@link String}s
* @return a {@link ClassPath} representing the {@link ClassPath}s
public static ClassPath of(String... classPaths)
if (classPaths == null)
return new ClassPath();
return new ClassPath(classPaths);