com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.java.features.JmxFeature Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* File: JmxFeature.java
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package com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.java.features;
import com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.Cached;
import com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.Deferred;
import com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.PermanentlyUnavailableException;
import com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.jmx.DeferredJMXConnector;
import com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.jmx.DeferredMBeanAttribute;
import com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.jmx.DeferredMBeanInfo;
import com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.jmx.DeferredMBeanProxy;
import com.oracle.bedrock.extensible.AbstractFeature;
import com.oracle.bedrock.extensible.Extensible;
import com.oracle.bedrock.extensible.Feature;
import com.oracle.bedrock.options.Timeout;
import com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.java.JavaApplication;
import com.oracle.bedrock.runtime.java.profiles.JmxProfile;
import javax.management.MBeanInfo;
import javax.management.ObjectInstance;
import javax.management.ObjectName;
import javax.management.QueryExp;
import javax.management.remote.JMXConnector;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.util.Set;
import static com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.DeferredHelper.cached;
import static com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.DeferredHelper.ensured;
import static com.oracle.bedrock.deferred.DeferredHelper.within;
* A {@link Feature} for {@link JavaApplication}s that provides the ability to interact
* with Java Management Extensions (JMX).
* Copyright (c) 2016. All Rights Reserved. Oracle Corporation.
* Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates.
* @author Brian Oliver
* @see JavaApplication
* @see Feature
public class JmxFeature extends AbstractFeature
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE = "com.sun.management.jmxremote";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.url JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_URL = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.url";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.port JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_PORT = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.port";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_AUTHENTICATE = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.authenticate";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.user JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_USER = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.user";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.password JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_PASSWORD = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.password";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_SSL = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.ssl";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_PASSWORD_FILE = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.password.file";
* The com.sun.management.jmxremote.access.file JVM property.
public static final String SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_ACCESS_FILE = "com.sun.management.jmxremote.access.file";
* The {@link Cached} representing the {@link JMXConnector}.
protected Cached cachedJmxConnector;
* Determines if the {@link JmxFeature} is supportable by the specified {@link JavaApplication}.
* @param application the {@link JavaApplication}
* @return true
if the {@link JavaApplication} can support the {@link JmxFeature},
* false
public static boolean isSupportedBy(JavaApplication application)
return application.getSystemProperties().containsKey(SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE);
* Obtains the {@link JavaApplication} that is supporting JMX.
* @return the {@link JavaApplication}
public JavaApplication getJavaApplication()
return getExtensible().get(JavaApplication.class);
* Obtains the default duration to used by the {@link JavaApplication}
* for timeouts.
* @return a {@link Timeout}
public Timeout getDefaultTimeout()
return getJavaApplication().getDefaultTimeout();
public void onAddingTo(Extensible extensible)
JavaApplication application = getJavaApplication();
int jmxRemotePort =
String jmxRemoteHostName =
jmxRemoteHostName = jmxRemoteHostName == null
? application.getPlatform().getAddress().getHostAddress() : jmxRemoteHostName;
// ensure that the RMI server doesn't eagerly load JMX classes
System.setProperty("java.rmi.server.useCodebaseOnly", "true");
// establish our JMX connector
// define a DeferredResource representation of a JMXConnector
// for this application. we use a DeferredResource as the
// application may not have started, or be ready for JMX connections
String url = String.format("service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://%s:%d/jmxrmi", jmxRemoteHostName, jmxRemotePort);
// use a CachedResource as once the JMXConnector is established
// we don't want to create another JMXConnector for the application
cachedJmxConnector = cached(new DeferredJMXConnector(url));
public void onRemovingFrom(Extensible extensible)
// close the JMXConnector (if we've got one)
JMXConnector jmxConnector = cachedJmxConnector.release();
if (jmxConnector != null)
catch (IOException e)
// nothing to do here as we don't care
* Obtains the {@link Deferred} for the {@link JMXConnector}
* to the {@link JmxFeature}.
* @return the {@link Deferred} of the {@link JMXConnector}
public Deferred getDeferredJMXConnector()
return cachedJmxConnector;
* Obtains a {@link Deferred} representing the value of an
* MBean attribute registered with the JMX infrastructure of the
* {@link JmxFeature}.
* @param the type of the MBean attribute
* @param objectName the name of the MBean defining the attribute
* @param attributeName the name of the MBean attribute
* @param attributeClass the {@link Class} of the MBean attribute
* @return a {@link Deferred} of type T for the attribute value
public Deferred getDeferredMBeanAttribute(ObjectName objectName,
String attributeName,
Class attributeClass)
return new DeferredMBeanAttribute(cachedJmxConnector, objectName, attributeName, attributeClass);
* Obtains the value of the specified MBean attribute registered with the
* JMX infrastructure of the {@link JmxFeature}.
* If the JMX infrastructure in the {@link JmxFeature} is not yet
* available, it will block at wait for the default application timeout
* until it becomes available.
* @param the type of the MBean attribute
* @param objectName the name of the MBean defining the attribute
* @param attributeName the name of the MBean attribute
* @param attributeClass the {@link Class} of the MBean attribute
* @return the MBean attribute value
public T getMBeanAttribute(ObjectName objectName,
String attributeName,
Class attributeClass)
return ensured(getDeferredMBeanAttribute(objectName, attributeName, attributeClass),
* Obtains a {@link Deferred} representing a local proxy to an MBean
* registered with the JMX infrastructure of the {@link JmxFeature}.
* @param objectName the name of the MBean
* @param proxyClass the type of the proxy
* @param the type of the {@link Deferred} value
* @return a {@link Deferred} of type T
public Deferred getDeferredMBeanProxy(ObjectName objectName,
Class proxyClass)
return new Cached(new DeferredMBeanProxy(cachedJmxConnector, objectName, proxyClass));
* Obtains a local proxy of an MBean registered with the JMX infrastructure
* in the {@link JmxFeature}.
* If the JMX infrastructure in the {@link JmxFeature} is not yet
* available, it will block and wait for the default application timeout
* until it becomes available.
* @param the type of the MBean
* @param objectName the name of the MBean
* @param clazz the class of the proxy to create
* @return a proxy of type T
public T getMBeanProxy(ObjectName objectName,
Class clazz)
return ensured(getDeferredMBeanProxy(objectName, clazz), within(getDefaultTimeout())).get();
* Obtains a {@link Deferred} representing an {@link MBeanInfo}
* registered with the JMX infrastructure of the {@link JmxFeature}.
* @param objectName the name of the MBean
* @return a {@link Deferred} of an {@link MBeanInfo}
public Deferred getDeferredMBeanInfo(ObjectName objectName)
return new DeferredMBeanInfo(cachedJmxConnector, objectName);
* Obtains the {@link MBeanInfo} of the specified MBean using the JMX
* infrastructure in the {@link JmxFeature}.
* If the JMX infrastructure in the {@link JmxFeature} is not yet
* available, it will block at wait for the default application timeout
* until it becomes available.
* @param objectName the name of the MBean
* @return an {@link MBeanInfo}
public MBeanInfo getMBeanInfo(ObjectName objectName)
return ensured(getDeferredMBeanInfo(objectName), within(getDefaultTimeout())).get();
* Obtains a the result of an MBeans Query against the JMX infrastructure
* of the {@link JmxFeature}.
* @param name the object name pattern identifying the MBeans to be retrieved.
* If null
or no domain and key properties are
* specified, all the MBeans registered will be retrieved
* @param query the query expression to be applied for selecting MBeans
* If null
no query expression will be applied
* for selecting MBeans
* @return a {@link Set} of {@link ObjectInstance}s
public Set queryMBeans(ObjectName name,
QueryExp query)
return ensured(getDeferredJMXConnector(),
within(getDefaultTimeout())).get().getMBeanServerConnection().queryMBeans(name, query);
catch (IOException e)
throw new PermanentlyUnavailableException(getDeferredJMXConnector(), e);
* Obtains a {@link JmxProfile} that configures Remote Java Management Extensions (JMX)
* for the current platform, without authentication and ssl.
* @return a {@link JmxProfile}
* @see JmxProfile#enabled()
public static JmxProfile enabled()
return JmxProfile.enabled();
* Obtains a {@link JmxProfile} that configures {@link JmxFeature#SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_AUTHENTICATE}
* system property.
* @param enabled to enable / disable authentication
* @return a {@link JmxProfile}
* @see JmxProfile#authentication(boolean)
public static JmxProfile authentication(boolean enabled)
return JmxProfile.authentication(enabled);
* Obtains a {@link JmxProfile} that configures {@link JmxFeature#SUN_MANAGEMENT_JMXREMOTE_SSL}
* system property.
* @param enabled to enable / disable ssl
* @return a {@link JmxProfile}
* @see JmxProfile#ssl(boolean)
public static JmxProfile ssl(boolean enabled)
return JmxProfile.ssl(enabled);
* Obtains a {@link JmxProfile} that configures {@link JavaApplication#JAVA_RMI_SERVER_HOSTNAME}
* system property.
* @param hostname the desired hostname configuration
* @return a {@link JmxProfile}
* @see JmxProfile#hostname(String)
public static JmxProfile hostname(String hostname)
return JmxProfile.hostname(hostname);