Maven / Gradle / Ivy
* Copyright (c) 2020 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
import com.tangosol.util.ConverterCollections;
import com.tangosol.util.PagedIterator;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException;
* A base class for implementations of collections related to a remote {@link AsyncNamedCacheClient},
* for example key set, entry set and values.
* This {@link Collection} implementation allows removal but does not allow additions to the
* collection. Methods {@link #add(Object)} {@link #addAll(Collection)} will throw an
* {@link UnsupportedOperationException}.
* Some methods in this class are intentionally inefficient partly due to their being a more efficient
* means to perform the same task using the underlying {@link AsyncNamedCacheClient} and partly to ensure
* that using this class on a client will not cause all of the data from the underlying
* {@link AsyncNamedCacheClient} to be pulled back to the caller in one result.
* @author Jonathan Knight 2019.11.12
* @since 20.06
public abstract class RemoteCollection
implements Collection
// ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
protected RemoteCollection(AsyncNamedCacheClient client)
this.f_client = client;
// ----- Collection methods ---------------------------------------------
public int size()
return f_client.size().get();
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e)
throw new RequestIncompleteException(e);
public boolean isEmpty()
return f_client.isEmpty().get();
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e)
throw new RequestIncompleteException(e);
public boolean add(T t)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add operations are not supported");
public boolean addAll(Collection extends T> c)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException("add operations are not supported");
public void clear()
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e)
throw new RequestIncompleteException(e);
public boolean containsAll(Collection> colKeys)
if (colKeys == null)
throw new NullPointerException("collection parameter cannot be null");
if (colKeys.isEmpty())
return true;
for (Object o : colKeys)
if (!contains(o))
return false;
return true;
public boolean removeAll(Collection> colKeys)
boolean fModified = false;
if (size() > colKeys.size())
for (Object colKey : colKeys)
fModified |= remove(colKey);
for (Iterator iter = iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
if (colKeys.contains(
fModified = true;
return fModified;
public boolean retainAll(Collection> colKeys)
boolean fModified = false;
for (Iterator iter = iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
Object o =;
if (!colKeys.contains(o))
fModified = true;
return fModified;
public boolean equals(Object other)
if (other == this)
return true;
if (other instanceof Collection)
Collection> colOther = (Collection>) other;
if (colOther.size() != size())
return false;
return containsAll(colOther);
catch (ClassCastException | NullPointerException unused)
return false;
return false;
public int hashCode()
int h = 0;
for (T obj : this)
if (obj != null)
h += obj.hashCode();
return h;
// ----- Object methods -------------------------------------------------
public String toString()
return getClass().getSimpleName() + "(name='" + f_client.getCacheName() + "')";
// ----- helper methods -------------------------------------------------
* Obtain the underlying {@link NamedCache}.
* @return the underlying {@link NamedCache}
protected AsyncNamedCacheClient getCache()
return f_client;
* Create an {@link EntryAdvancer} to use in a {@link PagedIterator}.
* @return an {@link EntryAdvancer} to use in a {@link PagedIterator}
protected EntryAdvancer createEntryAdvancer()
return new EntryAdvancer<>(getCache());
// ----- inner class: EntryAdvancer -------------------------------------
* A {@link PagedIterator.Advancer} to support a
* {@link PagedIterator} over an entry set.
protected static class EntryAdvancer
implements PagedIterator.Advancer
// ----- constructors -----------------------------------------------
* Constructs a new {@code EntryAdvancer} using the provided {@link AsyncNamedCacheClient}.
* @param client the async client
protected EntryAdvancer(AsyncNamedCacheClient client)
this.m_client = client;
// ----- Advancer interface -----------------------------------------
public void remove(Object oCurr)
Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) oCurr;
catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException e)
throw new RequestIncompleteException(e);
public Collection nextPage()
if (m_exhausted)
return null;
LinkedList list = m_client.getEntriesPage(m_cookie).collect(Collectors.toCollection(LinkedList::new));
if (list.size() > 0)
m_cookie = list.poll().getCookie();
m_cookie = null;
m_exhausted = m_cookie == null || m_cookie.isEmpty();
// Use ConverterCollections so that deserialization is only done if for entries as they
// are iterated over. This is more efficient that deserializing all of the entries
// now as there is no guarantee that the caller will actually iterate over the whole
// entry set or that they will call getKey() or getValue() on all entries.
Collection> entries = ConverterCollections
.getCollection(list, this::fromEntryResult, this::toEntryResult);
return ConverterCollections.getEntrySet(entries, m_client::fromByteString, m_client::toByteString,
m_client::fromByteString, m_client::toByteString);
// ----- helper methods ---------------------------------------------
* Convert a {@link EntryResult} to a {@link Map.Entry} where the
* key and value are {@link ByteString} instances.
* @param result the {@link EntryResult} to wrap in a {@link Map.Entry}
* @return a {@link Map.Entry} that wraps an {@link EntryResult}
protected Map.Entry fromEntryResult(EntryResult result)
return new EntryResultMapEntry(result);
* Convert a {@link Map.Entry} to an {@link EntryResult}.
* @param entry the {@link Map.Entry} to convert
* @return an {@link EntryResult} that takes its key and value from a {@link Map.Entry}
protected EntryResult toEntryResult(Map.Entry entry)
return EntryResult.newBuilder()
// ----- data members -----------------------------------------------
* A flag indicating whether this advancer has exhausted all of the pages.
protected boolean m_exhausted;
* The opaque cookie used by the server to maintain the page location.
protected ByteString m_cookie;
* The {@link AsyncNamedCacheClient} used to send gRPC requests.
protected final AsyncNamedCacheClient m_client;
// ----- inner class: EntryResultMapEntry -------------------------------
* A {@link Map.Entry} implementation that wraps a {@link EntryResult}.
protected static class EntryResultMapEntry
implements Map.Entry
// ----- constructors -----------------------------------------------
* Create a {@link EntryResultMapEntry} wrapping a {@link EntryResult}.
* @param entryResult the {@link EntryResult} to wrap
protected EntryResultMapEntry(EntryResult entryResult)
this.entryResult = entryResult;
// ----- Entry interface --------------------------------------------
public ByteString getKey()
return entryResult.getKey();
public ByteString getValue()
return entryResult.getValue();
public ByteString setValue(ByteString value)
ByteString old = entryResult.getValue();
entryResult = entryResult.toBuilder().setValue(value).build();
return old;
// ----- data members -----------------------------------------------
* The {@link EntryResult}.
private EntryResult entryResult;
// ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
* The wrapped {@link AsyncNamedCacheClient}.
protected final AsyncNamedCacheClient f_client;