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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
 * Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at


import com.tangosol.util.Base;

import java.time.LocalTime;

 * Class for tracking samples in a Histogram.
 * Note this implementation is not thread-safe.
 * @author mf 2006.07.05
public class Histogram
    implements  Cloneable, Externalizable
    * Construct a histogram of a given size.
    * @param cLabels the maximum array size for the histogram
    public Histogram(int cLabels)
        m_alResults = new long[cLabels];

    public Object clone()
            throws CloneNotSupportedException
        return super.clone();

    public Histogram setFormatter(Converter formatter)
        m_formatter = formatter;
        return this;

     * Return the histogram index for a given sample.
     * @param nSample  the sample
     * @return the histogram index for the given sample
    public int getIndex(int nSample)
        return nSample;

     * Return the minimum value for a label representing a range
     * @param i  the histogram index
     * @return the minimum value for the given index
    public int getLabelMin(int i)
        return i;

     * Return the maximum value for a label representing a range
     * @param i  the histogram index
     * @return the maximum value for the given index
    public int getLabelMax(int i)
        return getLabelMin(i + 1) - 1;

     * Return the median value for a given histogram index.
     * @param i  the index
     * @return the median value for the given index
    public int getLabelMedian(int i)
        int nMin = getLabelMin(i);
        int nMax = getLabelMax(i);
        return nMin + (nMax - nMin) / 2;

     * Return the textual label corresponding to a given histogram index.
     * @param i  the index
     * @return the textual label for the given index
    public String getLabelText(int i)
        Converter formatter = m_formatter;
        if (i < 0)
            return "n/a";
        else if (i == 0)
            // zero just means < 1
            return "<" + formatter.convert((double) getLabelMin(1));
        else if (i == m_alResults.length - 1)
            // result was over the max supported by the histogram
            return ">" + formatter.convert((double) getLabelMin(i));
        int nMin    = getLabelMin(i);
        int nMax    = getLabelMax(i);
        int nMedian = getLabelMedian(i);
        int nRange  = nMax - nMin;

        if (nRange > 1)
             return formatter.convert((double) nMedian) + " +/-" + formatter.convert((double) nRange / 2);

        return formatter.convert((double) nMedian);

     * Add a sample value to the histogram.
     * @param nSampleValue  the sampled value.
    public void addSample(int nSampleValue)
        long[] alResults = m_alResults;
        // compute index
        int i = getIndex(nSampleValue);
        i = Math.max(0, Math.min(i, alResults.length - 1));


     * Add all the samples from the supplied Histogram to this Histogram.
     * @param histThat  the samples to add
    public void addSamples(Histogram histThat)
        long[] alResultThat = histThat.getResults();
        long[] alResult     = m_alResults;
        for (int i = 0, c = alResultThat.length; i < c; ++i)
            alResult[i] += alResultThat[i];

     * Return a new Histogram which is the result of subtracting the supplied Histogram samples from this Histograms
     * samples
     * @param histThat  the samples to subtract
     * @return the resulting Histogram
    public Histogram compare(Histogram histThat)
        Histogram histDiff;

            histDiff = (Histogram) clone();
        catch (Exception e)
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

        if (histThat == null)
            histDiff.m_alResults = (long[]) getResults().clone();

            long[] alResultThat = histThat.getResults();
            long[] alResult     = m_alResults;
            long[] alResultDiff = histDiff.m_alResults = new long[alResultThat.length];
            for (int i = 0, c = alResultThat.length; i < c; ++i)
                alResultDiff[i] = alResult[i] - alResultThat[i];

        return histDiff;

    public long[] getResults()
        return m_alResults;

    public Snapshot snapshot()
        return new Snapshot(this);

    public long getSampleCount()
        long[]       alResults = m_alResults;
        long         cSamples  = 0;

        for (int i = 0, c = alResults.length; i < c; ++i)
            long cSample = alResults[i];
            if (cSample > 0)
                cSamples += cSample;

        return cSamples;

    public String toString()
        Snapshot                  snapshot  = new Snapshot(this);
        Converter formatter = m_formatter;

        StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        sb.append("samples ").append(snapshot.getSampleCount());
        sb.append("; avg ").append(formatter.convert(snapshot.getAverage()));
        sb.append("; stddev ").append(formatter.convert(snapshot.getStdDev()));
        sb.append("; min ").append(getLabelText(snapshot.getMin()));

        int[]    anPercentile = snapshot.getPercentiles();
        String[] asPercentage = snapshot.getPercentileNames();
        for (int i = 0, c = anPercentile.length; i < c; ++i)
            if (i == anPercentile.length - 1 || anPercentile[i] != anPercentile[i + 1])
                sb.append("; " + asPercentage[i] + " <" + formatter.convert((double) getLabelMax(anPercentile[i])));
            // else; information is redundant with the next thing to be printed
        sb.append("; max ").append(getLabelText(snapshot.getMax()));

        return sb.toString();

     * Write histogram in spreadsheet loadable format.
     * @param out  the output PrintStream
    public void writeReport(PrintStream out)
        long[] alResults = m_alResults;
        for (int i = 0, c = alResults.length; i < c; ++i)
            long cSample = alResults[i];
            if (cSample > 0)
                out.println(getLabelText(i) + '\t' + cSample);

     * Write histogram header in spreadsheet loadable format.
     * @param out  the output PrintStream
    public void writeReportHeaderHz(PrintStream out)
        long[] alResults = m_alResults;
        for (int i = 0, c = alResults.length; i < c; ++i)
            out.print(getLabelText(i) + '\t');

     * Write horizontal histogram in spreadsheet loadable format.
     * @param out  the output PrintStream
    public void writeReportHz(PrintStream out)
        // all results are written so that we may build a table of
        // multiple histograms and compare them
        long[] alResults = m_alResults;
        int cSkip = 0;
        for (int i = 0, c = alResults.length; i < c; ++i)
            long cSample = alResults[i];
            if (cSample == 0)
                // avoid a huge string of 0s at the end
                for (; cSkip > 0; --cSkip)
                out.print(alResults[i] + "\t");

    public void readExternal(ObjectInput in)
            throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException
        readExternal((DataInput) in);

    public void readExternal(DataInput dataInput)
            throws IOException
        int c = dataInput.readInt();

        m_alResults = c <= 0 ? new long[0] :
                        c < 0x7FFFFFF >> 3
                            ? readHistgram(dataInput, c)
                            : readLargeHistgram(dataInput, c);


    public void writeExternal(ObjectOutput out)
            throws IOException
        writeExternal((DataOutput) out);

    public void writeExternal(DataOutput dataOutput)
            throws IOException
        long[] alResults = m_alResults;
        int c = alResults.length;
        int iSkipStart = -1;
        for (int i = 0; i < c; ++i)
            long n = alResults[i];
            if (n == 0)
                if (iSkipStart < 0)
                    iSkipStart = i;
                if (iSkipStart >= 0)
                    dataOutput.writeLong(iSkipStart - i);
                    iSkipStart = -1;

        if (iSkipStart >= 0)
            dataOutput.writeLong(iSkipStart - c);

     * Read histgram from a DataInput stream.
     * @param in  a DataInput stream to read from
     * @return an array of longs
     * @throws IOException  if an I/O exception occurs
    private long[] readHistgram(DataInput in, int c)
            throws IOException
        long[] alResults = new long[c];
        for (int i = 0; i < c; )
            long n = in.readLong();
            if (n < 0)
                // skip over gaps
                i += -n;
            alResults[i++] = n;

        return alResults;

     * Read a histogram with large array.
     * @param in       a DataInput stream to read from
     * @param cLength  length to read
     * @return an array of longs
     * @throws IOException  if an I/O exception occurs
    private long[] readLargeHistgram(DataInput in, int cLength)
            throws IOException
        int    cBatchMax = 0x3FFFFFF >> 3;
        int    cBatch    = cLength / cBatchMax + 1;
        long[] aMerged   = null;
        int    cRead     = 0;
        int    cAllocate = cBatchMax;
        long[] al;
        for (int i = 0; i < cBatch && cRead < cLength; i++)
            al      = readHistgram(in, cAllocate);
            aMerged = Base.mergeLongArray(aMerged, al);
            cRead  += al.length;

            cAllocate = Math.min(cLength - cRead, cBatchMax);

        return aMerged;

    // ----- inner class Snapshot -------------------------------------------

    public static class Snapshot
        // ----- constructors -----------------------------------------------

        Snapshot(Histogram histogram)
            m_timestamp =;
            m_iMin      = -1;
            m_iMax      = 0;
            m_cSamples  = 0;

            long[] alResults = histogram.getResults();
            long   cTotal    = 0;
            double cTotalSq  = 0;

            for (int i = 0, c = alResults.length; i < c; ++i)
                long cSample = alResults[i];
                if (cSample > 0)
                    if (m_iMin == -1)
                        m_iMin = i;
                    m_iMax = i;
                    m_cSamples += cSample;

                    int nMedian = histogram.getLabelMedian(i);

                    cTotal   += cSample * nMedian;
                    cTotalSq += cSample * nMedian * nMedian;

            // second pass compute percentiles
            m_anPercentile = new int[f_adPercentage.length - 1];

            long cRunningTotal = 0;
            long lLimit        = (long) (f_adPercentage[0] * m_cSamples);
            for (int i = 0, c = alResults.length, p = 0; i < c && p < m_anPercentile.length; ++i)
                cRunningTotal += alResults[i];
                while (cRunningTotal > lLimit && p < m_anPercentile.length)
                    m_anPercentile[p] = i;
                    lLimit            = (long) (f_adPercentage[++p] * m_cSamples);

            m_dAvg    = cTotal / (double) m_cSamples;
            m_dStddev = Math.sqrt(
                    ((m_cSamples * (double) cTotalSq) - (cTotal * (double) cTotal))
                   / (m_cSamples * (double) (m_cSamples - 1)));

            m_dAvg    = ((int) (m_dAvg      * 1000)) / 1000D;
            m_dStddev = ((int) (m_dStddev   * 1000)) / 1000D;

        // ----- Snapshot methods -------------------------------------------

        public LocalTime getTimestamp()
            return m_timestamp;

        public double getAverage()
            return m_dAvg;

        public double getStdDev()
            return m_dStddev;

        public int get33Percentile()
            return m_anPercentile[0];

        public int get66Percentile()
            return m_anPercentile[1];

        public int get99Percentile()
            return m_anPercentile[2];

        public int get999Percentile()
            return m_anPercentile[3];

        public int get9999Percentile()
            return m_anPercentile[4];

        public int get99999Percentile()
            return m_anPercentile[5];

        // ----- helper methods ---------------------------------------------

        int[] getPercentiles()
            return m_anPercentile;

        String[] getPercentileNames()
            return f_asPercentage;

        int getMin()
            return m_iMin;

        int getMax()
            return m_iMax;

        long getSampleCount()
            return m_cSamples;

        // ----- data members -----------------------------------------------

        protected long m_cSamples;
        protected int m_iMin;
        protected int m_iMax;
        protected LocalTime m_timestamp;
        protected int[]   m_anPercentile;
        protected double m_dAvg;
        protected double m_dStddev;

    // ----- constants ------------------------------------------------------

    private static final String[] f_asPercentage = new String[]{"33%", "66%", "99%", "99.9%", "99.99%", "99.999%"};
    private static final double[] f_adPercentage = new double[]{.33,   .66,   .99,   .999,    .9999,    .99999, 1};

    // ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------

    protected long[]  m_alResults;

    protected Converter m_formatter = new Converter()
        public String convert(Double value)
            return value.toString();

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