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 * Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
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import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;

 * A {@link MemorySize} represents an amount of memory, with byte accuracy.

* Measurements are based on the base two standard (using octets) and not base ten as outlined by the IEC. *

* eg: In this implementation 1 kilobyte = 1024 bytes, not 1000 bytes. * * @author cp, bko 2011.07.11 */ public class MemorySize { // ----- constructors --------------------------------------------------- /** * Construct a {@link MemorySize} give a specified number of bytes. * * @param cBytes the number of bytes in the memory size */ public MemorySize(long cBytes) { assert cBytes >= 0; m_cBytes = cBytes; } /** * Constructs a {@link MemorySize} based on another {@link MemorySize}. * * @param m the {@link MemorySize} (not null) */ public MemorySize(MemorySize m) { assert m != null; m_cBytes = m.m_cBytes; } /** * Construct a {@link MemorySize} by parsing the specified {@link String}. *

* The format of the {@link String} is a number followed by a {@link Magnitude}. *

* Note: numbers may contain decimal places. *

* For example: The following are valid {@link MemorySize}s. * "10m", "0k", "1b", "1.75gb" * * @param s the string containing the {@link MemorySize} */ public MemorySize(String s) { this(s, null); } /** * Construct a {@link MemorySize} given a specified amount of a {@link Magnitude}. *

* As the amount is a double precision value, the resulting {@link MemorySize} * will be rounded to the closest byte. * * @param nAmount the amount of the {@link Magnitude} * @param magnitude the {@link Magnitude} */ public MemorySize(double nAmount, Magnitude magnitude) { assert nAmount >= 0.0; m_cBytes = Math.round(nAmount * magnitude.getByteCount()); } /** * Construct a {@link MemorySize} given a specified amount of a {@link Magnitude}. * * @param nAmount the amount of the {@link Magnitude} * @param magnitude the {@link Magnitude} */ public MemorySize(int nAmount, Magnitude magnitude) { assert nAmount >= 0; m_cBytes = nAmount * magnitude.getByteCount(); } /** * Construct a {@link MemorySize} by parsing the specified {@link String}. *

* The format of the {@link String} is a number possibly followed by a specific {@link Magnitude}. *

* Note: numbers may contain decimal places. *

* For example: The following are valid {@link MemorySize}s. * "10m", "0k", "1b", "0", "1.75gb" * * @param s the string containing the {@link MemorySize} * @param m the default {@link Magnitude} to use if the specified {@link String} does not specify a * {@link Magnitude}. when null a {@link Magnitude} specified in the {@link String} is used * and if not present, {@link Magnitude#BYTES} is assumed */ public MemorySize(String s, Magnitude m) { s = (s == null) ? null : s.trim(); if ((s == null) || s.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("An empty or null string was provided. Expected a memory size"); } if (!s.equals("0")) { Matcher matcher = REGEX_PATTERN.matcher(s); if (!matcher.matches()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("The specified %s [%s] is invalid.", this.getClass().getName(), s)); } // determine the desired magnitude from the suffix (using group 2) or use the specified default String sSuffix =; Magnitude magnitude = sSuffix == null || sSuffix.trim().isEmpty() ? m : Magnitude.fromSuffix(sSuffix); // when there's no magnitude we default to bytes if (magnitude == null) { magnitude = Magnitude.BYTES; } // determine the amount (using group 1) double nAmount = Double.valueOf(; m_cBytes = Math.round(nAmount * magnitude.getByteCount()); } } // ----- MemorySize methods --------------------------------------------- /** * Obtain the {@link MemorySize} as a value in the specified {@link Magnitude}. * * @param magnitude the {@link Magnitude} * * @return the number of units of the specified {@link Magnitude} that make up the {@link MemorySize} */ public double as(Magnitude magnitude) { return ((double) m_cBytes) / magnitude.getByteCount(); } /** * Obtain the number of bytes represented by the {@link MemorySize}. * * @return the number of bytes. */ public long getByteCount() { return m_cBytes; } /** * Obtains a {@link String} representation of the {@link MemorySize} using the most appropriate {@link Magnitude} * to simplify the representation. *

* Note: Using {@link #toString()} will result in a non-exact representation. * * @param fExact indicates an exact value is required or if an approximate value * (with three significant digits) will suffice * * @return a {@link String} */ public String toString(boolean fExact) { Magnitude magnitude = Magnitude.BYTES; long nBytes = m_cBytes; // find the highest magnitude to represent the number of bytes appropriately while (( != null) && (nBytes >= && ((fExact && (nBytes % % ( / 4) == 0) || !fExact)) { magnitude =; } long cMagnitudeUnits = nBytes / magnitude.getByteCount(); long nRemainder = nBytes % magnitude.getByteCount(); int cSignificantDigits = 3; StringBuilder bldrString = new StringBuilder(); bldrString.append(cMagnitudeUnits); int cDigits = bldrString.length(); int cRemainingDigits = cSignificantDigits - cDigits; if ((cRemainingDigits > 0) && (nRemainder > 0)) { int nSignificanceFactor = (int) Math.pow(10, cRemainingDigits); long nDecimals = (long) Math.floor(nRemainder * (double) nSignificanceFactor / magnitude.getByteCount()); if (nDecimals > 0) { bldrString.append("."); int cLeadingZeros = cRemainingDigits - (int)Math.log10(nDecimals) - 1; for (int i = 0; i < cLeadingZeros; i++) { bldrString.append('0'); } bldrString.append(nDecimals); } } bldrString.append(magnitude.getSuffix()); return bldrString.toString(); } // ----- Object methods ------------------------------------------------- /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public int hashCode() { return 31 + (int) (m_cBytes ^ (m_cBytes >>> 32)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean equals(Object obj) { return (this == obj) || ((obj != null) && (obj instanceof MemorySize) && ((MemorySize) obj).m_cBytes == m_cBytes); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public String toString() { return toString(false); } // ----- Magnitude Enumeration ------------------------------------------ /** * The {@link Magnitude} of the {@link MemorySize}. */ public enum Magnitude { BYTES(0, "B", "bytes"), KB(10, "KB", "kilobytes"), MB(20, "MB", "megabytes"), GB(30, "GB", "gigabytes"), TB(40, "TB", "terabytes"), PB(50, "PB", "petabytes"), EB(60, "EB", "exabytes"); // ----- constructors ----------------------------------------------- /** * Construct a {@link Magnitude} * * @param cShift the number of bits to shift a count of {@link Magnitude} * units to the left in order to calculate a byte count * @param sSuffix the String suffix that represents this {@link Magnitude} * @param sDescription the description of the {@link Magnitude} */ Magnitude(int cShift, String sSuffix, String sDescription) { SHIFT_COUNT = cShift; SUFFIX = sSuffix.trim(); SUFFIX_CHAR = (sSuffix.length() > 0) ? Character.toUpperCase(sSuffix.charAt(0)) : 0; DESCRIPTION = sDescription; BYTE_COUNT = 1L << SHIFT_COUNT; BIT_MASK = BYTE_COUNT - 1; } // ----- Magnitude methods ------------------------------------------ /** * Determine the number of bytes in a single unit of this {@link Magnitude} * For example, a kilobyte has 1024 bytes. * * @return the number of bytes in a single unit of this {@link Magnitude} */ public long getByteCount() { return BYTE_COUNT; } /** * Obtain the name of the {@link Magnitude} For example, a kilobyte has the * description "kilobyte". * * @return the {@link Magnitude}'s description */ public String getDescription() { return DESCRIPTION; } /** * Obtain the bit mask that when applied will return the fractional * (right-most) bits that are below this {@link Magnitude} unit. For example, * a kilobyte has a mask that includes the least significant 10 bits. * * @return the mask highlighting the {@link Magnitude}'s fractional bits */ public long getResidualBitMask() { return BIT_MASK; } /** * Obtain the suffix of the {@link Magnitude}. * * @return a {@link String} */ public String getSuffix() { return SUFFIX; } /** * Determine if the passed suffix is compatible with this {@link Magnitude}'s suffix, ignoring case. * * @param s the suffix to test * * @return true iff the passed string is compatible with the suffix of this {@link Magnitude}. */ public boolean isSuffix(String s) { return s.equalsIgnoreCase(SUFFIX) || (Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0)) == SUFFIX_CHAR); } /** * Obtain the next order of {@link Magnitude} (above this one). * * @return the next order of {@link Magnitude} above this one or null if this is * the {@link #HIGHEST}. */ public Magnitude next() { if (this.equals(Magnitude.HIGHEST)) { return null; } else { return Magnitude.VALUES[this.ordinal() + 1]; } } /** * Obtain the previous order of {@link Magnitude} (above this one). * * @return the previous order of {@link Magnitude} or null if this is * the {@link #LOWEST}. */ public Magnitude previous() { if (this.equals(Magnitude.LOWEST)) { return null; } else { return Magnitude.VALUES[this.ordinal() - 1]; } } // ----- helpers ---------------------------------------------------- /** * Determine the {@link Magnitude} given the specified suffix. * * @param sSuffix the proposed suffix * * @return a {@link Magnitude} with the specified suffix */ public static Magnitude fromSuffix(String sSuffix) { sSuffix = sSuffix.trim(); if (sSuffix.length() == 0) { return Magnitude.BYTES; } else if (sSuffix.length() > 0) { for (Magnitude magnitude : Magnitude.VALUES) { if (magnitude.isSuffix(sSuffix)) { return magnitude; } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(String.format("Unknown %s suffix [%s]", Magnitude.class.getName(), sSuffix)); } // ----- constants -------------------------------------------------- /** * Cached copy of the values array to avoid garbage creation */ private static final Magnitude[] VALUES = Magnitude.values(); /** * The lowest defined order of {@link Magnitude}. */ public final static Magnitude LOWEST = VALUES[0]; /** * The highest defined order of {@link Magnitude}. */ public final static Magnitude HIGHEST = VALUES[VALUES.length - 1]; // ----- data members ----------------------------------------------- /** * The bit mask that highlights all of the fractional (right-most) * bits that are below this {@link Magnitude} unit. For example, a kilobyte * has a mask that includes the least significant 10 bits. */ private final long BIT_MASK; /** * The number of bytes in a single unit of this magnitude. For * example, a kilobyte has 1024 bytes. */ private final long BYTE_COUNT; /** * The description of this {@link Magnitude}. For example, a kilobyte has the name * "kilobyte". */ private final String DESCRIPTION; /** * The number of bits that a size value would have to be shifted to * the right in order to eliminate any fraction of a {@link Magnitude} unit * (for example, anything less than a megabyte) and to reduce a size * value to a count of {@link Magnitude} units (for example, the number of * megabytes); or the number of bits that a number of {@link Magnitude} units * (such as a number of megabytes) would have to be shifted to the * left in order to convert it to a size value (the number of bytes). */ private final int SHIFT_COUNT; /** * The suffix that represents this {@link Magnitude}. For example, a * kilobyte has the suffix "KB". */ private final String SUFFIX; /** * The single character abbreviation of the {@link #SUFFIX} (in upper-case). */ private final char SUFFIX_CHAR; } // ----- constants ------------------------------------------------------ /** * The pre-compiled regular expression {@link Pattern} to match * a {@link MemorySize} specified as a {@link String}. */ private static final Pattern REGEX_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("([0-9]+(?:\\.[0-9]+)?)([kKMmGgTtPpEe]?[Bb]?)"); // ----- data members --------------------------------------------------- /** * The number of bytes in the {@link MemorySize}. */ private long m_cBytes; }

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