Maven / Gradle / Ivy
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* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
import com.tangosol.util.Base;
import com.tangosol.util.ClassHelper;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
* An abstract base for processors that implement bundling strategy.
* Assume that we receive a continuous and concurrent stream of individual
* operations on multiple threads in parallel. Let's also assume those individual
* operations have relatively high latency (network or database-related) and
* there are functionally analogous [bulk] operations that take a collection of
* arguments instead of a single one without causing the latency to grow
* linearly, as a function of the collection size. Examples of operations and
* topologies that satisfy these assumptions are:
* - get() and getAll() methods for the {@link}
* API for the partitioned cache service topology;
- put() and putAll() methods for the {@link}
* API for the partitioned cache service topology;
- load() and loadAll() methods for the
* {@link} API for the read-through
* backing map topology;
- store() and storeAll() methods for the
* {@link} API for the write-through
* backing map topology.
* Under these assumptions, it's quite clear that the bundler could achieve a
* better utilization of system resources and better throughput if slightly
* delays the individual execution requests with a purpose of "bundling" them
* together and passing into a corresponding bulk operation. Additionally,
* the "bundled" request should be triggered if a bundle reaches a "preferred
* bundle size" threshold, eliminating a need to wait till a bundle timeout is
* reached.
* Note: we assume that all bundle-able operations are idempotent and could be
* repeated if un-bundling is necessary due to a bundled operation failure.
* @author gg 2007.01.28
* @since Coherence 3.3
public abstract class AbstractBundler
extends Base
* Construct the bundler. By default, the timeout delay value is set to
* one millisecond and the auto-adjustment feature is turned on.
public AbstractBundler()
Bundle bundle = instantiateBundle();
// ----- property accessors ----------------------------------------------
* Obtain the bundle size threshold value.
* @return the bundle size threshold value expressed in the same units as the
* value returned by the {@link Bundle#getBundleSize()} method
public int getSizeThreshold()
return (int) m_dSizeThreshold;
* Specify the bundle size threshold value.
* @param cSize the bundle size threshold value; must be positive value
* expressed in the same units as the value returned by the
* {@link Bundle#getBundleSize()} method
public void setSizeThreshold(int cSize)
if (cSize <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Negative bundle size threshold");
m_dSizeThreshold = cSize;
// reset the previous value used for auto adjustment
m_dPreviousSizeThreshold = 0.0;
* Obtains the minimum number of threads that will trigger the bundler to
* switch from a pass through to a bundled mode.
* @return a the number of threads threshold
public int getThreadThreshold()
return m_cThreadThreshold;
* Specify the minimum number of threads that will trigger the bundler to
* switch from a pass through to a bundled mode.
* @param cThreads the number of threads threshold
public void setThreadThreshold(int cThreads)
if (cThreads <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid thread threshold");
m_cThreadThreshold = cThreads;
* Obtain the timeout delay value.
* @return the timeout delay value in milliseconds
public long getDelayMillis()
return m_lDelayMillis;
* Specify the timeout delay value.
* @param lDelay the timeout delay value in milliseconds
public void setDelayMillis(long lDelay)
if (lDelay <= 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid delay value");
m_lDelayMillis = lDelay;
* Check whether or not the auto-adjustment is allowed.
* @return true iff the auto-adjustment is allowed
public boolean isAllowAutoAdjust()
return m_fAllowAuto;
* Specify whether or not the auto-adjustment is allowed..
* @param fAutoAdjust true if the auto-adjustment should be allowed;
* false otherwise
public void setAllowAutoAdjust(boolean fAutoAdjust)
m_fAllowAuto = fAutoAdjust;
// ----- statistics ------------------------------------------------------
* Update the statistics for this Bundle.
protected void updateStatistics()
List listBundle = m_listBundle;
Statistics stats = m_stats;
while (true)
long cTotalBundles = 0l;
long cTotalSize = 0l;
long cTotalBurst = 0l;
long cTotalWait = 0l;
for (int i = 0, c = listBundle.size(); i < c; i++)
Bundle bundle = (Bundle) listBundle.get(i);
cTotalBundles += bundle.m_cTotalBundles;
cTotalSize += bundle.m_cTotalSize;
cTotalBurst += bundle.m_cTotalBurstDuration;
cTotalWait += bundle.m_cTotalWaitDuration;
long cDeltaBundles = cTotalBundles - stats.m_cBundleCountSnapshot;
long cDeltaSize = cTotalSize - stats.m_cBundleSizeSnapshot;
long cDeltaBurst = cTotalBurst - stats.m_cBurstDurationSnapshot;
long cDeltaWait = cTotalWait - stats.m_cThreadWaitSnapshot;
// log("DeltaBundles=" + cDeltaBundles + ", DeltaSize=" + cDeltaSize
// + ", DeltaBurst=" + cDeltaBurst + ", DeltaWait=" + cDeltaWait);
if (cDeltaBundles > 0 && cDeltaWait > 0)
stats.m_cAverageBundleSize = (int) Math.round(
((double) cDeltaSize) / ((double) cDeltaBundles));
stats.m_cAverageBurstDuration = (int) Math.round(
((double) cDeltaBurst) / ((double) cDeltaBundles));
stats.m_cAverageThreadWaitDuration = (int) Math.round(
((double) cDeltaWait) / ((double) cDeltaBundles));
stats.m_nAverageThroughput = (int) Math.round(
((double) cDeltaSize*1000) / (cDeltaWait));
stats.m_cBundleCountSnapshot = cTotalBundles;
stats.m_cBundleSizeSnapshot = cTotalSize;
stats.m_cBurstDurationSnapshot = cTotalBurst;
stats.m_cThreadWaitSnapshot = cTotalWait;
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// there is theoretical possibility that the Java Memory Model
// causes the list size to be not in sync with the actual list
// storage; try again
* Reset this Bundler statistics.
public void resetStatistics()
List listBundle = m_listBundle;
while (true)
for (int i = 0, c = listBundle.size(); i < c; i++)
Bundle bundle = (Bundle) listBundle.get(i);
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// there is theoretical possibility that the memory model causes
// the list size to be not in sync with the actual list storage;
// try again
m_dPreviousSizeThreshold = 0.0;
* Adjust this Bundler's parameters according to the available statistical
* information.
public void adjust()
Statistics stats = m_stats;
double dSizePrev = m_dPreviousSizeThreshold;
double dSizeCurr = m_dSizeThreshold;
int nThruPrev = stats.m_nAverageThroughput;
int nThruCurr = stats.m_nAverageThroughput;
// out("Size= " + (float) dSizePrev + ", Thru=" + nThruPrev + " -> "
// + "Size= " + (float) dSizeCurr + ", Thru=" + nThruCurr);
if (isAllowAutoAdjust())
double dDelta = 0.0;
if (dSizePrev == 0.0)
// the very first adjustment after reset
dDelta = Math.max(1, 0.1*dSizeCurr);
else if (Math.abs(nThruCurr - nThruPrev) <=
Math.max(1, (nThruCurr + nThruPrev)/100))
// not more than 2% throughput change;
// with a probability of 10% lets nudge the size up to 5%
// in a random direction
int nRandom = getRandom().nextInt(100);
if (nRandom < 10 || Math.abs(dSizePrev - dSizeCurr) < 0.001)
dDelta = Math.max(1, 0.05*dSizeCurr);
if (nRandom < 5)
dDelta = -dDelta;
else if (nThruCurr > nThruPrev)
// the throughput has improved; keep moving the size threshold
// in the same direction at the same rate
dDelta = (dSizeCurr - dSizePrev);
// the throughput has dropped; reverse the direction with half
// of the previous rate
dDelta = (dSizePrev - dSizeCurr) / 2;
if (dDelta != 0.0)
double dSizeNew = dSizeCurr + dDelta;
if (dSizeNew > 1.0)
// out("Adjusting size by: " +
// (float) dDelta + " to " + (float) dSizeNew);
m_dPreviousSizeThreshold = dSizeCurr;
m_dSizeThreshold = dSizeNew;
* Provide a human readable description for the Bundler object
* (for debugging).
* @return a human readable description for the Bundler object
public String toString()
return ClassHelper.getSimpleName(getClass())
+ "{SizeThreshold=" + getSizeThreshold()
+ ", ThreadThreshold=" + getThreadThreshold()
+ ", DelayMillis=" + getDelayMillis()
+ ", AutoAdjust=" + (isAllowAutoAdjust() ? "on" : "off")
+ ", ActiveBundles=" + m_listBundle.size()
+ ", Statistics=" + m_stats
+ "}";
// ----- sublcassing support ---------------------------------------------
* Retrieve any Bundle that is currently in the open state. This method does
* not assume any external synchronization and as a result, a caller must
* double check the returned bundle open state (after synchronizing on it).
* @return an open Bundle
protected Bundle getOpenBundle()
List listBundle = m_listBundle;
int cBundles = listBundle.size();
int iActiveBundle = m_iActiveBundle;
for (int i = 0; i < cBundles; i++)
int iBundle = (iActiveBundle + i) % cBundles;
Bundle bundle = (Bundle) listBundle.get(iBundle);
if (bundle.isOpen())
m_iActiveBundle = iBundle;
return bundle;
catch (IndexOutOfBoundsException e)
// there is theoretical possibility that the memory model causes
// the list size to be not in sync with the actual list storage;
// proceed with synchronization...
catch (NullPointerException e)
// ditto
// we may need to create a new Bundle; synchronize to prevent the
// creation of unnecessary bundles
synchronized (listBundle)
// double check under synchronization
cBundles = listBundle.size();
for (int i = 0; i < cBundles; i++)
int iBundle = (iActiveBundle + i) % cBundles;
Bundle bundle = (Bundle) listBundle.get(iBundle);
if (bundle.isOpen())
m_iActiveBundle = iBundle;
return bundle;
// nothing available; add a new one
Bundle bundle = instantiateBundle();
m_iActiveBundle = cBundles;
return bundle;
* Instantiate a new Bundle object.
* @return a new Bundle object
protected abstract Bundle instantiateBundle();
* Bundle represents a unit of optimized execution.
protected abstract class Bundle
extends Base
* Default constructor.
protected Bundle()
m_iStatus = STATUS_OPEN;
// ----- accessors -------------------------------------------------
* Check whether or not this bundle is open for adding request elements.
* @return true iff this Bundle is still open
protected boolean isOpen()
return m_iStatus == STATUS_OPEN;
* Check whether or not this bundle is in the "pending" state - awaiting
* for the execution results.
* @return true iff this Bundle is in the "pending" state
protected boolean isPending()
return m_iStatus == STATUS_PENDING;
* Check whether or not this bundle is in the "processed" state -
* ready to return the result of execution back to the client.
* @return true iff this Bundle is in the "processed" state
protected boolean isProcessed()
return m_iStatus == STATUS_PROCESSED ||
* Check whether or not this bundle is in the "exception" state -
* bundled execution threw an exception and requests have to be
* un-bundled.
* @return true iff this Bundle is in the "exception" state
protected boolean isException()
return m_iStatus == STATUS_EXCEPTION;
* Change the status of this Bundle.
* @param iStatus the new status value
protected synchronized void setStatus(int iStatus)
boolean fValid;
switch (m_iStatus)
fValid = iStatus == STATUS_PENDING
fValid = iStatus == STATUS_PROCESSED
fValid = iStatus == STATUS_OPEN;
fValid = false;
if (!fValid)
throw new IllegalStateException(this +
"; invalid transition to " + formatStatusName(iStatus));
m_iStatus = iStatus;
m_cTotalWaitDuration +=
Math.max(0l, System.currentTimeMillis() - m_ldtStart);
* Obtain this bundle size. The return value should be expressed in the
* same units as the value returned by the
* {@link AbstractBundler#getSizeThreshold getSizeThreshold} method.
* @return the bundle size
protected int getBundleSize()
return m_cThreads;
* Check whether or not this is a "master" Bundle.
* @return true iff this Bundle is a designated "master" Bundle
protected boolean isMaster()
return m_fMaster;
* Designate this Bundle as a "master" bundle.
protected void setMaster()
m_fMaster = true;
// ----- processing and subclassing support --------------------------
* Obtain results of the bundled requests. This method should be
* implemented by concrete Bundle implementations using the most
* efficient mechanism.
protected abstract void ensureResults();
* Wait until results of bundled requests are retrieved.
* Note that calls to this method must be externally synchronized.
* @param fFirst true iff this is the first thread entering the bundle
* @return true if this thread is supposed to perform an actual bundled
* operation (burst); false otherwise
protected boolean waitForResults(boolean fFirst)
if (fFirst)
m_ldtStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
if (getBundleSize() < getSizeThreshold())
if (fFirst)
long lDelay = getDelayMillis();
Blocking.wait(this, lDelay);
// if someone has already "submitted" the bundle
// need to keep waiting
lDelay = 0l;
while (isPending());
while (true)
if (isProcessed())
return false;
// spurious wake-up; continue waiting
if (isProcessed())
return false;
// this bundle should be closed and processed right away
// update stats
m_cTotalSize += getBundleSize();
long cTotal = ++m_cTotalBundles;
if (cTotal > 1000 // allow the "hotspot" to kick in
&& cTotal % ADJUSTMENT_FREQUENCY == 0 && isMaster())
// attempt to adjust for every 1000 iterations of the master
// bundle
catch (InterruptedException e)
catch (RuntimeException e)
// should never happen
throw e;
catch (Error e)
// should never happen
throw e;
return true;
* Obtain results of the bundled requests or ensure that the results
* have already been retrieved.
* @param fBurst specifies whether or not the actual results have to be
* fetched on this thread; this parameter will be true
* for one and only one thread per bundle
* @return true if the bundling has succeeded; false if the un-bundling
* has to be performed as a result of a failure
protected boolean ensureResults(boolean fBurst)
if (isException())
return false;
if (fBurst)
// bundle is closed and ready for the actual execution (burst);
// it must be performed without holding any synchronization
long ldtStart = System.currentTimeMillis();
long cElapsedMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - ldtStart;
if (cElapsedMillis > 0)
m_cTotalBurstDuration += cElapsedMillis;
catch (Throwable e)
return false;
return true;
* Release all bundle resources associated with the current thread.
* @return true iff all entered threads have released
protected synchronized boolean releaseThread()
azzert(isProcessed() && m_cThreads > 0);
if (--m_cThreads == 0)
return true;
return false;
// ----- statistics and debugging -----------------------------------
* Reset statistics for this Bundle.
public void resetStatistics()
m_cTotalBundles = 0l;
m_cTotalSize = 0l;
m_cTotalBurstDuration = 0l;
m_cTotalWaitDuration = 0l;
* Provide a human readable description for the Bundle object
* (for debugging).
* @return a human readable description for the Bundle object
public String toString()
return "Bundle@" + hashCode() + "{" + formatStatusName(m_iStatus)
+ ", size=" + getBundleSize() + '}';
* Return a human readable name for the specified status value.
* @param iStatus the status value to format
* @return a human readable status name
protected String formatStatusName(int iStatus)
switch (iStatus)
return "STATUS_OPEN";
return "unknown";
// ----- data fields and constants ---------------------------------
* This Bundle accepting additional items.
public static final int STATUS_OPEN = 0;
* This Bundle is closed for accepting additional items and awaiting
* for the execution results.
public static final int STATUS_PENDING = 1;
* This Bundle is in process of returning the result of execution
* back to the client.
public static final int STATUS_PROCESSED = 2;
* Attempt to bundle encountered and exception; the execution has to be
* de-optimized and performed by individual threads.
public static final int STATUS_EXCEPTION = 3;
* This Bundle status.
private volatile int m_iStatus = STATUS_OPEN;
* A count of threads that are using this Bundle.
private int m_cThreads;
* A flag that differentiates the "master" bundle which is responsible
* for all auto-adjustments. It's set to "true" for one and only one
* Bundle object.
private boolean m_fMaster;
// stat fields intentionally have the "package private" access to
// prevent generation of synthetic access methods
* Statistics: the total number of times this Bundle has been used for
* bundled request processing.
volatile long m_cTotalBundles;
* Statistics: the total size of individual requests processed by this
* Bundle expressed in the same units as values returned by the
* {@link Bundle#getBundleSize()} method.
volatile long m_cTotalSize;
* Statistics: a timestamp of the first thread entering the bundle.
private long m_ldtStart;
* Statistics: a total time duration this Bundle has spent in bundled
* request processing (burst).
volatile long m_cTotalBurstDuration;
* Statistics: a total time duration this Bundle has spent waiting for
* bundle to be ready for processing.
volatile long m_cTotalWaitDuration;
* Statistics class contains the latest bundler statistics.
protected static class Statistics
* Reset the statistics.
protected void reset()
m_cBundleCountSnapshot = 0l;
m_cBundleSizeSnapshot = 0l;
m_cBurstDurationSnapshot = 0l;
m_cThreadWaitSnapshot = 0l;
* Provide a human readable description for the Statistics object.
* (for debugging).
* @return a human readable description for the Statistics object
public String toString()
return "(AverageBundleSize=" + m_cAverageBundleSize
+ ", AverageBurstDuration=" + m_cAverageBurstDuration + "ms"
+ ", AverageWaitDuration=" + m_cAverageThreadWaitDuration + "ms"
+ ", AverageThroughput=" + m_nAverageThroughput + "/sec"
+ ")";
// ----- running averages ------------------------------------------
* An average time for bundled request processing (burst).
protected int m_cAverageBurstDuration;
* An average bundle size for this Bundler.
protected int m_cAverageBundleSize;
* An average thread waiting time caused by under-filled bundle. The
* wait time includes the time spend in the bundled request processing.
protected int m_cAverageThreadWaitDuration;
* An average bundled request throughput in size units per millisecond
* (total bundle size over total processing time)
protected int m_nAverageThroughput;
// ----- snapshots --------------------------------------------------
* Snapshot for a total number of processed bundled.
protected long m_cBundleCountSnapshot;
* Snapshot for a total size of processed bundled.
protected long m_cBundleSizeSnapshot;
* Snapshot for a burst duration.
protected long m_cBurstDurationSnapshot;
* Snapshot for a combined thread waiting time.
protected long m_cThreadWaitSnapshot;
// ----- constants and data fields ---------------------------------------
* Frequency of the adjustment attempts. This number represents a number of
* iterations of the master bundle usage after which an adjustment attempt
* will be performed.
public static int ADJUSTMENT_FREQUENCY = 128;
* The bundle size threshold. We use double for this value to allow for
* fine-tuning of the auto-adjust algorithm.
* @see #adjust()
private double m_dSizeThreshold;
* The previous bundle size threshold value.
protected double m_dPreviousSizeThreshold;
* The minimum number of threads that should trigger the bundler to switch
* from a pass through mode to a bundled mode.
private int m_cThreadThreshold;
* Specifies whether or not auto-adjustment is on. Default value is "true".
private boolean m_fAllowAuto = true;
* The delay timeout in milliseconds. Default value is one millisecond.
private long m_lDelayMillis = 1l;
* A pool of Bundle objects. Note that this list never shrinks.
protected List m_listBundle = new ArrayList();
* Last active (open) bundle position.
private volatile int m_iActiveBundle;
* A counter for the total number of threads that have started any bundle
* related execution. This counter is used by subclasses to reduce an impact
* of bundled execution for lightly loaded environments.
protected AtomicInteger m_countThreads = new AtomicInteger();
* An instance of the Statistics object containing the latest statistics.
private Statistics m_stats = new Statistics();