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* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
import java.nio.ByteOrder;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
* The SegmentedBufferManager performs buffer managment by dividing
* the buffers into a number of segments, such as small, medium, and large.
* Each segment contains a number of generations, where generations are created
* on demand and lazily collected.
* @author ch 2010.03.04
public class SegmentedBufferManager
implements BufferManager, Disposable
// ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
* Creates a SegmentedBufferManager.
* @param allocator the BufferAllocator to use to fill the pool
* @param cbBufferMin the minimum buffer size
* @param cbMax the total amount of memory to pool
public SegmentedBufferManager(BufferAllocator allocator, int cbBufferMin, long cbMax)
* Creates a SegmentedBufferManager.
* @param allocator the BufferAllocator to use to fill the pool
* @param cbMax the total amount of memory to pool
public SegmentedBufferManager(BufferAllocator allocator, long cbMax)
* Creates a SegmentedBufferManager.
* @param allocator the BufferAllocator to use to fill the pool
* @param cSegments the number of segments
* @param cbSegment the maximum number bytes each segment will consume
* @param cbBufferMin the smallest buffer size
* @param nGrowthFactor the segment growth factor
public SegmentedBufferManager(BufferAllocator allocator, int cSegments,
long cbSegment, int cbBufferMin, int nGrowthFactor)
m_allocator = allocator;
final int cbDefaultBuf = SegmentedBufferManager.DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE;
cbSegment = Math.min(cbSegment, (long) Integer.MAX_VALUE * GEN_ID_UNPOOLED); // max gen size is 2GB
if ((cbBufferMin & (DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE - 1)) != 0)
// ensure that the size doesn't touch our bits
// TODO cbBufferMin = (cbBufferMin + DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE - 1) & ~(DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE - 1);
cbBufferMin = (cbBufferMin / cbDefaultBuf) * cbDefaultBuf
+ (cbBufferMin % cbDefaultBuf == 0 ? 0 : cbDefaultBuf);
final int cHighestBit = Integer.SIZE - 1;
final int cLowestBit = Integer.numberOfTrailingZeros(cbBufferMin);
final int nMaxSegments = cHighestBit - (cLowestBit * nGrowthFactor);
if (nMaxSegments < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Growthfactor is to aggressive: "
+ nGrowthFactor);
else if (cSegments > nMaxSegments)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("The number of segments exceeded: "
+ nMaxSegments);
int cbBuff = m_cbMin = cbBufferMin;
Segment[] aSegment = f_aSegments = new Segment[cSegments];
for (int i = 0; i < cSegments; i++)
long cBuf = cbSegment / cbBuff;
aSegment[i] = allocateSegment(cbBuff, (int) (cBuf > Integer.MAX_VALUE ? Integer.MAX_VALUE : cBuf));
cbBuff = cbBuff << nGrowthFactor;
m_cbMax = cbBuff >> nGrowthFactor;
m_nSegmentGrowthFactor = nGrowthFactor;
// ----- SegmentedBufferManager interface -------------------------------
* Set the name of this BufferManager
* @param sName the name
public void setName(String sName)
m_sName = sName;
* Return the name of this BufferManager
* @return the name
public String getName()
return m_sName;
// ----- BufferManager interface ----------------------------------------
public long getCapacity()
long cbCapacity = 0;
for (Segment seg : f_aSegments)
long cbBuf = seg.getBufferSize();
long cbGen = cbBuf * seg.getGenerationSize();
cbCapacity += cbGen * GEN_ID_UNPOOLED;
return cbCapacity;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ByteBuffer acquire(final int cbMin)
ByteBuffer buff = ensureMinBuffer(cbMin, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (buff.capacity() > cbMin)
return buff;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ByteBuffer acquirePref(int cbPref)
ByteBuffer buff = ensureBuffer(cbPref);
if (buff.capacity() > cbPref)
return buff;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ByteBuffer acquireSum(int cbSum)
return ensureBuffer(cbSum);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void release(ByteBuffer buffer)
* {@inheritDoc}
public ByteBuffer truncate(ByteBuffer buff)
int nGen = decodeGeneration(buff.capacity());
return nGen < GEN_ID_TRUNCATE
? buff // common path
: truncateComplex(buff);
* Truncate the specified buffer as described by {@link #truncate truncate}.
* @param buff the buffer to truncate
* @return the replacement buffer
protected ByteBuffer truncateComplex(ByteBuffer buff)
int cbSeg = decodeSize(buff.capacity());
int cbSegPre = cbSeg >> m_nSegmentGrowthFactor;
int cbUsed = buff.remaining();
if (cbSeg > m_cbMin && cbUsed <= cbSegPre)
// the used buffer could fit in the previous segment
ByteBuffer buffNew;
buffNew = ensureMinBuffer(/*cbMin*/ cbUsed, /*cbMax*/ cbSeg - 1);
catch (OutOfMemoryError e)
return buff; // use the original
return buffNew;
return buff;
// ----- Disposable interface -------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public void dispose()
for (Segment pool : f_aSegments)
// ----- Object interface ------------------------------------------------
public String toString()
long cbCapacity = 0;
long cbUsed = 0;
long cAlloc = 0;
long cNonPooled = 0;
long cbAvailable = 0;
long cbPeakHist = 0;
StringBuilder sbSeg = new StringBuilder();
for (Segment seg : f_aSegments)
long cbBuf = seg.getBufferSize();
long cbGen = cbBuf * seg.getGenerationSize();
cbAvailable += seg.f_stackBuf.size() * cbBuf;
cbCapacity += cbGen * GEN_ID_UNPOOLED;
cbUsed += seg.getAcquired() * cbBuf;
cAlloc += seg.getAllocationCount();
cNonPooled += seg.getNonPooledAllocationCount();
cbPeakHist += seg.m_cMaxBuffersHistoric * cbBuf; // peak since last full GC
sbSeg.append(seg).append(", ");
return getName() + "(capacity=" + new MemorySize(cbCapacity) +
", usage=" + new MemorySize(cbUsed) + ".." + new MemorySize(cbPeakHist) + "/" + new MemorySize(cbAvailable) +
", hit rate=" + ((cAlloc - cNonPooled) * 100/ (cAlloc == 0 ? 1 : cAlloc)) + "%" +
", segment utilization=" + sbSeg.toString() +
"allocator=" + m_allocator + ")";
// ----- helpers ---------------------------------------------------------
* Return the allocator used by this manager.
* @return the allocator
protected BufferAllocator getAllocator()
return m_allocator;
// ----- private members -------------------------------------------------
* Given a buffer allocation size, extract the generation id of that
* buffer.
* @param cbBuffer the buffer allocation size
* @return the generation id
protected int decodeGeneration(final int cbBuffer)
return (cbBuffer & GEN_ID_MASK) >> GEN_ID_SHIFT;
* Given an allocated buffer size, determine the configured buffer size
* of that buffer.
* @param cb the allocated buffer size
* @return the configured buffer size
private int decodeSize(final int cb)
return cb & ~GEN_ID_MASK;
* Return a ByteBuffer from the optimal PoolSegment for a specific count of bytes.
* @param cb the size to match
* @return the buffer
private ByteBuffer ensureBuffer(int cb)
Segment[] aSegments = f_aSegments;
int cSegments = aSegments.length;
int iSeg = 0;
if (cb >= m_cbMax)
iSeg = cSegments - 1;
for (int cbMin = m_cbMin; cb > cbMin; ++iSeg)
cb = cb >> m_nSegmentGrowthFactor;
// try to find the closest matching segment by incrementally checking neighboring segments
// this as apposed to simply looping around showed 50% performance gaines in some tests
ByteBuffer buff = null;
for (int i = 0; i < cSegments && buff == null; ++i)
if (iSeg + i < cSegments)
buff = aSegments[iSeg + i].acquire(/*fEnsure*/ false);
if (buff == null && i > 0 && iSeg - i >= 0)
buff = aSegments[iSeg - i].acquire(/*fEnsure*/ false);
// no space in segment; try next
// fall back on non-pooled allocation if necessary
return buff == null ? aSegments[iSeg].acquire(/*fEnsure*/ true) : buff;
* Return a ByteBuffer of at least the specified size.
* @param cbMin the minimum required size
* @param cbMax the maximum desired size
* @return the buffer
private ByteBuffer ensureMinBuffer(int cbMin, int cbMax)
Segment[] aSegments = f_aSegments;
int cSegments = aSegments.length;
if (cbMin > m_cbMax)
throw new OutOfMemoryError("requested buffer size exceeds pool maximum");
int iSeg = 0;
for (int cSeg = aSegments.length;
iSeg < cSeg && aSegments[iSeg].f_cbBuffer < cbMin;
for (int i = iSeg; i < cSegments; ++i)
Segment segment = aSegments[i];
if (segment.f_cbUnpooledBuffer > cbMax)
ByteBuffer buf = segment.acquire(/*fEnsure*/ false);
if (buf != null)
return buf;
// no space in segment; try next
// all suitable segments are full; allow non-pooled from best fit
return aSegments[iSeg].acquire(/*fEnsure*/ true);
* Return the matching PoolSegment for a specific count of bytes.
* @param cb the size to match
* @return the PoolSegment that matches the size
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if no PoolSegment matches the size
* exactly
private Segment getSegment(int cb)
throws IllegalArgumentException
Segment[] aSegments = f_aSegments;
final int cbDecoded = cb = decodeSize(cb);
final int cSeg = aSegments.length;
int iSeg = 0;
for (int cbMin = m_cbMin; cb > cbMin && iSeg < cSeg; ++iSeg)
cb = cb >> m_nSegmentGrowthFactor;
if (iSeg < cSeg && cbDecoded == aSegments[iSeg].getBufferSize())
return aSegments[iSeg];
throw new IllegalArgumentException("No pool segment for size: "
+ cbDecoded + " in " + cSeg + " segment(s) between "
+ aSegments[0].getBufferSize() + " .. "
+ aSegments[cSeg - 1].getBufferSize());
// ----- inner class: Segment -------------------------------------------
* Allocate a segment for buffers of the specified size.
* @param cbBuffer the size of the individual ByteBuffers
* @param cBuffers the number of ByteBuffers for the pool
* @return the allocated segment
protected Segment allocateSegment(int cbBuffer, int cBuffers)
return new Segment(cbBuffer, cBuffers);
* PoolSegment defines the pools which buffers can be allocated from
* and released to. The implementation provide highly concurrent access so
* that elements can be acquired and released to the pool without
* synchronization.
* A PoolSegment is shrunk when its capacity remains greater than the actual
* usage for a period of time. The capacity will be evaluated periodically
* based on the number of buffer releases (cReevalFreq
) and at
) intervals.
* When a pool shrinks, buffers that belong to purged generations will no
* longer be retained when released back to the pool.
protected class Segment
implements Disposable
// ----- constructors---------------------------------------------
* Construct a pool for buffers of the specified size.
* @param cbBuffer the size of the individual ByteBuffers
* @param cBuffers the number of ByteBuffers for the pool
protected Segment(int cbBuffer, int cBuffers)
f_cbBuffer = cbBuffer;
// COH-4231: there should be at least one buffer per generation
f_cBufferGen = Math.max(cBuffers / GEN_ID_UNPOOLED, 1);
f_stackBuf = new ConcurrentLinkedStack();
f_cGeneration = new AtomicInteger(GEN_ID_EMPTY);
f_cReleased = new AtomicLong(0L);
f_cNonPooledReleased = new AtomicLong(0L);
f_cAcquired = new AtomicLong(0L);
f_cNonPooledAllocations = new AtomicLong(0L);
f_cbUnpooledBuffer = encodeGeneration(GEN_ID_UNPOOLED);
// ----- public methods ------------------------------------------
* Acquire the next available buffer from the pool. If the pool is
* empty, either grow the pool or as the last resort return a
* non-pooled buffer.
* @return a ByteBuffer
public ByteBuffer acquire()
return acquire(/*fEnsure*/ true);
* Acquire the next available buffer from the pool. If the pool is
* empty, either grow the pool or as the last resort return a
* non-pooled buffer.
* @param fEnsure true iff non-pooled allocation is allowable
* @return a ByteBuffer or null if fEnsure == false and no suitable buffer is available
public ByteBuffer acquire(boolean fEnsure)
// optimized for most common scenario: there's something in the pool
// (otherwise it wouldn't be a pool)
ByteBuffer buffer = f_stackBuf.pop();
if (buffer == null)
buffer = acquireComplex(fEnsure);
if (buffer == null)
return null;
return buffer;
* Return true iff the segment is currently allowed to shrink
* @return true iff the segment is currently allowed to shrink
protected boolean isShrinkable()
return true;
* Release a buffer back to the pool, and occasionally check if it is
* possible to shrink the pool.
* @param buffer the buffer to release
public void release(ByteBuffer buffer)
int nGeneration = decodeGeneration(buffer.capacity());
if ((f_cReleased.incrementAndGet() & STATS_FREQUENCY) == 0)
evaluateCapacity(/*fOthers*/ true);
if (nGeneration == GEN_ID_UNPOOLED &&
f_cNonPooledReleased.incrementAndGet() % UNPOOLED_RECLAIM_INTERVAL != 0 && // only for so long
f_stackBuf.size() < f_cBufferGen * GEN_ID_TRUNCATE) // only so much
// we've been given an unpooled buffer to release, which indicates that at some "recent" point
// we were out of pool buffers and had to allocate an unpooled one which is expensive. If this
// happens frequently then either the pool is undersized or the application has a leak. In
// the case of a leak, overtime it could completely drain the pool of poolable buffers, which
// if not refilled would entirely negate the pooling benefits. In an effort to avoid penalizing
// good shared pool users we will allow pooling of the "unpooled" buffers, but not all of them.
// But we do limit the number of re-uses so that if there is no leak we won't overinflate our
// pool. Also we don't allow ourselves to hold unpooled buffers if the pool is fairly full
--nGeneration; // treat it like the max gen, so it may still be released now if pool has "shrunk"
// always store in default java byte order BIG_ENDIAN
// so that acquired buffers are as good as freshly allocated
// ones.
buffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).clear(); // just resets position and limit
if (BufferManagers.ZERO_ON_RELEASE)
// Release the buffer back into the pool if:
// 1) buffer is not of the non-pooled generation
// 2) buffer belongs to a generation that is less or equal to the
// current generation
// 3) the current generation is 'LOCKED' (meaning at least one
// other thread is in need of a buffer, or is shrinking
// capacity at this instant)
final int cCurrentGen = getGenerationId();
if (nGeneration <= cCurrentGen || (cCurrentGen == GEN_ID_LOCKED && nGeneration != GEN_ID_UNPOOLED) || !isShrinkable())
* Release the specified buffer from the segment.
* @param buffer the buffer
protected void dropBuffer(ByteBuffer buffer)
// ----- Disposable implementation ------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public void dispose()
// ----- accessors ----------------------------------------------
* Get the default size of buffers in this pool. Note that the
* actual size of buffers may be larger, since each generation's
* size is incrementally larger to differentiate it from other
* generations.
* @return the default size of the buffers in this pool
public int getBufferSize()
return f_cbBuffer;
* Get the number of buffers that are allocated per generation.
* @return the number of buffers in each generation
public int getGenerationSize()
return f_cBufferGen;
// ----- private accessors --------------------------------------
* Get the current number of generations for this pool.
* @return the number of generations for this pool
private int getGenerationId()
return f_cGeneration.get();
* Return the number of currently acquired buffers.
* @return the number of currently acquired buffers
protected int getAcquired()
return Math.max(0, (int) (f_cAcquired.get() - f_cReleased.get()));
* Return the number of allocations performed on this segment.
* @return the number of allocations performed on this segment
private long getAllocationCount()
return f_cAcquired.get();
* Return the number of releases performed on this segment.
* @return the number of releases performed on this segment
private long getReleaseCount()
return f_cReleased.get();
* Return the number of non-pooled allocations performed on this segment.
* @return the number of non-pooled allocations performed on this segment
private long getNonPooledAllocationCount()
return f_cNonPooledAllocations.get();
// ----- internal ---------------------------------------------------
* Return a buffer, potentially grow the PoolSegment or returning a non
* pooled buffer.
* @param fEnsure true if a non-pooled buffer should be allocated if necessary
* @return a buffer
protected ByteBuffer acquireComplex(boolean fEnsure)
final AtomicInteger atomicGen = f_cGeneration;
while (true)
// we poll after obtaining cGen to avoid accidently growing by
// two generations
int cGen = atomicGen.get();
ByteBuffer buffer = f_stackBuf.pop();
if (buffer != null)
return buffer;
switch (cGen)
// no more generations; allocate a "throw away" buffer
return fEnsure ? allocateNonPooledBuffer() : null;
// this spin is limited as it will end once there are
// available buffers in the queue
// fall through
// attempt to allocate a generation
if (atomicGen.compareAndSet(cGen, GEN_ID_LOCKED))
int nGen = cGen + 1;
boolean fSuccess = false;
// allocate an entire generation
fSuccess = allocateGeneration(nGen);
atomicGen.set(fSuccess ? nGen : cGen);
// else spin to obtain growth lock
* Allocate a new buffer which will not be returned to the pool
* after it has been released.
* @return a buffer that will not be pooled when it is released
protected ByteBuffer allocateNonPooledBuffer()
return m_allocator.allocate(f_cbUnpooledBuffer);
* Allocate a generation of ByteBuffers.
* @param nGeneration the generation id of the block
* @return true iff the generation was successfully allocated
protected boolean allocateGeneration(int nGeneration)
int cbBuffer = encodeGeneration(nGeneration);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, getName() + " growing segment '"
+ getBufferSize() + "' to " + (nGeneration + 1)
+ " generations");
// record when this happened (do this first so we won't bother
// checking the capacity to see if it needs to shrink on another
// thread)
m_ldtNextEvaluation = System.currentTimeMillis()
return allocateGenerationBuffers(nGeneration, cbBuffer);
catch (OutOfMemoryError e)
return false;
* Allocate a series of buffers.
* @param nGen the generation id
* @param cbBuffer the size of each buffer
* @return true iff the generation was allocated
protected boolean allocateGenerationBuffers(int nGen, int cbBuffer)
for (int i = 0, c = getGenerationSize(); i < c; ++i)
catch (OutOfMemoryError e)
return i > 0; // return true if any buffers for this generation were allocated
return true;
* Evaluate if and how much the pool should shrink. If the capacity
* is twice the amount needed in the pool. The pool will be cut in
* half.
* @param fEvalPeers true if all segments should be evaluated
private void evaluateCapacity(final boolean fEvalPeers)
final long ldtNow = System.currentTimeMillis();
final int nGen = getGenerationId();
if (nGen > GEN_ID_EMPTY
&& ldtNow > m_ldtNextEvaluation
&& f_cGeneration.compareAndSet(nGen, GEN_ID_LOCKED))
// record next check time
m_ldtNextEvaluation = ldtNow + CLEANUP_FREQUENCY_MILLIS;
int nDesiredGen = nGen;
if (isShrinkable())
int nInUse = nGen - (f_stackBuf.size() / f_cBufferGen); // we certainly need whatever the app is currently using
int nRecent = GEN_ID_EMPTY + (m_cMaxBuffers / f_cBufferGen) + (m_cMaxBuffers % f_cBufferGen == 0 ? 0 : 1); // recent high water mark
nDesiredGen = Math.min(nGen, Math.max(nInUse, nRecent));
int cCapacity = Math.min(nGen + 1, GEN_ID_UNPOOLED);
if (nDesiredGen == GEN_ID_EMPTY || (nDesiredGen < cCapacity && nDesiredGen != nGen))
m_cMaxBuffersHistoric = m_cMaxBuffers;
LOGGER.log(Level.FINE, getName() + " shrinking segment '" + getBufferSize()
+ "' by " + (nGen - nDesiredGen)
+ " generation(s) to " + (nDesiredGen + 1) + ", based on recent high water mark of "
+ new MemorySize(m_cMaxBuffers * f_cbBuffer));
// since we hand out buffers in LIFO order we must actively trim buffers now; rather then
// let them bleed off over time otherwise we could hold them "forever"
int cTrimmed = trim(nDesiredGen);
LOGGER.log(Level.FINEST, getName() + " scavenged " + cTrimmed + " buffers; "
+ new MemorySize(f_cbBuffer * cTrimmed));
if (fEvalPeers)
for (Segment pool : SegmentedBufferManager.this.f_aSegments)
if (pool != this)
pool.evaluateCapacity(/*fOthers*/ false);
m_cMaxBuffers /= 2; // don't completely blow out stats
* Record the current buffer usage.
private void recordUsage()
m_cMaxBuffers = Math.max(m_cMaxBuffers, getAcquired());
m_cMaxBuffersHistoric = Math.max(m_cMaxBuffersHistoric, m_cMaxBuffers);
* Release the buffers from later generations.
* @param nGeneration the minimum generation to retain
* @return the number of trimmed buffers
private int trim(final int nGeneration)
int cbCutoff = encodeGeneration(nGeneration + 1);
int cRemove = 0;
// in case the application has a leak, and we've been replenishing the
// pool with "unpoolable" buffers, refuse to reclaim all of them
ConcurrentLinkedStack stackTmp = new ConcurrentLinkedStack();
for (ByteBuffer buf = f_stackBuf.pop(); buf != null; buf = f_stackBuf.pop())
if (buf.capacity() >= cbCutoff)
for (ByteBuffer buf : stackTmp)
return cRemove;
* Return the buffer allocation size for a given generation.
* @param nGenId the generation id
* @return the buffer allocation size
protected int encodeGeneration(final int nGenId)
return getBufferSize() | (nGenId << GEN_ID_SHIFT);
public String toString()
return new MemorySize(f_cbBuffer).toString() + "(" + (getAcquired() * 100) / (f_cBufferGen * GEN_ID_UNPOOLED) + "%)";
// ----- constants ----------------------------------------------
* Generation id that indicates that the segment has yet to be initialized.
private static final int GEN_ID_EMPTY = -1;
* Generation id that indicates that the generation lock has been
* taken, which means that a thread is either growing or shrinking
* the pool.
private static final int GEN_ID_LOCKED = -2;
// ----- data members--------------------------------------------
* The configured size of the buffers in the pool.
protected final int f_cbBuffer;
* The number of buffers allocated in a generation.
protected final int f_cBufferGen;
* The stack which pools all the buffers that are not acquired.
* Maintained as a stack improves performance especially for the RDMA extended allocator as
* keys for recently used buffers may still be in the HCA cache.
protected final Stack f_stackBuf;
* The current generation id. This is a counter that starts at zero
* and goes up to GEN_ID_UNPOOLED
. Buffers that belong to
* generation id zero through (GEN_ID_UNPOOLED - 1)
may be
* pooled, and buffers that belong to generation id
are never pooled. By altering the
* current generation id, only buffers of that (or older) generation
* are returned to the pool when they are released.
protected final AtomicInteger f_cGeneration;
* The next the segment should be evaluated for shrinkage.
private volatile long m_ldtNextEvaluation;
* This is the count of pooled buffers that have been handed out by
* this pool.
protected final AtomicLong f_cAcquired;
* The count of non-pooled allocations.
protected final AtomicLong f_cNonPooledAllocations;
* This is the count of buffers that have been released back to this
* pool.
protected final AtomicLong f_cReleased;
* The count of the number of unpooled releases.
protected final AtomicLong f_cNonPooledReleased;
* The size of a non-pooled buffer. Since the size of a buffer
* indicates its generation id, we pre-calculate the size of the
* generation of buffers that are not pooled.
protected final int f_cbUnpooledBuffer;
* The peak recorded sample usage during the pending cleanup interval.
private int m_cMaxBuffers;
* The peak recorded sample usage since the last shrinkage.
private int m_cMaxBuffersHistoric;
// ----- inner class: BufferAllocator -----------------------------------
* A BufferAllocator is provides a mean for allocating ByteBuffers.
public interface BufferAllocator
* Allocate and return buffer of the specified size.
* @param cb the required buffer size
* @return the buffer
* @throws OutOfMemoryError if the request cannot be satisified
public ByteBuffer allocate(int cb);
* Release a ByteBuffer back to the allocator.
* @param buff the buffer to release
public void release(ByteBuffer buff);
// ----- constants ------------------------------------------------------
* The generation id is stored in bits 6-9 (bits 0-5 are reserved to
* enforce a 64 byte paragraph boundary).
private static final int GEN_ID_SHIFT = 6;
* The number of bits reserved to store the generation id.
protected static final int GEN_ID_BITS = 4;
* The bit mask of the bits used to store the generation id inside a size.
private static final int GEN_ID_MASK = ((1 << GEN_ID_BITS) - 1)
* The ID of the generation that is freely allocated and un-pooled. In
* other words, when we reach this generation, the buffers that are
* allocated will not be returned to the pool when they are released.
protected static final int GEN_ID_UNPOOLED = (1 << GEN_ID_BITS) - 1;
* The ID of the first generation at which truncation will be considered necessary.
* Exempting lower generations from truncation allows for the truncate logic to very
* efficiently avoid truncating buffers when there is significant space available
* within the segment.
private static final int GEN_ID_TRUNCATE = (GEN_ID_UNPOOLED * 2) / 3;
* The number of times an unpooled buffer is reused before being released.
public static final long UNPOOLED_RECLAIM_INTERVAL = 1024;
* The default release frequency at which to records statistics.
* Note this value must be a power of two - 1.
public static final int STATS_FREQUENCY = 255;
* The default size of the smallest ByteBuffer. Note that the actual size
* of the ByteBuffer may be larger, since the size includes an implicit
* generation ID. Also note that the default buffer size cannot use any of
* the bits 0-9.
public static final int DEFAULT_BUF_SIZE = 1
<< (GEN_ID_BITS + GEN_ID_SHIFT); // 1024
* The growth factor between each pool segment. The factor describes the
* number of left shifts.
public static final short DEFAULT_GROWTH_FACTOR = 1;
* The default number of segments.
public static final int DEFAULT_SEGMENT_COUNT = 7; // sufficiently large to allow for 1KB..64KB segments, covering standard MTU sizes
* Reevaluation of capacity does not occur more than once every
* period, as defined here. Furthermore, reevaluation of one pool
* (i.e. a pool of one buffer size) will ensure that the other pools
* (i.e. the pools that hold buffers of the other sizes) have also
* reevaluated, since it is possible that they have no activity that
* would cause them to reevaluate on their own.
protected static final long CLEANUP_FREQUENCY_MILLIS = new Duration(System.getProperty(
SegmentedBufferManager.class.getName() + ".cleanup.frequency", "1s")).as(Duration.Magnitude.MILLI);
* The logger.
protected static final Logger LOGGER = Logger.getLogger(
// ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
* The BufferAllocator to use to grow the pool.
private final BufferAllocator m_allocator;
* The pool is composed of several sub-ordinate pools represented by the
* PoolSegment inner class, each of a specific allocation size. This array
* holds the various PoolSegment instances, starting with the smallest
* allocation size and proceeding to the largest.
private final Segment[] f_aSegments;
* The buffer size of the smallest buffer.
private final int m_cbMin;
* The buffer size of the largest buffer.
private final int m_cbMax;
* The segment growth factor.
private final int m_nSegmentGrowthFactor;
* The name of the allocator
protected String m_sName = getClass().getSimpleName() + "(" + System.identityHashCode(this) + ")";