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* Copyright (c) 2000, 2020, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
import com.tangosol.util.Base;
* Writes binary data into a Writer using IETF RFC 2045 Base64 Content
* Transfer Encoding.
* If the Base64OutputStream is not the first to write data into the
* Writer, it may be desired to write a line feed before Base64 data.
* According to the specification, Base64 data cannot exceed 76
* characters per line.
* Be careful to avoid calling flush() except when a stream of Base64
* content is complete.
* @author cp 2000.09.06
public class Base64OutputStream
extends OutputStream
implements OutputStreaming
// ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
* Construct a Base64OutputStream on a Writer object.
* @param writer the Writer to write the Base64 encoded data to
public Base64OutputStream(Writer writer)
this(writer, true);
* Construct a Base64OutputStream on a Writer object and specifying
* a line-break option.
* @param writer the Writer to write the Base64 encoded data to
* @param fBreakLines true to break the output into 76-character lines
public Base64OutputStream(Writer writer, boolean fBreakLines)
Base.azzert(writer != null);
m_writer = writer;
m_fBreakLines = fBreakLines;
// ----- OutputStream implementation ------------------------------------
* Writes the specified byte to this output stream.
* @param b the byte
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs. In particular,
* an IOException
may be thrown if the
* output stream has been closed.
public void write(int b) throws IOException
if (m_fClosed)
throw new IOException("Base64OutputStream is closed");
m_abAccum[m_cAccum++] = (byte) (b & 0xFF);
if (m_cAccum == 3)
* Writes len
bytes from the specified byte array
* starting at offset off
to this output stream.
* If b
is null
, a
* NullPointerException
is thrown.
* If off
is negative, or len
is negative, or
* off+len
is greater than the length of the array
* b
, then an IndexOutOfBoundsException is thrown.
* @param ab the data
* @param ofb the start offset in the data
* @param cb the number of bytes to write
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs. In particular,
* an IOException
is thrown if the output
* stream is closed.
public void write(byte[] ab, int ofb, int cb) throws IOException
// there is a point below which it does not make sense to
// perform any optimizations
if (cb > 256)
// if nothing has been written or line feeds are off and the
// accumulator is empty then:
// m_cLineGroups == GROUPS_PER_LINE && m_cAccum == 0
// otherwise write until:
// m_cLineGroups == 0 && m_cAccum == 0
// or (in the case of line feeds being off)
// m_cLineGroups == GROUPS_PER_LINE && m_cAccum == 0
// empty the accumulator and complete the current line
while (!(m_cAccum == 0 &&
(m_cLineGroups == GROUPS_PER_LINE || m_cLineGroups == 0)))
// write a new line if necessary (note that the line groups counter
// is not reset since the block to be written will terminate on a
// line boundary as well)
if (m_cLineGroups == 0)
// determine the binary block size to format; if not chunking into
// lines, then the contents can be written in 3-byte groups, other-
// wise the contents must break on a line boundary
int cbChunk = m_fBreakLines ? GROUPS_PER_LINE * 3 : 3;
int cChunks = cb / cbChunk;
int cbBlock = cChunks * cbChunk;
m_writer.write(encode(ab, ofb, cbBlock, m_fBreakLines));
ofb += cbBlock;
cb -= cbBlock;
if (m_fBreakLines)
m_cLineGroups = 0;
// write remainder
int ofbEnd = ofb + cb;
while (ofb < ofbEnd)
* Close the stream, flushing any accumulated bytes. The underlying
* writer is not closed.
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs
public void flush() throws IOException
if (m_fClosed)
throw new IOException("Base64OutputStream is closed");
* Close the stream, flushing any accumulated bytes. The underlying
* writer is not closed.
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs
public void close() throws IOException
m_fClosed = true;
* Flushes the bytes accumulated by the write(int) method.
* @exception IOException if an I/O error occurs
protected void flushAccumulator() throws IOException
int cAccum = m_cAccum;
if (cAccum == 0)
int cLinesGroups = m_cLineGroups;
if (cLinesGroups == 0)
cLinesGroups = GROUPS_PER_LINE;
byte[] ab = m_abAccum;
char[] ach = m_achGroup;
char[] alpha = BASE64_ALPHABET;
switch (cAccum)
case 1:
int n = (ab[0] & 0xFF);
ach[0] = alpha[n >> 2 ]; // 1111 1100
ach[1] = alpha[n << 4 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0011 1111
ach[2] = BASE64_PAD;
ach[3] = BASE64_PAD;
case 2:
int n = (ab[0] & 0xFF) << 8 | (ab[1] & 0xFF);
ach[0] = alpha[n >> 10 ]; // 1111 1100 0000 0000
ach[1] = alpha[n >> 4 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0011 1111 0000
ach[2] = alpha[n << 2 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0000 0000 1111 11
ach[3] = BASE64_PAD;
case 3:
int n = (ab[0] & 0xFF) << 16 | (ab[1] & 0xFF) << 8 | (ab[2] & 0xFF);
ach[0] = alpha[n >> 18 ]; // 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000
ach[1] = alpha[n >> 12 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0011 1111 0000 0000 0000
ach[2] = alpha[n >> 6 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0000 0000 1111 1100 0000
ach[3] = alpha[n & 0x3F]; // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111
if (m_fBreakLines)
m_cLineGroups = cLinesGroups - 1;
m_cAccum = 0;
// ----- static helpers -------------------------------------------------
* Encode the passed binary data using Base64 encoding.
* @param ab the array containing the bytes to encode
* @return the encoded data as a char array
public static char[] encode(byte[] ab)
return encode(ab, true);
* Encode the passed binary data using Base64 encoding.
* @param ab the array containing the bytes to encode
* @param fBreakLines true to break the output into 76-character lines
* @return the encoded data as a char array
public static char[] encode(byte[] ab, boolean fBreakLines)
return encode(ab, 0, ab.length, fBreakLines);
* Encode the passed binary data using Base64 encoding.
* @param ab the array containing the bytes to encode
* @param ofb the start offset in the byte array
* @param cb the number of bytes to encode
* @param fBreakLines true to break the output into 76-character lines
* @return the encoded data as a char array
public static char[] encode(byte[] ab, int ofb, int cb, boolean fBreakLines)
final char[] alpha = BASE64_ALPHABET;
// examine the input
int cGroups = cb / 3; // the number of full 24-bit groups
int cbRemain = (cb * 4) % 3; // the number of leftover bytes
// calculate the size of the result assuming:
// (1) A 24-bit input group is encoded into 4 base64-alphabet
// characters
// (2) each output line is composed of groups of 4 base64-alphabet
// characters
// (3) each output line except the last has 19 groups of 4
// base64-alphabet characterss (length=76)
// (4) each output line except the last is terminated with a new
// line character (length=76+1=77)
// (5) the last output line, even if full (19 groups), is not
// terminated with a new line character
int cchRaw = (cb + 2) / 3 * 4;
int cLines = fBreakLines ? (cchRaw - 1) / 76 : 0;
int cch = cchRaw + cLines;
// allocate result
char[] ach = new char[cch];
int ofch = 0; // offset into output
if (cGroups > 0)
int cLineGroups = fBreakLines ? GROUPS_PER_LINE : -1;
while (true)
// process next three bytes
int n = (ab[ofb++] & 0xFF) << 16 | (ab[ofb++] & 0xFF) << 8 | (ab[ofb++] & 0xFF);
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n >> 18 ]; // 1111 1100 0000 0000 0000 0000
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n >> 12 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0011 1111 0000 0000 0000
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n >> 6 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0000 0000 1111 1100 0000
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n & 0x3F]; // 0000 0000 0000 0000 0011 1111
// check for end of input
if (--cGroups == 0)
// check for new line
if (--cLineGroups == 0)
ach[ofch++] = BASE64_LF;
cLineGroups = GROUPS_PER_LINE;
switch (cbRemain)
case 0:
case 1:
int n = (ab[ofb] & 0xFF);
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n >> 2 ]; // 1111 1100
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n << 4 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0011 1111
ach[ofch++] = BASE64_PAD;
ach[ofch++] = BASE64_PAD;
case 2:
int n = (ab[ofb++] & 0xFF) << 8 | (ab[ofb] & 0xFF);
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n >> 10 ]; // 1111 1100 0000 0000
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n >> 4 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0011 1111 0000
ach[ofch++] = alpha[n << 2 & 0x3F]; // 0000 0000 0000 1111 11
ach[ofch++] = BASE64_PAD;
Base.azzert(ofch == cch);
return ach;
// ----- constants ------------------------------------------------------
* Base64 encodes into this "alphabet" of 64 characters.
protected static final char[] BASE64_ALPHABET =
* The Base64 padding character. Base64 is encoded into 4-character
* chunks; if the last chunk does not contain 4 characters, it is
* filled with this padding character.
protected static final char BASE64_PAD = '=';
* The Base64 line feed character. Base64 is encoded into 76-character
* lines unless .
protected static final char BASE64_LF = '\n';
* The number of Base64 character groups in one line. This number
* prevents a line from exceeding 76 characters.
protected static final int GROUPS_PER_LINE = 19;
// ----- data members ---------------------------------------------------
* True after close is invoked.
protected boolean m_fClosed;
* The Writer object to which the Base64 encoded data is written.
protected Writer m_writer;
* True if lines are to be broken by BASE64_LF;
protected boolean m_fBreakLines;
* The number of groups left to write in the current line.
protected int m_cLineGroups = GROUPS_PER_LINE;
* Accumulated bytes.
protected byte[] m_abAccum = new byte[3];
* The number of bytes accumulated (0, 1, 2 or 3).
protected int m_cAccum;
* An array that is used to send 4 characters at a time to the underlying
* Writer object.
protected char[] m_achGroup = new char[4];