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* Copyright (c) 2000, 2021, Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* Licensed under the Universal Permissive License v 1.0 as shown at
import com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeyBasedMap;
import com.tangosol.util.AbstractKeySetBasedMap;
import com.tangosol.util.Base;
import com.tangosol.util.Binary;
import com.tangosol.util.LiteSet;
import com.tangosol.util.LongArray;
import com.tangosol.util.MapEvent;
import com.tangosol.util.SparseArray;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
* A version of SerializationMap that implements an LRU policy.
* This implementation is partially thread safe. It assumes that multiple
* threads will not be accessing the same keys at the same time, nor would
* any other thread be accessing this cache while a clear() operation were
* going on, for example. In other words, this implementation assumes that
* access to this cache is either single-threaded or gated through an object
* like WrapperConcurrentMap.
* The primary reason why SerializationCache is a sub-class of
* SerializationMap instead of combining their functionality is that
* SerializationMap represents a passive store, and thus does not implement
* the ObservableMap interface, while SerializationCache represents an
* active store, and thus clients of it would have to always handle potential
* events, even if it were not size-limited.
* @since Coherence 2.2
* @author cp 2003.05.28
public class SerializationCache
extends AbstractSerializationCache
implements CacheMap, ConfigurableCacheMap
// ----- constructors ---------------------------------------------------
* Construct a SerializationCache on top of a BinaryStore.
* @param store the BinaryStore to use to write the serialized objects to
* @param cMax the maximum number of items to store in the binary store
public SerializationCache(BinaryStore store, int cMax)
this(store, cMax, null);
* Construct a SerializationCache on top of a BinaryStore.
* @param store the BinaryStore to use to write the serialized objects to
* @param cMax the maximum number of items to store in the binary store
* @param loader the ClassLoader to use for deserialization
public SerializationCache(BinaryStore store, int cMax, ClassLoader loader)
super(store, loader);
* Construct a SerializationCache on top of a BinaryStore.
* @param store the BinaryStore to use to write the serialized objects to
* @param cMax the maximum number of items to store in the binary store
* @param fBinaryMap true indicates that this map will only manage
* binary keys and values
* @since Coherence 2.4
public SerializationCache(BinaryStore store, int cMax, boolean fBinaryMap)
super(store, fBinaryMap);
// ----- Map interface --------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void clear()
m_cCurUnits = 0L;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean containsKey(Object oKey)
boolean fContains = super.containsKey(oKey);
if (fContains)
return fContains;
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean containsValue(Object oValue)
return super.containsValue(oValue);
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object get(Object oKey)
return super.get(oKey);
* {@inheritDoc}
public boolean isEmpty()
return super.isEmpty();
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object put(Object oKey, Object oValue)
Object oOrig = super.put(oKey, oValue);
return oOrig;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void putAll(Map map)
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object remove(Object oKey)
return super.remove(oKey);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int size()
return super.size();
// ----- AbstractKeySetBasedMap methods ---------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
protected boolean removeBlind(Object oKey)
return super.removeBlind(oKey);
// ----- CacheMap interface ---------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public Object put(Object oKey, Object oValue, long cMillis)
if (cMillis > Integer.MAX_VALUE)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("TTL value (" + cMillis
+ ") is out of range (0.." + Integer.MAX_VALUE + ")");
Object oOrig = put(oKey, oValue);
// if necessary change the expiry for the entry
if (cMillis != EXPIRY_DEFAULT && cMillis != getExpiryDelay())
registerKey(oKey, null, null, (int) cMillis);
return oOrig;
// ----- ConfigurableCacheMap interface ---------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getUnits()
if (m_calculator == null)
return super.size();
return OldCache.toExternalUnits(m_cCurUnits, getUnitFactor());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getHighUnits()
return OldCache.toExternalUnits(m_cMaxUnits, getUnitFactor());
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setHighUnits(int cMax)
long cUnits = OldCache.toInternalUnits(cMax, getUnitFactor());
m_cMaxUnits = cUnits;
m_cPruneUnits = cUnits == Long.MAX_VALUE ? cUnits : (long) (OldCache.DEFAULT_PRUNE * cUnits);
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getLowUnits()
return OldCache.toExternalUnits(m_cPruneUnits, getUnitFactor());
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setLowUnits(int cUnits)
m_cPruneUnits = OldCache.toInternalUnits(cUnits, getUnitFactor());
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getUnitFactor()
return m_nUnitFactor;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setUnitFactor(int nFactor)
if (nFactor == m_nUnitFactor)
if (nFactor < 1)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unit factor must be >= 1");
if (m_cCurUnits > 0)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"unit factor cannot be set after the cache has been populated");
// only adjust the max units if there was no unit factor set previously
if (m_nUnitFactor == 1 && m_cMaxUnits != Long.MAX_VALUE)
m_cMaxUnits *= nFactor;
m_nUnitFactor = nFactor;
* {@inheritDoc}
public EvictionPolicy getEvictionPolicy()
return InternalEvictionPolicy.INSTANCE;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setEvictionPolicy(EvictionPolicy policy)
if (policy != null && policy != InternalEvictionPolicy.INSTANCE)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("unsupported eviction policy");
* {@inheritDoc}
public void evict(Object oKey)
ConfigurableCacheMap.EvictionApprover apprvr = m_apprvrEvict;
if ((apprvr == null || apprvr.isEvictable(getCacheEntry(oKey))) &&
if (hasListeners())
dispatchPendingEvent(oKey, MapEvent.ENTRY_DELETED, null, true);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void evictAll(Collection colKeys)
for (Iterator iter = colKeys.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
Object oKey =;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void evict()
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getExpiryDelay()
return m_cDefaultTTLMillis;
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void setExpiryDelay(int cMillis)
if (cMillis != m_cDefaultTTLMillis)
if (cMillis < 0)
cMillis = 0;
m_cDefaultTTLMillis = cMillis;
* {@inheritDoc}
public long getNextExpiryTime()
LongArray arrayExpiry = getExpiryArray();
return arrayExpiry.isEmpty() ? 0 : arrayExpiry.getFirstIndex();
* {@inheritDoc}
public EvictionApprover getEvictionApprover()
return m_apprvrEvict;
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setEvictionApprover(EvictionApprover approver)
m_apprvrEvict = approver;
* {@inheritDoc}
public ConfigurableCacheMap.Entry getCacheEntry(Object oKey)
return super.containsKey(oKey)
? (ConfigurableCacheMap.Entry) ((EntrySet) entrySet()).instantiateEntry(oKey, null)
: null;
* {@inheritDoc}
public UnitCalculator getUnitCalculator()
UnitCalculator calculator = m_calculator;
return calculator == null ? OldCache.InternalUnitCalculator.INSTANCE : calculator;
* {@inheritDoc}
public synchronized void setUnitCalculator(UnitCalculator calculator)
if (calculator == OldCache.InternalUnitCalculator.INSTANCE)
calculator = null;
if (calculator != m_calculator)
// recalculate the current number of units
if (calculator == null)
// use the "fixed" calculator, i.e. each entry is 1 unit
m_cCurUnits = size();
// get a stable view of the current set of keys
Map mapAttr = getKeyMap();
Object[] aoKey = mapAttr.keySet().toArray();
// recalc all of the per-entry unit figures and the total
int cTotal = 0;
BinaryStore store = getBinaryStore();
for (int i = 0, c = aoKey.length; i < c; ++i)
Object oKey = aoKey[i];
EntryAttributes attr = (EntryAttributes) mapAttr.get(oKey);
Binary binKey = toBinary(oKey);
Binary binValue = store.load(binKey);
int cUnits = calculator.calculateUnits(binKey, binValue);
// update the entry
mapAttr.put(oKey, instantiateEntryAttributes(attr,
attr.getExpiryTime(), attr.getTouchCount(), cUnits));
// update the total
cTotal += cUnits;
m_cCurUnits = cTotal;
m_calculator = calculator;
// ----- SerializationCache methods -------------------------------------
* Flush items that have expired.
* @deprecated use {@link #evict()}
public void flush()
// ----- Object methods -------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
public String toString()
return "SerializationCache {" + getDescription() + "}";
// ----- accessors ------------------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
protected synchronized void setBinaryStore(BinaryStore store)
BinaryStore storeOrig = getBinaryStore();
if (store != storeOrig)
m_cCurUnits = 0L;
* Determine the next value from the touch counter.
* @return the next value from the touch counter
protected long getTouchCounter()
long c = m_cTouches + 1;
m_cTouches = c;
return c;
* Get the LRU data structure. The key is a touch count, the value is the
* Object key for the cache.
* @return the the LRU data structure
protected LongArray getLruArray()
LongArray array = m_arrayLRU;
if (array == null)
m_arrayLRU = array = new SparseArray();
return array;
* Get the Expiry data structure. The key is a date/time value, the value
* is a set of Object keys for the cache that expire at that time.
* @return the the Expiry data structure
protected LongArray getExpiryArray()
LongArray array = m_arrayExpiry;
if (array == null)
m_arrayExpiry = array = new SparseArray();
return array;
* {@inheritDoc}
protected String getDescription()
return super.getDescription()
+ ", Units=" + getUnits()
+ ", HighUnits=" + getHighUnits()
+ ", UnitFactor=" + getUnitFactor()
+ ", EvictionPolicy=" + getEvictionPolicy().getName()
+ ", UnitCalculator=" + getUnitCalculator().getName()
+ ", ExpiryDelay=" + getExpiryDelay();
// ----- internal helpers -----------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
protected void registerKey(Object oKey, Binary binKey, Binary binValue)
registerKey(oKey, binKey, binValue, getExpiryDelay());
* Register a new key for the SerializationMap. This method maintains the
* internal key Set for the SerializationMap.
* @param oKey the key that has been added to the map
* @param binKey the binary form of the key (null if only TTL change)
* @param binValue the binary form of the value (null if only TTL change)
* @param cMillis the TTL value (in milliseconds) for the entry
protected synchronized void registerKey(Object oKey, Binary binKey, Binary binValue, int cMillis)
LongArray arrayLRU = getLruArray();
LongArray arrayExpiry = getExpiryArray();
Map mapKeys = getKeyMap();
// calculate units of storage for the new value
int cOldUnits = -1;
int cNewUnits = -1;
if (binKey != null)
// a non-null binKey indicates the caller wants the units to be
// adjusted, therefore load the value if not provided
binValue = binValue == null ? getBinaryStore().load(binKey) : binValue;
if (binValue != null)
UnitCalculator calculator = m_calculator;
cNewUnits = calculator == null ? 1 : calculator.calculateUnits(binKey, binValue);
// remove any previous LRU and expiry information
EntryAttributes attr = (EntryAttributes) mapKeys.get(oKey);
if (attr != null)
// remove old LRU touch count
// remove old expiry
long ldtExpires = attr.getExpiryTime();
if (ldtExpires != 0L)
Set setKeys = (Set) arrayExpiry.get(ldtExpires);
if (setKeys != null)
if (setKeys.isEmpty())
cOldUnits = attr.getUnits();
if (cNewUnits < 0)
cNewUnits = cOldUnits;
// register LRU touch count
long nTouch = getTouchCounter();
arrayLRU.set(nTouch, oKey);
// register expiry
long ldtExpires = 0L;
if (cMillis > 0)
// resolution is 1/4 second (to more efficiently lump keys into
// sets)
ldtExpires = (getSafeTimeMillis() + cMillis) & ~0xFFL;
Set setKeys = (Set) arrayExpiry.get(ldtExpires);
if (setKeys == null)
setKeys = new LiteSet();
arrayExpiry.set(ldtExpires, setKeys);
// register units
if (cNewUnits != cOldUnits)
m_cCurUnits += Math.max(0, cNewUnits) - Math.max(0, cOldUnits);
// register the key
attr = instantiateEntryAttributes(attr, ldtExpires, nTouch, cNewUnits);
mapKeys.put(oKey, attr);
* Touch an object to pop it to the top of the LRU
* @param oKey the key of the object to touch
protected void touch(Object oKey)
LongArray arrayLRU = getLruArray();
Map mapKeys = getKeyMap();
synchronized (this)
if (mapKeys.containsKey(oKey))
EntryAttributes attr = (EntryAttributes) mapKeys.get(oKey);
if (attr != null)
// remove old LRU touch count
// register LRU touch count
long nTouch = getTouchCounter();
arrayLRU.set(nTouch, oKey);
attr = instantiateEntryAttributes(attr, attr.getExpiryTime(),
nTouch, attr.getUnits());
mapKeys.put(oKey, attr);
* Unregister a key from the SerializationMap. This method maintains the
* internal key Set for the SerializationMap.
* @param oKey the key that has been removed from the map
protected void unregisterKey(Object oKey)
LongArray arrayLRU = getLruArray();
LongArray arrayExpiry = getExpiryArray();
Map mapKeys = getKeyMap();
synchronized (this)
EntryAttributes attr = (EntryAttributes) mapKeys.remove(oKey);
if (attr != null)
// remove old LRU info
// remove old expiry info
long ldtPrevExpires = attr.getExpiryTime();
if (ldtPrevExpires != 0L)
Set setKeys = (Set) arrayExpiry.get(ldtPrevExpires);
if (setKeys != null)
if (setKeys.isEmpty())
// adjust units
m_cCurUnits -= attr.getUnits();
* Make sure the size of the cache isn't too big.
protected void checkSize()
long cMax = m_cMaxUnits;
if (cMax > 0 && cMax < m_cCurUnits && m_apprvrEvict != EvictionApprover.DISAPPROVER)
synchronized (this)
LongArray arrayLRU = getLruArray();
while (m_cCurUnits > getLowUnits())
Object oKey = arrayLRU.get(arrayLRU.getFirstIndex());
if (oKey != null)
* Make sure that the cache does not contain expired items.
protected void checkExpiry()
// most of the time, expiry probably isn't even used
LongArray arrayExpiry = getExpiryArray();
if (arrayExpiry.isEmpty())
// check if the current time indicates that some entries have expired
long ldtCurrent = getSafeTimeMillis();
if (ldtCurrent > arrayExpiry.getFirstIndex())
synchronized (this)
Set setEvict = null;
for (LongArray.Iterator iter = arrayExpiry.iterator(); iter.hasNext(); )
Set setKeys = (Set);
if (setKeys != null && ldtCurrent > iter.getIndex())
if (setEvict == null)
setEvict = setKeys;
if (setEvict != null)
// ----- inner class: EntryAttributes -----------------------------------
* Factory pattern: Construct an attribute holder for an entry.
* @param attrOrig the previous attributes for this entry, if any
* @param ldtExpires the date/time at which the entry expires, or zero
* @param nTouch the touch counter assigned to the entry
* @param cUnits the number of storage units used by the entry
* @return the instantiated {@link EntryAttributes}
public EntryAttributes instantiateEntryAttributes(
EntryAttributes attrOrig, long ldtExpires, long nTouch, int cUnits)
return new EntryAttributes(ldtExpires, nTouch, cUnits);
* A class that holds on to the expiry time and touch order for an entry.
protected class EntryAttributes
extends Base
* Construct an attribute holder for an entry.
* @param ldtExpires the date/time at which the entry expires, or
* zero
* @param nTouch the touch counter assigned to the entry
* @param cUnits the number of storage units used by the entry
public EntryAttributes(long ldtExpires, long nTouch, int cUnits)
m_ldtExpires = ldtExpires;
m_nTouch = nTouch;
m_cUnits = cUnits;
* Determine the date/time at which the entry expires.
* @return the system time at which the corresponding entry expires,
* or zero if the entry never expires
public long getExpiryTime()
return m_ldtExpires;
* Determine the absolute order of the entry within in the LRU list.
* @return the touch counter assigned to the corresponding entry
public long getTouchCount()
return m_nTouch;
* Determine the number of units of storage used by the entry.
* @return the storage units used by the entry
public int getUnits()
return m_cUnits;
* The date/time at which the corresponding entry expires.
private long m_ldtExpires;
* The touch counter for the entry. This is the absolute order of the
* entry in the LRU list.
private long m_nTouch;
* The number of units of storage used by the entry.
private int m_cUnits;
// ----- inner class: EntrySet ------------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
protected Set instantiateEntrySet()
return new EntrySet();
* A set of entries backed by this map.
public class EntrySet
extends AbstractKeySetBasedMap.EntrySet
// ----- inner class: Entry -------------------------------------
* {@inheritDoc}
protected Map.Entry instantiateEntry(Object oKey, Object oValue)
return new Entry(oKey, oValue);
* A Cache Entry implementation.
public class Entry
extends AbstractKeyBasedMap.EntrySet.Entry
implements ConfigurableCacheMap.Entry
* Construct an Entry.
* @param oKey the Entry key
* @param oValue the Entry value (optional)
public Entry(Object oKey, Object oValue)
super(oKey, oValue);
* {@inheritDoc}
public void touch()
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getTouchCount()
EntryAttributes attr = getAttributes();
return (int) Math.max(attr == null ? 0L : attr.getTouchCount(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);
* {@inheritDoc}
public long getLastTouchMillis()
// value is unknown
return 0L;
* {@inheritDoc}
public long getExpiryMillis()
EntryAttributes attr = getAttributes();
return attr == null ? 0L : attr.getExpiryTime();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setExpiryMillis(long lMillis)
EntryAttributes attr = getAttributes();
if (attr != null)
registerKey(getKey(), null, null, (int)
Math.min(Math.max(1L, lMillis - getSafeTimeMillis()), Integer.MAX_VALUE));
* {@inheritDoc}
public int getUnits()
EntryAttributes attr = getAttributes();
return attr == null ? -1 : attr.getUnits();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void setUnits(int cUnits)
SerializationCache cache = SerializationCache.this;
synchronized (cache)
EntryAttributes attr = getAttributes();
if (attr != null)
int cOld = attr.getUnits();
if (cOld >= 0 && cUnits >= 0 && cOld != cUnits)
// adjust the units of the entry
attr.getExpiryTime(), getTouchCount(), cUnits));
// adjust total units
cache.m_cCurUnits += (cUnits - cOld);
* Obtain the cache attributes for this entry.
* @return the entry attributes for this entry
protected EntryAttributes getAttributes()
return (EntryAttributes) SerializationCache.this.getKeyMap().get(getKey());
// ----- inner class: InternalEvictionPolicy ----------------------------
* The InternalEvictionPolicy represents a pluggable eviction policy for
* the non-pluggable built-in (internal) eviction policies supported by
* this cache implementation.
public static class InternalEvictionPolicy
implements EvictionPolicy
* Default constructor.
private InternalEvictionPolicy()
* {@inheritDoc}
public void entryTouched(ConfigurableCacheMap.Entry entry)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* {@inheritDoc}
public void requestEviction(int cMaximum)
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
* {@inheritDoc}
public String getName()
return "Internal-LRU";
static final InternalEvictionPolicy INSTANCE = new InternalEvictionPolicy();
// ----- data fields ----------------------------------------------------
* Maximum number of units to manage in the cache.
protected long m_cMaxUnits;
* Current number of units to in the cache.
protected long m_cCurUnits;
* Default expiry for entries added to the cache. This is a TTL value,
* expressed in milliseconds. Zero indicates no expiry. A positive value
* indicates the number of milliseconds that an entry will be valid after
* it is placed into the cache, assuming a specific TTL is not provided
* with the entry.
private int m_cDefaultTTLMillis;
* The number of units to prune the cache down to.
protected long m_cPruneUnits;
* Touch counter (for LRU).
private long m_cTouches;
* Array of keys, indexed by the touch counter.
private LongArray m_arrayLRU;
* Array of set of keys, indexed by the time of expiry.
private LongArray m_arrayExpiry;
* The unit calculator to use to limit size of the cache.
protected UnitCalculator m_calculator;
* The unit factor.
protected int m_nUnitFactor = 1;
* The EvictionApprover.
protected EvictionApprover m_apprvrEvict;